07-27-2021 (City Council) Agenda Packet Wylie City Council Regular Meeting July 27, 2021 —6:00 PM Council Chambers -300 Country Club Road,Building#100,Wylie, Texas 75098 CITY CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION&PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Pastor Kurt Ulmer,Faith Lutheran Wylie PRESENTATIONS &RECOGNITIONS PRI. Wylie Way Students. PR2. Presentation for the Battle of the Badges Blood Drive Winner. PR3. Presentation for Bluegrass on Ballard Recap. COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Any member of the public may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda.Members of the public must fill out a form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Council requests that comments be limited to three minutes for an individual, six minutes for a group. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items.If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of July 13,2021 Regular City Council Meeting minutes. B. Consider, and act upon, the approval of a vendor application for the "Back to the Future" back to school event at Olde City Park on September 25,2021. C. Consider, and act upon, the approval of the purchase of Turf Chemicals and Micronutrients from various vendors in the estimated annual amount of $60,000.00 through a cooperative purchasing contract with BuyBoard Cooperative, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. D. Consider, and place on file,the City of Wylie Monthly Investment Report for June 30, 2021. E. Consider, and place on file,the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for June 30, 2021. F. Consider, and place on file, the monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of June 30,2021. G. Consider,and act upon,the award of bid#W2021-88-A for Parks and Recreation Outdoor Litter&Restroom Service to PureService Corporation in the estimated annual amount of$76,030.00, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. Page 11 1 H. Consider, and act upon, authorizing the City Manager to sign a Development Agreement, between the City of Wylie, 2819 West FM544 Ventures, LLC, and MMGC DBR DFW, LLC regarding the use of building materials for a commercial development on 1.022 acres,property located at 2817 FM 544. REGULAR AGENDA 1, Tabled from 06-08-2021 Remove from table and consider Hold a Public Hearing, consider, and act upon, a request for a change of zoning from Agricultural (AG/30) to Planned Development - Single Family (PD-SF), to allow for a single family development on 4.6 acres, located at 601 &595 Parker Road. (ZC 2021-14). 2. Tabled from 07-13-2021 Remove from table and consider Hold a Public Hearing, consider, and act upon, a request for a change of zoning from Commercial Corridor (CC)to Commercial Corridor Special Use Permit(CC-SUP),to allow for a restaurant with drive-through on 1.022 acres,property located at 2817 FM 544. (ZC 2021-18) 3. Hold a Public Hearing, consider, and act upon, a request for a change of zoning from Commercial Corridor (CC)to Commercial Corridor Special Use Permit(CC-SUP),to allow for a restaurant with drive-thru on 1.37 acres,property located at 499 S State Highway 78. (ZC2021-16) 4. Hold a Public Hearing, consider, and act upon, a request for a change of zoning from Agricultural (AG/30) to Planned Development(PD),to allow for a mixed-use community on 47.29 acres generally located at 2301 FM 1378. (ZC2021-15) 5. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2021-35 establishing a Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee (CPAC),providing for the scope and authority of the Committee,time of service, and appointing Committee members. 6. Consider,and act upon,Ordinance No.2021-36 amending Wylie's Code of Ordinances,Ordinance No.2021- 17 as amended, Appendix C (Wylie Comprehensive Fee Schedule), Section I (Water and Sewer Fees), Subsection B (Water Rates), and Subsection C(Sewage Collection and Treatment Rates). 7. Consider, and act upon,the acceptance of the resignation of the Zoning Board of Adjustment board member Robert Blair, appointment of alternate Zewge Kagnew to fill the unexpired term of July 2021 to June 2022, and the appointment of a new alternate to fill the unexpired tetu of July 2021 to June 2023. 8. Consider,and act upon,the acceptance of the resignation of the Zoning Board of Adjustment alternate board member Lance Kiser, and the appointment of a new alternate to fill the unexpired term of July 2021 to June 2022. WORK SESSION WS1. Discuss potential Bond Election projects and proposition verbiage. WS2. Discuss Wylie Wastewater Treatment Plant Demolition Options. WS3. Discuss FY 2022 Budget. WS4. Discuss the boundaries of the Downtown Historic District. Page 12 2 WS5. Discuss a potential change of zoning to amend Planned Development 2012-03 (PD 2012-03) to allow for Senior Affordable Housing, generally located southwest of 2300 W FM 544(Wylie Medical Plaza). RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION EXECUTIVE SESSION Sec. 551.087. DELIBERATION REGARDING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEGOTIATIONS; CLOSED MEETING. This chapter does not require a governmental body to conduct an open meeting: (1) to discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the governmental body has received from a business prospect that the governmental body seeks to have locate, stay,or expand in or near the territory of the governmental body and with which the governmental body is conducting economic development negotiations; or (2) to deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by Subdivision(1). ES 1. Deliberation regarding commercial or financial information that the WEDC has received from a business prospect and to discuss the offer of incentives for Projects: 2021-4d and 2021-6a. RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Executive Session. READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter,Article III, Section 13-D. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on July 23,2021 at 5:00 p.m. on the outside bulletin board at Wylie City Hall, 300 Country Club Road, Building 100, Wylie, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the public at all times. Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Date Notice Removed The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020.Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the City Council should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the City Council or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required, then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code§ 551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the City Council at the date, hour and place given in this notice as the City Council may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act,including,but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes: Page 13 3 Texas Government Code Section: § 551.071 —Private consultation with an attorney for the City. § 551.072—Discussing purchase, exchange,lease or value of real property. § 551.074—Discussing personnel or to hear complaints against personnel. § 551.087—Discussing certain economic development matters. § 551.073—Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City. § 551.076—Discussing deployment of security personnel or devices or security audit. Page 14 4 Em } I j V�V � Ill ? S} { S S t �J SS I ia{ S 8 m Bluegrass by the Numbers •250 Cars Down Ballard Avenue; 274 Paid Entries •135 Vendors and Sponsors in Olde City Park •$17,840 Raised for Public Art •135,000+ People Reached through City Social Media Accounts •60% -Percent of Attendees from Out of Town M= Est® # of customers Visits Trend o Downtown Wylie IW)Aie m t2 IOK 5K Est # of v1sits 0 7,7)01 10' vO , V', Downtown Wylic & Mobilc DataAnalysis Trade Area - Home Locations Typical Customer Persona Downtown Wylie - Mobile Data Analysis Wylie, Texas • 06.25.2021 - 06.27.2021 Customerjourney Dcnntorl McKinnev 07/27/2021 Item A. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: City Secretary Account Code: Prepared By: Stephanie Storm Subject Consider, and act upon, approval of July 13, 2021 Regular City Council Meeting minutes. Recommendation Motion to approve Item as presented. Discussion The minutes are attached for your consideration. Financial Summary/Strategic Goals Community Focused Government Page 1 of 1 5 07/27/2021 Item A. Wylie City Council Minutes July 13, 2021 —6:00 PM Council Chambers - 300 Country Club Road,Building#100,Wylie, Texas 75098 CITY CALL TO ORDER Mayor Matthew Porter called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The following City Council members were present: Councilman David R. Duke, Councilman Dave Strang, Mayor pro tern Jeff Forrester, Councilman Scott Williams, Councilman Timothy T. Wallis, and Councilman Garrett Mize. Staff present included: City Manager Chris Hoisted;Assistant City Manager Brent Parker; Assistant City Manager Renae 011ie;Police Chief Anthony Henderson;Fire Chief Brandon Blythe;Finance Director Melissa Beard;Human Resources Director Lety Yanez; Parks and Recreation Director Rob Diaz; Public Works Director Tim Porter; Library Director Ofilia Barrera; Building Official Bret McCullough; Project Engineer Jenneen Elkhalid; Public Information Officer Craig Kelly; Economic Development Executive Director Jason Greiner; City Secretary Stephanie Stoi Zi, and various support staff. INVOCATION&PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor pro tern Forrester led the invocation and Councilman Wallis led the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENTATIONS &RECOGNITIONS PR1. Proclamation for Kunal Kapur. Mayor Porter and Police Chief Henderson presented Kunal Kapur a proclamation proclaiming July 13, 2021 as Kunal.Kapur Day in the City of Wylie,thanking him for his work on a children's Crime Victim's Advocate waiting room at the Public Safety Building and congratulating him on earning his Eagle Scout. PR2. Proclamation for Duc Truong. Mayor Porter presented Duc Truong a proclamation proclaiming July 13, 2021 as Duc Truong Day in the City of Wylie thanking him for his over the top customer service that he provides the City of Wylie. CITIZEN COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS There were no citizens present wishing to address the Council. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of June 22,2021 Regular City Council Meeting minutes. B. Consider, and act upon, updating the Parks and Recreation Board Bylaws. July 13,2021 Wylie City Council Minutes Page 11 6 07/27/2021 Item A. C. Consider, and act upon, a Final Plat for Jacobs Addition Lots 1R-3-1, 1R-3-2, 1R-3-3, Block B, being a replat of Jacobs Addition Lot 1 R-3,Block B,to establish three commercial lots on 4.728 acres,property located at 3010 FM 544. D. Consider, and act upon, a Preliminary Plat for Lot 1,Block 1 of Dutch Bros Coffee addition to establish one commercial lot on 1.022 acres,property located at 2817 FM 544. E. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2021-17(R) authorizing the City Manager to execute a revised Wholesale Wastewater Collection Agreement with the Wylie Northeast Special Utility District. F. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2021-18(R) determining a public necessity to acquire certain properties for public use for rights-of-way(in fee simple),temporary construction easements and related improvements for the construction,expansion, access,repair,maintenance and replacement of Eubanks Lane (from Hwy 78 to approximately 1,000 feet north of Centennial Drive); giving notice of an official determination to acquire certain properties for public use for rights-of-way (in fee simple), temporary construction easements and related improvements for the construction, expansion, access, repair, maintenance and replacement of Eubanks Lane (from Hwy 78 to approximately 1,000 feet north of Centennial Drive); authorizing the City Manager of the City of Wylie,Texas,to establish procedures for acquiring the rights-of-way(in fee simple),temporary construction easements and related improvements offering to acquire said property rights, voluntarily from the landowners through the making of bona fide offers; appropriating funds; providing for repealing,savings and severability clauses; and providing for an effective date. Mayor Porter requested Item F be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered individually. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Duke, seconded by Councilman Williams, to approve Consent Agenda Items A-E as presented. A vote was taken and motion passed 7-0. REGULAR AGENDA F. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2021-18(R) determining a public necessity to acquire certain properties for public use for rights-of-way(in fee simple),temporary construction easements and related improvements for the construction,expansion, access, repair,maintenance and replacement of Eubanks Lane (from Hwy 78 to approximately 1,000 feet north of Centennial Drive); giving notice of an official determination to acquire certain properties for public use for rights-of-way (in fee simple), temporary construction easements and related improvements for the construction, expansion, access, repair, maintenance and replacement of Eubanks Lane (from Hwy 78 to approximately 1,000 feet north of Centennial Drive); authorizing the City Manager of the City of Wylie,Texas,to establish procedures for acquiring the rights-of-way(in fee simple),temporary construction easements and related improvements offering to acquire said property rights, voluntarily from the landowners through the making of bona fide offers; appropriating funds;providing for repealing,savings and severability clauses; and providing for an effective date. Council Comments Mayor Porter requested Public Works Director Porter give an overview of the project. Mayor pro tern Forrester confirmed that this item does not authorize eminent domain. Staff Comments Public Works Director Porter addressed Council stating the City has an agreement with NTMWD to improve the area between the first entrance into NTMWD site, south to Highway 78. The City is 90 percent complete with the plans and the consultant is starting to reach out to the property owners. The roadway will be a four lane divided road and will provide traffic relief for that area.Porter confirmed that this item does not authorize eminent domain. July 13,2021 Wylie City Council Minutes Page 12 7 07/27/2021 Item A. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Strang, seconded by Mayor pro tern Forrester,to approve Item F as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 1. Hold a Public Hearing, consider, and act upon, a request for a change of zoning from Commercial Corridor (CC) to Commercial Corridor Special Use Permit (CC-SUP), to allow for a restaurant with drive-through on 1.022 acres,property located at 2817 FM 544. (ZC 2021-18) Staff Comments Planning Manager Haskins addressed Council stating the applicant is requesting a Special Use Permit (SUP) on 1.022 acres generally located on the northeast corner of Springwell Parkway and FM 544 to allow for a restaurant with drive-through service. The proposed use is for a Dutch Bros Coffee restaurant. The preliminary plat for the development was recommended for approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission (Commission). Haskins stated the Zoning Ordinance requires all restaurants with drive-throughs to obtain a SUP. As part of the SUP the applicant is also requesting for the Zoning Exhibits to function as the review and approvals of the site plan. The proposed Zoning Exhibit provides 22 parking spaces with one ADA space, and Haskins reported 13 spaces are a grasscrete surface due to the site exceeding the maximum allowed parking. Haskins stated 18 notifications were mailed; with one response received in favor and no response in opposition of the request. The Commission voted 7-0 to recommend approval. Applicant Comments Dan Dover,representing Main&Main Capital Group,LLC, addressed Council giving an overview of Dutch Bros Coffee. Public Hearing Mayor Porter opened the public hearing on Item 1 at 6:29 p.m. asking anyone present wishing to address Council to come forward. No one came forward for the public hearing. Mayor Porter closed the public hearing at 6:30 p.m. Council Comments Councilmen Williams and Duke asked regarding the special conditions and the use, if another applicant comes in, can they come in under the same SUP without coming before Council, and asked if so, could wording be added to require a new applicant to come before Council for consideration. Haskins replied as currently written it would allow for another applicant to come in without Council approval that can utilize the same building without a new site plan, and stated language could be added to require a new applicant to come before Council if that is Council's desire. Mayor Porter asked about potential traffic concerns with the driveway and the nearby railroad track and intersection. Haskins replied Engineering has reviewed and approved the plans. Hoisted added the median improvements on Springwell does allow vehicles to make a left turn out of the parking lot, and as a train is approaching, it activates the traffic signal on FM 544 to clear the intersection. Councilman Wallis asked what type of building materials would be utilized as it looks different from what is traditionally in the City. Dover replied the siding is an architectural raised ribbed panel,the wainscot across the building and canopy columns are a split face CMU, and the face of the canopy will have a metal fascia. Dover added the building will be a 900 square foot building. Councilman Wallis voiced concerns about the durability of the proposed material during weather events. Dover replied the company is extremely picky about their look and wants their building to look good and presentable. Mayor Porter, utilizing other locations as examples, expressed concerns with materials presented and asked if other materials could be used instead of the metal material. Dover stated the materials proposed meets within the design criteria and the presented materials is what is preferable for the companies branding and maintenance programs. Councilman Wallis asked about some of the other location towers being grey instead of blue,and stated he wanted to see if any changes could be made to the accents.Dover replied that is a current change within the company and they would like the tower to be painted blue as it is the focal point of their brand. Dover July 13,2021 Wylie City Council Minutes Page 13 8 07/27/2021 Item A. asked if Council would be okay with utilizing nichiha, a stone paneling material, on the tower, and the rest of the building in architectural metal. Dover did emphasize they have time constraints on the land purchase;therefore,he would not want to delay for months. Hoisted confirmed these materials are allowed by right if the applicant did not need a SUP. Haskins replied that is correct. Councilman Williams asked about the required building materials. Haskins stated the masonry requirements in the Zoning Ordinance are only enforceable in areas that were completed before the law was changed in 2019,and since 2019 a voluntary development agreement has to be reached with the applicant in order to enforce building materials. Councilman Williams stated his preference for the exterior look is like the Flower Mound location. Dover stated the company is not a fan of the morsel siding as it makes it look like a residential structure. Councilman Strang stated he agreed with the other comments from Council and really liked the look of the Flower Mound location as it would fit in the community more. Councilman Mize stated he appreciated the feedback from Council and felt the proposed design is attractive and is acceptable,and thinks nichiha could be a form of compromise, as long as it does not delay the project from moving forward. Mayor Porter stated there was an Austin location where the look fits in more with the surrounding businesses of Wylie. Dover stated their customer base is teenagers, 20, and 30-year old and the company wants to focus and serve their customers, and stated if they could get an approval this evening, the company could do some sort of wainscot and switch to stucco.Mayor Porter replied that typically a development agreement would be brought back at the next meeting for consideration before approval. Dover asked if stucco would be agreeable on the building. Mayor Porter stated he would be okay with stucco and some metal on the building, as they would be generally fitting with the surrounding development. Councilman Williams stated he agreed with the Mayor, if the metal is broken up that would be sufficient.Dover requested feedback from Council.Councilman Duke stated the renderings look like a box car,and stated he would like the SUP to revert back to require Council approval for a new applicant. Councilman Strang stated he agreed with Councilman Williams that the metal tower would be good with the use of another material on the remainder of the building. Mayor pro tern Forrester stated he agreed with the Council feedback, but saw the value in the branding.Mayor Porter stated he would like to see something that breaks the metal up, and agrees with Councilman Duke on the SUP. Mayor Porter asked Haskins what the City has done in the past with the SUP. Haskins replied, what staff proposed is what is typically done; it does not depend on the user, but instead on how the property is used. Mayor Porter stated he was good with it as written. Councilman Williams stated in regards to the SUP, he would prefer if it changes ownership prior to it being built it would require Council approval, and as long as the change in materials breaks the metal up with at least two main finishes he is good with what the company chooses to use. Councilman Wallis stated as long as the look is broken up with different materials he does not want to dictate colors and materials. Councilman. Mize stated he supports the design as is but if an alternate design is proposed he would be fine with that as well. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor pro tern Forrester, seconded by Councilman Strang, to table Item 1 until July 27, 2021 City Council meeting. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-1 with Councilman Mize voting against. 2. Consider, and act upon,Resolution No. 2021-19(R) supporting the Collin County Mobility Plan Update and the efforts to reduce the current and projected traffic congestion, and to provide more connectivity and enhance safety in the southeast portion of Collin County. Staff Comments City Manager Holsted addressed Council stating Collin County is developing the Future Mobility Study to give the public and stakeholders an opportunity to provide input on current and future transportation needs. The Study includes east and southeast Collin County as well as Dallas, Rockwall, and Hunt counties to help ensure a regional approach to transportation planning. Council approval of the Resolution would support the concept of a coordinated Study to update transportation plans in,and near,Wylie for the purpose of providing the necessary mobility for the existing and future residents, and employees of the area, and meet the 2018 Collin County bond program eligibility requirement. Hoisted stated the 2018 Collin County bond program included approximately$60 million in funding for City thoroughfare projects in which$36 million was awarded in 2020 and the remaining$24 million should be made available in mid to late 2022. July 13,2021 Wylie City Council Minutes Page 14 9 07/27/2021 Item A. Council Comments Mayor pro tern Forrester confirmed Council is not committing to any roadways through Wylie with passage of this Resolution. Hoisted replied that is correct. Mayor Porter added the County is looking at this, and is currently working on this, regardless of what Council decides this evening. Councilman Williams asked with the City's participation, if the County is already working at this, does the City hire their own consultant. Hoisted replied that the decision would be up to Council as the County is using the traffic model from North Central Texas Council of Government(NCTCOG). Councilman Williams asked if the County is developing their plan,what are the benefits and drawbacks to the City participating.Hoisted responded,depending on what results from their Study,the County may recommend changes to the mobility plan which could affect Wylie. Councilman Williams confirmed passing of this Resolution is the City being proactive instead of reactive. Hoisted confirmed that is correct. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor pro tern Forrester,seconded by Councilman Williams,to approve Item 2 as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. Mayor Porter convened the Council into Work Sessions at 7:19 p.m. Mayor Porter stated he was going to start with Work Session 4 as the Bond Attorney was present. WORK SESSIONS WS4. Discuss potential Bond Election projects and proposition verbiage. City Manager Hoisted stated Mr. Dransfield is present to discuss potential bond proposition verbiage. Bob Dransfield, representing Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP, gave information about holding a November Bond election including important dates, costs associated, 2019 legislative updates, bond proposition wording, and general information regarding Bond elections and usage of the funds. Mr. Dransfield answered questions from the Council. Citizen Bond Advisory Committee members present included: Matthew Soto, Sandra Stone, Scott McDonald, Aleksandra Rolfson,and Becky Welch. Mayor Porter convened the Council into a break at 7:38 p.m. Mayor Porter reconvened the Council into Work Session at 7:50 p.m. Council Comments Mayor Porter asked for direction on the projects Council would like to move forward with having language drafted and brought back at the next Council meeting for Council input. Mayor Porter stated at the last meeting, Council consensus was to move forward with Projects#2 (McMillen Road) and#3 (Park Boulevard). Mayor Porter stated based on the conversations with the Army Corp of Engineers,currently there is a potential for a five-year agreement with a five-year extended renewal for Lake Lavon parks. Regarding Project#1 (Lavon Lake Parks) Council expressed concerns with investing $15 million on property the City does not own,for a potential five-year lease.The consensus of Council was to wait on the Lavon Lake projects at this time. The consensus of Council for Project #8 (Founders Park) was to gather additional information and potentially include it in a future bond election,but not in November. The consensus of Council for Project#9(Stone Road)was to wait until the City received additional information from the County;therefore, do not include it in the November election. Regarding Project #12 (Senior Center) the consensus of Council was to gather additional information and potentially remodel with excess fund balance funds or include in the annual budget, and bring forth the remainder amount needed at a future election,not in November. Councilman Mize and Mayor pro teen Forrester expressed interest in pursuing this project in November 2021.Regarding Project#13 (Aquatics)Council consensus was to not put forth a proposition for aquatics at this time. Councilmen Mize, Wallis, and Duke expressed interest in pursuing outdoor aquatics in November 2021. July 13,2021 Wylie City Council Minutes Page 15 10 07/27/2021 Item A. Regarding Projects #4 (culvert/bridge repair) and#5 (intersection/signal improvements) the consensus of Council was to possibly use excess fund balance or include them as part of the annual budget cycle. After discussion between Council, the consensus of Council was to move forward with the following Projects: #2 (McMillen Road), #3 (Park Boulevard), #6 (street/alley replacement) up to $10 million, #7 (downtown improvements) up to $5 million, and #14 (Sachse Road), totaling $48,600,000. Council gave direction to state Project #7 (downtown improvements) separately on the ballot and add language which includes City property located at Highway 78 and Brown Street; state Projects#2(McMillen Road),#3 (Park Boulevard),and#14(Sachse Road) as one proposition; and state Project #6 (street/alley replacement) general in nature for a total of three propositions. Mayor Porter thanked Bond Committee members for their service. Committee member Rolfson asked if aquatics will be included in the November 2021 election and stated if it ever comes up, she would recommend finding a different location for it and not putting it in front of the City building. Mayor Porter replied aquatics will not be included in the November 2021 election. Mayor Porter convened the Council into a break at 9:25 p.m. Mayor Porter reconvened the Council into Regular Session at 9:35 p.m. WS1. Discuss Wylie Wastewater Treatment Plant Demolition Options. Mayor Porter stated this item will be moved to a future Council agenda. WS2. Discuss a potential change of zoning from Agricultural to Planned Development (PD-CC-MF) on approximately 24 acres, generally located on the west side of Country Club Road approximately 1200' north of Brown Street. Planning Manager Haskins addressed Council stating the property owners and developers are seeking Council input on a potential planned development on approximately 24 acres on the west side of Country Club just north of Fire Station #2. The current proposal includes a mix of commercial uses along Country Club, townhomes along the north side of the property, and multi-family apartments along the southside near Collin College. Evan McAnulty, representing Allen Harrison Company, addressed Council giving a brief presentation on the proposed project that included: the project team, multifamily developer renderings, project location, corridor growth, the Wylie draw,population growth,population and supply,planning site plan,project residents, planning multifamily, clubhouse and multifamily elevations, planning retail, retail elevation, planning townhomes, and planning timing. David Dahl,resident, addressed Council speaking in favor of this proposed project. Questions and feedback from Council included:potential affordable housing,liked the look of the proposed project, would be a benefit to the City with the proximity to the College, concerns with the cost of the apartment rent, commercial unit concerns, traffic concerns with a single access point and the amount of vehicles it would bring, breakdown on unit sizes, density concerns, concerns with changing the character of Wylie, concerns with multifamily located near residential homes and resell, privacy concerns with townhomes and metal fence, and concerns regarding square footage minimum. WS3. Discuss a potential change of zoning from Commercial Corridor to Planned Development (PD-CC- MF) on approximately 22 acres, generally located on the southwest corner of SH 78 and Wylie East Drive. July 13,2021 Wylie City Council Minutes Page 16 11 07/27/2021 Item A. Planning Manager Haskins addressed Council stating the property owners and developers are seeking Council input on a potential planned development on approximately 22 acres on the southwest corner of SH 78 and Wylie East Drive. The current proposal includes a mix of commercial uses on the corners of SH 78 and Wylie East Drive and SH 78 and Anson Parkway, and single-family style rental units on the interior of the property. Eric Overton,representing DHI Properties, addressed Council giving a brief presentation on the proposed project that included: the site, zoning, proposed site plan, reasons for rezoning, retail along SH 78 concept renderings, single-family rental concept renderings, and information on DR Horton. Feedback from Council included: like the access points, change detention pond to retention pond,like commercial on front and possibly making more of the residential closer to SH 78 commercial due to noise, desire for this property to be commercial due to location,concerns with density,concerns with no garages,concerns with duplexes and rentals,good project,concerns with lack of green space,and concerns with separation between current housing. Mayor Porter convened the Council into a break at 11:00 p.m. Mayor Porter reconvened the Council into Work Session at 11:09 p.m. WS5. Discuss FY 2022 Budget. City Manager Hoisted addressed Council stating the projected revenues has increased as the City continues to receive updated sales tax revenues, the proposed budget is essentially flat with a decrease in operating expenses with the only increases being the added firefighters and jailers at midyear. Hoisted reported the proposed expenditures for FY 2021-2022 is$43,755,024 and the current estimated fund balance is 53 percent of expenditures. Hoisted reviewed the personnel budget recommendations from the General Fund which included: Facilities Maintenance Technician, Purchasing Senior Buyer, two Police Detention Officers, Police Training Coordinator, part-time Police Mental Health Coordinator, part-time Police Quartermaster, part-time Police Admin Assistant I, three Fire Station 4 Captains, three Fire Station 4 Driver/Engineer, Reclassify Admin Assistant to Animal Control Officer, Streets Lead Signal Technician, Streets Equipment Operator,and Reclassify Librarian to Assistant Library Director. Hoisted reviewed the onetime uses recommendations from the General Fund which included: Police Computer Equipment/Software for Patrol Tahoe's, Fire Outdoor Warning Siren Replacement, Fire Confined Space Rescue Equipment, Streets Asphalt Roller - Unit #182 Replacement, Streets McCreary Road and Hensley Lane Signal Design, Streets Traffic Signal Control Cabinet, Streets Arrow Directional Board,Parks Cemetery Operations, four Police Patrol Replacement Tahoe's, two Police Admin Replacement Tahoe's, Fire Replacement Division Chief Vehicle, and Streets Replacement of Unit#105. Hoisted stated the excess revenue over expenses plus recommended requests is $2.5 million. Potential additional General Fund recommendations include: recurring health insurance (Mayor Porter stepped out during the health insurance discussion at 11:50 p.m. Mayor Porter returned to the dais at 11:53 p.m. Mayor Porter did file a conflict of interest form with the City Secretary.)and market adjustment.One-time uses include:Tech Upgrades for Council Chambers, Police FARO System, Ambulance Replacement, two Police Additional Tahoe Replacements, Tennis Court Lighting-Partnership with WISD, and Security for Parks Maintenance Facility. Hoisted stated the General Fund estimated balance for FY 2021-2022 is $25,541,177. Staff is recommending moving some of the excess fund balance to a separate fund to do one-time capital improvements. Hoisted stated regarding the Utility Fund, in response to the 2020 Water and Sewer Rate Study, the fund balance will be reduced over future years to offset the rate increases which will reduce the balance down to the Policy requirement of 90 days of operating expenditures. July 13,2021 Wylie City Council Minutes Page 17 12 07/27/2021 Item A. Hoisted stated recommended additions to budget and fund balance items from the Utility Fund include: Utility Admin.Texas 811 -Utility Locate Contract,Water Skid Steer Broom Attachment,Water Decker Facility-Privacy Screen Fence/Motor Gate,Water Portable Handheld Radios,Wastewater Rubber Track Compact Skid Loader with Trailer,Water Unit#288 Replacement,Wastewater Crew Leader Vehicle, and three Utility Billing Meter Services Vehicle Replacements. Hoisted stated the 4B Sales Tax Fund has an estimated ending fund balance of$4,896,102, and the recommended additions to budget and fund balance items from the 4B Sales Tax Fund include: Recreation Center Reclass part- time GSS to full-time, 4B Parks Replacement of Valentine Park Playground, 4B Parks Spray Rig Addition, 4B Parks Founders Softball Infield Replacement Fields C and D,4B Parks Irrigation Pump Founders Softball,4B Parks New Christmas Tree for Holiday Events,4B Parks Holiday Lights for Municipal Complex,4B Parks Replacement Utility Tractor, 4B Parks Turf Renovator, Recreation Center Aerobics Studio Audio Upgrade, and Stonehaven House Phase I. Hoisted stated there are no proposed expenditures anticipated from the Fire Development Fund. Hoisted stated regarding the Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund, the proposed expenditures include $35,000 for Bluegrass on Ballard, $35,000 for advertising for events throughout the year, and$30,000 towards Public Art. WEDC Executive Director Greiner presented the WEDC Fund Summary which included: the audited ending balance as of September 30, 2020 of$1,735,327,projected 2021 revenues of$3,904,938,which includes sales tax from October through April, available funds of$5,640,265,projected 2021 expenditures of$4,589,421, estimated ending fund balance as of September 30,2021 of$1,050,844,proposed revenues for 2022 of$6,529,322,proposed expenditures for 2022 of$5,231,219,and estimated ending fund balance as of September 30, 2022 of$2,348,947. Hoisted stated at the next meeting the consultant will be present to discuss the market study results and staff will have additional infoi,liation on health insurance. Hoisted stated the figures presented this evening are based on the no new revenue rate, which staff believes will be two cents below the City's current rate. Staffs recommendation would be to leave it at the no new revenue rate especially if there will be an upcoming bond election. Staff answered questions from Council. Council thanked staff for their work on the budget. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Mayor Porter reconvened the Council into Regular Session and then into Executive Session at 12:38 a.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION Sec. 551.072.DELIBERATION REGARDING REAL PROPERTY; CLOSED MEETING. A governmental body may conduct a closed meeting to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on its negotiating position. ES1. Consider the sale or acquisition of properties located at FM 544 and Cooper, Jackson and Oak, Regency and Steel, State Hwy 78 &Ballard, State Hwy 78 and Birmingham,State Hwy 78 and Brown. Sec. 551.087. DELIBERATION REGARDING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEGOTIATIONS; CLOSED MEETING. This chapter does not require a governmental body to conduct an open meeting: July 13,2021 Wylie City Council Minutes Page 18 13 07/27/2021 Item A. (1) to discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the governmental body has received from a business prospect that the governmental body seeks to have locate,stay,or expand in or near the territory of the governmental body and with which the governmental body is conducting economic development negotiations; or (2) to deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by Subdivision(1). ES2. Deliberation regarding commercial or financial information that the WEDC has received from a business prospect and to discuss the offer of incentives for Projects: 2017-10a, 2018-9b,2020-I1b,2021- 2b,2021-4a,2021-4b,2021-4c,2021-4d,2021-5a,2021-6a, 2021-6b, and 2021-6c. RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Executive Session. Mayor Porter reconvened the Council into Regular Session at 1:17 a.m. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Councilman Strang, seconded by Councilman Duke,to adjourn the meeting at 1:17 a.m. A vote was taken and motion passed 7-0. Matthew Porter,Mayor ATTEST: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary July 13,2021 Wylie City Council Minutes Page 19 14 07/27/2021 Item B. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: Parks and Recreation Account Code: Prepared By: Rob Diaz Subject Consider, and act upon, the approval of a vendor application for the"Back to the Future"back to school event at Olde City 'ark on September 25, 2021. Recommendation I otion to approve Item as presented. Discussion The Back to the Future back to school event will be held on Saturday, September 25,2021 at Olde City Park. The Wylie ISD Council of PTA's is sponsoring the event to increase community involvement in PTA and celebrate the start of a new school year. The event will have vendors selling items such as concessions and spirit wear. Due to COVID-19 lockdowns the event was not held in 2020. Parks and Recreation staff will coordinate with the group on event logistics and set up. The Parks and Recreation Board approved the vendor application at the July 12,2021 meeting. Financial Summary/Strategic Goals Page 1 of 1 15 07/27/2021 Item B. • ", 2 Parks&Recreation Department 949 Hensley Lane,Building 200 972-516-6340 Parks@wylietexas.gov - . r A • Applicant information Name of Organization* Website Wylie ISE)COUNCIL of PTAs www.ptawyliecouncitcom Please upload 501c3 Documents Are you a non profit?* Yes No W-9(1).pdf 77.22KB Contact Information Primary Contact Name* Rachel Allen Event Information Event Name/Title* Back the Future Event Type* othen please explain* Other Community Purpose of event* Increase community involvement in PTA and celebraM the start of a new school year. Event Location* Olde City Park 112 S Ballard Avenue Purposed Event Date* Alternative Event Date* 09/25/2021 08/21/2021 Start Time* End Time* 03:0000 PM 08:0000 PM Include Setup Include Cleanup Anticipated number of Participating Vendors Anticipated Event Aftendance* '75 600 16 07/27/2021 Item B. Event Target Audience* Wylie ISD Community at large Event Details* This is the annual Wylie ISD Council of PTAs, Back the Future/Back to School Bash!We invite all local PTAs to set up a booth, have games, sell their spirit wear etc.We also invite local businesses to come set up a both,and support our local community. It's a great way to kick off the school year.There will be food served (via the In and Out burger truck) a pep rally, the drum lines from both schools,the cheerleaders,etc. Event Announcement and/or Flyers NOTE: If food is prepared on site or off-site and brought to the event location to be offered to the public,free or at cost,the vendor applicant must contact the Collin County Environmental Services Office in McKinney in order to inquire whether a Temporary/Short-Term Event Food Service/Health permit is required prior to the event. It is possible that a health inspector must examine food preparation and storage equipment to assure the health and safety of customers. Please contact the Environmental Services Specialist at 972-548-5528 or 972-548-5585. The Collin County website is www.collincountytx,gov. Sec. 78-105 of the City Code of Ordinances states: It shall be unlawful for any person to solicit for sale, vend, peddle, sell or offer to sell any cold drinks, cigars, tobacco, cigarettes, fruits, candies, goods, wares or merchandise of any kind or nature whatsoever within the municipal parks or recreation or community center facility; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to any person, organization,firms or corporations,or the agents of any person,or organization,firm or corporation, or employee of any person who are recommended by the Parks and Recreation Board and approved by the City Council to operate a concession or concessions for the sale of specified goods, wares, and merchandise within the municipal parks or recreation or community center facilities of the city. Signature Date* jit);ar-/W6-21,(Aer 06/24/2021 17 07/27/2021 Item C. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: Purchasing Account Code: 100-5511-52380 Prepared By: Glenna Hayes Subject Consider, and act upon, the approval of the purchase of Turf Chemicals and Micronutrients from various vendors in the estimated annual amount of $60,000.00 through a cooperative purchasing contract with BuyBoard Cooperative, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. Recommendation Motion to approve Item as presented. Discussion Staff recommends the purchase of various turf chemicals and micronutrients for the maintenance of City Parks from BWI Companies,Inc. and Turf Care of Texas LLC(and other vendors as awarded)through a cooperative purchasing contract with the BuyBoard Cooperative as providing the best overall value to the City. The City is authorized to purchase from a cooperative purchasing program with another local government or a local cooperative organization pursuant to Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code and Section 271 Subchapter F of the Local Government Code; and by doing so satisfies any State Law requiring local governments to seek competitive bids for items. Approval of this purchases will establish an annual agreement with renewals under BuyBoard#611-20/Wylie W2020-91-I. Financial Summary/Strategic Goals Page 1 of 1 18 07/27/2021 Item D. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: Finance Account Code: Prepared By: Melissa Beard Subject Consider, and place on file,the City of Wylie Monthly Investment Report for June 30,2021. Recommendation Motion to approve Item as presented. Discussion The Finance Department has prepared the attached reports for the City Council as required by the City Charter. Financial Summary/Strategic Goals Page 1 of 1 19 07/27/2021 Item D. 2020-2021 Investment Report June 30, 2021 Money Market Accounts: MMA Certificates of Deposit: CCD Treasury Bills: T-Bills Treasury Notes: T-Notes Government Agency Notes: AN Invest. Principal Type Of Interest Purchase Maturity Number Amount Security Rate Issuer Date Date 1 $15 400I 169.65 I MMA 0.0131% Texpool 12/31/2006 NA 2 $15,947,848.19 MMA 0.0100% TexStar 3/15/2011 NA $31,348,017.84 Total Weighted Average Coupon: 0.0115% Money Markets: $31,348 017.84 Weighted Average Maturity(Days): 1.00 Certificates of Deposits: $0.00 $31,348,017.84 Weighted Average Coupon 1.0o% 0 75% 0.50% 0 25% 0.00% Jun 2020 Jul 2020 Aug 2020 Sep 2020 Oct 2020 Nov 2020 Dec 2020 Jan 2021 Feb 2021 Mar 2021 April 2021 May 2021 June 2021 / 2.1 Fina ce Director/Investment Officer 20 07/27/2021 Item E. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: Finance Account Code: Prepared By: Melissa Beard Subject Consider, and place on file,the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for June 30, 2021. Recommendation I otion to approve Item as presented. Discussion The Finance Department has prepared the attached reports for the City Council as required by the City Charter. Financial Summary/Strategic Goals Page 1 of 1 21 07/27/2021 Item E. CITY OF WYLIE MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT June 30,2021 ANNUAL CURRENT YTD ACTUAL Benchmark BUDGET MONTH ACTUAL YTD ACTUAL AS A PERCENT 75.00% ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2020-2021 2020-2021 2020-2021 OF BUDGET GENERAL FUND REVENUE SUMMARY TAXES 32,899,113 672,403 31,280,853 95.08% A FRANCHISE FEES 2,840,000 10,133 1,867,075 65.74% LICENSES AND PERMITS 916,852 107,493 870,306 94.92% B INTERGOVERNMENTAL REV. 4,560,889 18,463 3,607,961 79.11% C SERVICE FEES 3,872,224 312,853 2,811,087 72.60% D FINES AND FORFEITURES 331,450 28,308 190,048 57.34% E INTEREST INCOME 25,000 1,528 13,249 53.00% F MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 203,647 10,261 147,127 72.25% OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 2,434,008 0 2,524,891 103.73% G REVENUES 48,083,183 1,161,442 43,312,597 90.08% USE OF FUND BALANCE 0 0 0 0.00% USE OF CARRY-FORWARD FUNDS 1,015,111 NA NA NA H TOTAL REVENUES 49,098,294 1,161,442 43,312,597 88.22% GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL 95,507 3,399 44,099 46.17% CITY MANAGER 1,150,874 77,448 761,912 66.20% CITY SECRETARY 405,556 19,894 255,771 63.07% CITY ATTORNEY 170,000 0 65,512 38.54% FINANCE 1,243,141 124,038 872,796 70.21% FACILITIES 904,390 47,597 543,805 60.13% MUNICIPAL COURT 518,534 35,682 269,980 52.07% HUMAN RESOURCES 723,207 51,552 446,424 61.73% PURCHASING 207,019 13,027 126,261 60.99% INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 2,006,817 89,085 1,184,032 59.00% EMERGENCY OPERATIONS 91,215 -12,362 78,853 86.45% 1 POLICE 11,248,324 708,572 7,600,804 67.57% FIRE 9,775,027 623,522 6,241,794 63.85% EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS 2,019,270 102,870 1,311,839 64.97% ANIMAL CONTROL 580,540 51,057 313,722 54.04% PLANNING 324,384 19,229 203,946 62.87% BUILDING INSPECTION 586,632 39,586 397,460 67.75% CODE ENFORCEMENT 258,180 15,806 150,737 58.38% STREETS 4,483,147 220,723 1,567,854 34.97% PARKS 2,602,025 212,997 1,600,235 61.50% LIBRARY 2,067,736 134,761 1,309,897 63.35% COMBINED SERVICES 5,234,999 293,205 2,905,696 55.51% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 46,696,524 2,871,688 28,253,429 60.50% REVENUES OVER/(UNDER)EXPENDITURES 2,401,770 -1,710,246 15,059,168 27.72% A.Property Tax Collections for FY20-21 as of June 30,2021 are 100%,in comparison to FY19-20 for the same time period of 99.25%. Sales tax is on a 2 month lag and seven months of revenue has been recorded. June 2021 was up 21%compared to June 2020. B.Licenses and Permits are up 18.6%from June YTD 2020. New Dwelling permit revenue is up 51%compared to June YTD 2020 mostly due to the new fee structure that was approved recently. C.Intergovernmental Rev: The majority of intergovernmental revenues come from WISD reimbursements and Fire Services which are billed quarterly.Includes funds for CARES funding that were transferred to General Fund. D.Service Fees:Trash fees billed in October are applicable towards FY 2019-20 revenue with the remaining fees coming from other seasonal fees. E. Fines and Forfeitures are up12.6°%from June YTD 2020 which is a continued correction to the decreasing trend in fines. F. The Interest rate has declined from.20%in July 2020 when budget was prepared to.0115%for June 2021. G.Yearly transfer from Utility Fund. Also,includes insurance recoveries from the ice storm for$15,443 and auction proceeds or$93,287. H. Largest Carry Forward items: Energov Software$225,450,Rowlett Creek Dam Improvements$110,000.Stone Road Rehab Project$300,000 I. Winter Storm expenses-moved$12,362 to 4B Sales Tax Fund to match expense with insurance recoveries recorded. 22 07/27/2021 Item E. CITY OF WYLIE MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT June 30,2021 ANNUAL CURRENT YTD ACTUAL Benchmark BUDGET MONTH ACTUAL YTD ACTUAL AS A PERCENT 75.00% ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2020-2021 2020-2021 2020-2021 OF BUDGET UTILITY FUND REVENUES SUMMARY SERVICE FEES 23,921,619 1,889,524 14,747,020 61.65% J INTEREST INCOME 18,000 748 6,288 34.93% MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 33,000 1,410 149,937 454.35% K OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 3,718 0 3,718 0.00% L REVENUES 23,976,337 1,891,682 14,906,963 62.17% USE OF FUND BALANCE 0 NA 0 0 USE OF CARRY-FORWARD FUNDS 1,040,244 NA NA NA M TOTAL REVENUES 25,016,581 NA 14,906,963 59.59% UTILITY FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY UTILITY ADMINISTRATION 1,362,604 56,763 601,826 44.17% UTILITIES-WATER 4,597,681 132,082 1,212,040 26.36% UTILITIES-SEWER 1,397,505 88,722 751,497 53.77% UTILITY BILLING 1,181,354 58,556 631,119 53.42% COMBINED SERVICES 15,425,292 1,845,585 12,658,817 82.07% N TOTAL EXPENDITURES 23,964,436 2,181,708 15,855,299 66.16% REVENUES OVER/(UNDER)EXPENDITURES 1,052,145 -290,026 -948,336 -6.57% J.Most Utility Fund Revenue billed in October was applicable to FY 2019-20.Water revenue is at 55%for 8 months compared to 2020's 51%. FY2020 water revenue was at 108%at year end.Sewer revenue is tracking at 75%for 8 months. K.NTMWD settlement of$68,400 and$22K for the scrap water meters plus$45K for gain on sales of vehicles and land. L.Insurance recovery from stolen brass fittings. M.Largest Carry Forward items: Energov Software$150,300,Pump Station Backup Generators$601,370,WW Treatment Plant Decommissioning Design$100,000 N.Annual transfer to the General Fund of$2.4 million. Other expenses are payments to NTMWD for water minimum and sewer treatment. 23 07/27/2021 Item F. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: WEDC Account Code: Prepared By: Jason Greiner Subject Consider,and place on file,the monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of June 30,2021. Recommendation I otion to approve Item as presented. Discussion The Wylie Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) Board of Directors approved the attached financials on July 21, 2021. Financial Summary/Strategic Goals Page 1 of 1 24 07/27/2021 Item F. Wylie Economic Development Corporation MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT June 30,2021 ANNUAL CURRENT PRIOR YEAR PO YTD YTD ACTUAL BUDGET BALANCE %OF BUDGET BUDGET MONTH ADJUST. ENCUMBRANCE ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION FY 2020-2021 FY 2020-2021 FY 2020-2021 FY 2020-2021 REVENUE SUMMARY CLAIM ON CASH/Bal Sheet $ 1,407,509.00 $ 2,563,972.97 SALES TAX $ 2,968,437.00 $ 290,586.92 $ - $ 2,124,244.27 $ - $ 844,192.73 71.56% A ALLOCATED INTEREST EARNING: $ 6,000.00 $ 110.99 $ - $ 780.49 $ - $ 5,219.51 13.01% RENTAL INCOME $ 153,240.00 $ 10,335.00 $ - $ 96,545.00 $ - $ 56,695.00 63.00% GAIN/LOSS-SALE OF PROPERTY $ 164,500.00 $ - $ - $ (31,208.00) $ - $ 195,708.00 -18.97% INSURANCE RECOVERIES $ 54,545.27 $ - $ - $ 40,614.11 $ - $ 13,931.16 74.46% REVENUES $ 3,346,722.27 $ 301,032.91 $ - $2,230,975.87 $ - $ 1,115,746.40 66.66% EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PERSONNEL $ 336,516.00 $ 23,678.80 $ - $ 230,790.75 $ - $ 105,725.25 68.58% OPERATING EXPENSES $ 111,551.27 $ 4,840.16 $ - $ 39,276.51 $ 418.57 $ 71,856.19 35.58% B INCENTIVES $ 1,130,310.00 $ - $ - $ 567,131.55 $ 17,433.00 $ 545,745.45 51.72% SPECIAL SERVICES $ 112,678.00 $ 1,327.89 $ - $ 71,156.37 $ 2,062.87 $ 39,458.76 64.98% ADVERTISING $ 114,100.00 $ 5,647.87 $ - $ 34,470.62 $ - $ 79,629.38 30.21% COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $ 44,550.00 $ 4,651.50 $ - $ 14,568.09 $ - $ 29,981.91 32.70% TRAVEL&TRAINING $ 62,600.00 $ 2,256.80 $ - $ 10,249.53 $ - $ 52,350.47 16.37% DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS $ 30,018.00 $ 3,562.51 $ - $ 25,028.32 $ 748.00 $ 4,241.68 85.87% AUDIT&LEGAL $ 33,000.00 $ 1,677.00 $ - $ 10,083.50 $ - $ 22,916.50 30.56% ENGINEERING&ARCHITECTURAL $ 87,500.00 $ 3,613.85 $ - $ 43,311.63 $ - $ 44,188.37 49.50% DEBT SERVICE $ 541,878.00 $ 37,466.00 $ - $ 432,184.51 $ - $ 109,693.49 79.76% LAND $ 78,540.00 $ - $ - $ 78,540.00 $ - $ - 100.00% INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS $ 1,888,680.00 $ - $ - $ 189,180.00 $ - $ 1,699,500.00 10.02% FURNITURE&FIXTURES $ 2,500.00 $ - $ - $ 797.00 $ - $ 1,703.00 31.88% CONTRA CAPITAL $ - $ - $ - $ (78,540.00) $ - $ 78,540.00 0.00% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 4,574,421.27 $ 88,722.38 $ - $1,668,228.38 $ 20,662.44 $ 2,885,530.45 36.92% REV OVER/(UNDER) EXPEN $(1,227,699.00) $ 212,310.53 $ - $ 562,747.49 $ (20,662.44) $ (1,769,784.05) A. SLSTX Rev earned in April,allocated in June,was$290,586.92,an increase of 21.41%over the same period in 2020. Sales Tax received for 7 months of FY due to 2 month accrual to prior FY. Updated Sales Tax projections for this FY:$3,715,653 B.Operating Expenses include Supplies,Maint Materials,Rental,Communication,Insurance and Utilities. 25 07/27/2021 Item F. Wylie Economic Development Corporation Statement of Net Position As of June 30,2021 Assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 2,776,314.74 Receivables $ 60,000.00 Note 1 Inventories $ 12,106,477.50 Prepaid Items $ - Total Assets $ 14,942,792.24 Deferred Outflows of Resources Pensions $ 95,608.55 Total deferred outflows of resources $ 95,608.55 Liabilities Accounts Payable and other current liabilities $ 40,469.41 Unearned Revenue $ 1,200.00 Note 2 Non current liabilities: Due within one year $ 118,605.05 Note 3 Due in more than one year $ 5,090,479.60 Total Liabilities $ 5,250,754.06 Deferred Inflows of Resources Pensions $ (47,711.41) Total deferred inflows of resources $ (47,711.41) Net Position Net investment in capital assets $ - Unrestricted $ 9,835,358.14 Total Net Position $ 9,835,358.14 Note 1: Includes incentives in the form of forgivable loans for$60,000(LUV-ROS) Note 2: Deposits from rental property Note 3: Liabilities due within one year includes compensated absences of$20,727 26 7-14-2021 04:38 PM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: JUNE 30TH, 2021 07/27/2021 Item F. 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS 1000-10110 CLAIM ON CASH AND CASH EQUIV. 2,774,314.74 1000-10115 CASH - WEDC - INWOOD 0.00 1000-10135 ESCROW 0.00 1000-10180 DEPOSITS 2,000.00 1000-10198 OTHER - MISC CLEARING 0.00 1000-10341 TEXPOOL 0.00 1000-10343 LOGIC 0.00 1000-10481 INTEREST RECEIVABLE 0.00 1000-11511 ACCTS REC - MISC 0.00 1000-11517 ACCTS REC - SALES TAX 0.00 1000-12810 LEASE PAYMENTS RECEIVABLE 0.00 1000-12950 LOAN PROCEEDS RECEIVABLE 0.00 1000-12996 LOAN RECEIVABLE 0.00 1000-12997 ACCTS REC - JTM TECH 0.00 1000-12998 ACCTS REC - FORGIVEABLE LOANS 60,000.00 1000-14112 INVENTORY - MATERIAL/ SUPPLY 0.00 1000-14116 INVENTORY - LAND & BUILDINGS 12,106,477.50 1000-14118 INVENTORY - BAYCO/ SANDEN BLVD 0.00 1000-14310 PREPAID EXPENSES - MISC 0.00 1000-14410 DEFERRED OUTFLOWS 536,449.00 15,479,241.24 TOTAL ASSETS 15,479,241.24 LIABILITIES 2000-20110 FEDERAL INCOME TAX PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20111 MEDICARE PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20112 CHILD SUPPORT PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20113 CREDIT UNION PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20114 IRS LEVY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20115 NATIONWIDE DEFERRED COMP 0.00 2000-20116 HEALTH INSUR PAY-EMPLOYEE 35.71 2000-20117 TMRS PAYABLE 1,331.95 2000-20118 ROTH IRA PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20119 WORKERS COMP PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20120 FICA PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20121 TEC PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20122 STUDENT LOAN LEVY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20123 ALIMONY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20124 BANKRUPTCY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20125 VALIC DEFERRED COMP 0.00 2000-20126 ICMA PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20127 EMP. LEGAL SERVICES PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20130 FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNT 6,812.34 2000-20131 EDWARD JONES DEFERRED COMP 0.00 2000-20132 EMP CARE FLITS 12.00 2000-20151 ACCRUED WAGES PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20180 ADDIT EMPLOYEE INSUR PAY 12.04 2000-20199 MISC PAYROLL PAYABLE 0.00 27 7-14-2021 04:38 PM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 2 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: JUNE 30TH, 2021 07/27/2021 Item F. 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP ACCOUNT# TITLE 2000-20201 AP PENDING 0.00 2000-20210 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 32,265.37 2000-20530 PROPERTY TAXES PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20540 NOTES PAYABLE 536,449.00 2000-20810 DUE TO GENERAL FUND 0.00 2000-22270 DEFERRED INFLOW 0.00 2000-22275 DEF INFLOW - LEASE PRINCIPAL 0.00 2000-22280 DEFERRED INFLOW - LEASE INT 0.00 2000-22915 RENTAL DEPOSITS 1,200.00 TOTAL LIABILITIES 578,118.41 EQUITY 3000-34110 FUND BALANCE - RESERVED 0.00 3000-34590 FUND BALANCE-UNRESERV/UNDESIG 14,338,375.34 TOTAL BEGINNING EQUITY 14,338,375.34 TOTAL REVENUE 2,230,975.87 TOTAL EXPENSES 1,668,228.38 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES 562,747.49 TOTAL EQUITY & OVER/(UNDER) 14,901,122.83 TOTAL LIABILITIES, EQUITY & OVER/(UNDER) 15,479,241.24 28 7-14-2021 04:38 PM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: JUNE 30TH, 2021 07/27/2021 Item F. 922-GEN LONG TERM DEBT (WEDC) ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS 1000-10312 GOVERNMENT NOTES 0.00 1000-18110 LOAN - WEDC 0.00 1000-18120 LOAN - BIRMINGHAM 0.00 1000-18210 AMOUNT TO BE PROVIDED 0.00 1000-18220 BIRMINGHAM LOAN 0.00 1000-19050 DEF OUTFLOW TMRS CONTRIBUTIONS 37,997.29 1000-19051 DEF OUTFLOW SDBF CONTRIBUTIONS 1,800.00 1000-19075 DEF OUTFLOW - INVESTMENT EXP 0.48 1000-19100 DEF OUTFLOW - ACT EXP/ASSUMP 55,810.78 1000-19125 (GAIN)/LOSS ON ASSUMPTION CHG( 46,839.41) 1000-19126 DEF INFLOW SDBF CONTRIBUTIONS( 872.00) 47,897.14 TOTAL ASSETS 47,897.14 LIABILITIES 2000-20310 COMPENSATED ABSENCES PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20311 COMP ABSENCES PAYABLE-CURRENT 20,727.84 2000-21410 ACCRUED INTEREST PAYABLE 8,803.17 2000-28205 WEDC LOANS/CURRENT 89,074.04 2000-28220 BIRMINGHAM LOAN 0.00 2000-28230 INWOOD LOAN 0.00 2000-28232 ANB LOAN/EDGE 0.00 2000-28233 ANB LOAN/PEDDICORD WHITE 0.00 2000-28234 ANB LOAN/RANDACK HUGHES 0.00 2000-28235 ANB LOAN 0.00 2000-28236 ANB CONSTRUCTION LOAN 0.00 2000-28237 ANB LOAN/ WOODBRIDGE PARKWAY 0.00 2000-28238 ANB LOAN/BUCHANAN 0.00 2000-28239 ANB LOAN/JONES:HOBART PAYOFF 0.00 2000-28240 HUGHES LOAN 0.00 2000-28242 ANB LOAN/HWY 78:5TH ST REDEV 4,067,890.31 2000-28245 ANB LOAN/DALLAS WHIRLPOOL 640,776.23 2000-28247 JARRARD LOAN 174,168.89 2000-28250 CITY OF WYLIE LOAN 0.00 2000-28260 PRIME KUTS LOAN 0.00 2000-28270 BOWLAND/ANDERSON LOAN 0.00 2000-28280 CAPITAL ONE CAZAD LOAN 0.00 2000-28290 HOBART/COMMERCE LOAN 0.00 2000-29150 NET PENSION LIABILITY 199,184.17 2000-29151 SDBF LIABILITY 8,460.00 TOTAL LIABILITIES 5,209,084.65 29 7-14-2021 04:38 PM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 2 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: JUNE 30TH, 2021 07/27/2021 Item F. 922-GEN LONG TERM DEBT (WEDC) ACCOUNT# TITLE EQUITY 3000-34590 FUND BALANCE-UNRESERV/UNDESIG( 5,317,765.74) 3000-35900 UNRESTRICTED NET POSITION ( 120,264.00) TOTAL BEGINNING EQUITY ( 5,438,029.74) TOTAL REVENUE 0.00 TOTAL EXPENSES ( 276,842.23) REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES 276,842.23 TOTAL EQUITY & OVER/(UNDER) ( 5,161,187.51) TOTAL LIABILITIES, EQUITY & OVER/(UNDER) 47,897.14 30 07/27/2021 Item F. Wylie Economic Development Corporation SALES TAX REPORT June 30, 2021 BUDGETED YEAR DIFF % DIFF MONTH FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 20 vs. 21 20 vs. 21 DECEMBER $ 184,848.59 $ 214,867.15 $ 226,663.94 $ 235,381.33 $ 8,717.39 3.85% JANUARY $ 191,895.71 $ 223,749.61 $ 218,520.22 $ 262,263.52 $ 43,743.30 20.02% FEBRUARY $ 275,667.83 $ 307,366.66 $ 362,129.18 $ 456,571.35 $ 94,442.17 26.08% MARCH $ 182,852.50 $ 208,222.32 $ 228,091.34 $ 257,187.91 $ 29,096.57 12.76% APRIL $ 163,484.89 $ 182,499.53 $ 203,895.57 $ 221,881.55 $ 17,985.98 8.82% MAY $ 203,707.17 $ 274,299.18 $ 289,224.35 $ 400,371.70 $ 111,147.35 38.43% JUNE $ 199,412.29 $ 234,173.88 $ 239,340.35 $ 290,586.92 $ 51,246.57 21.41% JULY $ 213,976.64 $ 215,107.94 $ 296,954.00 AUGUST $ 249,589.63 $ 283,602.93 $ 325,104.34 SEPTEMBER $ 213,425.79 $ 243,048.40 $ 259,257.89 OCTOBER $ 210,701.71 $ 224,875.38 $ 249,357.02 NOVEMBER $ 273,196.62 $ 308,324.41 $ 384,953.89 Sub-Total $ 2,562,759.35 $ 2,920,137.37 $ 3,283,492.09 $ 2,124,244.28 $ 356,379.32 18.77% Total $ 2,562,759.35 $ 2,920,137.37 $ 3,283,492.09 $ 2,124,244.28 $ 356,379.32 18.77% WEDC Sales Tax Analysis $500,000 $450,000 $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 2020 $200,000 ■2021 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $0 e� c� c� e�o a�a Fe��a 4,a PC ,J J� Q ec\p ©�;oo o �o c """Sales Tax collections typically take 2 months to be reflected as Revenue. SIsTx receipts are then accrued back 2 months. Example:June SIsTx Revenue is actually April SIsTx and is therefore the 7th allocation in FY21. 31 07/27/2021 Item F. Wylie Economic Development Corporation PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT REPORT June 30,2021 TOTAL BUDGETED YEAR REMAINING PREVIOUS FY TOTAL INCENTIVE AFTER PAYMENTS INCENTIVE PERFORMANCE AGREEMENTS FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 CURRENT FY CSD WOODBRIDGE $ 1,100,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 41,257.82 $ - $ - $ 191,257.82 $ 758,742.18 $ 1,100,000.00 A EXCO $ 80,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 80,000.00 $ 80,000.00 B SAF-HOLLAND $ 239,792.48 $ 85,810.58 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 153,981.90 $ 239,792.48 C SCSD-FINNELL $ 175,000.00 $ 87,500.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 87,500.00 $ 175,000.00 CROSS DEVELOPMENT $ 250,000.00 $ 250,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 250,000.00 WYLIE INSURANCE $ 27,500.00 $ 27,500.00 ,, $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 27,500.00 D WB REAL ESTATE $ 13,149.00 $ 13,149.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 13,149.00 FIRST MIRACLE $ 11,800.00 $ 11,800.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 11,800.00 CARDINAL STRATEGIES $ 106,800.00 $ 24,933.00 $ 24,933.00 $ 24,934.00 $ - $ - $ 49,867,00 $ 32,000.00 $ 106,800.00 CBC PROPERTY HOLDINGS $ 50,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ 25,000,00 $ - $ 50,000.00 AVANTI,LLC $ 120,000.00 $ 60,000,00 $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ - $ - $ 00,000,00 $ - $ 120,000.00 SAVANNAH WOODBRIDGE $ 90,000.00 $ 45,000.00 $ 45,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ 45,000,00 $ - $ 90,000.00 BALLERS ELITE-THE LAB,LLC $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 20,000.00 AMERICAN ENTITLEMENTS $ 33,000.00 $ 11.000.00 $ 11,000.00 $ 11,000.00 $ - $ - $ 22,000.00 $ - $ 33,000.00 NORTH DALLAS WYLIE LAND $ 120,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ - $ 60,000.00 $ - $ 120,000.00 GDA INVESTMENTS $ 30,500.00 $ - $ 20,000.00 $ 10,500.00 $ - $ - $ 30,500.00 $ - $ 30,500.00 LUV-ROS $ 10,000.00 $ - $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ - $ - $ 10.000.00 $ - $ 10,000.00 E $ 2,761,044.61 $ 871,692.58 $ 330,933.00 $ 142,691.82 $ 20,000.00 $ - $ 493,624.82 $ 1,395,727.21 $ 2,761,044.61 Deferred Out Flow $ 536,449.00 A. SLSTX Reimbursement Qrtly Pmnts B. Performance Agreeement and Forgiveable Land Grant. Paid remaining$70,000 in early 2021. C. Performance Agreeement and Partial Tax Reimbursement.$45,000 for Job Creation&50%Reimb.of App Val.above the Baseline of$14,375,324 D. Performance Agreeement Obligations were met in FY21,so the FY22 payment was pulled forward. E. Performance Agreeement($10,000)and Forgiveable Land Grant($60,000 forgiven over 3 years).$20,000/year in 2021,2022,&2023. 32 07/27/2021 Item G. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: Purchasing Account Code: 100-5511-52380 Prepared By: Glenna Hayes Subject Consider, and act upon, the award of bid #W2021-88-A for Parks and Recreation Outdoor Litter & Restroom Service to PureService Corporation in the estimated annual amount of$76,030.00, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. Recommendation Motion to approve Item as presented. Discussion This contract provides litter control and restroom cleaning services for various neighborhood parks and athletic complexes. These services will include 10 neighborhood parks and Community and Founders athletic complexes six days a week from February 15th-December 14th annually.During the winter months of December 15th-February 14th the contract will provide services for two days a week. Staff issued a competitive sealed bid, and received two (2) submissions. The award methodology was lowest responsive, responsible bidder and staff reviewed the low bidder's financial stability, equipment and staffing,work history, and previous performance to determine compliance. The current FY 2020/2021 budget for this contract is$65,000.00 annually. The lowest bid received was $76,030.00 for the same services rendered under the current contract; with price increases due primarily to labor expenses. This is approximately a 15%increase from the current budgeted amount, and Staff has also adjusted the FY 2021/2022 budget. Staff recommends the award of an annual contract with renewals to Pureservice Corporation in the estimated annual amount of$76,030.00 as providing the best overall value to the City. Award of this bid will establish an annual agreement with renewals; Wylie#W2021-88-B. Financial Summary/Strategic Goals Page 1 of 1 33 07/27/2021 Item H. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: Planning Account Code: Prepared By: Jasen Haskins,AICP Subject Consider, and act upon, authorizing the City Manager to sign a Development Agreement, between the City of Wylie, 2819 West FM544 Ventures, LLC, and MMGC DBR DFW, LLC regarding the use of building materials for a commercial development on 1.022 acres,property located at 2817 FM 544. Recommendation Motion to approve Item as presented. Discussion The applicant(MMGC DBR DFW, LLC aka Dutch Bros) and the current land owner(2819 West FM544 Ventures, LLC) has requested to enter into a development agreement with the City of Wylie regarding the use of building materials for a commercial development located at 2817 FM 544. In order to maintain the standards of the existing development, and as a part of the overall development agreement, the applicant is proposing to add a separate building materials agreement in accordance with Texas State Law Sec 3000.002(d). The proposed development agreement,signed by the applicant,states that the developer will voluntarily abide by the building materials standards of the City of Wylie Zoning Ordinance.At the request of the current property owner,the agreement also states that should Dutch Bros not close on the property by September 7, 2021 then the DA is rescinded. Otherwise the DA remains in full force and effect. A separate zoning request (SUP) for this proposed development is on this agenda for consideration. Approval of this authorization is not an approval of any requested zoning change. Financial Summary/Strategic Goals N/A Page 1 of 1 34 07/27/2021 Item H. NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY RIGHTS: IF YOU ARE A NATURAL PERSON,YOU MAY REMOVE OR STRIKE ANY OR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FROM ANY INSTRUMENT THAT TRANSFERS AN INTEREST IN REAL PROPERTY BEFORE IT IS FILED FOR RECORD IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS: YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER OR YOUR DRIVERS'LICENSE NUMBER. After Recording Return to: City of Wylie Attention: City Manager 300 Country Club Road Wylie,Texas 75098 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AMONG 2819 WEST FM544 VENTURES, LLC, MMCG DBR DFW,LLC AND THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS This DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into by and among the CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, a home-rule municipality ("Wylie"), and 2819 WEST FM544 VENTURES, LLC, a Texas limited liability company ("Developer"), and MMCG DBR DFW, LLC, a Texas limited liability company ("Dutch Bros Coffee Shop Developer"). Wylie, Developer and Dutch Bros Coffee Shop Developer are each referred to herein as a "party" or collectively as the "parties." WHEREAS, Developer warrants that it is the sole owner of that certain tract of land situated in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, consisting of 1.02 acres in total in McCords Little Six Subdivision, generally located at 2817-2819 W. FM 544,Wylie, Texas 75098, and more particularly described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes (the "Property"); and WHEREAS, Developer and Dutch Bros Coffee Shop Developer have entered into a Real Estate Purchase Agreement dated effective as of June 11, 2020 (the "Purchase Contract"), and in connection with the purchase of the Property by Dutch Bros Coffee Shop Developer, Developer and Dutch Bros Coffee Shop Developer are pursuing the issuance of a'Special Use Permit for purposes of allowing the use of the Property as a restaurant with drive-in or drive-through service to be operated under the name Dutch Bros Coffee Shop; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto agree that all of the rights and obligations under this Agreement are conditioned upon and subject to Dutch Bros Coffee Shop Developer becoming the owner of the Property on or before September 7, 2021; and WHEREAS, Developer, Dutch Bros Coffee Shop Developer and Wylie acknowledge that Wylie has adopted certain standards for building products and materials and aesthetic methods in the construction, renovation,maintenance and alteration of buildings in Wylie; and WHEREAS, subject to the terms, conditions and limitations set forth in the Agreement, Dutch Bros Coffee Shop Developer desires to voluntarily consent to complying with Wylie's standards for building products and materials and aesthetic methods, as referenced in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes (collectively, "Building Materials Standards"), on behalf of itself and its successors and assigns, in the construction, renovation, Development Agreement—Dutch Bros.Coffee Building Materials Standards Page 1 of 16 3446157 35 07/27/2021 Item H. maintenance and alteration of all buildings to be built in the future on the Property, regardless of whether the Property develops as the parties desire or intend or not; and WHEREAS, Wylie hereby designates the Property for its cultural or architectural importance and significance pursuant to Section 3000.002(d) of the Texas Government Code; and WHEREAS, the parties agree that they enter into this Agreement pursuant to Section 3000.002(d) of the Texas Government Code with the full understanding and intent that Wylie will have the right, but not the obligation,to enforce the Building Materials Standards on the Property as of the Effective Date (hereinafter defined) of this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Wylie City Council has investigated and determined that it would be advantageous and beneficial to Wylie and its citizens to enter into this Agreement on the terms and conditions set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and conditions contained in this Agreement, Wylie and Developer agree as follows: 1. Incorporation of Recitals. The representations, covenants and recitations set forth in the forth in the foregoing recitals of this Agreement are true and correct, are incorporated into the body of this Agreement. 2. Land Subject to Agreement. The land that is subject to this Agreement is the Property. Developer represents and warrants that Developer is the sole owner of the Property as of the Effective Date of this Agreement. 3. Building Materials Standards. (a) In the construction,renovation,maintenance and alteration of any existing or future building on the Property, the then-current owner of the Property shall not use or install, or permit the use or installation of, any building product or material or aesthetic method that does not comply with the Building Materials Standards, notwithstanding any conflicting provision of Chapter 3000 of the Texas Government Code, as it exists or may be amended. Developer and Dutch Bros Coffee Shop Developer voluntarily consent to this Agreement and Dutch Bros Coffee Shop Developer agrees to comply with this Agreement and the Building Materials Standards in the construction, renovation, maintenance and alteration of any building on the Property. (b) Before commencement of construction, renovation, maintenance or alteration of any building on the Property on or after the Effective Date of this Agreement, the then-current owner of the Property shall impose deed restrictions on the Property, incorporating the requirements of this Agreement. As a condition of Wylie's issuance of any building permits on the Property, the then-current owner of the Property shall submit to Wylie the proposed deed restrictions in compliance with this Agreement. The deed restrictions must be approved, in writing, by the Wylie Development Agreement—Dutch Bros.Coffee Building Materials Standards Page 2 of 16 3446157 36 07/27/2021 Item H. City Planner. Wylie is entitled to withhold building permits on the Property (in addition to any other remedy available to Wylie) in the event that the then-current owner of the Property has not obtained such written approval. Once approved, the then-current owner of the Property shall record the approved deed restrictions in the Real Property Records of Collin County,Texas. The approved deed restrictions may not be amended, terminated or otherwise modified after Wylie's approval thereof without the prior written consent of the Wylie City Planner. Wylie shall be a third-party beneficiary of the approved deed restrictions,and Wylie shall have the right but not the obligation to enforce this Agreement and the approved deed restrictions, as they exist or may be amended. (c) Wylie designates the Property for its cultural or architectural importance and significance pursuant to Section 3000.002(d) of the Texas Government Code. Developer and Dutch Bros Coffee Shop Developer voluntarily consent and agree to such designation upon such transfer of the Property to Dutch Bros Coffee Shop Developer. Developer and Dutch Bros Coffee Shop Developer voluntarily waive any rights or protections that may exist under Chapter 3000 of the Texas Government Code, as it exists or may be amended, with respect to any existing or future building on the Property, and further agree that Wylie's right to enforce the Building Materials Standards arise from this Agreement and not from a rule,charter provision,ordinance,order,building code or other regulation of Wylie. The parties agree that Wylie is entitled to amend, revise, supplement and otherwise modify the Building Materials Standards in Wylie's sole discretion. 4. Default. (a) If an owner of the Property fails to comply with any provision of this Agreement, and such failure is not cured within thirty(30)days after Wylie sends written notice of such failure,then Wylie shall have the following remedies,in addition to Wylie's other rights and remedies: (i) to file this instrument in the Real Property Records of Collin County,Texas as a lien or encumbrance on the Property; (ii) to refuse to accept any portion of any public improvements on the Property or associated with the development of the Property; (iii) to refuse to issue building permits for any building on the Property; (iv) to refuse to issue a Certificate of Occupancy for any building on the Property; (v) to require the then-current owner of the Property, or a portion thereof, and/or a contractor thereof to immediately cease the construction, renovation, maintenance and/or alteration of a building on the Property; and/or Development Agreement—Dutch Bros.Coffee Building Materials Standards Page 3 of 16 3446157 37 07/27/2021 Item H. (vi) to seek specific enforcement of this Agreement. (b) If Wylie fails to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and such failure is not cured within thirty (30) days after Wylie receives written notice of such failure, then the then-current owner of the Property may seek specific enforcement of this Agreement as such owner's sole and exclusive remedy. 5. Limitation of Liability. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein,the parties agree and acknowledge that Wylie shall not,under any circumstance,be required to tender,or be liable to any party for, any credit or reimbursement of, or payment of any monies, with regard to the matters set forth herein. 6. Covenant Running with the Land. This Agreement shall be a covenant running with the land and Property, and shall be binding on the Developer, Dutch Bros Coffee Shop Developer and their respective successors and assigns. Upon any sell or transfer of title to the Property, all of the rights, obligations and liabilities under this Agreement shall pass to the new owner of the Property, and, upon such sale or transfer, such prior owner shall be released from any obligations or liabilities hereunder accruing or otherwise resulting from any acts or omissions of any subsequent owner of the Property from and after the date of such sale or transfer, and Wylie agrees to look solely to such successor in interest for the performance of such obligations. Wylie shall cause this Agreement to be filed in the Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas. 7. Limitations of Agreement. Wylie ordinances covering property taxes, utility rates, permit fees, inspection fees,tree mitigation fees, impact fees, development fees,tap fees,pro-rata fees and the like are not affected by this Agreement. Further, this Agreement does not waive or limit any of the obligations of any party to Wylie under any ordinance, whether now existing or in the future arising. 8. Notices. Any notice provided or permitted to be given under this Agreement must be in writing and may be served by depositing same in the United States Mail, addressed to the Party to be notified, postage pre-paid and registered or certified with return receipt requested;by facsimile; by electronic mail,with documentation evidencing the addressee's receipt thereof., or by delivering the same in person to such Party a via hand-delivery service, or any courier service that provides a return receipt showing the date of actual delivery of same to the addressee thereof. Notice given in accordance herewith shall be effective upon receipt at the address of the addressee. For purposes of notification, the addresses of the parties shall be as follows: If to Wylie, addressed to it at: City of Wylie Attention: City Manager 300 Country Club Road Wylie, Texas 75098 Telephone: (972) 516-6000 Development Agreement—Dutch Bros.Coffee Building Materials Standards Page 4 of 16 3446157 38 07/27/2021 Item H. Facsimile: Email: with a copy to: Abernathy, Roeder,Boyd&Hallett, P.C. Attention:Ryan D. Pittman 1700 Redbud Blvd., Suite 300 McKinney,Texas 75069 Telephone: Facsimile: Email: If to Developer, addressed to Developer at: 2819 West FM 544 Venture, TLC Attn:Robert L. Myers 8100 Lorno Alto Dr.,Suite 2 H Dallas, TX 75225 Telephone: Email: with a copy to: Hallett&Perrin, RC. Attn: Craig A.Thompson I 445 Ross Avenue, Suite 2400 Dallas,Texas 75202 Telephone: Email: with a copy to: Main&Main Capital Group, LLC Attn: Eric Reed 5750 Genesis Ct., Suite 103 Frisco,Texas 75034 Telephone: Email: If to Dutch Bros Coffee Shop Developer, addressed to Dutch Bros Coffee Shop Developer at: MMCG DBR DEW, LLC Attn: Erie Reed 5750 Genesis Ct., Suite 103 Frisco,Texas 75034 Telephone: Email: with a copy to: Development Agreement—Dutch Bros.Coffee Building Materials Standards Page 5 of 16 3446157 39 07/27/2021 Item H. Robert M. Clark & Associates., P.0 Attn:Robert M Clark 5'75:0 Genesis Ct., Suite 103 Frisco, Texas 75034 Telephone:Email: 'MEM 9. Indemnity. (a) THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY SHALL RELEASE,DEFEND,INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS WYLIE FROM AND AGAINST ALL DAMAGES, INJURIES (INCLUDING DEATH), CLAIMS, PROPERTY DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOSS OF USE), LOSSES, DEMANDS,SUITS,JUDGMENTS AND COSTS,INCLUDING REASONABLE ATTORNEY'S FEES AND EXPENSES (INCLUDING.ATTORNEY'S FEES AND EXPENSES INCURRED IN ENFORCING THIS INDEMNITY) CAUSED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, BY THE NEGLIGENT, GROSSLY NEGLIGENT OR INTENTIONALLY WRONGFUL ACT OR OMISSION OF ANY DEVELOPER OR ANY OF EACH DEVELOPER'S OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, PARTNERS CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, EMPLOYEES, REPRESENTATIVES, AGENTS, SUCCESSORS, ASSIGNEES, VENDORS, GRANTEES, TRUSTEES, LICENSEES, INVITEES OR ANY OTHER THIRD PARTY 'FOR WHOM DEVELOPER IS LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE, IN ITSMIEIR PERFORMANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT, REGARDLESS OF THE JOINT OR CONCURRENT NEGLIGENCE OF WYLIE (HEREINAFTER "CLAIMS"). DEVELOPER IS EXPRESSLY REQUIRED TO DEFEND WYLIE AGAINST ALL SUCH CLAIMS. (b) IN ITS SOLE DISCRETION,WYLIE SHALL HAVE THE RIGI IT TO APPROVE OR SELECT' DEFENSE COUNSEL TO BE RETAINED BY DEVELOPER IN FULFILLING EACH DEVELOPER'S OBLIGATION HEREUNDER TO DEFEND AND INDEMNIFY WYLIE, UNLESS SUCH RIGHT IS EXPRESSLY WAIVED BY WYLIE IN WRITING. WYLIE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO PROVIDE A PORTION OR ALL OF ITS OWN DEFENSE; HOWEVER, WYLIE IS UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO DO SO. ANY SUCH ACTION BY WYLIE IS NOT TO IRE CONSTRUED AS A WAIVER OF ANY DEVELOPER'S OBLIGATION TO DEFEND WYLIE OR AS A WAIVER OF ANY DEVELOPER'S OBLIGATION 'FO INDEMNIFY WYLIE PURSUANT TO THIS. AGREEMENT. EACH DEVELOPER SHALL RETAIN WYLIE-APPROVED DEFENSE COUNSEL WITHIN SEVEN (7) BUSINESS DAYS OF WYLIE'S WRITTEN NOTICE THAT WYLIE IS INVOKING ITS RIGHT TO INDEMNIFICATION UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, IF ANY DEVELOPER FAILS TO RETAIN COUNSEL WITHIN SUCH TIME PERIOD, WYLIE SHAIA,HAVE THE RIGHT TO RETAIN DEFENSE COUNSEL ON ITS OWN BEHALF, AND EACH DEVELOPER SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ALL COSTS INCURRED BY WYLIE. (c) THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS CREA.TED BY THIS SECTION SHALL SURVIVE THE TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT.. Development Agreement Dutch Bros. Coffee Building Materials Standards Page 6 of 16 3446157 40 07/27/2021 Item H. 10. Acknowledgement of Wylie's Compliance with Federal and State Constitutions, Statues and Case Law and Federal, State and Local Ordinances, Rules and Regulations; Developer's Waiver and Release of Claims For Obligations Imposed by this Agreement. (a) THE PARTIES ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT: (i) THE OBLIGATIONS REQUIRED BY THIS AGREEMENT TO BE PERFORMED BY ANY PARTY,IN WHOLE OR IN PART,DO NOT CONSTITUTE A: (A) TAKING UNDER THE TEXAS OR UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION; (B) VIOLATION OF THE TEXAS WATER CODE,AS IT EXISTS OR MAY BE AMENDED; (C) VIOLATION OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE, INCLUDING CHAPTER 3000,AS IT EXISTS OR MAY BE AMENDED; (D) NUISANCE; OR (E) CLAIM FOR DAMAGES OR REIMBURSEMENT AGAINST WYLIE FOR A VIOLATION OF ANY FEDERAL OR STATE CONSTITUTION,STATUTE OR CASE LAW OR ANY FEDERAL, STATE OR LOCAL ORDINANCE, RULE OR REGULATION. (ii) THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY SHALL INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS WYLIE FROM AND AGAINST ANY CLAIMS AND SUITS OF THIRD PARTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY OF OWNER OF THE PROPERTY'S PARTNERS, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, REPRESENTATIVES, AGENTS, SUCCESSORS, ASSIGNEES, VENDORS, GRANTEES OR TRUSTEES, BROUGHT PURSUANT TO OR AS A RESULT OF THIS SECTION. (b) EACH OF DEVELOPER AND DUTCH BROS COFFEE SHOP DEVELOPER RELEASES WYLIE FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR CAUSES OF ACTION BASED ON EXCESSIVE OR ILLEGAL EXACTIONS. (c) EACH OF DEVELOPER AND DUTCH BROS COFFEE SHOP DEVELOPER WAIVES ANY CLAIM FOR DAMAGES OR REIMBURSEMENT AGAINST WYLIE FOR A VIOLATION OF ANY FEDERAL OR STATE CONSTITUTION, STATUTE OR CASE LAW OR ANY FEDERAL,STATE OR LOCAL ORDINANCE,RULE OR REGULATION. (d) THIS SECTION SHALL SURVIVE THE TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. 11. Vested Rights/Chapter 245 Waiver. The parties shall be subject to all ordinances of Wylie, whether now existing or in the future arising. This Agreement shall confer no vested rights on the Property, or any portion thereof,unless specifically enumerated herein. In addition, nothing contained in this Agreement shall constitute a"permit" as defined in Chapter 245 of the Texas Local Government Code,as amended, and nothing in this Agreement provides Wylie with fair notice of any project of Developer. EACH OF DEVELOPER AND DUTCH BROS COFFEE SHOP DEVELOPER WAIVES ANY STATUTORY CLAIM UNDER CHAPTER 245 Development Agreement—Dutch Bros.Coffee Building Materials Standards Page 7 of 16 3446157 41 07/27/2021 Item H. OF THE TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE, AS AMENDED, UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. THIS SECTION SHALL SURVIVE THE TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. 12. Attorney's Fees. If either party files any action or brings any proceeding against the other arising from this Agreement, then the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover as an element of its costs of suit, and not as damages, reasonable and necessary attorneys' fees and litigation expenses both at trial and on appeal, subject to the limitations set forth in TEx.Loc. Gov'T CODE § 271.153, as it exists or may be amended, if applicable. 13. Warranties/Representations. All warranties, representations and covenants made by one party to the other in this Agreement or in any certificate or other instrument delivered by one party to the other under this Agreement shall be considered to have been relied upon by the other party and will survive the satisfaction of any fees under this Agreement, regardless of any investigation made by either party. 14. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the matters contained herein and may not be modified or terminated except upon the provisions hereof or by the mutual written agreement of the parties. 15. Governing Law; Venue. The laws of the State of Texas shall govern the interpretation, validity,performance and enforcement of this Agreement,without regard to conflict of law principles. This Agreement is performable in Collin County, Texas, and the exclusive venue for any action arising out of this Agreement shall be a court of appropriate jurisdiction in Collin County, Texas. 16. Consideration. This Agreement is executed by the parties without coercion or duress and for substantial consideration,the sufficiency of which is forever confessed. 17. Multiple Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in a number of identical counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original for all purposes. An electronic mail or facsimile signature will also be deemed to constitute an original if properly executed and delivered to the other party. 18. Authority to Execute. The individuals executing this Agreement on behalf of the respective parties below represent to each other and to others that all appropriate and necessary action has been taken to authorize the individual who is executing this Agreement to do so for and on behalf of the party for which his or her signature appears, that there are no other parties or entities required to execute this Agreement in order for the same to be an authorized and binding agreement on the party for whom the individual is signing this Agreement and that each individual affixing his or her signature hereto is authorized to do so, and such authorization is valid and effective on the Effective Date(hereinafter defined). 19. Savings; Severability. In the event that a term, condition or provision of this Agreement is determined to be invalid, illegal, void, unenforceable or unlawful by a court of competent jurisdiction,then that term, condition or provision shall be deleted and the remainder of the Development Agreement—Dutch Bros.Coffee Building Materials Standards Page 8 of 16 3446157 42 07/27/2021 Item H. Agreement shall remain in full force and effect as if such invalid, illegal, void, unenforceable or unlawful provision had never been contained in this Agreement. 20. Representations. Each party represents that it has carefully read this Agreement, knows the contents hereof,has consulted with an attorney of its choice regarding the meaning and effect hereof and is signing the same solely of its own judgment. 21. No Third Party Beneficiaries. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create any right in any third party not a signatory to this Agreement, and the parties do not intend to create any third party beneficiaries by entering into this Agreement. 22. Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of Wylie, Developer Dutch Bros Coffee Shop Developer,and their respective successors and assigns. 23. Indemnification. The Parties agree that the Indemnity provisions set forth in Section 9 and Section 10 herein are conspicuous, and the parties have read and understood the same. 24. Waiver. Waiver by either party of any breach of this Agreement, or the failure of either party to enforce any of the provisions of this Agreement, at any time, shall not in any way affect, limit or waive such party's right thereafter to enforce and compel strict compliance. 25. Immunity. It is expressly understood and agreed that, in the execution and performance of this Agreement, Wylie has not waived, nor shall be deemed hereby to have waived, any defense or immunity, including governmental,sovereign and official immunity,that would otherwise be available to it against claims arising in the exercise of governmental powers and functions. By entering into this Agreement, the parties do not create any obligations, express or implied, other than those set forth herein. 26. Miscellaneous Drafting Provisions. This Agreement shall be deemed drafted equally by all parties hereto. The language of all parts of this Agreement shall be construed as a whole according to its fair meaning, and any presumption or principle that the language herein is to be construed against any party shall not apply. Headings in this Agreement are for the convenience of the parties and are not intended to be used in construing this document. 27. Other. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, this Agreement shall be void, and of no further force and effect, if the Property is not sold and conveyed to the Dutch Bros Coffee Shop Developer on or before September 7, 2021. In the event that the Property is not sold and conveyed to the Dutch Bros Coffee Shop Developer on or before September 7, 2021, then upon an affirmative showing by the current property owner that the sale and conveyance did not occur, Wylie will take such steps as are necessary to establish that this Agreement is void, including executing and recording a release in the public records. [Signature page follows.] Development Agreement—Dutch Bros.Coffee Building Materials Standards Page 9 of 16 3446157 43 07/27/2021 Item H. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement and caused this Agreement to be effective when all the parties have signed it. The date this Agreement is signed by the last party to sign it (as indicated by the date associated with that party's signature below) will be deemed the effective date of this Agreement("Effective Date"). CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, a home-rule municipality By: Chris Hoisted, City Manager Date: Attested to by: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF COLLIN § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Chris Hoisted, known to me to be one of the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument; he acknowledged to me that he is the City Manager and duly authorized representative for the City of Wylie, Texas, and that he executed said instrument for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this day of , 2021. Notary Public, State of Texas My Commission Expires: Development Agreement—Dutch Bros.Coffee Building Materials Standards Page 10 of 16 3446157 44 07/27/2021 Item H. 2819 WEST FM544 VENTURES, LLC, a Texas limited liability company By: Myers Commercial, Inc., A Texas corporation, Its Managm ember By: obert L. Myer Pre id nt f Date: `1� $'(/ -74 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § BEFORE ME,the undersigned authority,on this day personally appeared Robert L.Myers, President of Myers Commercial,Inc.,the managing member of 2819 West FM544 Ventures,LLC, known to me to be one of the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument; he acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein stated and in the capacity therein stated. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and seal of office this ') ay of .mac,. >2021. Notary Public, S e of Texas f My Commission Expires: °41/3 f' DENISE A CARY 4 i r Notary ID#11217676 11 My Commission Expires or April 3, 2023 Development Agreement—Dutch Bros.Coffee Building Materials Standards Page 11 of 16 3446157 45 07/27/2021 Item H. MMCG DBR DFW, LLC, a Texas limited liability company By: F-6i0 eed (Name Printed) Title: Maw 3e2c Date: 7 —20-'2 t STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF COLLIN § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared o e , ate,- of MMCG DBR DFW, LLC, a Texas limited liability company, known to me to be one of the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument; he acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein stated and in the capacity therein stated. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of office this Zak!' day of , 2021. ,,11r/' Notary Public, State of Texas My Commission Expires: �C E �'3 1 ' `���,`�PprPee,,� R08ERT M. CLARK �°' Notary Public,State of Texas =�° Comm. Expires 04-23.2022 'ai,°„00% Notary ID 8277937 Development Agreement—Dutch Bros. Coffee Building Materials Standards Page 12 of 16 3446157 46 07/27/2021 Item H. Exhibit A Legal Description of the Property TRACT 1: Being a tract of land situated in the Moses Sparks Survey, Abstract No. 849 and being known as Lot 2 of McCords Little Six Subdivision, an unrecorded subdivision in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being a portion of the same tract of land conveyed to Marylon Williams, by deed recorded in instrument No. 20070723001011140, of the Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing from an TxDot monument found for corner, said corner being in the intersection of the North line of F.M. Road No. 544 (120 foot right-of-way) and being in the East line of Springwell Parkway (90 foot right-of-way) and being the Southwest corner of a tract of land conveyed to The Watts Family Trust,by deed recorded in Volume 5670,Page 2080,Deed Records, Collin County, Texas; Thence North 89 degrees 40 minutes 09 seconds East, along the North line of said F.M. Road No. 544, a distance of 83.72 feet to a point for corner, said corner being the Southeast corner of said Watts tract and being the Point of Beginning; Thence North 00 degrees 15 minutes 14 seconds West, along the East line of said Watts tract, a distance of 209.80 feet to a point for corner, said corner being the Northeast corner of said Watts tract and being in the South line of a 10 foot alley (unimproved); Thence South 84 degrees 36 minutes 48 seconds East, along the South line of said alley, a distance of 19.50 feet to a point for corner; Thence North 00 degrees 30 minutes 48 seconds West, continuing along the South line of said alley, a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for corner; Thence South 84 degrees 37 minutes 10 seconds East,continuing along the South line of said alley, a distance of 86.02 feet to a point for corner, from which a 1/2 inch iron rod found for witness bears a bearing and distance of South 84 degrees 37 minutes 10 seconds East, 86.02 feet, said corner being the Northwest corner of Lot 3, Block 1 of McCord's 3 Addition, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 2015, Page 246 of the Map Records of Collin County, Texas; Thence South 00 degrees 16 minutes 13 seconds East, along the West line of said Lot 3, a distance of 204.30 feet to a point for corner,from which a 1/2 inch iron rod found for witness bears a bearing and distance of North 89 degrees 40 minutes 09 seconds East, 339.02 feet, said corner being the Southeast corner of said Lot 3 and being in the North line of said F.M. Road No. 544; Thence South 89 degrees 40 minutes 09 seconds West,along the North line of said F.M. Road No. 544, a distance of 105.05 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 21,909 square feet or 0.50 acre tract of land. Development Agreement—Dutch Bros.Coffee Building Materials Standards Page 13 of 16 3446157 47 07/27/2021 Item H. TRACT 2: Being a lot, tract or parcel of land situated in the Moses Sparks Survey, Abstract No. 849, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being a portion of a tract of land conveyed to The Watts Family Trust by deed recorded in Volume 5670, Page 2080, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at an Aluminum Disk found along the North right of way line of W. F.M. Road No. 544 (120 foot right of way), and said corner being along the North line of a tract of land conveyed to State of Texas by deed recorded in Volume 4308, Page 2404, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas; THENCE North 45 degrees 42 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 28.03 feet to a point for corner, and said corner being along the East right of way line of Springwell Parkway(90 foot right of way); THENCE North 00 degrees 20 minutes 58 seconds West along the East right of way line of said Springwell Parkway, a distance of 205.52 feet to a point for corner, said corner being along a 10 foot alley; THENCE South 84 degrees 36 minutes 48 seconds East along the South right of way line of said 10 foot alley, a distance of 90.02 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 00 degrees 30 minutes 48 seconds East, a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 84 degrees 36 minutes 48 seconds East, a distance of 14.50 feet to a point for corner,and said corner being the Northwest corner of a tract of land conveyed to Marylon Williams by deed recorded in Instrument No. 20070723001011140, Official Public Records, Collin County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 15 minutes 14 seconds East along the West line of said Williams tract, a distance of 209.80 feet to a point for corner, and said corner being along the North right of way line of said W. F.M. Road No. 544; THENCE South 89 degrees 40 minutes 09 seconds West along the North right of way line of W. F.M.Road No. 544, a distance of 83.72 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 22,578 square feet or 0.52 acres of land. Development Agreement—Dutch Bros.Coffee Building Materials Standards Page 14 of 16 3446157 48 07/27/2021 Item H. Exhibit B Building Materials Standards As used in this Agreement,the term "Building Materials Standards"shall include all standards for building products and materials and aesthetic methods in the construction, renovation, maintenance and alteration of buildings as set forth or referenced in the following: 1. Ordinance No. 2019-23, Zoning Ordinance, as it exists or may be amended by Wylie in its sole discretion (and any successor ordinance thereto), including but not limited to Section 4.3 (Non-Residential Design Standards) 2. The Planned Development zoning ordinance or other zoning ordinance that approved the zoning on the Property, as it exists or may be amended by Wylie in its sole discretion (and any successor ordinance thereto) 3. Ordinance No. 2018-14, International Property Maintenance Code and all local amendments thereto, as it exists or may be amended by Wylie in its sole discretion (and any successor ordinance thereto) 4. Ordinance No. 2018-13, International Existing Building Code and all local amendments thereto, as it exists or may be amended by Wylie in its sole discretion (and any successor ordinance thereto) 5. Ordinance No. 2017-41, International Fire Code and all local amendments thereto, as it exists or may be amended by Wylie in its sole discretion (and any successor ordinance thereto) 6. Ordinance No. 2017-40, National Electrical Code and all local amendments thereto, as it exists or may be amended by Wylie in its sole discretion (and any successor ordinance thereto) 7. Ordinance No. 2017-39, International Residential Code and all local amendments thereto, as it exists or may be amended by Wylie in its sole discretion(and any successor ordinance thereto) 8. Ordinance No.2017-37, International Plumbing Code and all local amendments thereto, as it exists or may be amended by Wylie in its sole discretion (and any successor ordinance thereto) 9. Ordinance No.2017-34,International Energy Conservation Code and all local amendments thereto, as it exists or may be amended by Wylie in its sole discretion (and any successor ordinance thereto) 10. Ordinance No. 2017-32, International Building Code — Commercial and all local amendments thereto, as it exists or may be amended by Wylie in its sole discretion (and any successor ordinance thereto) Development Agreement—Dutch Bros.Coffee Building Materials Standards Page 15 of 16 3446157 49 07/27/2021 Item H. 11. Any other existing or future or successor ordinance,rule or regulation adopted by the Wylie City Council that establishes a standard for a building product,material or aesthetic method in construction, renovation, maintenance or other alteration of a building if the standard is more stringent than a standard for the product, material, or aesthetic method under a national model code published within the last three code cycles that applies to the construction,renovation, maintenance, or other alteration of the building Development Agreement—Dutch Bros.Coffee Building Materials Standards Page 16 of 16 3446157 50 07/27/2021 Item 1. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: Planning Account Code: Prepared By: Jasen Haskins,AICP Subject Tabled from 06-08-2021 Remove from table and consider Hold a Public Hearing, consider, and act upon, a request for a change of zoning from Agricultural (AG/30) to Planned Development- Single Family (PD-SF), to allow for a single family development on 4.6 acres, located at 601 & 595 Parker Road. (ZC2021-14). Recommendation I otion to approve Item as presented. Discussion OWNER: Tim Bennett ENGINEER: Tim Bennett REMOVE FROM TABLE The applicant is requesting to rezone 4.6 acres generally located 100' west from the intersection of Parker Road and Valley Mills Drive. The property is currently zoned Agricultural (AG/30). The purpose for the requested rezoning to a Planned Development is to allow for the construction of 20 single family lots and two open space lots. Council tabled this item at the June 8 City Council meeting in order to address concerns such as fencing, drainage, traffic, tree preservation,height of the proposed homes, lot coverage, garage size, and general PD innovation. To address those concerns,the applicant has proposed revisions to the PD Conditions: - reduce the maximum lot coverage from 75%to 50% - save a minimum of 27 of the 32 Live Oak trees along the eastern boundary. This required moving two proposed lot lines and added a condition for two lots to be built at 6,200 square feet with 50' frontages. - provide an easement for a deceleration lane - reduce the front landscape buffer to 25'to save several large trees on the front of the existing property. - increase garage sizes from 400 sq ft to the minimum required by the Zoning Ordinance of 500 sq ft - require an 8' fence along the eastern boundary and for the property owner to work with existing homeowners to avoid `double fencing'. Staff has determined that the preliminary drainage plan is in line with current engineering standards. This includes not reestablishing the drainage swale along the east side due to drainage moving to the cul-de-sac inlet. The Planned Development proposes a minimum residential lot size of 6,200 sq.ft.with setbacks of 25' in the front, 5' on the sides, and 10' in the rear.Residential lots on cul-de-sacs are proposed to be allowed a 20' front setback. These standards are similar to the existing Harvest Bend subdivision located east of the subject property. Page 1 of 1 51 07/27/2021 Item 1. Access to the 20 single family homes is provided by a public street built to city standards. The street is in compliance with fire code requirements and will contain a fire hydrant at the end of the cul-de-sac. The Planned Development contains exterior building material requirements of 85% masonry with 15% of a cementitious fiber cement material. The Planned development provides a 25' landscaped buffer along the street frontage with a 6' decorative metal fence with masonry columns,with no requirement for fencing along the developed west perimeter. All open space lots shall be owned and maintained by the HomeOwners Association. In addition, at the request of the P&Z Commission, an HOA maintained 8' wide sidewalk will be required to connect the subdivision to the open space to the south. This is planned to be along an easement between lots 9 and 10, according to the zoning exhibit. The properties adjacent to the subject property are generally zoned single family residential.The subject property lies within the General Urban Sector of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. While the General Urban Sector generally recommends commercial development or mixed-use high density residential, the proposed zoning, being adjacent to existing medium density residential on two sides, may be compatible with the plan. Notifications/Responses:27 notifications were mailed;with fourteen(14)responses received in opposition and none in favor of the request. The opposition responses generally mentioned increased traffic,privacy issues due to elevation differences, and loss of open space. Should the request be approved,the approval of a preliminary plat is required prior to development. P&Z Commission Discussion After some discussion regarding the existing tree line on the east side of the property and fencing,the Commission voted 6- 1 to recommend approval with the condition of a pedestrian trail being constructed between Lots 9 and 10 to connect the subdivision to the Oncor open space. For conditional approval or disapproval. City Council must provide a written statement of the reasons to the applicant in accordance with Article 212, Section 212.0091 of the Texas Local Gov't Code. Financial Summary/Strategic Goals Planning management Health, safety, and well-being 5 1..ocator Map 07/27/2021 Item 1. , , , . *,\S. 41•,,, ,,,, , ,," „„ 1,,,,,t,,,,t,,,,,,t4,,,,,,,r, •,,,,,t••tt,,,, a 'eaalKta, ,„10 '' 'A'*A'A " A AtIrt'A'!'„„,Al 4AAlr',„”t'AiAl' A,,t,MAt' '4,1°'''',',WI:CA tt,A,,,,,,'„,r',,.„,"'„''''"NI,„„ ,'',101 ;,t,„A",*,,,, ., 44:‘1 4,A., '''',„'"Ati,'„,444A,'„A„''': ' 2'1%'1"‘""kn' ''' -1,4.1,"1,4*4'n''.4. ,:.:4,4,1^i, t-,-.„,,,:,'t, • :•tttt'ti,",,,,t ,",`,4qt, '•;it,,, •,,,? . , t , ,,. ,PA{;it,AAAA,AAAA, "--'A',,,,y'i A ,„Att, 4,,A, ,A„A„.4 „ ,L,•,,s,''.•'7"‘,„„:„"t..„4„„;A Ate 1„"kk."‘"" ' A• ' A'"" n"' "'A"r"""'$"'"Ast ki„,•' ..1,,,, ttv,,,,'t,, it,t 'N,,, , , , ,, , , ,,,„ , ,, v,,,,,,m**ttitc,Its, , ,,,•s", 1$tx±4,\:,,' • -t, , , Itt ,,,,,, „,,,,,„',,,,, It,,,„;,,,",•:"•:",,t,t4t,,,„4'", ,,,,, tikti,,, ,-t', ,,,it"" ' ,,t'A.'', ', "I „,1?4‘,4„ •'14`.4"''..„P,n k.'" ,t, „„ ,,, . „ ,,,,,,, ,, , PA''' , ' , ,, 44 4 004" 0,4140..."44; [ r '..4 i "•' •'''''"""T'• "'•.',"'n",'""Akk• k„.„,'"k„.,,A n ' ' • "A"At.4".41.#4",k,„' „„ , ,' "k, „„7 440 „„ [4 , ,,,, 4'4 t...,,,A.,00, ' 'I In" k s Ai,' AA '111.' •A"'"AV ' " 4Tv , ' 1,44 11, ' ,41,„14.- V,,' "' , , , ,„, 444,41444 4 ,444 4 ,, .v„ ,„ „:;-.• l'AAAA tAAAA Alt,AA et ,A, A'si "At', '',„,Al ' 'AA "A'Ai,•" •,. 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"t"7k„ ... 44 ,"' ZC 2021 -14; Bennett Estates; 595 & 601 Plik- r cJ , Subject Property VI, A , i. „..., , .....„. , ,.. 14, ,, 4i,41,14 . 4-, , 414 - "" ..,4,.1 5+5 k+, " iln C I TY 0 F ,,, 1 „,_„, , _ ..,‘,.,-,;„, , , , ,, -- N t Al •*".-' 0 145 290 580 870 1,160 Feet wy Li E I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I 53 07/27/2021 Item 1. PLANNED DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS EXHIBIT "B" BENNETT ESTATES I. PURPOSE The intent of Bennett Estates is to establish a long-lasting, high-quality community that contributes to the suburban lifestyle in the City of Wylie. The detached Single Family homes offered in Bennett Estates are very desirable for growing suburban areas. IL GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. This Planned Development District shall not affect any regulations within the Code of Ordinances, except as specifically provided herein. 