Ordinance 1985-52 6f \\ COUNTY CL::RK'S MEMO PORTIONS OF THIS DOCUMENT NOT REPRODUCIBLE WHEN RECORDED COUNTY CLER,('S MEMO PORTIONS or THIS DOCUMENl NdT REPRODUCIBLE WHEN RECu,,; " OHD I 1\lt:)I\ICE: 1\10. ...../f..3...~:.:.~.~ 1S .00 DEEl n t 12/3 i/g~ AN OHDINANCE FOR ANNEXATION~ TO ANNEX TO THE CITY OF "J'II ]'1:::- .., "'lL I '[ I\J "". ":lil .......r.../ "I"E::- y / S' ., I F'P l' I ( IF I" I' III I JF ' 1.1E v 1._ ....., L.L ....... LL, ''I i, _/,H~, H ... ';.H'.,'" .:::- _",,::,\'~; ::'.:: "I"',:: J. ,P ~')l't" L h 't qlJ / .." .!~~. ._.8.". _. ."../:!../LtP",,13.td...{:)j .".. ._. ._. _...... .". ..... ..... .... ._. .._. __ ..... E; U F;: I.) E Y, IC1 B S T F;: {~C T I\J D . f/..1...........Y':..__!...2i..3.,,!1 UPON PE'TT I Dj'--.J OF dlAtZ!i!.....ldtf:!tldtli......._...... l.-'JI'-!EF\E(~~:;!I d.t/.!-JJ._.{-&.'-_.._.f1i~'l.?:..d.d?...._.._.._......_...... h2i.s + i 1 (.?e! <:<. ~'.'lr' it b:;'n petition to annex to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, the tract 0+ lane! hereinafter described, which said tract of land less than three (3) qualified voters reside, all of which said facts the City Council hereby finds to be true and correct; and WHEHEAS, such petition has been heard and considered by the City Council, and it been 0ecided that such annexation of such tract of land would be to the best interest of the public and of the said City of Wylie, Texas, and that such petiton for annexation should be, and the same is now granted; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF WYLIE, TEXAS: That the following described tract of land, described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: Se-tJ/ jf)1 /J t~~ ~ R :-,~;; 11/ /)1 8seS3 2210 31JJlVnf ? L ^ " " TO AlA, P',RTIP,A tl1TEi'.CSnr> III 1":", \ta::~SUp,unnl . .. ~ - ~. ~~. l' h l." i.' toe II,. t if" t 11 0 ~ 1 h" ~ Q I ~ 11 ~ s d II t e. n. d. II c., II t ,,1 '1 n ~ '1:':' -: ~ ~ ~ '! )'J f' \' ~:- c J ~,.! g r 0 U 111 l" r I? fl;' r t ~' 1" ~ lit, 8 d. 01\ \' 1 n "0:\ :'.0" d :!l ;lHI C~ ~ n t 10" 0 f D, 1111 S, ;. 0 c'.t '. ... _ ~ ~ ::.: (;" l1 ~:1, -: e X:J :;, 0 Ij tn' the J. D, SIl!::Lni SUr:'.'~Y, A.BS'!'R;I.C~ ':'J. '319 and lL fl, ATT::~~!;~Y S':Cc::, .~::5P.;"CT ':J. 1763 Ilnd bein~ kno"rl <1:: , l0,QO :lC~C trt.ct o:~:: coCo 78.~ ncre tr::ct cor.v~:-!: :'J :::Js!~l: ~C:cln8ton by Poul ^ddin~ten nnd ~1ice ~~~in:ton br deed of record in ~olu~! ?~:e 135, Collin County ;Jeed P.ecord5, \')lu.c 3:'OQ. :'n"e 74, 01111l!.s. County Deed ':ecorc1~ ~_. -:~u:-'e "", ?:J,c 592, Roc'.- w~ll County De01 j~('cordr:. s::!i:: lJ 'lcres baing described a~ ~ecc:-:!: ... ::x"i:)~t ";" filed in Vo1une 82076 at Pa~e 0013 of ~c::J ~~cordGof Pallas County, Tex![. in ~ol~~! 1513 Ilt P~~ 792 of Deed r:ccord::: 0[,Col1::'I \.ou:1ty, Texas ond bein~. .ore ;,::r:~:::~~:;' C:('>5cr:..)~C ::5 [0110"-' co:r::::1CI':G nt n hi~.h"'3)' r.arl:er 10c3tet! lit the i:1ter;;ection of t',.! _... LH~~ ~O::l,~ 544 nH~ the ::ort"e::'5t o.i::~t-of-~.':y line of \':.nso~, :::0"1: 5.} ~ in. ::: Po ::: t ,:1 tit" 0 r t :~ (!::1 ;; t 1:' ::: ') ~ ". ins 0 n i\ 0 ad .s 0 . 7 f e C' t t Q " 7hence So:.!th 45 LC':,.. 52 rJ:!.:l. :::1,;t 'o'it" the ;;o.-theilst line 'Jf \'i-.,:: iron st;):~() for :Of:-'L:f end to t'le Pl-:>:~ 1)[ !'.c'""in!1inr;; ? i 0, '-; ~ - ~ ~ - ',': ~ .. - . ::-1~:;ce S.OI~:~, lin~ ct 42 GC,~ ... -~~ .~~ for =orncr; )~: ~5S.:..1 feC't to e~ T:,:.::C~: ::Ort.l 00 'io,";, 57 -:1:1. 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C:O'J:---:'Y en(. 0: ',.:~.~,)" Tli::::C:: ::Ort~ 45 Ge~., 55 :-.in, 51 !;ec, \:o::;t 1..~tl1 :o~1rl fee t t 0 P 1 n : C' 0 [ :.e ~ inn i ~ '~ 'I :1'~ con t a i n 1 n ~ 1 0 , 0 3? 1 ere :; " .. , .'~. of : -: ". i - :~ ,1 'l .... 0 ~ ,~ -::,~c ~. !:'~": .., -:J ; I" __ I ~ . ~ . J TP1C t ,\ ,\ ~Plct of 11:'\d 10c:::tc:: i:1 ",'118~ Cou::t)' snd ;~och;.~l1 CC":~::', ,\ t t ~ r b u :- y 5 11 !" ,. ~ .1, ... ~ s ": :- :1 ::' .: f";. ~ 7 ,~: -.: : ~ ~ :111 ::; :: 0 :J ~ t:: ....' .~, - ... ... . 