Ordinance 1985-68 I I OFD I "..1 td'..1 CE: 1\10. .......f....f..:.~~.e.. AN OFDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AMENDING THE COMPFEHENSIVE ZONING OFDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AS HERETOFOFE AMENDED (OFDINANCE NO 81-5), TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEFEINAFTEF DESCFIBED PFOPERTY TO THE NEW ZONING CLASSIFICA- TION HEREIN STATED; PFOVIDING A FEPEALING CLAUSE; Ph:O'v'I DING tl SE')E:h:P,B I L I T'Y CL.PIUSE: ; F'h:D') I D I !\J(::: PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS OFDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM DF TWO HUNDRED ($200.00) FD::~: E(1CH OFFE:I\I~:;E: :j (\ 1\1 D :DECI....(.':.,h: I I\IE1 AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEFEAS, the City Zoning Commission and the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the granting of zoning changes under the zoning ordinance and zoning map, have given requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally, the said Governing ~3 ~;:d ;;;n i :;: p :~: ;.: :i. i~~ ~:;::. f~~ i :::;:::: i :~;~ C:)j:~I~~~~d.:.:e&a~~~.I:'~~~.)~:!..:i.:.. l~~ 9 !";.:::~~~~!\ (::: :;:: be granted and the Cc:~~~~nsive Zoning Dr~~;' of the City of Wylie should be amended in the exercise of its legislative discretion: NOW, THEREFOFE, BE IT DFDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be and the same is hereby amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning district c 1 as,;, f i ca:~::~~aL______ _____ Said pi~oper.ty bei!lg desc:r-itJed a~; {:ol].(3ws~ /f tlt:J f t2~/!Id--J ") dad'~ dPd/1i;ut /ddY~ ~/ i2/~~ti/ cPJ3~ SECTION 2. That all ordInances of the City in conflict with the p!~ovisi(~r15 o.f tt'l:is ov"c!ir'}arl{:e be, a!~d the saflle ar"e hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not In conflict with the provisions o~ this ordinance shall remaIn ir'} .ft.j].l .f(Jr"c:e al"ld ef'fec.tu SECTION _" That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the pruposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City as amended herein by the granting of this zonIng classification. i::; F: C 'T' I U 1\1 .1.1... ''1'' i') E:I. t "". i'''! U 1...\:1. d E;i. 1"1 )/ P <:;'.1'" ,::! q 1"" <::1 p h~, ,,; t::! !"i t (,2 n c E.' ~I !5L.lt)c!ivi~~;ior1, (::J.allse~, pt'~ra~;E (~F' sec:ti.ofl of tlli~; cl!-(:li.!"}a;"l<::e !"~p adjudged or held to be unconstitutiona:l.~ i:l.legal or invlaid, ttle ~safne st"lal,l. nc:)t affe<::t t~le valicl:lty o.f tt"}is (:)r-dir121"}c:e a(~; a wh(~],e or- ar'}y parn.t (~l:- ~)r-(:)vi~;j.orl thejl"ec:)f (Jttler- t!'lal~ tl"le i::)ar-t so decided to be invalid, illega1 or unconstitutional and ~;t'laJ.l !-lO.t a{:fec:t .tt'le vaJ.iditv of 'Li"tO CCJinpl:netler"lSI\/P L(:)rlll"~g [)r-(:lil"}2l-1Ce as a wtlclle.. SEC:'l"ION 5<< "l"t,at ar"lY per"~;(Jn, {:j.f"(n or" CCJj:-pcJI'-aticJf'l vj.c)lat:i.j"~g any {~f tl"le pF'cJvi5i(~llS or" .teF'nl~~ o.t tl"~is; or-(:lir12f'lce ~3!-~aJ.:L be subject to the same penalty as provided for In the L: C)inp ,.... E.::!"j E~r'l ~:::. i \/ E.":.: :.? clr'! :i. r-l (J CJ~I" c! :i. r'j {';;i.r'f c:: (.::.:, ci.f '1::. j'''! (.;:.: C:::i. t. ';/ :. E:'( ::::. !''', E':~'" E:.~t.. CJ+ CJr" (:.,:.! a(~)ej'l(jecJ, arlcj ul:JO!") c::or'~victj.(:Jfl ~~t'lall t:)e l:)t.lnist'led by fir')2 :"lCJt to e}~(:eecJ tl"le SLlITl <::)i: twC) t')Uflcj!~'ecJ c!<:)llalrS ($20()u()()) fCJI'" ea(~l"~ offerl~5e~. ai"ld t~la't eact") cJay S~;L1Ct'1 vicJlatj.ofl ~~I'lal]. (::or"ltil..}t..l8 t(:) e}~is.t ~;lla].], (::CJrl~5t:it~_lte a sepal"'2.te o.f:.f:ef'}SGu SE(:'T'IO~j 6,1 It is rle(:e~ssal~Y .t(~ g:i.ve tl-18 pr"ol~eF.ty d85cr"it:)2cJ tler"e:ir'} tt"l2 ab(Jve mer'lticJI"led Z(::)I"l:ir~g (:].a~5sificatio;"1 ir'~ (:)rder tC) permit its proper development and In order to protect the I:)llbl.i.(: j.l-lter-est~1 (:(~tI}f(:~r..t aI-lei gener"al wS].i:al"'e .f:(] t~le City,. 'r i 'j f'~'I'''' I;;::' + () r" I::;} ~I t".l"'j :i. -::::. C) t.... d :i. 1"'1 .:':":i. r", c:: (,:.:.:1 :~:.l'''i c:'i.l]' t .::':', k E:! I::':':: -f + E.: c:: ,::, :1. ITi in (.;:.:: Cl i ~::.:'i -1:.-. (.:.:.]. \/ + r" Cj to arl(:! a.fter" j.~l~ pa!ssage, as t~~e law If1 !5LtC::t1 CaS8!5 pr"ov:iciE~~~;u DULLY PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL 'r E: >:: (1 f::l " t h :i.. :,,;. t.. h ('!:, ..... ..... ..... rr....tlJ..... ..... ......... ci a'j C) + :!. .::;; H .5.. .... u D~~..,12~~~::J~~~:.)!.::.....\.~'.{:i. .:,I.,..;! ~ ::::; *1 ~ ;:: ;:: ~ ~ ~ r_ ~ ~ IA. ~J ~ ~ ry r ~ '~/,L' E, 1€.~\# ~/!llIfI:'I!!!I\\II\\\\\~ Plfr E ::; T ::