Ordinance 1985-71 DPD I 1\.IPlhICE I\~c)" f"5"- /j/ .........._............._............L AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING OPDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AS HEPETOFORE AMENDED (ORDINANCE NO 81-5), TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTEP DESCRIBED PROPERTY TO THE NEW ZONING CLASSIFICA- TION HEPEIN STATED; PPOVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; F'F:U\/ I DING PI ~:;E:'..jE::R(.~IB I 1.... I TY CL{iUSE :: r:)r:;:O\) I D I r..IE; PENALTIES FUR VIULATIUN OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDPED ($200.00) FOR EPIC!...l OFFE::!\lbE; (~t"..ID DECI....PIR I l\lrJ AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEPEAb, the City Zoning Commission and the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the granting of zoning changes under the zoning ordinance and zoning map, have given requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally, the said Governing lind v 'j I::. c- c t I."'" ."'I"I.j r" 'j pn t h -:: t t' I'" P <= a i;;:) c h aj;'" F' .... f .'" r)I'" j J"" .... t.i/'" j r"I'" :i: ~ .. ;:::<n .. ;;\p ~~;. j. c; ,; ~ :i. ~;;:; ... C~'f: ..., ._._(gciA:~.. ~~~;=.~.~.....\~~.._..... =. .~.....I.:.... ...'. \:.:' !::.I"; c:,c:\ i c; be granted and the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie should be amended in the exercise of its legislative discretion~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY CUUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS~ SECTION 1. That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be and the same is hereby amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning district classification to-wit: ~/7Jd3f&z2f-<Y_wt~-;;~fr 3 Said property being described as follows~ ~:3 E: c:::"r I 0 r\l ::;::..T' I"', aL a.:I. J C) 1''' c:i 1. 1"1 <"'1: I c: e:' ':; CJ .t. t. h c! C.i. t:. y j, I! c:: 0 :-1 .;:: :I. i ( : -1:: I/,! ,I'. !'i the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are l,el"'elJY, l~epea].2(j al"le:] a:Ll. ot I"} er" (:)r-dir'}al"}c::e~5 o.f: ttlE C::i"tv t"}(:J't II") <:::OJ''lfli.<::t wi,tt') .ttle pr"c:)vj.~;ioj-~s D't .this or"clil-~al"}(:e stla:l:L 1"'e'l~a:Lrl j,!"~ 'ft.A],], torce ar')cj e'f:'fs(:::'t<< SE:C;"fl(:JN ",),. 'l,.t'}3't t~'}e at)(Jve (:je~;cl:-il~ed Pl"'c:)pel'-ty sl"laJ.l, I:JB ~,1s;ecj only in the manner and for the pruposes provided for in the Cc)trll~rNet'lei's5j,ve ZC:)j"lirlQ Or-(:jj,r'lar'lc:e (),f: ttle City as~~ atIlen(:ie(:J !-lel'-ej.~'l t}y ttle gr'011t:irlg c:),f t!'"l:i~~ ZOr"l:LI"lg (::las~;j,f:icat:iol"l" hE: C T' T ClI....! .i.!... 1'tlat sl"l<:Jl,tld 2j'lY par-agrapll, serltei"}<:e, ~~;ljt)d:ivj,sj,orl, (::I,2{,,~Se, f:)l"lt~'ase or" sectiol' O'f' this (3r"c!:ir'lanc:e t~e adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invJaid, tl"12 ~;a'ne s~hall flot a'ffe(:t tt')e val:ic!ity c),f ttli~s or(Jir'lar'}(::e as a Wl'l(:Jle ()j'" ar'lY ~)ar"'t eJr" pr-(Jvisj,C)fl tl"ler"e(Jf ottlev" thafl the I:J2I'-t so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional and ~5I'lal]. flC:)'t affee::'t 'tt'le va:lj,cji'ty c31: tt'le (:on~rJ!'-etlel"l~~~j,ve Z(3rl:il")g (J!"'(::l:lrlar'lc:e a~5 a wt'l(Jle~ ~:3 E: C; ''I'' I I] 1\,1 :.:::i.. "T.tlat arlY fJer-~50j', fj,rnl CJr- C:OI'-por-a'ti(JI") violati,!'10 arlY o.f the r)r'(:Jvis:Lol'l~5 O!~ tel"'fllS of ttli~; <:)!"'dil"l01"l(::e shall be ~:; Lt 1:;:; ,:,1 (.:,::: c t, '1::. CJ 'i::.I'''! E.:: ~:::. .::':'t in f::':' r:) i:::.:' r', ~:';' J t:, "y' 6';" ~::' p ,'- () \,/ :i. cJ (.:.~. ci + c::; 1.... :i. 1") t: I j I:::.' C(3mpf"el'ler'~~~ive Zor'lil-lg Or"dir'l2j"}c:e (::),f tt'le City, as ~}er-etC)'f~ol-e ~':\ iT' E':: r", cf f:,:' c:I ~l E:\ n d I.J I::) C) j"", c: c} r', \,/ :i. c: t i (:;; l"'i ':::, j''', E:'ll]' )::) f:.' r) f..t 1"1 :i. ~~:. !"', c' c:1 t) "/ ,.f i j"'! E':' jm: Cj t:, tC) e>~c::Ee(:1 tl-)2 ~3unl of twC) t'lt,.lfld!"'ed d<:)lJ.2r"s ($200"()(:)) fC)I'" eac:!'-l cJ'f:'fef'lse~r ar'ld tt12't eac:t'l (:jay ~~;;Llcl-l v:icJlatior') ~5tlall ceJf'}t:int,lP 'le) exist shallonstitute a separate offense. ~:3 E: C T J D !\l (:)" .I. t: ], ~". /""'::) e E' ,,:; '''~ d 1;'- 'y 'I.:. Ci '.J:i. \/ ".) t. h ~:) F::< V" C) P E'r' t \/ d (:::) ':::..; : r" :i. 1:::, (-:.:., c:l t'lel'-ei,f'~ the at)(::)ve R)er"ti,(:)i'18(:1 zC)r~j,I")g (:la~;sifj,c:atic)I'l il"l (::)!r'(jer" tC) !:Jel"'(ni,t j.'t~5 I:Jr(:Jf1er- cJeveJ.<:Jj:)mellt 3r'lcJ irl or"cjel'" to l::)!'.otect tt'lS public inte~est, comfort and general welfare fo the City.. Tt'lei'-ef(:Jv"e, tl,is or"cJ:i.I'13l"l(:::e st'}all 'tal,~e e{:fec't imnlGcjj,ateJ,y ,t'j"{:J1D ai"ld a'ftel'" :i't~~ passage~, a~; tl'18 law 3,1" SU<:t'l c:ase~~ ~)r'(:)vicjes" ''I'' E: X l::l ~::) '/ 1 o::n:l...5 . P(:)~:~;::3EJ) Ef'{ 'fl...IE C I 'T'{ CC)U!!C::: 1.... l'l... 11'"11''' l 1 ,.. lq", ,.,.., ,I... t.I", :i. !::: t: hE:' ..... ..... ..... ~t::h".. ..... ..... ".. d a \i elj..::: ~ .....~ ~~~~h2Jk...':::: .... ":,, ':~: '~.: ..:'. ~.:: .:'..." , DI....i!....!......{ P,T ''1'' F ~;r ~ F'," C) 'r E"m ~:;;::~- - :::i,; ~; E! c: r' E' t. ,:;i r" ./ PROPERTY DESCRIPTION (MF APARTMENT ZONlliG) BEING a tract of land in the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, situated in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and also being a part of that certain 186.10 acre'tract of land conveyed to Arapaho East, Inc. by W.T. Beckham by deed recorded in Volume 1032, Page 225 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on tge centerline of Brown Street (Old Highway No. 78), said point being South 89 37' East 790.0 feet from the intersection of the cen- terline of Brown Street with the centerline of Eubanks Lane, said intersection being the Southwest corner of the 186.10 acre tract; o THENCE North 0 23' East, 190.81 feet; THENCE North 13058' East, 320.0 feet; THENCE South 76002' East, 121.81 feet; THENCE EAST, 241.46 feet; THENCE South 0024'50" West, 475.0 feet to a point on the centerline of Brown Street; o THENCE North 89 37' West along the centerline of Brown Street, 454.76 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, and containing 4.7672 acres of land, more or less. .... PROPERTY DESCRIPTION (SF-3 RESIDENTIAL) BElliG a tract of land in the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, situated in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and also being a part of that certain 186.10 acre tract of land conveyed to Arapaho East, Inc. by W.T. Beckham by deed recorded in Volume 1032, Page 225 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: - BEGINNINg at a point on a North line of the 186.10 acre tract, said point being North 89 56' East 871.59 feet from the most Westerly Northwes~ corner of the 186.10 acre tract, said corner being on the centerline of Eubanks Lane; THENCE North 89056' East along said North line of the 186.10 acre tract, 370.0 feet; THENCE SOUTH, 664.78 feet; THENCE \'lEST, 261.46 feet; THENCE North 76002' West, ~21.81 feet; TIIENCE North 9014' 3111 East, 60.21 feet; THENCE NORTH, 575.53 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, and containing 5.6181 acres of land, more or less. Date ~-4 -85 Ge~1f.wi'C?~~ Registered Public Surveyor ..,~ t': OF r. .. ~~.......,.~-+: \ ~.., 4~ "'::S> *.' L~ ..~ . , ~ ~ ~~~~~~?~ ~ ~~ :~0~',',', \ ~" 4171 ,:Q:"I v'. "r I."'.' oj (Y' , , , ,c 's' t ", . ' ~. '" <'IC"S'~