Ordinance 1985-96 Dn D I !""..i{';'Ihi C:[:. NO. ..... .8:5-. .:...tt AN DRDINANCE Fon ANNEXATION~ TO ANNEX TO THE CITY OF i/\I..,'!.... I F~. celLL 1: N CUI...Ji\i'l'l~, '1 L~';(.:lt.;~, p! 'TRPlcr DF !....AI\ID DF' TI...IE c./Yn.lf ~"'7/1 ,jI11J1Y.I J, (:"lll'~'\!F\" """.Fl':::"H';'("lf"'T I'ID j~~;;0:~~::~~~:rl~~- ~~ -,dr~,-~}t~~ ~\II"IEF~:Ei:':I~:i, ~uj~_......._&:~l:. ..~~........ ..... ......... h <3. !:; f :i. 1 Fc.(j ,3. ~'~I' :i. l:. t. F..n I.H ~. -t.. ]. .t.. 'I ("j I") ...... ... r" r- H'j": +. .... .1_ .. ("~:I .1.. I -', .1:. IlJ " I 'I ]...' i ~ r-, 'I 'j j 1''', ,"\ r II II ", 't' \ I .~I."7...L...,. ......'.0:1.1".:.", .::\..1. ..:! I......LY.L' vy...,::.;!, I..,........... .."........'..."~. . lexas, ~he tract ot land hereInaft.er oescrlbed, whIcn saId tract of land less than three (3) qualified voters reside, all of which said facts the Cit.y Council hereby finds t.o be true and correct; and WHEnEAS, such petition has been heard and considered by the City Council, and it been decided that such annexation of such tract of land would be to t.he best interest of the public and of the said City of Wylie, Texas, and that such petiton for annexation should be, and the same is now granted; now therefore, BE I "f' ORDA:[I~EI) BY '}'!"1E (:Il'V COlJNCJ:l_ {JF WYLIE, "TEXAS: That the following described tract. ot land, described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit~ alUL/ at!tZd4~ r\ ',r:: r.;,. .-l: 1....lLi" CCJI\IT' :0. /:::' (-:.::, t... ;:"-:.: .i (.:.::, d ~I .::':1. rl n t:.:.:,: : (.:.~, cl t C) , {':":\ r't d (", c.:' ". r" ,. r' ..:" C C:':L .....i"~ d ~, E:,.: " n t:"!::< E- cI t Ct !' i.' .: L Ii. I", CD ,,..\ I",i., 'y' , T' f:!;.; d ~:::. I" ,.,' ':.'! '..'. .i:' t. .l c: I', '::. ':) -f :::. ':"", Ii. ,:1 C i. t \/ .. made part of - and the same is and made part of - the City of subject to all laws, ~ules and ,. ,:i'.!. i'i::!, t::::. U C "',':i j""'J Ii E.::- ::< d t i un D of ~; aid t I'" <,','t c: t 0 of I co, n d (1-/ i. I I b f?~ to e best :Lnte~est of the public ancl the City of Wylie, 0. because planned imp~ovements upon said lands create an !.I' "L.'.' I'" '.J (0' ,'[ C/ " c? n ec: E' <:::.<::. i t 'o/ e::.: i s t s r- (=' qu i r'i n g tJ"J a t: t h :l~:; or din a r'! c: E! b 0 sed and adopted un first reading. This Ordinance i'I:' L,c." L!"i +c.('c,::,;! i:"incl E'fi:F~c:t {room cinc:l ':'.{ter" its pi:\SSc:\gE" and '.Ii. !, i ,,' " 1 t.. I: ,...[ (0C! 1";1 ;:'. \, CI i'" D f ii''! 'y' 1 :i. fI\ . "ii.::~[U (\,;....c' i\f:'F'I;:C<\/FD n'l J ~~; THE .) 5 30th DP,'y' CH DECEMBER !-p, ;:;: ~ e. s ~ ;:::, ~ ~ r'~ ~f1, ~, Yt ':' ."';;!i:."; ,,: Jp~m{/di~~_.........,......."....._ William Martin, Acting l"IEi.iell.... tf4~~4~;;.;;,t;;;y .~. .---.. FIEID lDl'E IESaUPI'IQ{ situated in Collin county, Texas in the Mose Sparks SUrvey, Abstract 840 all of a 7.599 acre tract as described in a deed from C.E. Kreck to J. Tom Brigham et ux recorded in Volume 1157, Page 747 of the Collin County Deed Records and being more fully described as follows: BmINNING at a founj iron pin at the southeast comer of said tract being on the north right-of-way of FM 544 (100'); THENCE South 89 deg 54 min 18 see West a dista.rx::e of 650 feet to a point for a comer; THENCE North 01 deg 45 min 41 sec East a distance of 547.01 feet to a point for a corner, said line being the west boundary line of said Mose Spark SUrvey, Abstract 840; THENCE South 84 deg 04 min 50 see East along the south right-of-way of the st. louis and Southwestern Railroad (100') to a comer post; THENCE South 01 deg 50 min 10 sec West a distance of 478.68 feet to the point of beginning and containi..rq 7.599 acres of lam (more or less) .