Ordinance 1985-80 , \ \ ClF~:D I hl(':lNCE: NC). P 5~S---o AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED (ORDINANCE NO 81-5), TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY TO THE NEW ZONING CLASSIFICA- lION HEREIN STATED; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; F:'F::CI\.1 I D I I\IG (:)1 ~:;El)ER(.:lB I L I "1'\ c::I....(:IU~:;E :; F:'F:0 '...,! I D 11\1[; PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED ($200.00) F'DF;: E::AC:H OF'F:'EI\!tJE: :; (.~i!....jD DECL.{:lF::: I !\IEi AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Zoning Commission and the City Council WT the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with ~eference to the g~anting of zoning changes unde~ the zoning ordinance and zoning map, have given requisite notices by publication and othe~wise, and after holding due hea~ings and affording a full and fair hearing to all p~ope~ty owne~s gene~ally, the said Eiove~ning I~~ ~;: d ;~~: n :1. :~: r) ~;;' ~.: i :~ ~~::(~:. i :~; :::; i :;':: ~:, C< ~~~~~~ ':. :~Jz}~;~~~ .~'...... ~~.'~)I~.I.]....I'::i'~:) ~:: t;' :::;, ~\ ~.: ~:; bi':? gr" i:".r'l t. (,?d i=,.r'ld thf!!! Lomr:lr"i!!~hE~n!=".~ Lon 1 nq U!"'d 1 nanCF:' of t:.hf!!:' City of Wylie should be amended in the exe~cise of its legislative discretion: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Comp~ehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be and the same is hereby amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described prope~ty a new zoning district (=la~i~;j.'fi(:::at:i(~rl to-wit: ...---L~/tW72i#-.....__..._... --....-- Said p~operty being desc~ibed as follows: ",dL--{j a#a~~ SECTION 2. lhat all ordinances of the City in conflict wIth the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same a~e he~eby, ~epealed and all othe~ o~dinances of the City not in conflict with the p~ovisions of this ordinance shall ~emain in full fo~ce and effect. SECTION 0. That the above desc~ibed p~ope~ty shall oe used only in the manne~ and for the pruposes p~ovided fo~ in the Comp~ehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City as amended he~ein by the granting of this zoning classification. SECTION 4. That should any pa~ag~aph, sentence, subdivision, clause, ph~ase o~ section of this o~dinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal o~ invlaid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole o~ any part o~ provision the~eof othe~ than the pa~t so decided to be invalid, illegal o~ unconstitutional and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning O~dinance as a whole. SECTION 5. That any person, tJrm or co~po~ation violating any of the p~ovisions o~ te~ms of this o~dinance shall be subject to the same penalty as p~ovided for in the Comprehensive Zoning O~dinance of the City, as heretofore amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by fine not to exceed the sum of two hund~ed dolla~s ($200.00) for each offense, and that each day such violation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6. It is necessary to give the prope~ty desc~ibed he~ein the above mentioned zoning classification in order to permit its proper development and in o~de~ to p~otect the public interest, comfo~t and general welfare fo the City. The~efore, this o~dinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, as the law in such cases provides. DULLY PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, 'rE X (.~~::; ~, t.l'''l i ~:; tl", f'?: .--..L7?....lb........ ..... d <:\'y' 0 f ......__ .~if}::t._2~::J/ .......... ..... .... .:... .-. , 1 9U~ . ~-_...__. ._~-~ __ JOHN W. AKIN, MAYOR ./ i/~ .-. SURVEY PLA T ,::'{ s 890 O~' ZZ" w ~'J '''" - \ \\ ' 1,086.77' ';:)' < -\~ ' .I~,~ ~ '0" \~ '" ,-, , ..' " . \.~. I~;'c:.. N 0<:1' 34' 2 11.265 AC ES 43/.85 /": 200' S 000 34' 26...... 45/.6~' &&~N -- - N 890 03' ZZ" E N 8~ OS' 13"E 846.46' 240.30' Situated in Collin County, Texas in the W.O. Barnett Survey Abstract No. 56 and being part of a 32.557 acre tract descrihed in a ~eed from Kathleen ~. Monroe et al to Kenneth W. Martin described in Volume 1169 Page 65fi ()f the Collin County Deed Records and part of a 32.555 acre tract described 1n a deed from Kenneth W. Martin et a1 to Kathleen M. Moore recorded in Volume 1169 Page 660 of the Collin County Deed Records and being more fully de~crihed as f [) 1 I Ow S : BEGINNING at an iron stake in the most Easterly Southwest corner of the said 32.557 acre tract. THENCE North 89 deg 05 min 22 sec East, 846.46 ft. to an iron stake. THENCE North R9-deg 08 min 13 ~ec East, 240.30 ft. to a stake. IHENCE North 0 deg 34 min ~6 sec East, a dist.ance of 451.R5 ft. to a ~take. THENCE South 89 deg 05 min 22 see West, a distance of 10R6.77 ft. t () a 5 t a 10: e i n an inner corner of the said 32.555 acre tract. THENCE South 0 ceg 34 min 26 sec West, a distance of 451.65 ft. to the place of heginning containing 11.265 acres of land. May 24, 1985 5l~a/~e.~ Registered Public Surveyor cJe;'