Ordinance 1985-64 CJ Fi: D I 1...JP,hl C E: 1\.1 U " ..... ..?2...~.~..Z AN CJRDINANCE CJF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AMENDING THE CCJMPREHENSIVE ZONING URDINANCE CJF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED (ORDINANCE NO 81-5), TO CHANGE THE ZONING CJN THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY TCJ THE NEW ZONING CLASSIFICA- TION HEREIN STATED; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; F' FdJ'v' I D I 1\1 C; H ~:;E::\)Eh:P!E3 I L.. I T\' CI....(~USE:: ij F' F:;: [) '..) I D I I".i Ei PENALTIES FOR VICJLATION UF THIS CJRDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM CJF TWO HUNDRED ($200"00) r:- 0 F: E: (.', C i..1 OFFEi\I::::;E ij {.~I\JD DEC:....(~R I i\IG (..:,I..J E:FFECT. I \-.iE DP,rE.. WHEREAS, the City Zoning Commission and the City Council 0+ the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the granting of zoning changes under the zoning ordinance and zoning map, have given requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally, the said Governing r~d ~~ :\;~,;~~ i :~~ i ~;;: :~?~~~~:i ~;~;;~,,;,; 'J :;~:~2; City of Wylie should be amended in the exercise of its legislative discretion: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY CCJUNCIL CJF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTICJN 1.. That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be and the same is hereby amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning district (:la~;~s:ii:i(:ation tCJ-wit: ____f2jLUCaMt'&czL___________________ Said property being described as follows: I)'~ IMftc td~ // 4J~ -~-- t2Ldzd&'- ://JJ SECTICJN _.. That all ordinances of the City in conflict with tt"}2 pl:-ovisj.(~r'}s o.f t!"lis (~r"dir'lar'l(:e t:}e, 3fld 'll"le SafJ}e ar"E hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the Citv not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect.. ~3E[;1"ION ~.)" 1'!'13't tl'lP at)CJve <:Jesc:v":i.tJe(:j ~)f"oper-ty ~;!"lalJ. I::)e lJs;e(:1 only In the manner and for the pruposes provided for in the C(::)nl~)l~et')er'l~;j.ve Z(:Jr1:il~g f:Jr-cjil'larlc:e o{: tt18 City as; amer')c:!ecJ t'lel~e:in by t!"~e gr"21.'}tj,flg (:){: tl-)i~; ZC)!-l:ing c:lass:ifj,ca'tior'~11 SECTION 4" That should anv paragraph, sentence, 5ut:)d:i,vi~~;;i(::)r1, clause!i rJI"~lr'ase (~f- se<::tiol' (~f t~l:Ls Dl~(j:ir}al")(::e be ;::[ c:I j uc:! Q E'c:! ()I'. h 1?:::]. d t CJ b t::! I...\n c Cln .,,:; t :i. t u t:. :i. ur"l i:):I.~, i l. ::. E!l) .;::\ 1 01' i r.., \/ 1 a. :i. d ': tt'le ~5a{lle sl-~al:l !'1(~t affe(:'t tl-}e valieiity c)f tl'lis {:)f'dir'l3j"lc:e as a wl")(~],e CJr- ar'lY fJar-t (:31:- r)rc)v:L~~~j,or'l tt,sl:-ec:).f: otl'ler ttlarl .tl"le IJ2IJ"'I" S~{:~ dsc::i(:le(j to I:Je i!"lvaJ.i(j, illegal (:)!~ l~I'lc:orls'titt_{tic)r'la:l ~j'lC! ~;!"la],l I"~(~'t affect 'tl"le vaJ,:i(j:ity o{: tl'lC {:CJml~~el"}er'\~5ive L(~I"l11'lg (:)l"'dir~a!"lc:e as a whoJ.ell SECTION 5.. That any pe~son, +lrm or corporation violating 3flV (:),f: ttl8 r:jr"<~vis;j,(JI"lS c:)!r' tel~nl5 LJ'r tl-lis; or"dir'lant::e 5;~}al:t t~2 S\~t:)je<:::'t 'Le:) tt'18 same pet'laIty as;; fJjJ"cJv:icis(j fc:)r- II"} t!'lE [~{:Jnlpr-ei'lel"l!~;ive Z(:)f'lirlg [)jr'dil'larl(::e c},f tl'12 C:ity, a~; her-etc)'fol'-e ame!"lc:lecj, ar'lcj (,l!~C)r'l (:(:)r~vic::tj,C)I~ St1211 t)e !:Jllfl:is;t'}B(:j by 'f,LI"lB j'l(:).t 't(::) e>~cee{j 'tt'18 sunl o'f two 1'1lJflcJr"e<:1 d(:)],],aF"~5 (g;2(:)(:)ul>l)) f{3r" ea{::h (:J'fferlse, 3flCl t~lat eac~t'l (:jay ~~~;ll(::h vi':Jlatj,()f') ~~I'la],l c:or'l'tifl~~e t(::) e~.~i~~;t s!'lal:L c(:)rl~stit(~te a separate o'f'fense" SECTION 6. It is necessa~y to l)ive the property desc~ibed herein the above mentioned zoning classification in o~der to pe~mit its proper develupment and in order to protect the public interest, comfort and general welfa~e fo the City. 'rtlel'-e'fc)lre, ttli~5 (~F'C!j,f'lan(:e s~lall t2~~e e'f'fe(::t j.illole<:li,a'tely 't'r(::){ll and after its passage, as the law In such cases p~ovides. DULLY PASSED BY THE CITY T F: ;{ (:) ~:::; ~I t. h i ~::; t. i...1 f? ..... ..... ..3... .tl1. .._ 19H..5.. . [: Cl LJ i....1 [: I L.. el {:':f. \/ C) + UI:.::IJ.~k(~~1..{~JI=,:.._.l.':.i:"'.'I:...ul:'::::........ . (i 'r-rE:f::)"r :: (~. ..._J~'[~g!7,~:;g~~;;;i;;;" ~-::; E~ c: f'" t'::":' -1::, ~:\ r' Y