'J C' ~ n ~ au:: 0: 1 :; . ;) J .; ere ~ r,- S : .: -- :. :- i :J ~:; .i.;: ~:,.I::' ~ ~ ~ in :Jollas Count;r. 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('.:. r: c r 0 :; of 1 J n d in ;:: 0 c \:: ell C Q U ~ t !. , " .. c' : \' i :-: ~: C o : . 1 :~ :~ ~: o -: -:. ~ t t; I" : c ~ l(' ;::-l?~ ~r::':::n ':''3 ~ t:uc, corrc:t. ~"')j l)::cur.1~e :(?:-r;",..::::~~tiOl'1 of' v.~' pf'O";:)erly ~~ C~~0~:~ by CC7V~t, ~19 1~~ a~ Gi~~i~ of ~~~c p~crty b~ing ~s indt- c.,t~ by U'" pl:~l t."" ~i20, lO:Jtim, 8'1d typ~ of ~cll,;i'"q~ rd irpl'WfrCnta J:"p. 2~ ~l.1n, 111 ir-:Jr)vc-.~t5 t;in; ......!.t..';.:.n t.~ 1:x:J..rx''lr.:..-:?s of the p~rtYt !'.Ct ')..""!~ (rer Dr':).,:r~y :1!1!3 tho c:s~n"'""'CC:; ~icJt~t )'~ ....~':. t~ distarct:t fren u.-. f'C.lre5t int~r~':.":tirY.J 5t:-1JS'~, :n rocc, is c.~ ~..'"l..'..n c"'! ~l!id p18t. .........:;:.. --"':"- :'-cr::: I\.~ ~.o E:.:::P.J:.c:rr:-./S. (Xr:-UCTS. rn P'10TP.'.E:cr:S, CX;IPT / ... ~ 2<::JO ' N N :--:de -7/ ~;"'/ . /', . -"'JT~.// "'-".i:L<L.r<.... ( R.11!te~,!,j r.ofusitnlll Eng1~r P~~i!tervd ~lic Surveyor ~...~ r:. / 7: ~;:.. :.;; r..... / Dote ../UL y' 2.. /:"8-?- 'JRl M COUNTY DEVELOPER\n 2665 VINSON RD, CSI WYLIE, TX 750:<5 (214) 475-0755 mi) CO , . _.. , . 6X HI J3 ;iA < -.fr::..:: .<; -, ..... ~ ~,-~ --.,----__..___~." --.__"_. - -_______~__~ -0_".__" ClF~:D I Nnr.JCE ND.. CDI\IT:' D.. be received, annexed to, and made part of - and the same is hereby received, annexed to, and made part of - the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. The fact that such annexation of said tract of land will be to the best interest of the public and the City of Wylie, and, because planned improvements upon said lands create an emergency, a necessity exists requiring that this ordinance be passed and adopted on first reading. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor of Wylie. F:'I:')E;~3E:D ?)ND PIPPPDVED TH I S THE __._Lt.:.?L.f.. DI;Y DF '~/Zt.f. Lll.L;:i'.L__ _._._ ._. , 1. 985.: _.. .. ?)Tl'Ef:3T ~ ._,... ......~.tL..'.....~......... lCik in ,I lVla'/ot- 8 JJ0'58 22;1[. 2 BOQK2281 PAUE1Bl 79336 ORDINANCE NO. _~~~~~ AN ORDINANCE FOR ANNEXATION: TO ANNEX TO THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN CO\.,lNTY, TEXAS, A TRACT OF U.:,t',H) DFTHE S. P 5' heL h 't QnJb _li..__LJ..:..__g...f.f.f~_~J/_f}:j______________ SURVEY, ABSTRACT 1\10. fl.!!___:::t.-L2/.3-, UPON PETT I ON OF i&~t?{dL.I:.?IJdr2.cfdhn_'h_ WHEREAS, ./IL1/...t2..{)}___~.dg)..MdL_______ has f i 1 eel a \o'w'i t tE:1l petition to annex to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, the tract of land hereinafter described, which said tract of land less than three (3) qualified voters reside, all of which said facts the City Council hereby finds to be true and correct; and WHEREAS, such petition has been heard and considered by the City Council, and it been decided that such annexation of such tract of land would be to the best interest of the public and of the said City of Wylie, Texas, and that such petiton for annexation should be, and the same is now granted; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF WYLIE, TEXAS: That the following described tract of land, described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: s~.v ;jlf)jd,/ BOOK228t PAGE162 ORDINANCE NO. CONT' D. be received, annexed to, and made part of - and the same is hereby received, annexed to, and made part of - the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. The fact that such annexation of said tract of land will be to the best interest of the public and the City of Wylie, and, because planned improvements upon said lands create an emergency, a necessity exists requiring that this ordinance be passed and adopted on first reading. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor of Wylie. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE _-L..t2:t~ DAY OF ~Ll1.kL_____, 198..(_. ATTEST: ,)/ /2v->/) __ ._. .________~__0~ _". c~(i~~