05-10-2021 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes CITY OF
Parks and Recreation Board
Virtual Meeting Minutes
Monday, May 10, 2021 — 6:30 p.m.
Virtual Meeting via Zoom Link:
Board Chairperson Robinson called the virtual meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.with Board Member
Swendig, Board Member Suarez, Board Member Willeford, Board Member Allen, and Board Member
Stewart in attendance. Board Member Mullis was absent from the virtual meeting.
Staff members virtually present were Parks and Recreation Director Robert Diaz, and Parks Board
Secretary Janet Hawkes.
No citizens came forward.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the March 15, 2021
virtual regular Meeting.
Board Action:
Board Member Allen made a motion to approve the Minutes from the March 15, 2021 virtual
regular Meeting. Board Member Suarez seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed
2. Consider and act upon the naming of Woodbridge Park to Don Herzog
This park is currently being constructed in the Woodbridge Subdivision. Daryl Herzog, son of the
late Don Herzog, is requesting the park be named after his father. Don Herzog was a local
developer who was instrumental in all of the Woodbridge developments in Wylie and Sachse.
Don Herzog's last project prior to his passing was the Woodbridge home and townhome
developments where the park in question is located. In addition to being a developer in the Wylie
area for over 20 years, Don Herzog also was a U.S. Army Veteran and contributed to the Wylie
Chamber of Commerce.
' After much discussion,the Board unanimously agreed that they were not in favor of naming the
Woodbridge Park after anyone specific, and that they preferred Don Herzog be honored by way
of a memorial plaque, bench, or tree within the vicinity of the Woodbridge Park.
Minutes May10, 2021
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
Board Action:
Board Member Stewart made a motion to deny the agenda item to consider and act upon the
naming of Woodbridge Park to Don Herzog Park. Board Member Suarez seconded the motion,
and a vote was taken and passed 6-0.
• Founders Park Master Plan update.
The plan consultants, Half and Associates provided several phase options for Founders Park.
This information was presented to the Bond Committee during its last meeting, and their
consensus was to consider funding approximately half of the$20 million dollar project,focusing
primarily on improvements to the west side of the park, including additional parking, pedestrian
access, and some field upgrades. Staff presented Phase 1.1 and 1.2 which include options for
leaving the Pirate Cove playground as is or moving it, additional parking, moving of the service
road to the park's west side, construction of the plaza area, and field upgrades on the west side
of the park.
The Board noted that field improvements and expanded parking for Founders Park should be a
priority for a possible Bond project. Director Diaz advised that regardless of the Bond
Committee's decision to include or not to include the Founders Park improvements in the Bond
Election, the project could possibly be completed using other city funding sources as it becomes
• Bond Committee update.
The Bond Committee is considering some Founders Park improvements. The Lavon Lake
improvements, indoor/outdoor aquatics, and Senior Center expansion are likely candidates to be
included in the bond recommendations.
The proposed Senior Center expansion being considered for a bond project would be for an
additional 5,000-10,000 square feet at the cost of$9 to$10 million dollars. If approved in the
Bond Election, the new building would be constructed adjacent to the existing building.
The United States Army Corp of Engineers Lavon Lake Manager will be meeting with the City
Manager regarding future development of the Eastfork and Avalon Parks. It was noted that all
projects on Lavon Lake would have to be approved by the United States Army Corp of Engineers.
The Bond Committee will meet next on May 20, 2021 and possibly one more time in June,with a
final council recommendation for bond projects during the City Council's June 22 regular meeting.
• Project updates.
The Twin Lakes/Southbrook Trail Connection project is complete. After receiving funding
approval for$62,000 from the City Council in April, staff is working on plans for a new playground
installation this summer.
The final draft of the Founders Park Master Plan will be reviewed by the Board in an upcoming
Staff secured a vendor for construction of the accessible ramp installation and recent ice storm
damage at the Brown House
The Avalon Park Fence project was completed with some post project cleanup still ongoing. In
addition, new soccer goals were added to the practice fields.
Minutes May10, 2021
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
The Aquatics Feasibility Study is underway and the next joint meeting with the City Council will
take place on May 25, 2021.This study is expected to be completed during the summer of 2021.
The Lavon Lake study is underway and the next joint meeting with the City Council will take place
on May 25, 2021.This study is expected to be completed in the summer of 2021.
There being no further business, a motion to adjoum was made by Board Member Allen. Board Member
Swendig seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 6-0. The meeting was adjourned at
7:29 p.m.
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Janet Hawkes,Parks Board Secretary 7 •ni Ho•inson,Parks Board Chairperson
Minutes May10, 2021
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting