Ordinance 1987-07 ORDIN(-iNCE ND. -"f..1~__2. BEING AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE DELIVERY OR USE OF VOLATILE SUBSTANCE AS INTOXICANTS, PRDVIDING FOR A PENALTY CLAUSE, PROVIDING A SEVERANCE CLAUSE, PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS: The City of Wylie presently has no ordinance prohibiting the delivery or abuse of volatile inhalants, and WHEREAS: The City Council of the City of Wylie deems it necessary to have such controls to protect the health, safety and welfare of it's citizens therefore: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY CDUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, THAT: 'Th i f::; ol'~c:1 i nanc€'~ ~5hc:\ 11 bE! kYlown a~::. the "I Ylt ox i cat i OYI by V()latilE~ f3ubstaYlcE?s O'r~c:Iil"laYlct~ of the City of Wyli,,~II. $~!;IIQ!.'Ll,~ INTOXICATION-VDLATILE SUBSTANCES (A.) Defi~-lition~~. In this Ordinance; Deliver means the actual or constructive transfer from one person to another. This term also includes an offer to SE-~ 11 . Intoxication means the loss of the normal use of a person's mental or physical faculties. Vc.latile substarlce mearls aYIY sub~jtaYlcE?, iYlcludiYI~~ any Vc.iPC)~~ emitted therefrom, which contains: ACETONE AMYLf:.1CETATE BENZOL OR BENZENE BUTYL ACETATE BUTYL. ALCOHOL. CARBON TETRACHLORIDE CYCLOHE X ANOf\.IE ETHANOL OR EYTHL. ALCOHOL E'Tt-'IYL ACET('~TE: HEXAI\lE ISDPROPANOL OR ISOPROPYL. ALCOHOL ISOPROPYL ACETATE !yIETHYL. "CEL.LOSOL.VE" t=-iCETATE METHYL ETHYL KETONE METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE TOLUOL OR TOLUENE TRICHLOROETHYLENE TRICRESYL. PHOSPHATE XYL.OL OR XYLENE Any and all other chemicals or combinations of chemicals which the inhalation thereof will cause intoxication. $~I;;:.IIQ~..,.g!,. OFFENSE FOR USE OR DELIVERY DF VDLATILE SUBSTPINCES. A person commits an offense if he: (a) Inhales or otherwise induces into his respiratory or circulatory system a volatile substance with the intent of producing intoxication; or (b) Delivers a volatile substance to: (1) A person whom deliverer believes or has reason to believe will llse the substaYlce in violatioYI of Sec. c (a) or (2) A person under eighteen (18) years of age, who 1S not accompanied by a parent or guardian consenting to the delivery of the volatile substances. $~I;;:.IIQ~.._;;;~. PE::!\l(.ClI_ TY . ('~iYI offel"l~j€,~ unde~" the tE~~~ms of thi~; oy'dinalrlce is a class "C" misdemeanor and punishable by a fine not to exceed the maximum permitted by state law. ~~I;;:.I.!. Q!~L ~ !!.., SEVERABILITY . It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this ordinance are severable and if any phrase, clause, sentence or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid by any judgement or decree of a court of competent jursidiction, such unconstitutionality or invalidity shall have no affect any other remaiYling phrase, clause, SeYltence, pat~agt~aph, OY' section of this ordinance; and the City Council hereby declares it would have passed the remaining portions even though it had known the affected parts would be held unconstitutional. $~~IIQ'~,L~~... PUBL I Cf=~T ION. The caption of this ordinance shall be published one time 11"1 a newspaper of gerneral distribution in the City of Wylie. $~I;;:.I.I...Q~._..~!!.. EF'F:ECT I VE DenE. This ordinance shall become effective upon it's publication in a newspaper of general circulation. PASSED AND APPROVED THE / -;? LJv. DAY OF __ _.~~ L:._ __ _ _--0 J" .. OF' L-JYLIE, TEX(~S THIS 1 ':387. . -.. -"- .........,.....,.......... .--, :EahlA~_ Ca~~o I~W;IE~S ~~.', .\,: , THE WYLIE NEWS P. O. BOX 311 WYLIE, TEXAI 7101I STATE OF TEXAS J~ COUNTY OF COLLIN ~ Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Scott Dorsey, of the Wylie News, a newspaper regularly published in Collin County, Texas and having general circulation in Collin County, Texas who being by me duly sworn deposed and says that the forgoing attached Ordinance NO. 87-7 was published in said newspaper on the following dates to wit: January 21 , 1987 and , 1987 . SUbscrib~and sworn to before me this the day of ...~ ' 1987 to certify which witness my )/& JAvt6 <J~ hand and seal of office. :~~~ b1L Notary Public in and for the State of Texas My Commission expires 9-12-89 Bertling Wideawake Wylie Since 1947 top names brand-Over 1500 ~tYles..l., "'Gloria Vanderbilt "'9 West "'Evan1 Picone "'Andrew Geller "'Liz:' Clail10rne "'Capeizo "'BandOlino"j "'Bass "'Bear Traps "'Calico "'Reebok "'Stride Rite "'Buster Brown .Can-, dies · L A Gear .Cherokee · Flor.;" sheim "'Freeman "'Bostonian an many more. $12,900 to $39,900 in eludes beginning inventory-training fixtures and grand opening pro/l1(. lions. Call Today. Prestige Fashion 501-329-2362. 32-lt-p ::lUtl.~.t;(,JTlUN U. PAST DUE ACCOUNT PENAL. TY, PARAGRAPH a., PARAGRAPH b., PARAGRAPH C., PARAGRAPH d., ADDING SUB-SECTION H. TEM- PORARY CONNECTION CHARGE; AND SUB- SECTION I. CONNECTION OF SERVICE. There are only 20-30 Mexi- can grizzly bears left in California's Sierra Madre mountains. Own your own Jean-Sportswea Ladies Apparel, Childrens/Materni ty, Large Sizes, Petitt' Oancewearl Aerobic or Accessorie Store. Jordache, Chic, Lee, Levi" lzod, Gitano, Guess, Calvin Klein' Sergio Valente, Evan Picone, Li' Claiborne, Members Only, Gasolint' lIealthtex Over 1000 others. $14,HO to $26,900 inventory, training. fi tures, grand opening etc. Can ope 15 days. Mr. Loughlin 1(12) H 6[,5:). 32.1 top ~ ~e ~'/fi;'p' ~/th 1-. FIXTURES FOR HOME OR ..IaUSINESS m . CEILING FANS i . MAJOR APPLlAN<":ES OFFICii: a SHOWROO~\ 100 N JACKSON JOE a ':IL WAKEFIEL.D P 0 SOX l1!i9 .214> '42.'::936 WYLlE.TX7509~ egal Notice RDINANCE NO. 87-7 RENT TO OWN A brothel: ING AN ORDINANC ROHIBITING TH ELIVERY OR USE 0 OLATILE SUBSTANC S INTOXICANTS, PR IDING FOR A PENALT. LAUSE, PROVIDING EVE RANCE CLAUS ROVIDING FO PUBLICATION AND PR VIDING AN EFFECTIV DATE. Electronic T:ypewriter, Word Processor Or Memory Typewriter Sales . Service . Supplies HEINZ HEMMEN INTrRN,..TIONAL 704 Main Street, Garland. 276-8411 4730 Gretna, Dallas. 630-4111 ylie upply Open Monday - Friday 8:00 . 5:00 Saturday 8:00 . 12:00 Now Open On Hwy. 78 Specializing in NEW and MILL 2nds complete stock of: **************************** Angles, Beams, Channels, Flats, Pipe, Purlims, Plate, Siding, Rebar **************************** Complete Metal Building Materials! ! Build Your Own And Save!!! (214) 442.2568 Chuck Trimble, Mayo ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary ORDINANCE NO. 87-8 AND ORDINANCE 0 THE CITY OF WYLIE, . HOME RULE POLITICA< SUBDIVISION OF Tij' STATE OF TEXAS, AM. DING THE CITY'S