Ordinance 1985-65 U F~: D I r..j (:) I\j C 1::: 1\1 U . Py-t:~ .........................................'2 AN URDINANCE FUR ANNEXATION: TO ANNEX TO THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, A TRACT OF LAND OF THE _:::f__.~lf}zL----..-.--..-..-----...----. "~"VEY" AB'H~ACT NU) __/'Z.2________, UPON PETT I ON (JF(YI~,!2/-j}~-':'IJ~ \,\II...I~::F~E:P!S ~.2........&.?:t...f::..:......~.~ .:.1:::... h i::\ !::. ..., f :~. 1 E'd <::' ~.,llr. :i. t. t F:!!""! pe~ltlon to i::\nnex to the Llt~;ile, LOllln Lounty, Texi::\s, the tri::\ct of li::\nd hereini::\fter described, which si::\id tract of li::\nd less thi::\n three (3) qUi::\lified voters reside, i::\ll of which si::\id fi::\cts the City Council hereby finds to be true i::\nd correct; and WHEREAS, such petition hi::\s been heard and considered by the City Council, and it been decided thi::\t such annexation of such tri::\ct of li::\nd would be to the best interest of the public i::\nd of the said City of Wylie, Texas, i::\nd that such petiton for i::\nnexi::\tion should be, i::\nd the Si::\me is now granted; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF WYLIE, TEXAS: Thi::\t the following described tri::\ct of metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: 1r.:\nd~1 d E! ~::. C I'.. :i. bE.:' d I.... . i...I';/ -3./! aM# i2d ~ tI &/~ Jku~ / r2kt:t<iI':f- /13 DF;::U I 1\.1 (.'1 I\! C 1:::: I\IU. C:: () !\j '1":' :0 It be received, i::\nnexed to, and t'}ej:"eby r-eceiveej, arll-le>{2<:j 'to, Wylie, Collin County, Texi::\s, F'egLl].atj.(Jr'l~; ()f s;aid C:i'Lyu fl1ade f:)a!~.t (~f -.. ar!(j tt!8 !32i{)2 i!s i::\nd made part of - the City of 5t.Jbjec::t tel aJ,l. j.aw~~, F'lJles an(j The fact that such annexation of si::\id tract of land will be to the best interest of the public i::\nd the City of Wylie, ar'}(:J, l:)ec:atJ~;e pl.dl'lf18Cj ifJlr:)I:"(:)Vemef'l.t~5 {~~JOr'l !said ].al"ld~; c:v""eate ar-l emergency, i::\ necessity exists requiring thi::\t this ordinance be passed i::\nd adopted on first reading. This Urdlnance shi::\ll be in force i::\nd effect from and i::\fter its passi::\ge and i::\pproval bv the Mayor 0+ Wylie. F' (:) ::::; b E: D .".."."C J, ':i'O:::U. II AND APPROVED THIb "1-. Ie 0- M .....e 0 . ; 1 ... ....._............ ..... ......._ ..... D{.:i.-{ Uf ........R.ckp.e:~............. {.~! -r -r E: ~::~ or :: (;~~~.~.~t;;~y ...u?:::-........../. J.)un Huq h (.;~!::. ~l F.j.... (J or El rn ~* ~ ~ ~ ~ "'~~ , I~ c;,~!:: ~'vy' i--~' .s:' ~~II~ 1../ E, 1" E. \\~\~~' 1111!11Iii!ill\l\\\\\\\\~