06-08-2021 (City Council) Agenda Packet Wylie City Council Regular Meeting June 08,2021 —6:00 PM Council Chambers - 300 Country Club Road,Building#100,Wylie, Texas 75098 CITY CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION&PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATIONS &RECOGNITIONS PRI. Wylie Way Students PR2. Recognizing June 2021 as Pride Month. PR3. Recognizing Juneteenth 2021. COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Any member of the public may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda.Members of the public must fill out a form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Council requests that comments be limited to three minutes for an individual, six minutes for a group. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items.If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of May 25, 2021 Regular City Council Meeting minutes. B. Consider,and act upon,Ordinance No. 2021-31, finding that the settlement agreement between the City and CoSery Gas,Ltd.is reasonable; ordering CoSery Gas,Ltd.to implement the rates agreed to in the settlement agreement; requiring reimbursement of cities' rate case expenses; finding that the meeting at which this ordinance is passed is open to the public as required by law;requiring notice of this ordinance to the company and legal counsel. C. Consider,and act upon,Resolution No. 2021-14(R)authorizing the application for a Collin County Park and Open Space Grant for the purpose of the Municipal Complex Trail Lighting Project. D. Consider, and act upon, a Preliminary Plat for Dominion of Pleasant Valley Phase 4, establishing 95 single family residential lots and four open space lots on 23.436 acres, generally located at the northeast corner of Pleasant Valley Road and Dominion Drive. E. Consider, and act upon, the final art design by Quad C student, Shea Ameen and approval of a $500 scholarship to the winning art design. F. Consider, and act upon, the award of JOCPO #W2021-73-I for Brown House ADA Ramp - Phase 1 Improvements and Exterior Siding Repairs to ERC, Inc. in the amount of$71,477.24, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. Page 11 1 G. Consider, and act upon,the approval of the purchase of Emergency Preparedness &Safety Equipment from Delta Fire & Safety, Inc. in the estimated annual amount of$50,000.00 through a cooperative purchasing contract with HGAC Buy, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Interview applicants for Board of Ethics vacancies for a teiui to begin July 1, 2021 and end June 30,2023. 2. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2021-32, amending Wylie's Code of Ordinances, Ordinance No. 2021-17, as amended, Chapter 2 (Administration), Article IV (Boards and Commissions), Section 2-61 (appointments to more than one Board or Commission); modifying certain provisions on appointments to and tenure on Boards and Commissions; providing a savings/repealing clause, severability clause and an effective date. 3. Consider, and act upon, appointments to fill the Board of Ethics vacancies for a term to begin July 1, 2021 and end June 30, 2023. 4. Consider, and act upon,the recommendations of the 2021 Boards and Commission Council Interview Panel for appointments to the Animal Shelter Advisory Board, Cemetery Advisory Board, Construction Code Board, Historic Review Commission, Library Board, Parks and Recreation Board, Parks and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation Board (4B), Planning and Zoning Commission, Public Arts Advisory Board, Wylie Economic Development Corporation, and the Zoning Board of Adjustments to fill board vacancies for a term to begin July 1, 2021 and end June 30, 2023/24. 5. Hold a Public Hearing, consider, and act upon, a request for a change of zoning from Agricultural (AG/30) to Planned Development - Single Family (PD-SF), to allow for a single-family development on 4.6 acres, located at 601 and 595 Parker Road. (ZC2021-14). 6. Consider,and act upon,Ordinance No. 2021-33 for a change of zoning from Commercial Corridor(CC)and Heavy Industrial(HI)to Planned Development(PD-CC-HI),to allow for a warehousing, light industrial and manufacturing use on 225.1 acres, generally located at the northeast corner of State Highway 78 and Spring Creek.Parkway. (ZC2021-11). WORK SESSION WS1, Public Works Department Presentation. WS2, Comprehensive Master Plan Advisory Committee and preliminary schedule for the Plan Discussion. WS3. General Fund Budget Discussion. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION EXECUTIVE SESSION RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Executive Session. READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter,Article III, Section 13-D. Page 12 2 ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on June 4, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. on the outside bulletin board at Wylie City Hall, 300 Country Club Road, Building 100, Wylie, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the public at all times. Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Date Notice Removed The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020.Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the City Council should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the City Council or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required, then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code § 551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the City Council at the date, hour and place given in this notice as the City Council may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act,including,but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: § 551.071 —Private consultation with an attorney for the City. § 551.072—Discussing purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. § 551.074—Discussing personnel or to hear complaints against personnel. § 551.087—Discussing certain economic development matters. § 551.073—Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City. § 551.076—Discussing deployment of security personnel or devices or security audit. Page 13 3 06/08/2021 Item A. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: City Secretary Account Code: Prepared By: Stephanie Storm Subject Consider, and act upon, approval of May 25, 2021 Regular City Council Meeting minutes. Recommendation Motion to approve Item as presented. Discussion The minutes are attached for your consideration. Page 1 of 1 4 06/08/2021 Item A. Wylie City Council Minutes May 25,2021 —6:00 PM Council Chambers - 300 Country Club Road,Building#100,Wylie, Texas 75098 CITY CALL TO ORDER Mayor Matthew Porter called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The following City Council members were present: Councilman David R. Duke, Councilman Dave Strang, Mayor pro tern Jeff Forrester, Councilman Scott Williams, Councilman Timothy T. Wallis, and Councilman Garrett Mize. Staff present included: City Manager Chris Hoisted;Assistant City Manager Brent Parker; Assistant City Manager Renae 011ie;Assistant Police Chief Tommy Walters;Police Chief Anthony Henderson;Fire Chief Brandon Blythe; Public Information Officer Craig Kelly;Finance Director Melissa Beard;Planning Manager Jasen Haskins;Human Resources Director Lety Yanez;Project Engineer Jenneen Elkhalid;Parks and Recreation Director Rob Diaz;Wylie Economic Development Corporation Executive Director Jason Greiner; City Secretary Stephanie Storm, and various support staff. INVOCATION&PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor pro tern Forrester led the invocation and Councilman Williams led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Porter invited the public to attend a Memorial Day Service on Monday,May 31,2021,flag ceremony starting at 7:30 a.m. and full ceremony starting at 11:30 a.m., at Olde City Park. CITIZEN COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS There were no citizens present wishing to address the Council. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of May 11,2021 Regular City Council Meeting minutes. B. Consider,and act upon,Ordinance No.2021-29 for a change of zoning from Planned Development 2017- 03 (PD-2017-03) to Commercial Corridor (CC), to allow for commercial development on 4.728 acres located at 3010 W.FM544. (ZC2021-12). C. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2021-30 for a change of zoning from Single Family 10/24 (SF 10/24)to Commercial Corridor(CC),to allow for commercial development on 0.433 acres located at 605 Parker Road(ZC2021-08). D. Consider, and act upon, the award of a Professional Services Project Order (PSPO) #W2021-77-E for HSIP Intersection Improvements at FM 544 & McCreary Road and SH 78 & Brown Street to Kimley- Horn and Associates,Inc.in the amount of$98,000.00 and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. May 25,2021 Wylie City Council Minutes Page I 1 5 06/08/2021 Item A. E. Consider, and place on file,the City of Wylie Monthly Investment Report for April 30,2021. F. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for April 30, 2021. G. Consider, and place on file, the monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of April 30,2021. H. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2021-12(R) recognizing efforts of the NCTCOG for their work on the Downtown Wylie Strategic Plan. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor pro tern Forrester,seconded by Councilman Duke,to approve Consent Agenda Items as presented. A vote was taken and motion passed 7-0. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Interview applicants for Board of Ethics vacancies for a term to begin July 1, 2021 and end June 30, 2023. Council interviewed applicants Jal Dennis and Lori Villarreal. 2. Hold a Public Hearing,consider,and act upon,a change of zoning from Commercial Corridor(CC) and Heavy Industrial(HI)to Planned Development(PD-CC-HI),to allow for a warehousing,light industrial and manufacturing use on 225.1 acres,generally located at the northeast corner of State Highway 78 and Spring Creek Parkway. (ZC2021-11) Staff Comments Planning Manager Haskins addressed Council stating the applicant is requesting to rezone 225 acres located on the northeast corner of State Highway 78 and Spring Creek Parkway. The Planned Development(PD) establishes uses that are allowed by right and by Special Use Permit(SUP).Uses that are not included in the PD shall be prohibited. The modified site design standards allow for 10 percent landscaping throughout the site, extend the parking rows before a required landscaped island to 20 due to the nature of the use, and as requested by the Planning and Zoning Commission, require the use of drought resistant landscaping where possible. The Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) has indicated a 10-25 percent increase in current truck traffic at project build out. Haskins reported the properties adjacent to the subject property are zoned commercial to the west and south, the properties to the north are zoned Heavy Industrial and Agricultural, and the property to the east is located outside of the City limits. The subject property lies within the General Urban Sector of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and the proposed zoning is compatible with the Plan.Twenty notifications were mailed;with no responses within the notification area received in opposition or in favor of the request; however, from outside the notification area, one response was received in favor and one response against. The Commission voted 6-0 to recommend approval with the addition of some environmental improvements. Applicant Comments RJ Agee and Chris Carucci,representing NorthPoint Development, addressed Council giving a presentation on the active markets, industrial clients, partners and services, Wylie Logistics Park site location, masterplan, typical building plan, conceptual landscaping plan, building exterior examples, estimated project impacts, sustainable features, and water reduction. Public Hearing Mayor Porter opened the public hearing on Item 2 at 6:48 p.m. asking anyone present wishing to address Council to come forward. May 25,2021 Wylie City Council Minutes Page 12 6 06/08/2021 Item A. No one was present wishing to address the Council. Mayor Porter closed the public hearing at 6:48 p.m. Council Comments Mayor pro tern Forrester asked about the timing and potential users of the proposed facilities.Agee stated it will be a phased project with a goal of a building a year, one to two users in the larger facility and three to four smaller users in the smaller facilities, and state he does not know the potential users at this time. Councilman Mize stated he appreciated the"green"initiatives and asked how long it would be until the estimated permanent jobs are being filled. Agee replied their goal is once the building is complete it will have tenants and create peunanent jobs. Forrester asked regarding the TIA, what is the total impact of the current number of trucks compared to what is expected after the warehouse is developed. Agee responded the TIA report states the proposed warehouse development is not expected to have a significant impact on the surrounding roadway,and added the average week day trips to and from the park is 3,470 cars and trucks with about 25 percent of that total being trucks. Councilman Williams asked the applicant to explain how the distribution works, and what the increase would be with Phase 2. Agee responded there will be an increase in overall truck traffic; however,traffic will be going one-way instead of two ways like a stand-alone facility that does not have an intermodal,and Phase 2 will have about the same amount of traffic impact as Phase 1. Councilman Wallis confirmed the current zoning is commercial corridor and heavy industrial, and the intent of the applicant is to have the property under one type of zoning, which lessens what is allowed. Haskins replied that is correct and the applicant is limiting the uses with the rezoning. Mayor Porter asked about the commercial vehicle enforcement. Assistant Police Chief Walters stated the Police Department currently has one certified commercial vehicle enforcement unit and is looking at expanding. Walters stated typically the trucks going and coming out of the intermodal are within weight and required compliances and are well maintained, but added the Police Department does continue to monitor them. Williams asked if there are tax advantages for the City with the storing of products. Agee replied the presented projections are real estate tax only. Wylie Economic Development Corporation Executive Director Greiner stated each individual user will own investment in the market and will be their own user;the presented projections are only calculated on the shell of the building. Citizen Comments Matthew Braswell addressed Council with concerns about traffic and accidents. Diana Colwell addressed Council with concerns about wear and tear on the highway and reduced landscaping at the facility. Jal Dennis addressed Council speaking in favor of this development and stating this type of project is what the City needs to bring primary jobs. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor pro tern Forrester,seconded by Councilman Williams,to approve Item 2 as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 3. Hold a Public Hearing, consider, and act upon, a change of zoning from Commercial Corridor (CC) to Planned Development(PD-MF),to allow for a rental townhome development on 21.059 acres, generally located 500' northeast from the intersection of State Highway 78 and Brown Street. (ZC2021-13) Staff Comments Planning Manager Haskins addressed Council stating the applicant is requesting to withdraw this item. Public Hearing Mayor Porter opened the public hearing on Item 3 at 7:18 p.m. asking anyone present wishing to address Council to come forward. Susan.Gilbert addressed Council with concerns about traffic and stormwater. May 25,2021 Wylie City Council Minutes Page 13 7 06/08/2021 Item A. Sandra Braswell and Diana Colwell addressed Council with concerns about traffic on Brown Street. Jeff Bittner addressed Council with concerns about stormwater, traffic, congestion, parking, and loss of valuable property. Justin Dumlao addressed Council stating he was disappointed that the remarks made at the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting led to the withdrawal of the proposal as he felt it was a well thought out proposal. Mayor Porter closed the public hearing at 7:30 p.m. Council Comments Councilman Strang asked why this was denied by the Planning and Zoning Commission, and asked if staff had an indication on what the applicant might come back with. Haskins stated the Commissioners who voted against it have a desire for the frontage of the property along SH 78 to remain zoned commercial, and staff has not met with the applicant yet about future projects. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Mize, seconded by Mayor pro tern Forrester,to accept the withdrawal. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor pro tem Forrester, seconded by Councilman Strang,to remove Item 4 from the table to consider. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 4. Tabled from 04-27-2021 Remove from table and consider Consider,and act upon,Ordinance No.2021-25 of the City Council of the City of Wylie,Texas,amending Wylie's Code of Ordinances, Ordinance No. 2021-17, as amended, Chapter 10 (Alcoholic Beverages), Article II (Possession and Consumption in Public Places); modifying regulations on the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages in public places; providing a repealing clause, a severability clause, a penalty clause and an effective date. Council Comments Mayor Porter stated this item was tabled by the Council on April 27, 2021 in order to hold a work session for further discussion at the last meeting. The proposed ordinance brings the City's regulations into compliance with state law,which limits the City's authority to enforce prohibitions on the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages to a certain extent. Holsted added a section was also added to allow Council the discretion, on a case by case basis,to allow alcohol sales and consumption at events on City owned property.Forrester confirmed this does not allow someone to sell alcoholic beverages on City property without a TABC license. Holsted confirmed they would have to have Council approval and a TABC license. Citizen Comments Justin Dumlao addressed Council in favor of the proposed Ordinance. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Strang, seconded by Councilman Mize,to approve Item 4 as presented. A vote was taken and motion passed 7-0. May 25,2021 Wylie City Council Minutes Page 14 8 06/08/2021 Item A. 5. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2021-13(R), approving the selection of comparison cities and entities for the 2021 compensation study of the City of Wylie's pay plans to include both general government and public safety employees. Mayor Porter convened the Council into a break at 7:39 p.m. Mayor Porter reconvened the Council into Regular Session at 7:46 p.m. Staff Comments City Manager Hoisted addressed Council stating in the current year's budget,there are funds budgeted for a market study to compare salaries to peer cities, and staff wanted to bring a recommended list of peer cities and entities which include: Allen, Carrollton, Coppell, Frisco, Garland, Keller, McKinney, Murphy, Plano, Richardson, Rockwall, Rowlett, Sachse, and North Texas Municipal Water District for Council consideration. Hoisted stated the consultant will gather data on a minimum, maximum, and range which will come before Council for consideration. Council Comments Mayor pro tern Forrester asked the last time market studies were completed. Human Resources Director Yanez replied that a market study of all positions was completed in 2017, and in 2018 some existing overlap was fixed. Forrester asked if staff could gather infoitiiation from other cities regarding merit, market, and cost of living increases given for comparison purposes. Councilman Wallis asked why the City compares to other cities that are not in our scope or align with our community. Yanez replied it is because of talent,as the City is competing closely with neighboring cities. Councilman Williams asked if there is a possibility to have two snapshots: one with the local neighboring cities and one with 15-20 DFW cities that are about the same size and footprint as Wylie, and added he would like to see the residential versus commercial tax burden data as well. Hoisted replied that information would probably be outside of the scope for the consultant, but staff can look to see if they can gather that type of data. Mayor Porter expressed concerns with comparing to larger cities on major corridors and stated he would like to see more of a balance of similar sized cities from around the state of Texas. Hoisted replied market studies typically do not go too far outside the market for comparison cities because then you are competing with a different labor market than the metroplex. Hoisted added it is a Council decision on how close to market average the City wants to be, and there are no two cities alike as they all have different revenue generation opportunities. Yanez stated the data collected from the larger cities can be utilized to compare and help make decisions,and added the consultant wants to ensure the best decision is made based on the data collected. Hoisted stated staff can reach out to the consultant to see if they have any recommendations on similar sized cities that can be added. Councilman Mize stated he supports keeping the proposed list as is as it is important who the City compares to, and wants to ensure we are paying all of our employees appropriately, especially public safety as they put their life on the line. Mize added we are in competition for our employees and when you have employees that can be developed in the City over a period of time, they become interwoven in the community and can provide a higher level of service. Councilman Strang stated he agrees with the Mayor regarding the scale of the scope of cities and would forgo cities with populations over 150,000 and below 45,000. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor pro tern Forrester, seconded by Councilman Wallis, to approve Item 5 as presented with the caveat that staff will contact the consultant for additional information on cities as directed. A vote was taken and motion passed 7-0. Mayor Porter convened the Council into Work Sessions at 8:13 p.m. WORK SESSIONS WS1.Discuss Lavon Lake and Aquatics Study-Joint work session with Parks and Recreation Board. Parks and Recreation Director Diaz addressed Council stating Elizabeth Mcllrath and Adam Brewster,representing Dunaway Consultants; George Deines, representing Counsilman-Hunsaker; Michael Svetz, representing Pros May 25,2021 Wylie City Council Minutes Page 15 9 06/08/2021 Item A. Consulting; and Parks and Recreation Board members Craig Allen, Bret Swendig, Gloria Suarez, Brian Willeford were present this evening. Adam Brewster presented the Aquatics Feasibility Study which included:the process;outdoor family aquatic center and natatorium and indoor leisure pool renditions; outdoor family aquatic center concept including the program, features, and construction cost of$13.6 million;natatorium and indoor leisure pool concept including the program, features, and construction cost of $15.4 million; and potential project phasing. George Deines presented the financial analysis which included the indoor and outdoor aquatic operations,expense analysis resulting in$866,755 for outdoor and$1,261,648 for indoor,indoor aquatics revenue of$600,000 to$800,000, outdoor aquatics revenue of$700,000 to $900,000, and indoor and outdoor cost recovery. Questions from Council included filtration system used, outdoor expenses increase factored in,rental components, food and beverage sales, cabanas, costs associated for users, and potential tax increase for citizens. Elizabeth Mcllrath presented the Lake Parks Master Plan for East Fork Park and Avalon Park which included: the planning process; East Fork Park USACE land classifications, program and features, concept images for RV camping, cabin rentals, glamping and retro RV camping,primitive camping, equestrian use, and camping support amenities, a preliminary master plan, and summary of construction totals of$19,566,750; Avalon Park USACE land classifications,program and features, concept images for day use, civic activities lawn, special events, trails and nature areas,boating, fishing, and lake access, a preliminary master plan, and summary of construction totals of $10,676,250. Michael Svetz presented the financial feasibility which included: East Fork Park operational assumptions, approach to staffing summary, high level proforma,revenue model, and expenditure model; Avalon Park high level proforma,revenue model, and expenditure model. Mayor Porter stated,based on meetings with the Army Corp of Engineers,they are sensitive about any type of store selling items, flooding concerns in specific areas, and noting a separate agreement with East Fork Harbor marina would have to be reached as it is a private drive.Feedback and questions from Council included courtesy docks by boat ramps, fishing pier types, time period for leasing agreement with the Army Corp. of Engineers, the amount and type of playgrounds and pavilions within the 505 floodplain,location of 5k trail,rental projections,activity and event lawn uses, and RV term lease. Park Board feedback and questions included closing down current park completely or phase in to make improvements,lake needs improvements and should be a priority, length of lease is important,possible need for an outdoor aquatic's facility, quantifying potential sales tax recoup from outside the City visitors, what kind of opportunity do we want for our community, and preferred no daily admission for trail usage and to look at other revenue options. Holsted and Council thanked the consultants and Parks and Recreation staff and board members for their work on these projects. Mayor Porter convened the Council into a break at 9:46 p.m. Mayor Porter reconvened the Council into Work Session at 9:53 p.m. WS2.Discuss Infrastructure needs in East Wylie. Mayor Porter stated he requested this item be listed on the agenda as the City is looking at the use of fund balance and potential bond projects, there are areas such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th streets that have no sidewalks and open stormwater drainage. Porter stated he would like to see potential options available and a long-term plan to bring the referenced area up to what we have in other parts of town.Holsted stated the Bond Committee did discuss a lump sum of money for City wide street and alley repairs and added in the past, the City did a Neighborhood Action Plan where areas in the City were identified for improvements. Hoisted stated the areas discussed currently consist of asphalt streets, bar ditches and open drainage, not curb and gutter, and stated to replace streets with concrete and reroute the drainage consist of a different magnitude of cost. Mayor pro tern Forrester stated he had May 25,2021 Wylie City Council Minutes Page 16 10 06/08/2021 Item A. concerns with adding new developments over in the east part of town with increased traffic on narrow asphalt streets and no sidewalks, and added he would like to see what the City can do to help keep the area closer to downtown beautiful and increase accessibility. Porter asked what the next steps would be if Council wanted to consider it as a long-term project. Holsted replied staff can get an idea of an order of magnitude cost to bring it to current standards of concrete curb and gutter and underground stormwater to start the discussion and then gather direction from Council. Councilman Mize stated this is important as there are inconsistent sidewalks in the area referenced which is problematic and supports creating a plan that Council can complete in phases. Councilman Wallis asked if the City can look at asphalt curb and gutter to allow the City to do more. Holsted replied one option is concrete curb and gutter with an asphalt street to help reduce some of the cost and can bring back estimated costs. Councilman Williams stated he is in favor of looking at improvements in the older neighborhoods on the east side of town that would have longevity to it and serve the residents.Planning Manager Haskins added that a large portion of the Comprehensive Master Plan is transportation, and the City can utilize the consultant to include what is decided as part of the Plan. WS3.Public Works Department Presentation. This work session was moved to June 8, 2021 City Council meeting. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Mayor Porter reconvened the Council into Regular Session at 10:09 p.m. READING OF ORDINANCES City Secretary Storm read the captions to Ordinance Nos. 2021-25,2021-29, and 2021-30 into the official record. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Councilman Strang, seconded by Councilman Duke, to adjourn the meeting at 10:11 p.m. A vote was taken and motion passed 7-0. Matthew Porter,Mayor ATTEST: Stephanie Storm,City Secretary May 25,2021 Wylie City Council Minutes Page 17 11 06/08/2021 Item B. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: City Manager Account Code: Prepared By: City Secretary Subject Consider,and act upon,Ordinance No. 2021-31,finding that the settlement agreement between the City and CoSery Gas,Ltd. is reasonable; ordering CoSery Gas, Ltd. to implement the rates agreed to in the settlement agreement; requiring reimbursement of cities' rate case expenses; finding that the meeting at which this ordinance is passed is open to the public as required by law;requiring notice of this ordinance to the company and legal counsel. Recommendation I otion to approve Item as presented. Discussion On or about November 13,2020,CoSery Gas,Ltd. ("CoServ"or"Company")filed to increase rates in all cities with exclusive original jurisdiction over the rates,operations,and services within its service area. In its application,CoSery sought to increase base rates by 11.8%for its entire service area. The City,pursuant to § 104.102 of the Gas Utility Regulatory Act("GURA"), has exclusive original jurisdiction over the gas rates charged by the Company.Although,CoSery proposed an original effective date of January 23,2021,the Company agreed to extend the proposed effective date to March 14,2021,with a statutory deadline of August 10,2021.The City suspended the effective date for 90 days, giving the City until June 12,2021 to evaluate the application and take final action.The City joined with the other cities (collectively the "CoSery Gas Cities") to conduct a review of the Company's application by hiring and directing legal counsel and consultants to prepare a common response and negotiate with the Company. On or about May 14, 2021, a Settlement Agreement was reached between the CoSery Gas Cities and the Company. The Settlement Agreement reduces the Company's requested rate increase of$11.5 million down to $6.25 million representing a 45.6%reduction to the Company's request.Additionally,the Settlement Agreement provides for a 9.5%return on equity rather than the Company's requested 11.5%return on equity. Finally, the Settlement Agreement provides for a customer charge of $15, compared to the Company's original$18.50 request. The commercial and public authority customer charge will be $35, versus the Company's original$43.50 request. The Company has agreed to 100%recovery of City's rate case expenses. Purpose of the Ordinance: The purpose of the ordinance is to approve the Settlement Agreement and direct the Company to implement the rates in the Settlement Agreement. Additionally, pursuant to GURA § 103.022, cities are entitled to reimbursement of the expenses associated with the rate case to the extent the expenses are reasonable. Explanation of`Be It Ordained Paragraphs" Section 1. This provision approves the Settlement Agreement reached between the CoSery Gas Cities and sets rates at the levels indicated in the Settlement Agreement. Section 2. This section directs the Company to reimburse the City's reasonable rate case expenses. Page 1 of 1 12 06/08/2021 Item B. Section 3. This section merely recites that the ordinance was passed at a meeting that was open to the public and that the consideration of the ordinance was properly noticed. Section 4. This section provides that the Company and counsel for the city group will be notified of the City's action by sending a copy of the approved and signed ordinance to the Company and to counsel for the city group. Recommendation The City Staff recommends adoption of the ordinance approving the Settlement Agreement,setting rates at the level indicated in the Settlement Agreement, and directing the Company to reimburse the City's reasonable rate case expenses. 13 06/08/2021 Item B. ORDINANCE NO. 2021-31 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE FINDING THAT THE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND COSERV GAS, LTD. IS REASONABLE; ORDERING COSERV GAS, LTD. TO IMPLEMENT THE RATES AGREED TO IN THE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT; REQUIRING REIMBURSEMENT OF CITIES' RATE CASE EXPENSES; FINDING THAT THE MEETING AT WHICH THIS ORDINANCE IS PASSED IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AS REQUIRED BY LAW; REQUIRING NOTICE OF THIS ORDINANCE TO THE COMPANY AND LEGAL COUNSEL WHEREAS,on or about November 13,2020,CoSery Gas,Ltd. ("CoServ"or"Company"), pursuant to Gas Utility Regulatory Act("GURA") § 104.102 filed a Statement of Intent to Increase Rates with the Railroad Commission of Texas(the"Commission")within the unincorporated areas it serves in the State of Texas and filed with the City of Wylie a Statement of Intent to change gas rates in all municipalities exercising original jurisdiction within the Company's service area, effective January 23, 2021; and WHEREAS,the Company agreed to extend the proposed effective date to March 14,2021; and WHEREAS,the City of Wylie has exclusive original jurisdiction over the rates,operations, and services of a gas utility within the municipality, pursuant to GURA § 103.001; and WHEREAS, GURA § 103.021 grants a municipality authority to require a utility to submit information as necessary to make a reasonable determination of rate base, expenses, investment, and rate of return in the municipality; and WHEREAS, the City of Wylie suspended the effective date of the proposed rate change for ninety(90) days pursuant to GURA § 104.107; and WHEREAS, the City of Wylie joined with other similarly situated cities, the Steering Committee of Cities Served by CoSery Gas, Ltd. ("CoSery Gas Cities"), to conduct a review of the Company's application by hiring and directing legal counsel and consultants to prepare a common response and to negotiate with the Company and direct any necessary litigation; and WHEREAS, on or about May 14, 2021, the CoSery Gas Cities reached a Settlement Agreement resolving all issues relating to the Company's Statement of Intent to Increase Rates; and WHEREAS, the CoSery Gas Cities members and attorneys recommend that the City of Wylie approve this settlement agreement setting rates; and WHEREAS, GURA § 103.022 provides that reasonable costs incurred by cities in ratemaking activities are to be reimbursed by the regulated utility. Ordinance No. 2021-31 CoSery Settlement Page 1 14 06/08/2021 Item B. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City approves the Settlement Agreement reached between the CoSery Gas Cities and the Company and directs the Company to implement the rates indicated in the Settlement Agreement. Section 2. That the City's reasonable rate case expenses shall be reimbursed by the Company. Section 3. That it is hereby officially found and deteiuuned that the meeting at which this Ordinance is passed is open to the public as required by law and the public notice of the time, place, and purpose of said meeting was given as required. Section 4.A copy of this Ordinance shall be sent to CoServ,care of Charles Harrell,CoSery Gas, Ltd. 7701 South Stemmons Freeway, Corinth, Texas 76210 (CHarrell@coserv.com), and to Thomas Brocato at Lloyd Gosselink Rochelle & Townsend, P.C., 816 Congress Avenue, Suite 1900, Austin, Texas 78701 (tbrocato@lglawfirm.com). DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this 8th day of June 2021. Matthew Porter, Mayor ATTEST: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Ordinance No. 2021-31 CoSery Settlement Page 2 15 06/08/2021 Item C. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: Parks and Recreation Account Code: Prepared By: Rob Diaz Subject Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2021-14(R) authorizing the application for a Collin County Park and Open Space Grant for the purpose of the Municipal Complex Trail Lighting Project. Recommendation Motion to approve Item as presented. Discussion In November 2018,the citizens of Collin County approved a$10 million bond proposition for Parks and Open Space.Through the year 2023,Collin County will make these funds accessible to cities and non-profit organizations within the County. These funds will be obtainable through an application process to assist with the acquisition of park land, trail construction, and park/open space improvements. The Collin County Parks Foundation Advisory Board administers the Project Funding Assistance Program. This is a reimbursement program. Applicants must have a minimum dollar for dollar in matching funds, comprised of direct cash or in-kind services,for the project being proposed. The County is once again accepting applications for the next cycle of grant awards. Applications must be submitted to the County by July 6,2021, and awards for successful applications will be made by the County in October 2021. The sponsoring entity must approve a resolution authorizing the project application submittal and designation of a project official. The grant application requests $310,666.00 in funding from Collin County for the purpose of installing lighting along the Municipal Complex Trail following the recommendations in the 2020 City of Wylie Parks,Recreation and Open Space Master Plan. Staff is currently composing the grant application to meet the July 6, 2021 deadline. This trail lighting will provide 81 lights along the trail providing additional safety and security to trail patrons that utilize the trail.The Municipal Complex trail is centrally located in the City but provides parks and recreation opportunities to all citizens of Wylie. Should the grant application be successful, future agenda items regarding an Interlocal Agreement with the County and the necessary budget amendments to account for the revenues and expenses will be prepared for Council consideration. Staff welcomes any Council input and suggestions regarding development of the application and scope of the proposed project. At this time,proposed improvements in the application include the following: • Installation of 36 light poles for Phase 1 and 45 light poles in Phase 2 for a total of 81 light poles. • Installation includes trenching, electrical services, conduit,and pole bases. Page 1 of 1 16 06/08/2021 Item C. RESOLUTION NO. 2021-14(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, OR HIS DESIGNEE, TO SUBMIT A GRANT APPLICATION TO COLLIN COUNTY FOR THE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX TRAIL LIGHTING PROJECT, AND TO TAKE ANY AND ALL OTHER ACTIONS NECESSARY TO EFFECTUATE THE SAME; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. WHEREAS, the 2018 Collin County Bond Election established a source of funding for park and open space development in Collin County; and WHEREAS, Collin County has provided an opportunity for the City of Wylie, Texas to submit a grant application and, upon award thereof, to enter into an agreement concerning development of the Municipal Complex Trail Lighting Project in the City of Wylie. A true and correct copy of the grant application is attached hereto as Exhibit A (the "Grant Application"); and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that submission of the Grant Application will benefit the residents of the City of Wylie, and if the grant is awarded, the grant funds will provide additional park and recreational facilities and open space for all such residents; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the Municipal Complex Trail Lighting Project will support and advance the mission of the Collin County Parks and Open Space Strategic Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Resolution as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2. The City Manager of the City of Wylie, Texas, or his designee, is hereby authorized to submit, on behalf of the City Council, the Grant Application, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, and to take any and all other actions necessary to effectuate the same. The Grant Application seeks grant funds in the amount of $310,666.00. Should the final, executed version of the Grant Application be modified from the version attached as Exhibit A, such final, executed version shall replace Exhibit A of this Resolution for all purposes. SECTION 3. A copy of this Resolution shall be forwarded to the Collin County Commissioners Court. SECTION 4. This Resolution shall be effective immediately upon its passage. Resolution No. 2021-14(R) Grant Application to Collin County Page 1 of 3 2745970 17 06/08/2021 Item C. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this 8th day of June 2021. Matthew Porter, Mayor ATTEST TO: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Resolution No. 2021-14(R) Grant Application to Collin County Page 2 of 3 2745970 18 06/08/2021 Item C. Exhibit A Form of Grant Application [pages attached hereto] Resolution No. 2021-14(R) Grant Application to Collin County Page 3 of 3 2745970 19 06/08/2021 Item C. Collie 4COL L I N Parks and Open Space COUNTY Project Funding Assistance Program Application Please use Arial Font size 11 and submit a signed original Application and 12 photocopies stapled and pages numbered. Please no cover pages, this should be Page 1. SECTION 1: APPLICANT AND PROJECT INFORMATION 1. Project Applicant Information A licant— Le al Name : Pro'ect Contact Name/Title: City of Wylie Municipal Complex Trail Lighting Project mplete M ilmg,Address: , _, Telephone Number: 300 Country Club#100 972-516-6341 Wylie, Texas 75098 I Fax Number: E-mail Address: 972-516-6355 robert.diaz@wylietexas.gov Federal Tax Identification Number: Date Resolution__ Signed: 756000719 June 8, 2021 2. Prolectw Title: ___--________ ____ _____ ____w_ _w_ .w_. Municipal Complex Trail Lighting Project 3. Brief Description of Purpose of Project: The purpose of the project is to install lighting along the Municipal Complex Trail . f Additional park lighting was the 8th ranked item in the Wylie Parks, Recreation and OpE Space Master Plan adopted in 2020. 4. General Project Information: a. Please check the one category this application addresses: r Land Acquisition for Parks and Open Space r Regional Trail Connector or Trail Project Ci Facilities (Capital) Improvements for Parks and Open Space b. Amount of Funding Requested: c. Total Project Costs: $ 310,666.00 1 $ 621,333.00 d. Start Date of Project: e. End Date of Project December 1, 2021 December 1, 2022 5. Authorized Signature (signatory must have contract signing authority): Signature: Title: City Manager Print Name: Chris Hoisted Date: June 8, 2021 1 Project Funding Assistance Program 20 SECTION 2: AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 06/08/2021 Item C. The Applicant hereby designates the individual named below as the person authorized to act on behalf of the Applicant. Authorized Project Representative: The following person is authorized to receive direction, manage work performed, sign required reports, and other acts on behalf of the Applicant. Parks and Recreation Director Signature: Title: Robert Diaz 972-516-6341 Printed Name: Phone Number: 300 Country Club#100 robert.diazcwyletexas.gov Wylie, Texas 75098 E-mail Address: Address: Has Collin County previously provided funding for this Project? Yes i` No For Collin County Parks Foundation Advisory Board Use Only Does the proposed project advance the mission of the County Parks/Open Space Strategic Plan? yes _ no Is the application administratively complete? Yes No Did the applicant receive funding for this project in previous years? yes no (if yes, were they successful in the timely completion of the project? yes no 2 Project Funding Assistance Program 21 SECTION 3: CERTIFICATIONS AND ASSURANCES 06/08/2021 Item C. 1. Certifications In order to receive funding under this program, the proposed project goals must be similar to and support or advance the mission published in the Co//in County Parks and Open Space Strategic P/an (October 2001). By signing this Application, the person acting on behalf of the Applicant makes the certifications below. a. Authority to Sign Application The person signing this Application hereby certifies that he/she is the official contact regarding this Application and has authority from the Applicant to sign the Application and that such authority will bind the Applicant in subsequent agreements. b. Application Contains No False Statements The Applicant certifies that this Application has no false statements and that the Applicant understands that signing this Application with a false statement is a material breach of contract and shall void the submitted Application and any resulting contracts. c. This is a Reimbursement Program Applicants must have a minimum dollar for dollar in matching funds, comprised of direct cash, value of land to be improved, donated labor, material or in-kind services for the project being proposed. Under special circumstances at the recommendation of the Parks Foundation Advisory Board and approval by the Commissioners' Court, a direct payment may be considered. d. Eligible Applicants The Applicant must be a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization, non-political group or any unit of local government, including municipalities, school districts, or county located in Collin County, Texas. Faith-based organizations are eligible to apply as long as inherently religious activities, such as worship and religious instructions are not conducted. e. Technical Feasibility The Applicant certifies that he/she has carefully reviewed the Project Narrative and Action Plan. To the best of their knowledge all activities are technically feasible and can be satisfactorily completed within the time frame proposed. f. Costs Reasonable and Necessary The Applicant certifies to the best of their knowledge that the proposed activities and the expenses outlined in the Budget are reasonable and necessary to accomplish the project objectives, and the proposed expenses are consistent with the costs of comparable goods and services. 2. Assurances a. Compliance with Progress and Result Reporting Applicant provides assurances that, if funded, the Applicant will comply with the requirements for reporting: reporting on the progress of the project activities and deliverables on a quarterly basis; providing before, during and after photos; and promptly notifying the Parks Foundation Advisory Board of any changes in plans. b. Financial Management Applicant provides assurances that, if funded, the Applicant will comply with contractual provisions and requirements necessary to ensure that expenses are reasonable and necessary, and to adhere to financial administration and reimbursement procedures and provide financial reports on a schedule established by Collin County. c. Accessibility Applicant provides assurances that, if funded, the park or proposed improvements will be accessible to all County residents. d. Compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act Applicant provides assurances that, if funded, the Applicant will comply with all applicable requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. § 12101-12213 (Pamphlet 1995). 3 Project Funding Assistance Program 22 06/08/2021 Item C. SECTION 4: PROJECT COSTS AND ELEMENTS Name of Applicant: I City of Wylie Project Name: I Municipal Complex Trail Lighting Either use this form or create an Excel spreadsheet using this format Item Description U/M Quantity Unit Cost Total Requested Match No. Amount Amount 1 Trail Lighting-Phase 1 1 1 1 298,144 149,072 149,072 2 Trail Lighting-Phase 2 1 1 1 323,189 161,594 161,595 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Project Total 621,333 310,666 310,667 Robert Diaz Parks and Recreation Director Prepared By: Title: 1 300 Country Club#100 972-516-6340 Wylie, Texas 75098 Phone Number: Address: robert.diaz@wylietexas.gov June 7, 2021 E-mail Address: Date Prepared: 4 Project Funding Assistance Program 23 SECTION 5: RESOLUTION 06/08/2021 Item C. The sponsoring entity (governing board) must approve a resolution authorizing the project application submittal and designation of project official/representative. A copy of the resolution must be included in this application. Insert photocopy of signed resolution. SECTION 6: PROJECT NARRATIVE (No more than 5 pages, single spaced, Arial 11 font) SECTION 7: LOCATION MAPS, SITE PHOTOS, PROJECT SKETCHES, etc. SECTION 8: LETTERS OF COMMITMENT (Provide photocopy) SECTION 9: EVIDENCE OF NON-PROFIT STATUS (Photocopy of Current Valid IRS Tax Exemption Certificate if non-governmental agency) 5 Project Funding Assistance Program 24 06/08/2021 Item C. SECTION 6: PROJECT NARRATIVE Wylie-Municipal Complex Trail Lighting Project 1. Project Description: The City of Wylie seeks funding in the amount of$310,666.00 for construction and installation of trail lighting along the concrete hike and bike trails in the Municipal Complex Trail located at 300 Country Club Rd., Wylie, TX, 75098. The requested funding would be used for the following items: • Installation of 36 light poles for Phase 1 and 45 light poles in Phase 2 for a total of 81 light poles. • Installation includes trenching, electrical services, conduit, and pole bases. The City will undertake any engineering costs for the project and comply with current accessibility standards. The City will purchase the poles and their installation under a current cooperative contract, ensuring the lowest possible price. The purchasing of the poles and installation will be performed by a reputable contractor contracted by City Council action. The Municipal Complex Trail is situated on the 200 plus acre Municipal Complex that currently has the Wylie City Hall, Smith Library, and Wylie Recreation Center on the property. The trail consists of a 12-foot concrete hike and bike trail that weaves approximately 2 miles throughout the nature areas of the property. The current trail was developed in two phases with the last phase being completed in 2017. In 2018 Parks and Recreation staff contracted with the consulting firm Kimley-Horn Inc.to design the lighting program for the trail. The intent of this project is to add lighting to the existing trail areas for extended use and for safety. The trail is centrally located in the City and is accessible to not only adjacent neighborhoods, but can also be used by residents driving from other parts of the City or even those outside the City limits. The trail also connects to some recently added trail that was installed by Collin College adjacent to their new Wylie campus. This project is part of a long- range effort by the City to provide premium quality amenities for the enjoyment of its citizens, the citizens of neighboring municipalities, and the entire County. This updated lighted trail will be the first large lighted trail in southern Collin County and would be easily accessible to communities within Wylie and surrounding communities such as Sachse and Murphy. Overall, various aspects of this project address multiple issues identified in the Collin County Parks and Open Space Strategic Plan. For instance, Section 4.3.1 of the plan states: The proposed trail system is designed to enhance public accessibility to park and open space resources Countywide and to enhance social and cultural connectivity and the sense of community, and the same section also says the expansion of the parks and open space in the county utilizing the natural drainage system will help to preserve the natural "sense of place"for residents...creeks, prairies, fields, hilltop views and woodlands define the natural "sense of place"in Collin County. The proposed improvements concentrate on satisfying the needs recognized in the Collin County Parks and Open Space Strategic Plan, and strive to meet the demand for improving the level of recreational facilities for Collin County residents. Wylie-Municipal Complex Trail Lighting Project Project Funding Assistance Program 25 06/08/2021 Item C. 2. Objectives and Need for Project: The City of Wylie has a population of approximately 53,653 and has been one of the fastest- growing communities in the state of Texas. The City's population has increased nearly 160% since 2000. As the City and surrounding areas continue to experience this high rate of development, high levels of demand have been placed on the City to provide recreational opportunities. In 2018 the City began an update of its Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan. The plan was adopted in 2020 by the City Council and it identified areas of improvement based on citizens, elected officials, consultant, and staff input. PURPOSE OF THE ASTE1 PLAN The purpose of this Master Plan is to focus on identifying and preparing for implementation of the City's parks and recreational needs for the next five-year to ten-year period. It addresses the entire City limits including existing, proposed, and future parks &recreation opportunities.The planning team interacted with a diverse Steering Committee, as well as various City staff, community leaders, and citizen groups during the planning process. In preparing this plan, some of the key objectives for future direction of the Wylie park system include the following: • Provide high-quality parks and recreation resources that offer a balanced variety of year-round recreational needs of the Wylie community; • Determine a practical means of maintaining and upgrading existing parks and facilities to a prescribed standard and purpose; • Improve the overall appearance and usability of park and recreation resources; • Acquire park land and develop outdoor recreational facilities; • Encourage cooperation and develop partnerships with the school district,governmental agencies,area corporations,and community organizations to assist with funding, development and maintenance of park&recreational facilities • Obtain adoption of the Master Plan by City Council in order to provide direction to City officials, City staff,and residents for implementing the Master Plan Wylie-Municipal Complex Trail Lighting Project Project Funding Assistance Program 26 06/08/2021 Item C. The Action Plan identified park amenities that are needed, see below: PARIKS, RECREATION & CPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN Yr' E Wylie Priority Rankings Rank Action Plan High Moderate Low Hike/bike/walk trails that are connected throughout the city Sprayground ♦ Expand amenities at Lavon Lake(fishing,picnicking,swim beach) Hike/bike/walk nature trails along the lake/dam ♦ Aquatic Center(indoor-leisure area and lap lanes) Aquatic Center(outdoor-leisure area and lap lanes) Special events in parks ♦ Additional lighting in parks ♦ Multipurpose sports fields(football,soccer,baseball,softball) Additional practice fields(football,soccer,baseball,softball) ♦ The Master Plan identified trails and lighting in parks as the #1 and #8 priorities for development. The proposed trail lighting project would support both of the identified priorities. 3. Funding Mechanism: Funding for the construction of the improvements is proposed to be a joint effort between the City of Wylie and Collin County. The City used operational funding to pay for any engineering needed to design the trail lighting system. For the actual construction, the City intends to utilize funds from its Parks and Recreation 4B '/2 cent sales tax Fund. Sufficient funding is available in this fund to meet the match amount. The City anticipates using any funding received as a result of this request for the following purposes: • Installation of 81 light poles and concrete bases. • Install electrical connections for all the light poles. The City requests funding for the trail lighting components and installation of the components for the project. As its match, the City will utilize funds in the Parks and Recreation 4B '/2 cent sales tax Fund. The City's goal is to improve this site so that it will address the community needs expressed throughout earlier planning stages, both by the City of Wylie and by Collin County. The trail lighting will enhance the current concrete trail, and it will continue to receive considerable usage and be available to the greatest number of County residents. Wylie-Municipal Complex Trail Lighting Project Project Funding Assistance Program 27 06/08/2021 Item C. We respectfully request that the Collin County Parks Foundation Board agree to provide a match in the amount of$310,666.00 to assist in the construction of the proposed improvements. 4. Project Action Plan: The City has completed design and engineering for this project with the assistance of the engineering firm Kimley-Horn Inc. If the City receives notification of the award in October 2021 and following the City and County approval of the Interlocal Agreement, the City will be ready to purchase the lighting poles and installation utilizing an existing cooperative purchasing agreement. The City anticipates completing a contract with the vendor and ordering the light poles in late 2021 and beginning installation in the spring of 2022. Anticipated completion of the project will be the summer of 2022. The site improvements will generally follow the sequence below: 1. Trench and install electrical conduit. 2. Installation of the light bases and poles. 3. Installation of the wire and powering up the poles. 4. Electrical inspections and final site grading/clean up. The City proposes to have all work performed by a reputable contractor with a proven ability to perform similar work on projects of similar scale. City personnel and representatives with Kimley-Horn Inc. will perform daily site inspections and coordinate with the contractor to ensure that all work is being performed as specified. 