Ordinance 1985-70 UHD II\I{.:il\ICE: 1\10" ~5~ 70 AN UHDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AMENDING THE COMPHEHENSIVE ZONING OHDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AS HEHETOFORE AMENDED (ORDINANCE NO 81-5), TO CHANGE THE ZUNING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY TO THE NEW ZONING CLASSIFICA- TION HEREIN STATED; PHOVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; F>!::;.:U\/ I D I I\IG i...j ~:; I::: V E r;: (-'1 13 I L. Iry CL..(...)LISE:: ;, F'F;:Cj!,,.! I D I 1\113 PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED ($200.00) F'DF~ E('~!L:H OF'FE:I\ISE :i (':il\ID DEC:;L..(~R I hid AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Zoning Commission and the City Council UT the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the granting of zoning changes under the zoning ordinance and zoning map, have given requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally, the said Governing Body is of the opinion th~t the 3aid change of zoning which i !;:; on ap pI :i. C E:'l t :i. on c:;. f ......... ..~..... .. ~. 7 sf..:!) .....Ld.... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .................... s;:.I"', 01..1.1 d b E:- q I'" ,',H"f t (:-2d ,::\1"', d t 1"'1 E.' Comt-t~'j (,2n ~,:; i \/02 7, vvn (~ Cli-- d i 1'''1 an C f:.? of -1:.: I", (.::: L::i. t Y" of \,'Jyl i E' s;:.I"'loul d bE,- i:imf::.:nrJE-d i , t.hE'- fif:::.; f?I'''C i !:;:.E: of :i. -1::. ',;:. leqislative discretion: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be and the same is hereby amended by amendinq the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning district c I .:::~ <;:-s, 1 + i c. :::!. .j.:. :,. ori t Ci "I:\! :i. l... : .__~~:i1ddt___ _________ Said property being described ~~ follows: :::3 E: C::'T I CJ 1\1,.. .. '-hat a].l. or-(::Ij.rlar'lces o-f tt'lG Ci'ty :~r1 c:cJf'}'flii:"t Wi.t!"l tt12 !:JI'-ovis;ic)I'lS (~f ttlis {:)r-dinaflc:e be~ al"~d the S3fY}8 al"'S hel'-et)y~! I'-el~ea],ecj ar'l(:J aJ,J, (Jttl81'" or-cJir'lar')<::es c:),f tl'lP (::i.ty !')<:Jt 3,!'1 cor'},fli(::t Wittl .ttl8 pr"C)Vi!5i(:)!"}S o't' t~lis cJf"difldl"lc:e ~5I'la:ll lr'eolair1 in full force and effect" SECTION 0.. That the above described property shall be used C) n .i. ":/ ], n t:, hE':' i'O ~:~i. n n (.:,:,~ !'" {':':i,1'"'1 d f (J !,.. t h (':':.' pI.... U, r::l C) ~:::' i::'?: ::::' p r" C) \/ :i. d F!.':' c! 'f C) 1-" :i. n t'. h F::':: Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City as amended herein by the qrantinq of this 20nlnq classification.. ~3 E: C:T I I] I\i<l " 'l.'t'lat st'lCJl.t],d arlY l~ar-agr"ap!"l, ~:;er'l'tei"}C,e, sut)div:i~::;i(:)rl, C:,L2t"tSe, ~JI"}!r'a5;e elF' s2<::'liC)I'l C)f ttlis C3F'(Jir'13I"lc:e be 2(::!,jljc:lgecJ 01'- !'lcl(j tCJ t)e l"lf'lC:C:)f'ls'titt.,ltior')a]" i,llegaJ. (3f" i!"