06-14-2021 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes CITY OF
Parks and Recreation Board
Monday, June 14, 2021 -6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex
300 Country Club Road#100
Wylie,Texas 75098
Board Chairperson Robinson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.with Board Member Suarez, , Board
Member Allen, Board Member Mullis, and Board Member Stewart in attendance. Board Member Stewart
left the meeting early at 7:35 p.m., and Board Member Swendig and Board Member Willeford were both
absent from the meeting.
Staff members present were Parks and Recreation Director Robert Diaz, and filling in for Parks and
Recreation Board Secretary Janet Hawkes, was Planning and Zoning Administrative Assistant II, Mary
No citizens came forward.
1. Consider and act upon the approval of the Minutes from the May 4, 2021
special meeting.
Board Action:
Board Member Mullis made a motion to approve the Minutes from the May 4, 2021 special
meeting. Board Member Stewart seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 5-0.
2. Consider and act upon the approval of the Minutes from the May 10, 2021
regular meeting.
Board Action:
Board Member Stewart made a motion to approve the Minutes from the May 10, 2021 regular
meeting. Board Member Suarez seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 5-0.
3. Consider and act upon parkland dedication for the Monroe Development.
Director Diaz reminded the Board that another version of this development had been reviewed
and approved at a previous meeting. Due to the previous version being denied by the City
Minutes June 14, 2021
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
Council a new development is being submitted. Director Diaz advised that the applicant, Capstar
Real Estate Advisors, is proposing to satisfy parkland dedication requirements by dedicating
parkland and improvements in lieu of funds. Capstar Real Estate Advisor representative John
Allums, and Kimley-Horn Consultant Sarah Scott, both attended the meeting to review the
dedication request, elaborate on changes that were made from the previous dedication request,
and answer any questions from the Board. They both explained that the development is now
planned to consist entirely of rental property; 248 units on 17.88 acres of land consisting of what
they refer to as single family"California Courtyard Townhomes" and"Country Cottages". 3700
linear feet of an eight foot concrete trail will be included within the development with plans to
connect the trail to Kings Bridge Park. 4.8 acres of the 17.88 acres of developed land is
floodplain, of which includes an existing four acre lake. The developer proposed to split with the
City 50/50, any impending legal expenses associated in changing the ownership of the lake area.
The developer requested that the park be named Al Monroe Park in memory of the previous
property owner, and that the dedicated parkland be owned and maintained solely by the City.
Board Action:
Board Member Suarez made a motion to approve the parkland dedication for the Monroe
Development but to table the naming of the park to a later date. Board Member Mullis seconded
the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 5-0.
4. Consider and act upon final design and cost opinion for the updated
Founders Park Master Plan.
Director Diaz reviewed with the Board the final design and cost opinion from consultants Half and
Associates. Director Diaz noted to the Board that any future project would again come back to
the Board for input, this was just for a final conceptual plan. The Board agreed that the
conceptual final design and cost opinion for the updated Founders Park Master Plan should be
recommended to City Council as written.
Board Action:
Board Member Suarez made a motion to approve the final design and cost opinion for the
updated Founders Park Master Plan. Board Member Mullis seconded the motion, and a vote was
taken and passed 5-0.
5. Consider and act upon updating the Parks and Recreation Board Bylaws.
Director Diaz stated that the current Parks and Recreation Board Bylaws needed updating to
reflect the 2019 change by City Council setting term limits, wherein a Board Member can only
serve up to three, two-year terms.
Board Action:
Board Member Mullis made a motion to approve updating the Parks and Recreation Board
Bylaws. Board Member Suarez seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 5-0.
6. Consider and act upon appointing a Board Member to the Comprehensive
Master Plan Advisory Committee.
City Council will formally approve the formation of 13 committee members, seven Council
appointees and six representatives from organizations and boards within the City, to serve on the
Comprehensive Master Plan Advisory Committee. This committee will begin meeting monthly
this summer on Thursdays for approximately one year. They will review all aspects of current
and future development within the City, to include the most recent(2020) Parks, Recreation, and
Open Space Master Plan.
Minutes June 14, 2021
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
Board Action:
Board Member Stewart made a motion to appoint a Board Member Mullis to the Comprehensive
Master Plan Advisory Committee. Board Member Saurez seconded the motion, and a vote was
taken and passed 5-0.
• WSI. Bond Committee update.
The Bond Committee has completed their meetings and will present to City Council during the
June 22nd meeting, their priority list of recommended projects for a future bond election. Director
Diaz reviewed the survey ranking with the Parks and Recreation Board explaining that Lavon
Lake Parks was ranked number one on their priority list. He added that in regards to other
potential parks and recreation projects, the Founders Park improvements ranked number 8, the
Senior Recreation Center expansion ranked number 12, an aquatic facility ranked number 13,
Braddock Park improvements ranked number 17, and Parkside Park improvements ranked
number 18. The City Council is set to determine a bond project list and election date this
• WS2. Project updates.
The Twin Lakes/Southbrook Trail Connection playground has been ordered and will be installed
in late summer of 2021.
The final draft of the Founders Park Master Plan was reviewed and approved during tonight's
Staff is working on obtaining quotes for the ice storm damage as well as some Phase One
improvements to the Brown House, with the intention to use the same contractor for all of the
aforementioned work. The Brown House accessible ramp approval from City Council was tabled
during their last meeting due to construction questions, but will again be presented as an action
item during the next Council meeting scheduled for June 22nd.
The Aquatics Feasibility Study and Lavon Lake Study are both nearing completion. The final
reports will be forwarded to the City Council for review.
There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Mullis. Board Member
Allen seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 4-0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45
Janet Hawkes,Parks Board Secretary oni -obinson,Parks Board Chairperson
Minutes June 14, 2021
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting