Ordinance 1985-53 c;::: L -: / '::< UP D I 1\1 (.2j N C E ~\II]. _, .Q",,, :::~" ",..2., .,J AN OPDINANCE FUP ANNEXATION: TU ANNEX TO THE CITY UF WYLIE, CULLIN CUUNTY, TEXAS, A TPACT UF LAND UF THE S' .. ,,,,,t.'tiL,, 'iL,'lJ...IZL ".,,'c..., _" (l.<:I:ZSoooo<=< "oo' _oo .".. "", "", "oo. "", "'" "", ,," t3 U F( ') E ''{, p, B ~:; T F~: (.i [: T N D . ___ ff..di::_______ , UPON PETTI IJN OF 1J_ltfJL":f=-'!Jlti.9-$: J;c 0/8 'I L ' ~\JH EnE i~~ ~3, /(.OA"" ,:" ltf'p,~$..;.~./ll.q4!i~ ~:;:. "I1f.~I,/;.ioo,,, "" , has 'oo' -F i 1 E'!d :=: w f" i t t. f? n pet.It.Ion t.o annex ~o t.he CI~y ot WylIe, Lollln Lount.y, Texas, t.he tract o-F land hereinafter described, which said tract o-F land less than three (3) quali-Fied voters reside, all o-F which said -Facts the City Council hereby finds to be true and correct.; and WHEPEAS, such pet.ition has been heard and considered by the City Council, and it been decided that such annexation o-F such tract of land would be to t.he best interest of the public and o-F the said City o-F Wylie, Texas, and that such petiton -For annexation should be, and the same is now granted; now there-Fore, BE IT UPDAINED BY THE CITY CUUNCIL OF WYLIE, TEXAS: That the -Following described tract ot land, described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: ,S.e t!/ /J--/llkleci OFm I 1\lf~~!'\JCE 1\10. CONT'D. be received, annexed to, and made part of - and the same is hereby received, annexed to, and made part o-F - the City o-F Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations o-F said City. The -Fact that such annexation of said tract of land will be to the best interest o-F the public and the City o-F Wylie, and, because planned improvements upon said lands create an emergency, a necessity exists requiring that this ordinance be passed and adopted on first reading. This I]rdinance shall be in force and e-Ffect -From and after its passage and approval by the Mayor of Wylie. P(':):3SED (~~ND AF'PPI]'vIED TH I ~3 1 HI,,, /t I-,;) Df';Y OF (' 'IL,/) ./; 1 /7 1 'T~U ." ::: '"''''-,-'''~!,,'_.~.,,''' ..>..:E.../-,:.J".:r;..12Z..(2"f.LS::_,,,oo,_ ~l . ".' t. ",,,,," 7 ~/ ..-... ,,". oo'~."oo.ri,oo ."". .'" ,~ ",,,,,"', John W. HkIn, Mayor (lTTE;:)'r: .... E\ Ii I !) 1 r "A" f.J~" H \J '.J 0\... '1 B0l'~[).'IRY DESCRIPTJ01\ h,'jng a 2.000 o':L'(, trnd of lilnd sitl!c.llL'd in Collin County, Texas, in the \"illium Sachse Survey, .\bstract No. >:'~r). and heing a purl uf a S.OO u..:re tf.1Ct of land described in a deed from ,i.V. Steel, et ux, to Mnry S. Jncobs "s recorded in Volume 8~6, Pl:!ge 563, of the Collin COlmlY Deed Records, ~aid tract being more particularly describpd 6S follows: t~EG INNING at a 1/2 inch iron rod set on the center line of Steel "'Road (60 foOl undedicated right-of-wny), saie point a1st} being the northwest corner of the said 2.000 <sere tract: said pl,int also being on the south right-of- \o.'iJ" lin': of F.H. lio. 544 (80 foot R.O.W.); ~HENCE East, along said southright-0f-\,'av l,ilw of f.~1. 544, to 85/8 incl. : Ion rlld ffJ\lnd for u iJuint on- line arid ('(l~,tinuiogalongsaid bearing for d dist31lCt' of nO.47 feet to a 1/'2 inrh i!"on l'Qc set for corner; ina11 a total iJist.anc:.t:> (.If 260.47 feet; . , THENCE S 00001' 35" ,,.] Jeaving said south right-of-way for a distanCe of \34.60 feet 1.,0 a 1/2 inch iron rod set for corn~r; THENCE West, [er () distance of 260.19 feet to a 1/2 inth iron rod set for orner; S2iJ point being on the center line of previously said Steel. Road :,uO.CO foot IJndediciJu:d right-of-....ay); 'HENCE N OCoOi' 2()" \, along th~ Said cel~ter lin~ 0f Stecl Road for t'I distance .'f 334.60 feet to a 1/:2 inch iron rod $('l for th(> PO!NT OF BEGINNING; (()~n,\1Nl!\G H: ,107 .1~ sQllar(' feet (.r 2.()Ul) ar.rcs of l:3nd. .~ ....' " ". 't:" ~ , ;