07-13-2021 (City Council) Agenda Packet Wylie City Council Regular Meeting July 13, 2021 —6:00 PM Council Chambers -300 Country Club Road,Building#100,Wylie, Texas 75098 CITY CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION&PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATIONS &RECOGNITIONS PR1. Proclamation for Kunal Kapur. PR2. Proclamation for Duc Traung. COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Any member of the public may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda.Members of the public must fill out a form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Council requests that comments be limited to three minutes for an individual, six minutes for a group. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items.If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of June 22, 2021 Regular City Council Meeting minutes. B. Consider, and act upon,updating the Parks and Recreation Board Bylaws. C. Consider,and act upon,a Final Plat for Jacobs Addition Lots 1R-3-1, 1R-3-2, 1R-3-3,Block B,being a replat of Jacobs Addition Lot 1R-3,Block B,to establish three commercial lots on 4.728 acres,property located at 3010 FM 544. D. Consider, and act upon, a Preliminary Plat for Lot 1, Block 1 of Dutch Bros Coffee addition to establish one commercial lot on 1.022 acres,property located at 2817 FM 544. E. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2021-17(R) authorizing the City Manager to execute a revised Wholesale Wastewater Collection Agreement with the Wylie Northeast Special Utility District. F. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2021-18(R) determining a public necessity to acquire certain properties for public use for rights-of-way (in fee simple), temporary construction easements and related improvements for the construction,expansion,access,repair,maintenance and replacement of Eubanks Lane (from Hwy 78 to approximately 1,000 feet north of Centennial Drive); giving notice of an official determination to acquire certain properties for public use for rights-of-way (in fee simple), temporary construction easements and related improvements for the construction, expansion, access, repair, maintenance and replacement of Eubanks Lane (from Hwy 78 to approximately 1,000 feet north of Centennial Drive); authorizing the City Manager of the City of Wylie, Texas, to establish procedures for acquiring the rights-of-way (in fee simple), temporary construction easements and related improvements Page 11 1 offering to acquire said property rights, voluntarily from the landowners through the making of bona fide offers; appropriating funds; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; and providing for an effective date. REGULAR AGENDA 1, Hold a Public Hearing, consider, and act upon, a request for a change of zoning from Commercial Corridor (CC)to Commercial Corridor Special Use Permit(CC-SUP),to allow for a restaurant with drive-through on 1.022 acres,property located at 2817 FM 544. (ZC 2021-18) 2. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2021-19(R) supporting the Collin County Mobility Plan Update and the efforts to reduce the current and projected traffic congestion, and to provide more connectivity and enhance safety in the southeast portion of Collin County. WORK SESSION WS 1. Discuss Wylie Wastewater Treatment Plant Demolition Options. WS2e Discuss a potential change of zoning from Agricultural to Planned Development (PD-CC-MF) on approximately 24 acres,generally located on the west side of Country Club Road approximately 1200' north of Brown Street. WS3. Discuss a potential change of zoning from Commercial Corridor to Planned Development(PD-CC-MF) on approximately 22 acres, generally located on the southwest corner of SH 78 and Wylie East Drive. WS4. Discuss potential Bond Election projects and proposition verbiage. WS5, Discuss FY 2022 Budget. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION EXECUTIVE SESSION Sec. 551.072. DELIBERATION REGARDING REAL PROPERTY; CLOSED MEETING. A governmental body may conduct a closed meeting to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real. property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on its negotiating position. ES 1. Consider the sale or acquisition of properties located at FM 544 and Cooper,Jackson and Oak,Regency and Steel, State Hwy 78 &Ballard, State Hwy 78 and Birmingham, State Hwy 78 and Brown. Sec. 551.087. DELIBERATION REGARDING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEGOTIATIONS; CLOSED MEETING. This chapter does not require a governmental body to conduct an open meeting: (1) to discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the governmental body has received from a business prospect that the governmental body seeks to have locate, stay,or expand in or near the territory of the governmental body and with which the governmental body is conducting economic development negotiations; or (2) to deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by Subdivision(1). Page 12 2 ES2. Deliberation regarding commercial or financial information that the WEDC has received from a business prospect and to discuss the offer of incentives for Projects: 2017-10a,2018-9b,2020-1 lb,2021-2b,2021-4a, 2021-4b, 2021-4c, 2021-4d,2021-5a, 2021-6a, 2021-6b, and 2021-6c. RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Executive Session. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on July 9, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. on the outside bulletin board at Wylie City Hall, 300 Country Club Road, Building 100, Wylie, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the public at all times. Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Date Notice Removed The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020.Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the City Council should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the City Council or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required, then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code§ 551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the City Council at the date, hour and place given in this notice as the City Council may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act,including,but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: § 551.071 —Private consultation with an attorney for the City. § 551.072—Discussing purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. § 551.074—Discussing personnel or to hear complaints against personnel. § 551.087—Discussing certain economic development matters. § 551.073—Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City. § 551.076—Discussing deployment of security personnel or devices or security audit. Page 13 3 07/13/2021 Item A. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: City Secretary Account Code: Prepared By: Stephanie Storm Subject Consider, and act upon, approval of June 22, 2021 Regular City Council Meeting minutes. Recommendation Motion to approve Item as presented. Discussion The minutes are attached for your consideration. Page 1 of 1 4 07/13/2021 Item A. Wylie City Council Minutes June 22,2021 —6:00 PM Council Chambers - 300 Country Club Road,Building#100,Wylie, Texas 75098 CITY CALL TO ORDER Mayor Matthew Porter called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The following City Council members were present: Councilman David R. Duke, Councilman Dave Strang, Mayor pro tern Jeff Forrester, Councilman Scott Williams, Councilman Timothy T. Wallis, and Councilman Garrett Mize. Staff present included: City Manager Chris Hoisted;Assistant City Manager Brent Parker; Assistant City Manager Renae 011ie;Police Chief Anthony Henderson;Fire Chief Brandon Blythe;Finance Director Melissa Beard;Human Resources Director Lety Yanez; Parks and Recreation Director Rob Diaz; Public Works Director Tim Porter; Library Director Ofilia Barrera; Public Information Officer Craig Kelly; Economic Development Executive Director Jason Greiner; City Secretary Stephanie Storm, and various support staff. INVOCATION&PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor pro tern Forrester led the invocation and Councilman Wallis led the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENTATIONS &RECOGNITIONS PRl. Outgoing Wylie Boards and Commission Members. Mayor Porter and Mayor pro tern Forrester presented gifts of appreciation to outgoing board and commission members thanking them for their service.Outgoing board and commission members present included:Bobby Heath, Jr.,Debbie Loraine,Kristin Dodd,Anita Jones, and John Yeager. PR2. Proclamation honoring John Yeager for Years of Service to the Economic Development Corporation. Mayor Porter and Mayor pro tem Forrester presented Mr. John Yeager a proclamation proclaiming June 22, 2021 as John Yeager Day in the City of Wylie thanking him for his 31 years of service on the Wylie Economic Development Corporation, and recognized him as the longest serving member of an Economic Development Corporation in the state of Texas. PR3. Oath of Office for Incoming Wylie Boards and Commission Members. Associate Municipal Court Judge Ashley McSwain administered the Oath of Office to the newly appointed board and commission members in attendance. PR4. Parks & Recreation Month Proclamation. Mayor Porter stated he has issued a proclamation for Parks and Recreation month and will present it to the Parks and Recreation employees during business hours. CITIZEN COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS There were no citizens present wishing to address the Council. June 22,2021 Wylie City Council Minutes Page I 1 5 07/13/2021 Item A. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of June 8,2021 Regular City Council Meeting minutes. B. Consider,and act upon,a Preliminary Plat for Dominion of Pleasant Valley Phase 5,to establish 68 single family residential lots and five open space lots on 25.822 acres, property generally located at the southwest intersection of Dominion Drive and Pleasant Valley Road. C. Consider, and act upon, a Final Plat for Inspiration Phase 4B, to establish 19 single family residential lots and one open space lot on 8.85 acres, property generally located on Meziere Sky Drive and April Dew Way in the City of Wylie's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. D. Consider, and act upon,the approval of the purchase of W2021-90-I Outdoor Rotating Pole Sirens from Mass Notification Solutions/American Signal Corporation in the estimated amount of$49,964.96 through a cooperative purchasing contract with TIPS (The Interlocal Purchasing System) Cooperative, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. E. Consider, and place on file, the monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of May 31,2021. F. Consider, and place on file,the City of Wylie Monthly Investment Report for May 31,2021. G. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for May 31, 2021. H. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2021-15(R), a Joint Resolution of the City of Wylie, Texas and Collin County in a cooperative transfer of property for the mutual benefit of both parties; authorizing the City Manager of the City of Wylie to execute a Special Warranty Deed to grant, sell, and convey to Collin County a 0.2157 acre (9,395 square feet)tract of land and temporary construction easement on a 0.0723 acre (3,151 square feet) tract of land, both of which are situated in the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, Collin County, Texas; authorizing the County Judge of Collin County to execute a Special Warranty Deed to grant, sell, and convey to the City of Wylie a 0.3364 acre (14,654 square feet)tract of land in the Francisco De La Pina Survey,Abstract No. 688,Collin County,Texas. I. Consider,and act upon,Resolution No.2021-16(R)authorizing the City Manager to request Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, as provided in the American Rescue Plan Act. J. Consider, and act upon, the acceptance of a donation from the Pirate Cove Playground Foundation of $7,000 for accessible playground swings. Mayor Porter stated staff requested Item J be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered individually. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor pro tern Forrester, seconded by Councilman Williams, to approve Consent Agenda Items A-I as presented. A vote was taken and motion passed 7-0. REGULAR AGENDA J. Consider, and act upon, the acceptance of a donation from the Pirate Cove Playground Foundation of $7,000 for accessible playground swings. June 22,2021 Wylie City Council Minutes Page 12 6 07/13/2021 Item A. Council Comments Mayor Porter stated the name of the organization should be Blackland Prairie Playground Foundation and not Pirate Cove Playground Foundation. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Strang, seconded by Councilman Williams, to accept a donation from the Blackland Prairie Playground Foundation of$7,000 for accessible playground swings.A vote was taken and motion passed 7-0. Tabled from 06-08-2021 Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Williams, seconded by Mayor pro tern Forrester, to remove Item 1 from the table and consider. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 1. Consider, and act upon, the award of JOCPO #W2021-73-I for Brown House ADA Ramp - Phase 1 Improvements and Exterior Siding Repairs to ERC, Inc. in the amount of$71,477.24, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. Staff Comments City Manager Holsted addressed Council stating staff reached out to ERC, who these improvements are priced through, and the ADA ramp price is under the engineer and architects estimate. Staff provided additional cost breakdown information to Council. Council Comments Councilman Williams stated staff provided the requested information and he had a chance to review the information and has no additional questions. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Duke, seconded by Councilman Williams, to approve Item 1 as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 2. Consider,and act upon,Ordinance No.2021-34 amending Ordinance No.2020-44,which established the budget for fiscal year 2020-2021;providing for repealing,savings and severability clauses; and providing for an effective date of this ordinance. Staff Comments Finance Director Beard addressed Council stating the budget amendment request is for two items. The first item is for the$7,000 donation that was just accepted by Council for the accessible swings,which includes recognizing the $7,000 donation into the General Fund Contribution/Donation revenue account and adding $7,000 to the Parks expense budget so the swings can be purchased. The net change to the General Fund budget is zero. The second item is staff recommends the purchase of Google Workspace to establish a 24-month agreement.One year of Google was included in the FY 2021 budget in IT. This request is to transfer$65,088 from the Combined Services budget to the IT budget to pay for the 2nd year of the contract. Council Comments Mayor Porter asked if this is a one-time or recurring expense. Beard replied it would be a recurring expense as long as the City utilizes Google. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Strang,seconded by Councilman Mize,to approve Item 2 as presented.A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. June 22,2021 Wylie City Council Minutes Page 13 7 07/13/2021 Item A. 3. Consider, and act upon, the approval of the purchase of Google Workspace Enterprise Standard Accounts from SADA Systems, Inc., in the estimated annual amount of $130,176.00 through a cooperative purchasing contract with the Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR), and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. Staff Comments Purchasing Manager Hayes stated one-year funding for this item was budgeted this year; however, when the City received the agreement from the authorized reseller, they would not remove the 24-month term. The amendment funds the second year and will be re-budgeted in the 2022-2023 budget. Council Comments Mayor Porter asked if it will then become an annual or bi-annual contract. Hayes replied if the City stays with the current reseller she believes it will be for multiple years. Mayor pro tern Forrester asked if the language in the agenda that states "in the estimated annual amount of$130,176.00" is correct since this is for two years. Hayes replied that verbiage is not correct and should read"in the estimated contract amount of$130,176.00."Councilman Williams asked if staff foresees any issues with the terms being for 24 months instead of 12 months with any needed changes going forward. Hayes replied she cannot speak to the technicality of it,but from a contractual standpoint, the underlying cooperative contract does not expire until the end of the 24-month term and allows for changes as needed. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor pro tern Forrester, seconded by Councilman Strang, to approve the purchase of Google Workspace Enterprise Standard Accounts from SADA Systems, Inc., in the estimated contract amount of $130,176.00 through a cooperative purchasing contract with the Texas Department of Information Resources(DIR), and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7- 0. Mayor Porter convened the Council into Work Sessions at 6:35 p.m. WORK SESSIONS WS1. Joint Work Session with the Citizens Bond Advisory Committee to discuss the Committee recommendations. City Manager Hoisted addressed Council stating the Committee held four meetings during the months of April and May and appreciated the Committee's time. The Committee elected to bring forward for Council consideration the top nine projects, which included Lavon Lake Parks, McMillen Drive, Park Boulevard, culvert/bridge repair, intersection/signal improvements, street/alley replacement, downtown improvements, Founders Park, and Stone Road,totaling$78,750.00. Committee members present included: Jameson, Rolfson, Stone, Stephens, Welch,Pickens,McDonald,Razo, and Jameson. Committee Chair Jameson addressed Council thanking Council, Committee members, and staff for their service. Jameson stated the Committee put together a moderate bond package for Council to consider and looks forward to the feedback. Mayor Porter asked if the Committee wanted Council to cull the list down or is the list as presented to present to the voters, as the cost of the top nine is about an$.11 tax increase. Jameson replied that the goal of the Committee was to be conservative with the amount put before the citizens and focus on priorities that meet the needs of the citizens. June 22,2021 Wylie City Council Minutes Page 14 8 07/13/2021 Item A. Committee Comments Committee member Pickens addressed Council stating the Lake Lavon parks would be good and would bring outsiders into the City; however, he would like to see this be a phased approach. He stated he does not want the City getting into renting properties and suggested looking at an outside source. Pickens stated McMillen Road is needed and added the Senior Center expansion is important; however,the amount put before the Committee was a lot of money. Committee member Welch addressed Council stating Lake Lavon has lots of interest and potential. She stated after seeing the dollar amounts she no longer is for an aquatic center.Welch stated McMillen Road needs to be addressed; Founders Park improvements, especially parking, is a real need; and the Senior Center expansion is a need but the proposed cost is high and suggested possibly looking at other opportunities for improvement or a phased approach. Committee member Rolfson addressed Council stating, based on the feedback received from the survey provided to citizens,hike,bike,and walking trails and playgrounds were a high priority; splash parks were bundled with the aquatics center when presented to the Committee; however, it was high on the citizen survey; there is a need for improvements to Lake Lavon but asked if the proposed lease has been discussed;McMillen Road improvements is needed; Senior Center expansion cost is high but does need to be addressed; and stated she was going off of the survey of what the citizens wanted to see. Committee member McDonald addressed Council stating he is confident with the recommendations made by the Committee and encouraged Council to approve the majority of top nine projects as they deal with infrastructure and is a priority as we continue to grow; the City needs something for kids whether it be Lake Lavon, pool, or splash park; and would like to do something with the Senior Center expansion,but the proposed cost was high. Citizen Comments Candy Arrington addressed Council asking about the amounts proposed for the Lake Lavon and McMillen Road projects; stated McMillen Road improvements need to be made; stated the Senior Center has been bandaid over the years and while she understands the large price tag these are the Seniors and the people we need to respect and cautioned against a phased approach because it may be difficult to find the money later. Council Comments Mayor Porter responded no agreement or lease term has been reached with Lake as of now, explained the cost differences in response to Ms. Arrington's questions, thanked Committee members, former Councilwoman Arrington and Mayor pro tern Stephens, and staff for their service and time, and reviewed the timeline for the proposed bond election. The consensus of Council was to move forward with putting McMillen. Road and Park Boulevard improvements on the ballot for a November 2021 bond election. Mayor Porter stated there may be funding available to do some of the smaller, $2-$4 million, projects if Council desires, and asked if there were any projects below the top nine that Council would like to discuss. Mayor pro tern Forrester stated he would like to see the Senior Center expansion moved up and taken into consideration. Mayor Porter requested additional information from staff on the Senior Center expansion. Holsted replied the 2018 feasibility study recommended a few phases and options so staff can bring back options and pricing at a future meeting. Councilman.Wallis stated he would like to discuss the outdoor aquatics further, and stated he loves the Lake but to invest that amount of money on something the City does not own, or have a significant lease on, is worrisome. Wallis also stated some people do not feel comfortable swimming in a lake so would the City be excluding a group of people. Wallis stated aquatics ranked high with the citizens, and to let the voters decide. Councilman Williams stated he would like to see additional information on Senior Center expansion and Sachse Road. June 22,2021 Wylie City Council Minutes Page 15 9 07/13/2021 Item A. Councilman Mize stated he agreed with Councilman Wallis that the aquatics center should be prioritized as it will enhance the family friendly nature of the City and the quality of life for the senior citizens, and bring an economic benefit to the City. He stated his preference is to have both indoor and outdoor included,but also understands the benefits of staggering the projects as long as both are completed in the next decade. Mize stated he agrees with Mayor pro tern Forrester regarding Senior Center, and added if the City was to push one project towards 2028, when some of the current bonds will retire,he would prioritize aquatics and over the Lake to ensure the negotiations with the Corp conclude in a mutually beneficial way. Mize stated he agreed with using additional funds to do some of the smaller infrastructure projects to allow for the bigger ticket items. Mayor Porter stated he agrees with looking at additional information on the Senior Center expansion, agrees with the Lake being important but the City has to reach the right agreement with the Corp, requested additional information on Sachse Road as it is on Dallas County's list of potential projects and the expectation is for the City's to have their matching funds available or they move to the next project,and stated he has concerns with proceeding with Stone Road improvements at this time as the County is currently conducting a study and has not determined if they are going to expand it to four lanes or not yet. Mayor pro tern Forrester stated he would like to look at items 4-7, which include culvert/bridge repair, intersection/signal improvements, street/alley replacement, and downtown improvements, at a more granular level as they are broad in nature. Councilman Mize stated he agrees with the Mayor regarding Sachse Road for the City to be prepared to take advantage of that opportunity if it arises as it is a major thoroughfare for traffic. Mayor Porter invited the Committee members and the public to attend the next two meetings to allow input as Council continues to narrow the projects down, and stated the final decision will be made in August. Mayor Porter convened the Council into a break at 7:26 p.m. Mayor Porter reconvened the Council into Regular Session at 7:37 p.m. WS2. 4B Sales Tax Fund and Utility Fund Budget Discussion. City Manager Hoisted addressed Council stating the Utility Fund Summary includes an estimated beginning fund balance for October 1,2021 of$13,284,204,proposed revenues of$25,170,434,proposed expenses of$20,843,333, no recommended recurring expenses,recommended one-time expenses of$317,500, and an estimated ending fund balance for September 30, 2022 of$17,293,805. This assumes 7.25% water rate increase and 2.75% sewer rate increase per the 2020 rate study,and includes revenue benefits projected from.Johnson.Control's Investment Grade Audit. The recommended one-time expenses include: Texas 811 Utility Locate Contract, motor vehicle replacement for Water Department, skid steer broom attachment, Decker facility privacy screen fence/motor gate, seven portable handheld radios, Wastewater crew leader vehicle, rubber track compact skid loader with trailer, and three vehicle replacements for Meter Services. Hoisted stated the 4B Sales Tax Fund Summary includes an estimated beginning fund balance for October 1,2021 of $4,424,873, proposed revenues of $4,214,890, proposed expenses of $3,566,990, recommended recurring expenses of$34,650, recommended one-time expenses of $432,200, and an estimated ending fund balance for September 30, 2022 of$4,605,923.This assumes that revenues will be increasing to pre-COVID-19 levels,and FY 20-21 (through June 1, 2021)the User Fees recovered 47%of part-time salaries at Wylie Recreation Center. The recommended recurring expense includes an upgrade of a part-time Guest Service Specialist (GSS) to a full- time GSS, and one-time expenses include: Stonehaven House Phase I, replacement of Valentine Park playground, June 22,2021 Wylie City Council Minutes Page 16 10 07/13/2021 Item A. spray rig addition,Founders softball infield replacement fields C&D,replacement of utility tractor,irrigation pump Founders softball complex, turf renovator, new Christmas tree for holiday events, holiday lights for Municipal Complex, and aerobics studio audio upgrade. Holsted answered questions from Council. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Mayor Porter reconvened the Council into Regular Session and then into Executive Session at 7:49 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION Sec. 551.072. DELIBERATION REGARDING REAL PROPERTY; CLOSED MEETING. A governmental body may conduct a closed meeting to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on its negotiating position. ES1.Consider the sale or acquisition of properties located at FM 544 and Cooper,Jackson and Oak,Regency and Steel, State Hwy 78 &Ballard, State Hwy 78 and Birmingham, State Hwy 78 and Brown. Sec. 551.087. DELIBERATION REGARDING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEGOTIATIONS; CLOSED MEETING. This chapter does not require a governmental body to conduct an open meeting: (1) to discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the governmental body has received from a business prospect that the governmental body seeks to have locate,stay,or expand in or near the territory of the governmental body and with which the governmental body is conducting economic development negotiations; or (2) to deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by Subdivision(1). ES2. Deliberation regarding commercial or financial information that the WEDC has received from a business prospect and to discuss the offer of incentives for Projects:2017-10a,2018-9b,2020-11b,2021- 2b,2021-4a,2021-4b,2021-4c,2021-4d, and 2021-5a. RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Executive Session. Mayor Porter reconvened the Council into Regular Session at 8:43 p.m. READING OF ORDINANCES City Secretary Storm read the caption to Ordinance No. 2021-34 into the official record. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Councilman Strang, seconded by Councilman Duke,to adjourn the meeting at 8:44 p.m. A vote was taken and motion passed 7-0. June 22,2021 Wylie City Council Minutes Page 17 11 07/13/2021 Item A. Matthew Porter,Mayor ATTEST: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary June 22,2021 Wylie City Council Minutes Page 18 12 07/13/2021 Item B. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: Parks and Recreation Account Code: Prepared By: Robert Diaz Subject Consider, and act upon,updating the Parks and Recreation Board Bylaws. Recommendation otion to consider Item as presented. Discussion The Parks and Recreation Bylaws are detailed rules that are specifically tailored for the Board. These rules include items like what areas the Board will oversee, when to have meetings, and the function of the Board officers. The City Council has recently updated the Boards and Commissions tei in limits and now each Board and Commission will need to update their bylaws to reflect the changes. Attached are the Bylaws showing the new term limit changes in Article VI, Section 2. The Board approved the bylaws changes at their June 14, 2021 meeting and the changes will now be forwarded to the City Council for review at their July 13, 2021 meeting. Below is the updated wording contained in Article VI, Section 2 of the Bylaws: Section 2. Per Chapter 78 Section 78-23, No member shall serve on the board for more than three consecutive, two-year terms or six consecutive years, whichever is less, unless extended by the affirmative vote of at least three-fourths of the full membership of the city council. Except for a board member whose tenure has been extended by the city council as provided in subsection (b) of this section, a member who has served three consecutive, two-year teiuis or six consecutive years, whichever is less, on the board may be reappointed to serve on the board after being off the board for at least one year, and upon reappointment, the member is eligible to serve another three consecutive terms or six consecutive years, whichever is less. Such member is eligible, however,for appointment to a different board or commission without waiting. Page 1 of 1 13 07/13/2021 Item B. CITY OF WYLIE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD BYLAWS ARTICLE I Name As authorized by the City Charter, City of Wylie and City Ordinance No. 78-18. This body shall be known as the Parks and Recreation Board. ARTICLE II Meetings Section 1. The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board shall be held monthly at the Municipal Complex council conference room unless the Board determines otherwise. Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the Chair or at the call of any two members of the Board, provided that notice thereof be given to all Board members. Section 3. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum at all meetings of the Board. Section 4. All questions presented for a vote of the Parks and Recreation Board shall be decided by a simple majority of the quorum, including the vote of the Chair. Section 5. Any member of the Board who misses three consecutive meetings without good cause shall be deemed to have resigned, and the Board will recommend to City Council that a replacement be appointed for the balance of the unexpired term. Section 6. Robert's Rules of Order (current edition) shall govern the parliamentary procedure of the Board, in cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these by-laws. tmpF8DD Page 1 of 4 14 07/13/2021 Item B. ARTICLE III Officers Section 1. The officers of the Board shall be a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson and a Secretary (City Staff member will be serving as Secretary). Section 2. Officers shall be elected and take office at the first regular meeting after new Board members have been appointed and sworn in. Section 3. Vacancies in office shall be handled as follows: (a) In the event of resignation or incapacity of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall become the Chair for the unexpired portion of the term. (b) Vacancies in officers other than the Chair shall be filled for the unexpired term by election from the remaining Parks and Recreation Board Members. Section 4. Duties of the officers shall be as follows: (a) Chair: (i) Preside at all meetings (ii) Represent the Parks and Recreation Board at public functions. (iii) Appoint special committees. (iv) Assist Parks and Recreation staff in establishing the agenda for each meeting. Agenda items can be requested by the Chair at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting. Agenda items requested by any single Board Member will need to be submitted and approved by the Chair first prior to being submitted to the staff liaison. Any two Board Members (not including the Chair) can submit an item to the staff liaison to be placed on the Board Agenda at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting. Agenda items submitted must be made in writing to the staff liaison. (b) Vice-Chair: (i) Assist the Chair in directing the affairs of the Board and act in the Chair's absence. tmpF8DD Page 2 of 4 15 07/13/2021 Item B. (c) Secretary: (i) The City Secretary's office will be responsible for recording and maintaining the minutes. This "Secretary position" will be occupied by a City Staff member and not be an official Board position. (ii) The Staff Liaison will be responsible for producing the agenda and distributing the agenda and minutes to the Parks and Recreation Board and City Manager. An official record of attendance will be kept in the minutes. . A yearly calendar of monthly meetings will be approved by the Board at the regular December meeting prior to the next calendar year on an annual basis. ARTICLE IV Committees Section 1. Committees may be appointed for special purposes by the Chair and with the consent of the majority of the Board. All committees will have at least one Parks and Recreation Board member serving on them. These committees are automatically dissolved upon completion of assignment. Section 2. Progress reports will be given at each Board Meeting and a final report on completion of assignments. ARTICLE V Powers and Duties of Board Members Section 1. Board Members shall: (a) Be appointed by the City Council. (b) Abide by applicable ordinances of the City of Wylie. (c) Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council, City Manager and Parks and Recreation Staff. tmpF8DD Page 3 of 4 16 07/13/2021 Item B. (d) Recommend policies to govern the operation and program of the Parks and Recreation Department. (e) Assist in planning and give guidance for expansion of parks and recreation facilities. (f) Assist in interpreting the policies and functions of the Parks and Recreation Department to the public. Encourage in every possible way the development and advancement of the Parks and Recreation Department. ARTICLE VI Amendments Section 1. These by-laws may be amended by a majority vote at any regular meeting, provided all members have been notified of the proposed amendments at least three days prior to such meeting. Such amendment would then be subject to approval by City Council. Section 2. Per Chapter 78 Section 78-23, No member shall serve on the board for more than three consecutive, two-year terms or six consecutive years, whichever is less, unless extended by the affirmative vote of at least three-fourths of the full membership of the city council. Except for a board member whose tenure has been extended by the city council as provided in subsection (b) of this section, a member who has served three consecutive, two-year terms or six consecutive years, whichever is less, on the board may be reappointed to serve on the board after being off the board for at least one year, and upon reappointment, the member is eligible to serve another three consecutive terms or six consecutive years, whichever is less. Such member is eligible, however, for appointment to a different board or commission without waiting. tmpF8DD Page 4 of 4 1,7 07/13/2021 Item C. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: Planning Account Code: Prepared By: Jasen Haskins,AICP Subject Consider, and act upon, a Final Plat for Jacobs Addition Lots 1R-3-1, 1R-3-2, 1R-3-3, Block B, being a replat of Jacobs ddition Lot 1R-3,Block B, to establish three commercial lots on 4.728 acres,property located at 3010 FM 544. Recommendation Motion to approve Item as presented. Discussion OWNER: Lidl US Operations,LLC APPLICANT: Spooner Surveyors The applicant is proposing to subdivide Lot 1R-3,Block B of Jacobs Addition into three lots. The property is located at 3010 FM 544 and is zoned within the Commercial Corridor district. The property was rezoned CC in May 2021, from a Planned Development that never developed. The purpose of the re-plat is to create three commercial lots and realign fire lane,access,and utility easements from the above referenced PD. A site plan for a grocery store use on Lot 1 R-3-2 was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on June 15, 2021. Approval is subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. For conditional approval or disapproval City Council must provide a written statement of the reasons to the applicant in accordance with Article 212, Section 212.0091 of the Texas Local Gov't Code. P&Z Commission Discussion The Commission voted 4-0 to recommend approval. Page 1 of 1 18 07/13/2021 Item C. --—----1 .,„.., REANCYDRIVE - , „.„,, "-----:-----`'. "------,—.—_,— iLOT IRA 1 ) I LOT 1,3-1 I S BLOCK B I 40 LOT 11,1-2 A, ANN: \ ' j A , 17 . I ILI,2 SLacA, ANS ANNA. •, ' ''.. lIr,2211'G ''''''..`•- 1 ' .... — — —.... ....,.. ' 1!-:,—. I , •, •_ ---- i PRELIMINARY E 1 111111111=111111111 111111111110•1111111111 :: :: :: ::= ,::. c,,, ::: 4:,: :::: 7,: E11111111111•1111 E11111111111111MBIE 4tie , „ . ... .. _., 2 3. c14 m me 1..0- N„3743 V/ „A E11111111111EZE LOTS1R-3-1 1R-3-2 : ::: :': ::::„ ::„ :,: ::: ::: :::: :: 111.111111111•111E 111111111121111•111E AND1R-3.3 BLOCKB . .. „.. s..., .. .1, .„„.. 1111111111111111111111111 11111.1111121111111111 MI 11111111 „,„, ,IAC()BS kDDITIRYN T,,,,',,T,i•L',',g`,,V,Z.',°.°,,i',7,'4,2`,.;-.?L'Ir=r , ,,,:,'V,,,., Ass°C1-ATE- " '' giV::::::44.1.„ 5'1'i';‘-i'VO":,r1-P 7,- .;::,,,,,,,T,-,1,?:'-...7-7-F-, 3 LOTS 4/280 ACRES 19 07/13/2021 Item C. n=w2'„.. atata 0,333 4 Boman' Boum § Brair,MAS§ COU11,3,...311, 43.0 t.00t of LOT at,It B la3.383 PrggiNali ea,on '"" " Boo, 1,3m, 2„,, Paoo,BoOk.Boo, §a'a,f.§=§§7,'3=3.'ara=1§:a'axah.:Ltaa..§31.a.B=PleaTet=a1 MEM.. Emc s„Qom.RpLs -niEracE sn .1.„„Ae nortn LatiA eqng the zetl ma,o 31,3 0,3, 3 OPER aila,BBB a.1,3,3mM,,oo,o, [MOM 03,11.4 7-Lt2nf-,= „e undern o Not,„Ha oad,„Ao ,Sto,on.3 C.„Soo,, of 333, 1,33 13,3 Boo,,,of 73,3e,a,3,33,moa,o, 63,Bor, oa,,botl ,§1.33,3,,,,ond a,,1313, 7.,71,EP'AIZZZ.4ro„, mo. Oe th„.„„3,3•3‘a§:33.„:§§3o, Bot, stat,f BBB C.„3,33.1,, -MENU „3a, 3,3 'aVgB=B3t73===O'.:Gfra:§Br"'Oa'7=a3na'7' '""• • Bfl,',7a'a=a'a7anal=et.n.§§:§rit:3§Zattt'of Braraa§=2a statorne,do,3,,p1„3,, LOTS 1R-3-1,1R-3-2. AND 1R-3-3,BLOCK B JACOBS ADDITION BEING P FINALPIPT OF a 32,ABBE BRACT C.F LP,LOCATED SpooNEA& ASSOCIATES BEM,IN 3 LOTS— Mt,ACRES MAY—2021 20 07/13/2021 Item D. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: Planning Account Code: Prepared By: Jasen Haskins,AICP Subject Consider, and act upon, a Preliminary Plat for Lot 1, Block 1 of Dutch Bros Coffee addition to establish one commercial lot on 1.022 acres,property located at 2817 FM 544. Recommendation Motion to approve Item as presented. Discussion OWNER: 2819 West FM 544 Ventures,LLC APPLICANT: Morrison Shipley The applicant has submitted a Preliminary Plat for Lot 1,Block 1 of Dutch Bros Coffee Addition to establish one commercial lot on 1.022 acres. The property is located at 2817 FM 544 and is zoned within the Commercial Corridor district. The purpose of the preliminary plat is to create one commercial lot and establish fire lane, access, and utility easements for the development of a Dutch Bros Coffee restaurant. The development is pending the approval of a Special Use Permit for the allowance of a restaurant with a drive-thru service. The SUP is on this agenda with a recommendation of approval from the P&Z Commission. Approval is subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. For conditional approval or disapproval City Council must provide a written statement of the reasons to the applicant in accordance with Article 212, Section 212.0091 of the Texas Local Gov't Code. P&Z Commission Discussion The Commission voted 4-0 to recommend approval. Page 1 of 1 21 07/13/2021 Item D. i, ing herein by and through Ms(its, /l' gS,Znning omm�an __ - ,RRNSIT,Elpi rn , .. ,,.... , tt 4 •�� cvof_— - — ,ARUtStTt@Nbf}RRL]H9,0 n APPRO RCONsraurnONr______,,,..,_ f VOEftM6�438-izA63L12G l �i .� 2 ` .I eT Wylie, p✓� � y✓�- / _ __ — n.te m the ve eras Date �,<Op '"' T.Oty of Wylie and pubIrc tallity entrbes shall have the nght to remove Ozimprovements or growths which may tn any way endanger or mteMere with ayor, The undermoned,the City Secretary of the C,ty of'Wylie,l'exas,Keret,cortdies that the n or addi,on to the City � in D•a4 w of and upon sa.plat and said Council further authorized the Mayor to n accepts ce'S89 2 fl 4 n203 AC �tz03R3e� e=TA �/ to ,. Caad 570052 32 = CtY Mo vment#4 Owner there,by s.mng his T.�aa0 �� da n sA� ea serretaw RARWAY ENTERPRISE City o Wylie Texas DZ. �1 N _�� h N4gt 0J o DOC tt 20150521010001630 vndrre N u'z v ru.aP OPRCC7 zo W CO�s lI U T 3,BLOCK1 111111. STATE OF TEXAS 4 § Before me.the undersigned authori,a Notary Public Lri a.for the State of m " 'r \ Ppft g/1; MCCORD 53 ADDITION Scale o Feet 20 . 2�- DSE'gST N z r.. DOC#20150521010001630 / TO 0 Texas,.[his day person.,appeared ,Owner, known to me to bc the person whose narnO IS MMSCribed tOal,forogorng \ RECORDED 5%1/ f 'n r ` n f P Z VENTURES,FM 4 / RECO 2015 me or e ' " yaj 3`I Z —� ? " r _DOCK30180402000390500 3,, epurpose and cormderatons thermo expressed under my and en o office,,n day of . O.PRCCT ,� 2819 WEST fM 544 VENTURES LLC /� Y1 Beanngs are based an the Texas Coordmate Sy,tem North Central Zone DOCK 20180119000072410 j ` / ( f iGeoid 12B Horizontal and Vertical mcasurements calculated by uhlizLng z _ t.„o Texas 2 NOTICE Seliing a portion of this additon be metes and bounds Ls a viol,on of City ordinarte a.State Law,ami o subject to fines a. ` Ex My cummsson Exp rec on 3 The apprommate total land area as...own on th,s survey,is 0 50 acres. A Property Iles withm FEMA flood eone X as shown Panel 415 of 600,Mao more or less(the"Property') �` i I / BUUM. OwrvceSg Dom, noNNumber 48082C04151 revised lune 2,2009 Zone%states area STATE OF Tr%A5 Proposed 3 � r - newdescribesm e an LOT 1,BLOCK ojN aasEr pt�,n,norr hereon real as me DUTCH BROTHERS 1° r whereas 2319 West FM 544 Ventures,LLC,is the owner of two parcels of Land Y COFFEE ADDITIONS �� r� Om Moses Sparks Sum,Abstract No .asar located +1.022 Acres �/ County Clerk,coffin County,Texas and more part,cularly tleocrtbed es follows. /J 1 LEGEND e g g a g aluminum Teas Department or p to,monument � ay of FM S44 said monument depmted on the Final Plat of � aeerrvGtm ',' Fa�a,enPonLRee°st �a,arlong a ,ntat ofangina as a Control Monument 0 siac 5et 5/8'Ntorm/33rt Ramped 'I HENCE North 45,6'53 r West a dotance of 22/9 feet l\ / xs �p we Panay marked by one-half na,ivzI end w5mcoeen enGrouP�a PRELIMINARY PLAT of { A e' l �/ WATERaf MENT to Oty Monument#2. ' c mta cap on No f 1 N well oarkway a.travel,along said,, �/aTYOF LIMO G/s (lDUTCH BROS „ >N; i 1 = �— J EwAtK peaTHENCE distanceof90 done half inch U/z) `mS . s ss ,4414W zae w � D#' �za oo• zs as P�I•V - P� nan= erumcoe oap. COFFEE ADDITION Existing Storm South 00"57'27'Cast a distance of 5 00 feet to a R �e LOTBLOCK 1 /Ts el1, ' "' 10 Wde North Texas Maacpal e nz rnorrr 0 g p p r T. ` - . Water Dsta Ct Easement -......, Lrc - W. �c�at 04 2 19 75098FM 544 ` " " "'Volume 512,Page 476 O.R.C.C.T. + L ng n:use.va.eN - / Cole WYLIE,T% ' FM 544 (1/2")rebar with Cole,d De:¢ouroop ap rnarengme Northwest Corner or cot z,McCo : Addcon,Block v BEING 1.022 ACRES SITUATED IN THE CITY BENCHMARKSsouong MOSES SPARKS SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.849 $ STATE TexAss .. . 0atand CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS Sato ofaotor Map s/va°zz couNTa O. § Surveying p short,oo as zz Mm,nmrn >a>sP>,ss zzs sszscz _ OWNER SURVEYOR KNOW ALL Me -e des 2')rearw189 03 feet to tohannrng nryzazza moot or....distance of xHENCE along said north right of way,South 89,4'14"West through a one-half Lnch 00>nn z�i Ne ,da 33t3N/,33,30tA I PrePared t.his Plat,rom a" he cne person whose name.subscribed to the forogomg instrumen,and ac,nowle4ed DALLAS,T%75225 sued:Dnora nnnenf Ln�ctvn y as set were propel ly piaced under my pelsonal vson eaemrdanrs with the thereon."',' actual and accurate survey or the land and that the tomer monuments shown enen uncle mynandand toi ce tnsd.vo n ea CMA,ROI, SQMYERS cop ...COM EMAlt CCROTTS@MOa OSry UT COM Not, r nonCrartM1 S creof Texas „yy5 ,44 Taa,aaszstrahonan pafg s,nnap,r.Dn. MORRISON SHIPLEY 22 07/13/2021 Item E. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: City Manager Account Code: Prepared By: Chris Hoisted Subject Consider,and act upon,Resolution No. 2021-17(R) authorizing the City Manager to execute a revised Wholesale Wastewater Collection Agreement with the Wylie Northeast Special Utility District. Recommendation Motion to approve Item as presented. Discussion Page 1 of 1 23 07/13/2021 Item E. RESOLUTION NO. 2021-17(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS,HEREBY AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, TO EXECUTE THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO WHOLESALE WASTEWATER COLLECTION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF WYLIE AND THE WYLIE NORTHEAST SPECIAL UTILITY DISTRICT. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: The City Manager of the City of Wylie, Texas, is hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, the First Amendment to Wholesale Wastewater Collection Agreement between the City of Wylie and the Wylie Northeast Special Utility District. SECTION 2: This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, on this 13th day of July, 2021. Matthew Porter, Mayor ATTEST TO: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Resolution 2021-17(R) Wholesale Wastewater Collection Agreement Amendment 24 07/13/2021 Item E. EXHIBIT "A" First Amendment to Wholesale Wastewater Collection Agreement 2 Resolution 2021-17(R) Wholesale Wastewater Collection Agreement Amendment 25 07/13/2021 Item E. FIRST AMENDMENT TO WHOLESALE WASTEWATER COLLECTION AGREEMENT This First Amendment to Wholesale Wastewater Collection Agreement (this "First Amendment") is executed by and between the City of Wylie, Texas (the "City") and Wylie Northeast Special Utility District ("Wylie SUD") as of the_day of , 2021. The City and Wylie SUD may be individually referred to herein as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties". RECITALS: WHEREAS, the Parties entered into that a Wholesale Wastewater Collection Agreement dated December 1, 2017,which is incorporated herein by reference for all purposes(the"Original Agreement" and together with this First Amendment, the "Agreement"); and WHEREAS, Wylie SUD has asked the City to agree to enlarge the SUD Service Area to include the area shown in pink and labeled "Proposed Addition to Sewer CCN" in Exhibit B-1, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference for all purposes, and the City has agreed under the terms and conditions of this First Amendment; and WHEREAS, the Parties desire to amend the Original Agreement as set forth in this First Amendment and to otherwise agree as set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the City and Wylie SUD hereby contract and agree as follows: 1. Amendment to Original Agreement, Exhibit B (SUD Service Area). Exhibit B (SUD Service Area) to the Original Agreement is hereby removed and replaced with Exhibit B-1 (Amended SUD Service Area), attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference for all purposes. The Parties agree that the areas shown in pink and red in Exhibit B-1 shall be the SUD Service Area as of the effective date of this First Amendment. 2. Defined Terms. Any term not defined herein shall be deemed to have the same meaning ascribed to it under the Original Agreement. 3. Ratification. The Parties hereby ratify and confirm all of the terms, provisions, covenants and conditions of the Original Agreement and acknowledge and agree that the Original Agreement remains in full force and effect, except as amended in this First Amendment. 4. Controlling Agreement. To the extent that any provision contained herein conflicts with the Original Agreement, the provision contained herein shall supersede such conflicting provisions contained in the Original Agreement. 1 26 07/13/2021 Item E. 5. Entire Agreement/First Amendment. This First Amendment and the Original Agreement contain the entire agreement of the Parties with respect to the matters contained herein. This First Amendment may not be modified or terminated except upon the provisions hereof or by the mutual written agreement of the Parties hereto. 6. Authority to Execute. The individuals executing this First Amendment on behalf of the respective Parties below represent to each other and to others that all appropriate and necessary action has been taken to authorize the individual who is executing this First Amendment to do so for and on behalf of the Party for which his or her signature appears, that there are no other parties or entities required to execute this First Amendment in order for the same to be an authorized and binding agreement on the Party for whom the individual is signing this First Amendment and that each individual affixing his or her signature hereto is authorized to do so, and such authorization is valid and effective on the Effective Date. 7. Counterparts. This First Amendment may be executed in a number of identical counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original for all purposes, and all such counterparts shall, collectively, constitute one First Amendment. An electronic mail or facsimile signature will also be deemed to constitute an original if properly executed and delivered to the other Party. [REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK.] 2 27 07/13/2021 Item E. THIS FIRST AMENDMENT REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE in a Regular Meeting on the day of , 2021, with authorization for the City Manager to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City of Wylie. CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS, a Texas home rule municipality By: Chris Hoisted, City Manager ATTEST: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF COLLIN § BEFORE ME, the undersigned Notary Public, on this day personally appeared CHRIS HOISTED, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same as the act of the CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS, a Texas home-rule municipality, as its City Manager, for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office, this the day of , 2021. Notary Public, Collin County, Texas 3 28 07/13/2021 Item E. THIS FIRST AMENDMENT REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE WYLIE NORTHEAST SPECIAL UTILITY DISTRICT in a Regular Meeting on the day of , 2021, with authorization for the President and Board Secretary to execute the Agreement on behalf of the Wylie Northeast Special Utility District. WYLIE NORTHEAST SPECIAL UTILITY DISTRICT, a Texas political subdivision By: Jimmy C. Beach, President ATTEST: Brenda Kellow, Secretary STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF COLLIN § BEFORE ME, the undersigned Notary Public, on this day personally appeared JIMMY C. BEACH, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same as the act of the WYLIE NORTHEAST SPECIAL UTILITY DISTRICT, a Texas political subdivision, as its President, for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office, this the day of , 2021. Notary Public, Collin County, Texas 4 29 07/13/2021 Item E. Exhibit B-1 11 + ;,fly=p '•, Jae�.✓ / � �+f`�f �=s:. ,r , l _. ... ... „ . ,ref o- f // - W fyr �' /f �,r 11111 It td+ / / :'tf"d�ttf+'f "J l f !� ! t = t "� - /+ ‘c: )11 ip i anomm WYLIE NE SLID SEWER CCN#21056 SEIS LAGOS UD SEWER CCN#20502 WYLIE f E SUD 111111111111111111 ADDITIONAL SEWER SERVICE SEWER CCN ae a PROPOSED ADDITION TO SEWER CCN 7] EXHIBIT B I :- l J A 5 30 07/13/2021 Item E. WHOLESALE WASTEWATER COLLECTION AGREEMENT This Wholesale Wastewater Collection Agreement (this "Agreement") is executed by and between the City of Wylie, Texas (the "QV") and Wylie Northeast Special Utility District ("Wylie SUD")to be effective as of the f`day of December, 2017.The City and Wylie SUD may be individually referred to herein as a "Party"and collectively as the"Parties". RECITALS: WHEREAS, North Texas Municipal Water District (the "District") is a conservation and reclamation district created and functioning under Article 16, Section 59 of the Texas Constitution,pursuant to Chapter 62,Acts of the 52nd Legislature of the State of Texas,Regular Session, 1951, as amended, with the authority to provide and develop regional systems for wastewater treatment; and WHEREAS, City is a Texas home-rule municipality that owns, operates and maintains a wastewater collection system("City System");and WHEREAS, Wylie SUD is a conservation and reclamation district created and functioning under Article 16, Section 59 of the Texas Constitution, and Chapters 49 and 65 of the Texas Water Code, as amended, with the authority to provide retail wastewater service in an area defined by Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN) No. 21056 ("SUD Service Area") issued by the Texas Commission On Environmental Quality("TCEQ")on May 19, 2011,with the SUD Service Area depicted in the map attached as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference for all purposes;and WHEREAS, Collin County Water Control Improvement District #3 ("WCID #3") is a conservation and reclamation district created and functioning under Article 16, Section 59 of the Texas Constitution,and Chapters 49 and 51 of the Texas Water Code;and WHEREAS,WCID#3 is located inside the boundaries of the SUD Service Area;and WHEREAS, Wylie SUD provides wastewater services to property located within the boundaries of WCID #3 pursuant to a contract dated September 3, 2008, between Wylie SUD and WCID#3(through an assignment to WCID#3);and WHEREAS, the District owns, operates and maintains a wastewater treatment and collection system known as the Muddy Creek Regional Wastewater System (the "Regional Wastewater System") pursuant to which the District operates the Muddy Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant(the"Muddy Creek Plant")for the treatment of wastewater;and WHEREAS, the District and the City previously entered into that certain Muddy Creek 1 31 07/13/2021 Item E. Regional Wastewater System Contract, a contract for wastewater treatment dated effective May 27, 1999, and that certain contract for wastewater transmission dated effective May 27, 2004(collectively,the"Wastewater Contracts");and WHEREAS, Wylie SUD entered into an agreement with NTMWD dated effective December 20, 2010, authorizing Wylie SUD to transport the wastewater it collects to another regional wastewater treatment facility plant operated by NTMWD known as the Wilson Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant;and WHEREAS, the City and Wylie SUD previously entered into that certain interim Wastewater Service Agreement dated effective August 23, 2016 (the "interim Wastewater Service Agreement"), which provided, in part, (I) for interim transmission and of wastewater that originates within the boundaries of the SUD Service Area to the Muddy Creek Plant,and(ii) that the Parties would structure a mutually agreeable program to plan, develop, fund and construct long-term improvements that would allow the Regional Wastewater System and the Muddy Creek Plant to serve Wylie SUD on a permanent basis;and WHEREAS, in accordance with the Interim Wastewater Service Agreement, Wylie SUD constructed a lift station inside WCID #3 (the "Lift Station") and a pipeline to transport wastewater to an interim point of entry located within the City, referred to in the Interim Wastewater Service Agreement as the"WCID#3/City POE";and WHEREAS, the City has advised Wylie SUD and the District, and the City and the District have agreed,that the City's existing wastewater collection system has sufficient excess capacity for the permanent transmission of wastewater originating within the boundaries of the SUD Service Area,as depicted in Exhibit B,to the Muddy Creek Plant; and WHEREAS, pursuant to a Muddy Creek Regional Wastewater System Additional Participant Evaluation Study dated January 2017(Project No. ENG 16-02) performed by Perkins Engineering Consultants, Inc. for NTMWD, NTMWD has advised Wylie SUD and the City that Muddy Creek Plant has sufficient excess treatment capacity for the permanent treatment of wastewater originating from the SUD Service Area;and WHEREAS, the Parties now desire to enter into this Agreement to set forth the terms and conditions for (I) the planning, construction, development and funding of a wastewater meter and an off-site twelve inch (12") gravity sewer line and appurtenances (collectively, the "SUD Facilities") connecting Wylie SUD's wastewater collection system to that of the City System as generally depicted on Exhibit A, and (ii) the City providing wastewater collection services to Wylie SUD as a wholesale customer;and WHEREAS,the Parties hereto are entering into this Agreement in order to control water pollution,and to protect, improve, and enhance the water quality of Lake Lavon, Muddy Creek and the Trinity River and the water supplies impounded therein;and 2 32 07/13/2021 Item E. WHEREAS, the City and Wylie SUD are authorized to make and enter into this Agreement under the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code, governing interlocal agreements between political subdivisions of the state, and other applicable laws. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained,the City and Wylie SUD hereby contract and agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS Section 1.01 DEFINITION OF TERMS. In addition to the definitions stated in the preamble hereof,the terms used in this Agreement,unless the context clearly shows otherwise, shall have the following definitions: "Additional Participants" means any person or persons, in addition to Wylie SUD, with whom the City makes a contract for receiving and transporting wastewater through the City's wastewater collection system;provided, however,the City shall not permit any person to transport wastewater through the SUD Facilities without the prior written consent of Wylie SUD which may be conditioned upon, among other factors determined by Wylie SUD in its reasonable discretion, the following: (i) the existence of sufficient remaining excess capacity in the City's wastewater collection system not intended for use by Wylie SUD; and (ii) the payment by such Additional Participant to Wylie SUD of a portion of the cost of the planning, construction and development of the SUD Facilities as reasonably determined by Wylie SUD. "Fiscal Year" means the twelve (12) month period beginning each October 1 and ending the following September 30. "Participants" means Wylie SUD and all Additional Participants,if any. "Participant" means any of the Participants. "Person"shall have the meaning set forth in the Texas Code Construction Act,Chapter 311,Texas Government Code,as amended. "Point of Entry" means the point of connection by any Participant to the City System as agreed upon by that Participant and the City. "SUD Point of Entry" means the wastewater meter connecting Wylie SUD's wastewater collection system to the City system at the location shown on Exhibit A (the "WW Meter"), which exhibit is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 3 33 07/13/2021 Item E. "Wastewater" means sewage, residential wastewater, and commercial wastewater as defined in the Texas Water Code,and such infiltration water that may be present. ARTICLE 2 CONSTRUCTION,OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE OF THE SUD FACILITIES Section 2.01 ENGINEERING PLANS. (a) Plans for the SUD Facilities must be prepared by a registered professional engineer. (b) Within seventy-five (75) days after the effective date of this Agreement, Wylie SUD shall deliver to the City and NTMWD a set of engineering plans and specifications for the construction of the SUD Facilities (the "Plans") prepared by a registered professional engineer. (c) Within forty-five (45) days after receiving the Plans, City shall provide to Wylie SUD any comments the City may have on the Plans. After receipt of such comments, Wylie SLID shall have twenty (20) days to address the comments and concerns of City. If the Parties are unable to resolve any differences over the Plans within such twenty-day period, they shall thereafter meet with one another, with each Party agreeing to work in a commercially reasonable manner to resolve such differences as expeditiously as possible. Once the Plans have been approved by City, the City shall promptly provide written approval of such Plans to Wylie SUD. (d) Wylie SUD agrees that the Plans and the construction of the SLID Facilities shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Section 2.02 CONSULTING ENGINEERS. Wylie SUD is entitled to enter into any such contracts with consulting engineers deemed necessary to provide engineering services for the design of the SLID Facilities.All engineering fees and expenses associated with the SUD Facilities will paid by Wylie SLID, and NTMWD and City shall have no responsibility for such fees or expenses. Section 2.03 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS: COSTS. Wylie SUD will, at its sole cost, enter into such contracts as are necessary to provide for all labor and materials necessary or appropriate for the construction of the SUD Facilities, and said contracts shall be executed as required by the laws applicable to Wylie SUD.All costs for the construction of the SLID Facilities shall be the responsibility of Wylie SUD, and NTMWD and City shall have no responsibility for such costs. All operational and maintenance costs for the SUD Facilities until conveyance and acceptance of the same by the City pursuant to Section 2.07 shall be the sole responsibility of Wylie SUD,and NTMWD and City shall have no responsibility for such costs. 4 34 0711312021 ItemE Wylie SLID, and NTMVVD and City shall have no responsibility for such costs. Section3.O4 USE AND ACQUISITION OF EASEMENTS; CONSTRUCTION. Wylie SUD shall proceed promptly with the acquisition, by condemnation or otherwise, of all easements necessary for construction of the SUD Facilities. \&k/Ue SUD shall pay all easement acquisition costs, which shall be included as a cost of the acquisition and construction of the SLID Facilities. Wylie SUD is solely responsible for acquiring all such easements and paying all related acquisition costs. Wylie SUD shall complete construction of the SLID Facilities within two (J) years after Wylie SUD has acquired all necessary easement rights. Sec±ion2.O5 [C)ND|T|C]NS PRECEDENT. The obligation on the part of Wylie SUD to acquire and construct the SUD Facilities is conditioned upon the following: (a) The acquisition by Wylie SUD of all easements necessary for the SUD Facilities; and (b) Wylie SUO's ability, or the ability ofits contractors and subcontractors, to obtain all permits, materials, labor and equipment necessary for the construction of the SUD Facilities. Section 2.06 OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE. Within sixty /60\ days after completion of the SUD Facilities by Wylie SUD and acceptance of the same by the City, Wylie SUD shall convey to the City ownership of the SUD Facilities, from and including the WW Meter to the SUD Point of Entry, and the City shall assume responsibility for maintaining the conveyed SUD Facilities as a component of the City System. As part of, and at the same time of such conveyance, \NvUe SUD shall assign to the City all necessary easement rights for the City to operate the SUD Facilities and shall cause to be delivered a two (3) year maintenance bond in an amount equal to one hundred percent (I00%) of the amount of the actual cost of the SUD Facilities to ensure the repair or remedy ofany maintenance issues the City may have regarding the SUD Facilities after Citv's acceptance thereof. The bond required by this Section must be: (a) a good and sufficient bond; (b) in the amount prescribed herein; (c) with a reputable and solvent corporate surety and in favor of the City; and (d) in compliance with any other City requirements relating tosuch bond. ARTICLE 3 MEASUREMENT OF WASTEWATER FLOWS AND LIMITATION ON FLOWS Section 3.01 DISCHARGE INTO CITY SYSTEM. In consideration of the payments to be made under this Agreement and subject tothe capacity allocated to Wylie SUD, Wylie SUD may discharge all wastewater generated from Wylie SUD's wastewater collection system into the City System at the VVVV Meter in the location shown on Exhibit A. The City shall be the sole source of wholesale wastewater service to Wylie SUD for the SUD Service Area unless the City 5 ' } 0r11312021 Item E ` � � consents in writing to Wylie SUD's conversion to another wholesale provider. ( Section3.O2 METERING WASTEWATER FLOWS. � � (a) Once the SUD Facilities have been completed by Wylie SUD and accepted � by the City in writing, \A/v|ie SUD may commence the transmission of wastewater from � its collection system tothe City System. ` (b) The quantity of wastewater delivered by each Participant into the [bv � System shall be metered ata location agreed to6«the Participant and the City. The City � will measure the quantity of wastewater transported by Wylie SUD to the City System at the location identified as "VVVV Meter" on Exhibit A. It shall be the sole responsibility of . each Participant to transport, or cause to be transported, at no cost to the City orthe � other Participants, its wastewater to its respective wastewater meter or Point or Points � of Entry as agreed to6v the Participant and the City. � (c) Each Participant will furnish and install the necessary meter and ` equipment, as required by the [itv, for measuring properly all wastewater to be � discharged into the City System by each such Participant. The specifications and ! installation design for each meter to be installed for each Participant must be approved, � ` in writing, in advance by the City. Such meters and other equipment shall become and � � remain the property of the City. Each Participant shall have access to its metering / equipment upon reasonable request for inspection and examination, but the reading, � calibration, adjustment and maintenance thereof shall be done only by employees or � agents of the City in the presence of a representative of the Participant if the � Participant makes arrangements to be present. If a representative of the Participant is � not present, nothing shall prevent the City from reading, calibrating, adjusting or � maintaining the metering equipment. All readings of meters will be entered upon � proper books of record maintained by the City. Upon reasonable written request, the ' Participant may have access to said record books during reasonable business hours. ` (d) Not less than one time in each Fiscal Year the City shall calibrate, and if necessary adjust, Participant meters in the presence of a representative of the ' Participant. ' /e\ If test shows the percentage of inaccuracy of any meter to be in excess � of five (5%) per cent, prior meter readings shall be corrected for a period extending back � to the time when such inaccuracy began, if such time is ascertainable, and if such time is � ' not ascertainable, then for a period extending back one-half (>6) of the time elapsed � since the date of the last calibration, but in no event further back than a period of | six (G) months. � ' HR Each Participant may, at its option and its own expense, install and � 6 ` ` 036� � 07/13/2021 Item E. the City for each such Participant, but the measurement for the purpose of this Agreement shall be solely by the City's meters. Section 3.03 LIMITATION ON WASTEWATER FLOWS. (a) The wastewater transported by Wylie SUD to the SUD Point of Entry shall be limited to wastewater produced within(I)the SUD Service Area depicted in Exhibit B. Wylie SUD may also provide wastewater service to properties that do not meet the aforementioned requirements with the City's advance written approval. (b) The maximum discharge rate is defined as a rate in million gallons per day (MGD) exceeded for a period of sixty minutes which, if continued over a period of 24 hours, would be equal to 3.50 times the Participant's average daily flow during that Fiscal Year.The Parties estimate that the maximum projected wastewater discharged by Wylie SUD into the City System shall be equal to 0.81 MGD. The total quantity of wastewater discharged into the City System shall never exceed the amount which the City System and the Regional Wastewater System are capable of receiving,treating and disposing, as determined by the City in its sole discretion, unless approved in writing by the City and the District, subject to terms and conditions to be established by the City. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no Participant shall ever make any discharge into the City System that would cause it to be overloaded or be in violation of existing permits issued by the State of Texas or the United States of America. Section 3.04 LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL OF WASTEWATER. Liability for damages arising from the reception and transportation of all wastewater discharged shall remain with each Participant from its wastewater collection system to the Participant's designated wastewater meter, and title to such wastewater shall be vested in such Participant to its designated wastewater meter. Upon passing through a Participant's wastewater meter, liability for such damages and title to such wastewater shall pass to the City, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement.The City has the responsibility for the proper reception and transportation of all wastewater through the City System. The City has the right to the re-use of all wastewater discharged into the City System. Section 3.05 TRANSPORT COVENANTS. Wylie SUD covenants that the transport of wastewater to the SUD Point of Entry shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Section 3.06 UNIT OF MEASUREMENT. The unit of measurement for wastewater delivered hereunder shall be 1,000 gallons, U. S.Standard Liquid Measure. 7 37 07/13/2021 Item E. ARTICLE 4 QUALITY OF WASTEWATER FLOWS Section 4.01 GENERAL. Each Participant shall be responsible for ensuring and hereby agrees to limit wastewater discharge into the City System to wastewater that complies with quality requirements of the Wastewater Contracts for discharge into the Regional Wastewater System. Each Participant shall adopt and enforce wastewater quality rules and policies at least as stringent as, and not inconsistent with, the City's wastewater quality rules and policies and any pretreatment requirements for each Participant's retail customers as may be necessary to cause the quality of wastewater each Participant discharges into the City System pursuant to this Agreement to meet the requirements of this Agreement and any applicable local, state or federal permit, law, rule, or regulation. The City shall be entitled to collect samples of wastewater at or near the SUD Point of Entry or from any point within the SUD Facilities and cause the same to be analyzed in accordance with accepted methods in the industry to determine if such wastewater quality complies with this Agreement. If analysis discloses that the wastewater does not comply with this Agreement, Wylie SUD shall be obligated to require the offending originator to immediately cease discharging such wastewater into the SUD Facilities or to pretreat such wastewater such that the discharge of prohibited wastewater ceases immediately. ARTICLE 5 CHARGES AND PAYMENTS Section 5.01 CALCULATED RATE. Wylie SUD shall pay to the City charges for the transport and treatment of Wylie SUD wastewater (the "Wastewater Charles") equal to the amount derived by multiplying the number of gallons of wastewater metered at the WW Meter for the billing period times the Calculated Rate. For purposes of this Agreement,the "Calculated Rate" shall be equal to the per gallon unit cost paid by City to NTMWD pursuant to the Wastewater Contracts times a factor of 1.2. The Wastewater Charges may also be calculated by multiplying the number of equivalent single family connections by the City of Wylie residential sewer rate times a factor of 1.2. Section 5.02 MONTHLY INVOICES. The City shall invoice Wylie SUD on a monthly basis for the Wastewater Charges. Invoices shall be prepared by the City and delivered to Wylie SUD based on such billing cycle as agreed to between City and Wylie SUD and shall be consistent with the monthly meter reading at the SUD Point of Entry.Wylie SUD shall be responsible for paying such invoices within twenty (20) days after receipt. If an invoice is not paid within such time period, it shall be considered delinquent and subject to a late payment fee of 5% of the amount due together with any legal or other costs incurred by the City to collect the amount due. Section 5.03 CITY OBLIGATION TO PAY NTMWD. Provided that Wylie SUD transmits 8 38 07/13/2021 Item E. Wylie SUD wastewater into the City System in accordance with this Agreement,the City shall be obligated to NTMWD for the payment of all amounts due under the Wastewater Contracts for transport and treatment of Wylie SUD wastewater into the Regional Wastewater System and the Muddy Creek Plant. ARTICLE 6 GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 6.01 FORCE MAJEURE. In case by reason of "Force Majeure" the City or any Participant shall be rendered unable wholly or in part to carry out its obligations under this Agreement, then if such Party shall give notice and full particulars of such "Force Majeure" in writing to the other Party within a reasonable time after occurrence of the event or cause relied on, the obligation of the Party giving such notice, so far as it is affected by such Force Majeure (with the exception of the obligation of each Participant to make the payments required in Section 5.02 of this Agreement, which in all events shall be made as provided therein) shall be suspended during the continuance of the inability then claimed, but for no longer periods, and any such Party shall endeavor to remove or overcome such inability with all reasonable dispatch. The term "Force Majeure" as employed herein, shall mean acts of God, strikes, lockouts, or other industrial disturbances, acts of public enemy, orders of any kind of the Government of the United States or the State of Texas or any civil or military authority, insurrections, riots, epidemics, landslides, lightning, earthquakes, fires, hurricanes, storms, floods, washouts, droughts, arrests, restraint of government and people, civil disturbances, explosions, breakage or accidents to machinery, pipelines or canals, partial or entire failure of water supply,and inability on the part of a Participant to provide water necessary for operation of its water and Local Wastewater Facilities hereunder, or of the City to receive or transport Wastewater on account of any other causes not reasonably within the control of the Party claiming such inability. It is understood and agreed that the settlement of strikes and lockouts shall be entirely within the discretion of the Party having the difficulty, and that the above requirement that any Force Majeure shall be remedied with all reasonable dispatch shall not require the settlement of strikes and lockouts by acceding to the demands of the opposing Party when such settlement is unfavorable to it in the judgment of the Party having the difficulty. Section 6.02 INSURANCE. Each Party will carry insurance or maintain self-insurance for such purposes and in such amounts as are determined by that Party to be necessary or advisable. Section 6.03 REGULATORY BODIES. This Agreement shall be subject to all valid rules, regulations and laws applicable hereto passed or promulgated by the United States of America, the State of Texas, the City, or any authorized agency of either having jurisdiction over the subject matter of this Agreement. 9 39 07/13/2021 Item E. Section 6.04 ANNUAL AUDIT OF CITY SYSTEM. At the close of each Fiscal Year, commencing with the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2017, the City will perform an annual audit of the City System and will prepare and deliver an audit report to all Participants. Section 6.05 PUBLICATIONS, REFERENCE WORKS. GOVERNMENTAL REGULATIONS. In each instance herein where reference is made to a publication, reference work or Federal or State regulation,it is the intention of the Parties that at any given time the then current edition of any such publication of reference work or federal or state regulation shall apply. If a publication or reference work is discontinued or ceases to be the generally accepted work in its field or if conditions change or new methods or processes are implemented by the City, new standards shall be adopted which are in compliance with state and federal laws and any valid rules and regulations issued pursuant thereto. Section 6.06 OPERATION OF THE WYLIE SUD FACILITIES. Wylie SUD covenants that it will operate and maintain the SUD Facilities in accordance with accepted good business and engineering practices. ARTICLE 7 REMEDIES Section 7.01 LEGAL AND EQUITABLE. Any Party may require any other Party, and its officials and employees,to carry out,respect,and enforce the covenants and obligations of this Agreement by all legal and equitable means Including specifically, but without limitation,theuse and filing of mandamus or injunction proceedings, in any court of competent jurisdiction,against such Party,and its officials and employees. ARTICLE 8 EFFECTIVE DATE AND TERM Section 8.01 EFFECTIVE DATE. The date this Agreement is signed by the last Party to sign it (as indicated by the date associated with that Party's signature below) will be deemed the effective date of this Agreement. Section 8.02 TERM OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement shall continue in force from the effective date hereof until the expiration of the useful life of theSUD Facilities. ARTICLE 9 NOTICES Section 9,01. NOTICES. Any notice, request or other communication under this Agreement shall be given in writing and shall be deemed to have been given by either Party to the other Party at the addresses shown below upon any of the following dates: 10 40 07/13/2021 Item E. (a) The date of notice by facsimile, electronic mail, or similar telecommunications,which is confirmed promptly in writing;or (b) The date of dispatch when given to a delivery service for same day hand delivery;or (c) One business day after the date the notice, request or other communication is given to an overnight courier of recognized national standing for overnight hand delivery;or (d) Three business days after the date of the mailing thereof, as shown by the post office receipt if mailed to the other Party hereto by certified mail; (e) The date of actual receipt thereof by such other Party if not given pursuant to(a), (b) (c)or(d)above. The address for notice for each of the Parties shall be as follows: City of Wylie 300 Country Club Rd.,Building 100,1st Floor Wylie,Texas 75098 Attention:City Manager Fax:(972)516-6026 Email: citymgr@wylietexas.gov Wylie Northeast SUD 745 Parker Road Wylie,Texas 75098 Attention:General Manager Fax:(972)429-9413 Email: chester@wylienortheastwater.com or the latest address specified by such other Party in writing in accordance with the notice provisions set forth above. ARTICLE 10 TERMINATION OF INTERIM WASTEWATER SERVICE AGREEMENT Section 10.01 TERMINATION OF INTERIM WASTEWATER SERVICE AGREEMENT.The City and Wylie SUD agree that the Interim Wastewater Service Agreement terminates upon the effective date of this Agreement; provided, however, that the terms and conditions set forth therein relating to payment by Wylie SUD to the City shall remain in effect until such time as 11 41_;, 07/13/2021 Item E. Wylie SUD has fully complied with all such payment obligations. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the Parties respecting the matters herein set forth and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings, verbal or written, between the Parties hereto respecting such matters. ARTICLE 11 EARLY TERMINATION BY WYUE SUD TO PARTICIPATE IN REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM Section 11.01 EARLY TERMINATION. If at any time NTMWD extends a wastewater interceptor pipeline southward along Country Club Road past the intersection of Country Club Road and Lakeway Drive,in close proximity to the WW Meter,the Parties agree that Wylie SLID may formally request to connect its wastewater system directly to the Regional Wastewater System by becoming a direct participating member or customer of NTMWD. Should NTMWD agree to this request, this Agreement will terminate upon Wylie SLID notifying the City that a direct connection between Wylie SUD's wastewater system to the Regional Wastewater System has been achieved. Wylie SUD will pay all costs to decouple the SUD Facilities from the City System. ARTICLE 12 RECITALS Section 12.01 INCORPORATION AND CONSIDERATION. Each Party acknowledges the Recitals set forth in this Agreement and agrees that such Recitals are hereby incorporated into, and made a part of, this Agreement for all purposes. The Parties agree and acknowledge that the Recitals and the representations, promises, agreements and covenants contained in this Agreement are adequacy and sufficient consideration. ARTICLE 13 MISCELLANEOUS Section 13.01 SEVERABILITY. If any clause, provision or Section of this Agreement should be held illegal or invalid by any court, the invalidity of such clause, provision or Section shall not affect any of the remaining clauses, provisions or Sections hereof and this Agreement shall be construed and enforced as if such illegal or invalid clause, provision or Section had not been contained herein. In case any agreement or obligation contained in this Agreement should be held to be in violation of law,then such agreement or obligation shall be deemed to be the agreement or obligation of the Participants or the City, as the case may be, to the full extent permitted by law. Section 13.02 MODIFICATION. This Agreement may be changed or modified only with the consent of the governing bodies of the City and the affected Participant or Participants. No 12 42 0711312021 ItemE such change or modification may be made which will affect adversely the prompt payment when due Of all moneys required to be paid by the Participants under the terms of this Agreement. Section13.O3 VENUE. All amounts due under this Agreement, including, but n0limited to, payments due under this Agreement or damages for the breach of this Agreement, shall be paid and be due in Collin County, Texas, which isthe County in which the SLID Facilities,the City and Wylie SLID are located. It is specifically agreed among the Parties to this Agreement that Collin County, Texas, is the place of performance of this Agreement; and in the event that any legal proceeding is brought to enforce this Agreement or any provision hereof,the same shall be brought in Collin County, Texas. Sectionl3.O4 ARTICLE AND SECTION HEADINGS. Article and Section headings in this Agreement shall not be used in construing this Agreement. Section13.05 COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each ofwhich shall be deemed an original, but all of which shall constitute one and the same document. Secdon13.O8 SEVERABILITY. If any provisions of this Agreement shall, to any extent, be determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder this Agreement shall not he affected thereby, and every other term and provisions of this Agreement shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. Section13.U7 COOPERATION. Each Party hereby agrees that it will take all actions necessary to fully carry out the purposes and intent of this Agreement and reasonably cooperate with each other Party in doing so. Sectionl3.O8 WHOLESALE CUSTOMER; NO JOINT VENTURE. The Parties agree and acknowledge that Wylie SLID is a wholesale wastewater customer of the City under this Agreement and that this Agreement does not create a joint venture, partnership, or joint enterprise, that each Party is not an agent of the other entity, and that each Party is responsible for its own acts and omissions in conjunction with performance of this Agreement, and without waiving any rights or defenses under the laws of the State ofTexas. Section13.O9 IMMUNITY. |tis expressly understood and agreed that, in the execution and performance of this Agreement, neither Party has waived, nor shall be deemed hereby to have waived, any defense or immunity, including governmental, sovereign and official immunity, that would otherwise be available to it against claims arising in the exercise of governmental powers and functions. THIS AGREEMENT REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF WYLUEin 13 07/13/2021 Item E. a Regular Meeting on the 12th day of December, 2017, with authorization for the City Manager to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City of Wylie. CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS, a Texas home rule municipality By: MA Mindy Ma on, City Manager ATTEST: r&,8:_rvc Carole Ehrlich, Ci Secretary STATE OF TEXAS ;to, CONc RM?4, c, 018870 COUNTY OF COLLIN BEFORE ME, the undersigned Notary Public, on this day personally appeared MINDY MANSON, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same as the act of the CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, a Texas home-rule municipality, as its City Manager, for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office, this the (2. day of ()et Lnkbe...r , 2017. , IN, STEPHANIE MARIE STORM al4VAAA-t tritiOtadaui NOTARY PUBLIC It 1 \ * STATE OF TEXAS Notary Public, Collin County, Texas k / ID#126036074 My Comm.Expires 03-12-2019 14 44 07/13/2021 Item E. THIS AGREEMENT REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE WYLIE NORTHEAST SPECIAL UTILITY DISTRICT in a Regular Meeting held on the 14th day of November, 2017, with authorization for the President and Board Secretary to execute the Agreement on behalf of the Wylie Northeast Special Utility District. WYLIE NORTHEAST SPECIAL UTILITY DISTRICT, a Texas political subdivision By: e/AziL Jim C. a , President ATTEST: /21-444.1 Brenda Keilow,Secretary STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF COLLIN § BEFORE ME,the undersigned Notary Public, on this day personally appeared JIMMY C BEACH, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same as the act of the WYLIE NORTHEAST SPECIAL UTILITY DISTRICT, a Texas political subdivision, as its President, for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. ff / GIVEN under my hand and seal of office,this the /I_1�-day of November,2017. 11414C Notary ublic,Collin County,Texas =ra 6 i� a f AMANDA HORST al Notary ID 1125473316 y My Commission Expires 2017-1201Wut,watarintar<optorSyatam Contract.Wy1MSUDWyN,.dvrx 'ti'01 0a October 24,2921 15 45 07/13/2021 Item E. 410111111111111111111111e I .tt, ..4111, 4 , 4 , . ,.., .,i, • ,, • •4 , N " --s- oma., -1----:'.. : V I I 11.-i.-- -k.... 1 INSPIRATION 1 , ...... .A %- 'esi `( intio, 4. t.:7,„,,,-,% 0:„;e 4, , ' E um,., to „.04.,,‘• ...,/,.„,,. ir GRAVITY 1 .. 1 1401.1.s.t..+At , , ,„4.01.. • ; , I., MAIN MASTER AN ‘.0' inifil .41 ' II--WASTEWATER METER..... LOCATION 111 LIFT STATION . . Kt armokm... Mil 1. I t 12"GRAVITY SEWER MI INA sza go 12111 - • ST.PAUL , UNE 12"FORCE MAIN SEWER UNE II"GRAVITY II , alli MAIN . , i i0111, lir in . t.., ..,...L. :,. 1, • .. ' umiwommols. N.H. ii.a." , ,— I 11111110011- ' 1 jirj I A mommoomPr- IfIIMISIgir , ------- - ' • ' ;000000m. ) , 11/112 — — asimum.ir migesol_ rjoillI3 Il luur"... No no - • 21 r---filatimirm.. I [ CONNECT TO CITY I 11=1:.=1.111.1111t 1 , OF WYLIE i""'" aims molimmos -am rissomm, . . A IS I rillal EMI \\ CITY OF ' . . •- ._ 11.10101. ] 1 ra ii •, , \., . ma 1 • .00 - 711-• ..., .....=::: _.... . _ . MOM II / , • L .1—,..„.=.%, ... ....2, If_ , ,,, .... ... r l r.' I \ : • , L.... .......... .......lir l'il -‘7 . . I- ---• ' 1. ; mei, Adimai I __. 0„ . . °MI' CITY OF WYLIE litlir\-61:11111Hk __ IMMIIMMIll ..... WASTEWATER SYSTEM r -----yr -; - -- s- . • --, , ... \:, k- . .E. . _ , ...., WYLIE NE SUD . L ___ ____L__' ,...._. `' - -1 ..4, SEWER FACILITIES #--1 .44.-., -, ill EX.H.IBIT A . ) .. MIR el :"1 IIM r/4"AR, 'Mil .... , . . .....,, ILI! .....„-,.- . ...0. , 46 07/13/2021 Item E. I ________ \\,...._ Nibl ....`==j----k,...„.. 6----- --1 _JL_ ' 7:L 1,,..__:„.1r—'->,,,,,,,,,,,t ,i,-.6,kt \No; --------,...„ ----,,...s.,,,\ il fi , - � �T� / r s, �f-- // Brockdale Park �\\ yl �jrl� �`'/ / fii / 1•// /' ',/it ‘ / ‘ ,_..00„,„:41 v VC 1 / i �� , , // -// / //// Lavon I _l�i .// / r/ / / i 7 , //, /I / / / /. l —ra f / ,// /// ////;/ ////i i'� j//✓./I//' / / ,,,,/ /, / /, ///, //� f .. z . / /„ / /j/� / _... � .-__ //�///// i/ i /! // view.ANWIIII ----,) I roor r ,A, irl. .�'1���'//11�i irpidt„, c _ _ __,.„,...___,_ , co , ... , - ror,A0/174pro-Adij 1 ... ., -:, -.17 : , Nollown, N .e ' - - - IL- - rf._. ?)' - - i ;\- ® WYLIE NE SUD SEWER CCN#21056 WYLIE NE SUD ' ' t SETS LAGOS UD SEWER CCN#20502 SEWER CCN maimei ADDITIONAL SEWER SERVICE EXHIBIT B _ ► I , - --1L— i 47 _; 07/13/2021 Item F. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: Public Works Account Code: Prepared By: Tim Porter Subject Consider,and act upon,Resolution No. 2021-18(R)determining a public necessity to acquire certain properties for public use for rights-of-way(in fee simple),temporary construction easements and related improvements for the construction,expansion, access,repair,maintenance and replacement of Eubanks Lane(from Hwy 78 to approximately 1,000 feet north of Centennial Drive); giving notice of an official determination to acquire certain properties for public use for rights-of-way(in fee simple), temporary construction easements and related improvements for the construction,expansion,access,repair,maintenance and replacement of Eubanks Lane (from Hwy 78 to approximately 1,000 feet north of Centennial Drive); authorizing the City Manager of the City of Wylie, Texas, to establish procedures for acquiring the rights-of-way (in fee simple), temporary construction easements and related improvements offering to acquire said property rights, voluntarily from the landowners through the making of bona fide offers; appropriating funds; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; and providing for an effective date. Recommendation I otion to approve Item as presented. Discussion In 2016 the City of Wylie and the North Texas Municipal Water District entered into an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Eubanks Lane Improvements for the section of Eubanks Road between State Highway 78 and the southern entrance to the NTMWD site on Eubanks Road. In this document, the City of Wylie is outlined to fund 100% of design services and right- of-way acquisition. The engineering design of this section of road is nearing completion. The City's consultant, Halff Associates, Inc., has identified 10 parcels needed for the expansion of the roadway. Approval of the Resolution authorizes the City Manager to proceed with acquiring the parcels. The project is funded through both East and West Thoroughfare Impact Fees. Page 1 of 1 48 07/13/2021 Item F. RESOLUTION NO. 2021-18(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, DETERMINING A PUBLIC NECESSITY TO ACQUIRE CERTAIN PROPERTIES FOR PUBLIC USE FOR RIGHTS-OF-WAY (IN FEE SIMPLE), TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS AND RELATED IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION,EXPANSION, ACCESS, REPAIR, MAINTENANCE AND REPLACEMENT OF EUBANKS LANE (FROM HWY 78 TO APPROXIMATELY 1,000 FEET NORTH OF CENTENNIAL DRIVE); GIVING NOTICE OF AN OFFICIAL DETERMINATION TO ACQUIRE CERTAIN PROPERTIES FOR PUBLIC USE FOR RIGHTS-OF-WAY (IN FEE SIMPLE), TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS AND RELATED IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, EXPANSION, ACCESS, REPAIR, MAINTENANCE AND REPLACEMENT OF EUBANKS LANE (FROM HWY 78 TO APPROXIMATELY 1,000 FEET NORTH OF CENTENNIAL DRIVE); AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS,TO ESTABLISH PROCEDURES FOR ACQUIRING THE RIGHTS-OF-WAY (IN FEE SIMPLE), TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS AND RELATED IMPROVEMENTS, OFFERING TO ACQUIRE SAID PROPERTY RIGHTS, VOLUNTARILY, FROM THE LANDOWNERS THROUGH THE MAKING OF BONA FIDE OFFERS; APPROPRIATING FUNDS; PROVIDING FOR REPEALING, SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council") has investigated and determined that there is a public necessity for the acquisition, by, of certain parcels of rights-of-way (in fee simple), temporary construction easements and related improvements (collectively, "ROWs and Easements") on the real property described and depicted in Exhibit A,all of which are attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes(collectively, "Properties"); and WHEREAS,it is the intent of the City of Wylie, Texas ("Wylie")to acquire the necessary ROWs and Easements on the Properties for the purpose of, among other things, the construction, expansion, access, repair, maintenance and replacement of and/or improvements to public facilities; specifically, ROWs and Easements for the construction of and/or improvements to Eubanks Lane (from Hwy 78 to approximately 1,000 feet north of Centennial Drive) (collectively, the "Projects") for the purposes of, among other things,paving improvements; and WHEREAS,the City Council has further investigated and determined that the Projects are necessary for public use; and WHEREAS, there may be improvements located on some of the Properties acquired for these Projects and such improvements may be required to be moved prior to the beginning of these Projects; and Resolution No.2021-18(R)Acquisition of Property from Hwy 78 to Approximately 1000 Feet North of Centennial Dr 49 07/13/2021 Item F. WHEREAS,the City Manager, or his designee ("City Manager"), is authorized to make a bona fide offer("Bona Fide Offer")to acquire each of the ROWs and Easements on the Properties for public use; and WHEREAS, the City Council has investigated and determined that the passage of this Resolution complies with all applicable laws. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Resolution as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: Acquisition of Properties. The City Council hereby determines that there is a public necessity for, and the public welfare and convenience will be served by, the acquisition of the ROWs and Easements on the Properties, and it is Wylie's intent to acquire the ROWs and Easements for public use as more generally depicted in Exhibit A, attached hereto, specifically for the purposes of, among other things, the construction, expansion, access, repair, maintenance and replacement of and/or improvements of the Projects. SECTION 3: Authority of City Manager/Bona Fide Offer. The City Manager is hereby authorized to contract, on behalf of the City Council, with professional appraisers for appraisal services and with attorneys for preparation of title opinions needed by Wylie from time to time in connection with the acquisition of the ROWs and Easements on the Properties for the purposes of, among other things, the construction, access, repair, maintenance and replacement of and/or improvements to the Projects. The City Council hereby ratifies any contracts entered into, prior to the effective date of this Resolution, by the City Manager with professional appraisers for appraisal services and with attorneys for preparation of title opinions needed for the acquisition of the ROWs and Easements on the Properties. To this end, the City Manager shall negotiate and make Bona Fide Offers to acquire the ROWs and Easements on the Properties from the subject landowners voluntarily. SECTION 4: Determination of Just Compensation. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to examine and rely on the independent appraisal reports and other information to make a deteriiiination as to the establishment and approval of a fair market value offer and the just compensation for the ROWs and Easements on the Properties for the purpose of negotiating for the acquisition of the ROWs and Easements as well as making the Bona Fide Offers. After such consideration, the City Manager shall establish and approve the amount determined to be just compensation for acquisition of said ROWs and Easements and shall have the authority to execute any and all documents necessary to complete the acquisition of the same. SECTION 5: Authority to Make an Offer. Upon establishment and approval by the City Manager of the amount of just compensation for the acquisition of the ROWs and Easements on the Properties, the City Manager is authorized to negotiate the acquisition of the ROWs and Easements and to send a written Bona Fide Offer to the each of the landowners of said Properties for the acquisition of said ROWs and Easements at the full amount determined and established to be just compensation therefore,and to negotiate with said landowners on behalf of Wylie to acquire the ROWs and Easements voluntarily. 2 Resolution No.2021-18(R)Acquisition of Property from Hwy 78 to Approximately 1000 Feet North of Centennial Dr 50 07/13/2021 Item F. SECTION 6: Authority to Execute Documents. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute all documents necessary to acquire the ROWs and Easements on the Properties needed for the Projects, on behalf of Wylie,by purchase. The City Council hereby ratifies any documents executed,prior to the effective date of this Resolution,by the City Manager which were necessary for the acquisition of the ROWs and Easements on the Properties for the Projects. SECTION 7: Disposal of Improvements. The City Manager is hereby authorized to sell such surplus improvements, if any, located on the ROWs and Easements acquired in connection with these Projects, should they interfere with the intended use and enjoyment of said ROWs and Easements. SECTION 8: Source of Funds. The amount to be paid, if any, for acquiring the ROWs and Easements on the Properties for the Projects will be appropriated from any lawful source. SECTION 9: Savings/Repealing. All provisions of any resolution in conflict with this Resolution are hereby repealed to the extent they are in conflict. Any remaining portion of conflicting resolutions shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 10: Severability. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Resolution be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Resolution shall remain in full force and effect. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this Resolution, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, and phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION 11: Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect immediately from and after its passage. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, on this 13th day of July, 2021. Matthew Porter, Mayor ATTEST: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary 3 Resolution No.2021-18(R)Acquisition of Property from Hwy 78 to Approximately 1000 Feet North of Centennial Dr 51 07/13/2021 Item F. Exhibit A 4 Resolution No.2021-18(R)Acquisition of Property from Hwy 78 to Approximately 1000 Feet North of Centennial Dr 52 07/13/2021 Item F. EXHIBIT A PARCEL NO. 1 RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION 274 SQ. FT. (0.0063 ACRES) BEING a 274 square foot (0.0063 acre) tract of land situated in the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being part of that tract of land described in Warranty Deed to C.T. Beckham, as recorded in Volume 5266, Page 1434 of the Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas (O.P.R.C.C.T.), and also being a part of Lot 1, Block A of Woodlake Village, an Addition to the City of Wylie, Texas, as recorded in Cabinet G, Page 386, Map Records of Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a set 1/2-inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped "HALFF" (hereinafter referred to as "with HALFF cap") for the northwest end of a corner clip located at the intersection of the north line of S.H. 78 (variable width right-of-way), with the east line of Eubanks Lane (County Road 389, a 32.5 foot wide right-of-way dedicated by said Woodlake Village addition), and being on the north line of a 5,724 square foot right-of-way deed to the State of Texas as recorded in Volume 5266, Page 5809, O.P.R.C.C.T.; THENCE North 00 degrees 30 minutes 31 seconds East, with said east line of Eubanks Lane, a distance of 11.63 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod with "HALFF" cap for corner; THENCE South 46 degrees 23 minutes 03 seconds East, departing said east line and over and across said Lot 1, a distance of 40.54 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod with "HALFF" cap on said north line of S.H. 78 and north line of said 5,724 square foot State of Texas tract; THENCE South 89 degrees 06 minutes 37 seconds West, along said north lines, a distance of 12.08 feet to a found 5/8-inch iron rod with a "TXDOT" cap for the southeast end of the aforementioned corner clip; THENCE North 46 degrees 26 minutes 18 seconds West, along said corner clip, a distance of 23.97 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 274 square feet or 0.0063 acres of land, more or less. The Basis of Bearing is the Texas Coordinate System of 1983, North Central Zone (4202), based on ties to City of Wylie Monuments CM 1, CM 2, CM 3, CM 4 and CM 5. I, Andrew J. Shafer, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor, hereby certify that the legal description hereon and the accompanying plat of even date represent an actual survey made on the ground under my supervision. Andrew J. Sha er ; � I •�r'I/til Registered Professional Land Surveyor s7 501 ° Texas No. 5017 � TBPELS Firm No. 10029600 ' a ��� � Page 1 of 2 Feb., 2021 LD ROW PARCEL-1-34066.docx.docx 53 �� I � � ig - 07/13/2021 Item F. 1 0 25 50 75 100 p � ' e i SCALE: 1"=50' H / � _ 1N M I k """ 0 `-, i '" SR 78 '� > °' LL 1i W — dt WYLIE O ,n 1 LW rri (CALLED 0.133 ACRE TRACT) Z Ir —T 1-,� MIKE BUNTING x ca INSTR. O. 2012102900137 IOBD I J ;.. 4` LOCATION MAP 1 o.P.R.C.CT. r I 2ma NOT TO SCALE 1 5'x 5'WATER EASEMENT � . "*', x al_c d' INSTR.NO.20091218010003070 1 O.P.R.C.C.T. � 4 .,._ / ��I 9.1' WOODLOT 1, BLOCK A :,,..2I.-KE VILL_C,E CAB. G, PG. 386 W ( 01 j P,R.CC'.T, 24'ACCESS AND l , oy (CALLED 15.754 ACRE TRACT) UTILITY EASEMENT / o Z ) C.T. BECKHAM INSTR.NO.20091218010003070 I o B DOC', NO, 2002-0141111 - � O.P.R.C.C.T. T Zzo gym. Ii 0 VOL 2G1l, PG. 143=1 �� 'SLOT 1, BLOCK A 1� m� o 11 OP,R.C.C.T. ‘"r ., McNEE ADDITION ) wy_i (' c"k, A� BLOCK A. LOT 1 I �p 8o� �d , S INSTR. NO. �o d I y� 1q` 3 UUJ121801U003O7U I� d� , u; v-R z,'v ) %1 ` PARCEL N0. . D.P.R.C.C.T. '` I RIGHT-OF-WAY "'' I _ J I' 1 DEDICATION BIiJ BAYOU TECHE p 1 z wl INVESTMENT, LLC, "" 4 SO. FT. 50'BU1L0I LINE A TEXAS LIMITED a 1/2'SI ACRES) CAB.G,PG.386 L1_AEiILITY COMPANY g P_Ti__ — 2U13(?0300(N)T(i01U N00130' 1"E CAP 1 �,./51` 4 ��_ ,.: 45° NACL _- _. T €icNrANO ,€ XAS VONIALE4TRICT t'ti POINT OF BEGINNING .. ' 4O 4 G38T Llr4 , J r, , 1/2'SIR CA 86 - I— , _ _ __� . 6 ® ?� � W/CAP % � ' ^''"` kd 9M'! ��G ��K]d�;r.Y J L '�'J1 ' ..._P 'c." I t 5/8,FIRi/2'SIR5/B'WlTXDDT CAP CAP5 724S0.F F)(C.M•) STATE OF TEXAS ATE OF TEXAS (C,M,)'EA5I1-NT AND ,O.�I.'TO DOC.NO.2002-0141865 DOC.NO.2002-0195911 N TH TXAS MUIIICIPAL """STATE OF TEXAS VOL 5266,PG.5809 VOL.5326,PG.010194 € DOC.NO.2002-0195909 k WATER DISTRI To O.P.R.C.C.T. O.P.R.C.C.T. VOL. 4 ,PG.7 7 VOL.5326,PG.010179 S89 06 37"W 3. D, : ,C.T. O.P.R.C.C.T. Z.OBd , 4 u;,a d w � t � �._,a I N \ II l�y a k TATEHIG W 11�} 78 V ° l )q .. "T7' 41 r �`'` EXHIBIT A } PARCEL NO.1 RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION The EBasis of Bearing is the Texas Coordinate e )ANDREW J. SHAFER System of 1983.North Central Zone (4202),based as .. ,.i`� 274 SQ. FT. OR (0.0063 ACRES) on ties to City of Wylie Monuments CM 1,CM 2, CM 3,CM 4 and CM 5. 50-17 ~ SITUATED IN THE t ` ` . °`° FRANCISCO DE LA PENA SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.688 LEGEND '. ` ' CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS I/2'SIR 1/2-INCH SET IRON ROD WITH YELLOW FOR T�/ WY W/CAP PLASTIC CAP STAMPED 'HALFF' ow,,' 1 CITY i OF YV I LIE FIR FOUND IRON ROD U.T.S. UNABLE TO SET t 3 �„ +�" PREPARED BY C.M. CONTROL MONUMENT ` R.O.W. RIGHT-OF-WAY 'I, • ` I u DOC.NO. DOCUMENT NUMBER Ir ;1~ HALFF111 INSTR.NO. INSTRUMENT NUMBER HALFF ASSOCIATES,INC. ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS O.P.R.C.C.T. OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS 1201 NORTH BOWSER ROAD-RICHARDSON,TEXAS-75081-2275 P.R.C.C.T. PLAT RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS Page 2 of 2 TBPELS FIRM NO,10029600 (214)346-6200 AVO.34066 FEBRUARY,21 54 07/13/2021 Item F. EXHIBIT A PARCEL NO. 2 RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION 1,482 SQ. FT. (0.0340 ACRES) BEING a 1,482 square foot (0.0340 acre) tract of land situated in the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being part of that 0.133 acre tract of land described in Special Warranty Deed to Mike Bunting, as recorded in Instrument Number 20121029001374960 of the Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas (O.P.R.C.C.T.), and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a set crow's foot in concrete for the northeast corner of said 0.133 acre tract, being the southeast corner of a 1.50 acre tract of land described in Warranty Deed to Charles A. Bunting and Margaret P. Bunting, as recorded in Instrument Number 93- 0059736, O.P.R.C.C.T., and being in the center of Eubanks Lane (County Road 389, a variable width right-of-way); THENCE South 00 degrees 30 minutes 31 seconds West, with the east line of said 0.133 acre tract and the center of Eubanks Lane, a distance of 45.60 feet to a set magnail with a washer stamped "HALFF" for the southeast corner of said 0.133 acre tract, said point being the northeast corner of a variable width right-of-way, as dedicated by the McKee Addition, Block A, Lot 1, an addition to the City of Wylie, as recorded in Volume 2009, Page 449, O.P.R.C.C.T.; THENCE North 89 degrees 46 minutes 22 seconds West, departing said center of Eubanks Lane and along the common south line of said 0.133 acre tract and north line of said right- of-way dedication, a distance of 32.50 feet to a found 1/2-inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "RPLS 5686" at the northeast corner of said Lot 1, Block A of the McKee Addition; THENCE North 00 degrees 30 minutes 31 seconds East, departing said common line and over and across said 0.133 acre tract, a distance of 45.60 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped "HALFF" on the common north line of said 0.133 acre tract and south line of said 1.50 acre tract; THENCE South 89 degrees 46 minutes 22 seconds East, along said common line, a distance of 32.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 1,482 square feet or 0.0340 acres of land, more or less. The Basis of Bearing is the Texas Coordinate System of 1983, North Central Zone (4202), based on ties to City of Wylie Monuments CM 1, CM 2, CM 3, CM 4 and CM 5. I, Andrew J. Shafer, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor, hereby certify that the legal description hereon and the accompanying plat of even date represent an actual survey made on the ground under my supervision. rev. Fek.aazoxt Andrew J. Sha r ` \\ti ANDRyEW,l SHAf ER s ) Registered Professional Land Surveyor 0L717 a y Texas No. 5017 Orr"�`rr- TBPELS Firm No. 10029600 Page 1 of 2 Feb., 2021 LD ROW PARCEL-2-34066.docx.docx 55._. , ,i 0 25 50 75 100 1 ,L� 07/13/2021 Item F. ay 1R09ECT l SITE I SCALE: 1"=50' I cM NORTH Q ry O co Oft .„50a1 us . 1 tJ I I (', �+II' . I I .."_�a.' - WYLIE -f ,y,s,"*v. *lN. 1j&I' ' p k „a te y 'cy s .'M e It l3 8' ? to eRowN STREET AN 1I 4 CO I',UJ R ��. 's, < ,off LOCATION MAP z ' 7 NOT TO SCALE (CALLED 1.50 ACRE TRACT) 1 Q a'CI-IARLES A. BUNTING I CO II •rr- AND MARGARET P. BUNTING �� EiJt II DOC. NO. 03-0059736 \,w111 O.P.R.C.C.T. I W I il id II S89°46'22"E 1 SET CR i POINT OF 32.50' ') FOOT ON11,I BEGINNING EDGE QF° 1/2'SIR ..wm CONCRETE ' PARCEL N0. 2 W/CAP s«: �I '4g F RIGHT—OF—WAY DEDICATION I { 1.482 SO. FT. ► 589'46'22'E 190.83'_ _ (0.0340 ACRES) w i II 1/2'FIR (CALLED 0.13:3 ACRE TRACT) �C .. II 1 za (in concrete) o _ 6 I W (C.M,} MIKE BUNTING (h0 t �,"'� INSTR. NO. co I co ` I I �U GO121U29001:37496U , :; M si,3"• O.P.R.C.C'.T. p p 1 mina 4 ; o i� g a o ca 1/2'FIR `CL j W/'RPLS 5686'CAP I ^' r« LOT 1, BLOCK A (C.M.) N$9°46"22SET MAG WOODLAKE VILLAGE NAIL; W/WA R CAB. G, PG. 306 5'x 5'WATER EASEMENT 32.50STAMPED 'HAL F' '� P.R.C.C.T. VOL.2009,PG.449 - w O.P.R.C.C.T. I 1 iI'..--- 1 t (CALLED 15.754 ACRE TRACT) . `- �24'ACCESS AND C.T. BECKHAM UTILIIT EASEMENT II I DOC. NO. '_2002 0141411 VOL.,2009,PG.449 VOL. 5266, PG. 1434 O.P.R.C.C.T. t) I O.P.R.C.C.T. / LOT 1, BLOCK A II 11-11 � McxEE ADDITION � w � z II BLOCK A, LOT 1 11 zq s i t VOL. 2009, PG. 449 " (a ; Qom, ) _m II II ( O.P.R.C.C.T. I o � i o al� I e BKJ BAYOU TECIIE 11 1 c'oa : �� �I E INVESTMENT, LLC, I A .d ••mr- j1 A TEXAS LIMITED I c,> 1 �� =M1 LIABILITY COMPANY ) "' I �` INSTR. NO. ._,_,,,._„_�-, 20130103000016010 I , " O.P.R.C.C.T. ," 1 _ l' _ _ i ooa (-.s 1 EXHIBIT A NOTE: >'.a: , `: ��` ` PARCEL NO. 2 RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION The Basis of Bearing is the Texas Coordinate 't ,,,,,,.,--" '""4'.d' oast es of 1983,City North lNl Central Zone (�M�),baseCM d ANDREW J. SHAPER J) 1,482 SQ. FT. OR (0.0340 ACRES) CM 3,CM 4 and CM 5. A`a1,.' "' °� ,(1 tt SITUATED IN THE 5017 :i FRANCISCO DE LA PENA SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.688 LEGEND ,.,I7 IAE �I: 1 CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS ", I/2'SIR 1/2-INCH SET IRON ROD WITH YELLOW '`1 °�F 11 f. , ^4 tr _e �/ FOR W/CAP PLASTIC CAP STAMPED 'HALFF' ' :- '„,,,A;,"' CITY OF WYLIE FIR FOUND IRON ROD V V ! 4 U.T.S. UNABLE TO SETPREPARED BY C.M. CONTROL MONUMENT 1t ili All R.O.W. RIGHT-OF-WAY ) ) f4iJ I Yt �O�� nM HALFF DOC.NO. DOCUMENT NUMBER , UM INSTR.NO. INSTRUMENT NUMBER HALFF ASSOCIATES,INC. ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS O.P.R.C.C.T. OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS 1201 NORTH BOWSER ROAD-RICHARDSON,TEXAS-75081-2275 P.R.C.C.T. PLAT RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS Page 2 of 2 TBPELS FIRM NO.10029600 (214)346-6200 AVO.34066 FEBRUARY'2 56 07/13/2021 Item F. EXHIBIT A PARCEL NO. 3 RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION 11,323 SQ. FT. (0.2599 ACRES) BEING a 11,323 square foot (0.2599 acre) tract of land situated in the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being part of that 1.50 acre tract of land described in Warranty Deed to Charles A. Bunting and Margaret P. Bunting, as recorded in Instrument Number 93-0059736, of the Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas (O.P.R.C.C.T.), and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a set crow's foot in concrete for the southeast corner of said 1.50 acre tract, a point in the center of Eubanks Lane (County Road 389, a variable width right-of- way), said point also being the northeast corner of a 0.133 acre tract of land described in Special Warranty Deed to Mike Bunting, as recorded in Instrument Number 20121029001374960 (O.P.R.C.C.T.), also being on the west line of a 32.5 foot wide right-of-way dedicated by the Plat of Woodlake Village, an Addition to the City of Wylie, Texas, as recorded in Cabinet G, Page 386, Map Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE North 89 degrees 46 minutes 22 seconds West, departing said center of Eubanks Lane and along the common south line of said 1.50 acre tract and north line of said 0.133 acre tract, a distance of 32.50 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped "HALFF" for corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 30 minutes 31 seconds East, departing said common line and over and across said 1.50 acre tract, a distance of 339.91 feet to a point (unable to set) on the common north line of said 1.50 acre tract and south line of a 100-foot wide Kansas City Southern Railroad Company right-of-way, described in Deed without Warranty, as recorded in Instrument Number 94-0096329, O.P.R.C.C.T., said point being on a non-tangent circular curve to the right having a radius of 5,679.58 feet and whose chord bears North 62 degrees 47 minutes 57 seconds East, a distance of 36.71 feet; THENCE Northeasterly, along said common line and said curve, through a central angle of 00 degrees 22 minutes 13 seconds, for an arc distance of 36.71 feet to a set magnail with a washer stamped "HALFF" for the northeast corner of said 1.50 acre tract, being the northwest corner of said 32.5 foot wide right-of-way dedicated by the Woodlake Village addition, and in the center of Eubanks Lane; THENCE South 00 degrees 30 minutes 31 seconds West, departing said south line and along the common east line of said 1.50 acre tract and west line of said 32.5 foot wide right-of-way dedication, a distance of 356.82 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 11,323 square feet or 0.2599 acres of land, more or less. Page 1 of 3 Feb., 2021 LD ROW PARCEL-3-34066.docx.docx 57 07/13/2021 Item F. EXHIBIT A PARCEL NO. 3 RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION 11,323 SQ. FT. (0.2599 ACRES) The Basis of Bearing is the Texas Coordinate System of 1983, North Central Zone (4202), based on ties to City of Wylie Monuments CM 1, CM 2, CM 3, CM 4 and CM 5. I, Andrew J. Shafer, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor, hereby certify that the legal description hereon and the accompanying plat of even date represent an actual survey made on the ground under my supervision. cei.g A CAI f ,.. , Andrew J. Shafer Registered Professional Land Surveyor '00 ANDREW J. SHAFER Texas No. 5017 \:\k \.., 5017 ,;:ti , TBPELS Firm No. 10029600 Page 2 of 3 Feb., 2021 LD ROW_PARC EL-3-34066.docx.docx 58 '' 0 25 50 75 100 � U.T,S, 07/13/2021 Item F. N � Sdfr �,. fH4./ " � 'A �s, ,a N� �1 ' MAGNABL 0 ._ � SCALE: 1"=5C" �� rN� YPtWAFIE NORTH Q % , `� �A:1,' 1i HALFF. �� 541 3 E . % n '� sao7 00'EASEMENT AND1�� '0.„): � R.O.W.TO NORTH TEXASI i WYLIE1: �e MUNICIPAL WATER DISTR 1 ...ii:: VOL. D R84,PG.C.0 T.883 0_��°22'13" vi f �l . R=5,679.58' '': _. CL= 36.71' 4, I CB= N62°47'57"E 1 s= 02'12'52 rn1 LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE R= 5679.58' � ` L= 219.51' MI I ( I. 1(11 1, BI01E II .i- CL= 219.50' 0 I CB= N 61'30'25"E 4TItI-tI4N: VILLAGE: . W/'RPLSF5034" 1 t ' e, (Ali, I I. <$'1�4 5 CAP ? i z+ ' .. ry q,,, �,C -t ) r I 1I� ,,0 r'F } 4 Y V--- -0 l'''''' ls,„0:1' ll:'',;,,,Tn:',„,,,,,,,,7,:,,;,,,,,, co .1.1 1LN L„.,-- ���� (CALLED 1.50 ACRE TRACT) NA, NG CIIARLES A. BUNTING 1O ' �� AND 'ii\RG_ARET P. BE ., ��� Cole, s ,{ DOC. NO. 93-0059736 � 8 �` ,,.✓' 0_P.R.C.C.T_ [ Lw k PARCEL NO. 3 1 ��� �r-- -` --. RIGHT-OF-WAY ` �; " DEDICATION II - "" 11.323 SO. FT. Z - (0.2599 ACRES) ' ,C «* i'jj p091 2cP LOT 1. BLOCK A Yf .r xen.4 . � . MI * �" �i �a P JM I ANEW I ��I L IS 9) o - z�� 1rooDLAhE VILLAGE , M 16 a� CAB. G, PG. :3t16 ['.R.C.C.T. 1. a € f:q ff O m coma y' °a # M ""} •"''"- 1 o,-, 8 li O ,cav T3tT '" t",, , � I ) r "( r�ia I 10). 1/2'SIR SET, (CALLED 15.754 ACRE TRACT) re kteAttOzr'1 4/ W/CAP ,4,,,,,L .� CROWS tin C.T. BECKHAM �,�6" 1C FOOT�(JN DOC. NO. 2002-01-11441 EDGE OF rl VOL. 326G, PG, 1-L31 3 GONCRkTE�I O.P.R.C.C.T. t. S$9"4 '22`E _ 19 .1 3` _ _ Is : R1 0.R C ALLED d 33 ACRE 'f"I�,�C`G'�� p >✓ = 1/2 FIR MIKE BUNTING `1, b 1 a (in concrete) INSTR. NO. 20121029001371960 ' cc.M.l 0.P.R.C.C.T. POINT OF BEGINNING NOO'30'3t'E N59°4' `" I 45.60' 1 ®� 1 1 1/2'FIR W/RPLS EXHIBIT A NOEBasis of Bearing is the Texas Coordinate 5686MIlAP PARCEL NO. 3 RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION The B System of 1983,North Central Zone (42021,based 11,323 SQ. FT. OR (0.2599 ACRES) ( on ties to City of Wylie Monuments CM 1,CM 2. SITUATED IN THE CM 3,CM 4 and CM 5. FRANCISCO DE LA PENA SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.688 0. LEGEND CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS °. 1/2'SIR 1/2-INCH SET IRON ROD WITH YELLOW FOR W/CAP PLASTIC CAP STAMPED 'HALFF' CITY OF WYLIE FIR FOUND IRON ROD N U.T.S. UNABLE TO SET 1 PREPARED BY C.M. CONTROL MONUMENT ■TM HALFF• . R.O.W. RIGHT-OF-WAY DOC.NO. DOCUMENT NUMBER ■Ai INSTR.NO. INSTRUMENT NUMBER HALFF ASSOCIATES,INC. ENGINEERS—SURVEYORS P.R.C.C.T.T PLAT OFFICIAL RECORDSCOFECOSCOLLDL N OCO NOTLY,ITEXASNTY,TEXAS Page 3 a f 3 TBPELS1F RMRNO.NOTH810029600 (21OWSER ROAD4)346I6200 DAVOO.340 6S FEBRUARY,2 59 07/13/2021 Item F. EXHIBIT A PARCEL NO, 4 RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION 2,454 SQ. FT. (0.0563 ACRES) BEING a 2,454 square foot (0.0563 acre) tract of land situated in the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being part of that tract of land described in Special Warranty Deed to North Texas Municipal Water District, as recorded in Instrument Number 20121121001491090 of the Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas (O.P.R.C.C.T.), and being a part of Lot 1, Block B of Woodlake Village, an Addition to the City of Wylie, Texas, as recorded in Cabinet G, Page 386, Map Records of Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a found 5/8-inch iron rod with a plastic cap stamped "Gorrondona Assoc." for the northwest end of a corner clip located at the intersection of the north line of Centennial Drive (60-foot wide right-of-way) with the east line of Eubanks Lane (County Road 389, a 32.5 foot wide right-of-way dedicated by said Woodlake Village addition); THENCE North 00 degrees 30 minutes 31 seconds East, with said east line of Eubanks Lane, a distance of 41.16 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped HALFF (hereinafter referred to as "with HALFF cap") for corner; THENCE South 44 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds East, departing said east line and over and across said Lot 1, a distance of 21.20 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod with HALFF cap at the beginning of a non-tangent circular curve to the left having a radius of 410.00 feet and whose chord bears North 78 degrees 30 minutes 35 seconds East, a distance of 161.64 feet; THENCE Easterly, continuing across said Lot 1, through a central angle of 22 degrees 44 minutes 13 seconds, for an arc distance of 162.70 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod with HALFF cap on said north line of Centennial Drive; THENCE South 67 degrees 08 minutes 29 seconds West, along said north line, a distance of 173.58 feet to a found 5/8-inch iron rod with "Gorrondona" cap at the southeast end of the aforementioned corner clip; THENCE North 56 degrees 09 minutes 25 seconds West, along said corner clip, a distance of 16.48 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 2,454 square feet or 0.0563 acres of land, more or less. Page 1 of 3 Feb., 2021 LD ROW PARCEL-4-34066.docx.docx 60 07/13/2021 Item F. EXHIBIT A PARCEL NO. 4 RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION 2,454 SQ. FT. (0.0563 ACRES) The Basis of Bearing is the Texas Coordinate System of 1983, North Central Zone (4202), based on ties to City of Wylie Monuments CM 1, CM 2, CM 3, CM 4 and CM 5. I, Andrew J. Shafer, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor, hereby certify that the legal description hereon and the accompanying plat of even date represent an actual survey made on the ground under my supervision. re,)., ,4Ii1i 1:::c6. / ( ..102.1 Andrew J. Sha -r „„,„ .,..,_ Registered Professional Land Surveyor Texas No. 5017 TBPELS Firm No. 10029600 ,. NDRE1A150 J 1.7SI-IPFI:? y Page 2 of 3 Feb., 2021 LD ROW PARCEL-4-34066.docx.docx 61 1 07/13/2021 Item F. r �° ,� 1 �� \ 1 SITE t, II w,�.,*,c.777 � , ' NORTH . 1 . 1 \°��-,--.. µ-^^" 1 P iw o- N, ar WYLIE e. . 40 Lik 5/8'FIR ` ?) *VsgliFos srt6:eT W 'GORRONDONA ASSOC.'M.) AP LOT 1, BLOCK B i, WOODLAKE VILLAGE LOCATION MAP �`,, . 1, m CAB. G, PG. 386 P.R.C.C.T. NOT TO SCALE it NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT 'a4' INSTR. NO. 20121121001-191090 ti ( 11 1. O.Y.R.C.C.T. .i 15'UTILITY EASEMENT /, CAB.G,PG.386 / ( o I P.R.C.C.T. A=22°44'13" 20'BUILDING LINE I „ CAB.G.PG.386 ��'' co 'E R=410.00' P.R.C.C.T. ... o .- r( PARCEL NO. L= 162.70' / /> `�"c', RIGHT-OF-WAY CL= 161.64' /�- .— - o03� ,L DEDICATIONSo /- -5�fl.z �Qa := CB= N783035 E / ,,'1 i b-No 12.454 SO. FT. ..-^"' -- 1 EEi,x N I0.0563ACRES) / _ a W GORASSOR°CAP DONA tt' I� i! / (C.M.) (co I /2'SIR �„ /i W/CAP `' W/CAP �s * r' ,:w " I "~ .r'�' �,�rw .+. � _ 1/2'SIR ,- .!wn* e ,, W/CAP ��- --i,;, � r - r 5/8 F1R_, . W/"GORRO()Q01A - ASSOC CAP * fe1..w..i k s‘cbo+‘2c,.,,.p•-.,e°1:,4.G,:.,.,.N,-p ',.,..,.(CAL/ (C.M.t �. 0 + '` .". POINT OF t, -%' BEGINNING w/•GORRONQONa �� � ,.r_- - . ; - 'j"� o ° ASSOC.'CAP o N 1 48` .ifr,, ' - ( {�It . LOT 1, BLOCK A 'y F " `` WOODLAKE VILLAGE RS , 1 - i - CAB. G, PG. 386 t Z a ,, a; ,„, '''" / ,2. N.cs. [. P.R.C.C.T. z r G 9 St" Q .-" „,- (CALLED 15.754 ACRE TRACT) k - - C.T. BECKHADI t ° 1 �T1 DOC. NO. 2002-0141441 1 1 (� ! a 1' VOL. 06266, PG. 01434 1 Y '',C"„`.1 ( O.P.R.C.C.T. z "''v I v 7 1 ti m I I {f ANDREW J. SHAPER I tfrW 0 25 50 75 100 � W �1 SA " '4 S t, SCALE: 1"=50' lkoplrfili).gt‘`A0,2t EXHIBIT A NThe OTE:Basis of Bearing is the Texas Coordinate F46� PARCEL NO. 4 RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION v System of 1983.North Central Zone (4202),based 2,454 SQ. FT. OR (0.0563 ACRES) on ties to City of Wylie Monuments CM I,CM 2, CM 3,CM 4 and CM 5. SITUATED IN THE FRANCISCO DE LA PENA SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.688 G LEGEND CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS fi I/2'SIR 1/2-INCH SET IRON ROD WITH YELLOW FOR W/CAP PLASTIC CAP STAMPED 'HALFF' CITY OF WYLIE FIR FOUND IRON ROD 4 U.T.S. UNABLE TO SET C.M. CONTROL MONUMENT PREPARED BY AN ") R.O.W. RIGHT-OF-WAY • ■ HALFF. DOC.NO. DOCUMENT NUMBER *'(■ INSTR.NO. INSTRUMENT NUMBER HALFF ASSOCIATES,INC. ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS O.P.R.C.C.T. OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS 1201 NORTH BOWSER ROAD-RICHARDSON,TEXAS-75081-2275 P.R.C.C.T. PLAT RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS Page 3 of 3 TBPELS FIRM NO.10029600 (214)346-6200 AVO.34066 FEBRUARY,: 62 07/13/2021 Item F. EXHIBIT A PARCEL NO. 5 RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION 7,313 SQ. FT. (0.1679 ACRES) BEING a 7,313 square foot (0.1679 acre) tract of land situated in the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being part of that right-of-way described in Deed Without Warranty to The Kansas City Southern Railroad Company (KCS Railroad Company), as recorded in Instrument Number 94- 0096329 of the Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas (O.P.R.C.C.T.), and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a found 1/2-inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "RPLS 5034" on the south line of said KCS Railroad Company tract, said point being the northwest corner of a 1.50 acre tract of land described in Warranty Deed to Charles A. Bunting and Margaret P. Bunting, as recorded in Instrument Number 93-0059736, O.P.R.C.C.T., and being on a circular curve to the right having a radius of 5,679.58 feet and whose chord bears North 61 degrees 30 minutes 25 seconds East, a distance of 219.50 feet; THENCE Northeasterly, along the common north line of said 1.50 acre tract and south line of said KCS Railroad Company tract, and along said curve, through a central angle of 02 degrees 12 minutes 52 seconds, for an arc distance of 219.51 feet to a point (unable to set) for the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described tract; THENCE North 00 degrees 30 minutes 31 seconds East, departing said common line and over and across said KCS Railroad Company tract, a distance of 112.87 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped "HALFF" on the north line of said KCS Railroad Company tract, and being on the common south line of a 19.28 acre tract of land described in Warranty Deed to North Texas Municipal Water District, as recorded in Volume 684, Page 384, O.P.R.C.C.T., and being on a non-tangent circular curve to the right having a radius of 5,779.58 feet and whose chord bears North 63 degrees 29 minutes 57 seconds East, a distance of 72.96 feet; THENCE Northeasterly, along said common line and said curve, passing at an arc distance of 36.54 feet the southwest corner of a 32.5 foot right-of-way dedication for Eubanks Bank (County Road 389), as dedicated by the final plat of Woodlake Village Two, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, as recorded in Cabinet I, Page 520, O.P.R.C.C.T., and continuing along the north line of said KCS Railroad Company tract and south line of said right-of-way dedication, in all through a central angle of 00 degrees 43 minutes 24 seconds, for a total arc distance of 72.96 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped "HALFF" at the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block B of said Woodlake Village Two addition, said point also being the northwest corner of a 11,492 square foot (22.33 foot wide strip of land) described in Quitclaim Deed to Texas National Guard Armory Board, as recorded in Instrument Number 92-0020694, O.P.R.C.C.T.; Page 1 of 3 Feb., 2021 LD ROW PARCEL-5-34066.docx.docx 63 07/13/2021 Item F. EXHIBIT A PARCEL NO. 5 RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION 7,313 SQ. FT. (0.1679 ACRES) THENCE South 00 degrees 30 minutes 31 seconds West, departing said common line and along the west line of said 22.33 foot wide strip, passing at 24.97 feet the southwest corner of said strip, and continuing, in all a total distance of 112.13 feet to a found 5/8- inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Gorrondona Assoc." on the south line of said KCS Railroad Company tract, and being the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block A of the Woodlake Village, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, as recorded in Cabinet G, Page 386, O.P.R.C.C.T., also being the northwest corner a 32.5 foot right- of-way dedication for Eubanks Bank (County Road 389), as dedicated by the final plat of Woodlake Village addition, and being on a non-tangent circular curve to the left having a radius of 5,679.58 feet and whose chord bears South 62 degrees 59 minutes 02 seconds West, a distance of 73.30 feet; THENCE Southwesterly, along the common south line of said KCS Railroad Company tract, and north line of said 32.5 foot right-of-way dedication, passing at an arc distance of 36.59 feet the northwest corner of said 32.5 foot right-of-way dedication, and continuing along the south line of said KCS Railroad Company tract, in all through a central angle of 00 degrees 44 minutes 22 seconds, for a total arc distance of 73.30 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 7,313 square feet or 0.1679 acres of land, more or less. The Basis of Bearing is the Texas Coordinate System of 1983, North Central Zone (4202), based on ties to City of Wylie Monuments CM 1, CM 2, CM 3, CM 4 and CM 5. I, Andrew J. Shafer, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor, hereby certify that the legal description hereon and the accompanying plat of even date represent an actual survey made on the ground under my supervision. ,f]? a a„ 3 t ANDREW J SHAFF R F� Andrew J. 5h..fer Registered Professional Land Surveyor i I Texas No. 5017 = ' ;d TBPELS Firm No. 10029600 Page 2 of 3 Feb., 2021 LD ROW PARCEL-5-34066.docx.docx 64 ............ _ „. 07/13/2021 Item F. �I �1= r 61 LOT 1, BLOCK "I3" ,._... `W, '`� I N•OODLAKE VILLAGE TWO SI E d �� CAB. I, PG. 320 Y✓ @ d 1 ( P.R.C.C.T. NORTH1. 'r' d I ct I Uo (CALLED 10,318 WRY, TRACT) e_M!L+d...D41 P j ? o'�� TEXAS NATIONAL GI ARD ARMORY B0 1RD C o.3� 1 VOL. 3'268, PG. 895 sr,}p p (CAI .9.28 ICRE I R(CT) I d j o yORTII TE\VS' \IUNICII'AI. i 1 I —� D.R,D.C.T. WYLIE a AATER DISTRICT i c,.. i '- VOL. 681, PG. 384 At I I . " \\ti _ , D.R.C.C.'I'. 0. E J I 'O tl W �4y�6 ,.^ . -- .........p"1 BROWN StREET ,_ ,.., 1/2'SIR y« C'+y T L�3" ., W/CAP 7 \,�-\ ., { ,. '�� LOCATION MAP R= 5 779.58' '' L:: -AV ��i/ �1 NOT TO SCALE L=72.96 72.96' 0 25 50 75 100 CB= N63°29S7"EIff'! - CL= " 1/2'SIR t NNE. .6,, r('t W/CAP C14$ V$4'1 Y'S n_ t IJ� ,, �� SCALE: 1 =50 i ' . of PAR , 100 o --I N v„ E� ' ,)„z SO , Xi. .` M1# C o , W/'GORRONDONA i ° ' AI ASSOC.'CAP C'• I '� \ I�' ACT$' i I I .1,' I I (C.M.) Z , ' I I I LOT 1. BLOCK B 1. A= 02.12'S2` U.T.S. IVOODL-1IiE VILLAGE R= 5.679.58'! -° A= 00°44'22" CAB. G. PG. :386 L= 219.51' '- y I R= 5,679.58' I'.R.C.C.T. CL= 219.50' 8 CB, N61.30'25"E1 L= 73.30' NORTH TEXAS MUNE_IPAI, CL=73.30' 51ATER DISTRICT .fyo I CB= S62°59'02"W 1NSTR NO. 20111121001491090 k rc4ot� I 0.P.R.C.C.T. rei 0POINT OF x` CI II BEGINNING ', rt I.. 15'UTILITY EASEMENT 20'BUILDING LINE ��i POINT OF U t CAB.G,PG.386 CAB.G,PG.386 COMMENCING `-'� 1 P.R.C.C.T. P.R.C.C.T. / .. 1/2'FIR W/'RPLS 5034' z p /11QT __- CAP ` CO 11,b 014 ( l � , I CALLED I.bO ICRE TP1CT � � � ) °�.,, (-HARLES A. BUNTING I'm 9 AND SI\RGAI<ET P. BUNTING Z ,. •� �1 "CN 'S DOC. NO. 93 0059736 . .- ". .r .t, ,,/ " �r sti } "czG,'0 ,, W 1 , " 1 .4.,"/- ✓ 5/8'FIR I W/GORRONDONA EXHIBIT A TheOEBosis of Bearing is the Texas Coordinate i PARCEL NO. 5 RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION System of 1983,North Central Zone (42021,based 7,313 SQ. FT. OR (0.1679 ACRES) on ties to City of Wylie Monuments CM I,CM 2, CM 3,CM 4 and CM 5. SITUATED IN THE FRANCISCO DE LA PENA SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.688 LEGEND CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS 1,1 I/2'SIR 1/2-INCH SET IRON ROD WITH YELLOW FOR W/CAP PLASTIC CAP STAMPED 'HALFF' CITY OF WYLIE FIR FOUND IRON ROD 4 U.T.S. UNABLE TO SET PREPARED BY C.M. CONTROL MONUMENT MIR* HALFF" R.O.W. RIGHT-OF-WAY DOC.NO. DOCUMENT NUMBER it II INSTR.NO. INSTRUMENT NUMBER HALFF ASSOCIATES,INC. ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS O.P.R.C.C.T. OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS 1201 NORTH BOWSER ROAD-RICHARDSON,TEXAS-75081-2275 P.R.C.C.T. PLAT RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS Page 3 Cif 3 TBPELS FIRM NO,10029600 (214)346-6200 AVO.34066 FEBRUARY,2 65 07/13/2021 Item F. EXHIBIT A PARCEL NO. 6 RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION 2,501 SQ. FT. (0.0574 ACRES) BEING a 2,501 square foot (0.0574 acre) tract of land situated in the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being part of that 19.28 acre tract of land described in Warranty Deed to North Texas Municipal Water District, as recorded in Volume 684, Page 384 of the Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas (O.P.R.C.C.T.), and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a set 1/2-inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped "HALFF" (hereinafter referred to as with "HALFF" cap) for the northeast corner of said 19.28 acre tract, on the west line of Eubanks Lane (County Road 389, a variable width right-of- way), and being on the south line of a tract of land described in deed to Dallas Area Rapid Transit Property Acquisition Corporation (DART), as recorded in Volume 3424, Page 126, O.P.R.C.C.T.; THENCE South 00 degrees 30 minutes 31 seconds West, departing said south line and with the east line of said 19.28 acre tract and said west line of Eubanks Lane, a distance of 140.43 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod with "HALFF" cap at the southeast corner of said 19.28 acre tract, said point being on the northeast line of a 100-foot wide Kansas City Southern Railroad Company (KCS Railroad Company) right-of-way, described in Deed without Warranty, as recorded in Instrument Number 94-0096329, O.P.R.C.C.T., and being on a non-tangent circular curve to the left having a radius of 5,779.58 feet and whose chord bears South 63 degrees 14 minutes 07 seconds West, a distance of 19.69 feet; THENCE Southwesterly, departing said Eubanks Lane, and along the common south line of said 19.28 acre tract and north line of said KCS Railroad Company tract, and along said curve, through a central angle of 00 degrees 11 minutes 43 seconds, for an arc distance of 19.69 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod with "HALFF" cap for corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 30 minutes 31 seconds East, departing said common line and over and across said 19.28 acre tract, a distance of 145.39 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod with "HALFF" cap on the common north line of said 19.28 acre tract and south line of said DART tract; THENCE North 77 degrees 27 minutes 21 seconds East, along said common line, a distance of 17.97 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 2,501 square feet or 0.0574 acres of land, more or less. Page 1 of 3 Feb., 2021 LD ROW PARCEL-6-34066.docx.docx 66 07/13/2021 Item F. EXHIBIT A PARCEL NO. 6 RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION 2,501 SQ. FT. (0.0574 ACRES) The Basis of Bearing is the Texas Coordinate System of 1983, North Central Zone (4202), based on ties to City of Wylie Monuments CM 1, CM 2, CM 3, CM 4 and CM 5. I, Andrew J. Shafer, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor, hereby certify that the legal description hereon and the accompanying plat of even date represent an actual survey made on the ground under my supervision., A ceb. Andrew J. Sh fer Kr A-N6 REW Registered Professional Land Surveyor 5017 Texas Texas No. 5017 0h TBPELS Firm No. 10029600 Page 2 of 3 Feb., 2021 LD_ROW PARCEL-6-34066.docx.docx 67 V' lT — / Item F. g 4Y wl,a-° °1it°1 t . ._. .0 0 111 *Y(40C A 1 of. w, 1 , colt1� olt 1 ' 7 93/20� VIM A'''�' p . rt110 , ': W;t —s3.-� p L't3 e, pc tiw„cN �� fil' ' l,A "'OVA' V Y ,0MF,\L"i ?\1k ks "-' L Fy Yt+._ Ty- n0R- yn�..--.. E VV.YlY 1 ((f&MI ({ lt� #G � �QC4 ' .I'I g...yi6ti� 11 • 1"� I 1 .141. ; Ilt,,.,--- CC � L4 57u 9V.(C NR�R-r Y !+. ': 10 r\4 g 1 2 SIR l t Il m4.q �k Nov V ,&'il i�v`1I S?.I,.__ S(E /CA! °� f.. 11w O F,,i 0.41�S L TFI2IYC C .C.U.T Y �1: . y 11 I iIIII6 t11 V14 I1 ' 1 / 1SI I , 1.p ` .Sig. I6" 0. 't NM-., IINIA., 2 I# t.I :'_ ?. _1 QEDEri 1- 106Lit ssa ait POINT OFG " '" - . � _-- ". WYLIE ,I ., sae N77°27'21"E i, �G —'' �n . " �. _PC O 1wwpm seral..E.n. -' """ 1/2 59W/CAP i k,.- ' ° LOT 1, BLOCK "B" LOCATION MAP ,.... --- I I WOODLAKE VILLAGE TWO .M t CAB. I, PG. 520 NOT TO SCALE 8 ? I P.R.C.C.T. (CALLED 19.28 ACRE TRACT) 'q! , (CALLED 10.318 ACRE TRACT') /-' NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY BOARD �,„ WATER DISTRICT '@ <o VOL. 3268, PG. 895 �� D.R.D.C.T. VOL. 684, PG. 384 0�� D.R.C.C.T. I r' pW SOU W 7 PARCEL NO. 6 _ ' ( Qa , RIGHT-OF-WAY . jN.so `, .•k),` N. DEDICATION !L.I `' 0--' vsvj`'S.0 y � t0.0574 ACRES? i c ,pi' s� V" cry S.' , a" W/CAP Z �- -- I "- ,V�� ,,.,,t' A °I,C ' �S T MAGNAIL VCi'` t 1 ill/WASHER TAMPED /-- '1IAE.FF I d 50 I, 0 °11"4 ' v. R=5,779.a8 X - ' 1 , co ` Nf" II B 850°14'07°W `.,, �`• 1' ` iA a . t ' , ) . rC" t NW A 02'12'52" b v o 1 I R 5,679.58',. o d # 5/8'FIR L 219.51' �z W/CORRO DONA LOT 1, BLOCK B CL= 219.50' a ASSOC.CAP WOODLAKE VILLAGE CB= N61'30'25"E 1 (C.M.) CAB. G, PG. 386 P.R.C.C.T. " m I'i.,,t.„,, , J 3 I/2'FIR p b - NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL W/'RPLS 5034' ¢ 511 w P WATER DISTRICT CAP (C.M.) \ h �co INSTR. NO. 20121121001491090 s:.> 0 ") - wc5 0 )',I»o.C`..C.T" S\iN. V^‹ X . ..'"% w { J�� v yl l J x 11^Cp ma 55 ‘FJ N. a I "'m '' O cao � V VX iA C 1� ,no �, C 4 c''' G' Q N e -00 W> �—• _i ," 0 25 50 75 100 t A= 00.44'22" „, j' V.° SCALE: 1"=50' i R= 5,679.58' L= 73.30' 5/B'FIR t. CL= 73.30' � CB= N62'59'02'E W W/GORRONDONA ASSOC.CAPNA Q EXHIBIT A i. NOTE: EBas1s of Bearing is the Texas Coordinate M PARCEL NO. 6 RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION System X. onst s of 1983.t NorthW Central ent u'mene 14202 CM 11,based , x v�5 ' ;h 2,501 SQ. FT. OR (0.0574 ACRES) s1 CM 3,CM 4 and CM 5. ' (: SITUATED IN THE ;1 FRANCISCO DE LA PENA SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.688 LEGEND z ANDREW J. SHAFER CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS ' 1/2'SIR 1/2-INCH SET IRON ROD WITH YELLOW %1 ,11 FOR W/CAP PLASTIC CAP STAMPED 'HALFF' 5017 },,'` CITY OF VY I LIE is FIR FOUND IRON ROD , ' U.T.S. UNABLE TO SET I �P -1 y,4 1 Li PREPARED BY C.M. CONTROL MONUMENT ■-.� 11 R.O.W. RIGHT-OF-WAY I'$ `, }``2b�' a 1 HALFF" DOC.NO. DOCUMENT NUMBER it { !! INSTR.NO. INSTRUMENT NUMBER HALFF ASSOCIATES,INC. ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS O.P.R.C.C.T. OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS 1201 NORTH BOWSER ROAD-RICHARDSON,TEXAS-75081-2275 P.R.C.C.T. PLAT RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS Page 3 Q f 3 TBPELS FIRM NO.10029600 (214)346-6200 AVO.34066 FEBRUARY,2 68 07/13/2021 Item F. EXHIBIT A PARCEL NO. 7 RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION 463 SQ. FT. (0.0106 ACRES) BEING a 463 square foot (0.0106 acre) tract of land situated in the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being part of that 11.587 acre tract of land described in Warranty Deed to North Texas Municipal Water District, as recorded in Volume 3713, Page 417 of the Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas (O.P.R.C.C.T.), and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point (unable to set) for the northeast corner of said 11.587 acre tract, said point being in the center of Eubanks Lane (County Road 389, a variable width right-of-way) and on the south line of County Road 383; THENCE South 01 degree 31 minutes 13 seconds West, with the east line of said 11.587 acre tract and the center of Eubanks Lane, a distance of 13.50 feet to a point (unable to set) for the southeast corner of said 11.587 acre tract, said point being on the north line of a tract of land described in deed to Dallas Area Rapid Transit Property Acquisition Corporation (DART), as recorded in Volume 3424, Page 126, O.P.R.C.C.T.; THENCE South 77 degrees 27 minutes 21 seconds West, departing said center of Eubanks Lane and along the common south line of said 11.587 acre tract and north line of said DART tract, a distance of 27.90 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped "HALFF" for corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 30 minutes 31 seconds East, departing said common line and over and across said 11.587 acre tract, a distance of 20.45 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped "HALFF" on the common north line of said 11.587 acre tract and south line of said County Road 383; THENCE South 88 degrees 07 minutes 27 seconds East, along said common line, a distance of 27.42 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 463 square feet or 0.0106 acres of land, more or less. The Basis of Bearing is the Texas Coordinate System of 1983, North Central Zone (4202), based on ties to City of Wylie Monuments CM 1, CM 2, CM 3, CM 4 and CM 5. I, Andrew J. Shafer, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor, hereby certify that the legal description hereon and the accompanying plat of even date represent an actual survey made on the ground under my supervision. 2y lJ � `� zoz1ANDREW J SHAPER 0° Andrew J. Sh.fer 5017 s Registered Professional Land Surveyor Texas No. 5017 e �` 1, TBPELS Firm No. 10029600 = . .. Page 1 of 2 Feb., 2021 LD ROW PARCEL-7-34066.docx.docx 69__. 0 25 50 75 100 r/2.1FIR 1/2 FIR) ,t„,Eve la 07/13/2021 Item F. tc.6.) __S87'22'00"E 428 OW (C.M.) /.., iiiii _ won i I •-__ - LI 2 mr,,1 limmonommi T 411Wf_ v SCALE: 1"=50' i ' LKIL ,,,,,,, . N ;'II (./") 1 1 4°11 o, ., 1 NO. BEARING DISTANCE -,,, III" 11 I-- ---II -----/?1>1.---°''151-"'"'SH 78 A-'. , ,,,_1'"' LI S0131113W I 3.50: (CALLE'II 11121113,_0.1 _ACRE (TPA-CT) , I fl'I • ''''''• ''"-' 1 L2 57/'27'21W 27.90' '1 , ( • r-r*F:t 1 z> L3 NOO W t t 3013PE,, 20.45' YLIE oo-o 1 1 I i 1, N 0 vi mu N ICCD!Ct cr i ( II --,.. I.•41 15188.07'27E 27.42' ....A.T- AT I-IIt*HIRT C T(__)CI 1 cr? , ; - VOL 3rla lia"PG 417, _ D.,14-;1 (:.T. I 1 I MIOINN STIFitri /..41,A 1 _ , I, i • < I i, 1 D ,.?... LOCATION MAP/ I , 7 --4; s ti LL4 , li ,, NOT TO SCALE ,- - <d, ,,,,I; , - ;-'• 1 ------ 1 ,-L, ,,," csD,A\ (CALLED 1.67 ACRE TRACT) , I ''--I . r ,KONDURLI LLC _ INSTR. NO. 20(004 130003D3660 / ,;•:',IIIS.,„'1,11 :t-i; 1 0.P.R.C.C.T. , 'ill' ' ,/• tIL‘' c:71 _.------- , ., - '--2--- -r,.. ,,,,A,,'"' ., ' 1111.S. , IIII-III ," _ 1/1"SIR " '' ",IPI-I,,Itii 1 /.--------------1 DOG bR016 koAD 7-C.R. S8-3) w C/ AP - -- , ---- I-11- , N T OF (PRIVATE ROAD) — BEGINNING — i L4 I 1 ' .-' — --_ _... _ Vv) •-+;S,•• (CAT,LED 11.587 ACRE TRACT) e-Vn: - r ', • Cro. ' TRACT 2 1/2'SIR 't;,,-I1 ''• 1 ,ISIA,,, •t;I:\ ,,,,i;,, NORTII TEXAS MUNICIPAL W/CAP — WATER DISTRICT __-------' ,1 1,2,-L ' 1 • • ___--- VOL. 3713, PG. 417 -- , AROEL NO L 7 D.R.C.C.T. _- ....----- _ ' ODICATI0i4 __--- . ,_.__ ,_ _„ ,_ ,- ----4 , --'' T.— :7,, ,,,Q1,,,, 6_ ACRES) ------Rcoi ci Ot k- c'RIINI ? 05 MIA /pytc.$ 2‘IteL :,----'-- 1) VAN' ,vitAll:N.,. %Eli-0 1-°y*04 110.52 PNa 510C _. w NO 41,0IA , , 1;i1 Oro.01,tt Um' wi"X • N. 00+ ty,v.\1+, ,_--- ' . ,'-', 1 V ' -- I s, PE Riconfr ,811.0 04.1VB 6,iLG.C.1 66----"--"--- 1416•U''',,'6' \i,'CP:16'7'..1 6 0'101‘k 'i HIW VII M610 ...0,VON"'rt. Ott ,.. e. VAL',""' ..1^ 0 t'O. „ t..,10`sZ,-t ,,,1,c) VOVI, .,,,,',,,,, , , ‘,0„:) •-•.,.-I - ------- %;.,'W.''',-4 '11VV,. \11.1'II l'''' ./,-) ---;" • , "; I 1 ' ----- KO,Af,0 IIA'14'''' _----- - `I,'IN1' '00, ,•'" ,,,,,,,, ANA1,-1',,I,,,„'IWO' ------- /-00I11:&'1.1.- SII•g" I•I:„•.,'01111N1 I, / 1 ; ; ......- I ,-- „ ---- „-- 1 <•"14. -‘1 '•TAII1A1III.-..e II I / .,..-- -.---- t' —,-a v}•11,11,°' cltal• IIII 'v(,' k"I'l 1 1 ,„,,- - or ‘o‘„. _...— .....--- 1, col 1.., ---*---- LOT 1, BLOCK "B, _ ---- _ WOODLAKE VILLAGE TWO -- CAD. I. PG. 520 ---- _- P.R.C.C.T. 1 ---- a--....----__ 1 I - • _2 1 t I 01 (CAT,LED (0.318 ACRE TRACT) TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY BOARD I I VOL. 3268, PG. 895 ,---I r LU i g c0 ) D.R.D.C.T. ,i (CALLED 19.28 ACRE TRACT) 20- "III IWIDN° A NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL '";:I 1 CI , ON' '1"4•• , II_ATER DISTRICT :-I I'• 1 L., • • A. t\AO 'N.)11" •!,,,,01,.t:AN ...--'1I1-I^IA VOL. 681, PG. 384 r•- t u1-) 1 --.1; c,w,-; rw t' D.R.C.C.T. 'a %,1 I' U)','T 6--.eq kl•,-, -.,,,:,v.AO''..,,,,,,,"' ..., ':'' w li 8 I; ii-,.., cA ice <_, :: 1/2"FIR WPRPLS 5686' 'Ai 4,.. Z•1•,t 111/I, I ,' ‘4..:1— „,,,,,,..9- CAP (C.M.) I ret i P 1-1-1 d..,,,,-,, a' N. NA .666,‘, ''''1, .6 i. Og n:1 ,------ — 0, NE CORNER OF McKEE ADDN. LOT I,BLK A I IV.2009,P.449) I" EXHIBIT A .,. NOTE: PARCEL NO. 7 RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION The Basis of Bearing is the Texas Coordinate e ::'; \*•i System of 1983,North Central Zone 012021,based 463 SQ. FT. OR (0.0106 ACRES) on ties to City of Wylie Monuments CM I,CM 2, ,,,' SITUATED IN THE CM 3,CM 4 and CM 5. :,,, t .0 ANDREW,i. S}Itrtilfil 4't FRANCISCO DE LA PENA SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.688 LEGEND .9;1*I/-''-',•••• ••;',,,,,,,„; CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS I/2'SIR 1/2-INCH SET IRON ROD WITH YELLOW .1 r7 - :". \,:lt ''*:':,C, ,)0 I 1 ,,,'''' t, 1 FOR W/CAP PLASTIC CAP STAMPED 'HALFF' l'Il.:, .;.;, , ,,, CITY OF WYLIE .;_ FIR FOUND IRON ROD V,1,N''',/1//,:::,'...„S.:5:,‘„1/4e,:'`:,;P: 1:// 4 U.T.S. UNABLE TO SET "S''6N,'666'S' PREPARED BY C.M. CONTROL MONUMENT mon . R.O.W. RIGHT-OF-WAY HALFF, DOC.NO. DOCUMENT NUMBER INSTR.NO. INSTRUMENT NUMBER rjt.6.14, HALFF ASSOCIATES,INC, ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS 0.P.R.C.C.T, OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS 1201 NORTH BOWSER ROAD-RICHARDSON,TEXAS-75081-2275 P.R.C.C.T. PLAT RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS Page 2 of 2 TBPELS FIRM NO.10029600 (214)346-6200 AVO.34066 FEBRUARY,2 70 07/13/2021 Item F. EXHIBIT A PARCEL NO. 8 RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION 7,118 SQ. FT. (0.1634 ACRES) BEING a 7,118 square foot (0.1634 acre) tract of land situated in the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being part of that 142.262 acre tract of land described in Warranty Deed to North Texas Municipal Water District, as recorded in Volume 3713, Page 417 of the Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas (O.P.R.C.C.T.), and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a set magnail with a washer stamped "HALFF" for the southeast corner of said 142.262 acre tract, being at the intersection of the west line of Eubanks Lane (County Road 389, a variable width right-of-way) with the called centerline of Country Road 383 (variable width right-of-way); THENCE North 88 degrees 07 minutes 30 seconds West, departing said west line of Eubanks Lane and along the common south line of said 142.262 acre tract and said center of County Road 383, a distance of 14.80 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped "HALFF" (hereinafter referred to as with "HALFF" cap) for corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 30 minutes 31 seconds East, departing said common line and over and across said 142.262 acre tract, a distance of 184.13 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod with "HALFF" cap for corner; THENCE North 01 degree 00 minutes 31 seconds East, continuing across said 142.262 acre tract, a distance of 221.37 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod with "HALFF" cap for corner, said point being the beginning of a non-tangent circular curve to the right having a radius of 1,082.50 feet and whose chord bears North 01 degree 00 minutes 04 seconds East, a distance of 14.01 feet; THENCE Northerly, continuing across said 142.262 acre tract and along said curve, through a central angle of 00 degrees 44 minutes 30 seconds, for an arc distance of 14.01 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod with "HALFF" cap for corner, said point being on the westerly extension of the south line of a 0.1164 acre right-of-way dedication described in right-of-way deed to County of Collin, as recorded in Volume 3227, Page 437, O.P.R.C.C.T.; THENCE South 88 degrees 39 minutes 23 seconds East, passing at a calculated distance of 2.50 feet the southwest corner of said 0.1164 acre tract, and continuing along the south line of said 0.1164 acre tract, in all a total distance of 18.23 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod with "HALFF" cap for corner on the east line of said 142.262 acre tract; Page 1 of 4 Feb., 2021 LD ROW PARCEL-8-34066.docx.docx 71 07/13/2021 Item F. EXHIBIT A PARCEL NO. 8 RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION 7,118 SQ. FT. (0.1634 ACRES) THENCE South 01 degree 15 minutes 23 seconds West, departing said south line and with the east line of said 142.262 acre tract and said called west line of Eubanks Lane, a distance of 419.62 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 7,118 square feet or 0.1634 acres of land, more or less. The Basis of Bearing is the Texas Coordinate System of 1983, North Central Zone (4202), based on ties to City of Wylie Monuments CM 1, CM 2, CM 3, CM 4 and CM 5. I, Andrew J. Shafer, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor, hereby certify that the legal description hereon and the accompanying plat of even date represent an actual survey made on the ground under my supervision,. /40 ,g0.14 4-ar' An rew J„. Sh. er VANDREW J. SHAFER Registered Professional Land Surveyor 1 5017 Texas No. 5017 TBPELS Firm No. 10029600 Page 2 of 4 Feb., 2021 LD ROW PARCEL-8-34066.docx.docx 72 0 25 50 75 100 i MATCH INE sH 4 r 4 07/13/2021Item F. SCALE: 1"=50' _ / � I N N ,.-* ,, --__7, 8 .11 1 ir. Y • 1 2'Fl" NORTH (I ) _ d`z tut:, `T rI ¢ — 10_0@T `r -- ,__ ,.. - ,, m..--"".ate»'- 1 --re) .:. I' ,,. SH re (CALLED 14. 262IACRE TIOY:E/ O r� '° 't �N, ' .° 4VYLCE - O TRAb I `I • Idt >�ORTII TC c \IIiNrICIP k oI PARCEL CATER U .IcT � Z I'`` t. VOL. 371) 6PG I I r<.> r it RIGHT-OF-WAY _ D R 1116,T 1/2'SIR '° 11 •• DEDICATION D t � s r" `rW/CCAP 1 :i0, ! 4 I I 79118 SO. R T C a {,,s ` . RRR 1 } ' E ' ' 40.163 ACRES) LOCATION MAP 0 1� „) NOT TO SCALE y r rn 1 111 z (1:I,LED 1.67 ACRE TRACT) (- M }I ,�O .tl ( KONDURU LLC I' (' ' N z ''' , ° [' INSTR. NO. 201004130003-3660 11111 C ,".' CO r` 11 0.P.R.C.C.T. ,. q C 1 t Y C.w ''pig�gp Z..-J ([ 4. ( •A.- 1.= I COI' ,.§ o I Y,... & I I } '^ WI 3 i' 11e - vJ �rg1 I tp,.._,.. ,��- 4 a ( I ;;Y -� 0 4, R.,-;� D , a.M1..F ,gy m 1 ,'/ I +-ii '''k\i'l POINT OF ",-,,.. ::,' .a V. k. I t 0 1, E I N "', FR , R ,,,°' e (. SET �nNNIN� , ,, A A. I NAIL;W/- DOG DROP ROAD,A.K.A. C.R. 383 a AS —_!• I/2'SIR ' __ (PRIVATE ROAD) W/CAPr (p" z.,:,,,, ,_ ,_ ,,, , _ , _ _ p CI ,m...... ... tom_ Vaal' T- (CALLED 11.5H7 ACRE TRACT) '' `- T TRACT a 35 1 � — "i NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT • I 1 VOL. 3713. PG. 417 _-- ,�,.. I i H T d D.R.C.C.T. �,aa tSE Et tz. LA �- —~ � , s',L Wt..s VOA2. 1*1) A It�,VW I1 olOrk I I. a._ '.._. _ NA01 ors P.Crs• v .000. , , {5�}+y.,,r,� A.t�,gt cam 1 a�� eL IAt a�. t° - .� A� �ry��y q�. ry./�014,sc." .�,. , . yy 6S b i �'n�'•'k�F N.d t'r•5 W Sj�yy�.�IG Y 0. .��` ,y�i+Y f�It!'1..'4# 4�'tly .....- `. y� Ill ".a (' 1 y.-"R�+" 1�I� I d'O"`I ,,,.�.,. Y• kM �.. A S I�t I I (i. m 1I cil` , _------- �m II 1=1;�tI ( I1r 3I I>1, 1"w6 0 7 - `� '.. x. I NOTE: 1/2'FIR The Basis of Bearing is the W/'RPLS 5686'Texas EXHIBIT A 4. Coordinate System of CAP (C.M.) t orth Central Zone (4202), PARCEL NO. 8 RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION € based on ties to City of Wylie Monuments CM I,CM 2,CM 3, NE CORNER OF CM 4 and CM 5. McKEE ADDN. 7,118 SQ. FT. OR (0.1634 ACRES) LOT I,BLK A SITUATED IN THE tv.2009,P.4491 FRANCISCO DE LA PENA SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.688 8 LEGEND CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS 1/2'SIR 1/2-INCH SET IRON ROD WITH YELLOW FOR W/CAP PLASTIC CAP STAMPED 'HALFF' CITY OF WYLIE T FIR FOUND IRON ROD U.T.S. UNABLE TO SET C.M. CONTROL MONUMENT Si AO PREPARED BY R.O.W. RIGHT-OF-WAY am HALFF. DOC.NO. DOCUMENT NUMBER II AO INSTR.NO. INSTRUMENT NUMBER HALFF ASSOCIATES,INC. ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS O.P.R.C.C.T. OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS 1201 NORTH BOWSER ROAD-RICHARDSON,TEXAS-75081-2275 P.R.C.C.T. PLAT RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS Page 3 of 4 TBPELS FIRM NO.10029600 (214)346-6200 AVO.34066 FEBRUARY,2 73 I I f 07/13/2021 Item F. .� d.. i ( I —-a,,...._ ----— u � r ` , t NI tl IG "..',..„„„, .'..,, 8 .'43 .," T ,"-'1 j ""`. NORTH Q i fa 1y 4F 4 .- ' 'I t� II 25'BUILDING LINE � 0 4Fr " C1 I 5 ,i INSTR.NO.20070131010000260 N � FFr f. II O.P.R.C.C.T. \ - Sw 75 11 " O Ir II 1 WYLIE p i 5'UTILITY EASEMENT " I C i z I II INSTR.NO.20070131010000260 (mm -eez " ' O.P.R.C.C.T. 13 0 '` • t�.`�I.'II L1 Me MAN STREET I 1 ii LOT 9, BLOCK B -. -x.— "',, LOCATION MAP " ' 1 o o �`--3'WATER METER EASEMENT • I r= W�8., =• "c» 6 I m INSTR.NO.20070131010000260 t I ,8,`U j " "� II 0.P.R.C.C.T. NOT TO SCALE k li4. AMENDED PLAT OF o ?o•- , ' lI WYLIE LAKES, PHASE lA } I ,, INSTR. NO. 20070131010000260 I 1 0.P.R.C.C.T. ,, -""" 1 OPEN SPACE S88°39'23'E I , II LOT 52,BLOCK B 1 18.23, 1, i s DEDICATED TO THE i ) II CITY OF WYLIE LOT 10, BLOCK B 1/2'SIR I 'II W/CAP I/2'SIR C l 10'WATER LINE EASEMENT tl INSTR.NO.20070131010000260 �_ °44'30" 3, W! AP 6 all O.P.R.C.C.T. ——— ,y5 L R= 1082.50' t v, o L= 14.01' I _� ~ . �CL= 14.01' 1 ` CB= N 01°00'04" E 1 „ .' 11 1/2'SIR MI i ' 5 i t't I C C 4, ' y. ' 3 g LL_i ('" ; pppIp 'I V ( yr �\ +,a Nall',y�si E I ,. g ., l.f :., a. i l 1:,' 4 I ' fLf U - aa..E =1 , I I (CALLED 2.08 ACRE TRACT) ON, INC. ¢ram~ _�' s,, j I 1 ) ,---€PARCEL �. 8 GT DTC.NOT200.5I0083:532 E n7 RIGHT-CME-WAY N x ",` .: e VOL. 5046, PG. 00999 -'I' �a b�(a ,,: I o ' } O.P.R.C.C'.T. x�.aI i ° dr + ACRES F-. - Ii .' I. t t r .f a z "IC) 1 E . D' I I u MATCH LINE SHEET 3 OF 4 J U " E i 0 25 50 75 100 ' SCALE: 1"=50' ,,s; EXHIBIT A NOeEBasis of Bearing is the Texas Coordinate ,,',x..-,%' R a4, ,' ' PARCEL NO. 8 RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION 40 System of 1983,North Central Zone (4202),based 1 ANDREW J. SHAFER t 7,118 SQ. FT. OR (0.1634 ACRES) I on ties to City of Wylie Monuments CM I,CM 2, „ SITUATED IN THE CM 3.CM 4 and CM 5. i hi ,„ 5017 "" FRANGISCO DE LA PENA SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.688 LEGEND \ ,-.' 10q•s CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS 1/2'SIR 1/2-INCH SET IRON ROD WITH YELLOW \ '," aSII 1 FOR W/CAP PLASTIC CAP STAMPED 'HALFF' + CITY OF WYLIE g FIR FOUND IRON ROD 4 U.T.S. UNABLE TO SET PREPARED BY R.O.W. RGHT-OF-WAyUMENT1r— "�tttt r 1�) ma HALFF. DOC.NO. DOCUMENT NUMBER ali AN INSTR.NO. INSTRUMENT NUMBER HALFF ASSOCIATES,INC. ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS O.P.R.C.C.T. OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS 1201 NORTH BOWSER ROAD-RICHARDSON,TEXAS-75081-2275 P.R.C.C.T. PLAT RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS Page 4 0f 4 TBPELS FIRM NO.10029600 (214)346-6200 AVO.34066 FEBRUARY,21 74 07/13/2021 Item F. EXHIBIT A PARCEL NO. 9 RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION 9,837 SQ. FT. (0.2258 ACRES) BEING a 9,837 square foot (0.2258 acre) tract of land situated in the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being part of that 1.67 acre tract of land described in Quitclaim Deed to Konduru LLC, as recorded in Instrument Number 20100413000353660 of the Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas (O.P.R.C.C.T.), and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a 1/2-inch iron rod found at the northeast corner of said 1.67 acre tract, being the common southeast corner of a 2.08 acre tract of land described in Warranty Deed to GT Construction, Inc., as recorded in Volume 5946, Page 999, O.P.R.C.C.T., also being on the west line of a 22.123 acre tract described in Warranty Deed to The Kansas City Southern Railway Company, as recorded in Volume 4421, Page 1929, O.P.R.C.C.T.; THENCE North 87 degrees 22 minutes 00 seconds West, departing said west line and along the common south line of said 2.08 acre tract and north line of said 1.67 acre tract, a distance of 394.61 feet to a point within a tree for the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described tract; THENCE South 01 degree 00 minutes 31 seconds West, departing said common line and over and across said 1.67 acre tract, a distance of 68.89 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped "HALFF" at an angle point in said line; THENCE South 00 degrees 30 minutes 31 seconds West, continuing across said 1.67 acre tract, a distance of 204.25 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped "HALFF" on the common south line of said 1.67 acre tract and north line of a tract of land described in deed to Dallas Area Rapid Transit Property Acquisition Corporation (DART), as recorded in Volume 3424, Page 126, O.P.R.C.C.T.; THENCE South 77 degrees 27 minutes 21 seconds West, along said common line, a distance of 38.83 feet to a point (unable to set) at the southwest corner of said 1.67 acre tract, said point being in the center of Eubanks Lane (County Road 389, a variable width right-of-way), and being the common southeast corner of a called 11.587 acre tract of land described in Warranty Deed to North Texas Municipal Water District, as recorded in Volume 3713, Page 417, O.P.R.C.C.T.; THENCE North 01 degree 31 minutes 13 seconds East, departing said common line, and along said center of Eubanks Lane, and the common west line of said 1.67 acre tract and east line of said 11.587 acre tract, passing at a calculated distance of 13.50 feet the northeast corner of said 11587 acre tract, and continuing along said center of Eubanks Lane and west line of said 1.67 acre tract, in all a total distance of 283.19 feet to a found 1/2-inch iron rod at the northwest corner of said 1.67 acre tract, and being the common southwest corner of said 2.08 acre GT Construction, Inc. tract; Page 1 of 3 Feb., 2021 LD ROW PARCEL-9-34066.docx.docx 75 07/13/2021 Item F. EXHIBIT A PARCEL NO. 9 RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION 9,837 SQ. FT. (0.2258 ACRES) THENCE South 87 degrees 22 minutes 00 seconds East, along the aforementioned common south line of said line 2.08 acre tract and north line of said 1.67 acre tract, a distance of 33.45 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 9,837 square feet or 0.2258 acres of land, more or less. The Basis of Bearing is the Texas Coordinate System of 1983, North Central Zone (4202), based on ties to City of Wylie Monuments CM 1, CM 2, CM 3, CM 4 and CM 5. I, Andrew J. Shafer, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor, hereby certify that the legal description hereon and the accompanying plat of even date represent an actual survey made on the ground under my supervision. „ e6 /6 .2 4, ( ft • r- • (40 Andrew J Sh r ANDREW J. SHAFER:,„ . . e Registered Professional Land Surveyor -0 5017 „..-4;' \‘‘,- Texas No. 5017 TBPELS Firm No. 10029600 - Page 2 of 3 Feb., 2021 LD ROW PARCEL-9-34066.docx.docx 76 ` i 1 I' a T (C'.vLT,ED 2.05 ACRE TRACT) ,, . e 07/13/2021 Item F. 0 25 50 75 100 OT COy STRIA CTION. INC, II— `� fry I DO(. NO, 2005 0083532 * 2 It o 1 VOL. 5916 PG. 00999 I�� SCALE: 1"-50' S87° ,00'"E ? 1 0.P R c C.T. NORTH Q 3 #5` ° N POINT FOR ( CORNER !/2"FIR -- # Lao psi.. ' �. r1 (IN TREEI (C.M.) " .. N87"22)0 y — T.�" 1/2'F)R 394.61' + (C.M.1 1 WYLIE I%II 1 .,'' - .POINT OF ,. , r� , � ,II r- BEGINNING �� R . �T l' I Y4 o co t a COMMENCING LOCATION MAP (' I CO , q_ - ' NOT TO SCALE r re , 1/2'SIR LP 1 I a ze W/CAP , \ '' € PARCEL NO. 9 I RIGHT-OF-WAY I " DEDICATION w,2 9.837 SO. F T. I ,� , ; (0.2258 ACRES) ,, I I (11.I.LED 112.1262 ACRE TRACT) TRACT 1 I "° 1 NORTH TEX\S \IUNT('IP 1I WATER DISTRICT ` ( f VOL. 3713, PU. 417 1 I @ " ( .411. 1; D.R C C T. m} 7 11 II v, �� (CALLED 1.67 .-A( RE TRACT) s I I , �‘ I i KONDURG LLC .(� "4 ( INSTR, NO. 20100413000353660 1 1 1 , 1 " � , A� O.P.R.C.C.T. 1 ° 11' 1 if llJ :I U M W I . I'I '. o „> / / 1 z I tr- - - NX Li E C31. , ' _w--- DOG DROP ROAD (CA. 383) °1 1 1/2'SIR(PRIVATE ROADS N, it (''c- AS' i' (CALI,ED II.587 ACRE IV(Y - ..a:: ,, , ,.. .a, t - + AC X' TRACT 2 S , �a\-` A?fie. NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL I 1 .r "3 1r TER DISTRICT - �� ' S77°2T21"W �� „'v„" ;„ VOL. 3713, PG. 417 i"� 1) t,l.'tr _N � dD.R.C.C.T.__�" 11 , 38 83' V L10 a _. --'--`. 1„\t�lll 1111rtal`tX 11911� _ l, I T�41" ka1s1.4Ct^t" N-- � 1 l ?aVl\ 1O L((0r0 '111�ti 1\ go ''.(1. 4' \` ifi6, i 17 X1 X At.'1 i"'O Ol'.\116) ��11 11 4v SL 411 5 '€.10 7 kc lrl A"Al 1"11 C".(1111 All \Oik XX1L�1 \ ti _, t 44LO i0 't3("F.11SLt�p"(V 1w 5(A . a(d\ 1 5 \t\ 41611 1`1 `'1�, 051L x a pf1vO,L V( AI y q FOB 4 14,19A1 1,lll 4 4a . 1\ 44 1"2"6 _, i 1 ql .10E. I rc0\11R L1V i (1(¢Sk. 1 It SVA qI. .0(uI tll"111.1"1ks t 1, (1"1° \ 2.-1 i 1 1. - t#4L t, 1y S5 AP.F.a �A e'+(t0 ' -' 1,1tN1T 1Als 11.11,.4 -( \ i �111cp 41T NORI . 1 1A p i — -_ t -. i „, __ . tR .. ., .� a..,.d IE EXHIBIT A NOeEBasis of Bearing is the Texas Coordinate `''1\NDI- [Vi J. >i Ilf " >' PARCEL NO. 9 RIGHT—OF—WAY DEDICATION Th8 System of 1983,North Central Zone (42021,based ''''°) 01 7 ,,'x' f 9,837 SQ. FT. OR (0.2258 ACRES) 8 on ties to City of Wylie Monuments CM I,CM 2, \ ,; r CM 3,CM 4 and CM 5. 1 y l SITUATED IN THE A \, ;_ Y 44 FRANCISCO DE LA PENA SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.688 LEGEND A/J(40'A' CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY,TEXASFOR // �" II/2"SIR I/2-INCH SET IRON ROD WITH YELLOW �10W/CAP PLASTIC CAP STAMPED 'HALFF' CITY OF WYLIE T FIR FOUND IRON ROD 1 4 U.T.S. UNABLE TO SET � C.M. CONTROL MONUMENT PREPARED BY 4 R.O.W. RIGHT-OF-WAY Mn HALFF � DOC.NO. DOCUMENT NUMBER a'■ INSTR.NO. INSTRUMENT NUMBER HALFF ASSOCIATES,INC. ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS 0.P.R.C.C.T. OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS 1201 NORTH BOWSER ROAD-RICHARDSON,TEXAS-75081-2275 P.R,C.C.T. PLAT RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS Page 3 Of 3 TBPELS FIRM NO.10029600 (214)346-6200 AVO,34066 FEBRUARY,2( 77 07/13/2021 Item F. EXHIBIT A PARCEL NO. 10 RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION 5,410 SQ. FT. (0.1242 ACRES) BEING a 5,410 square foot (0.1242 acre) tract of land situated in the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being part of that 2.08 acre tract of land described in Warranty Deed to GT Construction, Inc., as recorded in Volume 5946, Page 999, of the Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas (O.P.R.C.C.T.), and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a 1/2-inch iron rod found at the southeast corner of said 2.08 acre tract, being the common northeast corner of a 1.67 acre tract of land described in Quitclaim Deed to Konduru LLC, as recorded in Instrument Number 20100413000353660, O.P.R.C.C.T., also being on the west line of a 22.123 acre tract described in Warranty Deed to The Kansas City Southern Railway Company, as recorded in Volume 4421, Page 1929, O.P.R.C.C.T.; THENCE North 87 degrees 22 minutes 00 seconds West, departing said west line and along the common south line of said 2.08 acre tract and north line of said 1.67 acre tract, a distance of 394.61 feet to a point within a tree for the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described tract; THENCE North 87 degrees 22 minutes 00 seconds West, continuing along said common line, a distance of 33.45 feet to a found 1/2-inch iron rod for the southwest corner of said 2.08 acre tract in the center of Eubanks Lane (County Road 389, a variable width right-of-way), and being the common northwest corner of said 1.67 acre tract; THENCE North 01 degree 31 minutes 13 seconds East, departing said common line, and along said center of Eubanks Lane, and the west line of said 2.08 acre tract a distance of 165.06 feet to a point (unable to set) at the northwest corner of said 2.08 acre tract, and being on the south line of a 1.7031 acre right-of-way dedication described in right-of-way deed to County of Collin, as recorded in Volume 3227, Page 442, O.P.R.C.C.T.; THENCE South 88 degrees 39 minutes 23 seconds East, along the common south line of said 1.7031 acre tract and north line of said 2.08 acre tract, passing at a calculated distance of 29.46 feet the southeast corner of said 1.7031 acre tract, same being the southwest corner of the Amended Plat of Wylie Lakes, Phase 1A, an addition to the City of Wylie, as recorded in Instrument Number 20070131010000260, O.P.R.C.C.T.; and continuing along the common north line of said 2.08 acre tract and south line of Block B of said Wylie Lakes, Phase 1A, in all a total distance of 31.96 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped "HALFF" for corner, said point being the beginning of a non-tangent circular curve to the left having a radius of 1,017.50 feet and whose chord bears South 00 degrees 59 minutes 46 seconds West, a distance of 13.41 feet; Page 1 of 3 Feb., 2021 LD_ROW PARCEL-10-34066.docx.docx 78 07/13/2021 Item F. EXHIBIT A PARCEL NO, 10 RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION 5,410 SQ. FT. (0.1242 ACRES) THENCE Southerly, departing said common line and over and across said 2.08 acre tract, and along said curve, through a central angle of 00 degrees 45 minutes 19 seconds, an arc distance of 13.41 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped "HALFF" at the point of tangency; THENCE South 01 degree 00 minutes 31 seconds West, continuing across said 2.08 acre tract, a distance of 152.41 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 5,410 square feet or 0.1242 acres of land, more or less. The Basis of Bearing is the Texas Coordinate System of 1983, North Central Zone (4202), based on ties to City of Wylie Monuments CM 1, CM 2, CM 3, CM 4 and CM 5. I, Andrew J. Shafer, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor, hereby certify that the legal description hereon and the accompanying plat of even date represent an actual survey made on the ground under my supervision, te J � Andrew J. S afer °H 1 ANDREW J SHAFER Registered Professional Land Surveyor °°",trp,°6a%"" “1"° Texas No. 5017 5017 TBPELS Firm No. 10029600 n ` Page 2 of 3 Feb., 2021 LD ROW PARCEL-10-34066.docx.docx II k i 1 '','NtI "'"' 07/13/2021 Item F. 0 25 50 75 10CI i 1 4 II LOT 9, BLOCK B _ , , arr� _Mrrr�r 0111111111111111111111.411000101110 MIIMINTIIIIIII"� 'I$'� 1 L/ d e} I 0 Na n 7::,,,' "( SCALE: 1"=50' � 1 II �4 1 wS II AMENDED PLAT OF ,, t.1 w ) WYLIE LAKES, PHASE IA M 9""1 1 . t- „ ; -- N I i II INSTR. NO. 2007013101001 960 r":1 i ( I gig 1. II O.P.R.C'.C.T, _..--,...- SH 78 A � � 7�I � ,k WYLIE x SB '23` 1 OPEN SPACE +^ L' LOT 52,BLOCK B 131.p6' c� 'II DEDICATED TO THE , CITY OF:L1E00.4519. U.T. . 1/2'SIR sue, �� t W/CAP LOT 10, BLOCK B 1 LO�ATIQN MAP 1 1 �11 NOT TO SCALE '` R= 1,017.50' 1 � vz'SIR L= 13.41' 1 �� W/CAP CL= 13.41 w I 111041 CB=SOO°59'46"W ',lok.,,: ,0, .\,,,,7,s . k) z E I I { , 1' ., :0,1,;, ,,1?„,,,:.,t,*,x%„ (1.'''''' r ' T— i` z,_p1 I •' (CALLED 2.08 ACRE TRACT) 1 1 (0" L "v 1 GT CONSTRUCTION, INC. PARCEL NO. 10 DOC. NO. 2005 0003532 VOL. 5946, PG. 00999 z ?+ t" , RIGHT—OF-WAY 0.P.R.C.C.T. a ;d 'if( w �� DEDICATION L' i Cr)` , 5,410 SO. FT. „O'�` 1 ' '' C0.1242 ACRES) d'" tN 1 M t',F l4 - (CALLED 142.262 ACRE TRACT) 1. ° TRACT 1 „� IN 2: 1 ;, ,NORTH TEX-1S MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT I ;VOL. 3713, PG. 417 1 11 POINT CIF D.R.C.('.T. ' (6 I 'I BEGINNING POINT OF �r ` I �1 POINT CORNERR COMMENCING „ lt.1 1 i ;I (IN TREE) ——____ 1/2'FIR 1/2 FIR a" N8T22'00"W (C.M,I (C.M.) m �' _ - __394.61, m °z'I 11 ' { 'N87°22'00"W h �I a 33.45 .,. . ., 1 ",`3 -1 / w w 1 +1 I 11 ( l I) i j PL 1 "` - (CALLED 1.67 ACRE TRACT) Q 1111 I I :,�" `� KONDURU LLC ° 1 ' 1 �1 �' INSTR. NO. 20100413000353660 /k. C3 ` N W1t I 0.P.R.C.C.T. df € I'- ,,�s 1 " i1 I ) , ( � ANDREW J. SIlAI FR� `e zi LA I w I I lr i S t Q a P 2 Ca Z� 11 ©�-k I € 14 EXHIBIT A BasisThe NOTE: PARCEL NO. 10 RIGHT—OF—WAY DEDICATION of Bearing is the Texas Coordinate System of 1983,North Central Zone (4202),based 5,410 SQ. FT. OR (0.1242 ACRES) on ties to City of Wylie Monuments CM I,CM 2, CM 3,CM 4 and CM 5. SITUATED IN THE FRANCISCO DE LA PENA SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.688 g LEGEND CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS I/2'SIR 1/2-INCH SET IRON ROD WITH YELLOW FOR W/CAP PLASTIC CAP STAMPED 'HALFF' ;, FIR FOUND IRON ROD CITY OF WYLIE U.T.S. UNABLE TO SET 1§ C.M. CONTROL MONUMENT PREPARED BY I. R.O.W. RIGHT-OF-WAY ■o111'� ALFF. DOC.NO. DOCUMENT NUMBER ■ Ili - INSTR.NO. INSTRUMENT NUMBER HALFF ASSOCIATES,INC. ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS 0.P.R.C.C.T. OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS 1201 NORTH BOWSER ROAD-RICHARDSON,TEXAS-75081-2275 P.R.C.C.T. PLAT RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS n u y u 3 O f 3 TBPELS FIRM NO.10029600 (214)346-6200 AVO.34066 FEBRUARY,2( 80 07/13/2021 Item F. C) „CREEEELAR,M, I-RAC-Ft '"'(r1 Z trW° PIRCCT 49,13PT in W Zorn <`1z,— cp ZYiiiiii:Z a) '''-'-'1.,..',-,ra=r--" 1 I Acquisluon underway >lu 0 Owned by NTMWD c) ,,,,,,..47:Faxets7Kr CD LLI a- ROW Acquisition not under contract CO '40 i,7,7' I I \ \ \ \ I I \ \ 1 1 \ I CD \ \ 1 1 I it ' I " \ 1 1 C.) 1 1 0 \ \ \ \ \'1 C 1 \ \ \ \ \ k II 0',:'\ ' 0 \1 ' TRACT 3 ROW , CI)I \ I 7-1 \ TRACT 6 ROW TRACT 7 ROW tc , ^ -' I TRACT 2 ROW 11,323 SF 463 SF \ \ 2,501 SF Kw.'1, ,''t:„\,04\- ,, •\ „, , , u ,,TRACT 8 ROW 1,482 SF , \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 i ',u 17,4118 SF , -, A EUBANKS LN\ - " ' ' /,.......,„,' '" 1, , - V&Ii•.."‘N.\:'•...‘.'‘X\.%.'‘ '" ,_ — ' _ — 1-.2r--- , )\,,,,, __„ ea ,\ \..,\ ' , TRfiffi ACT 1 ROW s ,,.. \k, TRACT 4 ROW ft- \ t RACT 5 ROW \U.\ \--A \,‘ TRACT 9 ROW TRACT 10 ROW 11111 ti 2,454 SF 1 \ 7,313 SF \0Y\ \ \ \, 9,837 SF 5,410 SF \\ \ \ \ 11111111111111111111 \\ \,\\_.\ \\ \\\\\ \,\ \ PRELIMINARY \ \ \ \ \ ui 'Tem' \\\\ \ , \ , -e_ \ \ L III-,TI ' \s \ \ 0 \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ , , ,\ ,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ , , => \ \‘'\ \‘\ \ \ \ \ \ 3f4. \ I, 1 , \ \s,\ s ,, 0, \\\ \ \ \ \ \ , \ \ \ © \ \ .ki ,iitn,1 \'‘\ `-si. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ il ,,, \,, \ ,....k \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 U HI, v \ c\-\ \A \ \ \ \ \ 1 il,,II \ 1" \\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ‘\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \,,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ----..i3.- \\s„,„ \ \ \ \ \ \ anziliff EmsErmE \'‘ \\ s\ \\ I Y13 \ \\ \ \\\\ \ , immezzo \s \ \ \ EUBANKS LANE PROPOSED R 0 W A A\\ \ A A \ \ \ \ \ \))\ A A A \ 4‘ A \ \ \ A\ A A \N\ \1 A \ A wO \ 81 07/13/2021 Item 1. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: Planning Account Code: Prepared By: Jasen Haskins,AICP Subject I old a Public Hearing, consider, and act upon, a request for a change of zoning from Commercial Corridor (CC) to Commercial Corridor Special Use Permit (CC-SUP), to allow for a restaurant with drive-through on 1.022 acres, property located at 2817 FM 544. (ZC 2021-18) Recommendation I otion to approve Item as presented. Discussion OWNER: 2819 West FM 544 Ventures,LLC ENGINEER: Tectonics Design Group The applicant is requesting a Special Use Permit(SUP)on 1.022 acres generally located on the northeast corner of Springwell Parkway and FM 544 to allow for a restaurant with drive-through service. The proposed use is for a Dutch Bros Coffee restaurant. The preliminary plat for the development was recommended for approval by P&Z on June 15, 2021 with Council consideration on July 13,2021. The Zoning Ordinance requires all restaurants with drive-throughs to obtain a Special Use Permit.As part of the Special Use Peiuiit the applicant is also requesting for the Zoning Exhibits to function as the review and approvals of the site plan. The proposed Zoning Exhibit provides 22 parking spaces with one ADA space. 13 spaces are a grasscrete surface due to the site exceeding the maximum allowed parking, which is defined as 25%or more over the required minimum. The site provides two points of access from Springwell Parkway and FM 544. The landscaped area totals 30%and contains a 10' landscape buffer,exceeding the required 20%for CC districts,and includes 5'wide sidewalks along both street frontages. The structure is proposed to have an exterior that consists of metal panels and split face CMU. Canopies are also provided at the pick-up windows for both driving and walk-up customers. Notifications/Responses: 18 notifications were mailed; with one response received in favor and no response in opposition of the request. P&Z Commission Discussion The Commission voted 7-0 to recommend approval. Page 1 of 1 82 07/13/2021 Item 1. i_ocator Map . 1 4 ' S14,, 0000..10880"."0.'""t4'44.;;;41•44,a ; 66bErtj''''''..t . j,iV4e, 1a,-.001,,,,' "N '- ',I,,,,-" .. '''1/4e , 4,,,,,, - - ,,At,,Avipa., A,41. ..,,, ,,wt,41[0b [[',Et,„:1 .I•'•7-1.1"fi• ,,,t'41 606 26042602 >,9,. ' '''s''''" ' ''"' '"A'''1101i'""' d 4440, - ' tdtti,,l'i .49 ," '4„,,,,,,"„ , tArl, 44, 'V'4„, L'4,-,Q'8,EA7.t Itt "I't "d‘d,' 4 40110.4" .'' "")."t ,",1,"•, "" 2802 tt;Od.4, 082706 44,2702 -• . "=i; A.* .4", 1 c"A A 1r , " • d2804,t,4, ' ;AA A 441A74 0,""'Alk 411''' • ''. 