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C.ii...\i':::;..: t.C).....;_:'...;:;..1 BEING all that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situated in Collin County, Texas, being out of the FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 688, and being the same 2 acre tract recorded in Volume 871, Page 493, Collin County Land Records and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron stake found for corner in the South line of U. S. Hwy. 78, said point being the Northwest corner of said 2 acre tract; THENCE: South 00 deg. 05 min. 00 sec. East 208.71 feet to an iron stake found for conrer, said point being the Southwest corner of said 2 acre tract. THENCE: North 89 deg. 27 min. 40 sec. East 417.42 feet to an iron stake found for conrer, said point being the Southeast corner of said 2 acre tract. THENCE: North 00 deg. 05 min. 00 sec. West 208.71 feet to an iron stake set for corner in the South line of U. S. Hwy. 78, said point being the Northeast corner of said 2 acre tract. THENCE: South 89 deg. 27 min. 40 sec. West along Hwy. Right-of- Way 417.42 feet to the Place of Beginning and containing 2.000 acres of land. C)!::;::U I 1.;(::jr..,; ..,C. l\i\...i" "h:.~J! .j i b (,:.:.:, ie" f:: .., i.~'~.' j. ("::'<:::1,; :':':'i.f'ln(.:.:-:': f:.;,f"l i... i.n.: ~I .:':':"i.r'"ic:! Ci\ ':':'tCli::':'; l.,},:::'." L c)+ ,'::<.1" .:::1 .:" i., ,.. '...1 II;::.' ':;:;.~:':'i rrl':':':':' j"'1 C~, fr' C.} h ':./ I'" (::::.' :~::: C':':':i. \/ (-::.~ d~! E:\ j'i n ,:.:.:<:< f.:.:. d T'. (J " ::~ n cl IT ,::':1. d (':! j::) ,,:':';,('t t:. 1"'"1 f:,:; ,...,.,i. \.. ',! 1/.,; ":/ 1 i (':'.' :: C) 1 1 i r"{ c: C) Ll j"'j '1.':. \.... ~l ! f.. ,.', ""\:,,'.. ::::.LlC).J i.~:':!C: i._ 1.' c' .::':,.1.1. 3. .:':';'i. V'o,i ~:~. :i r" L.!, -:::'.i' 'i_J V' f::~ "~~] tl.l ,:':':1, T:. :L c::' n ':;::. C) '1-- ::::. ':::".1 c! .1.. i.. '.: l: 'r';"j(-:':' .{: ..... :t. t:,I"i ;';';'1.'1::. ';:::,Ltl..i i :';':d"'! j--'I f':<:'~ ';;;'. '... :1. 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