5. Implementation and Maintenance: "The parks and open space system should reflect the coordinated planning and conceptualization of the park and open space system at a countywide scale, with implementation at the local community scale." Collin County Parks and Open Space Strategic Plan (Section 4.1.4) Personnel in the Wylie Parks and Recreation Department have a successful track record in land acquisition, construction, operation, and maintenance of municipal park facilities since the division was established in the mid 1980s. The present managerial staff alone has a combined total of nearly 30 years of directly-related experience involving all phases of parkland development and operation. Senior managerial staff in the Department has over 20 years' experience in coordinating and administering construction contracts ranging from a few thousand dollars up to and including multi-million-dollar projects. The City's personnel are experienced and effective in the management of citizen tax dollars to achieve project goals, comply with all accounting and reporting requirements, and to deliver a finished product which is on budget. After construction is completed, maintenance crews (under general supervision of the Parks Manager) will perform routine inspections of the facilities. Routine performance of maintenance duties includes, but are not limited to: changing light bulbs and transformers, address any vandalism of the light poles and fixtures, and replacing light poles and fixtures due to wear. Wylie-Municipal Complex Trail Lighting Project Project Funding Assistance Program 28 06/08/2021 Item C. Annual operating and maintenance costs will be funded in all future City of Wylie Parks and Recreation budgets to preserve the investment so that the citizens of Collin County will have a first-class facility that meets their outdoor recreational needs. Wylie-Municipal Complex Trail Lighting Project Project Funding Assistance Program 29 06/08/2021 Item C. CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR MUNICIPAL COMPLEX TRAIL LIGHTING W2017-76-A CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS IIIIIIV __. ,r *` IT ' (:)I:7 H — / I-26-18 mu cPA r° comaEx e e 0 n 4n imun �n 'i p ERIC HOGUE W C11.4:4 ,�niiinii�MAYOR �p�: 11:'11:1:11: � n_rM/ Y�.Y.vyynamT vu t •;_4:.mnm KEITH PRO-ENS MAYOR PRO-TEM -1-,-- � Msa CITY COUNCIL MEMBER PLACE 1 �.�, SHEET INDEX MATTHEW PORTER N SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION CITY COUNCIL MEMBER PLACE 2 VICINTY MAP w e4:,e C-00 _COVER SHEET HLB. 8 STD-00_R CITY OF WYLIE GENERAL NOTES JEFF FORRESTER G-i GENERAL NOTES CITY COUNCIL MEMBER PLACE 3 E-0 _SHEET LAYOUT AND PHASING PLAN E-1 ELECTRICAL LAYOUT CANDY ARRINGTON E-2 ELECTRICAL LAYOUT CITY COUNCIL MEMBER PLACE 4 E-3 ELECTRICAL LAYOUT E-4 _ELECTRICAL LAYOUT E-5 ELECTRICAL LAYOUT DR. TIMOTHY T. WALLIS E-6 ELECTRICAL LAYOUT CITY COUNCIL MEMBER PLACE 5 E-7 ELECTRICAL LAYOUT E-8 ELECTRICAL LAYOUT DAVID DAHL ED-1 ELECTRICAL DETAILS ED-2 ELECTRICAL DETAILS CITY COUNCIL MEMBER PLACE 6 - ED-3 _ELECTRICAL TABLES ED-4 _ELECTRICAL DETAILS ED-5 ELECTRICAL DETAILS ENGINEER Kimley*Horn 2))LAS1 DAN ISS IRLLI'.SUM 100 MOHANEV TEXAS 73009 PH(369)301-2,,00 <ONIA(I DI SUN(O1.WLLL,P I. IOShPH[H11 AWL POHR.PH. G�� 30 ® ® ® D D D D D D D m� 1o�A�"�S ;moP�mo�sa��n �o �N � H �aieui �� o; m �� �H H $ Il RN N!!i� 22 m g _ IIR u 6 ��= a � _ =o= = �x � � pia o v so m��'A� Mm m o93o ;p1X F,2�p^ra R. O? Xom ;m� -mm A 3 m m mo�I 9"0 °- % "goP 'n� c q gggR o=;3 `2c m =A E0 5 =gym 88� A.P. g P�om o89�� 91" &gym el oA m g G �m A2AA--d , s-5 __ 0� o ME mg =ate T x'Y 't2gm 9 €7 � 2 0 own 'o " P A mo92 sg,9NBN ' ,M F8 " =x "g " �m B-3- '7- > ilmF �8- pE10 x "A !- ! 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M 1 ""rch - �� � ;o�o�N�� _ F " m 'o oo= ,AR 7moN7,oq " ^- T _ G 8 N !o 0 o a A 6 mm e4 :-A ct-F,boo 2 A. =5oy9 - t . R _ r" 2 og 20 *71 RN =;A f D n ' i igi$; - x r 4 ` L m _ gi ' o^' om A' m F m N2�'m8 n fly q1 FR oo� F 6 mm ' i ; m5 os '5sM me m FR ` m n8 A'� ' u ""m 6 mmEA " › N * N m 1 f Mr1MAg o A m ,�^ M a apt 9t� z c r 3 v g IF"m E 8 rY, - 80 1 "r^off M o01 N V m �o� y m >e - i 9 0i vri o "s'a3 �. o N" 0 0 A �A3AAs3 : N O N_ C MUNICIPAL COMPLEX „yiD*-•, o CITY OF WYLIE TRAIL LIGHTING r I f�� r �^ 03 GENERAL NOTES w. E,rx 1 low PREPnneoFoa �uw.Av �a . os9 1 (7 CITY OF WYLIE doer. o � t """,-vai 5SC4T5'-y`' NQ a V1510, on, er 06/08/2021 Item C. IIIIII GENERAL NOTES: SUMMARY OF BUILDING CODES THE SUBMISSON OF A BID BY THE G NTRACTOR N iti OR HAS TO FA 41ZED HIMSE CS RAC1 DOC N15 Np Ex5 G ND TO CESS LABOR ER(IBC)0 W ANp MArRwL oR THE COMPLETE wETALLATION aFNEAtw sysrM Iry A,uEAT ANo wORKMANUKETmnNNERMiTI ac�ROANCE�ivI-rH THz eE,oRAcncES KOFETHE InDusiriYTANoirvTHwmcuANCE wrtH nu.nuMoemEs Nnvwc JURIsi�icnoNDR N CODE(IFcq 2. THESE DRAWINGS AP,E PRESENTED i0 THE CONTRACTOR WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE CONTRACTOR 1t AN EXPERT AND COMPETENT IN THE PREPARATION OF CONTRACT BID PRICES ON TIHE BASIS OF INFORMATION SUCH AS IS CONTAINED IN 2012 UNIFORM PLUMBIN012 UNIFORM G AL CODE PUMA) I, HESE DOCUMENTS.IT IS THE INTENT OF THE DRAWINGS AN SPECIFOAIONAs TO CALL FOR FNISHED WDRKN ESTED AND READY FOR OPERATION AND COM LETE CO FoRRAmWE WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES,RULES,ANp Z TIONS ft CODE(UPC) p_ IN P N LA LINO 2011 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE(NEC) ITEMS USUALLY. 0 SPECIFIED,BUT DRAWINGS NECESSARY FOR E PROPER INSTALLATION AND D 0 HE S SYSTEMS SHALL.9E INCLUDED S DFD THE T. B N THE PROPOSAL v E SAME TU F SPECIFIED OR SHOWN 2012 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE VO THE DRAWINGS.AP F'ANY DF.vAR"u RES FROM THE DRAvnNGS ARE DEEMED NECESSARY,DETAILS OE SUCH DEPARTURES AND THE REASONS THEREFORE SHALT..BE SUBM'T'EU i0 T.ENGINEER FOR APPROVA..NO DEPARTURES SHFV.{.BE MAUF WITHOUT PRIORI APPROVAL fr• R THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE SITE AND VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS IN THE FIELD,AND SHALL PU SL THE OWNER 011'ANY DISCftt PANC52'S BEFORE PERFORMING THE WORK. o_ EQUIPMENT,D BE PROVIDED.DRAWINGS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC AND AREA GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF 4. THE CONTRACT 05 INDICATE BASED ARRANGEMENTS AND APPROXIMATE PR SIZES AND E MANUFACTURER LOCATIONS OF PRINCIPAL EQUIPMENT DEVICES,AND SERVICES TO CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS RASED ON THE INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE MANUFAGNRFR IDENTIFIED IN ME EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE AT TILE SCALE INDICATED- w i rc ' LAYOUT OF EQUIDMETNE'R DICAIEU ON ME DRAWINGS SHALL BE CHECKED AND COMPARED ACA NSI'ALL ORAWNCS ANU SPECIFlCATIONS OF ALL TRADES AND EXACT LOCATIONS DEi'ERMINEU USING APPROVED SHOP DRAN9NGS OF SUCH EQUIPMENT. 6 ACTOR SHALL SCHEDULE THEIR WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE s0 THAT OF THEIR WORK C PROJECT.AL RELATED 10 TROUT DELAYING THE PRO CORD HE A i ALL AN BE IN WI L WORK SHUTDOWN OF EXISTING SERVICES SHALL BE PERFORMED A THE HOURS DESIGNATED BY THE OWNER L L ASSOCIATED COSTS BORNE BY THECDC TRACTOR AT O COST TO NH RIME PROVIDE H v MUST REM NINU TES REQUIRED TO PERMIT OWNER'S USE OF ExISTING TH A _ FAaunEs A.sysTEMs-TO REMAIN UNDISTURBED.COORDINATE ALL WORK,INCLUDING ALL SHUTDOWNS THAT AFFECT SYSTEMS AND/OR PORnoNSLOF THE BUILDING THAT MUST REMAIN w OPERATION,WITH OWNER, 1- THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SECURE AND PAY ALL FEES,LICENSES.INSPECTIONS.AND PERMITS PERTAINING TO THE CONTRACT-SUBMIT TO OWNER DUPLICATE CERTIFICATES OF INSPECTION FROM APPROVED INSPECTION AGENCY- 8- ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED IN STRICT COMPLIANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS. IF9- THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR WORKMEN'S IDENTIFICATION AND BADGING,SAFETY AND FIRE PROTECTION,BARRICADES,WARNING SIGNS,TRASH REMOVAL,CUTTING AND PATCHING- 0.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL RIGGING,HANDLING AND PROTECTION OF MATERIALS.ALL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS SHALL BE NEW AND WITHOUT BLEMISH OR DEFECT-ALL EQUIPMENT INSTALLED SHALL BEAR THE LABEL OF AN W APPROVED O II 'THE CONTRACTOR C 0 A PROVIDE LABOR TO RECEIVE,UNLOAD,STORE,PROTECT, U TRANSFER T0 POINT Or INSTALLATION"0 SHED ITEMS 'e nN s m'a I a-W:{FRE GC DU C BLEB DUC 0 OR G STS OU RE g .' 100 S OR W LI S E ENET 0 S LI uF CC E ELY SFALFD F S 0 1F AI..T S UL ISTFD D ,CEPa71 B E BU LD NG DE IMFNT " E� AND F RL Uf,PAR'MBrvi AS Dk NG Sul'i'FlN t FOi TH S SF:R d H S MATFR SHAI..HE NSiAt f.0 ry ACCORDANCh wHh THE Rf OU (Lf NTS OF f.MANuh'ACiUhtR'0 MAN"AIN THh U.LS'EU F'1 RA"NCI OF'THE Pf Nf'.'RAiY:D WALL OR f..00R s s 13 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL SLAB OPENINGS WALL OPENINGS BEAM PENETRATIONS AND CORING AS IT RELATES TO THEIR WORK THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT Sr AND LOCATION FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL ek og°F u..ENTER. OPENINGS s a s rBVFI of c el D SEALED HIGH ouA Iry S.I.A.TO PREVENT o o MOISTURE A.OUTS. p p .4;• 15 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT SCHEDULE SHO DRAWINGS AND CATALOG S,WIPING DIAGRAMS RAND ASSOCIETC ED DATA 0 T TO BE SUBMITTED E OWE ROR TO R,AS G EQUIPMENT OR STARING ANY WORK ANY WORK FOR THIS PROJECT,INCLUDING THE ANTICIPATED DATE OF EACH SUBMISSION CONTRACTORS INSTAL LEDOR EQUIPMENT AN - w PURCHASED PRIOR OF THE RECEIPT OF OWNER APROVED SUBMITTALS SHOP DRAWINGS MAT REQUIRES CHANGES SHALL BE REPLACED AT CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE PU 1 REQUIRED FOR _PROMD_D.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW AND APPROVE ALL -CATALOG INFORMATION,FACTORY ASSEMBLY DRAWINGS AND FIELD INSTALLATION DRA WINGS AS 4 A COMPLETE L CHECK AN AND DESCRIPTION OF ALL ITEMS TO SHOP DRAWINGS.NO SUBMISSION WILL BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT THE SIGNED APPROVAL OF THE CONTRACTOR. HE 4XINTRACTCR SHALL CHECK AND VERIFY ALL FIELD MEASUREMENTS. 9 1T.UPON COMPLETION DP CONSTRUCTION,CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY THE OWNER WITH(3)COMPLETE BOUND COPIES OF ALL OWNER APPROVED SUBMITTALS AND ALL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS I 1 AND/OR MATERIALS FORA PERIOD OF NOT LESS THAN(2)YEARS FROM THE DATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE UNDER THE CONTRACT SHALL BE GUARANTEED AGAINST ANY ANC ALL DEFECTS IN WORKMANSHIP INSTALLATION,UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE AIN THE PROJECTSPECI`ICA,ONSN AND ANY DEFECTS OF WORKMANSHIP DEVELOPING DURING THIS PERIOD SHALL BE REMEDIED AND ANY DEFECTIVE MATERIAL REPLACED WITHOUT ADDITIONAL COST i0 THE OWNER. F 19 INSTALLED SYSTEMS SHALL OPERATE uNDER ALL CONDITIONS OF 1.0AD wl'THOU'T SOUND OR vBRA1ON THAT IS°H EC'TARE TO ME OWNER,OBJEC'IABLE SOUND OR VIBRATION CONDITIONS DUE TO WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE CORRECTED IN APPROVED MANNER By THE CONTRACTOR AT'THE C NTRACTOR:FXF'tNSE. 4 '. ; 20,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SIMILARLY NOTIFY OWNER OF COMPLETION OF ALL WORK,INDICATING THE CONTRACTOR IS READY FOR THE OWNER TO PERFORM THE FINAL PUNCHLIST INSPECTION. 3 2- 0 CO F O 0" S EU 0 0' 0 EU D.O E S C S' E CONTRACTOR S SUBMIT O E OWNER N WRING A LETTER 0"COMPLETIONCERT.." " C ITEMS E PEEN o P E w D Reau E E c. e BrE s e 'ELL. r 6 _SHOULD CONTRACTOR REMOVAL,RELOCATION,OR REROUTING OF ANOTHER TRADES WORK THAT P NOT INDICATED ON DRAWINGS THE CONTRACTOR REQUIRING SUCH WORK SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR M.WORK.AND PAY ALL REQUIRED A COSTS.- 7-26-1A 5.- 23,ALL WORK INVOLVING ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT,AND MATERIALS SHALL BE REVIEWED WITH THE OWNER BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. p d o _ 24,DEFINITION,UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED,ALL WORK SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOTED ON DRAWINGS,SHALL BE BY THE CONTRACTOR.THE TERM PROVIDE WHENEVER ENCOUNTERED ON DRAWINGS OR IN THESE SPECSFICATIONS.SHALL MEAN"FURNISH AND o W f 25.CODES AND STANDARD,ALL MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL COMPLY WITH THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE ALL APPLICABLE CODES,SPECIFICATIONS,LOCAL ORDINANCES.INDUSTRY STANDARDS,UnLav COMPANY REGULATIONS AND FIRE a INSURANCE CARRIER'S REQUIREMENTS h o 0 26.MATERIALS-ALL MATERIALS FURNISHED BY THIS CONTRACTOR.SHALL BE NEW AND BEAR THE LABEL OR LISTING OF A NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED INDEPENDENT TESTING LABORATORY. ▪ 27.OUTLET AND SWITCH BOXES-PROVIDE AND INSTALL OUTLET FOXES OF PROPER TVPE AND SIZE AS REQUIRED Al ALL OUTLETS WHERE SHOWN.SECURED FIRMLY IN PLACE AND SET TRUE AND SQUARE AND FLUSH WITH THE FINISHED SURFACE. fi 3 2,WIRING.WIRES SHALL BE COPPER AND RATED FOR ME LOCATIONS IN WHICH THEY ARE INSTALLED.ALL RACEWAYS ARE SHOWN DIAGRAMMATICALLY,EXACT LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED ON THE JOB.CONTRACTOR SHALL ARRANGE ALL NEW CIRCUITS X IN PANELS SO AS TO BALANCE T.LOAD ON ALL PHASES. W o 2,A TYPED DIRECTORY CARD SHALL BE PROVIDED IN EACH PANEL WITH ADDED CIRCUITS TO INDICA.THE LOADS ACTUALLY SERVED. J 0 C-Z 30 GROUNDING:SHAH..BE IN STRICT CCO p CE WI TII THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL.CODA AR TI CLE 250 PRO,DE GROUND .S AS REQUIRED AND RESIZE CONDUI T IF NECESSARY. 2 h IU l 31.DEMONSTRATIONOF EM COMPLETE ELECTRIC.SYSTEMS: i0 N COMPLETION OF THE S THE CONTRACTORN S OBTAINCERTIFICATE OF PPRO FROM TIRE RESPECTIVE INSPECTION AGENCIES.CON1'RACIOR SHALL NOTIFY AND MAKE ALL THE =N ;:;,- NECESSARY ARRANGEMENTS WITH THEINSPECTING AGENCY D LOCAL AUTHORITIES So THAT INSPECTION MAY GARBED OUT THE PROPER THE U(� QJ 0 Q.J iF '4 iABBREVIATIONS: z w a 3W THREE WIRE C(CONT.) E(CONT) L 2 I D - 431 FOUR WIRE _ g R. A CR CONTROL RE CONTROL LAY ER TRANSFORMER FURN FURNISHED LIGHTNING ARRESTER PLATE BDESIGNATION TDOX C ME DELAY CLOSING CONTROLCS SWITCH LA PANEL PF FACTOR IDD REVERSNG LOCI CONTROL POWER TIME DELAY AFTER DEENERG12n➢Oe-OFF • AMP CT CURRENT TRANSFORMER FVNR FULL VOLTAGE NON-REVERSING Lp LEAK DETECTOR P POWER FACTOR METER TIDE TIME DELAY ENERGZATION-ON DELAY NP CONDITIONING COPPER IP LIGHTING PANEL SE TDO - PEN A/G A CU PH PHA TIME DELAY ON OPENING AB ANCHOR BOLT CURRENT D G PHI. PANEL MSS TRANSIENT POTTAGE SURGE SUPPRESSOR 0 AC ALTERNATINGM P POWER PANEL TwIS'I'eU SHIELDED AFD RN TWISTED ADJUSTABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE DC D ENT GEC GROUNDING"'ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR PR PAR AFT ABOVE S .POOR DI 0 T N GENERATOR MAX MAX MU POTENTIAL.TRANSFORMER I) AEG R R NU ABOVE F SIR G GRADE NIT DIA t- E'ER G GROUND Ul.i INTERRUPTER M. MANTE CE B SS N F K. PT V. CIRCU,PROTECTOR LOG U DIM DIMENSION 6 D GROUND MOB MINIMUM AOUTPUTCEOBRE ISOLATION BREAKER RMCC MOTOR CONTROL CENTER O AO ER RMC RECEPTACLE METALLIC iL tVf RS NG VPS UN NTERRUVt B E POWER SUPPLY W UIV p GRS GALVANIZED RIGID STEEL MCP MIB RVA ODULE 'i LCP PANEL MFR n o 00 DIGITAL.OUTPUT NH 811 Knowwhat's below. A'TC '. E E NE ANALOG OU.UT I15 DISCONNECT SWITCH Lis ���/// O ATS CONTROL AUTDMATC TRANSFER E H EIGHTVFD VAR ROLE FRECUENCY DF(VE ` Call before YOU dig. Z HP HORSEPOWER MOV MOTOR OPERATED VALVE MOTOR 'Y. - AUXO AUXILIARY iOMATIG EC EMPTY CONDUIT MP —I A. RELAY MOTOR A AMERICAN WIRE GAUGE CURRENT EOC EQUIPMENT GROUNDING ONDUCTOR MS SURGE CAPACITOR WATTS ELECTRICAL HANDHOLE C Hz HEftiZR MTD MOUNTED SC „LT,' WATT-HOUR DEMAND METER CWG ELH ELEVATION SCR SEMICONDUCTOR CONTROLLED RECTIFIER WATT-HOUR DEMAND RECORDER BCP ON CONTROL PANEL EEC ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL N SSN ES SOLID NEUTRAL SECTION NA WATT-HOUR R METER UJ B o BLOW FEED BREAKER EMHRG NSRMMENTATION OLIO N UTRAL AM WATT UJ ELECTRICAL MANHOLE - TAPON H NEUTRAL SOFT START REDUCED VOLTAGE NA WATER PROOF BUILDING EP ¢ECTROPNEUMATIC NSi _NinTION MANHOLE C NORMALLY CLOSED SVR SOLENOID TACHOMETER WATT TRANSDUCER CAUTION!! Z G En. H ANDHOLE BTu BftTSH THERMAL UNIT N NO W NCH NEC NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE SW SWTCY 5E T Ns C NO rvORM OPEN TC dB0AR0 W D S"R NS NTS NOT TO SCALE SINK SW SWTCNGEAR x"MR T;2ANSFOaMER ry V CB CIRCUIT BREAKER FURNISHED H 0' ELL; "Stl "ON SWITCH NUM NUMBER vrs ov r0 onsruucr crv. (� - L CURRENT LIMITING FUSE FL. INDICATING TRANSMITTER lP NTEBMFD ATE TERMINATION PANEL 4 4. FIT� �E 0. J ZD CIRCUIT BREAKER AUXILIARY CONTACT ,dJDC P SE LM ISOLATION SWITCH AUXILIARY CONTACT $ CO. CONDUCTINTY JB JUNCTION BOX C ONFROAD sNUMBER G-1 32 3306/08/2021 Item C. 3406/08/2021 Item C. 3506/08/2021 Item C. 3606/08/2021 Item C. 3706/08/2021 Item C. 3806/08/2021 Item C. 3906/08/2021 Item C. 4006/08/2021 Item C. 4106/08/2021 Item C. 4206/08/2021 Item C. 4306/08/2021 Item C. 4406/08/2021 Item C. 4506/08/2021 Item C. 4606/08/2021 Item C. Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Page 1 of 1 Department: Planning Account Code: Prepared By: Jasen Haskins, AICP Subject Consider, and act upon, a Preliminary Plat for Dominion of Pleasant Valley Phase 4, establishing 95 single family residential lots and four open space lots on 23.436 acres, generally located at the northeast corner of Pleasant Valley Road and Dominion Drive. Recommendation Motion to approve Item as presented. Discussion OWNER: Wylie DPV, LP APPLICANT: J. Volk Consulting The applicant has submitted a Preliminary Plat for Phase 4 of the Dominion of the Pleasant Valley Planned Development, Ordinance No. 2020-54. The plat consists of 95 residential lots and four open space lots and conforms to the design standards of PD 2020-54. The Planned Development allows for a maximum of 1,104 single family residential lots. Within Phase 1-4 of the Dominion of Pleasant Valley Development there are 652 residential lots leaving 452 residential lots that can be developed in future phases. The plat dedicates the necessary rights-of-way and utility easements. Open space lots are to be dedicated to the City of Wylie and maintained by the H.O.A. The plat is technically correct and abides by all aspects of the City of Wylie Subdivision Regulations. Approval is subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. For conditional approval or disapproval City Council must provide a written statement of the reasons to the applicant in accordance with Article 212, Section 212.0091 of the Texas Local Gov’t Code. P&Z Commission Discussion The Commission voted 7-0 to recommend approval. 47 06/08/2021 Item D. 4806/08/2021 Item D. 4906/08/2021 Item D. Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Page 1 of 1 Department: Public Arts Advisory Board Account Code: Prepared By: C. Ehrlich Subject Consider, and act upon, the final art design by Quad C student, Shea Ameen and approval of a $500 scholarship to the winning art design. Recommendation Motion to approve Item as presented. Discussion The Wylie City Council at their February 26, 2021 meeting asked the board and staff to bring back an item that would allow the City Council to approve a Quad C Scholarship for student Shea Ameen. In the summer of 2020, staff, the chair, and vice chair met with Erika McIlnay, Art Coordinator for Quad C, Wylie Campus to discuss a joint effort to allow students to be involved in the art process. A request for student designs was made and a selection committee made up of citizens and artists reviewed the submissions and unanimously chose the design by Shea Ameen. Shea is an art major at Quad C, Wylie Campus. Based on feedback from Council at the February 26th meeting, there was some discussion regarding the wording which can be changed at the time of fabrication. Ms. Ameen will receive the first scholarship of $500 for her design. The design will be used in the future at a mural location to be determined. Payment will be made upon approval by the City Council of the design. 50 06/08/2021 Item E. 5106/08/2021 Item E. Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Page 1 of 1 Department: Purchasing Account Code: 161-5651-58910 Prepared By: Glenna Hayes Subject Consider, and act upon, the award of JOCPO #W2021-73-I for Brown House ADA Ramp - Phase 1 Improvements and Exterior Siding Repairs to ERC, Inc. in the amount of $71,477.24, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. Recommendation Motion to approve Item as presented. Discussion Brown House Phase 1 Improvement plans were approved in the current Fiscal Year 2021 budget. To facilitate opening the Brown House to the public, staff agreed that installation of an ADA accessible ramp for the house and an accessible path from the existing parking lot to the new ramp should be a priority. In addition to the ramp, staff determined that repairs to the skirting on the house are also required which will encompass replacement of siding and exterior painting. Remaining items for the Brown House and the surrounding property including additional parking will be addressed in the Fiscal Year 2022 budget. This JOCPO (Job Order Contract Project Order) is issued through a Master Agreement for Job Order Contracting Services between the City and ERC, Inc., under a cooperative agreement awarded by Choice Partners Cooperative Agency. The City is authorized to purchase from a cooperative purchasing program with another local government or a local cooperative organization pursuant to Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code and Section 271 Subchapter F of the Local Government Code; and by doing so satisfies any State Law requiring local governments to seek competitive bids for items. Wylie Agreement #W2021-44-I / Choice Partners #20/017MR-09. 52 06/08/2021 Item F. Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Page 1 of 1 Department: Purchasing Account Code: 100-5231-52710 Prepared By: Glenna Hayes Subject Consider, and act upon, the approval of the purchase of Emergency Preparedness & Safety Equipment from Delta Fire & Safety, Inc. in the estimated annual amount of $50,000.00 through a cooperative purchasing contract with HGAC Buy, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. Recommendation Motion to approve Item as presented. Discussion Staff recommends the purchase of protective clothing, helmets, boots, gloves, and other fire safety equipment from Delta Fire & Safety, Inc. through a cooperative purchasing contract with the Houston Galveston Area Council as providing the best overall value to the City. The City is authorized to purchase from a cooperative purchasing program with another local government or a local cooperative organization pursuant to Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code and Section 271 Subchapter F of the Local Government Code; and by doing so satisfies any State Law requiring local governments to seek competitive bids for items. Approval of this purchases will establish an annual agreement with renewals under H-GAC #EP11-20 / Wylie W2021-89-I. 53 06/08/2021 Item G. Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Page 1 of 1 Department: City Manager Account Code: Prepared By: City Secretary Subject Interview applicants for Board of Ethics vacancies for a term to begin July 1, 2021 and end June 30, 2023. Recommendation No action taken. Discussion Per Ordinance No. 2014-19, prospective Board of Ethics applicants will be interviewed by the entire City Council. Applicants: Aaron Coleman Jal Dennis (interviewed 5/25) Michelle Langloys Fernando Martinez Lori Villarreal (interviewed 5/25) 54 06/08/2021 Item 1. 55 06/08/2021 Item 1. 56 06/08/2021 Item 1. 57 06/08/2021 Item 1. Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Page 1 of 1 Department: City Secretary Account Code: Prepared By: City Secretary Subject Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2021-32, amending Wylie’s Code of Ordinances, Ordinance No. 2021-17, as amended, Chapter 2 (Administration), Article IV (Boards and Commissions), Section 2-61 (appointments to more than one Board or Commission); modifying certain provisions on appointments to and tenure on Boards and Commissions; providing a savings/repealing clause, severability clause and an effective date. Recommendation Motion to approve Item as presented. Discussion In Article VIII, Section 1B of the City Charter it states: Limitation on Service. No person shall be appointed to or serve on more than two permanent boards, commissions, or committees at any given time. In Chapter 2, Article IV, Section 2-61 of the City Code of Ordinance it states: (a) In order to obtain increased citizen participation on boards and commissions, the city council establishes, as policy, th at citizens shall be appointed to and serve on only one board or commission. (b) This policy does not include members of the council, the city manager's office or staff. (c) The city council may, by ordinance, consolidate the functions of the various boards, commissions or committees enumerated in article VIII of the Charter. (d) This section shall apply to all the boards and commissions except the following boards: Wylie Economic Development Corporation, Wylie Park and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation, whose tenure is set by their articles of incorporation and/or bylaws. (e) The term limit for consecutive service on the same board or commission is three consecutive, full terms, regardless of te rm length (two-year, three-year, etc.). After the expiration of term limit, the member must wait one year before reapplying to the same board. Staff is proposing amending the Code of Ordinances to follow the City Charter. All appointments are at the discretion of Council. 58 06/08/2021 Item 2. Ordinance No. 2021-32 Amending Code Chapter 2, Article IV (Boards and Commissions) Page 1 3394342 ORDINANCE NO. 2021-32 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING WYLIE’S CODE OF ORDINANCES, ORDINANCE NO. 2021-17, AS AMENDED, CHAPTER 2 (ADMINISTRATION), ARTICLE IV (BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS), SECTION 2-61 (APPOINTMENTS TO MORE THAN ONE BOARD OR COMMISSION); MODIFYING CERTAIN PROVISIONS ON APPOINTMENTS TO AND TENURE ON BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS; PROVIDING A SAVINGS/REPEALING CLAUSE, SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas (“City Council”) finds that it is necessary and in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Wylie, Texas (“City”) to amend Chapter 2 (Administration), Article IV (Boards and Commissions), Section 2-61 (Appointments to more than one Board or Commission) of the City’s Code of Ordinances, Ordinance No. 2021- 17, as amended (“Code of Ordinances”), as set forth below. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: Amendment to Chapter 2 (Administration), Article IV (Boards and Commissions), Section 2-61 (Appointments to more than one Board or Commission) of the Code of Ordinances. Chapter 2 (Administration), Article IV (Boards and Commissions), Section 2 -61 (Appointments to more than one Board or Commission) of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows1: “CHAPTER 2 – ADMINISTRATION … ARTICLE IV – BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Sec. 2-61. - Appointments to more than one Board or Commission. (a) In order to obtain increased citizen participation on boards and commissions, the City Council establishes, as policy, that citizens an individual shall be appointed to and serve on only one board or commission; provided, however, that the City Council is entitled to appoint an individual to serve on more than one board or commission, but not more than two boards or commissions as provided in the City Charter, if the City Council determines that there is good cause to do so. 1 Deletions are evidenced by strikethrough; additions are underlined. 59 06/08/2021 Item 2. Ordinance No. 2021-32 Amending Code Chapter 2, Article IV (Boards and Commissions) Page 2 3394342 (b) … (c) … (d) This section shall apply to all the boards and commissions except the following boards: Wylie Economic Development Corporation, Wylie Park and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation, whose tenure is set by their articles of incorporation and/or bylaws. Reserved. (e) Unless provided otherwise in another ordinance or other law, tThe term limit for consecutive service on the same board or commission is three consecutive, full terms, regardless of term length (two-year, three-year, etc.). After the expiration of term limit, the member must wait one year before reapplying to the same board. (f) …” SECTION 3: Savings/Repealing. All provisions of the Code of Ordinances shall remain in full force and effect, save and except as amended by this or any other ordinance. All provisions of any ordinance in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent they are in conflict; but such repeal shall not abate any pending prosecution for violation of the repealed ordinance, nor shall the repeal prevent a prosecution from being commenced for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of the ordinance. Any remaining portions of said ordinances shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4: Severability. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, and phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION 5: Effective Date; Publication. This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its adoption. [The remainder of this page intentionally left blank.] 60 06/08/2021 Item 2. Ordinance No. 2021-32 Amending Code Chapter 2, Article IV (Boards and Commissions) Page 3 3394342 DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, on this 8th day of June 2021. ________________________________ Matthew Porter, Mayor ATTESTED AND CORRECTLY RECORDED: ___________________________ Stephanie Storm, City Secretary 61 06/08/2021 Item 2. Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Page 1 of 1 Department: City Manager Account Code: Prepared By: City Secretary Subject Consider, and act upon, appointments to fill the Board of Ethics vacancies for a term to begin July 1, 202 1 and end June 30, 2023. Recommendation Motion to approve, _________________, _________________, and Alternates _________________, and ______________ for the Board of Ethics vacancies for a term to begin July 1, 2021 and end June 30, 2023. Discussion Per Ordinance No. 2014-19, prospective Board of Ethics applicants will be interviewed by the entire City Council. Applicants: Aaron Coleman Jal Dennis (interviewed 5/25) Michelle Langloys Fernando Martinez Lori Villarreal (interviewed 5/25) 62 06/08/2021 Item 3. 63 06/08/2021 Item 3. 64 06/08/2021 Item 3. 65 06/08/2021 Item 3. 66 06/08/2021 Item 3. IA / CITY OF Board of Ethics Application fN WYLIE Personal Information First Name* Lori Please provide your full legal first and last name. Registered Voter* Are you a registered voter? Yes No Last Name* DOB* Villarreal Voter Registration What County are you registered in? County* Collin Board/Commission Service Do you currently serve on a board/commission? No Yes Please indicate briefly why you would like serve as a Board of Ethics member: Our family has developed a philosophy, "Care for what is yours." This holds true for physical assets, relationships, and our community where we can. If I can be of value, I'd like to be considered. The Ethics Committee is particularly interesting to me because it offers confidence to our residents that there is a peer review when necessary and reminds that we are all in this — responsible and ethical growth - together. Respectfully, Lori Contact Information How long have you been a Wylie resident? 20 years You must be a Wylie resident to serve on this board. Employment Information Occupation Executive Director, Wylie ISD Education Foundation Code of Ethics Acknowledgement Please read the below ordinance 67 06/08/2021 Item 3. ORDINANCE NO. 2014-19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING A CODE OF ETHICS; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR REPEALING, SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION HEREOF. WHEREAS, the City of Wylie desires for all of its citizens to have confidence in integrity, independence, and impartiality of those who act on their behalf in government; and WHEREAS, this proposed Code of Ethics to define the bounds of reasonable ethical behavior by the City Council and all appointed City Offices. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS that this Ordinance be adopted in order to promote confidence in the government of the City of Wylie, and thereby enhance the City's ability to function effectively. Section 1. Definitions. In this article: Administrative Board means any board, commission, or other organized body: (1) That has, by law, final decision - making authority on matters within its jurisdiction and that is either: (a) established under the City Charter or by city ordinance, or (b) whose members are all council members or are appointed or confirmed by the City Council; or, (2) Created as a non - profit economic development corporation by the City Council under the authority of the Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended. Advisory Board means a board, commission, or other organized body other than an Administrative Board, that was created by an act of the City Council whose members are appointed or confirmed by the City Council and are charged with making recommendations to the City Council on matters within its jurisdiction. City Official means a member of the City Council, an Administrative Board, or an Advisory Board. Economic Interest means a legal or equitable property interest in land, chattels, and intangibles, and contractual rights having a value of more than fifty thousand dollars 50,000.00). Service by a City Official as an Officer, director, advisor, or otherwise active participant in an educational, religious, charitable, fraternal, or civic organization does not create for that City Official an "Economic Interest" in the Ordinance No. 2014 -19 — Code of Ethics Page 1 of 11 68 06/08/2021 Item 3. property of the organization. "Economic Interest" does not include the contract and /or business relationship that the City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney and /or his law firm, and /or the Municipal Court Judges and Magistrates and /or their respective law firms have with the City." Official Action means: 1) any affirmative act (including the making of a recommendation) within the scope of, or in violation of, an Official's duties; or 2) any failure to act, if the Official is under a duty to act and knows that inaction is likely to affect substantially an Economic Interest of the Official. Review Panel means the body charged with reviewing and acting on complaints and requests for declaratory relief filed under this article. Section 2. Covered officials. The rules of ethical conduct contained below apply generally to City Officials unless otherwise specified. Section 3. Officials required to comply with both state and local law. Where a City Official's conduct is regulated by a provision of this article and a similar provision of state law, and it is possible to comply with the requirements of both, a City Official shall comply with both. Section 4. Education. The City shall provide training and educational materials to City Officials on their ethical obligations under state law and this article. Such training shall include at least one formal classroom session in each calendar year. All City Officials shall must annually attend the formal training session offered by the City or equivalent training sessions conducted by the Texas Municipal League or similar organizations. The City also shall prepare and distribute written materials on the subject to each City Official at the time of his or her election or appointment to office. Section 5. Ethical values. It is the official policy of the City that: A) City Officials shall be independent, impartial, and responsible to the citizens of the City; B) City Officials shall not have a financial interest, and shall not engage in any business, transaction, or professional activity, or incur any obligation that conflicts with the proper discharge of their duties for the City in the public interest. Ordinance No. 2014 -19 — Code of Ethics Page 2 of 11 69 06/08/2021 Item 3. C) The principles of personal conduct and ethical behavior that should guide the behavior of City Officials include: 1. A commitment to the public welfare; 2. Respect for the value and dignity of all individuals; 3. Accountability to the citizens of the City; 4. Truthfulness; and S. Fairness. D) Under such principles of conduct and ethical behavior, City Officials should: 1. Conduct themselves with integrity and in a manner that merits the trust and support of the public; 2. Be responsible stewards of the taxpayers' resources; and 3. Take no official actions that would result in personal benefit in conflict with the best interests of the City. E) To implement the principles of conduct and ethical behavior set out above, the City Council has determined that it is advisable to enact rules of ethical conduct to govern City Officials. It is the purpose and intent of City Council to assure a fair opportunity for all of the City's citizens to participate in government, to adopt standards of disclosure and transparency in government, and to promote public trust in government. Section 6. Rules of Ethical Conduct for City Officials. The rules of ethical conduct contained below, are intended not only to serve as a guide for official conduct, but also as a basis for discipline of City Officials who do not abide by them. A) Appearance on behalf of private interests of others. 1) A member of the City Council shall not appear before the City Council, an Administrative Board or an Advisory Board for the purpose of representing the interests of another person or entity. However, a member of the City Council may, to the extent as otherwise permitted by law, appear before any such body to represent the member's own interests or the interests of the member's spouse or minor children. Ordinance No. 2014 -19 — Code of Ethics Page 3 of 11 70 06/08/2021 Item 3. 2) A City Official who is not a member of the City Council shall not appear before the body on which he or she serves for the purpose of representing the interests of another person or entity, and shall not appear before any other body for the purpose of representing the interests of another person or entity in connection with an appeal from a decision of the body on which the City Official serves. However, the City Official may, to the extent as otherwise permitted by law, appear before any such body to represent the City Official's own interests or the interests of the City Official's spouse or minor children. B) Misuse and disclosure of confidential information. 1) It is a violation of this ethics code for a City Official to violate V.T.C.A., Penal Code, § 39.06 (Misuse of Official Information), as amended. 2) A City Official shall not disclose to the public any information that is deemed confidential under any federal, state, local law, or council rules, unless required by law. C) Restrictions on political activity and political contributions. 1) No City Official or candidate for City Council shall meet with any employee or group of employees of the City for political campaign purposes while such employees are on duty. 2) No City Official shall, directly or indirectly, coerce or attempt to coerce any City employee to: a) Participate in an election campaign, contribute to a candidate or political committee, or engage in any other political activity relating to a particular party, candidate, or issue; or b) Refrain from engaging in any lawful political activity. 3) The following actions by City Officials are not prohibited by this section: a) The making of a general statement encouraging another person to vote in an election; b) A solicitation of contributions or other support that is directed to the general public or to an association or organization; and c) The acceptance of a campaign contribution from a City employee. Ordinance No. 2014 -19 — Code of Ethics Page 4 of 11 71 06/08/2021 Item 3. 4) No City Official shall use, request, or permit the use of City facilities, personnel, equipment, or supplies for the creation or distribution of materials to be used in a political campaign or for any other purpose in support of a political campaign. However, meeting rooms and other City facilities that are made available for use by the public may be used for political purposes by City Officials under the same terms and conditions as they are made available for other public uses D) Use of cell phones or electronic devices during meetings. City Officials shall refrain from using cell phones or electronic devices during a meeting unless it is for the purpose of accessing agendas and information relevant to the agenda. Cell phones shall be turned off or put on vibrate during meetings. Should it be necessary to use a cell phone, City Officials shall step out of the meeting. Text messaging, emails and other written communications shall not be sent during a meeting unless it is an emergency. E) Use of City letterhead and logo. The City's name, letterhead and logo are not to be used for non -City business or purposes. City Officials shall not use the City letterhead or other materials for personal correspondence, in connection with non -City business such as personal fund raising for charitable causes, endorsements, or other types of personal business. Section 7. Board of Ethics. A) Creation and appointment. There is hereby created a Board of Ethics to consist of five members and two alternates. The purpose of the Board shall be to issue advisory opinions and waivers on ethical issues arising under this article and to hear inquiries or complaints and issue findings and recommendations regarding alleged violations of this article. Prospective Board of Ethics members shall be interviewed by the entire City Council. B) Qualifications. 