'A ''A A k 2806 '''"""''4*-1.74g. 1°,8' '''' '''' ,74'.4,......0 -iiii--- , --.. ......,' • . , ,s,.' ...,,,i,tir,,,,, ', ,.,,' ,,,,, ' ',0:;,,, ,,,,,,,',,,.,„tob,„„ , ,.,„,,,, , -. . HILLsIDED,R,,,, 09 '''"q;1144. ,"e Ord*ie,• 1, r PI./'',.. 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' ' , , ,I ''' t.'".„„Ila"..itst.„. ,,,,,Ab,,.‘,r", '' , „I, 44 ei:,,Vik - ,''''''' , , ,,, ;,,, ,,, , 7 , 66:W66,e:6,66:I' k„„ '7 kk, kr:" krk,,,, '', 41/2,W*Itttikki 4.*k 64N36.\''k k , r, k 766",6. 444 k t ';t " I„444.4.1.44`...d...... 444; 144V0,,,d*II'„14,44"144,41%,,,t ;;te II1,4 wit*wit.ww;0, t ,,, ',- "' • .,•t..„t„,„ ,w,„? „' EX • . •[ '',,f,„,''E''. „ , , • [;‘, . , . , t,w,„.1, „ Art,,,,,ttot, .,'„, [. ,[„tic.,,[[„,...,,,,,,,,,,,,.[4,,,txt„,,„. • [ [. lOB 4 4 , „4.4 ,'.) 05tWat„ 18 Wati* , . ZC 2021 -18 Dutch Bros Coffee; 2817 & 281 . F,,, 54.4J'..---,, „--s ---1--i • Subject Property • , . . ;,--- C I FY 0 F ,,, , ......, .0 !,p.. NI-,_, N 0 120 240 480 720 960 Feet WY L I E , ,, --„, ..,„} ,:,-----,,,,,,,,, 004 . - .>4 ,.,,4 ' x „C„,„, ,,-,' 0 0 0,00 „,,,,„ , 1 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I 4 83 07/13/2021 Item 1. Dutch Bros Coffee EXHIBIT "B" Conditions For Special Use Permit I. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Special Use Permit is to allow for a restaurant with drive-in or drive-through service use as a Dutch Bros Coffee Shop. II. GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. This Special Use Permit shall not affect any regulations within the Zoning Ordinance (adopted as of April 2021), except as specifically provided herein. 2. The design and development of the Dutch Bros Coffee development shall take place in general accordance with the Zoning Exhibit (Exhibit C). III. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1. The Zoning Exhibit (Exhibit C) shall serve as the Site Plan for the Dutch Bros Coffee Development. Approval of the SUP shall act as site plan approval. 2. This SUP shall be voided and the property reverted to the underlying Commercial Corridor zoning should the use cease and approval of a new site plan be required. Page 1 of 1 84 07/13/2021 Item 1. ... 4 i=Eii-Ea'- -i ...., 94, w E .--------- ., :7------===\r-------------—-- '-=''' I I rkg g " i g 1 1 '1;..i: -. 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IIV )41 gg ptlTts U1i��0 Rykd M 1.3 D, gaos• s � �s i���H��"R��u tl�° °N ��"y �. Mi"11�YN ° \ *NA �� oG. rd u n h� mt'; r, v� { ° "� r." r " , • 1A1VAAAA'A A. AA A . `mac` ;® ?:,� �.2,. '?,�,�,�'..Y�:r�;cl, �<eY ��i .`�`�3',.. as . ."A. 3A&\.. .,�,� ..\ `�,,\`� 4x.r .\\'a�\ti?,'v: DuTcN BROS. Dutch Bros MAIN & MAIN Perspectives Wylie;Texas PR.1A 89 Notification Map 07/13/2021Item1. a K.,‘,,, , 202 -' - \----;, i 207 J "\ \ 203 k 03 \ 234 2I4 482 34 20 205 \ 03 1 tt 24 -1 AKESIDE 207 207 t 208 STATES .. 210 20 � � 'HASE 2 --- -PHASE 200 . C: F__ 0_D CO LAKESIDE 3023t� =. 8 300 LA KESIDE ESTATES 300_._ -_. 30 Lit PHASEd. i 302 303 . j 30 PATES322 PARK 3J3 308304 .30 4 - ___A rrl 30 303 306 07 �03 l 308 DLLAeREA D Tt ANSI ♦i!JhfIIJfii1E ♦♦♦-♦F 544 SPRINGWE AD TIOIRSTfl41.40 ♦♦♦♦♦♦ 23I3 ♦♦♦♦♦ _ ,r 3-__ _....__. i ii 11 C 0 ri ve ra y i ♦♦i♦�♦♦♦♦♦♦♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦ice 2 ._. ._. ♦♦®♦� ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ F3 1 — 2800 AP.. 1 I 1 l 0 e . 6__ __ ___ WYLIE EDC . __. ti .. AC3ITION LtT __ _ ��{{g 4 y _._ ____. 1 BLOCK 1^'$( w3Yd2 '� YP} 28Y 3040 ``.. .'` 232 0'I0 2814 FR ODY WOODBRIDGE CROSSING �_.--T ADDITION -TARGET AND 1 JACOBS KOHL'S 3010 Driveway / ___ _ S� Y' A I TET -BBUSIN€SS CAMPt IS. ZC 2021 -18 Dutch Bros Coffee; 2817 & 28 F 54� ! 200 Foot Notifcation Buffer ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦� Subject Property ,.- " l„ " 0 FY OH -, � 'j `-' N WYLIE � ' -, 0 80 160 320 480 640 Feet u I I I I I I I I I I I I x lit �e 9t7 07/13/2021 Item 1. PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 (/ I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2021-18. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2021-18. Please feel free to contact the Planning Department at 972.516.6320 with questions or concerns Date,Location&Time of - — Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,July 06,2021 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,July 13,2021 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: g< /27- Z, /17 (please print jig/ �!nJ / y//Address: u!/ �Gi �G l Signature: Date: COMMENTS: ierptr .0)/0.0-41-- x d,:te,/,_ ieez.i.4)4,,er.,_.) , 91 07/13/2021 Item 1.DUTCH BROS COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT �g r � �, � M,�>�:,`e" ( Ir„� � �,������1 �� ,,,. 1 1 vn,�„� .i,^ ^s M.s, "� �,µ „�„, �� !, ," ;,,•,;� �" ..^�'l (,•Ir �'�,,� �� , ;a.. i!t ��'s 92 "''�,� rp I� av •,� .,^r',1 P,'.:. � r .Ir^,1 �' ���,,,, v, ,::: ,:�� r v r^'��� I w""��::� '�',�.� mi �.�',.1 ) ^"'' ' 'r,�4 "k s o'""�°u,';�, ;x�(," l �. ��,��, e, �� � m �,� v, .����� „� 1, ., ..,,, ; :.:, x,^„l.. l., � .',::µ. 4w xw•N vem. l,,: � :, \ �� ,,, w '.,'� Y" �..;., x a:.,�.• n.. 1'sl �,,," �,,u, ���„"'vx .�. �'x M^.,,m" ��„ ',�,), �,,;,1 ';y �.',:,, ,, R.12r.r.0 I�: r�n��ue 41,, xrl,,, � .� ".. e.. „„ Oua .uuP, ... ,....: ... ., ��, 'pW.. � 1, � 'pP` � � •1� v � � „ �I� 07/13/2021 Item 1. DUTCH BROS FOUNDATION Dirich 13Ros • Includes several philanthropic focuses: • Be Aware • Support for the fight against breast cancer since 20 I 4,with more than $ 1 .6 million in donations. • Drink One for Dane • Sup port and mission to find a cause and a cure for ALS. • Dane Boersma, Dutch Bros co-founder, battled with ALS. • One day in May is dedicated to raise funds for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. • Buck for Kids • One day in September, Dutch Bros donates $ 1 from every drink sold to local youth organizations. • Dutch Luv • On February 14th, Dutch Bros donates $ 1 from every drink sold to organizations to fight food insecurity. 93 07/13/2021 Item 1 RECENT FOCUSES DLITC11 BRQS • wildfire Relief Efforts • Dutch Bros donated to various relief funds for the wildfires in 2020. • Covid Relief • Donated to various organizations for the support of communities during the Covid- 19 outbreak. • #FirstRespondersFirst • 100% of Dutch Bros' profits in April 2020 were donated to support medical first responders. • Buck for Kids • Increase of approximately 10% in contributions in 2020. ° _ . _ 07/13/2021 Item 1. SOURCES IUTc ROs • Dutch Bros foundation - https://www.dutchipros.comidutch7bros-foundationi • Wildfire Relief - h s://ww w. utchbros. o /news-events/dutch-bras-fain da ,ion- donates- 0000-to-Wildfire-relief-efforts • First Responders First - h tps:/ w ww. usin ss it .c /news/hc me ,0 004 30 5 4 /en utch- ros-Coffee- edicates- 10 -of- . ril- rofits-to-FirstRe ondersFirst r d, { r �* :;v, :., a ,Jnr.� "�.� ,JM >•\ \, """wr i I";r , y ,,:,r„�p S"` �: „���,,�,,,��i � •,,,�. „�:,,,,�,y�r i fir,—,,,,�,,�...:.�� :� �..,:, :..- ''.,7v 9 w^ - • ..' � ���„:;,.,,, "„ .,.�..A.' w"diNn ?:,,. ,•, !, .a, ,� ..., .�.� �.vx:�� -.,�'., ,,r ;��4', .n��,,7 • „i',�,i�, �� „' �, '�'rp,�„ 07/13/2021 Item 1. DUTCH BROS ® ( TEA BLUE REBEL ENERGY DRINK ORGANIC GREEN OR PARIS BLACK AFTERSHOCK PEACH `a��, fit., Strawberry,Blackberry,Raspberry&Lime MEDIUM cal--HOT 70 ICED 140 D s�.2"j Y. p Y 6: a L <"� �w MEDIUM i Cal-ICED 230 BLENDED 410 +' TM xko TROPICAL ` 1.140144, ELECTRIC BERRY Passion Fruit,Coconut&Blue Raspberry „ ,!lIll 11lz4. CST,"2 TF"^ Blue Raspberry&Lime MEDIUM I cut-HOT 90ICED 170 'vl�dy 44 V , Tk MEDIUM 1 Cal.-ICED 230 BLENDED 410 �@ � �l�r PALM BEACH ,' III • STRAWBERRY Peach&Pomegranate MEDIUM i Cal.-ICED 230 BLENDED 410 MEDIUM 1 CaL-HOT 80 ICED 160 4 4 T 4.41441 am' BLUE RASPBERRY POMEGRANATE 4, ,. • MEDIUM 1 Cal-ICED 240 BLENDED 420 MEDIUM 1 Cal-HOT 90 ICED 180r TRY. DUTCH CLASSICS DUTCH BROS' `` (,"��TH-' AVAILABLE AS LATTES, MOCHAS&BREVES HOT,ICED OR BLENDED DUTCH FREEZE`"' COLD BREW `�r' ` �� Err rREam KICKER® Irish Cream Breve MEDIUM 1 Cal-HOT 540 ICED 440IIItItItst T a Cal.-BLENDED 620 • W.. H EQ;M'4 � ANNIHILATOR® � '*' t'4T�'L�K9 R ' Chocolate Macadamia Nut �i; CARAMELIZER® Yi t1p T N L 11 V •M+..'L. with Cream -;'jynt l ,LL; �LYA Caramel Mocha �,� ,„. 3: MEDIUM 1 Cal.-ICED 180 wwH. a 1p,s w MEDIUM 1 Cal.-HOT 450 ICED 360 T `, V QoL-BLENDED 660 • GOLDEN EAGLE'M �iLlt'�E ��/ MOCHA Vanilla&Caramel with P. V" WHITE ITE MOCHA i Caramel Drizzle&Cream "Ld MEDIUM Cal.-HOT 43010ED 340 MEDIUM Cal.-ICED 175 v I Cal-BLENDED 640 Ir ,1 MEDDI Cream-HOT450 with ICED310sESPRESSO .,,," I �, 1 Cal. BLENDED 580 '�. COCOMO® . z Coconut Mocha ?I PREMIUM NITRO H SirM6�52 °`W„•e= MEDIUM I Cat-HOT 410 ICED 340 QE t'`...... »....._......... § 1 Col.-BLENDED 620 wJ- MTM^ COLD BREW AM;. 9P4 Nitro Infused&Fully Charged • Hmm MEDIUM 1 Cal.-ICED 20 SOFT TOP"SWEET CREAM I+50C PRIVATE RESERVE ^ ...._,.. • SOY,ALMOND OR COCONUT MILK I+50C AMERICANO EXTRA SHOT I v50C ADDED WHOP OR ADDOTOONAL FLAVOR I O"REE MEDIUM 1 Col.-HOT 2 ICED 2 DUTCH FROST' LEMONADE SMOOTHIE KIDS A DUTCH TAKE ON A CLASSIC SHAKE ICED OR BLENDED Made with Real Fruit :s,IDIUM I Co::450-555 i. CL 3 CHAT BIRTHDAY CAKE TIGER'S BLOOD Hot or Iced with Any Flavor S}lS} Almond Rosa&Whrts Cloeate tEt7, Strawberry&Coconut MEDIUM Cal:210-410 NOT-SO-HOT® R1.. with Confetti Sprinkles MEDIUM I- eo ..I.,Cc:-620 -RI DNDs20 DUTCH COCOA Cocoa with Whip for the Kiddos Hot or Iced with Any Flavor COTTON CANDY STRAWBERRY KIDS I Col.-250 290-505 Blue Raspberry&4Vhlta Chocolate MEDIUM I Co 75 w A„ E,.� -aao DUTCH SODA Infuse with Any Flavor .. ' 8I ' aMaiiiiiiiti�. 2,000 CALORIES A DAY IS USED FOR GENERAL NUTRITION ADVICE,BUT CALORIE NEEDS VARY. VIEW OUR FULL MENU @ DUTCHBROS.COM CUSTOMIZE; STATED AMOUNTS ARE TOTALS OF PRICE AND SALES TAX;SALES TAX SEPARATELY STATED ON RECEIPT. ADDITIONAL NUTRITION INFORMATION AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. ANY DRINK!F 96 07/13/2021 Item 2. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: City Manager Account Code: Prepared By: Chris Hoisted Subject Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2021-19(R) supporting the Collin County Mobility Plan Update and the efforts to educe the current and projected traffic congestion, and to provide more connectivity and enhance safety in the southeast t ortion of Collin County. Recommendation I otion to approve Item as presented. Discussion Page 1 of 1 97 07/13/2021 Item 2. RESOLUTION NO. 2021-19(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, REGARDING THE COLLIN COUNTY MOBILITY PLAN UPDATE AND THE EFFORTS TO REDUCE THE CURRENT AND PROJECTED TRAFFIC CONGESTION, AND TO PROVIDE MORE CONNECTIVITY AND ENHANCE SAFETY IN THE SOUTHEAST PORTION OF COLLIN COUNTY. WHEREAS, the Collin County areas is one of the fastest growing areas in the United States in terms of population and employment; and WHEREAS, Collin County has initiated an update to the Collin County Mobility Plan specifically for the eastern portion of Collin County, which is called"Future Mobility"; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the update is to reduce the current and projected traffic congestion, provide more connectivity, and enhance safety in the southeastern portion of Collin County; and WHEREAS, Collin County and its consultant team have met with the staff of the cities in the southeastern portion of Collin County, cities located in Rockwall County, and the Counties of Rockwall, Dallas, and Hunt to coordinate the study with these governmental entities; and WHEREAS, the public has been invited to provide input about perceived transportation needs by emails, a project specific website, and a public meeting; and WHEREAS,recommendations will be made to the City of Wylie and other entities within the study area for consideration of incorporating the recommendations into the City's and other entities' transportation planning, and to have a coordinated plan for future improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: The City Council hereby supports the concept of a coordinated study by the County,the City of Wylie, and other entities located within the study area to update transportation plans in, and near, Wylie for the purpose of providing the necessary mobility for the existing and future residents, and employees of the area. SECTION 2: The City Council will consider recommendations that have been determined through the study to be beneficial to the future of the City of Wylie. SECTION 3: This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. Resolution No. 2021-19(R) Collin County Mobility Plan Update Page 1 of 2 98_.. 07/13/2021 Item 2. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, on this 13th day of July, 2021. Matthew Porter, Mayor ATTEST TO: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Resolution No. 2021-19(R) Collin County Mobility Plan Update Page 2 of 2 99 07/13/2021 Item WS 1. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: Public Works Account Code: Prepared By: Tim Porter Subject IDiscuss Wylie Wastewater Treatment Plant Demolition Options. Recommendation Discussion Discuss three(3) options for demolition of the Wylie Wastewater Treatment Plant, including costs associated with each. Page 1 o 1 10o 07/13/2021 Item WS1.�.„ p waqfa Y ., ' '�' ',F�n : ;,ktl m.,; . ,�bw; 'em; ' "' �i' ....a„ veLL u.;6' '"r,u, .a,v v��w'r,-- n a'�� �","0,•a•'.4-"•,,,k,,, ••• V 4, 5"S� .•, "1 t ,: .,•,, •',•ua. 440, cfs d� gg a. ;',*� hn..' }4p otol " , vto "pfie N4, re u _• , r :lak,' h , i'w., ,k41:'•, nx•u A,.. ,,,,, ,,, „ „ °„ 'a"�.4,y ~,� d 11, + .y.ytl `;'*•;(IIv Y.i� +W, I"' .,r<yZ` , .0 a( eot 4` n,�; 'd'� "^ ,,,� ,.:,,;i»' 4va,:u ;;,. ,', r�� ,� i�1 ':W"'ri' I "`mod�nh ','. »v,' !;�r;,wa avdly�.,,,,,,;....,.. 'p,," wu,. ° `" .E"° rrY1! �e04 " A "'',' ; ,. ,x" .;' „i p, i ''''' n o 8�� ,� x w`s ;,"Mm.. 9, x, •M.d, Os; 'JdC 5,,,, E..,�� �d�l��,m""' ,,fir .rC' .. i:i„,A,,,,‘„ , —ue'"" "' '• .e* a' Mw.� ,;'^.�'r. '" ''v.'^.'.4y„.. 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',..;;Par �`,' 4` ' s�''trR "4...,?g xaii Blower r,„{.;',,� „� " Iiktv ,4044 . o. ° Fa"chit `;; ,' ,ilitf Y Pt ,°M • N. dge i fir^�a ""'d,u' varvaL .p u�,R, Y:, ".r r...e a+�r" °" w,k, k,; eAt �' � Waste: ,,�a Drying "•� � ; , °�E,' 4 , " .,. .� Beds ' .a.a ,,,r,;,• � ",a „, 2 ;::' "R, " • Sludge*". .. ",..tom tot, .., *ar,:' ' ,�j.i o,d, 1. � d MFiolding Bin" D�,,, .' ' ' : ,�""i=., p R, '^ ,� ,•',,: "y;; '.,�,. �.�..w •;,;... ",a6 r;,, «.. „C"- „ .:�"`� yn�4� tom, ., �q y '',.A ,t�'•'"'y:,M =;"n"•,h .4a« i,••f. ' � '°�4 N��"R'��'.�1'�Y�'J.,i..'�, 'pY��dd�.,l �'�wk �'K�k»t ' 3'a �3 »d.*q �n�.,a •pp p �',i4 ,, • sf 5„, �� A1` ,NF.n ,'k" S a . a° ,6<". .�'•ry A"w" •. ��°i`g Y' A" e P «,, Drying'Beds pp�'.r. Pump Station''.4', ,4le" ,,,g�a�;',",YV w{ .'. ,E }„mAti ,r,,., ",A' " M' '' • ��,. V„. ,;v�`r,'na..a S'�,.,, "'w,p. 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' �� r , .,s,ay. � .a d, .YAP° .;k aka ,I.4." ,, ,.:rp , fi,'k,`^, ,t ,4,1' / � Demolish ~r' "�. �r�,,�,"=�•a�. „�40,��,yd. �A �:��'• �,�: I,, ,,4..,� ",,,: r�, ��' mi. +, ' , ".,gip:"°,,�F ?,P,,"a �' •.$i u,n,„ gc,.`a,„,,,'; • , ."',diN„, r ":` I WWTP Structures ,° '' „ ' °„. 44, ,, to, .: P' ''PSI „ , ,y�, •` „'�hwS�wy'"'a s"„ „ Pro ert Boundary ,. , ,. ;,",La*I '; ,`a,•K., . to p Y �� 5, ,4,„4. ,,44.4 4,<.; 0 50 100 150 200 FN JOB NO WLE20563 �7F EESE N City of Wylie Wastewater Treatment Plant FILF,1 Demo0.t1.mxd 1 • =NI DATE 5805 Main Street,Suite B June 2021 W�E SCALE DESIGNED 1:1 200 Frisco,Texas 75034 S Demolition Option 1 FIGURE Phone-(972)624-9201 MK DRAFTED MK 101 07/13/2021 Item WS 1. —te a ,xi xi xi xi ,xi xi 4N1C'Ht)Lr ;. OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST PROJECT NAME Wylie WWTP Demolition DATE 6/8/2021 CLIENT NTMWD GROUP 1153 %SUBMITTAL Conceptual PM Clayton Barnard ESTIMATED BY QC CHECKED BY FNI PROJECT NUMBER WLE20563 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL Demolition of Wylie WWTP-Option 1 1 Demolition of Aeration Basin 2 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000 3 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 6421 SF $ 4.00 $ 25,684 4 Fill Structure with Fill 6485 CY $ 25.00 $ 162,125 5 . 6 Demolition of Waste Sludge Holding Basin 7 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000 8 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 571 SF $ 7.50 $ 4,283 9 Fill Structure with Fill 1075 CY $ 25.00 $ 26,875 10 11 Demolition of Secondary Clarifier 12 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000 13 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 1885 SF $ 7.50 $ 14,138 14 Fill Structure with Fill 3686 CY $ 25.00 $ 92,150 15 16 Demolition of Chlorine Contact Chamber/Headworks 17 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500 18 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 3330 SF $ 4.00 $ 13,320 19 Fill Structure with Fill 592 CY $ 25.00 $ 14,800 SUBTOTAL $ 390,874 CONTINGENCY 15% $ 58,631 SUBTOTAL $ 449,505 MOBILIZATION 5% $ 22,475 SUBTOTAL $ 471,980 OH&P 18% $ 84,956 PROJECT TOTAL(2021 COSTS) $ 556,937 The Engineer has no control over the cost of labor,materials,equipment,or over the Contractor's methods of determining prices or over competitive bidding or market conditions.Opinions of probable costs provided herein are based on the information known to Engineer at this time and represent only the Engineer's judgment as a design professional familiar with the construction industry.The Engineer cannot and does not guarantee that proposals,bids,or actual construction costs will not vary from its opinions of probable costs. NOTES: 1 FNI OPCC classified as an AACE Class 4 Estimate with accuracy range or-20 to+30. 2 FNI OPCC does not include costs associated with engineering fees,permits,surveying,etc. Page 1 of 5 102 f. .„; q ,p ".A=."wa 07/13/2021 Item WS1. rro ' ° 'F�, 0n,:, k..' "'' ;' w 'Wv � � � , S,` km "t .'"' •bC'i ' ; " :R•,:•„.,r ,,r ,., r " " `i„Y p Wit. , :, ",, ,. t • ' ','n a', ,�5'p a'".,y",,,,.. ,A, ttA 1,"N°. A'Av ,C: .,•h yv 4 t "y " N , eir, rc , ah r re;'� '"r pfi � ur 4 $ a" ,* hn', a}a" �t ; e ti , _ „ r :4''' h , ipw., ..k;•uv;::,, nx•u „t}:,;l'', „M d,' ,, ', " "", 'yc�.4,y, w „ `6'iklvn '�.' ," �q ",,, , r,' Po"' ��","' ., ,',,Ai"'*"" 4+ ,, ,', v� e" ',,,„ ':Wx'."' ''; , "`,d,nh �,t•�0.. E ,q'"' .II. ,I.. v 3� 14 sr ':uti,uu„ ;',,, 1 bMBm" .3�, "v, ,„45"u 1 .ad 4 �;'� .,,1II ,,M„ fBY,�d„ �� �.� MI'''''''''''''''''';''''' vr ,�� a „i p,. ��k�,v�n '� M.;w.� �'�� �„, ,. ^" I'; Chlorine � ::% 4.i a� �, 0 „ ',':�0�;,: ', "10 Contact . i` ' '.SlUltryry,a .��� Tex' �y�,�. {�' '1' w Cihamber/" ' 4,-..,. `��, ".as eq,, R' ""' 'm.. d 'i• "ns:,' ,zb4r^ 'u, "x ^" ,��•a a�^y J � HeadWorks ,,,«.�,.� -J"w r Pump , .' �; <,�' ,,p�4`-. L ,mk�i� ������i,��" ;i � , '.) Station, ;a .. �. i,Po.� Secondary .p' ;;l,.. . ',i "` ^ .., �' 6 �, 4 Clarifier m, � rrr.g�.i���,��� ;i�' , ' t,,;, ,w. +wow, f ��4il,n^ },�, P V {ems, ° :�M ;��- ,. P e »'ml,:s.v'., �� '•, a. !' w;� � 1: '{'''�,;''' Chlorine Sto rag am�,, . Ng „.„.. XI,V �s` , ,yi Bash . PoPo,‘� "d,, , -�, c .1, �,». a o „)..v„ r �i,� •uP 44.,*3lY. "E„ { i „„,,, tl!'�" ,...a F'k_' " w.. gi '"d���,�:� a,, }MA' BIoWeC Y "�; '°''' v,l ,u,",^'. ro, 4 " t Facility:" : ` ,. .;4,' $14,1 4'.,TMx.,,;,.. ttk b� ,Y1n i aa'+'., eke'` } �` "a�n ' ., �';,;an ., "Waste"�s �. ' Drying, tist' ` ti a 's' gliggs �;,yq �:,_ . ,Sludge"L "' .;.,;,',' ci Beds �,,",'; '4. :�" ; > \s ^' R'1 . ,4 id ", '�"� Muir q` .k`. �.zt ,one S7,`i.„ (, "; ',, t Holding' ,ut` < ;,�. 4 " " infl'iient ' � '' �' 'a - .r' "y '''^, . _ + ..>., 'a " v au+y,-^,~'tea^ ,�". ,e , t�° ;�, ,w,`," , , . Basin ' , m ;Po, .."` z; '; °'"' Punnp Station'" ,p' �.: ;'na xM ;;�°=,e;''"„„`".:',, ;',1, :L,,,.e s',,,14,;:.�;i,•' ,ti:, d,q.' .•',,PIn'";;•7-.,,, . a. .`�-. 1.44: I M 3..,�h '4"" �� �i. 1,1 1 d »i}"".' »4, i,4.� ,14.,rrL{ ,. , `r ?k"'4, e' W"s 'titgidigii 4- fit': - ‘11 'll ; Drying Beds Ala 1, a z a�N,. d,, „ll `, yyyy Sli 'ti�:v `, r �oo�p ,q �i,b: aA r. t'R Food"a ` . C• ".,`", N',y�'L.`»'Wa,n vol:' 4 °::1 nw',',"';,,; ,, Ati.4k,�..,, T 5.* , girl yy„ '"� c '� ,y,,w`." #` t�°'' „•,�3^ ,� ` .wn�..,;�er�,,;,. ,I.�j, �''f ., • ' i w 'a'.c„"�'...-3 i,v N;. S :'., 1'"' s.t, �"1':a,`�,x7 R rt"? ? ' er�gg{{ �, v' w'it a,u'..�!vn`M,. "f .a.*', .. ,..x,:. ,i t;��x l ,d ^e3l,� ',• A MikOr''i �� '�w,rp,,'d„" ,4,�p� �'"Cl'.A'� ,y, '' i.�+&,i`'"-i..,.' ,..�ux:. „�u ,e+'It'44 f ,. 1� ,p +.''''�'I'"Iwo', '.•,ye `a .3- Wi'"'AI .,,, :9w'ix,,u', M`^ ,»,t,,5Ir i,xy ,„ ,Mma.��„.. I ,, AS .�,.. .',Y{, J "' ,� nn b,l'1.`'e� �,�.,s.a "*,,,,md+: "".'r-,, "`-,r„."1",,�1,' ,',4.,44 , ,-,a, ,..,,_.,�._, d'� "rdp � ,,,} I,:ym� .,° .__ _"...u. __T -_ _ ___gin laap`�k�` '• , 5"i, ; `u-a « ' ^`.{'' ' r;'i rAtA' ""' ar riv ' ''�r,r.,a ^''", ; „y+A,,,v, , � , y. ,; ,d ,� . n, i�I rr'' 4".'"Mak: a.xuw% „� ''' 4a ° ' �. ;4' , , „ren, x "° na > n , C , �� '. 4 q ,4" ` '" � " s ~ , u, �t�m a4 , ,,1, ;` .s,�< ' ' ';* "°�„,t, •wt ti�a.4 ' ,y§, , 1 r: ,.p av w�`s�. `,,,,'`'v' ^„t3," ,,�.n° {y a "kb"" 3"; '2'�=" :. ,.''a A�i *? .,'' - ,.'nc',. i4,; to zv $x" %'=e� a '"ZY� f . r„x,ny a' 4 wr .. _ . v { 'Legend 'a:aP•Y " `� f`'`j" 5. '' '"`` . 71;; -,,,, ,, r Demolish :.xn 4 44,.°, ,:.., ; .',Y;�.4"„4 ,' .*.,ua' ,, ., .�.�.�.�,,,...:..�.�. ,eta. axx• .„' , ,,„,„,,a:A " ,ra',.,'. :, '*` A, qM r. t�,�'' ..,At, sa.,.. t ,,,�ay.,,,7'.`,,,' t;,"' �+, k �a ',,.,I } Proposed Structure ' A, �t °., " ' '^ °' , hi4. c k 1. . t`', liiiiii Property Boundary ., r e° � A .$ ',,,'1.A,AAA��+ .,, " " `t, 0 50 100 150 200 i , R a ;, .4, 4, "4,,4 " ' '. '' ■� ■� F-- otwirw FN JOB NO WLE20563 UIFREESE N City of Wylie Wastewater Treatment Plant FILE DemoO.t2.mxd =N ICHOLS DATE 2 5805 Main Street,Suite B WE SCALE June 2021 Frisco,Texas 75034 1:1 200 Phone-(972)824-9201 S Demolition Option 2 DESIGNED MK FIGURE DRAFTED MK 103 07/13/2021 Item WS 1. glinFIREES►E 4NIC'HOLr ;. OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST PROJECT NAME Wylie WWTP Demolition DATE 6/8/2021 CLIENT NTMWD GROUP 1153 %SUBMITTAL Conceptual PM Clayton Barnard ESTIMATED BY QC CHECKED BY FNI PROJECT NUMBER WLE20563 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL Demolition of Wylie WWTP-Option 2 1 Demolition of Aeration Basin 2 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000 3 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 6421 SF $ 4.00 $ 25,684 4 Fill Structure with Fill 6485 CY $ 25.00 $ 162,125 5 . 6 Demolition of Waste Sludge Holding Basin 7 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000 8 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 571 SF $ 7.50 $ 4,283 9 Fill Structure with Fill 1075 CY $ 25.00 $ 26,875 10 11 Demolition of Secondary Clarifier 12 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000 13 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 1885 SF $ 7.50 $ 14,138 14 Fill Structure with Fill 3686 CY $ 25.00 $ 92,150 15 16 Demolition of Chlorine Contact Chamber/Headworks 17 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500 18 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 3330 SF $ 4.00 $ 13,320 19 Fill Structure with Fill 592 CY $ 25.00 $ 14,800 20 21 Demolition of Sludge Drying Beds 22 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000 23 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 11687 SF $ 4.00 $ 46,748 24 Fill Structure with Fill 1200 CY $ 25.00 $ 30,000 25 26 Demolition of Sludge Pump Station 27 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000 28 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 680 SF $ 7.50 $ 5,100 29 Fill Structure with Fill 151 CY $ 25.00 $ 3,775 30 31 Demolition of Influent Pump Station 32 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000 33 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 84 SF $ 7.50 $ 630 34 Fill Structure with Fill 64 CY $ 25.00 $ 1,600 35 36 Demolition of Blower Facility 37 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000 38 Demo Structure 480 SF $ 7.50 $ 3,600 39 Demo Slab 480 SF $ 7.50 $ 3,600 40 41 Demolition of Chlorine Storage Facility Page 2 of 5 104 07/13/2021 Item WS 1. PROJECT NAME Wylie WWTP Demolition DATE 6/8/2021 CLIENT NTMWD GROUP 1153 %SUBMITTAL Conceptual PM Clayton Barnard ESTIMATED BY QC CHECKED BY FNI PROJECT NUMBER WLE20563 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL 42 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500 43 Demo Structure 288 SF $ 7.50 $ 2,160 44 Demo Slab 288 SF $ 7.50 $ 2,160 45 46 Bioxide Feed Chemical Containment 47 Fiberglass Containment w/Concrete Slab 400 SF $ 25.00 $ 10,000 48 Chemical Injection Assembly 1 LS $ 65,000.00 $ 65,000 49 Electrical Power Service 1 LS $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000 SUBTOTAL $ 616,747 CONTINGENCY 15% $ 92,512 SUBTOTAL $ 709,259 MOBILIZATION 5% $ 35,463 SUBTOTAL $ 744,722 OH&P 18% $ 134,050 PROJECT TOTAL(2021 COSTS) $ 878,772 The Engineer has no control over the cost of labor,materials,equipment,or over the Contractor's methods of determining prices or over competitive bidding or market conditions.Opinions of probable costs provided herein are based on the information known to Engineer at this time and represent only the Engineer's judgment as a design professional familiar with the construction industry.The Engineer cannot and does not guarantee that proposals,bids,or actual construction costs will not vary from its opinions of probable costs. NOTES: 1 FNI OPCC classified as an AACE Class 4 Estimate with accuracy range or-20 to+30. 2 FNI OPCC does not include costs associated with engineering fees,permits,surveying,etc. Page 3 of 5 105 I — `' t; „. „-N, ` 07/13/2021 Item WS1. rt <z,,,» Y w� ., .„�", , ,x ,��4 Ixw" .,�" '"`ut'• a, rlR ,„;!A:,,,:,1". ,d",W _ 'N.,' ^S' x. n",LI;.u,., „ NANI O..� t,p trt ;� .:«;L„," n, �` ,..; w , •wmb7:� • it At ,,A ,r I,: #'i;,� „Y;r 4'" ,t,.«_PAP ~+�j. :�w �,l,� ,��j; ,,,%u, 'fie, .a+, ,� v ,Cr w, " ,;"� ,��VI'�„.AP. a^ ,w:!.,' �V^e„,.+Pr,,�e,` ;,may q II ` x;iw ymlg ;' A '.eA‘ Chlorine „' Y " %'y"'hK�i" M Sludge s 1, t ' ,�"s, Chamber, s.>> .,d' >r' NATA - "��r Pump s '' �u,4 -4 Headwarks "� �±� , � 17'h' ��i„t' Secondaryx �,' . ,,mot,=,' " Station °gym ly r _ »` : 4 ,.4,,e4.,#^N,' ' I. .. a ,Ap e,�.ii����� y. a"= {=rye - �''" I, Clarifier ',a q0, S4' °,' {, I, ,,t.4," ''44,,t"2;;':i 4. *• am 7`/':^ ape ''�` .t it" "„;G''"," A " .r ay' .1„i.;i j,. an v �d' ':d ,gip'e4"I.%`., fi^ /� Aeration .„�, �., ,, ,,Chlorines �� a;' ,e< «s 1' j4istora9eJ 1u�°,; ;,` ,� ,i'i, �,» T in ' ,� " „' ,� �NY�p,a .. ', ' aan, y9' ;ro�."o't 4 ,P.,S'.���I ;," �, "y' ;„AAA I r., ; :. nm,c Y'� v r�:,,��r""„,;.� « `, " : Pew^ � Blower', :; ,. ✓ � .,:. � ' w,„,w„- »,»a, ''a� r'��,m, l.+ ,Yt;l.i':;*+' ,° "V,'�,.:8", `;,'�dlw. ' ;>r,.;i U' Facility iG: '� :# �.,�p�''� �,, w '' �� � 'w ��'; ,:�, , � ��<< � a i c 1'n&ni4ao'' Waste •� x< y. x Sludge• 4-„- � «M da ., :I"' ���.� Po�' , 1,114 v- % Sludge �'e�' Drying , ,Y � ; n.„ A,4,444 ,' „, , ,-' • � v",. • a ,, "� Beds �,. 4. . ylo �. ,' »' I, ;y';; ,"" ; Holding '""' /1,a , M ], ,L �'a, M.o Yd Basin Y �Sq 1W sY `"d �' } a A fir T `i , `;`�1,,t� R„ 1r� 4^"� A,b�= `f�J,',,»=y+px,�,Mrm i,'.: x,,,,�..� t 61 n,SOU,• J� y .bat��,+a 'fir 4d of wd, w�,,.. Y, 4 ,u k ,4 v dy S`.E.y.�," s.a , "rt'�.,,�r,Aa � sx a,`,�,i ''''':')*'..vs",;,:::::-.?:::; w.. l',4'4•4','•:::!,,,,41!! ' ,,I �'; e U<s3,;' a7IUd e , , k4,,,i ',,, ,+ :#., „?q ti „^ 5: �� ., „��' �,bht's";�,,..,ti -.. »r, °:' � g 1 i ,;ii'dP4' `r`a;• i,Q:� �w* � „��.�� � ,�;,tti°:`��, ,Y.,�,. ::N..�' ,.�., °-a Drying l;�'. � *' ��, � �, fi „�'� , '.;!, 'k '�'i �, „#,,'l`}�aed W � K',�.'^'S, '8' t,�y�fr•' fly ^ M ,, , tx, ,: 'I °^t:.' ",„Ao InflUent�PUmp,Station „yir ". „� „ n,,' Y,'�,` ,u �-''� ,ws.:'->' >� 'uf6'J, wa,x�,"d""'if�o��;. .. 'm,*':.My Y,r tioxide Legend 4 #', a'4 ' : � ,`Ak ,4, xp » fro. •4,4' Wit,,, ,r.,3 `=eAAAAV ,,,,4k > 114'lAkl .b'a ,, ,„,,,,,„,",,,,,,„„,,,,,,t,,,,.,„, A '''-''''''"-;::PAS, vst.'44.-"*"?A'4''S 'I"L Remove r' '0 Class M ,,°', *;, *.,', u, w" �a Fly a, c5" { s,,,7,,,,, �� w 11 'TN t„=i" ,vac' ,`i . #?�4 ,,,44 ,I' e,u, I, #y ,,. ,I 44:4^ ;h,. . ,#u le Existing Wastewater Line { Ia ,,, ,`• e' '° �' Pro osed Wastewater Line �,. i' N .,.; A>ti,,.= 4$ ,, t ,t` SVNI el Demolish ,• `, ., - , 1, ,yr* v„..„ Sit t nY, AV Pi }_ �,-04 9 'ss44 i;J,„,,, ,;. v. 'Pin ',a IP Proposed Structure " ` �'� I ��», 0 50 100 150 �" 200 tit Property Boundary " „'', � ''"ryv •° ;'i:� ,° ....n .n F- : �, .�°" . t t �a m,';.:;at;':i' C'a„ '„,, t.4,,,;f1,� 'Nail e .. ..._.Jeer �'a'e. ,.- r n ,:, cox•»z, Li man, r* FN JOB NO WLE20563 �7FREESE N City of Wylie Wastewater Treatment Plant FILFi.3 DemoO.t3.mxd =NICHOLS DATE 3 June 2021 5805 Main Street,Suite B W�E SCALE DESIGNED 1:1 200 Frisco,Texas 75034 S Demolition Option 3 FIGURE Phone-(972)624-9201 MK DRAFTED MK 106 07/13/2021 Item WS 1. glinFIREES►E 4NIC'HOLr ;. OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST PROJECT NAME Wylie WWTP Demolition DATE 6/8/2021 CLIENT NTMWD GROUP 1153 %SUBMITTAL Conceptual PM Clayton Barnard ESTIMATED BY QC CHECKED BY FNI PROJECT NUMBER WLE20563 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL Demolition of Wylie WWTP-Option 3 1 Demolition of Aeration Basin 2 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000 3 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 6421 SF $ 4.00 $ 25,684 4 Fill Structure with Fill 6485 CY $ 25.00 $ 162,125 5 . . 6 Demolition of Waste Sludge Holding Basin 7 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000 8 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 571 SF $ 7.50 $ 4,283 9 Fill Structure with Fill 1075 CY $ 25.00 $ 26,875 10 11 Demolition of Secondary Clarifier 12 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000 13 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 1885 SF $ 7.50 $ 14,138 14 Fill Structure with Fill 3686 CY $ 25.00 $ 92,150 15 16 Demolition of Chlorine Contact Chamber/Headworks 17 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500 18 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 3330 SF $ 4.00 $ 13,320 19 Fill Structure with Fill 592 CY $ 25.00 $ 14,800 20 21 Demolition of Sludge Drying Beds 22 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000 23 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 11687 SF $ 4.00 $ 46,748 24 Fill Structure with Fill 1200 CY $ 25.00 $ 30,000 25 26 Demolition of Sludge Pump Station 27 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000 28 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 680 SF $ 7.50 $ 5,100 29 Fill Structure with Fill 151 CY $ 25.00 $ 3,775 30 31 Demolition of Influent Pump Station 32 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000 33 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 84 SF $ 7.50 $ 630 34 Fill Structure with Fill 64 CY $ 25.00 $ 1,600 35 36 Demolition of Blower Facility 37 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000 38 Demo Structure 480 SF $ 7.50 $ 3,600 39 Demo Slab 480 SF $ 7.50 $ 3,600 40 41 Demolition of Chlorine Storage Facility Page 4 of 5 107 07/13/2021 Item WS 1. PROJECT NAME Wylie WWTP Demolition DATE 6/8/2021 CLIENT NTMWD GROUP 1153 %SUBMITTAL Conceptual PM Clayton Barnard ESTIMATED BY QC CHECKED BY FNI PROJECT NUMBER WLE20563 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL 42 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500 43 Demo Structure 288 SF $ 7.50 $ 2,160 44 Demo Slab 288 SF $ 7.50 $ 2,160 45 46 Bioxide Feed Chemical Containment 47 Fiberglass Containment w/Concrete Slab 400 SF $ 25.00 $ 10,000 48 Chemical Injection Assembly 1 LS $ 65,000.00 $ 65,000 49 Electrical Power Service 1 LS $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000 50 51 Muddy Creek Interceptor Relocation 52 Remove Existing Manholes 4 EA $ 1,500.00 $ 6,000 53 Remove Existing Interceptor Lines 791 LF _ $ 10.00 $ 7,910 54 30-Inch Interceptor 430 LF $ 250.00 $ 107,500 55 5-Foot Diameter Manhole 4 EA $ 30,000.00 $ 120,000 SUBTOTAL $ 858,157 CONTINGENCY 15% $ 128,724 SUBTOTAL $ 986,881 MOBILIZATION 5% $ 49,344 SUBTOTAL $ 1,036,225 OH&P 18% $ 186,520 PROJECT TOTAL(2021 COSTS) $ 1,222,745 The Engineer has no control over the cost of labor,materials,equipment,or over the Contractor's methods of determining prices or over competitive bidding or market conditions.Opinions of probable costs provided herein are based on the information known to Engineer at this time and represent only the Engineer's judgment as a design professional familiar with the construction industry.The Engineer cannot and does not guarantee that proposals,bids,or actual construction costs will not vary from its opinions of probable costs. NOTES: 1 FNI OPCC classified as an AACE Class 4 Estimate with accuracy range or-20 to+30. 2 FNI OPCC does not include costs associated with engineering fees,permits,surveying,etc. Page 5 of 5 108 07/13/2021 Item WS2. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: Planning Account Code: Prepared By: Jasen Haskins,AICP Subject IDiscuss a potential change of zoning from Agricultural to Planned Development (PD- CC-MF) on approximately 24 acres, generally located on the west side of Country Club Road approximately 1200' north of Brown Street. Recommendation Discussion Discussion Property owners and developers are seeking Council input on a potential planned development on approximately 24 acres on the west side of Country Club just north of Fire Station#2. The current proposal includes a mix of commercial uses along Country Club,townhomes along the north side of the property, and multi-family apartments along the southside near Collin College. Page 1 o 1 109 07/13/2021 Item WS2. PROPOSED 24-ACRE MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT WYLIE, TX 110 07/13/2021 Item WS2. .r t t1 x'l� t - 1. w,, e ry OUR PLAN To bring a high-quality mixed-use community to the fast-growing City of Wylie, which both satisfies the expanding needs of a growing city and complements the existing neighborhood fabric, functionally and aesthetically. TEAM • LOCATION • PLAN • TIMELINE ��ati :,,,,,,,,,,.. : ,,,,.. , ..„, , „t„: , .,,„:„.,„„. „-:,,,,,, „ „,„„ „ „: ,,,..„„, ,,,,,,„ . ,„..',,,,,,,,,;„..„,„..„,„ . ''''''''''''''''''' ' '1 ' : . , ..,„„. t w t z } ,t 07/13/2021 Item WS2. PROJECT TEAM aam � �.� ,,§« oatul" wm,w ;a„^a'd• Fs"" &" ffiv ^�• n�+; r,7;y w,, ,. ,,. .«.a "°r, a%, mar".° ea ,33 romp ,'� "° 'y hk3,3 • �+, 33a AIM: ° ,r w °. a' ^ r a"'y ,° a 3„ a3° �. m,.,3*3 ,R `ttR ,o a'm9 9;'«{ o Vettttr9Agip,, 0`, p; ,y e" o 1+f B• n ,a�'4 R° °"' 'a°t' ,t ,� 4 ttib,de "m '', `,ra a•, '4 A t„, `'a ^''11 8"tm raw tt m '°dA , .'S Y�3p }` ,a, ,,, ,}%;;"th`i t§riti,t.,,,`ta}gr>•,, Vvg:rt�,('},• •i,t'<; ,,�,}„< z,�.�,`�, ,4.. �•., •fi� d# litiT ',,igy��,ui ,,"„ �1 �l\\\S F., ,,„,,�r;,,,a,,.`, ,id,k„„ ,,,r >i.,,+,,,44,r r,,i,,,o,,p,a}>,�r.,,,,? 