Ordinance 1985-66 / ! I U F\ D I i.;jP1i\J C E 1\10.. .... ...{2..~~~ AN URDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AMENDING THE CUMPREHENSIVE ZUNING URDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ~yLl~, TEXAS, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED (URDINANCE NO 81-5), TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY TO THE NEW ZONING CLASSIFICA- TION HEREIN STATED; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; pr~o'\/ I D II\I!::; 1:~1 SEVER(:!B I 1.... If V Cl....r.!u~:;E ~: pr::D\/ I D I t...IEi PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE ~UM OF TWD HUNDRED ($200..00) F.DF:: E(~C:::H OFF.E:r...JSE: ~; (.:,I....JD DE: C 1.... A F;: I '....1 r;:; AN EFFECTIVE DATE.. WHEREAS, the City Zoning Commission and the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the granting of zoning changes under the zoning ordinance and zoning map, have given requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally, the said Governing I~:;::CI i~:;r.' :i. ~~:p ~~ .:~: :i. ~ ~;;.~:. :i. ~~;;.:: i :;;; ~ ~42~.~:.::~~1(,~..:.~:D!.r~.~::'.:1. :1:..r.11::) ~:;;::::;:~\ ~;.: :;; be granted and the Comprehensive Zoning ~nance of the City of Wylie should be amended in the exercise of its legislative discretion: NOW, THEREFURE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1.. That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be and the same is hereby amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning district classification to-wit: __-11~cd6a~____---------------- Said property being described as follows: I}-: tf 1 iJ ,~/ a~ &I-#f,J &y/# ![!k1;ttl tJ/- /9J ::::> E: c:: -r I C} I\.j ..:., ,; 1'tlat 2J.l ()v"cjirlarlces (J.t. tt'le Ci."ty j.l-l c:cJni:l.i(:'t wi,'tt'} ti'lE pj~ovision!~; (~'f thi~~; <:)r'(jirlar}i::e be!; ar'ld ttle sa{J~e aV"2 her"eby, 1~'e~Jea:l.eci ar'lci 21], otllel'" (:Jt:-cj:i,f'}af1(:es o"f .tt'l2 (:i,'ly fl(:J"t If'} co!'"}"fll(:t Wj,t~'l tj-le pr-(~visior'lS (~t tl-}i~; (~Il"c!ir'laf'l(::e si-lall jl"e{J~a:irl in full +orce and e~~ec~. ~3E~(::'1"IOi~ ~.,'n Tt12t tt')8 atJc:)ve desclr'ibe(j pl'-CJ~Jer-.ty ~~tlall be l_lsed c)rlly in tt'le {Ilarlnel'" arl(j ,f<:)r' ttle pr"Ur:)O~5e~; pr'ov:ide<:l f(3r' :Lrl ttle Cc){npr-el"lef'l~~5ive ZC:)flj.f19 ()f"dir"lar"lCe c:)+ 'tile City as atner'} cJ p<::! !~er"ei!"l t:)y tl'12 gr'2l.,tirlQ (Jf tl-lis ZCJn:ij"lg cla~~;sj,'ficaticJ!-lu SECTION 4.. That should any paragraph, sentence, S{_lb(Jivis:ic:)r'l!l c:lat~!5e, phr'ase OF' ~~;ecti(:)r'l O~ ttlis c)r"(:lj,!"lar"lCe be 2c1,Ju<::lge(j c)r- t"le],d tc:) be Ll1'lC(:)!'lsti.tu.ti.ol"laJ.!! illegaJ, CJr i,flv].ai<:J, t~'le S;atIle ~~;!-)all rlot a.f:fe(:t tt'lG val:i<:!j.ty c)f th:i~~; ol'-dir'lal-lc:e 2S a wtloJ,e (Jf" ar'lV par-t CJV- !::)r-(:)vj.~5j,on tl"lcl/-ecJf o't~lel/" t~lar') tt'lG [:)2r.t ~~~~c:) de{::ideej 'l<3 lJe irlval:iej!, illegal Dr" ~_{rlc:orlE;tj.t{~t:i(~flal al-~(j shal:L r'lot a.f:'fe(:::t "tl'")8 vaJ.j,(jity ()'f .tl'"le (:om!:Jv"eherlsi.ve L.(:Jnlng (]ir"(:Jil"lance B!5 a wtl()len ~:; E: cr I (J 1\ ;:::;.. 'r l''"j ~':':i. -1::, .:':';\ 1''", 'y' P ( :' j''' .~:; C) n;, "f i !/" en () j'" c:: Cj !.... P C::i i'" ~':':'I. t i Cj r"! \/ :i. c:r). ,::':'l t:, :i. r'l (~ af'~V (~.t 'the PI'''CJVisj,c:lns (:)f" tEI~nl!5 of t~li!5 o!~[lir'lar'lce ~~l"lall 13e ~~;llt:)je(:::t .t(:J "ll-l2 ~5a{ne I:Jer"lalty a~5 fJr-cJv:ieJed fCJ1~ Ifl tt'12 (:;(:)'il~:)f"el'lel-lsive Z(:Jf'lirlg [)r'dir'larl(:::e (Jf tIle City, a~5 1"10r'etc).f:<:JF'e amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by fine not tel e)~c:ee(j tt')B ~;{_lnl <:Jf tWCl 11{~l'1dr-e(:1 cjc)l:Lar's ($20(:)u()(:)) .f:CJF' eat::l"} o'ffer'l~5e, ar1c:1 tt'l3't eact') cjay ~~3l"tcl"l vi. (::)la.ti CJfl ~~~t'la],l C:(Jf1tJ.r'}l.J2 tC) exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6.. It l~ necessary to give the property described tlEI/'ej.I"l ttle abc)ve fneflt:i{::)rled ZC)l'l:ij"lq c:lass;ificat:ion ifl (:)~(jel'" t'f-~ ~)er"(nj..t i't~s ~:)r-<J~)el;- cJeveJ.c:)pmer'}t 2!'1d 3,f1 (~Il-cjel~ .to Pl'-C)te(::'t the ~:)Llt)].i(: irlte!~est~l CC)nl{:or.".t 31-ld ger'leir'aJ. welfar"e i:<:) 'tt~e C:j,tY'1 Therefore, this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, as the law In such cases provides. DULLY PASSED ~d '0r I . I. CUUNCIL OF TH~ rITY (JF WYLIE, .r E: :\ (1 H I' t.I"": i c'; t. j.j ;.:.... ..... .:':: ~~i ..~.;:.:::. .:. .... ._.. c:l ,) \! U f .4?~li2.h~l?.. ......_ 1 I,:? f~ ...5. ..... " --_:1 F' r" Cl -r {:',":.i rn (1 'r 'r E: ~::) 'r :; ~ ::: *j ;:: ;: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l"-. ~ ~ ""II' .,Jt-"7~ ~b.)'l./E T€." ~ """'~ ' ~\\\~ 111/1"'"II\1\1\\\\\~ ~:::; <-'.-: c: i'.. C. t ,,:\ r". \/