1) All members must live within the city of Wylie city limits. 2) Members may not serve on any other Council appointed Board or Commission during their term on the Board of Ethics. 3) No City of Wylie employee can be on the Code of Ethics Board. Ordinance No. 2014 -19 — Code of Ethics Page 5 of 11 72 06/08/2021 Item 3. C) Terms of appointment. No Board of Ethics member may serve more than two (2) consecutive years (with the exception of the inception to achieve staggered terms.) D) Removal. The unexcused absence of any member of the Board of Ethics from three (3) consecutive meetings, unless the Board has excused the absence for good and sufficient reasons as determined by the Board, shall constitute a resignation from the Board. A member may be removed for inappropriate conduct before the expiration of the member's term. Before removing a member, the Board of Ethics shall specify the cause for a recommendation of removal and shall give the member the opportunity to make a personal explanation. Then the recommendation shall be brought to the City Council for an official vote by Council. If the recommendation is regarding a City Council member that member shall be exempt from the vote. E. Consultation with city attorney. The Board of Ethics may consult with the city attorney or a designee of the city attorney regarding legal issues which may arise in connection with this article and may request advisory assistance from the city attorney in conducting hearings on inquiries during any stage of the process. F. Advisory opinions and waivers. 1) Any current elected officials or board /commissions member or anyone seeking to become an elected officials or board /commissions member may submit a written request to the Board of Ethics for advisory opinions on whether any conduct by that person would constitute a violation of the Code of Ethics. The Board of Ethics shall render an advisory opinion pursuant to written rules adopted by the Board, but in no case shall the Board take longer than six (6) weeks from the time it received the request to issue an advisory opinion or to give written notice explaining the reason for delay and stating an expected issuance date. 2) Any current elected officials or board /commissions member or anyone seeking to become an elected officials or board /commissions member may submit a written request for a waiver of any provision of the Code of Ethics. The Board of Ethics is empowered to grant a waiver if it finds that the waiver will serve the best interests of the City. The Board shall issue appropriate notice of its meeting on the waiver and its meeting shall be open to the public. The Board shall Ordinance No. 2014 -19 — Code of Ethics Page 6 of 11 73 06/08/2021 Item 3. either issue or deny the waiver within six (6) weeks of receiving the request. G. Complaints or inquiries to the Board of Ethics. Any person may file an official written complaint or inquiry with the Board of Ethics asking whether a current elected officials or board /commissions member has failed to comply with this code of ethics. Prior to review by the Board of Ethics, the city attorney shall first determine the following: 1) If the Board of Ethics has jurisdiction over the alleged violation, and; 2) If the alleged violation, if true, would or would not constitute a violation of this article. Subject to the rules adopted by the Council pursuant to section 7.H., the Board of Ethics shall: 1) Conduct a hearing in a meeting, which shall be open to the public on all official written complaints or inquiries which have not been dismissed pursuant to paragraph G of section 7 or resolved under paragraph F of section 7. 2) Except as otherwise provided in this article, make public written findings and recommendations, if any, on complaints or inquiries. Board findings should characterize the seriousness of the violation, if any. 3) The City Manager or the City Attorney shall inform the person who is the subject of the complaint or inquiry and the person who submitted the complaint or inquiry of the Boards' findings, and recommendations; and 4) If the Board feels corrective action may be necessary, it must make its recommendations to the City Council in writing. The Board may propose actions appropriate to the finding, ranging from a recommendation that the person abstain from further action on the matter or seek a waiver, to adopting a resolution reprimanding the person. H) Procedures for complaints or inquiries. The City Council shall adopt written rules to govern the Board of Ethics in order to create a process that is fair both to the person who submitted the complaint or Ordinance No. 2014 -19 — Code of Ethics Page 7 of 11 74 06/08/2021 Item 3. inquiry and the person who is the subject of the complaint or inquiry. In addition to rules which the Board may in its discretion adopt, the rules shall: 1) Establish time lines for all aspects of its handling of complaints or inquiries. The time lines shall be sufficiently long to enable a person who is the subject of a complaint or inquiry to have adequate time to understand the complaint or inquiry and prepare a response. The rules shall allow the Board to alter the time lines upon a request of the subject of a complaint or inquiry for more time to prepare; 2) Require the complaint or inquiry to be in writing on a form approved by the Board, to be signed, and to show the home or business address and telephone number of the person who submitted it. The form shall contain a statement that must be signed and which states that, to the best of the person's knowledge, information, and belief formed after reasonable reflection, the information in the complaint or inquiry is true. The rules shall require the complaint or inquiry to describe the facts that constitute the violation of this Code of Ethics in sufficient detail so that the Board and the person who is the subject of the complaint or inquiry can reasonably be expected to understand the nature of any offense that is being alleged; 3) Prohibit the Board from accepting complaints or inquiries about actions that took place or became known to the complainant more than six (6) months prior to the date of filing; 4) Require the Board to notify the person who is the subject of the complaint or inquiry that a complaint or inquiry has been filed. The rules shall require the Board to provide the notification in a timely manner, but no more than five (5) days from the day the complaint or inquiry was filed. The rules shall require the notification to include a copy of the full complaint or inquiry; a copy of any portion of this article that is alleged to have been or that may be violated; and the Board's rules for dealing with complaints or inquiries; 5) Require the Board to provide the subject of the complaint or inquiry with a copy of the complaint or inquiry before it provides copies to any other parties. The rules shall recognize that distribution to the public of a complaint or inquiry prior to screening by the Board as required in below could harm the reputation of an innocent person and is contrary to the public interest; therefore, the rules shall prohibit the public release of the complaint or inquiry until the screening process in below has been completed; 6) Require the Board or a committee of the Board to meet within thirty - one (31) days of receiving a complaint or inquiry to screen the Ordinance No. 2014 -19 — Code of Ethics Page 8 of 11 75 06/08/2021 Item 3. complaint or inquiry. The rules shall allow the Board to immediately dismiss a complaint or inquiry if: a. The alleged violation is a minor or de minimis violation; b. The complaint or inquiry is, on its face, frivolous, groundless, or brought for purposes of harassment; C. The matter has become moot because the person who is the subject of the complaint or inquiry is no longer an elected officials or board /commissions member; d. The person who is the subject of the complaint or inquiry had obtained a waiver or an advisory opinion under section 7.F. permitting the conduct. The rules shall require the dismissal and the reason for dismissal to be in writing and available to the public. 7) Require the Board to have hearings at meetings, which are open to the public on complaints or inquiries, which have not been dismissed pursuant to paragraph G of this section or resolved under paragraph F of this section. 8) Allow any person who is the subject of a complaint or inquiry to designate a representative if he or she wishes to be represented by someone else, to present evidence, and to cross - examine witnesses. The rules shall allow the person who submitted the complaint or inquiry and the subject of the complaint or inquiry sufficient time to examine and respond to any evidence not presented to them in advance of the hearing; 9) Require deliberations on complaints or inquiries to be conducted in open session; 10) Allow the Board to dismiss a complaint or inquiry without a finding for or against the subject of the complaint or inquiry if the person committed the violation due to oversight and comes into voluntary compliance; 11) Allow the Board to dismiss a complaint or inquiry if the person who submitted it does not appear at hearing and if, in the opinion of the Board, it would be unfair to the subject of the complaint or inquiry not to have the opportunity to examine the person. The rules shall, however, require the Board to schedule the hearing at a time that is reasonably convenient to both the person who submitted the complaint or inquiry and the subject of the complaint or inquiry; Ordinance No. 2014 -19 — Code of Ethics Page 9 of 11 76 06/08/2021 Item 3. 12) Require the Board to base a finding of a violation upon [clear and convincing evidence]; 13) Require the Board to inform the person who submitted the complaint or inquiry and the subject of the complaint or inquiry in writing if it believes a complaint or inquiry is frivolous, groundless, or brought for purposes of harassment; 14) Prohibit members who have not been present for the hearing from participating in a recommendation; 15) Require that findings and recommendations be made only by a majority of the Board; 16) Allow the Board to consider, when it makes findings and recommendations, the severity of offense; the presence or absence of any intention to conceal, deceive, or mislead; whether the violation was deliberate, negligent, or inadvertent; and whether the incident was isolated or part of a pattern; 17) Allow the Board to issue an advisory opinion in response to a complaint or inquiry, in lieu of making findings and recommendations, where deemed appropriate by the Board. Section 8. Other Obligations. This Code of Ethics is cumulative of and supplemental to applicable state and federal laws and regulations. Compliance with the provisions of this Code shall not excuse or relieve any person from any obligation imposed by state or federal law regarding ethics, financial reporting, lobbying activities, or any other issue addressed herein. Even if a City Official is not prohibited from taking official action by this Code of Ethics, action may be prohibited by duly promulgated personnel rules, which may be more stringent. Section 9. Effective Date. This Code of Ethics shall take effect on May 28, 2014, following its adoption and publication as required by law. Every person shall be provided reasonable opportunity to review this Code of Ethics as a condition of their candidacy and/or application to be a City Official. Individuals seated as City Officials on the effective date of this Ordinance shall be bound by it and shall sign a written acknowledgement of receipt and understanding of this Code within 30 days of the effective date. All City Officials elected, appointed or retained following the effective date of this Code shall sign a written acknowledgement of receipt and understanding of this Code before performing any of the duties or functions of the City Official's position. Ordinance No. 2014 -19 — Code of Ethics Page 10 of 11 77 06/08/2021 Item 3. Section 10. Distribution and Training. A) At the time of application for a position of City Official, every applicant shall be furnished with a copy of this Code of Ethics. No application shall be considered complete without a signed acknowledgement of receipt and understanding of this Code by the applicant. B) The City Attorney or City Manager as designated by the City Council shall develop educational materials and conduct educational programs for the City Officials on the provisions of this Code of Ethics, Article XI of the City Charter, and Chapters 171 and 176 of the Texas Local Government Code. Such materials and programs shall be designed to maximize understanding of the obligations imposed by these ethics laws. Section 11. Severability. If any provision of this Code is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unconstitutional, or if the application of this Code to any person or circumstances is found to be invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the other provisions or applications of this Code which can be given effect without the invalid or unconstitutional provision or application. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, on this 20th day of May, 2014. 6,4C Eric Hogue, M y ATTESTED AND CORRE LY RECO E OF Caro e Ehrlich, ecretary i DATES OF PUBLICATION: May 28, 2014 in the Wylie News pU, coloR pp MS E RAfIW Y 0 1887 IT OF Tsai Ordinance No. 2014 -19 — Code of Ethics Page 11 of 11 78 06/08/2021 Item 3. 79 06/08/2021 Item 3. 80 06/08/2021 Item 3. Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Page 1 of 1 Department: City Secretary Account Code: Prepared By: City Secretary Subject Consider, and act upon, the recommendations of the 2021 Boards and Commission Council Interview Panel for appointments to the Animal Shelter Advisory Board, Cemetery Advisory Board, Construction Code Board, Historic Review Commission, Library Board, Parks and Recreation Board, Parks and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation Board (4B), Planning and Zoning Commission, Public Arts Advisory Board, Wylie Economic Development Corporation, and the Zoning Board of Adjustments to fill board vacancies for a term to begin July 1, 2021 and end June 30, 2023/24. Recommendation Motion to approve the recommendations as presented. Discussion Article 8, Section 1A of the City Charter authorizes the City Council to appoint members to serve on boards, commissions and committees to help carry out the functions and obligations of the City and to make recommendations to the City Council. The City Council has prescribed the purpose, composition, function, duties, accountability, and the tenure of each board, commission, and committee. An interview panel, consisting of three council members, conducted interviews of all applicants. All applicants wer e contacted to schedule an informal meeting, in open session with the Boards and Commission Council Interview Panel. Council members appointed by the Wylie City Council for 2021 are: Mayor pro tem Jeff Forrester, Chair; Councilman Dave Strang and Councilman Scott Williams. The Panel met with applicants on Wednesday, May 26, 2021 and Thursday, May 27, 2021 to conduct interviews and deliberate their choices to recommend to the full council. The 2021 Boards and Commission Council Interview Panel have attached their recommendations for Council consideration and action. In addition to the applicant positions recommended, the panel has recommended replacements should a vacancy occur for some of the positions. Some boards with designated alternates are not issued replacements. Vacant positions during the year will be filled with current applicants as those vacancies occur. All replacement appointments will come before Council for final approval. The attached recommendations may be made in one motion, if all recommendations are approved by Council. 81 06/08/2021 Item 4. 2021 Interview Panel Final Recommendations PLACE NAME SEEKING RE- APPOINTMENT APPLICANT AWARDED POSITION R1 Kali Patton R2 Becky Welch 1 (1 Year Term)Gloria Suarez 2 (1 Year Term)Juan Azcarate 3 (1 Year Term)Allison Stowe 4 (2 Year Term)Sandra Stone 5 (2 Year Term)Keith Stephens 6 (2 Year Term)Sandra Mondy 7 (2 Year Term)Kimberly Summers Alt (1 Year Term)Jami Lindquist Alt (2 Year Term)Erin Williams 4 Lowell Davis Yes Lowell Davis 5 Bobby Heath, Jr No-Termed James Byrne 6 Philip Timmons No Brian Ortiz 7 Billy McClendon No-Termed Bruce Moilan Alt Jacques Loraine III No Michael Innella 1 Debbie Loraine No Bethany Sullivan 2 John Pugh No-Termed Krisleigh Hoermann 3 Kirstin Dodd No Sandra Stone 7 Joe Chandler Yes Joe Chandler R1 Allison Stowe R2 Kali Patton ANIMAL SHELTER ADVISORY BOARD CEMETERY ADVISORY BOARD CONSTRUCTION CODE BOARD HISTORIC REVIEW COMMISSION 82 06/08/2021 Item 4. 2021 Interview Panel Final Recommendations PLACE NAME SEEKING RE- APPOINTMENT APPLICANT AWARDED POSITION 1 Arthur Borgemenke No Kristina Jones 2 Janice Borland No-Termed Kristin Botsford 3 Carla McCullough Yes Carla McCullough 4 Rosalynn Davis Yes Rosalynn Davis 5 Juan Azcarate Yes Juan Azcarate R1 Monica Munoz R2 Julia Moses 2 Brian Willeford Yes Brian Willeford 3 Brett Swendig Yes Brett Swendig 5 Gloria Suarez Yes Gloria Suarez R1 Justin Dumlao R2 Donald Folsom 1 (1 Year Term)Candy Arrington 2 David Duke 5 Daniel Chestnut No Brian Willeford 6 Emmett Jones Yes Emmett Jones 7 Scott Hevel Yes Scott Hevel 2 Brian Ortiz Yes Joshua Butler 3 Jacques Loraine III Yes Jacques Loraine III 6 Bryan Rogers Yes Bryan Rogers R1 Matthew Soto R2 James Byrne PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION LIBRARY BOARD PARKS & RECREATION BOARD PARKS & RECREATION 4B BOARD 83 06/08/2021 Item 4. 2021 Interview Panel Final Recommendations PLACE NAME SEEKING RE- APPOINTMENT APPLICANT AWARDED POSITION 1 Anita Jones No-Termed Esther Bellah 2 Minerva Bediako Yes Minerva Bediako 3 John Treadwell Yes John Treadwell R1 Pardeep Kaur R2 3 Demond Dawkins Yes Demond Dawkins 4 John Yeager No Blake Brininstool 1 Shaun Chronister No-Termed Aaron Lovelace Alt Daniel Cooper No Zewge Kagnew PUBLIC ARTS ADVISORY BOARD WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS 84 06/08/2021 Item 4. RESOLUTION NO. 2006-17(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ADOPTING PROCEDURES FOR THE WYLIE BOARDS AND COMMISSION INTERVIEW PROCESS AND THE APPOINTMENT OF THE 2006-07 BOARDS AND COMMISSION INTERVIEW PANEL. WHEREAS, the City of Wylie has nine boards and commissions comprised of a total of 54 members serving staggered two year terms; and WHEREAS, each year the City of Wylie receives applications from residents for consideration of appointment to City of Wylie Boards and Commissions; and WHEREAS, applicants for the board and commission members are interviewed by a Selection Panel consisting of three council members; and WHEREAS, it has been deemed that guidelines be set for the Selection Panel, the application process, the interview process, and the appointment process of the City of Wylie Boards and Commissions. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE: SECTION 1: That the City Council of the City of Wylie will appoint a three (3) member Selection Panel each year comprised of three (3) Council Members. SECTION 2: That applications and scheduling of applicants to be interviewed by the Selection Panel will be completed by the City Secretary and provided to the City Council. SECTION 3: That the interview process will be held in the City of Wylie Council Chambers and notifications of the interview dates will be posted for the public to attend. SECTION 4: That City Council can provide a series of questions to the Selection Panel for the applicants to address during their interview. SECTION 5: Recommendations by the Selection Panel will be made in open session and the recommendations will be presented to Council for discussion and approval. Resolution No. 2006-17(R) Boards and Commission Interview Process 85 06/08/2021 Item 4. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the Wylie City Council on this 23 rd day of May 2006. John ATTEST: Resolution No. 2006-l 7(R) Boards and Commission Interview Process 86 06/08/2021 Item 4. Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Page 1 of 1 Department: Planning Account Code: Prepared By: Jasen Haskins, AICP Subject Hold a Public Hearing, consider, and act upon, a request for a change of zoning from Agricultural (AG/30) to Planned Development - Single Family (PD-SF), to allow for a single-family development on 4.6 acres, located at 601 and 595 Parker Road. (ZC2021-14). Recommendation Motion to approve Item as presented. Discussion OWNER: Tim Bennett ENGINEER: Tim Bennett The applicant is requesting to rezone 4.6 acres generally located 100’ west from the intersection of Parker Road and Valley Mills Drive. The property is currently zoned Agricultural (AG/30). The purpose for the requested rezoning to a Planned Development is to allow for the construction of 20 single-family lots and two open space lots. The Planned Development proposes a minimum residential lot size of 7,200 sq. ft. with setbacks of 25’ in the front, 5’ on the sides, and 10’ in the rear. Residential lots on cul-de-sacs are proposed to be allowed a 20’ front setback. These standards are similar to the existing Harvest Bend subdivision located east of the subject property. Access to the 20 single family homes is provided by a public street built to city standards. The street is in compliance with fire code requirements and will contain a fire hydrant at the end of the cul-de-sac. The Planned Development contains exterior building material requirements of 85% masonry with 15% of a cementitious fiber cement material and allows for garage sizes of 400 sq. ft. The Planned development provides a 40’ landscaped buffer along the street frontage with a 6’ decorative metal fence with masonry columns, with no requirement for fencing along the developed East and west perimeters. All open space lots shall be owned and maintained by the Home Owners Association. In addition, at the request of the P&Z Commission, an HOA maintained 8’ wide sidewalk will be required to connect the subdivision to the open space to the south. This is planned to be along an easement between Lots 9 and 10, according to the zoning exhibit. The properties adjacent to the subject property are generally zoned single family residential. The subject property lies with in the General Urban Sector of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. While the General Urban Sector generally re commends commercial development or mixed-use high density residential, the proposed zoning, being adjacent to existing medium density residential on two sides, may be compatible with the plan. 87 06/08/2021 Item 5. Page 2 of 2 Notifications/Responses: 27 notifications were mailed; with fourteen (14) responses received in opposition and none in favor of the request. The opposition responses generally mentioned increased traffic, privacy issues due to elevation differences, and loss of open space. Should the request be approved, the approval of a preliminary plat is required prior to development. P&Z Commission Discussion After some discussion regarding the existing tree line on the east side of the property and fencing, the Commission voted 6-1 to recommend approval with the condition of a pedestrian trail being constructed between Lots 9 and 10 to connect the subdivision to the Oncor open space. 88 06/08/2021 Item 5. 89 06/08/2021 Item 5. 90 06/08/2021 Item 5. 91 06/08/2021 Item 5. 92 06/08/2021 Item 5. 93 06/08/2021 Item 5. 94 06/08/2021 Item 5. 95 06/08/2021 Item 5. 96 06/08/2021 Item 5. 97 06/08/2021 Item 5. 98 06/08/2021 Item 5. 99 06/08/2021 Item 5. 100 06/08/2021 Item 5. 101 06/08/2021 Item 5. 102 06/08/2021 Item 5. 103 06/08/2021 Item 5. 104 06/08/2021 Item 5. 105 06/08/2021 Item 5. 106 06/08/2021 Item 5. 107 06/08/2021 Item 5. 108 06/08/2021 Item 5. 109 06/08/2021 Item 5. Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Page 1 of 1 Department: Planning Account Code: Prepared By: Jasen Haskins, AICP Subject Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2021-33 for a change of zoning from Commercial Corridor (CC) and Heavy Industrial (HI) to Planned Development (PD-CC-HI), to allow for a warehousing, light industrial and manufacturing use on 225.1 acres, generally located at the northeast corner of State Highway 78 and Spring Creek Parkway. (ZC2021-11). Recommendation Motion to approve Item as presented. Discussion On May 25, 2021 City Council approved a zoning change from Commercial Corridor and Heavy Industrial to Planned Development (PD-CC-HI) for industrial and commercial development on 225.1 acres generally located at the northeast corner of State Highway 78 and Spring Creek Parkway, being zoning case ZC2021-11. Since approval, the applicant has requested a change to the zoning exhibit that combines two buildings (previously buildings 4 and 5) into one larger building (noted as building 2 on the revised exhibit). The net effect is to increase the overall square footage of the buildings by 1,000 s.f., increase the number of trailer stalls by seven, decrease parking by 73 spaces (still meeting the approved PD requirements), decrease overall concrete in that area of the development by 6 percent, and modify the PD language regarding the screening of loading and service areas to include landscape berms (figures 4-5 and 4-7). Final approval of Zoning Case 2021-11 requires an Ordinance to amend the zoning accordingly in the Official Zoning map of the City; and providing a penalty clause, a repeal clause, a savings clause, a severability clause, and an effective date. The subject ordinance allows for the rezoning. Exhibit A (Legal Description), Exhibit B (PD Conditions ), and Exhibit C (Zoning Exhibits) is included and made a part of this Ordinance. The above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. 110 06/08/2021 Item 6. Exhibit C - Zoning Exhibits11106/08/2021 Item 6. Ordinance No. 2021-33 ZC2021-11 Page 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2021-33 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, SO AS TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY, ZONING CASE NUMBER 2021-11, FROM COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR (CC) AND HEAVY INDUSTRIAL (HI) TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (PD-CC-HI), TO ALLOW FOR INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the governing body of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the amendment of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally and to owners of the affected property, the governing body of the City is of the opinion and finds that the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map should be amended; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be, and the same is hereby, amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning classification of Commercial Corridor, said property being described in Exhibit A (Legal Description), hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2: That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3: That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification as described in Exhibit B (PD Conditions) and Exhibit C (Zoning Exhibit). SECTION 4: Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance or the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended hereby, commits an unlawful act and shall be subject to the general penalty provisions of Section 1.5 of the Zoning Ordinance, as the same now exists or is hereafter amended. SECTION 5: Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. 112 06/08/2021 Item 6. Ordinance No. 2021-33 ZC2021-11 Page 2 SECTION 6: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide i n such cases. SECTION 7: The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of this Ordinance, shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to accrue, nor as effecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provisions of any ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this 8th day of June 2021. ________________________________ Matthew Porter, Mayor ATTEST: __________________________ Stephanie Storm, City Secretary DATE OF PUBLICATION: June 16, 2021, in The Wylie News 113 06/08/2021 Item 6. N00° 51' 06"E800.00'L=638.62', R=1550.00' Chord L=634.11' Chord Brg=N10° 56' 26"W' L=21.05', R=1550.00' Chord L=21.05' Chord Brg=N23° 05' 50"W' N75° 49' 1 6 " E 546.28 ' L =8 1 3 .9 9 ',R =8 5 4 4 .3 7 ' C h o r d L =8 1 3 .6 8 ' C h o r d B r g =N 7 8 °3 3 '2 5 "E ' N81° 17' 10"E 741.37 ' N81° 21' 27"E 1794.60 ' S89° 04' 18"E 96.97' N81° 39' 10"E 837.34 ' N03° 27' 00"W 20.52' N81° 21' 27"E 1148.54 'S00° 06' 07"W346.43'N89° 04' 18"W 534.75'S04° 02' 03"E1364.84'S47° 49' 15"W 56.48' S87° 40' 36"W 147.25' N89° 45' 21"W 206.00' N89° 10' 22"W 577.80' L =1 8 3 0 .0 0 ',R =5 6 6 2 .1 2 'C h o r d L =1 8 2 2 .0 5 ' C h o r d B r g =S 8 1 °3 6 '0 9 "W ' N89° 02' 45"W 644.11'N89° 04' 19"W 1549.90' N00° 53' 09"E 4.33' N89° 06' 46"W 82.24' N89° 04' 45"W 281.91'S00° 35' 06"W478.15'Tract 2 W<L,E L2*,ST,CS 3AR. W<L,E, T; S8R9E< E;+,B,T  3agH 1 oI 2 2021.03.15 SCALE 1"=400' N 114 06/08/2021 Item 6. WYLIE LOGISTICS PARK (WYLIE, TX)SURVEY EXHIBIT - Page 2 of 2 22 SCALE   1 TRACT  ALL THAT CERTAI1 LOT, TRACT OR PARCEL O) LA1' SITUATE' I1 THE )RA1CISCO 'E LA PI1A SURVEY, ABSTRACT 1O , I1 COLLI1 COU1TY, TEXAS A1' BEI1G ALL THOSE TRACTS O) LA1' CO1VEYE' TO THE KA1SAS CITY SOUTHER1 RAILWAY CO0PA1Y (KCS) BY I1STRU0E1TS RECOR'E' I1 VOLU0E 2, PAGE 2, VOLU0E 2, PAGE 2, VOLU0E , PAGE 2, 'OCU0E1T 1O , 'OCU0E1T 1O 2, A1' TRACT A A1' TRACT B RECOR'E' I1 'OCU0E1T 1O 2, O) THE O))ICIAL PUBLIC RECOR'S O) COLLI1 COU1TY, TEXAS (OPRCCT), BEI1G 0ORE PARTICULARLY 'ESCRIBE' BY 0ETES A1' BOU1'S AS )OLLOWS BEGI11I1G AT A 2-I1CH IRO1 RO' )OU1' )OR THE SOUTHWEST COR1ER O) LOT , BLOCK A ACCOR'I1G TO THE )I1AL PLAT O) VICTORIA PLACE, RECOR'E' I1 'OCU0E1T 1O 222, O) THE PLAT RECOR'S O) COLLI1 COU1TY, TEXAS (PRCCT) A1' BEI1G THE SOUTHWEST COR1ER O) SAI' KCS TRACT (TRACT A, 'OCU0E1T 1O 2), O) SAI' OPRCCT, ALSO BEI1G AT THE I1TERSECTIO1 O) THE 1ORTH RIGHT-O)-WAY LI1E O) STATE HIGHWAY  (A VARIABLE WI'TH RIGHT-O)-WAY) A1' THE EAST RIGHT-O)-WAY LI1E O) SPRI1G CREEK PARKWAY (A  )OOT WI'E RIGHT-O)-WAY), SAI' POI1T O) BEGI11I1G HAVI1G GRI' COOR'I1ATES O) 1 ,, A1' E 2,, THE1CE 1ƒ  E, 'EPARTI1G SAI' 1ORTH RIGHT-O)-WAY LI1E O) STATE HIGHWAY  A1' WITH SAI' EAST RIGHT-O)-WAY LI1E O) SPRI1G CREEK PARKWAY A1' THE WEST LI1E O) SAI' BLOCK A, A 'ISTA1CE O)  )EET TO A 2-I1CH IRO1 RO' )OU1' )OR THE BEGI11I1G O) A CURVE TO THE LE)T THE1CE, CO1TI1UI1G WITH SAI' EAST RIGHT-O)-WAY LI1E O) SPRI1G CREEK PARKWAY A1' THE WEST LI1E O) SAI' BLOCK A, WITH THE ARC O) SAI' CURVE TO THE LE)T WITH A1 ARC LE1GTH O)  )EET, THROUGH A CE1TRAL A1GLE O) 2ƒ 2, HAVI1G A RA'IUS O) , )EET, A1' WHOSE CHOR' BEARS 1ƒ 2 W A 'ISTA1CE O)  )EET TO A -I1CH IRO1 RO' SET WITH A YELLOW CAP STA0PE' SA0 LLC )OR THE SOUTHWEST COR1ER O) SAI' KCS TRACT (VOLU0E 2, PAGE 2) A1' THE BEGI11I1G O) A CO0POU1' CURVE TO THE LE)T THE1CE, CO1TI1UI1G WITH SAI' EAST RIGHT-O)-WAY LI1E O) SPRI1G CREEK PARKWAY A1' THE WEST LI1E O) SAI' KCS TRACT (VOLU0E 2, PAGE 2), A1' WITH THE ARC O) SAI' CURVE TO THE LE)T, WITH A1 ARC LE1GTH O) 2 )EET, THROUGH A CE1TRAL A1GLE O) ƒ , HAVI1G A RA'IUS O) , )EET, A1' WHOSE CHOR' BEARS 12ƒ W A 'ISTA1CE O) 2 )EET TO A -I1CH IRO1 RO' SET WITH A YELLOW CAP STA0PE' SA0 LLC )OR THE 1ORTHWEST COR1ER O) SAI' KCS TRACT (VOLU0E 2, PAGE 2) ALSO BEI1G O1 THE SOUTH RIGHT-O)-WAY LI1E O) THE KCS RAILROA' (A VARIABLE WI'TH RAILROA' WI'E RIGHT-O)-WAY) RECOR'E' I1 'OCU0E1T 1O 22 O) SAI' OPRCCT THE1CE 1ƒ  E, 'EPARTI1G SAI' EAST RIGHT-O)-WAY LI1E O) SPRI1G CREEK PARKWAY WITH THE 1ORTH LI1E O) SAI' KCS TRACT (VOLU0E 2, PAGE 2) A1' SAI' SOUTH RIGHT-O)-WAY LI1E O) KCS RAILROA', PASSI1G A CALCULATE' POI1T )OR THE 1ORTHEAST COR1ER O) SAI' KCS TRACT (VOLU0E 2, PAGE 2) A1' THE 1ORTHWEST COR1ER O) SAI' KCS TRACT (VOLU0E , PAGE 2) AT A 'ISTA1CE O) 2 )EET, CO1TI1UI1G WITH SAI' SOUTH RIGHT-O)-WAY LI1E O) KCS RAILROA' A1' THE 1ORTH LI1E O) SAI' KCS TRACT (VOLU0E , PAGE 2), A TOTAL 'ISTA1CE O) 2 )EET TO A -I1CH IRO1 RO' SET WITH A YELLOW CAP STA0PE' SA0 LLC )OR THE BEGI11I1G O) A CURVE TO THE RIGHT THE1CE, CO1TI1UI1G WITH SAI' SOUTH RIGHT-O)-WAY LI1E O) KCS RAILROA' A1' THE 1ORTH LI1E O) SAI' KCS TRACT (VOLU0E , PAGE 2) A1' WITH THE ARC O) SAI' CURVE TO THE RIGHT, WITH A1 ARC LE1GTH O)  )EET, THROUGH A CE1TRAL A1GLE O) ƒ2  HAVI1G A RA'IUS O) , )EET, A1' WHOSE CHOR' BEARS 1ƒ 2E A 'ISTA1CE O)  )EET TO A 2-IRO1 RO' )OU1' )OR THE E1' O) SAI' CURVE THE1CE, 1ƒ E, CO1TI1UI1G WITH SAI' SOUTH RIGHT-O)-WAY LI1E O) KCS RAILROA' A1' THE 1ORTH LI1E O) SAI' KCS TRACT (VOLU0E , PAGE 2), A 'ISTA1CE O)  )EET TO A 2-I1CH IRO1 RO' )OU1' )OR THE 1ORTHWEST COR1ER O) SAI' KCS TRACT (VOLU0E 2, PAGE 2) THE1CE 1ƒ2 2E, CO1TI1UI1G WITH SAI' SOUTH RIGHT-O)-WAY LI1E O) KCS RAILROA' A1' THE 1ORTH LI1E O) SAI' KCS TRACT (VOLU0E 2, PAGE 2) A 'ISTA1CE O) , )EET TO A -I1CH IRO1 RO' )OU1' WITH A YELLOW CAP STA0PE' SA0 LLC )OU1' )OR A1 A1GLE POI1T THE1CE Sƒ E, CO1TI1UI1G WITH SAI' SOUTH RIGHT-O)-WAY LI1E O) KCS RAILROA' A1' THE 1ORTH LI1E O) SAI' KCS TRACT (VOLU0E 2, PAGE 2), A 'ISTA1CE O)  )EET TO A -I1CH IRO1 RO' )OU1' WITH A YELLOW CAP STA0PE' SA0 LLC )OR THE WEST COR1ER O) SAI' KCS TRACT ('OCU0E1T 1O ) THE1CE 1ƒ E, CO1TI1UI1G WITH SAI' SOUTH RIGHT-O)-WAY LI1E O) KCS RAILROA' A1' THE 1ORTH LI1E O) SAI' KCS TRACT ('OCU0E1T 1O ), A 'ISTA1CE O)  )EET TO A -I1CH IRO1 RO' SET WITH A YELLOW CAP STA0PE' SA0 LLC )OR COR1ER THE1CE 1ƒ2 W, CO1TI1UI1G WITH SAI' SOUTH RIGHT-O)-WAY LI1E O) KCS RAILROA' A1' THE 1ORTH LI1E O) SAI' KCS TRACT ('OCU0E1T 1O ) A 'ISTA1CE O) 22 )EET TO A -I1CH IRO1 RO' SET WITH A YELLOW CAP STA0PE' SA0 LLC )OR COR1ER THE1CE 1ƒ2 2E, CO1TI1UI1G WITH SAI' SOUTH RIGHT-O)-WAY LI1E O) KCS RAILROA' A1' THE 1ORTH LI1E O) SAI' KCS TRACT ('OCU0E1T 1O ), A 'ISTA1CE O) , )EET TO A -I1CH IRO1 RO' )OU1' WITH A YELLOW CAP STA0PE' SA0 LLC )OR THE 1ORTHEAST COR1ER O) SAI' KCS TRACT ('OCU0E1T 1O ) ALSO BEI1G I1 THE WEST RIGHT-O)-WAY LI1E O) COU1TY ROA'  (A VARIABLE WI'TH RIGHT-O)-WAY) THE1CE Sƒ W, WITH SAI' WEST RIGHT-O)-WAY LI1E O) SAI' COU1TY ROA' A1' THE EAST LI1E O) SAI' KCS TRACT ('OCU0E1T 1O ) A 'ISTA1CE O)  )EET TO A -I1CH IRO1 RO' SET WITH A YELLOW CAP STA0PE' SA0 LLC )OR THE SOUTHEAST COR1ER O) SAI' KCS TRACT ('OCU0E1T 1O ) ALSO BEI1G THE 1ORTHEAST COR1ER O) A TRACT O) LA1' 'ESCRIBE' I1 THE A))I'AVIT O) HEIRSHIP WITH CORROBORATI1G A))I'AVITS O) THE -A0ES C 'ORIS HARRIS ESTATE, RECOR'E' I1 'OCU0E1T 1O 2222 O) SAI' OPRCCT THE1CE 1ƒ W, 'EPARTI1G SAI' WEST RIGHT-O)-WAY LI1E O) COU1TY ROA' , WITH THE SOUTH LI1E O) SAI' KCS TRACT 'OCU0E1T 1O ) A1' THE 1ORTH LI1E O) SAI' HARRIS TRACT, PASSI1G THE 1ORTHWEST COR1ER O) SAI' HARRIS TRACT A1' THE 1ORTHEAST COR1ER O) A TRACT O) LA1'E' 'ESCRIBE' I1 THE GE1ERAL WARRA1TY 'EE' WITH VE1'OR S LIE1 TO WPA 0I1ISTRIES, RECOR'E' I1 2 O) SAI' OPRCC T, AT A 'ISTA1CE O) 2 )EET, A1' CO1TI1UI1G WITH THE SOUTH LI1E O) SAI' KCS TRACT ('OCU0E1T 1O ) A1' THE 1ORTH LI1E O) SAI' WPA 0I1ISTRIES TRACT, A TOTAL 'ISTA1CE O)  )EET TO A -I1CH IRO1 PIPE )OU1' )OR THE 1ORTH WEST COR1ER O) SAI' WPA 0I1ISTRIES TRACT THE1CE Sƒ2 E, WITH THE WEST LI1E O) SAI' WPA 0I1ISTRIES TRACT A1' THE EAST LI1E O) SAI' KCS TRACT (VOLU0E , PAGE 2), A 'ISTA1CE O) , )EET TO A -I1CH IRO1 RO' )OU1' WITH A YELLOW CAP STA0PE' SA0 LLC I1 THE 1ORTHWESTERLY RIGHT-O)-WAY LI1E O) COU1TY ROA'  (A1 APPARE1T  WI'E RIGHT-O)-WAY) )OR THE SOUTHWEST COR1ER O) SAI' WPA 0I1ISTRIES TRACT THE1CE Sƒ W, CO1TI1UI1G WITH THE SAI' 1ORTHWESTERLY RIGHT-O)-WAY LI1E O) COU1TY ROA'  A1' THE SOUTH LI1E O) SAI' KCS TRACT (VOLU0E , PAGE 2), A 'ISTA1CE O)  )EET TO A -I1CH IRO1 RO' )OU1' WITH A YELLOW CAP STA0PE' SA0 LLC )OR THE EAST COR1ER O) A TRACT O) LA1' 'ESCRIBE' I1 THE WARRA1TY 'EE' WITH VE1'OR S LIE1 TO KEVI1 R ALESA WALLACE, RECOR'E' I1 VOLU0E , PAGE  O) SAI' OPRCCT THE1CE Sƒ W, CO1TI1UI1G WITH THE 1ORTH LI1E O) SAI' WALLACE TRACT A1' THE SOUTH LI1E O) SAI' KCS TRACT (VOLU0E , PAGE 2) A 'ISTA1CE O) 2 )EET TO A -I1CH IRO1 RO' )OU1' WITH A YELLOW CAP STA0PE' SA0 LLC )OR COR1ER THE1CE 1ƒ 2 W CO1TI1UI1G WITH THE 1ORTH LI1E O) SAI' WALLACE TRACT A1' THE SOUTH LI1E O) SAI' KCS TRACT (VOLU0E  PAGE 2), A 'ISTA1CE O) 2 )EET TO A -I1CH IRO1 RO' )OU1' WITH YELLOW CAP STA0PE' SA0 LLC )OR COR1ER THE1CE 1ƒ 22W, CO1TI1UI1G WITH THE 1ORTH LI1E O) SAI' WALLACE TRACT A1' THE SOUTH LI1E O) SAI' KCS TRACT (VOLU0E , PAGE 2), PASSI1G THE 1ORTHWEST COR1ER O) SAI' WALLACE TRACT A1' THE 1ORTHEAST COR1ER O) A TRACT O) LA1' 'ESCRIBE' I1 THE WARRA1TY 'EE' WITH VE1'OR S LIE1 TO KEVI1 R ALESA WALLACE, RECOR'E' I1 'OCU0E1T 1O 22 O) SAI' OPRCCT AT A 'ISTA1CE O) 2 )EET A1' CO1TI1UI1G WITH THE 1ORTH LI1E O) SAI' WALLACE TRACT ('OC 1O 22) A1' THE SOUTH LI1E O) SAI' KCS TRACT (VOLU0E , PAGE 2) PASSI1G THE 1ORTH WEST COR1ER O) SAI' WALLACE TRACT ('OC 1O 22) A1' THE 1ORTHEAST COR1ER O) A TRACT O) LA1' 'ESCRIBE' I1 THE A))I'AVIT O) )ACTS CO1CER1I1G THE I'E1TITY O) HEIRS TO ALTO1 WAY1E HE1SLEY -R, A0A1'A B WILLIA0S, ERIC E 0O1AGHE1, LISA ' BEATY A1' CASA1'RA ' CHRISTOPHER BY I1STRU0E1T RECOR'E' I1 'OCU0E1T 1O 22 O) SAI' OPRCCT AT A 'ISTA1CE O)  )EET A1' CO1TI1UI1G WITH THE 1ORTH LI1E O) SAI' HE1SLEY -R TRACT A1' THE SOUTH LI1E O) SAI' KCS TRACT (VOLU0E , PAGE 2) PASSI1G THE 1ORTHWEST COR1ER O) SAI' HE1SLEY -R TRACT A1' THE 1ORTHEAST COR1ER O) A TRACT O) LA1' 'ESCRIBE' I1 THE GE1ERAL WARRA1TY 'EE' TO -ERRY LY11 HE1SLEY BY I1STRU0E1T RECOR'E' I1 VOLU0E 2, PAGE  O) SAI' OPRCCT AT A 'ISTA1CE O) 2 )EET A1' CO1TI1UI1G WITH THE SOUTH LI1E O) SAI' KCS TRACT (VOLU0E , PAGE 2) A1' THE 1ORTH LI1E O) SAI' -ERRY LY11 HE1SLEY TRACT, A TOTAL 'ISTA1CE O)  )EET TO A -I1CH IRO1 RO' )OU1' WITH A RE' CAP STA0PE' B0I )OR THE 1ORTHWEST COR1ER O) SAI' -ERRY LY11 HE1SLEY TRACT THE1CE Sƒ W, WITH THE WEST LI1E O) SAI' -ERRY LY11 HE1SLEY TRACT A1' THE EAST LI1E O) SAI' KCS TRACT (VOLU0E , PAGE 2), A 'ISTA1CE O) 22 )EET TO A -I1CH IRO1 RO' )OU1' WITH A YELLOW CAP STA0PE' SA0 LLC )OR THE 1ORTHEAST COR1ER O) A TRACT O) LA1' 'ESCRIBE' I1 THE SPECIAL WARRA1TY 'EE' TO WILEY E1TERPRISES, I1C BY I1STRU0E1T RECOR'E' I1 'OCU0E1T 1O , SAI' OPRCCT THE1CE S ƒ 2 W, WITH THE 1ORTH LI1E O) SAI' WILEY E1TERPRISES, I1C TRACT A1' THE SOUTH LI1E O) SAI' KCS TRACT (VOLU0E , PAGE 2), A 'ISTA1CE O) 2 )EET TO A -I1CH IRO1 RO' )OU1' WITH A YELLOW CAP STA0PE' SA0 LLC )OR THE 1ORTHWEST COR1ER O) SAI' WILY E1TERPRISES, I1C TRACT THE1CE S    W, WITH THE WEST LI1E O) SAI' WILEY E1TERPRISES, I1C TRACT A1' THE EAST LI1E O) SAI' KCS TRACT (VOLU0E , PAGE 2) A 'ISTA1CE O)  )EET TO A -I1CH IRO1 RO' SET WITH A YELLOW CAP STA0PE' SA0 LLC I1 THE 1ORTH LI1E O) SAI' STATE HIGHWAY  RIGHT-O)-WAY )OR THE SOUTHWEST COR1ER O) SAI' WILEY E1TERPRISES TRACT, A1' THE BEGI11I1G O) A CURVE TO THE RIGHT THE1CE WITH THE 1ORTH RIGHT-O)-WAY LI1E O) SAI' STATE HIGHWAY  A1' THE SOUTH LI1E O) SAI' KCS TRACT (VOLU0E , PAGE 2) A1' WITH THE ARC O) SAI' CURVE TO THE RIGHT, WITH A1 ARC LE1GTH O) ,2 )EET, THROUGH A CE1TRAL A1GLE O) ƒ2 , HAVI1G A RA'IUS O) ,22 )EET, A1' WHOSE CHOR' BEARS S 2ƒ  W, A 'ISTA1CE O) , )EET TO A -I1CH IRO1 RO' )OU1' )OR COR1ER THE1CE 1  2  W, CO1TI1UI1G WITH THE 1ORTH RIGHT-O)-WAY LI1E O) SAI' STATE HIGHWAY  A1' THE SOUTH LI1E O) SAI' KCS TRACT (VOLU0E , PAGE 2), A 'ISTA1CE