'x^ no,. r;' + I;I;I'Fr� �l�`10 � ,�„sit,,,," „t >;szA3, 1` "`^u" ^*f,ae, „>o �;•t � ,,r,,, >tat',i"sr,, sr,„„n, s , ., y.a,'a k711t` �s i,t„ ,,,�3,r'Pr,}„ Wit' ,R a" r�,X1t8,edw rCu^ 'J°a ,r�� • V` \..rw ,. .qk+ w.. „� ,i, X _ '.b M•. r :'33::: 1.A7 ' t'� „ - ,.. ,'' ,p'Rt .'^i„,,"m,�m.-+-,..�,..® n.w.,., 16 ...--M I sh"�n'1''ii cif • y�" � t w .'� °"N'o>"s�� ,s `. a L..»..'. fit' i"i," .:. 1�.,° y..,m�• irw�„ .,`r-aR.�n « + m¢rx< 1'+l.'I`( q ^ tq IIII�� ¢ !+ Irl.�,,,," .S`„ M- ' ,'" ,,,,rs , „4§`;>7a.g ?ts�,� „ m ,{' 9 it i i».w. „1 • ",f, ili'P,m;,,, x1 Mm„ - 3g0I ?i;ti, fit, ,,�,",a" tip""* . �• 4r t` Itr, ra'a �, •'ir,„k'„,rms-,„„'m,tY, "-,�, ;, °+`„A�a'.;, .e;Rs,riti,,,,,,t.,�*.�„'�§�'^x'" t "" 'q'+`., Prot'..ems.•,. • •� '• ir. Via:^'', ' '... ,,,', ,,,9—;,',,,, ,,,a a e,,,,d ,,, , hv`.9,',T,n++'„'�'km°'.�t "7k'�4�.Le'. ,ti.o-' 07/13/2021 Item WS2. MULTIFAMILY DEVELOPER t "ct T�\ • tt tr . . Y'i ,' Y n„ , f„Y<, irr,t t� t ,r,,xit t. + - Ntt .sr,,o-t' :^ 4 q �t a" �ya�,\7 �� 444 i°' .. s.: e" P : 'r���t° >:T. ' \2�; � pti \ ` 4:: s3�\2�,: . � i,2 grjy^ti{gie n, wt}ri„ ,At"i'4rs �\>. nFti : 1- -{ ... �Dyygi �Ft A - �t : , e i:4.t ryit} Z , xx+t,.u�"tl'M . a'wry tt,t l.trk„..,; ax r',q«" l 00, + ;l ,p :41P'11:117...:,i1:::',,',,,s -d 9 p y tqr 4_, \!~ , . . ,f,ir5 , x P �.kqrr. r k. f ^a wa �. ' - ri iiii w' °~ '— t tk 5? 'i 1 h i° � T' „a,�'' wa v ,��V,+444444 � °i - kw : th\ °''' & eAe, _ .s a w Y � �r p� ,, 3 �' ' � ' 3 hYi, 2 T;b w 440ffil.t ,al Ice kr I .aA," 't h- : ilt, „ ' ti ',' 'k ARENVO tea:, nt yW � qy I.. � l °�';��" o� a°>r ",, .. R I° , r�x � • ry x" C�✓� y�,':^it r„ i , r�y �a ,78. a : ti .� ,n .RItN� e ��� u, ��?,S.' '£ , „n:xYn :wr '~ws.%,w'r „r min. � �.� ,,i ��'�: =• . nx, c .?v . w. . ^wx,,n � ru �� Snz ,. .AI .LE1<THARRISON COMPANY M3 � -t fit, F Ua ;q. . \� :itiy p\'y df. rcaRt wr .. £ tt'} =a c. . �. n" � fi „: fiLb.d SiSn ^' "' ' t aµ.csi� >tlit;� e "d'u " � {„ ra.' tr„ • 4. • 0. 400 ltl -14 Sz„ % y . ett, . .. ':4 lat TM+'v. tM � 4 's a"r' F tl77 044,... °.." r �dT A� W A iMw*n. SmI I b '_' e ,g b I aki" get+ur= ,v I� "1 R15.f ,sl�r:'C \8tk: }n � Mom M 3t` l tY t at '<t, S :i; § 1 ii ,:r 4m ■ yt `` t, a „ 5d �P : in 44 +; Y ,ga�a :� J � S xt "dr�4. a,..f P rc t • � 'z� `irm ^' ` (sY zar � i,cl a �w "} °Ctr : Q � �Rt q 4 � ( aww�: ke£. e d na 3 � � k w �tit1 ^ 'Mr�q , iY";, rS , � .' > �e! Ir `� I:j A � 9�4 a tl _- / 0030000 - A} � � F z R gg� jI `ti ,\. a �� 'tl: f�. aterry :iAV" rJ t , rti Oil I % • • 4. � 1-� 4t„..a� � , n 1 .tx4.t= aC & `"ti • '" u b 1,011%.AHC is focused on creating boutique communities in desirable locations, using a bespoke approach to ensure that the community fits into and enhances the neighborhood. 07/13/2021 Item WS2. PROJECT LOCATION �s»qa"i )' u' mp�iw"��i• :„w, ,„a,:' ,u 6 `y`'`i',"4»,"i1m';w'.,Y'`a�"•..•,� '•,,,,."X 94'muw"°r��°',,m�t u '",'',�'�''���;'••.�,z�"•r•a W,%�"'.",»'a�n s;',„.:^,'w�a,vav'M�I. N....mi.",u'�aI". "'°aat,Y'ts.P^r k C«`'1"ti,."e''m"»re^'a iy 4a{,s a.._'.:r,n•d9r`x�.!a",wmr,,r:'4,f.P xs'y.,Ya',".,.�.,, "�� �III'" ',•"J ',,'x.,'k'''a;'ri�t3.',,•'-�,,,�°I„,,R a��ha,h'rx."„r"`�'�,m�` ,. m�o»,�C. .Yl,o.ypr7"•;mxw'5•,,,r rqX ,,roap "! ro I .w t �V '`4'jmX dm„,sW•�,'�,w:*•W•im,..„'+'.wa'„, . ry o" ' .� •' "'�,�—.y„ nmi , ,.,s• " '° '"' 4 , xp � .mrs k„4, 4.0,40 .Y I�;I m diti*k At4 &� r exym ,m ' 4N � i.'i."I 0.�k ? �.� I „ „ ,Y ,',, ,waaurow,re � .� i 'r s oa.' " �r ,1'p '' m a , '..my' y"'"4I I�dre "'wuLa aP� i:^z` „ % r. 1` `, :R „, �� '��, S N "0k'A 'i�X, m�� ���y, " �awP � ' q it ^° 8X, ,." « r R, • im m," ',*a + `+ , ,�m , •^1°';a,aan � � " �, ,p M *p � ,m .,r.:" tfi ,rei,..,I, # a.d, . a° Po ,II ' , Iduu„,' k, �,, Po�' t�; ,''' ' � :j, :,..)„„k " ,, a ,, „.., `x a ," „gy kr , r� 'a °'w „ „ >'! •a� ^+ ,""°fw. ".***• • • W `410, " wtR;.kikd '0".",• 44 h 1 ' ,wa „,z�.4t r. a , 7, , . * � I,;,. rf*: l4,4x "Tx ' ', ",'4 , " , !„0 "a, , 2'i , ^ " ,„` ,« 04`atW`� 6i,ue . q � �u„ ' W4 ;:Fr ';� '� . "„ll " Yv,:cx ,'�_ ` `„ „ _ + R9 ,• 'I ." µY4ry'.,a m"" gp ' ,W ; ^� u�"a .l„d ¢k .,: ", , • - ,17,„'„-4 rrP"-;- ,4m Nr.! rM1 „ ro P1 4",i*„ ,^t i'a, , :'x ,tm" *,,k, .Y,,k",,,p, 4 ''' ,„, _ Ttft.s . .",•-• 6x S'fo.; ' w"d ^z"' •mq' "' 4 , " '' a um",' ° ' P":d. , ;, at'" . ' ; +a m w ?m„ Xrv•' Pi"^ . - ,. - "r .«., , ,,,,F ers„ ;u 04 ; ,r " ` e IS': ', Xa ` i,V^ P. mr ' 04 , ,„` , X‘,,,[a; � Y� ag "d j,, I„3 M' 9p y " g �`al',), n),4 ; Xn ,''''''0kk kk 4 ,...or,.xa iii mt ot•""1 t m i vM' a,a & k ti ' NIItm err'^',;,v&.., , y,'; ,.++n, % n,', ya8", Ildl ����� "fl' dX^ gym, „'Xff",, k 7 a •�I,YII»k P.. ,w as. ' '" is`A II^I. ii �x°';' "sorssaX"i,#, b,,, J a' d" 5 w `'" Y44''', '',� ,i.V e' ry .1 '66 •au duu�i " Ifi; l,,'.. ,:'Nk'�N o 8aM „ i,d� rx 'Y" ,da �' 'r���';';P R,'.» v '" II r � k^�"$III ". .,v fl, ;aw°� Af,.' ��m .,Y "MCI:At' ''xr,M ..a" " ^;, :a "•' +� • s"' „# ",>„ �;' we•'m„' '"' u' ` d°^a'• ��:,'�V w ,p,;. ,'•,,,,' h u 1441, Y4„ °• Illq .w ^K', .,;i t »P�'„� ,,,�M ^g i,n9A"�,°° UT ,xa,;"kX'k'a „',,,n�m " A •�r• w � ���du��,n:fm,, "` Y°p w'^��,�e... I."„���m, ,','ri;.,'' '' II ' +�a w'e ' m.+"e1'"+Y "�a' 'Y °`; e5 w,„,,,,,i3O r"+;*• xa" Mro;aG,re'",°4' ", ' „- &x^�v'�., ••tl, yp' h� �4'^w". :�I' i„�� •m w £�V' I '* fu�� 'a .i,'E•N, " F" b' y",•���''�� M,t u�` ;'�« .V a'' a M1?''9,p,.d• '` �� fib rAF �a 4 �, 1 Illy,;" q o p�, IaY ;i4Ma a.,,,:,n.va .II ^ .',,. ' ^d ' " .,, x"" it,�mll'.,,,e r 'd, °nx ,"�,rnkktC � . il, 1 4 .,ra,w ,ay ,,.,., 114 07/13/2021 Item WS2. CORRIDOR GROWTH ! " _. �..,.,.� n� 5p11A �..3,A.a�b Natural/Open ° , ' sZ 4 A 4„i,'.;,', A r r i ftrkkhS Skik "t v i 3 3 2 Suburban t S" . us""'''''' " ' '''''''''''''''''''''''''k''' 'V`I'"4* ,N,,t,44.4.10%,,Vid+44,N.**,,,,,:ft,,,,,A*Aut,44,*,,,,,,*3,4,,,,,,,„114,40,0.1,‘,*„,„.. l',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,ii:,e''':,*: wx General Urban Tt, x ,: p` ,F s a S �UrbanCorejRIr!Jw R 4 R re -,-,t1:..,.ttRotooptaLwaRsatoakt:...ttztv, :°11"V %F � N"LI q -" 7l�� I a :,, ' ..'z.S uwI,`'z"p811R'9etha�Pe+S�% �d90P86�hM,6`1R�,a� Wwid#isGw3bhmBt n3$Ptv:fC`ii iS 07/13/2021 Item WS2. CORRIDOR GROWTH "• 'P l : .,- ,,,, `„, „ a ;" "" .N a .r IT, :I. x"`y"" :. „��.a;� r ms ^:, �" 14„,"' 'mf�^" a �, yn.:« g' � y " Nv^ P' a ', „r, ;,au�'r„',",„ ,,,a.X, 'a P.'�'m"� i;, ;, 'itA "•'& .." k Y„M��„w^ Rd.��twuu" ������� n' A na � ' u 4 , „..'�, tl� w „ Am,m.,.' �����„ A, ' 1 �'"„ �I ' iarA �������� "#,.'Nw„^„�A„„"n yv;', ,h �`" as z,. N.CP ?,r ' ��,." %x r'r 't 3'„p„ '�i� I, :',,&: w..'rcir@II .' dr2 r,,,�, 'pia L+: ntl t"°a II'', •ro ? c 044, w+ „ 'YN", °Y'°���^ w'6' S ul S# �h�hSti'thh``,s`:j,m dl�'' Ai. ��� ���i ���i����P ^aIn v ,gyp �y ., M io' Igdlfn' mn, fro• �n'."fi� "U �t dt1 .`{fn1~S Dail»ic}rsv;,,.#5:z?;+.,�tdn:.-?>;P,vr=rrc»o ,"81 I'�„ C, 4 °L ° P,,N ^,^n,rm� ,°,dry° h` .�T ron.e,A' �V 'B w r „' hw�;' *.'' v,q n „ Yi M., „}t tilt i,N V'1, �'� ',."' i' o-° 11oia .. ', d`.,"• '';-. „ . r• ..a "' ,.meµ ' "Ir '' wl ^?kY0 on . " �, � ,x ,mw4 ` ri " 41 S\i" `h� � Id a g {' 5t ; { d„ i � " '" Am, v " w ,w` , �"1 �m�' Cah,h �, '010 . .. , " n^ry g ` K r la' a ,$e d,> o „ • VA, II ,1 4 w� iil , ax @�o w J' Ads °" �' " a ' ' ap' d ., ••R tV, ,.fit g' II ' b",wMi•,: ,;ru s „'1 ,"^�' ,>, , 1 wI' 116 07/13/2021 Item WS2. MUNICIPAL COMPLEX x. Is� � „ II„ 0.v.axi..�/ p t. ,�' :i,Arzt', i t m,.,h �A �,x... 8> ✓I of t 8 1 f gym „ P wen .. �r >g� I,,7?7%=8 v m ' � � 4. .,t'sat'4 ,� ss ! �` v',dv ,'�. „Iw? ' x. ICI Ilr "v. o '' R 1 g �, v "'� u" " III .f'd N',,'''''',,','., p,la �sii r . �' @`x��` ."'1sx�.�' � fl as.�N„x';vs som ,;y, f , 1. S M i 1 tl� f t " 1 „N 1� 1 ' r 11'� 1 d c I • a is {.4 Io1'�wu i 07/13/2021 Item WS2. WYLIE DRAW REWARDS & RECOGNITIONS to 24th 2nd Best Suburb 26 Be:t : Safest City in Texas th UI' Liv US Safewise.com National Association of Realtors Money Magazine (2020) S I' (2017) (2019) ACADEMICS 6Ip 93/100 100% of Campuses rx $ 1 94M in Proposed Accountability Rating Clffialk met Texas's Highest Improvements - Plano: 91/100 At* Academic Standards District-wide - Cy-Fair: 89/100 DEMOGRAPHICS $120,399 6.9% Increase $5 15/mo Average Income p In Median Home _________ Discount to • • • within one mile Sale Price owning within ($313,950) one mile 118 07/13/2021 Item WS2. POPULATION GROWTH 80400 FOR REFERENCE: 53,96 Plano: I I % 5 0 Dallas: 12% 41 3: Growth since 2010 4785 4 50,000 Rowlett: 20% 4t 37 4 504565° Metroplex: 30% 43 12 8 ylie: 40% 40 7C 412 3958- 40 000 McKinney: 52% 38 18, 8 Frisco: 71 % 33,0: Since 2010 c 2880 Growth since 2000 .1.4 18,35 20.,000 '44 4 *5 13 1 2 10,000 2000 2001 2002 2003 :004 2005 2306 2.807 2008 2009 2010 2C*1 201 2013 2014 21815 2016 2017 2318 2019 2020 119 07/13/2021 Item WS2. POPULATION & SUPPLY VVyrie has a shortage of MF it H its relative to its oopulation 45 5 pp DPa P'LAi O M._?.INNE`Y ALLEN LE .'aS°°F_L® FRL3_.rr.) 'ACC LiE DFW PLANO McKINNEY WYLIE Current Population1 7 • ,540,371 284,579 195,342 , 58,297 Existing Units 2Q202 721,230 37,026 15,683 1,509 Persons per Unit `'' "! 10.5 7.7 12.5 ° 38.7 'Census 2Axiometrics 120 07/13/2021 Item WS2. PLANNING SITE PLAN r" V.i n, t,G +"�' �M,re,,.,, ;,e ,'.,«..,, '• , � * tay .. �i Rn '°,°'I,�I'%, aa .a °';i„�, a ������� dY,��a, , „aa, , , y • kV' r + 1' M ,, '«n;�fl„""N^ ° '.xNu°,a";,.4 u!, !" '-- Dx 'n 3.k ,y M, 8 n laid "Foy", a�A" „�,,,,;," IuY,'w,,+i��� ^;'N��,«°��,, "v+$i x &�'��r"dt„ b u.. "?rP^ �,t' .a lily,,'„r. ^ A pg " is uw,?• - r. 1"«Ai a Iry .'v ,„ ,'.° • ,s, �" W„ 4 d% m n.,,x, „�' ;a , .k u� "#'.`; % « >'aaa ay "���n� ��I Ae« ,^,hr IbU, •"'«:>°g^" ,w ,, ,�8 '^N� u^;.�' uI�R' •rn '�s a;a�, a.,? "°.' i,�t,g i 'w .,d. .1r' '� .a" '. fl^� Illo lit- 1344C lur.�,,w�d�, , `'P „„ ,� �a« el .I' ii �,I, ei� a it, , '�� '„�'*II� I5`I".a ,. ,'�0 , x� I. ama* rrri ;It '" '" ',tat* g�""Lr' ","+t' ° Piir ' �t`•,� ..wr;,, .' I,n,ti " $ .a...°„� x' , :„ 1 �q, ay t„t'�: i,„ + °'wr,�r,N u`rP t �t k'.s:waR-,.rareW,..�, ''k.:t Y.tr'.p.�,a:,�~'a,."t'�" � `n�.ta" b � ti Y ax 'M'"n • tit Ill .,, II t'�i �a�. ri ., T"wwsw1 3a. 'mP ,., u'� s.4„ v4 33viiki I,' 4;,' 'mmi',,�';a II' 'r p, a bm". s, ,;','� r `td " aw•`'�4 ;„' u� ,,�r' .1.,' R� �o-nN ',,,_.� ,,1 ,,,. t,'3, R, 4. vra �", •, .�" ,N � >z`,'a,�� "�;i ',F'S 'ta. "i, •, ) ��''da '��M1� ` xirr "' ...,.fir a.- `'' Fit., { a%«, `'G, p. ,' ' '8t@:ark0 P, r { 'fi I� ,M 4„' .��,', �'�'',� +�,�Y,ii :r,WM ^µ ���;�e .Y +=x "�� ait 434,411 Iiit w,vW'.,yt �+ .'an„"^,n• Am,' "aaeti.� y „k�` re: °,a '�• v. +aM'{+�"u"xft��;"nia+.mwae. ,,,a. :+u'"°m '�:. . .;n e'"; 11 Ajt' °: ,„-l , ,^.'« ,, i t yp���� •"ji,, ;,.r•' !An,,,,,,,,',;-;, M �� ��"" 7� "�„�I 44, 'r` i ` F' .rWW a•,� '° I�,�„ ,wn m' ,d,, ,� t,A ...�4,t. °"I 'e „x^" °,w. ,„ ,4x,.,• :Z.0.0�.,,ia�'k.,4 • ws., gy m°-- -.«'"•w„« ;+g ' 're 's.+`%", 1� ro. „" a'a.."l ," �,�,, ,.��:,G ', p�tr v, qp.a �,. e,�„ p `{`,,'`;r;. v{, l 00 Z3j ata,.". .,n' '"''�;' ,' �" ai;,,,�,,� �P' ��,� ,,s>..<!;"k,.;�s� S,a�z„ :,:�5{. r� ''�. .rvm" n".s p.g s,na 4r "� °#, 'G",a yam+ ., 'i.� „ ty't r C` -all I,� g"" ,«., ".rt" 0,W .p „ ,'=`sx a&v+ .i°'t° s, '� ��, 9 � ,...'——1['.`k'�Yft:; �• Ya%aw., n ": ," ou ,P,pp„, .'X"'Y' A � w m ,T ,t;`yt nuu�, v°rcn�a' .� 4y ,M1b1 Ada,ii,ui‘dx' j,�^ °' VNA'iki V n r ft vPoYf,x ova .t 'f„,,,u w G wU My p,NomAril rorrtr nd.; „ o,w,�py,,i� ,PRIM, �� it d., Y�� NOtt*, a s r i 4°n 4:1,,00:4,Ittiti:a,,,,,,,,,„::43)4!4:47,7art:',,,, , ,, ' , Ir,"g, xma?,,�?''� „M„ '� e'`gr•-•••",F.,a ,a"'",.a,.:,r.« ,,•,, ,. „r°" '! ? �,{:s,.',q,e .....-., __ " ' t» ,..°, :�"G,a;'e,' ` ' ),vet .,.r �qF�r: a sir �* R3'" :,,'" ,' ;'',""",7",,'„,„1, , ,,,':„,:, g, '� �° ,t"t.r �,�I,I r,, b , fl;,'a°a �w P IIIVIIIr9P • iMiktiiiiitkii• kV iii I** .qv :"s�w,,���IM ..., a� „ss•n a .�� ,o�. , e %NI\ c,„\i..iik.' 'Z',`,'", „N.A,':Z4'.*IV.'N' '-'' '''.',-\'''..4„11i.:•,—„;;MtrY'n, ‘441.4t, ,4'.t'll'i! , ,-; I�n ° i � A P" .e. � �n a '� � a.W .�._aW,.0 i re "" f aau a0 ,...' _ . ' ' F`Ca _ea ek • ;,.'.. ;-r ae ,P'� '' ",u Dy ��',"� " �.,,, ;,. ,,,�,, ." : r ,, i° p „ "°' &'�, '� ,, m 00 'Kt' y: i" . „u tiY,,„,. , ,,,„„qq•�'pNi M1.,� e � x �" , • �& � ?ta '., 'rrt: , i "�� q 1 d zfi 41 wmm, �" � P, „0 nw r« ; ;," V ° :..., n�w 0" „..I� P m• � I wI „ 'IO� ° ' lllump, ,m�M1, , " " ,,.� ,„ ' v , , ,u„ , '���. ' a a„' .w, � �a „, 07/13/2021 Item WS2. PLANNING SITE PLAN S`1 ,;, M, g, ,,,, "F°,", a�A" ��aPn,," m3',,,���"^'N�,«°.='h';' "v�$i "���> &�, b u� , ' a yWr, "f. ^ " „pub o w, ,, 1«vae �r»`* .'f;� N4 '.° '" " '�`t 41: ,r, �" W„ 4 d% ����m���� n.,N.a.,s' ;a ��M""', �.'k` u� "#'.`r'; % ,, >'aaa ny �����nu '�i: ,,, ,,,,,x ,i14 IbU, ",4" ,w'41,, ,,�8 '^r� 4, m1R' rn '�r i,' a;,.; a.,? "°.,' „ i,�t,. i 'w .,a, .1n' '� .a„ w,* fl^� ;���o . a ^) gy„ ',uP '`, ��?N .," r� a^pC .r �'' a °^ 'a ,^w"' r V,4% �y� � °^'°i .'.;; Irr.�,,w'�d�� ' 'P „„ .� "a« e� * .'I' ii ,,i, e, a ;ui` , '�N ,,,„..., „,„. „u, ,,fra'; «, {.^:;., �_'; nn+" '"d." k, ,i .y.,o- �, ro,'„ a � fl 4,, !aott a ��^' S. .,mn..x�", '" '" • 'a ", ev"�' ,^.;"y d °, et p ';, 'i,ti ° $ "�$a,�°,, w m 4'"'' 'a'. „ ,w ghts,.R:7 4i�p r I. °'wPo�r,N ", u^urP t t k'.s'a':waR-„tar i W,�,','.,, " ''k.:t Y`.t r,'pw, n'a,"t'�" `n�.t 1I li lg. 1,0,144 „Air • "ior' 4'+ rn 'k:;a,g;,', r 4'Y,, ',����, „,, ;. I ', xirr ,,, �r, :x �j' j° =Y �Mk"' Da'.,, ,:,r'°�..rom ^' '* t. a=.«, m,' r.. ".p,z ; ,." i� 'Iti'•° e; _ , r�" ,�^ ° Mo«k&; "wa,' n„.,a„ ,9wmy;�,��" e ".d,',� ;��i"� ,WM ruffµ :'Y ,i.,x t f+°';',, '' a P GREEN SCREEN �, ' �, ,, ,,'n!.. :,,,�, ,',- - 4• .,' ,°. •e�°, , - ',. CODE-MANDATED a:�' IRON FENCE WITH SHRUBS ' "" '",` �' EMERGENCY ONLY GATE ;X' 'i�'a° , ' ;;'�' m"„ e u��, .g� • dam, ',t,°t,,a".«w. p a ,.;,,_ ,"^':x s'''''a.'' mF '\°` "„ ,:r ` ;Y� Y �i d'',,; ',," ,„„ „ �„ , ��w ,w,�„N'4ri' HO ION,. n'",,", ,$�i 'd „Zi ,= ,z+`'`e,s Iv,:,;,, ' . rot gip W .,k-.. .y_.. `ry V . ,s, ``„Y,w, ,,,, R iri4,, 4,1,1,,14,1,111181110 111PAII,I4fiII,--Il--i,M.11...I.0I, A-H rliatiw i h. slffait fat 1 ro,. "^ ,, ^" -------- -- - --- —'° ..,._a�rg,_�.._, al . 14 Pg'iI y.. ':a "'j ';'` i„ � l. - wk 17_ , ,, . , artf a b ,µ u ` w �.� �` „ ,,, 'No 'Ti 1; 1 1 ^ r � '.N; W ", `.s �s dr : , ", °' p ',,' ,rell : ' i 'ya,s„� �¢.,v,.d IWm„a^ .QQ t ,, U- �} W r Y_ - , At a ' L„t:, . N L _,,Ri t A a ® V !, « \tm A. HI 9u,¢fl . m _ at 'k . „ " y ,rtx l : _ ' n r itt '7,7 WW3 fl, ... t " 0 , , NG�—.. I .C`...-- /.YY.. .� . ... �,t a �z — lE x.A YOy , '„l 't � MyE 't, „gaa, � .or ;P„,, ' „"fi „, sj( , i Aoki ., , g , i a=.n, 1 y AOW*VAN' ° + ' p.. � e.fin > ,�h „ , " .,, °' 4f , ro .a1, .°k'sN^M, „, ' yO.r v� "Po s iwu v _ „„e„ y,t , ;6 0.r 7": ter, 4" „ i " „a sp«>,>, ,,,,,sv .ry p�� i " r:& m i . r „ . ,,, ), , ��'' " , n` n C 44, eau� " A ��A ," w ° 1 .t , u µ „, l: 4me Yk" " ,L, ' ^i�� , „„[ !1 § , I { ,0:040 hit .�40. , 966r n �• ,a.1= h} J 1 y 8m :�" 9 Wxu f* �um � W �� � mi �N"r1s,� 6 , p u ��s W rc : , C ��YC � a +� �m� t Ili,u 07/13/2021 Item WS2. PROJECT RESIDENTS .... , .w m ii"mkl`�w ^,. yal, ^� i•�wi- ,7 ey ?p�n . IIII q uuuuuuuy ,,.. i ,I Na' , ,Ni ." - `"wa': a : fr i„ % m. � -71 � ,`+ . u " w ,fi ' Wa . Ar8y *" +NA 1 u M1^ . l IMPACTINE HE,yy . � — " k r a uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu mui �u ,. is1 1 o m mIuo II i .k ,4 , '' Our 324 units translates to 472 beds. WYLIE ISD 17 Using our current 11-property portfolio averages of age groups (bottom right): �;;` DODD ELEMENTARY 18 p' 4% of 472 beds would mean that DRAPER 16 18 of our residents would be under the age of 18 INTERMEDIATE, INTERMEDIATE 1 likely attending one of the zoned ISD schools. ] COOPER JUNIOR HIGH 16 ,owSimilarly, if 57% of our residents are between the ages of 18 and 34, ` wYL1E HIGH 17 267 residents would be of an age to potentially attend CCCC. - AHC 11-PROPERTY ° PORTFOLIO �� IP �; °. o ,0 II t ,':': ��'����� --. _II. *Nev..— _ gip 11>�_` ��,,... -- _ " o. a,1 AVERGAGE (/o) ,' .: .. 4. :.-gym .� I° . v."IT." _ " " _ Under 18 4% + »° KM 440011...�.�r it r N a Y U n I � 1 � ` 25 34 44% . I : s '.•� .. �. • P 35 44 1 V° V= r,a . � . „ 044244 441 ": ' a' ` ' @ 4 k <aa �� C yy )a 45-64 18% rn i.y Oyu �my ros$ aa k+ ; ^. yX � Rew " �p, � . 1 4.4 Td �p dS ; &. 65-74 & "y w r . 45 riE a .imkY. ���� 75 and older o rrM. >r ry1 iit;" •, v 'n'xw �w',.�, ..�7 e ' wN C � Source:Wylie ISD 07/13/2021 Item WS2. PLANNING MULTIFAMILY 'Snw „No �44• mryd^, .M , "H ^„°, 4 ,,,, ,4" w.',i',,' 8R8;, �qt 99�� t � ,' ° ,Np ' ,� „ .tea i��m�u .�° ��� ` �a,"..> Id�,414,� mre: } . ,w , 4 d%,� "'� ����M����.�^ Ii�"1' °N,aA' M' ct' .mf *lu',,A "A,"'",�!,,,wa,"" ', a*" B iro v r 4 'a', � yIP a" ,•'• 4 Wit" p, 'AB',G ,"Oa l,, R ,i, ; �, PP a 4 !II u1 ; a „, ',; Y A,, 00, ;,tip,. ' 1141 4 N 1.4 R4W'bo .NiV�n '�hrv'u '�M, &i AI �'lrMnr wW,tp �'�II' i'' � ..b s'1 i Aug w t �,tii IIP A' a •'�' �d�°„ Dst WI y"" „' '* '� "ia „III'''''1 t""°a �" gi�, '' �$$�" ""J' r '�, if IPA a , ,"'' I ' " ° a, fl w„ 4" ;�i p°'*,,'"'w ''+ a ,, 46 ,4 -5', ,; o ,.'mow,, „ , ";„„, ;; ����� ,, ;6 A" ,','', � ::�M �„art •k .w 1 `N. �,'%, t-. ;��., .rC;,^°, 1„ '�iit* '° S. r t, ' ,��� ���' „�r "�� 'r ,p, ;. ;;35<c�w-i ^sm �r.`.; :mow", '',, ���'ro, p'it 444,.,444,4444, 4444144o r^„� , r `�� Y� ���..� ` ' �, MINIM $ per ILc"$t t ' __ :. • ,. .. __ ■ _ !�! �, �a. _a�� ��i� Rent SF lx p , . d a n _" v�� month Fr, 'II A ma?'' A ..a A m`a�'w,,,:„.`^'."' '».r;`"i a i""'"„t q�`" `; ` ,,,":. " rr_iiY1W1►_r:.� 111011 � 16 ,„6w �A dli r wca w� „....• �. rtaei„Y .6`i1V .. '6,•a., "T66.66 .. _ _...._ , 66 66 nli a v'+' '* „..'A AAA y ®one — , 1' ' ' • w k„ n t . Smaller t Ili" /� p1^ P' " - . k*1. ---=,.--------- w -- i.;°<-_,_*° -- A"-`,wv S E �„ _ul "..i.. ...,..,.'..a ,, �,r;li i'", L-].VVla .u,e0"ur,''"""�" ',i�" .« ,'R:,�\m'" '.. 'q a '''',R.W�1p.;,',��'��� „''„11', liuy�� ^p.., ���Y ° .',P' .'k AA "Iiu..n '� i.�wV,,� �� 'nAd,�A''^,U:"'�t-,.a a :A,„ e ���Aw� °�xr AuM�r�;wrc�,wmsw'a. .a:wwwr wmaewa°n„� ,wvsll ,�'��, ,:'A,,,,, ",8" '"'''M,��,awu''ai VC' Y��1 ., .l p' N.^„";11 n +,a w,'m„M¢,m 'P:' w «,,,,.w, ,�,,, ,. � Largest 1,400 1 975 124 07/13/2021 Item WS2. MULTIFAMILY CLUBHOUSE ELEVATION �s a a.0 �� N. ppyy l l 'I' �' m. ki. rili V D* �� r "�. *� ,","" :s� .. .�^ "• .,. t so ,, k ,^ �6'a;�, l"' 1{f Yfr :} tit .f•i' "a, e a ' "u? a :,. �.. ro..' Z 4 a�,'.n`,x? st,aYt, a lti s: „" u?tr;, s 4 t i it•• ^ '"',x" : ,:.:t `t^ . :y'',�� 4 q `, i'. r"t.,�.;,.ti+,`L2 t s 1 ��,..,: ".d.^^�, �' „rr� . y: i s1 .... „,...,, �.�... n ,Z, t.,„gaa,,,.. a " :,., ,, n r^ ,.�5�"" ^�""�:' ,, ;L„ "'�� �2 yzR,�fi rs is << L � 14. ' s ,`�. s k�f"'S4T4 t+;:i44 3d At'X''^�a, :w.� :..,,�.,,: n,s; Ls 41: ,'' # ''F.4k '• Q �'' .c,. ::,e ,, awv,•"`�,n'.a ':f.' t AA d ,,o.„..'S,I,Nit;>^;,.,,;k,NI^N3, `.'ite s , ' " ..'�' 1 S S? a yp,. . �'',.3%i41�L`,'si"" '�, ,. ,,,,y j. •`., ..uw f. '"., ,.., LsnG.^; ,s t ,`'`f, „°:�'�i.u:a f,.wyv'asm,i't�•;x'ov�'.. �' "'c'�. ti ,,,". ta' "sir '""c,.. o �' k �' WYd ar: >' . , � 'Vt' � ^`;y ^' , 4n 07/13/2021 Item WS2. MULTIFAMILY BUILDING ELEVATION r1 ti ,. 1. O; ') � .l te ~.` �'A �_;'\ t\ , .. : � ", 8;:. <...... ;4....a~1, � "�M:'9fM,x'"0oe % wtt ...,..� , ,.. ..,...,.,, � ." .... ., . �cu, : > ::,ri��s � k ".. a . . ry ,o a .,�, .� :na "�si : ; ' p e '. «� Myk F . v ti, v », „t,"« a sa3 . � ., °& arigya .. � � w o .5 i •ao .e , .A iM � M i s ,,,. , iti4 . ,,'re'„) ' u \imt 7av w y & s •`, „`r ,.,» ? >f:}4a ; „ okftiookkom '„,n„f3 S S,c«, , p• , ,,,s , , « ,a, � i ' t\;, .Vi , t . tltt'« � ; • �;. }`s; , ,yrt; S;a , \„h,, i� 1', � r � c ? '1 , ^ ,t ,;v xiu ,.{,. , \ "} tiZ .` '4 42 K a a a tii '\ r�. ,\ t ratss z, ir „rJ ,lr =it{ot, � ~te , K . ,\ t \ • ay „ ir) ; l� Zli, tl' 4 � \ trt„ 4 . \a ^ , • ,a3„u t �,t ��. K S`a,4;r �,ti • q ��r„ ctatt ' � , c\ ���,r�r, ?3 ' � <t Yet';� " ` � . „\P � `�t\ : ay„ l\e�` ra '�}n ,? \ r„ti\„"• ,. ` „ 4 <,= : . �" , 4 t�l �t r, Zt {\ v � \,:a.,a, 4 ' � • tgym s,n:' �a�,, \�, t „ `'�\�t {,<tS,a t,\\t l , tt t, . , r + ttv t r\{. $S \'4 t0, a, ;; <s� \t, •" � z ��\\, k,p . t ,,rt t „"xt ; ,Sa \t r � "9, x `4 ,c' r . My4.,>�� v y F?, �.. : — is ..._. , .° pry,,. &f � W..i: „ �,J.iiv ��ar {. Xtti, �i«ait�-'�tmt�il�s\,1'„��;..ry -...... __ x �,i�.. i. i i ;-**.;. ' ,, ! ,III :''''". I,, i w4 , rk t �i lu u „11 wuw:i em _d;;i .`;--aR >,:�r,c�"a S,:'°" .,, 440,w::'.�:.,v, .,, n`�y:.s? .''.tt-;.}t`;i.�;.+� ,Ma tt.miter4„„,„.,3`; tv.,,'a'a.,',,,.xa'r",,,", .:axtir: a�'?�9 Ja `: d o em r+ "Ml da� "* -_ ... a' &,t ,w.;'�'�} 11. ,� �; �." � .°�,��. .,.:., tea; y, �,. a" 3544 ,Y auk . ' 'r ry aa,r`...4,°w, a,m*>"^".,"'°°: 5444ecv` t,4,'7'5:u ...., , a ca S.'' 't ::a,"...,. r•..„} ,.• „•j z\.`'t'Z??,1",a�?.%t},��.,�3},�y\„ 'h\tt,%", t„« ,1,1tt ,;`=iota t", a.,, '1 ' .,1 , >{{},`{?d�/,4 ,aasK{33 YM,\z?`Z„Y:r.•,;rl"i,?,<:xt,; 4e ',Y, �"a,a:s)f{, r,t. t� ,,,µ \,t 6��, I�i �;y n„ �i, 'i�v,.$.ti„t _ .,'\' „t`tE4�3t,,. ,A rl ^"' N tat='{ ?.:':,. •,;:. i '8, ,q fi �..,, ,...� ; ",,�,� •,Ae,: n.h .^, :..t ,A%9anbn.B.;.�, irmi m v M 1M� ..:�� �`'�„ r� � i' "°.. Y., '�,rs� I . III��� r,.�„ iii �V���...,.:`r .. 126 07/13/2021 Item WS2. PLANNING RETAIL w-if'+ 1 **At J �, 4 ka kks •i;...,, a'a , ,^ n a ':aa„;,', 's,. „� , . ",13t`t+' ..tg, ,rs+,t r0t't<<'ti'=irs<3t,;;zs.,o,",a.=«,s.Qriz,.;Sm,, 000 +9�@� t .a ., ;}itts``ts ��fi`% #v,'i``4(i=r r,l, 'E',., 1.�, , i r _ ',jug i�,'`;t.„`' ',�l`'f'�l'4 , , h't., ''�WP. « ,_ _ trek ,4"• ":dhi• IdU -ro, Mt `i;Y� jt `Y""=))fir'"= ,uo One Story 1,""'Farm s ,, `y ,:"` ,,.�, ' '' ' '" , ,,, ., .. ;�a�. _ 'kb „a a -nri" a' „ms�e!sNi,o,e.u,pFn,trr, 'P.° a;.,ai;. „m,$ .�° k ; ,' +`, �'' yet? , ... sn,a spkomi ,a::. ,: __ µ= Consistent with it ���i ,ili';i"c`;;»„ „_ ,;`„Cf"', ,n5`=`:, ,,i`c,. 'a,n'ct=:,C=-=;';ea% w' ;11''ti'^;.a M " ss;.m':t,,,«"+« . ta""„'' �, ,;m';41— ,t,,,,,,55<t"sa;;�,� a ', _, ttr«<„ ,«r•;x.. ,,,,,;;uAr,•'�=r Wit,� „a U.mk yid" �d�n ?m Z>: 7,,. It N' vn ",� W�;k,:";:34: , � character f `,,� o i s`ikt�.t•=. " _';'�•=�»�t,.,F' a 1R, sKF�p ,.'vo"`r2.ki=r.',.�, its..Sla � tY°.xt�w'•'d r. " = t = .,,+ r, tv tL.;s .=r ":.x�a 1 (�t": «?-?s:s4t}i`�k,'t Q'$� d s � m lk," `i wb a�a °:' iii, 0,, apt ^ t ,. w I, , W corridor g d „4,4 dr ,7• ;tip § , M 'at � m �'m,. , `' �rim� i; „ {p „ IIIa " ,,' i' II a S ' ad�>n�: ,'IP'e it �t 0 °0 �§ta' .o m,.';'Q����" 3' ;, m •0 , t p^ �k �� �titi'.a tiFu' xF re '�!•U" t •. ,it. p ', ,'„ .,,t�tt"e 'n.:;", � Y m" .14.m,' '",,,� "•.a, �.a° .`b ;y� m�. tea.^ µPm„ ,, �., ,,°4 t ..'.. \4 4. , , , :dt r;t,« 1 090°° SF .' . ,, min• ,0�a� ^,���� ;,���a �������m • ,g,,«, ^�^, et � m ,{`m'�� f,? 2{ }_,`, ti p" y t t, iu i,,, 1.,a 4 �141!ff M1y9, h ��P 0 ,kt ,=trN6t? q, `'i;" "x„J� ,. irkR'a,:a ';+ 8 ;� , .i 4� :t �'' 1,,,:r::1,.„' A(3;, u,' ,.. �.M w. 's ,,rr:. , ,, lu , t ,,,),tka ", y "� �� 1�� • .._r ' • � '� , III, "ao,,' �� '� .,r. ■_ .�i = 1 r ,. ",, First of three �' ' .m;^ I .,� . . _ I miss INN M. r a;1 ° ., �m ,i �: :".:_ -� -� ., -, _ retail phases td� dli �'� ne ____ .gym . om. •.�� — — s.,= pp,' ' .t, '�w�„ gj 'r 9 � f ..m �r �- ,� ., , —� `S'„➢n ryt 4 stY4,..v ;ty `t`t ' _i ts r`kt' pp �..rffi Au"'" "' J'Y A-,- , m' n. U"�^t.'{' iM �'8� wawn+w� , '��i Y �.�"I� Id a� —R — "� ••*ut -'64w �`� I,itNry ,� err _x �` .;�m��p,i" '�I` ^„d� _Li .. 'Y,g"rd' it -_ ...e� - - -- -ate.c�- -,17_. , r 4�,= vr c, .., „„dk, "' ka � mm m.py "NSn d : '�f,., am Ir i i m 4 n gym . s .�, war' ���d ' "ati'r °b" _ s .�4 » �"gy �,, y m "Wa ,lNi� 4`u� 'A Qµ ! t,F:k 'b A � �Ald', q ��Uv .. ..� AN' �vu W aaN'v I d sk *' y. �w A" l s q 1 roue � � t ff�o � �� � � ���a i d 1 �1iii��' n w, iN�. �A�� a YWu � �� �mmu, . �� � � i � n e .. � � will".IA'�, ��«�"�' � �'°�ouuwu, `VP' � �� 9'rv�� k. ,IM wei z -."8..i" im 07/13/2021 Item WS2. RETAIL ELEVATION ro-'"'"""''ff:'i'::''a7!:''*':7::..:::*::'1:.':'::,,t:::::"•;'''i'::;::::':''il''''':':':::'t''''':1::':::?.:'t::::','::;;:::::!I'l'ri'.'°',::I':!''!''tl::;:i!ij,''I,':'''k:;:::i''''i:k:::''''.4):'!''':':''It'i::.:'1;::;'";'t''I'';''a''':':'":';i'ij'ttl'';'};''"I'':::;i''';';:;;'::;11:.t':',':;''4,:':','',''i'j''';'t:'"'''''':','°'1,.'',,'i::'''':;:1•'':"'A?::':,''':'','''','",';'1:::;:'''tt:t:::': '''''''';'S*,1','..,', '',"": ',,,.:., ' `gym..;+'t`lr-i'`i2ait "'"ilu!!�r ����; ,'a if F}sit �4xt1t,, 4494414 a'r} X t„. kit, X4,pi '^t tints g `�'. .w, i fig,`j'ts s , L! I�^a+ illIr r�1,„ . .. -u.„.„-.;;;..„.1‘1 -ir Wc*• % n ;r .„n t,. .s. �' LT.mxnn'.r', , �rV < 4: '11: �y r9 d t, S-, St;a nP t. "�l � 1/4 "ui4' • ¢ � C:Y. ii _x, - , ,1 , ;,{f"ttit'r,u. , z p ''S� "it, ,I�� �`t„h$Si't 1't,'tiz,,r„¢.:tn$,kszna�rd„„„n. • i. ,vim"".. .r�" •• _ '% ".! , '� 1L•° $ s x. nth, ht "@strxt° >,tt,,, °tnt) —` i m< ,,- ii>ox,?s ip4 i ;mJt.,;rr'."✓^ "' n 1op k. �� ����,ti.tr„ 6:! . 4 t d 'i'{ S.`u �= ` rr,<t s,•5, :l yq` a ti, s t, � 4�Y, x sg ef4 h `� .5'� mY'� i s�� :\1. i\' � W�Y� l , �� X p p z, ) m4' t mtifi�' �;r �m' a. .' S,,�x t s r7 ,r„rrtit t '��n�"ti Xt r0 t tt lX, test," 1. yyt1 x .t,`• ,�l �`n 1 r f'ry �, �. �, cif',;',, � 4�. � �, nt, �4r � , \„t '. fi>t1{, .� w..� U< ,.t r���� rv, „,4s3is,td, :�, '� i } t� .m <st„ hS ;rtrt,:tt is i M� {„z ray „),•,<r >to< sT5,,,„G l,s 3f'. y ,w„ .�, ter.. e5{'rv4,4_ y� Qi,,,•4 t, �v�"��,T�" $ xr S}rt' ,1, 4 '8 F.w'„` Cd,t t•, }.{^ 2Lr �"n. u G$$ 0. ,"`3x- #,r 4 ...., •,.,• ,`,;,,,,,,,,,,, 4 .:;3.'^� zZ}T'�S;x,,il'}'4t 'iY=+,�1'i r , rp)ne ,.„+WNW... ., ,,,,, .... „ .,•.,., •, ,., ..,•„ .„ �'.,• yt' i„t:r, J° p*ern 3 s,rt.".t rY'A 3;r'<;;�r s, ,. ,,:'}t,{tx e=,w, t;>l.,e.•r ,,,w r.,.. ,. 5 ., ,.., .. 128 07/13/2021 Item WS2. PLANNING TOWNHOMES p° V.+ n, �,�,G ..�f ��,,, ":,.ro",'. --,y„.",""qe;U��� ' - � r.s. m,px �.� rv�.� ,,,� ii,l" :�' gym, „ ';. ;:r K., m W: '°.g. „�i: r.x°0 ,nlit ,, M� g, a�f F,„"' a�m .� �.:a,� ^.ti,p,^,'�i„ ���.c, „? ibr* �,,.°•„%i�ro.d, ? 3 �a .. aU�"`t.� Tro y ,.' WP; ,w , 44 d%,� " ������V , m� ern °n a„' �a' ..�'N�� w,a ''r';':°V„ b't;'I�'*'k,�e1,�� M�° �,�k� 4' 's a�° � Two-Story Max °'y�',N, k'.4ad:4 '.Sx`'�a 1 u' a yil�� vs41:,w4 4, ' „ ��al�� M,f.� ui� - e ^ �.i't� f44, ' ia'd .,t,7 aLaiii ,m ii, iii 'aeNY.. pix-� , .�; *,' �� , �,4 ''.„ , �.,��° � Consistent with . � �� � �� � � '°` k � � character of corridor � ° ° " m m'n i �.afi ,& "rn a 'i yp mph °��, ,, 4 a 't pup �.� . le q �.t ��+°'' .'�.. kd,�� ,�' "'a, af" Ti' �+n,„ .�w m-"; �,� ° 1�, ,,„ R ���a.. '' aw ar , ,, „p 1,), ., °'.�� r..�« ,; : , �;,° � �.a, �80 Townhomes ' 'ie 5s`r,r "t ,a <, t tt Mr'a..• 'a' It-s° a .dx -"` ,:ma, a»,.�,,� �"�f^ .�u,�;, y t'�,,t1 a ,' � ����� , „ ����� • � �� �; Planned mo �� �°a:"�� � �, ' °y'�,�N', .4,44 4 „ Y `k,,� ,.^ 44 a .° ° q i6 g,', N ° ,r ' ai Separated from fir' ° S «�,,,,. �� „, ,� � k f,�k- ' .. `! - ' ! ' Presidential Estates III :IAf� ...�...m Y :Yflf °w '...' Y • •.1 ;.c dkr._Y`• �``'?ba ' i ' ��` �f`j � w � by a fence and green V `,'S\'‘', , il L ,.a "v� ,,. -.—**— -7' _ `�`r'4�- 1'� r. !Ili 1;11ow s .t ;." 44,4'4 , ,, . i N, ;� � screen ,..„.,. 44,4 , - 25' setback from ��, ��' " .. � .m � ^ .,,.��.. ��� ������ "ti st property line R,. ',y�' ;d y, "„ a�'�,„gyp„ ;Iai�,y".„`t n„ I' s, ub ..�a; .��� °° +^ AI ,,� •�ITra',w,tv�,e ''arc^ a" °g , ;.q , u. .'k A �,MVaJ �u �.r4h.° ,.� w � n F � ��d. � f .�•,� �I �'.`� i Q v, l "�� „fr � d. ' ��,I •nq,"aM„'.%r,,,,,,. i�µ'„ uuHlY" �'�����1, �;I mr 1 . 'E �*^� Y^i't, i �1 Ana. a s �.�IF u ^ ' m�W �N � #29 07/13/2021 Item WS2. PLANNING TIMING 1111 liii ■ ■ BEGIN DELIVER Q I SUMMER 130 07/13/2021 Item WS2. IN SUMMARY. . . We aim to bring a beautiful, thoughtful assembly of luxury multifamily and convenience retail to the area, satisfying the City's future land use plan, addressing the housing and commercial needs of a growing city, and complementing the surrounding uses both functionally and aesthetically. Presidential Estates will be buffered from the retail by a 200' vacant land buffer in the near term and, eventually, by a fence + green screen and 25' setback. We are proposing a code-mandated access point connecting to Washington Place to serve as emergency and maintenance access, which will not be used for resident ingress/egress. We have enjoyed working alongside the folks at The City of Wylie, whose efforts to grow the city strategically, without losing what makes the fabric of the city great, are what attracted us to the area. We share a similar ethos and look forward to bringing our unique brand of multifamily and retail to the neighborhood. 07/13/2021 Item WS3. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: Planning Account Code: Prepared By: Jasen Haskins,AICP Subject ID iscuss a potential change of zoning from Commercial Corridor to Planned Development(PD-CC-MF)on approximately 22 acres, generally located on the southwest corner of SH 78 and Wylie East Drive. Recommendation Discussion. Discussion Property owners and developers are seeking Council input on a potential planned development on approximately 22 acres on the southwest corner of SH 78 and Wylie East Drive. The current proposal includes a mix of commercial uses on the corners of SH 78 and Wylie East Drive and SH 78 and Anson Parkway, and single-family style rental units on the interior of the property. Page 1 ol 1 132 07/13/2021 Item WS3. mi li on No 0 NO NO IN II III ■I INN INN IN NW wl-r IN ■ DIII COMMUNITIES" DH I COM MUN !TIES „„., , .. . . . . , , ... ... , , „ . . ,,. „.„, l�^ ! ° ..: „ q !; ' S T. .:mwr..ea . . . „ , ., . „ . .„ . „ „ . . „ „ „ . „ . .„ „ . „ „ . „. „ . p`nl I . ,. I . � ���� �,,I d'r ,�� �� �., I,�I,:. I ��V �IV" 7 , : 7 . ' N' .l:... . 1�l I S ^ . . ,n.,. ..�.P.,;"y.x,.",.:iM .:w wi A 6^!^ 7 , a ," .. ,„„,„. I ° ,..,...:.,, nn:N \� � i?," P °., ,� , .............. ... : v 4m . . „ , ,„ . :„,,,, m@,i�„,„",�� � �� i� � a � u ^ i ... '� m v9 ;,,,n ,,l v ,,,„,,,, Im . s. I ...�I :•°, ^^:'.,•,1:",A i,,,,m„,' ,,,,,Iv, 1 ,' ',I' lt� � o a� .,..,, ,,. ...m,, ...., ,,"„.P,,,...., . '. vgr yu t„ . : �,'� a .:,,���a'" ;:"^0.df".",;:.;"'U" yi'," ;�qir "fan „. ,.. ...,.........,.,v..ym.d,.....:.�Ns«"a.a".>un,,. " w,\, v^,::"..,;:,:we. .,,,...,..., ^ ;,..., :av�" ".�;... 1rAa,' � , ij ',��i��i��ni.,� L:.:.i........ :... .. . " tov s.y„. uur, ,..,,.ni,, " ��.b� ' :X .to' : r >' f ,, „:„:„... 1. .,. ,„,,,,,,„, ,.....,,„,„„,,,„„z.,,,,„„„„...,„,f„„,, 1„ ,,„„ „„„ ., `m&:�w„>?�.:y;yxu,:xrc^.:"�.,........,..:,m..,«i.e,,,., . m,,wM„I„ . ^„I" 's°.:?r".ti fi, -=, ° .: ,:: ,„,,,,,,,,,,, r , u qw , ,„w . m x , . ,,,„,,,,, „,,,,,,, ,,,.„ ..... '„mew'e,.::naiaYro„,,,,,::';lude , ." `4. i, 111 ., li a 1, ,..h";.�.,......,,fif? � m^4h�P x.� Vill Ilo�� � ��� ;, .,,' %nip, ��I�� :�° ����, At r. i,uwgri sac! - ..p I'Vv I�31tiv`dM1Nml III �mw I. w x' `'aP' i IIIIUIIIII ',i' uw"' ,, gym: 'Ii° ww»�ro _ w,b;»d�, „ yI,°I IY i!Ix I�V tI Ixv„ dq Iil 133 07/13/2021 Item WS3. SITE: 22 ACRES LOCATED SOUTH OF STATE HIGHWAY 78 ,BETWEEN ANSON PARKWAY AND WYLIE EAST DRIVE. .„,.,,, • 11. . CURRENTLY ZONED CC: COMMERCIAL , , °, m M m4�,A' : "`„�" ,:� 4,41:4 ° 4: „ '' CORRIDOR i �� �, �.m � '.fin 4-'t� 4. 44k1 4•, .. 't d :, �., 44,44 PROPOSED ZONING: PD PLANNED �' *, 4 �� � • � d'�' , , sue" Ytt"'" i ii�•a�, DEVELOPMENT ;:,�� ' � ��,� w � ,.• ,� , ' ni,,5 l NIA" - N.r ,.r, ,Y ,.� "� ,,r Y', , „,,i,. fw"' �,x'����r•rr'w,.�� ���� �^� ,�t a, `,1'i3��� '�� J .,,�z;;z<'ttis'„r.,�' ' ,;° dt, 2012 CITY OF WYLIE COMPREHENSIVE1.: r$ t,J : ti tits x; LAND USE PLAN: GENERAL URBAN :, ° ti l4 SECTOR .` n ,' ,, , l;,t,.,,44 nt :��`• a � 1, rai s t{a " `' ,i�'J �n ::��'tt "#'4t3 v8^ 5''� 'i��M^'" m; 4.. ,1k, `as''�"a4 a,.,,,�4 t `,,,,.,'44104'': �p t4u '�t t, `� �'4 ``4`, ��.''� 1,�,• '� ' °'�.t Y..,�m .,p€€+��at`l">u ? �` 4 ;'11r Ww`,r' .Ya, �e au'4S,, ,e�y.�'���� �'''� �e. ,�a.' ,�' �i 9"r�' .�:. ,tt���',�*.'4,ie ,s� i',;':s� 4.' l>u ', yam,=� :�nn„ .? .��u*„, 4�'� ,p t..,�, �"c, ,r.4ixt ,y' ��•' ,� �A,; 'n.t ,1,.: ei, macs ;",4 s. 4'S :.4t,�, 4. 1 ,;d' y\, ' .' t'.�,. 4*.�. „1'` a`5* t;�tr y 'A ,mil`3ut�� •, y �_ �°{�,�'�t; ����;' .'y4�� '` Gk'W. '�J t}a �1 dt SM, S wW.'. THE SITE IS BORDERED ON THE SOUTH �_�'� rt4 ��� �,„� �� � z ��t :���� � �'" ,� �;<°�, '�" ,,• � a4d,':=~s�ti,: u��sK;a, i'"e o-� �`;'. .'�, f ,R`,v t�, e. '� .."�ty�',�','^�s. ..it;t».,1.�f;',it,T`" .. ,p tY' r�,,,`,•x,a',e _\,': ,4.t a�4c g� ,'.� x4"ate S `s.',y,�ey x• `";'' rya.: yn: ,',t" `'1 ' '� ,>..t: \,r`1F4Y;�e,;..,��a`;t,>x,� ,,�2 `t~R; ''�'"j�r �e=,, ,fit y, p .`��"',,,,; t'�`°� t+a AND EAST BY SINGLE FAMILY AND WYLIE � �zw t� ,,,�� �: '° °4'=t :S t 6` ",oxsi', t'`A,i`ry 3 v,,.,x tt;,�,r.:, ^,n$J� L(r4�,�'•, +„�@<"� ������ ..`�P b"r'� „ '1` ,c,; �� '. ,i:.me'^`�,n i.'... rA .'',�_�'" ',.4 ,4.4 '"sza,`r.� ?,P„: .. `. t re `�'`4'at t7t4 n'' ;s 1;''a`-7-4 '.r,at t' 2t M «,,p�{� 4�'!;�,t4, ,i;"tl�'J,`t„` � k:. �'4w V c�� 7Y: �� �,4, �'.re EAST HIGH SCHOOL WITHIN WALKING tv 5r•1D124 , ',,` ,` �x _4, <,4r. 4#, t .,, ,i,a• t ,.. s 44.• s a„ y ,a wj,,�.a. .�'� ...'* y'rj `^mt^,. $`', ut`:4.,,aa 1 „t °"`'.' ".4 `L ,;Q4• •,a=� w'�"ir't',4t .,„ may? ;, = �a�;f}}ay,, ',.. �' ,&x„rm„�,", ,f;�,$', tart, °�u 4�•�; ��5 x .':�4^ ;�` ;rxt, �tr4 cs t�aSa.,'ta, "m'. DISTANCE t };'' ,, ,; aE y• `4, t=,, ',`ss!', :�.,. xS^a „a t",. 4x Y �,,,< {,t4� s�,"��. .�Y`'s n; ''ate s ��� ,fit 4..,ri-;a�&`;t., ,,� '„'" > v `''* Art 0 „^ t��t+is�`�"„ `, 4� 'i+4 �z""a,,. p""', "' `4i.*4'a+:�`�., #''_>, " `'t4 rf ', .>it`,uda3,. "4. ** 't5 t,,,• `1,4•14"�,4., - o-,4. i, '+ ' "ws,'e,44?....� .4 4 =4;i` 5' °R:t'.,,•,,.,,,' - u � V .I'. _,`r„,,t^?a',t d4,',t` ,'�4..tti,.,l, t 1:•%;''.1 t'4",�„ t, t`of t 4.t; ,,"4" 7 `„ btl"i IX*�arat a_.,.„ ;�44414a4�Si'4`aw.-�.4444".: ,. 4,..:,„4„�,,.>.�,„.._� sa4, „F 4s"uu... 'm4 s4ehb hc. a a2. ,�a`.•4 4 a�4�, �4ti •,s„4. t"' rn `1%'t,:, 134 07/13/2021 Item WS3. Proposed Site Plan 1'",a'tP tt`S a t�,t,,,y ^ta i.,... 4r �''<c F*'47`-� , 4ti 1L 4„RF;`�4 T,„,, e�ovt L ,,., ;Fya x,l t a R-* `+4' +:.F` ,,„,- W°"' ?t�.:i .1AR 't0�S3 :yO --:' A. :.k`j 's ,`.r i a'� , k 3 41 „4 4. `4 n t . ` rya, .,.,v r .�Y a`av40 tti 1 i'1 ' 8 a ,4" 1 *ts i 9 01 ,000-5011 t k w: i. t; .nt i r s "�s �; ' r1' ram.a .; L t t # °'t t` 'Zk q1� �°' ' 00 ` ' , sum `S»"'3�z , �,,yr ,----„4„,,,,„.. '..:. ...:.. :`� �y 7S '.ill k ;z*v,,3 c+L _ „ .....------------- —At gTPF�tiiGNW ° � '� - ...^�--^ ""�:..,r^^"^e tir"u '`y. ':!''''''':,,;,"4"*. eY 1, ', zs�'�t, 9 sm : .s ti; :, F tee. .Y t , mi, 1;it r` e 1` , 4 `i\ a iZ;'Y ry a ',�,,,;` if„ w 9 y§ ,t+, ,,,,„,,,lq tv E A t : '�4 7Y"'rt ;TA, d s} U j:,, r ri a l k:t` It ,z" rotNo, s '.t t TR Frt 4 , iA. • .. w,,. m A " �Tra0 'S it4• t+§ 43t. i1fM1 \ t ,. '' .,f, ,i-o- oa„3�eC„; i. �a, ''la.d,.-:,I":-. : . 't 'x �tR��� y,��t;r � ��r to ���� �� � � . �' � �, �� ,„$4 `i oin—s- Y T Y 1. 1}� Gal , a'. t:rInge. "r'` i3R3`" �it,tt ~x t��( ` v tle Pti'T'''''''''''"'"4/101-"'w7.01740:' kit' „;'',I , ° s ta; } 0k� , ,„f 1 L Sbstvzit�L�" a,<E fir, ,, zP ',,I ,� ,�:r••.•.;-. -g°" it •` I xV4PR .« a _ pliiiIi lri Ilk kfit.4-513-k,',-;i4f-',NINX:."'"'.5 iiirli";"'- _,1„,,,,,,-10,,•!.7,1,-,,,7,,,,..,,,..-:-?.1. .,:„. :__„,, ,., .41....,, i ,,,,, r".",. ', :,'.011,141W Aff.."' '''''''' ',-- J . .:R„ avI „ z BUJ j _ M t t t_ �. i•,< b' .at :, ,§ st Spa --- 5', k 9 �' , e y p t .�vm�.y.,,,� . ...+,..: d `"` -"1•y ,gj Ln R ' , C Mx .I t'* .,,,ti, `, g �Etw prepared far PRELIMINARY UNITS C0AR IAIF PRCUMINARY PARKING TABLE 11.11.10AT0N� ' :�� ' Rr ±22 ACRES OF LAND $ "� � CASITA TRACT 7Y SCHEMATIC PLAN .,,,,,,REv BEDROOM ' v OPTION 4 „�iP:a1124 135 07/13/2021 Item WS3. REASONS FOR RE-ZONING 1- The 2012 City of Wylie Comprehensive Land Use Plan has this parcel shown as "General Urban Sector" which "primarily supports the retail, service, office, light production and research and development uses. Some high-density residential development may occur with the Urban Zone". Our proposed plan is the best use for this site. We have shown retail along SH 78 to an appropriate depth and have included for rent single family units behind. These units will provide Class A alternate housing for the residents of Wylie. 2- The 2012 City of Wylie Comprehensive Land Use Plan states that "the major corridor of SH 78 [is] reflecting the pressure for a quick commercial development and redevelopment." We believe that maintaining retail along SH 78 is vital for the development of the major corridor, will serve the residents well, and will further strengthen the desire and design associated with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. 3- This development will provide an opportunity for more people to live in walkable and bikeable neighborhoods as it is near both Wylie East High School and Eureka Park. 136 07/13/2021 Item WS3. Retail along SH 78- Concept Rendering aily,r,so r s i, t,`'`, ,\'',i ,,,,r s\h. ;r. ,t:.` x r \`2"s.ttiSlRr`..,tt{ii ',,,x „E.,tt ;',?,:;''F� \ ittst V0 '° } ,i1� \c te Fly�x5,�, \ »»>\ fix, ;ta." ., , .+.. ^sti;':�*` eq;O;T // • � AIM f,l r. .lf,.» .t �y�f,{ it{ 1m rJ,t341i ,ti `4xt .2. t 1 a,,.yro t 2 .Cn» , �v\kt''^ ,��t$ti e\ ,il w fu s Y>$r : ,,, b ti \_ \ i 4t \ \�fr l=s 4, ...IS t''�r'rt3a, 'v I, ,f,\fit\�\,.t '�' '\i1)'4 1x ` .,iY\ \\\- ,� ,frt..rX'<.s`i>:,>„ `t t,,»,ro 4� e L..,� tar �tr { �t .- gy ,.1. la,,: Moro '1'. S x: a e w,,, .t„e,,," �,,x,gytn. '. ' '' :rutr {.;,tL Previous DHI Commercial Retail r """ , `,�" � ,, k;1' tW I I" we .P..:„ :.� : '^},.ea m:."'t' .�"Idti.':" J;�fl. .. .;,.:. K' dP.. ��:� ��;<"n'Q;',':'"', t';...n,.., r...,..;'. , , g w.. ;,..;.,..''$MM r.,,. '' .... .nll %" ,e tm.ewm,mn'rx . :.W,:....�... ... ........... ......". ^^3:¢',. .. ....A '•........� ...,., �.. �".lfeyS�d":' .. m:��r.:,�:�m�',v:;; e ."i"r,:".a•;^ Conceptual elevations for retail 41 along SH 78. U ° III d'f:: M{ ''i:'''° *m" The southwest corner of Hwy 78 or and Wylie East Blvd will contain a Y I " ..II � - combination ofa convenience store with inline retail and a restaurant. Previous DHI Commercial Retail 137 07/13/2021 Item WS3. Single Family Rental- Concept Rendering *c`. ".41,k,l'AMK.A.ftttkiik.: \\N,V1:4\4040444,40ktr*.***600414.44.04,,IONOM9A,Vgit4t4k4440`‘440414,41.4T`ZA `,3ta.tl'STIO,,,1",*01,5'X'I''''"''''''''''..,T' '''' 1.41A.**', 1,",";'''''''''''''':''::''' ' '''''''' ''''''':' ''''.'"1:'"'"'' ' Itt" ''.''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"rtitr t� � 2J .. ', J r # H. y f �P i 1 } zis r}v}1 U{11 71ht ,, \�`z\s,,l t z. s . ,ntAt. . .''' 4, �' rdgiVin? ..� } t;t ,�, >t t f t .AK � , �. .h � <�• ��.' "• � ` • 2 .��� .. �" r � .., v t t .z r,k t t 4"� ,;zksa . , y:, •�, \ �\``1"� ,, `".": .: ,. 1:"M a...„r '� ,:r r t.;t z t.}t , .,,,,,�,r���;, , � .�� � � �, z > .,,,,,. r ,. . . .z {t rn?i 7 t s �� ,;�a��' ,�,�,: do,�� �� ��� zzz "' � +!�"�' ....... .:... ..... .r..., .3>>7 ry .t}t3 t.� h,r.,,,, �. a �,� v �� ��.,t� �ll� '�. �� .' � .. . ,,,,, F1.1 4. S 3 1}»r,. „��, �:r, „ nr J. ���{1.i �tx . . ".�,.. �, ,. ?� i2 Zrs x t..�... , :, ., ,... zlv ,f. ,z �� 7� , ..,��zstt,e,4, ,k.w :av: .... t'. h II .f'S � ,,,' d .1 y} ,,'.C•,}t,lrt,,rr.rv>.r x,:i.;.Xtsan. 5 I,.. ., ,,..,. t t s {ez)f 3,: ",. t ;;:. t s}tAltii4zS,sc.n t, t,y .ass?.:,: ,.;..-•,'" ...:a ., . • � }} 7 S,< .'.'', � '�o It i }fit}ts, l}ss f..{S.' .-'�,ab .5+., _- �,.�" �v :. FA �e 1 ?y .tv 1 b �,� � a • 'is.1. yy�� g yi dlq _ R 7 � 4 • aA 'a, � wR(+!gy bt'fi I� M� M ,�YF' 'M 3+. ,gym ��� i., 'U � „^, ., y9�;\ ar^:+l�v�� I i�� t 41t , uf" ,, ' "t ,1 1 x, P s ,11 6 t ' \ Yr I d : Conceptual elevations for single 4 „,; ,,A , family for rent prod ct There • xr. wou d be 133total units t hat t -,,' o a m w, consist of one, two, and three ..' .., . ., . ,.., :,, k , bedroom options. One bedroom-750 sf Two bedroom- 1,000 sf Three bedroom- 1,300 sf 138 07/13/2021 Item WS3. E ARE A: .ER ICA'S BUILDER 1 DR HORTON DR HORTON 14OV.BARS COBBCEUENICB „ TOP5 ht net DR HORTON eo �,. xts°ry itC #3 dt� 1x9a 20,ti - ". uiuuuu2liiiliiiiiiiil°I Ili ?.0221i III IIIIIIi' :C,r,„1„,,,,,,,,,,,.,. i 1Illl�illl�llolloo IIIIIIIIIIIIIII�II s t�p ,. - ppN I1 j d IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH � Po W "7 .'� rvry„�„. OH LENd ltirt N 4A +t! It`s one df the greatest appart�nities one ha4�as Americaxts. It"a that speciat place where our �,>„ merrnoraas are made-the place ss,e call home. Since 1 a,st�z'ce teen dedia-ering the..merican Lk■ii Fia7H[trssrkeE,ha d-S ttslo x .atiosta. I.max .iu5ti dream.We believe in a.vision of home for everyone,a home fox ever' stage:in life. re Our#`oundataon is a single,guiding prhaciple:a §ue-firs#dedication to the inch ideal needs of "Marl.-iarl.-t e cifhighe_-t ranking rnmpe5.ton �agh=amd az�r'�,€race of our nation home buyer and sexatexs. 'j.t`. :gti'a"S\l 77' `\en"`'"r\34.Sk Z7ZL:'1:"Y4G`6`3S4\\�\, L `7,,I 1OS�S r, \\ 'W' `F M�vr"pp9r"4a°'�a " r�" ETI -iti''�I1C'i'l� ` as■ new ■ � Irr � i� �� tii, 19 markets( 9.0 states tmt sxuar6;e^x -i sL,ik.es 'w an.�i-.4,'1 ='fate°- #.+eYax9ar#r S4,xGxEkw ,aaat�i.ots 11,States ✓a regcaais)Started#bi.i .4T`a:t:t:xls :S.1F:';1i;s 4r r'».,i:t:5r,snd}c ASP:,,,A 2t: 7 -?ZI)i LhELII C3?rti 4ii6Nt'I)S .1.DF;.Hnz2�n:Ca�xapazv 4•I 4a'4J hSfiitt�n Csn's'21°lfii'.�'YSA,iT Tf'}Gii vIa4,,M,ii rr Im 139 07/13/2021 Item WS3. RELATIONSHIPS With over 4 years in the Construction and Hone ,, BuildingIndustry, DR.Horton has established and 'w�' � � maintained relationships across the Nation. Those relationships have carried over to DHI „ r Com �tnaities since it was founded in 20i 5.We have i continued to expand with geographic diversity and w luiowledge. Our access to vendors on a National 'il u footprint has allowed us to provide each community with sup r products and materials.We are pi_ to is�f,,1t41,k.,��ys .ilc�;{�s»� Y} sws .-,.::,t� �.,3 provide Class A garden-style apartment projects in a a - markets across the country. ACIVIE 401) Jamesilardie td MO EN' B.tf K11 .. ..A. Whirlpool t 4 7 t }t Ss� ��� 04.0.1 dale' DMCOMMUN ITSTcS(A D H starma.Ce:Inpa .a,«r,;, 7.„102'u; T34r Flcs.>n Cir-'e,.4aFid--car,''.5" 2..'r �,�,patiaa,r,�xiawr:; 140 07/13/2021 Item WS4. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Citizen's Bond Advisory Department: Committee Account Code: Prepared By: Chris Hoisted Subject discuss potential Bond Election projects and proposition verbiage. Recommendation I /A Discussion Continue discussions for the Bond Election projects and discuss the required proposition(s)verbiage for the stated purposes. Financial Summary/Strategic Goals Page 1 o 1 141 07/13/2021 Item WS4. ESTIMATED YEARLY TAX INCREASE RANK NAME COST TOTAL TAXI RATE 150.000 200.000 250.000 300.000 350.000 400.000 1 Lavon Lake Parks $ 15,000,000 $ 15,000,000 0.02143 $ 32.14 $ 42.86 $ 53.57 $ 64.29 $ 75.00 $ 85.71 2 McMillen Drive $ 20,600,000 $ 35,600,000 0.05086 $ 76.29 $ 101.71 $ 127.14 $ 152.57 $ 178.00 $ 203.43 3 Park Blvd $ 10,000,000 $ 45,600,000 0.06514 $ 97.71 $ 130.29 $ 162.86 $ 195.43 $ 228.00 $ 260.57 4 Culvert/Bridge Repair $ 2,000,000 $ 47,600,000 0.06800 0 $ 102.00 $ 136.00 $ 170.00 $ 204.00 $ 238.00 $ 272.00 5 Intersection/Signal Imp $ 3,400,000 $ 51,000,000 0.07286 $ 109.29 $ 145.71 $ 182.14 $ 218.57 $ 255.00 $ 291.43 6 Street/Alley Replacement $ 5,000,000 $ 56,000,000 0.08000 $ 120.00 $ 160.00 $ 200.00 $ 240.00 $ 280.00 $ 320.00 7 Downtown Improvements $ 2,000,000 $ 58,000,000 0.08286 $ 124.29 $ 165.71 $ 207.14 $ 248.57 $ 290.00 $ 331.43 8 Founders Park $ 10,000,000 $ 68,000,000 0.09714 $ 145.71 $ 194.29 $ 242.86 $ 291.43 $ 340.00 $ 388.57 9 Stone Road $ 10,750,000 $ 78,750,000 0.11250 $ 168.75 $ 225.00 $ 281.25 $ 337.50 $ 393.75 $ 450.00 10 Station 2 Reloc $ 15,500,000 $ 94,250,000 0.13464 $ 201.96 $ 269.29 $ 336.61 $ 403.93 $ 471.25 $ 538.57 11 Municipal Complex Imp. $ 6,700,000 $ 85,450,000 0.12207 $ 183.11 $ 244.14 $ 305.18 $ 366.21 $ 427.25 $ 488.29 12 Senior Center Exp. $ 5,000,000 $ 90,450,000 0.12921 $ 193.82 $ 258.43 $ 323.04 $ 387.64 $ 452.25 $ 516.86 13 Aquatics(Indoor+Outdoor) $ 28,000,000 $ 118,450,000 0.16921 , $ 253.82 $ 338.43 $ 423.04 $ 507.64 $ 592.25 $ 676.86 14 Sachse Road $ 3,000,000 $ 121,450,000 0.17350 $ 260.25 $ 347.00 $ 433.75 $ 520.50 $ 607.25 $ 694.00 15 Station 5 Const $ 14,400,000 $ 135,850,000 0.19407 $ 291.11 $ 388.14 $ 485.18 $ 582.21 $ 679.25 $ 776.29 16 Animal Shelter $ 2,500,000 $ 138,350,000 0.19764 $ 296.46 $ 395.29 $ 494.11 $ 592.93 $ 691.75 $ 790.57 17 Braddock Park $ 5,000,000 $ 143,350,000 0.20479 $ 307.18 $ 409.57 $ 511.96 $ 614.36 $ 716.75 $ 819.14 18 Parkside Park $ 3,500,000 $ 146,850,000 0.20979 $ 314.68 $ 419.57 $ 524.46 $ 629.36 $ 734.25 $ 839.14 (1) 13 Survey responses received at time of ranking (2)Assumes Total Assessed Value of$4,900,000,000, and a cost of$70,000/million financed 142 07/13/2021 Item WS4. STREETS PARKS FACILITIES RANK NAME COST RANK NAME COST RANK NAME COST 1 McMillen Drive $ 20,600,000 1 Lavon Lake $ 15,000,000 1 Station 2 Reloc $ 15,500,000 Park Blvd $ 10,000,000 2 Senior Center Exp. $ 10,000,000 2 Animal Shelter $ 2,500,000 2 Culvert/Bridge Repair $ 2,000,000 3 Municipal Complex Imp. $ 6,700,000 3 Station 5 Const $ 14,400,000 3 Stone Road $ 10,750,000 3* Aquatics(Indoor+Outdoor) $ 28,000,000 3 Downtown Improvements $ 2,000,000 4 Braddock Park $ 5,000,000 3 Intersection/Signal Imp $ 3,400,000 5 Parkside Park $ 3,500,000 6 Street/Alley Replacement $ 5,000,000 6 Founders Park $ 10,000,000 Sachse Road $ 3,000,000 TOTAL $ 56,750,000 TOTAL $ 78,200,000 TOTAL $ 32,400,000 143 CBAC 2021 Bond Project List 07/13/2021 Item WS4. \ N y i `' ; \o y'' t skid W' t`; l uMY # , , i.loto(i \1,.:r ; h0*.!Fo 4d6 $fi6'nip on $ R ( r r 1 r }r t r(,t r,,t: r r `.'AA ' 'f } @��r Ir., ,., , , , ,+ ., „ , �,.. Continunity of Generator-Rec/City Hall Ea 1 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 Generator at the municipal complex for sheltering at rec center. Operations Depending on cost and complexity city hall could maybe be included as well. 0.14 Drainage Culvert and Bridge Maintenance EA 1 $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 Repair and replace drainage facilities including pipes,culverts, and Repair bridges,channels and ponds.Current identified projects include:W.A.Allen Pkwy.near Foxwood Ln.(both sides of bridge)/Alanis Dr.near old landfill(one side of bridge)/Collins Blvd.between Thornwood Dr.&Saddle Ridge Dr.(one side of bridge)/Woodbridge Pkwy.near Hensley Ln.(both side of bridge)/Ray Hubbard Way(one side of bridge)!Country Club Rd.near Lakefield Dr.(both sides of bridge)!Pleasant Valley Road culvert replacement. 0.29 Drainage Rowlett Dam Site#4 Permanent EA 1 $ 2,500,000 $ 2,500,000 Improvements 0.36 Facilities Animal shelter expansion EA 1 $ 2,500,000 $ 2,500,000 5,000 sf expansion of existing facilities 0.36 Parks Aquatic Facility(indoor and $ 28,000,000 Rank#2,5,6 on the MP,Operational cost of facility will require outdoor) tax rate increase 4.03 Parks Lavon Lake Facility $ 15,000,000 Rank#3,4 on the MP.Consultant developing detailed cost projection 2.16 Parks Founders Park Improvements $ 20,000,000 The last two phases did not complete the park. Football was also added to this park after the last design was finalized.The improvements are really a total rework of the park,to a new park.What has been done had provided pieces,this plan looks at how the entire park functions and comes in line with how it is actually being used.This plan creates new and easier to maintain football fields that are currently ranked#9 on the MP. 2.88 Parks Municipal Complex Trail lighting $ 700,000 Rank#8 on the MP 0.10 Parks Braddock Park $ 5,000,000 Rank#1 and#11 on the MP(this park contains trails and benches/seating) 0.72 Parks Parkside Park $ 3,500,000 Rank#1 and#11 on the MP(this park contains trails and benches/seating) 0.50 Parks Wylie Senior Center expansion $ 10,000,000 This item ranks#17 on the MP. and updates 1.44 Parks Wylie Recreation Center $ 4,000,000 This item ranks#22 on the MP. expansion 0.58 Parks Parks Service Center expansion $ 4,000,000 This is for office and maintenance staff this is not for a park and updates specific item.Areas for equipment staging needs to be addressed,there is a need for additional room for Parks and PW equipment.This funding could come from utility fund not bond funding. 0.58 Parks Municipal Complex-Parking and $ 6,000,000 Much of this work can be incorporated into the other projects. site work This amount was called out seperately in the master plan so I kept it seperate.It is mainly parking for the other amenities like aquatics and amphitheater. 0.86 Parks Municipal Complex-Destination $ 2,500,000 playground 0.36 Parks Municipal Complex-Amphitheater $ 1,000,000 0.14 Parks Municipal Complex-Celebration $ 1,000,000 Meadow 0.14 Parks Municipal Complex-Dog Park $ 1,500,000 0.22 Parks Brown House improvements $ 1,000,000 0.14 Public Safety-Fire Station 2 EA 1 $ 13,400,000 $ 13,400,000 Rebuild or relocate fire station 2 to address overcrowding,lack of living/bay space,and gender concerns.Includes 2 years of escalation at 3%.Station 2 was constructed in 1998.It was originally designed to house 4-6,however 8 indviduals are currently assigned there. 1.93 Public Safety-Fire Training Field EA 1 $ 2,100,000 $ 2,100,000 Provide funding for a burn tower that will incorporate several other training disciplines.Includes 2 years of escalation at 3% 0.30 Public Safety-Fire Station 5 EA 1 $ 14,400,000 $ 14,400,000 Construct fire station 5 in the southeast part of the city.Funding includes FFE,apparatus,and new equipment needed to open the facility.Includes 6 years of escalation at 3% 2.07 Public Safety-Fire Station 1 EA 1 $ 13,000,000 Relocate fire station 1 to Pleasant Valley/Ballard on already owned land.Includes 10 years of escalation at 3% 1.87 Public Safety-Fire Fire Safety EA 1 $ - 0.00 Sidewalk Sidewalk Replacements 1 $ 400,000 $ 400,000 Replace walk$50/LF.Replace ramp$1,000/EA.Downtown sidewalk&ramp rebuild($100,000).Current sidewalk replacements in queue(03/29 count 1,265 panels at$200/EA, $253,000). 0.06 Sidewalk City-wide Sidewalk Additions 1 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 New walk$30/LF.Alanis Drive($30,000,Dodd to Hall& Canyon to North Lake).Lakefield Drive,north side.Other walks required throughout the City. 0.07 Signal McCreary Road at Hensley Lane EA 1 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $50k engineering&$250k construction costs.Includes ramps Traffic Signal Addition and pedestrian assemblies as needed. 0.04 Signal Park Boulevard at Forrest Ross EA 1 $ 400,000 $ 400,000 $100k engineering&$300k construction costs.Includes ramps Traffic Signal Addition and pedestrian assemblies as needed. 0.06 Signal Brown Street at Eubanks Lane EA 1 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $50k engineering&$250k construction costs.Includes ramps Traffic Signal Addition and pedestrian assemblies as needed. 0.04 Signal Alanis Drive at FM 544 Traffic EA 1 $ 400,000 $ 400,000 $100k engineering&$300k construction costs.Includes ramps Signal Addition and pedestrian assemblies as needed. 0.06 Signal Brown Street at Kreymer Lane EA 1 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $50k engineering&$250k construction costs.Includes ramps Traffic Signal Addition and pedestrian assemblies as needed. 0.04 Signal Brown Street at Wylie East Drive EA 1 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $50k engineering&$250k construction costs.Includes ramps Traffic Signal Addition and pedestrian assemblies as needed. 0.04 Signal Sachse Road at Pleasent Valley EA 1 $ 400,000 $ 400,000 $100k engineering&$300k construction costs.Includes ramps Road Traffic Signal Addition and pedestrian assemblies as needed. 0.06 Streets McMillen Drive Improvements LS 1 $ 20,600,000 $ 20,600,000 Expansion of 2-lane asphalt roadway to 4-lane concrete with 6- W6 (McCreary Rd to Country Club lane bridge section.Ultimate roadway width 6-lanes. Rd) 2.97 Streets Pleasant Valley(Dallas County EA 1 $ 6,210,000 $ 6,210,000 Dallas County Dallas County project from MCIP 7th Call.Widen existing two Line to City Limit) lane asphalt road to 4 lane concrte road with sidewalks. 0.89 Streets Pleasant Valley(Dallas County LF 3,000 $ 1,100 $ 3.300,000 Widen existing two lane asphalt road to 4 lane concrte road Line to Ballard Avenue) with sidewalks. 0.48 Streets Sachse Road(Dallas County EA 1 $ 3,000,000 $ 3,000,000 Dallas County Dallas County project from MCIP 7th Call.Four 12'lane Line to City Limit) concrete thoroughfare with curb and gutter.Widen existing bridge to match proposed road section. 0.43 Streets Intersection Improvements EA 10 $ 100,000 $ 1,000,000 Costs to provide pedestrian improvements to signaled intersections on FM 544 and Hwy 78,once TxDOT hands over maintenance responsibility to the City of Wylie.Includes pushbutton,detection and luminaries for WI required intersections. 0.14 Streets Downtown Improvements 1 EA 1 $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 Based on results of downtown studies and Traffic Impact Updates Analysis,estimated costs to provide signage,curb,striping and pedestrian improvements. 0.29 6/14/2021 144 CBAC 2021 Bond Project List 07/13/2021 Item WS4. ' N :.:: `` ; y'' tl t ttid W. t` `uiYi: tkP , , t(t i (I,:, ; hlittl ;4+4d6 6$fi0'niiiIWi $ R ( r r } t g.,t r',,t r r r .AA ' dl r\ i:,\ ,\r„r ' .1 \; S, ' \((r �� � rr �.; �\4 rr�':?� Streets Street Repair/Replacement YR 10 $ 500,000 $ 5,000,000 Increase the streets budget by$500k each year for 10 years to keep up with concrete and paving failures. 0.72 Streets Woodbridge Parkway LF 5,500 $ 423 $ 2,330,000 WSA (FM 544 to Hensley Ln) Expansion of 4-lane to 6-lane concrete roadway. 0.34 Streets Park Blvd LF 4,850 $ 2,062 $ 10,000,000 Expansion of 2-lane concrete roadway to 4-lane concrete,with W11 (FM 1378 to Westgate Way) future 6-lanes.EOPC($7.9M)plus engineering,survey and ROW($2.1 M).Assistance from St.Paul needed for connection to Parker Road. 1,44 Streets Sanders Blvd LF 3.700 $ 834 $ 3,090,000 Expansion of 2-lane concrete roadway to 4-lane divided W14 (FM 544 to SH 78) concrete roadway. 0.44 Streets Ann Drive LF 800 $ 963 $ 780,000 W15 (Kamber Lane to Franklin Lane) Build 2-lane undivided roadway. 0.11 Streets Forrest Ross Road LF 2,650 $ 1,150 $ 3,050,000 Expansion of 2-lane asphalt roadway to 4-lane divided W19 (Railroad Tracks to Park Blvd) concrete. 0,44 Streets Hensley Lane LF 5,250 $ 984 $ 5.170,000 W20 (Woodbridge Pkwy to Sanden Expansion of 2-lane concrete roadway to 4-lane divided Blvd) concrete roadway. 0.74 Streets Hensley Lane LF 700 $ 4,004 $ 2,810,000 W21 (Sanders Blvd to SH 78) Build 4-lane divided concrete roadway. 0.40 Streets Steel Road LF 450 $ 924 $ 420,000 Build a 2-lane undivided roadway. W24 (Springwell Pkwy to Regency Dr) 0.06 Streets Alanis Drive LF 6,100 $ 324 $ 1,980,000 Expansion of 3-lane concrete roadway to 4-lane undivided E1A (SH 78 to S Ballard) concrete roadway. 0.29 Streets Stone Road LF 9,400 $ 1,143 $ 10.750,000 Expansion of 2-lane undivided asphalt roadway to 4-lane E12 (FM 544 to East City Limit) divided concrete roadway. 1 55 Streets County Line Road LF 5,000 $ 1,128 $ 5,640,000 Expansion of 2-lane undivided asphalt roadway to 4-lane E14 (FM 544 to Troy Rd) divided concrete roadway. 0.81 Streets Kreymer Lane LF 5.050 $ 1,127 $ 5,700,000 Expansion of 2-lane undivided roadway to 4-lane divided E15 (SH 78 to City Limit) concrete roadway. 0.82 Streets Troy Road LF 3,600 $ 862 $ 3,110,000 Expansion of 2-lane undivided asphalt roadway to 4-lane E17 (County Line Road to City Limits) divided concrete roadway. 0.45 Streets Old Alanis Drive LF 1,200 $ 2,716 $ 3.260,000 Expansion of 2-lane undivided concrete roadway to 4-lane E25 (SH 78 to End of old alignment) divided concrete roadway. 0,47 Streets Vinson Road LF 1,400 $ 1,748 $ 2,450,000 Expansion of 2-lane undivided asphalt roadway to 4-lane E27 (County Line Rd to South Ciy divided concrete roadway. Limit) 0.35 TOTAL $ 259,050,000 6/14/2021 145 07/13/2021 Item WS4. I I' City of Wylie, Texas Timetable for a Bond Election on Tuesday, November 2, 2021 (Dates are subject to change if Legislative action is taken affecting the timeline) Event Time Required" Date Done City confers with financial advisor/bond counsel At least 4 weeks before calling election July 14,2021 (Wed.) City staff explores polling locations[and joint election At least 2 weeks before calling election July 28,2021 (Wed.) agreement with election official] City Council adopts an ordinance or resolution calling Not more than 90 days or less than 78 days Not earlier than August 4,2021 the election prior to election2 (Wed.)and not later than August 16,2021 (Mon.) Bond counsel orders translations Immediately after calling the election To be determined. (in all applicable languages) Bond counsel delivers ballot language to county determined by the election official Estimated election official August 18,2021 (Wed.) Bond counsel delivers notice of election to the election Not later than 60 days before election Not later than official' September 3,2021 (Fri.) City staff publishes first notice of election in all Not more than 30 days or less than 14 days Not earlier than October 3,2021 applicable languages prior to election' (Sun.)and not later than October 19,2021 (Tues.) Last day to register to vote 30 days prior to election October 3,2021 (Sun.) City staff posts notice of election(all applicable Not later than 21 days prior to election until Not later than languages)prominently on the City's website after election day October 12,2021 (Tues.) City staff posts sample ballot on the City's website Not later than 21 days prior to election until Not later than after election day October 12,2021 (Tues.) City staff posts notice of election(all applicable Not later than 21 days prior to election until Not later than languages)at City Hall on the bulletin board used for after election day October 12,2021 (Tues.) posting meeting notices City staff posts notice of election(all applicable Not later than 21 days prior to election until Not later than languages)at three public places within the City' after election day October 12,2021 (Tues.) City staff publishes second notice of election(all Exactly one week after first publication One week following first publication applicable languages) Early voting begins 17 days prior to elections October 18,2021 (Mon.) Early voting ends 4 days prior to election October 29,2021 (Fri.) Election day 1st Tuesday after the 1st Monday in November 2,2021 (Tues.) November City Council canvasses election returns Not later than 11 days after election and not November 5,2021 (Fri.) earlier than the later of:(1)the 3rd day after through election;(2)the date the provisional ballots November 13,2021 (Sat.)8 have been counted;or(3)the date that all timely cast overseas ballot have been counted' End of election contest period Later of 30 days after canvassing or 15 days Determined by canvass date after electronic records available 'Unless noted otherwise,when the last day of a calculated period falls on a weekend or holiday,the date moves to the next business day. This window is August 4,2021 (Wed.)to August 16,2021(Mon.).Notice of the meeting to call the election should be posted at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.In home-rule cities, charter requirements for election notices must be followed.Ordinance reading requirements need not be followed but may be.Gov't Code§1201.028.If so,all readings should occur within the"call window." Bond Counsel will provide the election official with appropriate Notices of Election for each polling location. 4 The first day to publish the first time is October 3,2021(Sun.),and the last day to publish the first time is October 19,2021(Tues.). The second publication must occur one week after the first publication on the same day of the week as the first publication. In home-rule cities,charter requirements for election notices must be followed.Ordinance reading requirements may be followed but need not be.Gov't Code§1201.028. This early voting period applies only to the November election date.Because the first day of the early voting period falls on Saturday,October 16,2021,the date moves to the next business day.The results from early voting are not available until 7:00 p.m.on election day. 'This applies to a November election in odd-numbered years.Notice of the meeting to canvass the election should be posted at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. Due to recent changes in state and federal law,final results including mailed and provisional ballots may not be available until the last two days of the canvassing period.An election with close results may be affected. 146 07/13/2021 Item WS5. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: Finance Account Code: Prepared By: Debbie Przyby Subject Discuss FY 2022 Budget. Recommendation ID iscussion Discussion Page 1 ol 1 147 ............. a- --.... __.-----a 07/13/2021 Item WS5. .,.....--- ,.. -..,----„,- 1,11.11k 11 161 IS, ..„01 1,1„......4::: 111;',.'„';';,';';';',,,,,,„.„, '160 Vag: 110"61.0 •<44204"'"''' '''''' ""''''' ":-.„ plogg, Illni NUPPEN dirrtsi -,,,,,o- ---- ......„.,„ „..,..„..,„ ,ogiggrOk, .,,dosit, 01111,1k, All 0'11 4gir ilk '"'". 1, so Iii le 4041 1108""tit 1":"'"'"'441 II INV iik,.,.„,:11; ,,,,,,maill II A, VII 1111 4, .„...111L„.„ ifit,orm lektle Illaitil Issys ..,,,.. .,..„, „„..„..:„..,„ „... „.„.,,,.. . irof4:8111 07/13/2021 Item WS5. General Fund Summary Audited General Fund Unassigned Ending Balance 09/30/21 $ 21,914,768 Audited General Fund Assigned Ending Balance on 09/30/21 $- Projected '21 Revenues 49,938,348 a) Available Funds 71,853,116 Projected '21 Expenditures (46,311,939) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/21 $ 25,541,177 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance- 10/01/21 $ 25,541,177 Proposed Revenues '22 48,540,720 b) Proposed Expenditures '22 (43,755,024) Recommended Requests (Recurring Expense) (1,536,609) New/Replacement Fleet & Equipment & One Time Uses (697,400) Additional Funds Available for Allocation (2,551,687) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/22 $ 25,541,177 (c) a) Sales Tax is Oct-Apr actual collected plus a 5% increase on 2019-20 May-Sep actuals. b) Proposed revenues include estimated no new revenue rate and 2% growth on projected FY 2021 sales tax. c) Fund balance is 53% of expenditures. 149 2 07/13/2021 Item WS5. Budget Recommendations ( Personnel General Fund Dept Description Amount Facilities Maintenance Technician $ 71,111 Purchasing Senior Buyer $ 92,460 Police Two Detention Officers (2) $ 173,321 Police Training Coordinator $ 79,324 Police Mental Health Coordinator - Part Time $ 32,575 Police Quartermaster - Part Time $ 17,953 Police Admin Assistant 1 - Part Time $ 19,038 Fire Station 4 Captains (3) $ 481,063 Fire Station 4 Driver/Engineer (3) $ 425,084 Animal Control Reclassify Admin Assistant to Animal Control Officer $ 3,920 Streets Lead Signal Technician $ 66,713 Streets Equipment Operator $ 66,212 Library Reclassify Librarian to Assistant Library Director $ 7,835 Total $ 1,536,609 150 3 07/13/2021 Item WS5. Budget Recommendations (One Time Uses) General Fund Dept Description Amount Police Computer Equipment/Software for Patrol Tahoes $10,000 Fire Outdoor Warning Siren Replacement $50,000 Fire Combined Space Rescue Equipment $11,100 Streets Asphalt Roller - Unit #182 Replacement $21,500 Streets McCreary Road and Hensley Lane Signal Design $60,000 Streets Traffic Signal Control Cabinet $17,500 Streets Arrow Directional Board $14,500 Parks Cemetery Operations $50,000 Total Non Personnel $234,600 Police Patrol Replacement Tahoes - 4 $255,800 Police Admin Replacement Tahoes - 2 $101,000 Fire Replacement Division Chief Vehicle $60,000 Streets Replacement of Unit#105 $46,000 Total Vehicle Replacements $462,800 Total Non Personnel and Vehicle Replacements $697,400 151 4 07/13/2021 Item WS5. General fund Potential Additional Recommendations FY 2021-2022 Excess Revenue over Exp. plus recommended requests $ 2,551,687 Potential Additional Recommendations: Recurring: Health Insurance (5% Increase) $ 165,000 Market Adjustment (approximate) $ 1,500,000 $ 1,665,000 One Time Uses: Tech Upgrades for Council Chambers $ 150,000 FARO System (Police) $ 46,340 Ambulance Replacement $ 350,000 2 Additional Tahoe Replacements (PD) $ 138,000 Tennis Court Lighting - Partnership with WISD $ 150,000 Security for Parks Maintenance Facility $ 30,000 $ 864,340 TOTAL $ 2,529,340 152 5 07/13/2021 Item WS5. �W w General Fund Estimated Balance FY 2021-2022 Est. 09/30/2022 Fund Balance $ 25,541,177 (a) 25% 35% Amount required based on FY 2022 balanced budget $ 12,135,180 (b) $ 16,989,252 Excess Fund Balance $ 13,405,997 $ 8,551,925 (a) Based on balanced budget (Revenues = Expenditures). This Fund Balance is 53% of expenditures. (b) It is the goal of the City to achieve and maintain an unassigned fund balance in the general fund equal to 25% of expenditures. The City considers a balance of less than 20%to be cause for concern, barring unusual or deliberate circumstances. If unassigned fund balance falls below the goal or has a deficiency, the City will appropriate funds in future budgets to replenish the fund balance based on a time table deemed adequate by the City Council. Bond rating agencies prefer 30%. 153 07/13/2021 Item WS5. UtilityFund Summary Audited General Fund Unassigned Ending Balance 09/30/20 $ 13,179,709 Audited General Fund Assigned Ending Balance on 09/30/20 $ - Projected '21 Revenues 23,962,830 Available Funds 37,142,539 Projected '21 Expenditures (23,858,335) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/21 $ 13,284,204 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance - 10/01/21 $ 13,284,204 Proposed Revenues '22 25,170,434 a) Proposed Expenditures '22 (20,844,570) Recommended Requests (Recurring Expense) 0 New/Replacement Fleet & Equipment & One Time Uses (317,500) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/22 $ 17,292,568 b) a) Assumes 7.25% water rate increase and 2.75% sewer rate increase per the 2020 rate study. b) Policy requirement is 90 days of operating expenditures. This ending fund balance is 303 days. 154 7 07/13/2021 Item WS5. Recommended Additions to Budget & Fund Balance Items Utility Fund Dept Description Amount Utility Admin Texas 811 - Utility Locate Contract $ 15,000 Water Skid Steer Broom Attachment $ 4,500 Water Decker Facility - Privacy Screen Fence/Motor Gate $ 15,600 Water Portable Handheld Radios $ 26,500 Wastewater Rubber Track Compact Skid Loader w/Trailer $ 62,300 Total Equipment $ 123,900 Water Unit #288 Replacement $ 47,500 Wastewater Crew Leader Vehicle $ 37,500 Utility Billing Meter Services Vehicle Replacements (3) $ 108,600 Total Additional Vehicle and Replacements $ 193,600 Total Requests $ 317,500 155 8 07/13/2021 Item WS5. WW 4B Sales Tax Fund Summary Audited 4B Sales Tax Revenue Fund Ending Balance 09/30/20 $ 3,529,938 Projected '21 Revenues 4,232,103 a) Available Funds 7,762,041 Projected '21 Expenditures (3,193,515) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/21 $ 4,568,526 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance - 10/01/21 $ 4,568,526 Proposed Revenues '22 4,361,416 b) Proposed Expenditures '22 (3,566,990) Recommended Requests (Recurring Expense) (34,650) Recommended Requests (One Time Uses and Equipment) $ (432,200) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/22 $ 4,896,102 c) a) Sales Tax is Oct - Apr actual collected plus a 5% increase on 2019-20 May - Sep actuals. b) Total includes sales tax revenue and revenue from the Recreation Center. c) Policy requirement is 25% of budgeted sales tax revenue ($3,789,966 x 25% = $947,492). 156 9 07/13/2021 Item WS5. Recommended Additions to Budget & Fund Balance Items 4B Sales Tax Fund Dept Description Amount Recreation Center Reclass Part-Time GSS to Full-Time $ 34,650 Total Personnel $ 34,650 4B Parks Replacement of Valentine Park Playground $ 70,000 4B Parks Spray Rig Addition $ 66,000 4B Parks Founders Softball Infield Replacement Fields C and D $ 55,000 4B Parks Irrigation Pump Founders Softball $ 40,000 4B Parks New Christmas Tree for Holiday Events $ 8,000 4B Parks Holiday Lights for Municipal Complex $ 5,000 4B Parks Replacement Utility Tractor $ 50,000 4B Parks Turf Renovator $ 13,000 Recreation Center Aerobics Studio Audio Upgrade $ 5,200 Stonehaven House Stonehaven House Phase I $ 120,000 Total Equipment and One Time Uses $ 432,200 Total Requests $ 466,850 157 10 07/13/2021 Item WS5. Fire Development Fund Summary Audited Fire Development Fund Ending Balance 09/30/20 $ 1,570,845 Projected '21 Revenues 200,716 Available Funds 1,771,561 Projected '21 Expenditures (1,165,851) a) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/21 $ 605,710 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance - 10/01/21 $ 605,710 Proposed Revenues '22 260,716 Proposed Expenditures '22 0 Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/22 $ 866,426 a) Includes Station #4 Architect carry forward and $600,000 CMAR in FY 2021. The CMAR expense and funding was transferred to the Fire Station Construction Fund. 158 11 07/13/2021 Item WS5. Hotel OccupancyTax Fund Summary Audited Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund Ending Balance 09/30/20 $ 471,211 Projected '21 Revenues 200,200 Available Funds 671,411 Projected '21 Expenditures (274,700) a) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/21 $ 396,711 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance - 10/01/21 $ 396,711 Proposed Revenues '22 200,200 Proposed Expenditures '22 (100,000) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/22 $ 496,911 a) Includes $120,000 for Brown House Phase I remodel and $70,000 for Old City Park Sign. 159 12 07/13/2021 Item WS5. WEDC Fund Summary Audited Wylie Economic Development Corp Ending Balance 09/30/20 $ 1,735,327 Projected '21 Revenues 3,904,938 a) Available Funds 5,640,265 Projected '21 Expenditures (4,589,421) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/21 $ 1,050,844 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance - 10/01/21 $ 1,050,844 Proposed Revenues '22 6,529,322 Proposed Expenditures '22 (5,231,219) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/22 $ 2,348,947 a) Sales Tax is Oct - Apr actual collected plus a 5% increase on 2019-20 May - Sep actuals. 160 13