~v:I.0j.cJ, t~te Sd(lle 5;tlal,l ~'lot a'f1:ec't the valj,dity (::)f ttlj,~5 c:Jr"d:irlanc:::e 0!S a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the p3rt so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional and ::::,l'''f '::':'ll:1. j""'i C) t:, ,:':':'1, 'f -f f:':! c: -1::, t I"', E'! \/ <':':'{:I. j. d :i. t:. \.' l.J 'r t:. !ml (':':.' c:: C) iTi P V" I~':! h f.':~ 1""1 ~:~,:i. \l I:::" I. ::' Inj ]. I j I 'j Or"cJii"jar')ce a~5 a w~}c)len SEC"fI()N 5n Tt'lat 3j"lY per'Self'), fj,rfD or- CCJI"'por-atiol'l vicJ:latir')9 ar'lY c:),f tt'}e !JF'(3Vis;i,C)!"1!5 (]i~ teF'lll~~~ (:)t tl"l:ls (:)v"cliflBl'lc:e !~~tlall 1::)2 subject to the same penalty as provided for in the C(3'Jlpr"et')erl!~;j,ve Zc)r'~ir}g (:}v"c!j,nan(::e c)f tt'~e City, ~(:~ t18r'etc)f<::)f'P an121'1(:Jec:l, ar')(j ufJor'j c:cJnvict:lcJn s~;ha],], !~e ~]Urlj.5hecJ !:JY i:irle fl(:Jt t(] e}~(:::eec! tt~e sum CJ{ 'tW(3 t"l{~r')(jr"ed <:J<:ll:Lalr's ($2(:)O~O(:)) fC)j'" eac:tl (:~ffe!"}se, 2r'l<J tl"12't 02(::1") (jay ~~;t,JC:tl v:i.CJ],a.tic)r'~ ~5t'lal], CCJf'lti"lt,12 'Lc) 2~,~j,~st sl"~all c:(~n!~;tj,t{_lte a separ-a'te c)'ffel'lseu ~;ECTI(:)~I 6" :[t j,~; ne<::esss0v"y tCJ give ti")B pv"cJpe!"'Ly cle~;c::l""it)ecj t'letr'eir') tt'~e ab(Jve inefl'tic)!,eej Z<:)fli!"1g c::lass;ific:atiol-l i,I"} C:)f"cJelr' to permit its proper development and in order to protect the p{~tll:~c i.l-ltere!5t, c:omf<:Jrt 31-1(J gerle~'a], welfare ,f(::) t~lG l:::itYn Therefore, this ordinance shall take effect immediatelv from al"ld after" its IJa5;sage!~ as ttle law ir'} suet} c:ases pl"'<::lv:i,<:les~ D 1....11... L, \" F' (:', :::3 ~:3 E: DEI \(T i..! E C IT",' c:: CJ U i\1 [ I L. D Fill"'! E:: C:r'f \" U F' j;.,iy.l.... J I::: :i ;-~~:t this tt,"'______f.fA_____ d"y "'f7~~.j}lt~h~.....-....--...._... .............~,~~c..-......... ,/.21: ......~~............. Dor"} ~1Gg!..\e(n"~ MaYCJF' F'r'c) nr.e{I~ (i iT E: ~:; 'i" :: !i ~* ;S -:::; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I.. CO ~ ~ ryy, ..J t' ~ ~./ii 1..1 E I T f;. r-:\\\*~ '111"""'1I111""\\\\\\~ .-i~,,~~;t,;~.j, PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PARCEL B Being all of that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situated in the WILLIAM SACHSE Survey, Abstract No. 835, Collin County, Texas, and being a part of that same tract of land described as tract no. 2 in deed to Vincelee Alexander, recorded in Volume 1120, Page 858 of Deed Records of Collin County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8" iron rod for corner at the present intersection of the south line that same tract of land described in deed to T P & L Company, recorded in Volume 574, page 455 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas with the west ROW line of Hooper and (a 60' ROW): THENCE S 00004"08" W, 285.86" with the west line of Hooper Road t.o a 5/8" iron rod to the northeast corner of the B. C. Wood, et ux 51.531 acre t.ract of land; THENCE S 8crD41'OO" W. 2612.95" with the north line of the Wood tract to a I" iron pipe for corner in the east line of the Lana H. Ingram 111.848 acre tract of land; THENCE N Od'OO"43" E, 285.86" with the east line of the I ngram tract to a 5/8" iron rod f or corner in the south 1 i nf.~ of the aforementioned T P & L Co. tract; THENCE N 89D41"00" E. 2613.23' with the south line of the 1 P & L Co. tract to the place of beginning and containing 746,957.29 square feet or 17.1478 acres of land.