O)  )EET TO A -I1CH IRO1 RO' SET WITH A YELLOW CAP STA0PE' SA0 LLC )OR COR1ER THE1CE 1 ƒ  E, CO1TI1UI1G WITH THE 1ORTH RIGHT-O)-WAY LI1E O) SAI' STATE HIGHWAY  A1' THE SOUTH LI1E O) SAI' KCS TRACT (VOLU0E , PAGE 2) A 'ISTA1CE O)  )EET TO A -I1CH IRO1 RO' SET WITH A YELLOW CAP STA0PE' SA0 LLC )OR COR1ER THE1CE 1 ƒ  W, CO1TI1UI1G WITH THE 1ORTH RIGHT-O)-WAY LI1E O) SAI' STATE HIGHWAY  A1' THE SOUTH LI1E O) SAI' KCS TRACT (VOLU0E , PAGE 2) A 'ISTA1CE O) , )EET TO A -I1CH IRO1 RO' )OU1' )OR THE SOUTHWEST COR1ER O) SAI' KCS TRACT (VOLU0E , PAGE 2) A1' THE SOUTHEAST COR1ER O) LOT , BLOCK A O) SAI' VICTORIA PLACE, A1' BEI1G THE SOUTHEAST COR1ER O) SAI' KCS TRACT (TRACT A, 'OCU0E1T 1O 2) O) SAI' OPRCCT THE1CE 1 ƒ  W, CO1TI1UI1G WITH THE 1ORTH RIGHT-O)-WAY LI1E O) SAI' STATE HIGHWAY  A1' THE SOUTH LI1E O) SAI' KCS TRACT (TRACT A 'OCU0E1T 1O 2) A1' SAI' LOT , A 'ISTA1CE O) 2 )EET TO A -I1CH IRO1 RO' SET WITH A YELLOW CAP STA0PE' SA0 LLC )OR COR1ER THE1CE 1 ƒ  W, CO1TI1UI1G WITH THE 1ORTH RIGHT-O)-WAY LI1E O) SAI' STATE HIGHWAY  A1' THE SOUTH LI1E O) SAI' KCS TRACT (TRACT A, 'OCU0E1T 1O 2) A1' SAI' LOT , A 'ISTA1CE O) 22 )EET TO THE POI1T O) BEGI11I1G A1' CO1TAI1I1G 222 ACRES O) LA1', 0ORE OR LESS TRACT 2 BeLQg a WUaFW of OaQG VLWXaWeG IQ WKe )UaQFLVFo 'e La PLQa SXUYe\, AEVWUaFW 1o , CoOOLQ CoXQW\, Te[aV, VaPe EeLQg a SoUWLoQ of WKaW WUaFW of OaQG FoQYe\eG Wo WLOe\ EQWeUSULVeV, IQF, a Te[aV FoUSoUaWLoQ, E\ GeeG UeFoUGeG LQ COeUN V )LOe 1o -, OffLFLaO PXEOLF ReFoUGV, CoOOLQ CoXQW\, Te[aV, aQG EeLQg PoUe SaUWLFXOaUO\ GeVFULEeG E\ PeWeV aQG EoXQGV aV foOOoZV BEGI11I1G aW a  LQFK IUoQ UoG foXQG foU FoUQeU, VaLG FoUQeU EeLQg WKe SoXWKZeVW FoUQeU of WKaW WUaFW of OaQG FoQYe\eG Wo -eUU\ L\QQ HeQVOe\ aQG ZLfe, GO\QGa HeQVOe\, E\ GeeG UeFoUGeG LQ BooN 2, Page , 'eeG ReFoUGV, CoOOLQ CoXQW\, Te[aV, aQG EeLQg aOoQg WKe 1oUWK OLQe of SWaWe HLgKZa\  (YaULaEOe ZLGWK ULgKW-of-Za\), aQG EeLQg aOoQg a FXUYe Wo WKe ULgKW, a UaGLXV of 22 feeW, a GeOWa aQgOe of 2 GegUeeV  PLQXWeV  VeFoQGV, aQG a FKoUG EeaULQg aQG GLVWaQFe of SoXWK  GegUeeV 2 PLQXWeV  VeFoQGV WeVW, 2 feeW THE1CE aOoQg VaLG FXUYe Wo WKe ULgKW, aOoQg VaLG 1oUWK OLQe of SWaWe HLgKZa\ , aQ aUF OeQgWK of 22 feeW Wo a  LQFK LUoQ UoG foXQG foU FoUQeU THE1CE 1oUWK  GegUeeV 2 PLQXWeV  VeFoQGV EaVW, a GLVWaQFe of 2 feeW Wo a  LQFK LUoQ UoG foXQG foU FoUQeU THE1CE 1oUWK  GegUeeV  PLQXWeV 2 VeFoQGV EaVW, a GLVWaQFe of 2 feeW Wo a  LQFK LUoQ UoG foXQG foU FoUQeU, VaLG FoUQeU EeLQg aOoQg WKe WeVW OLQe of VaLG HeQVOe\ WUaFW THE1CE SoXWK  GegUeeV  PLQXWeV 2 VeFoQGV WeVW, aOoQg WKe WeVW OLQe of VaLG HeQVOe\ WUaFW, a GLVWaQFe of  feeW Wo WKe POI1T O) BEGI11I1G aQG FoQWaLQLQg , VTXaUe feeW oU  aFUeV of OaQG 115 06/08/2021 Item 6. EXHIBIT ''B'' CONDITIONS FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENT 2021-11-CC-HI I. PURPOSE: This Planned Development District shall be established to provide warehousing, light industrial and manufacturing uses to support the Kansas City Southern Intermodal facility as well as to support economic growth within the region. II. GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. This Planned Development District shall not affect any regulations within the Code of Ordinances, except as specifically provided herein. 2. All regulations of the Commercial Corridor District (CC) set forth in Article 4, Section 4.1, and Heavy Industrial District set forth in Article 4, Section 4.2 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (adopted as of March 2021) are hereby replaced with the following: Figure 4-5 – Commercial Industrial (CI) Height Height of Main Structure (feet) 75 Number of Stories 4 Residential Proximity 2: 1 slope from residential lot line Building Placement and Coverage Front Yard Setback (feet) 50 Side Yard Setback (feet) 25 Rear Yard Setback (feet) 25 Building Coverage 50 % Buffering and Screening Service and Loading Areas Shall be individually screened from view from a public street. Screening will be achieved by a combination of landscaping, wing walls, berms and building orientation as illustrated on the zoning exhibits. 116 06/08/2021 Item 6. III. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1. The following uses as defined in the March 2021 Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance shall be expressly permitted on the subject property: a. Industrial (Inside) b. Light Assembly & Fabrication c. Warehouse/Distribution Center 2. The following uses as defined in the March 2021 Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance shall only be permitted by a separate Specific Use Permit on the subject property: a. Financial Institution with or without drive thru b. Motor Vehicle Fueling Station c. Automobile Repair, Minor d. Food Processing e. Outside Storage as a primary use f. Industrial (Outside) g. Truck Machinery & Heavy Equipment Sales, Service or Repair h. Any Use that may fit the purposes of Section I subject to City Approval 3. All other uses shall be prohibited on the subject property: 4. The subject property shall be in conformance with all regulations of the Commercial Corridor Zoning District set forth in, Section 4.3, and Section 5.2 of the current Zoning Ordinance in every respect with exception to the uses indicated in Section III.1, III.2, and III.3 above. 5. Design criteria shall be in conformance with Commercial Corridor Architectural Design Requirements of the March 2021 zoning ordinance. 6. All fixed lighting, interior and exterior shall be Light Emitting Diode (LED). 7. Prior to development, approved plats and site plans shall be required and shall include any and all accessory outside storage areas. 8. All regulations of Section 4.3 (Design Standards), Figures 4-7, 4-8, and 4-9 and their associated definitions set forth in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (adopted as of March 2021) are hereby replaced with the following: 117 06/08/2021 Item 6. Figure 4-7 Site Design Requirements ELEMENT BASE STANDARD (All Development Must Comply Fully with All Listed Below) Building Placement 1. Entrances and/or facades oriented to the street Parking Placement 1. Parking spaces at least 10’ from residential lot line. 2. Pedestrian parking ratio of 1 per 2,000 GFA (gross floor area.) Access Drives 1. Minimum width drive of 24’, turning radius of 25’ 2. Access drive at least 150’ from intersection 3. Landscaped treatments of entrances Location of Service and Loading Areas 1. Shall be individually screened from view from a public street. Screening will be achieved by a combination of landscaping, berms, wing walls and building orientation as illustrated on the zoning exhibits. Figure 4-8 Landscaping Design Requirements 118 06/08/2021 Item 6. ELEMENT BASE STANDARD (All Development Must Comply Fully with All Listed Below) Site wide landscaping 1. All landscape plantings excepting those immediately adjacent to structures shall be native to Texas and drought resistant species to the extent possible. Landscaping in Required Yard 1. At least 10% of site shall be landscaped 2. Landscaping is required in the front yard. 3. Landscaping is required in side and rear yards adjacent to, or across the street from residential. Landscaping of Parking Lots 1. Site plans requiring more than 12 spaces required to have 50 sq.ft. of landscaping per space. 2. No parking space further than 60’ from landscaped area on site. 3. Parking rows 20 spaces or longer shall have landscaped island at the end. 4. All parking rows shall have landscaped areas at least every 20 spaces. Visual Screening 1. Required screening in strip at least 5’ wide, plants 3’ in height when planted, included one flowering tree every 50 linear feet of area. This requirement will apply only to loading areas within the development. Landscaping of Street Frontages 1. At least 50% of required front yard developed as landscaped buffer, at least 10’ in width. 2. Trees required in buffer, in groves or belts on 30-40’ spacing. 3. Required trees at least 3” in caliper. 4. At least 5’ concrete walkway on perimeter when adjacent to thoroughfare. 119 06/08/2021 Item 6. Figure 4-9 Architectural Design Requirements ELEMENT BASE STANDARD (All Development Must Comply Fully with All Listed Below) Building Materials 1. Allowed uses from Section III.2 shall have buildings constructed of masonry product with at least 20% stone on front façade. Tilt wall construction shall be permissible for all other uses. 2. Roofs with pitch greater than 2:12 use specified roofing materials. 3. Buildings shall provide consistent architectural styles and details, design themes, building materials, and colors throughout the development. Building Articulation, Form and Massing 1. Walls not to exceed a height width ratio of 1 to 2 with variation in massing of facade. At least 20% of facade offset at least 4’. 2. Entrances must be emphasized with architectural elements. 3. Ground floor facades require specified features along 60% of length. 120 06/08/2021 Item 6. 12106/08/2021 Item 6. 12206/08/2021 Item 6. 12306/08/2021 Item 6. Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Page 1 of 1 Department: Public Works Account Code: Prepared By: Tim Porter Subject Public Works Department Presentation. Recommendation Discussion Please see attached presentation. 124 06/08/2021 Item WS1. PUBLIC WORKS Department Presentation June 8, 2021 125 06/08/2021 Item WS1. 4 DIVISIONS: Utility Administration / Engineering Streets Division Fleet Services Water Utilities Wastewater Utilities 126 06/08/2021 Item WS1. UTILITY ADMINISTRATION Admin / Engineering / Construction Inspection 127 06/08/2021 Item WS1. UTILITY ADMINISTRATION - ENGINEERING Responsibilities: ●Review plans. ●Inspect development and CIP projects. ●Review flood studies ●Coordinate with TxDOT, NTMWD, NCTCOG, Dallas & Collin Counties. ●Right-of-Way permitting. 128 06/08/2021 Item WS1. UTILITY ADMINISTRATION Capital Projects Completed: ●Nortex 1MG Storage Tank ●Public Safety Building ●Wylie WWTP Decommissioning (Clear Site) 129 06/08/2021 Item WS1. UTILITY ADMINISTRATION Capital Projects In-Progress: ●Stone Road (FM 544) Phase 3 ●McMillen Road ●Eubanks Lane ●Ballard Elevated Storage Tank ●Park Blvd (Collin County) ●Muddy Creek WW Treatment Plant (NTMWD) ●FM 2514 (TxDOT) ●Pump Station Backup Generators ●Parker Road Waterline Relocation ●Rowlett Dam #4 Slope Improvements ●FM 544 & Hwy 78 Intersection Improvements ●Country Club & FM 544 Intersection Improvements (TxDOT) 130 06/08/2021 Item WS1. UTILITY ADMINISTRATION ●Redwood by the Lake ●Savannah Wylie ●Seventy8 and Westgate ●Stone Circle Townhomes ●Stone Ranch Phase 2 ●Valvoline ●Whataburger ●WISD Paving Improvements ●Woodbridge Center Lot 5 ●Wylie Auto and Tire ●Wylie Self-Storage Development Projects: ●Birmingham Bluffs Phase 2 ●Brookside Estates ●Collin College ●CVS ●Dominion of Pleasant Valley Ph 3 ●Emerald Vista ●Goddard School ●Lake Park Villas ●Malik Paza ●NTMWD Operations Building 131 06/08/2021 Item WS1. STREETS Streets / Stormwater / Traffic 132 06/08/2021 Item WS1. STREETS - PAVING No. of Streets Department Employees 20 Includes Superintendent, Crew Leaders & Support Staff. Miles of Streets in the City of Wylie 250 Equals the distance from Wylie to Little Rock. Miles of Alley Pavement in the City of Wylie 43 1,100 sy of alley concrete replaced total. No. of Sidewalk Repairs Performed in FY2021 62 Currently over 9 month wait for new requests. No. of Potholes Patched in FY2021 173 Increases each year due to aging concrete. 133 06/08/2021 Item WS1. STORMWATER / TRAFFIC / FLEET Estimated Miles of Stormwater Pipe the City Maintains 124 Estimated 3,900 inlets and 530 manholes throughout the City. Miles of Creeks and Drainageways within the City 66 Includes floodplain areas throughout the City. No. of Signals the City Currently Maintains 10 City also maintains 107 school zone flashers. No. of Signals that TxDOT will release to Wylie in 2021 (Est.) 16 TxDOT waiting on establishment of the new census. No. of Vehicles the Fleet Department Maintains 128 Incl. Police, PWs, Parks, Code and Inspections. 134 06/08/2021 Item WS1. STREETS - PAVING DIVISION Responsibilities: ●Street / Alley pavement repair and replacement ●Potholes and crack sealing ●Sidewalk repair and replacement ●Sod restoration, tree trimming, and debris removal ●Road closures, event preparation and emergency response 135 06/08/2021 Item WS1. STREETS - STORMWATER DIVISION Responsibilities: ●Respond to customer issues with drainage ●Channel cleanup, graffiti removal ●Drainage repair ●Road closures due to flooding ●SWPPP Inspections, TPDES report, illicit discharge response ●Mosquito treatment 136 06/08/2021 Item WS1. STREETS - TRAFFIC DIVISION Responsibilities: ●Sign/signal inspections ●Striping (Birmingham, McMillen, intersections) ●Signal repair ●Signage replacement ●Buttons and crosswalk signage ●School zone signage 137 06/08/2021 Item WS1. FLEET Responsibilities: ●Service fleet, including PD vehicles ●Service equipment ●Repair and replace items on all units ●Process new vehicle delivery, and prepare for use by staff ●Process retired vehicles and get them ready for auction 138 06/08/2021 Item WS1. UTILITIES Water / Water Quality / Wastewater 139 06/08/2021 Item WS1. WATER No. of Water Department Employees 19 Includes Water Quality, Crew Leaders & Support Staff. Approximate Miles of Water Main in the City of Wylie 196 Wylie system has approx. 1,908 fire hydrants. Approx. No. of Meters in the City of Wylie 13k Includes residential and commercial meters. No. of Elevated Storage Tanks in the City of Wylie 3 14 pumps supply water from 3 pump stations. No. of Water Samples Taken by City Staff FY2021 2,870 Chlorine residual, bacteriological, nitrification, lead/copper & trihalomethane. 140 06/08/2021 Item WS1. WASTEWATER No. of Wastewater Department Employees 12 Crew Leader, Equipment Operators, and Maintenance Workers. Miles of Gravity and Pressure Sewer Main in the City 229 Equals the distance from Wylie to Tulsa, OK. No. of Sewer Manholes in the City of Wylie 3,871 Most concrete, but some older manholes are still made of brick. No. of Sewer Lift Stations in the City of Wylie 10 Each station has multiple pumps providing both capacity and redundancy. No. of Grease Trap Inspections performed FY2021 75 Inspections help maintain integrity by preventing grease build-up. 141 06/08/2021 Item WS1. WATER Responsibilities: ●Water main and service repair ●Valve/hydrant maintenance and repair ●Curb stop replacement ●Restoration, incl. sidewalk replacement and sod ●Service turn-on/turn-off ●Assist with monthly meter reads, 2nd Street Waterline Project 142 06/08/2021 Item WS1. WATER QUALITY Responsibilities: ●BAC-T, NAP, UCMR samples ●Water audit/loss reporting ●Disinfectant Level Quarterly Operating Report (DLQOR) ●Line flushing, flow tests ●Backflow program ●Testing and repairing hydrants, hydrant meter program ●Coordinate tank/tower cleaning and pump/motor inspections ●Manage SCADA system ●Utility line locates ●Customer Service Inspections (CSI) 143 06/08/2021 Item WS1. WASTEWATER Responsibilities: ●Citywide inflow/infiltration sewer repairs, repair services ●Sewer blockage clears, camera inspections, main line cleaning, grease trap inspections ●Restoration incl. sidewalk/sod ●Station maintenance and repair ●Assisted with monthly meter reads 144 06/08/2021 Item WS1. Thank You!145 06/08/2021 Item WS1. Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Page 1 of 1 Department: Planning Account Code: Prepared By: Jasen Haskins, AICP Subject Discuss the Comprehensive Master Plan Advisory Committee and preliminary schedule for the Plan. Recommendation Direction on CPAC composition. Discussion Staff has requested a work session to get direction from Council regarding the composition of the proposed Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee (CPAC) and inform Council of the general schedule for the completion of the Plan. A brief presentation has been attached to facilitate the discussion. 146 06/08/2021 Item WS2. Comprehensive Master Plan 147 06/08/2021 Item WS2. Comprehensive Master Plan Schedule May 2021 - Comp Plan contract completed with Freese and Nichols June 2021 - Staff kick off meeting / Council Work Session July 2021 - Comp Plan Advisory Committee appointed - 1st meeting with CPAC - 1st Community Open House August 2021 - 1st CPAC/Council joint work session Sept/Nov 2021- CPAC meetings Dec 2021 - 2nd Community Open House Jan/Feb 2022 - CPAC meetings March 2022 - 2nd CPAC / Council joint work session April 2022 - Public Hearings May 2022 - Adoption 148 06/08/2021 Item WS2. Comprehensive Master Plan Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee (CPAC) -13 members -Seven Council direct appointees (one each) -Six representative appointees -Local organizations identified by Council -The organization members pick a representative -Political Subdivisions, Business Organizations, Advocacy/Non-profits, Boards and Commissions 149 06/08/2021 Item WS2. Planning Staff Planning Manager -jasen.haskins@wylietexas.gov -972-516-6324 Senior Planner -kevin.molina@wylietexas.gov -972-516-6323 Administrative Assistant -mary.bradley@wylietexas.gov -972-516-6320 150 06/08/2021 Item WS2. Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Page 1 of 1 Department: City Manager Account Code: Prepared By: Chris Holsted Subject FY 2021-2022 General Fund Budget Work Session. Recommendation Discussion 151 06/08/2021 Item WS3. Budget Work Session Fiscal Year 2021-2022 June 08, 2021 152 06/08/2021 Item WS3. General Fund Summary 2 Projected 09/30/2021 Audited General Fund Unassigned Beginning Fund Balance 09/30/2020 21,914,771 Projected '21 Revenues 46,736,620 CARES Funds (applied toward Public Safety personnel expenses)2,914,422 Available Funds 49,651,042 Projected '21 Expenditures (46,244,939) Projected Ending Fund Balance 09/30/2021 (55%of expenditures)25,320,874 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance - 10/01/2021 25,320,874 Proposed Revenues 48,289,668 Proposed Base Expenditures (43,725,452) Recommend Requests (2,154,971) (45,880,423) Excess Revenues over Expenses 2,409,245 153 06/08/2021 Item WS3. General Fund FY 2022 Budget Projections 3 * No New Revenue Tax Rate projected to be $.02 lower than existing tax rate Projected Revenues (No New Revenue Tax Rate*)48,289,668 Personnel Expense 29,523,660 1.4% Growth Operating Expense 14,201,792 -0.5% Growth Base Budget 43,725,452 .76% Growth Personnel Requests 1,532,689 Other 622,282 2,154,971 Total Expenditures 45,880,423 Revenue less Expenditures 2,409,245 154 06/08/2021 Item WS3. Recommended Uses of Excess Revenues over Expenditures FY 2021-2022 Budget 4 Recurring Health Insurance (5% Increase)165,000 GF Step/Merit (2% Increase)207,000 Market Adjustment 1,000,000 approximate 1,372,000 One Time Tech Upgrades for Council Chambers 150,000 Ambulance Replacement 350,000 2 Additional Tahoe Replacements (PD)138,000 Tennis Court Lighting - Partnership with WISD 150,000 Security for Parks Maintenance Facility 30,000 818,000 Total 2,190,000 155 06/08/2021 Item WS3. Rating Agency Comments Credit Strengths: History of positive financial performance; strong reserves relative to budget. Wylie’s budgetary flexibility is very strong with an available fund balance in unaudited fiscal year 2020 of 51% of operating expenditures. We expect the available fund balance to remain above 30% of expenditures for the current and next fiscal years, which we view as a positive credit factor. Factor that could lead to an upgrade: Continued trend of surplus financial operations, leading to stronger reserves relative to budget Factor that could lead to a downgrade: Trend of operating deficits, leading to a material reduction in financial reserves. 5 156 06/08/2021 Item WS3. Next Steps 6 June 15 Detailed Budget Books to Council June 22 Utility Fund and 4B Fund work session July 13 Work session to discuss departmental requests in each fund. July 27 Continued discussion of departmental requests July 27 Approve water and sewer rates (effective October 1, 2021) August 5 Proposed budget available to the public 157 06/08/2021 Item WS3.