2. All regulations of the Single Family 10/24 set forth in Article 3, Section 3.2 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (adopted as of March 2021) shall apply except for the following: Figure 3-4- Planned Development— Single Family(PD—SF) Lot Size (Minimum) Lot Area(sq. ft.) 6,200—maximum of two lots 7,200- Lot Width (feet) 50 Lot width of corner Lots (feet) 65 Lot Depth (feet) 110 Lot Depth of Cul-de-sac Lots (feet) 85 Dwelling Regulations Minimum Square Footage 1,800—maximum of 50% 2,200—minimum of 50% Design. Standards Level of Achievement See Section IV Design Conditions Yard Requirements—Main Structures Front Yard(feet) 25 Front Yard of Cul-de-sac Lots (feet) 20 Side Yard (feet) 5 Side Yard of Corner Lots (feet) 5 Rear Yard(feet) 10 Rear Yard of Cul-de-sac Lots (feet) 10 Lot Coverage 50% Height of Structures Main Structure (feet) 36 III. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: All regulations of the Single Family 10/24 set forth in Article 3, Section 3.4 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (adopted as of March 2021) shall apply except for the following: 1. Maximum number of residential lots not to exceed 20 lots. 2. No alleys shall be required within the Planned Development. 54 07/27/2021 Item 1. 3. All homes within the community shall have front entry garages. 4. J-swing garage entries are not required. 5. All common area lots shall be owned,and maintained by the Homeowners Association in perpetuity. 6. An HOA maintained 8' minimum wide sidewalk shall be constructed as generally depicted on the Zoning Exhibit to provide a pedestrian connection from the cul-de-sac to the Oncor easement and future trail. 7. There exists, at the time of this zoning, a line of 32 live oak trees (The Tree Line)located approximately 15' west of the east subdivision property line.No more than 5 of these trees shall be removed,for any reason,by the land developer or the home builder. Removal of trees by the homeowner shall conform to City of Wylie ordinances. 8. A 10'easement for a right turn deceleration lane shall be dedicated at time of platting,pending need and approval by TxDOT. IV. DESIGN CONDITIONS: All regulations of the Single Family 10/24 set forth in Article 3, Section 3.4 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance(adopted as of March 2021) shall apply except for the following: A. Land Design Standards 1. No public open space easements are required in the Planned Development. 2. In order to preserve the current mature tree growth,there shall be a variable 10'-25' landscaped buffer along Parker Road. The buffer shall include a 6' masonry wall built as generally shown on the zoning exhibit. 3. Desirables,as listed in the zoning ordinance, shall not be required. B. Street and Sidewalk Standards 1. No curvilinear streets shall be required in the Planned Development. 2. A mailbox cluster shall be provided in the subdivision 3. Streetlights on decorative poles every 350' placed on the street throughout the subdivision. C. Architectural Standards 1. At least 20%of the facade shall be offset a minimum of 1' either protruding from or recessed back from the remainder of the facade. 2. The minimum masonry percentage shall be 85%overall. The remaining 15% shall be cementitious fiber cement material. 3. 2nd story front elevation set back over brick shall be allowed with cementitious fiberboard. 4. A front-facing hip roof which faces the street, and which comprises greater than 35% of the total width of a house's facade shall be broken up with dormers or other architecturally compatible appurtenances. 5. Each single-family residential unit shall have a combined patio and/or porch total covered area of a minimum of 150 total square feet of floor area. 6. Minimum of 8:12 front elevation roof pitch on front elevations, except 3:12 roof pitches on porches/patios or dormers. 7. In order to encourage variety,the exterior facades of houses on the same side of the street shall vary within every 4 houses. The same exterior facade of home cannot be directly across the street from each other.When a house is constructed,the same combination of brick, stone,masonry-like materials, and paint shall not be used on other houses within four(4)lots on either side of that house. This shall be monitored by the Architectural Control Committee. 8. Each garage shall incorporate at least two of the following architectural features: 55 07/27/2021 Item 1. a. Sconce lighting b. Decorative banding or molding c. Decorative overhangs above garage doors d. Eyebrow soldier course over garage doors e. Decorative brackets on garage doors f. Columns flanking garage doors. 9. An 8'cedar fence shall be required along the rear lot line of all lots that adjoin the east subdivision line,by the home builder. To the extent possible,the builder shall coordinate with property owners along the eastern boundary to avoid`double-fencing' and the creation of dead space. 10. Each residential dwelling shall have an established front lawn with 1 tree and 5 shrubs. Each residential dwelling shall also have a minimum of 1 tree in the backyard. 56 07/27/2021 Item 1. EXHIBIT "C-1" 57 07/27/2021 Item 1. e0 , PARKER ROAD y„,' ,- , 2 ry — de'as extent; d sewer..t+L r 6. °'� ,° ,w f* 1'36: aH. "�,�k b "r�Pz'r l4�CPCP Pare Nt TP0 :tl E E'"1. T - ....,,- Ex ha�tr 12 w k,r ++ irek 1 see NEN we4Aa i +e rcxrr�" 25'HOA lot for Landscaping k 25'HQAIailor Lands .mg POINT OE BEGINNINGS a 5'MasonryWet : m H°I#asc�Kkry Wait °. c i'"+� 1, n SW' :m rms STORY eRPCK.n 1 i 1 - 'd rN. +k `a 4� 19 ® :3 129 Typroal 'r er m : 50 ":'+ r 3 • d , Existing 5' Drainage ` _ Easeent — i A a t ' ! 'v { a 4 Y 6 8 .1 3' .a ?' ,crP e° 15 4 '0. 1°-t 1, ,ei ; in re :. +sin t rr=' a c. 7 e�L z a Existing 6Wye Inlet ,i Oratrtage Eris t7,e itl 14 —... ,,�1 , xistfng 2A°5karn.sewa ..........e .".•,9 r` a Reposed Storm sewet 10 Lalt#ity e®e rtteet 1 ��4 `Eq elite-re 5"YEETNr.1 " Vyee NE Proposed R9T2 'sans ' ,,c,`.•'. .c 12 `.. ® a#6 .> i m y 11 10 ,._ 4ii _ 41 to Xr33p�k H B LIGHT Co 58 07/27/2021 Item 1. Unincorporated Collin County-City of St.Paul ETJ t PARKER ROAD 4sq. PARK N ,,„„,,. _-�- - ._ _._- LOCATION sITEJt' n 3.0'R MAP p Y 556 -aw E yewe..N.89.3§�3.g®2-94441 . � &w . y . „, g l,ess'l,9ovP BROWN F., 141422, ON Eo ®' {' xst3':: cox 221 .. t 2? .OF _0tNNIN. --------®... rX0° 0„0i ° 25 HOA Ioti L dscapmg 'rFT1 25 HOA [foil ndsc,mg r POINT OF BEGINNING- .� it e 6'Masonry warm = • gi 6 Masonry Wall Paring (Exfatmg z , 1 Legal Description of Prooeits Manutactur¢d Hom¢, > 20sio o �a 2 BEING atractof land situated in the W.D.Penny Survey,Abstract No.696 in Collin County.Texas as conveyed to Timothy W.Bennett by deeds recorded in Document ta ..sg —• = 19 ® 2 `° 120'Typ cal No. 2007061800827270, a 2.110 acre tract', and in Document No. 50'••z.yy 20080908001083900,a 2.543 acre tract of the official Public Records of Collin l~�`%.,._ County,Texas and being g more palticulady described as follows: a 1 (SF-10/24) BEGINNING at a%"iron rod found for corner on the south fine of Parker Road(a 18 100 foot right-of-way): 3 to o nage5 Fe- TPIENCE S.07 degrees 28'46"E,along the west line of Harvest Bend Phase 2,a E m q 2¢"t O subdivision in Wylie,Texas,as recorded in Document No.20020102464 of the a m , • o J Collin County Pia Records,675.02 feet to a'/z"iron rod found for corner in the zs i- _1 2 north line of a tract of land conveyed to Texas Power and Light Co.by deed recorded scits:1-=so' Clay hangughaa17 a 4 g 'i' in Volume 573,Page 475 of the Deed Records of Collin Comity,Texas; (1 52 AO T 6 t THENCE S.85 degrees 36'46"W.,along the north line of the said Texas Power Q and Light tract,297.02 feet to a Vs"iron rod found in the east line of a 1.52 acre tract (SF--`0/24) 16 > of land conveyed to Vijay ThangughaI in Document No.20190201000109240 of the 5 w official Public Records of Collin County,Texas'for corner; m 6 t THENCE along the east Tine of said Vijay tract N.01 degrees 25'00"W 685.06 feet 3 as[o"s- tm I.- I to a%"'iron rod found in the south I t e of Parker Road for comer; 15 4nza,_o, s p o B.L. 6 _ THENCE along the south line of Parker Road,N 89 degrees 38'53"E.,294.38 feet Development Schedule w to the Point of Beginning and containing 4.653 acres(202,685 square feet)of land, 7 z m m,. more or less. 1.Zoning 4-1-21 thru 8-1-21 1 tri Existing Wye Inlet So Drainage a sementl 14 ,-,-,.e,1i ♦ 9. PD Zoning Exhibit 2.Engineering and 7 xattng 24 s Stormewel' preliminary plat 8-1-21 thru Proposed Storm sewer , 20 Lots on 4.6 Acres 12-1-21 'a t "' icy Ut ty easementl 3.Construction 12-1-22thru 1 13 (,g&water-I 4-1-22 05 0" wvneNE Ezsting29'Storm sewer o s r p E reH'rant 9 SUBDIVSION NAME:BENNETT ESTATES yo P ed PAR TIMOTHY W BENNETT,P.E.-OWNER&ENGINEER 0 0 i . 75098 601 PARKER RD �� WYLIE TEXAS \� Q3ne j s.�p'tE OF TE,yMttltt 214 282 7450 12 NhJ, eAa 9 to S.' 't TIMBENNETT2 VERIZON.NET wP'SD �sv� j TIMOTHY W BENNETT, 10 /t ROOMS LAND SURVEYING,INC. 11 T 13,\ 58242 .;p;/ 2000 AVENUE G#810 r� t,o':4censco.Via`; PLANO,TEXAS 75074 A. ` itfSS%..... ENG t oNAi 972 i .,, � � ��"tN/#�� PRED@ROOMESURVEYING.COM s .. �� ,. S 8536'46"W-297AY SCALE:1"=50' _ March 26,2021 g TEXAS yo POWER B. CO. ai 4't5 59 Notification Map 07/27/2021 Item 1 Me°._._._._._,_._._._._._._. . _ _._ .►'/ %.* i '% r e . t ! i _ 1 et3 1_ ®♦ ������♦ ♦��� 313 311 31 as 618 i 05 I '*♦���*• *������1 ' ��i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�♦�i�i�i�i�i c�3 x [ /13-] ♦����♦���������1NI ? 312 31° 3°8 �����������������������♦���'�������� III I. HARVEST BEND 7133 17°4 ADDITION PHASES I FAITH 1 iiiiiQiiiij,i�iQii� LUTHERAN1 , 1 Xl— 1 ♦�♦���♦0��������♦ 37 ' Li CHU CH ♦��1��►������������ 702 I ♦������l���������� ._ 311 303 1 �������������♦ ������� _ 1 1 ORCHARD TRL ♦�������� ♦ ' ' �, 1 314.,. "3°10 303 300 � 318 ' 1-. .. i 3"12 1 ���.... 7 7 i��� A-� - 4 �._0 .._.�__.__ 1' » t 1 .‘,.N. `�'AQ1.NTE NORTH . ...-*'+ 3 a 331 313a 337 a "~j Al i .B N ADDIl1 N 4";: RE El a13 a133 T 411 411 N __ I &Il 431p f PHASES I AND II ... `3 u3 33�1. � �._ � X t _,� PHASES 43. I ! 7,Ar: 110 1 IfIR 306 31 ZC 2021 -14; Bennett Estates; 595 & 601 P. 1k: r '�• w � d,---- I e 200 Foot Notifcation Buffer ����������� Subject Propertyf It , ' �� , 4 CITE' F ' I ti ' 0 80 160 320 480 640 Feet VVY L I E . t N .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I 60 07/27/2021 Item 1. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL PROPOSED ZONING CHANGE Zoning case number : 2021-14 Applicant : Tim Bennett Location : 601&595 Parker Road Property Description : Being part of Abstract A0696 W D Penney Survey,containing 4.6 acres. Present Zoning : Agricultural District Proposed Zoning : Planned Development—Single Family Detached Applicant is proposing to develop a Single Family Detached Development on 4.6 acres. Hello, My name is Doug Hunt.My wife,Jacque Hunt,and I live at 703 Valley Mills Drive and have resided here for the last 18 years. In that time,we have seen our city grow and prosper,yet it still retains the small town appeal we experienced when we moved here from Plano. Recently,the residents living on Valley Mills Drive received a letter and a map stating that the field located West and directly behind ten existing homes is being proposed for a zoning change. I have spoken with many of the other residents of Valley Mills Drive as well as posted in our Harvest Bend Facebook page letting the know what is being proposed and how it would directly affect our neighborhoods,as well as other residents of Wylie and St.Paul. I also cut and pasted the same post on two other Wylie Community/City Facebook pages as well,in order to let folks know what could be happening. I can definitely say,there were ABSOLUTELY NO POSITIVE COMMENTS MADE BY ANYONE! Most of the comments made mirrored each other in relation to concerns such as traffic,privacy,drainage,safety and destruction of one of the last few natural environments and ecosystems on the North side of the city.Below,I will list the concerns from myself and my wife,as well as neighbors. Not interested in the noise and dust.The property in question is 4ft higher in elevation which means that when they grade the property to drain off,it will end up in our backyards and homes.Loss of the ecosystem and wildlife,loss of privacy,increase in traffic will also be a concern.Parker road is already a mess,we have two entrances/exits and sometimes we can wait for several minutes just to get out on Parker Road.Then at Brown&Ballard it is bottlenecked due to traffic and trains.Completely against this development as this is no doing anything for Wylie residents past,present,or future. We also do not wish to have any two story homes behind us that can overlook directly into our yards.We voiced our concerns on the widening of Parker road and how it will affect us,but it was approved anyway.The way it is proposed in the entrance/exit to Harvest Bend#1 will only allow the right turn onto Parker Road which means all traffic wishing to turn left will have to use the north exit on Valley Mills Drive.It is already difficult to turn left as it is.With increased traffic flow and restricted entrance/exits,it will not get any better.We have had several wrecks at Paul Wilson Road and Parker Road due to excessive speed.A better way would be to install traffic lights down the length of Parker Road to regulate the flow. The plan is to make it 61 07/27/2021 Item 1. a six lane road which makes no sense because it funnels to a railroad track and downtown Wylie where it cannot be widened due to the placements of Historic Buildings. Forcing all traffic through Harvest Bend#2 will cause more traffic noise,and we have a very active neighborhood full of children that play,ride bikes,skateboard, etcetera.That would increase the chance of injury to children.Wylie is starting to lose the small town feel that drew us due to all these homebuilders constantly constructing,soon we will just be an extension of Plano. The new houses built in Wylie are all higher priced and keep driving up the property tax of existing homes.You are quickly pricing us out of town.We have lost several neighbors due to the high property tax in Collin County. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter- Sincerely, Doug and Jacque Hunt 62 07%271202/Item t Notice of Protest Regarding Zoning Case#%U21-14 Bennett Estates 595'6O1 Parker Road, Wylie,Texas 7GU98 We,the undersigned residents of Valley Mills Drive located in the Harvest Bend || addition, and located within 200 feet of the area proposed for zoning change, do hereby formerly protest this proposal. Name(printed) / Address( mted) Si ure -- — -- -- — -- ���-- [ 63 07/27/2021 Item 1. PUBLIC COMMENT FO (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 4533Wyli 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2021-14. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2021-14. Please feel free to contact the Planning Department at 972.516.6320 with questions or concerns Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Conmission ITtectirrg: Tuesday,May 18,2021 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,June 8,2021 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: tOtir,i # t)sei2._ LiOSxVWc (p—lease print) Address: I() IS V. 1451)61,3 Signature: Date: CO NTS: \rr LVttcV 3Lfr ,Lu C. (VA- -±Mit-- C.)ri or- ? CE)vi tatei, LAD & y 15 YID oiccess ft, A.y aitct rety Ott,— 'it\-e-CCO‘i'1/4-Wr •..d. „ -rKts -tar, tot Lott( bit)vviccApt„ , UVsir 1.4:1442417 6 41,..k.r.- ots -v -Fur +1"9- cLdiel-+S b kAie -tt> 4-KAs rt414...) r 4. 0 S6H- cc, uA`c(.. cyC.49-1,4--vi 1.4d4VS 4-4"e- LOC,..S• DLA,tr i.-1‘A‘cdue.„. vie-Loc LADi`V. +or r a-f- US 61-44-Cf ..1A,1444 4 64 07/27/2021 Item 1. PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Depaitment of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2021-14. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2021-14. Please feel free to contact the Planning Department at 972.516.6320 with questions or concerns Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,May 18, 2021 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,June 8,2021 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: Uh1S (please print) Address: Dti 757 fi Signature: Date: COMMENTS: itte Sit-e Lac epAo, 65 i "'\;:*1" '3`t"�sl`"'tai35i°ai'�rrJ�ir;;r;4?r+�, ?,;. suY `\\\ "�'3'�°'.. "Yr»i„�;i"�an }. t4 `Yal�zi1k ,c*Y, tlt,*Sss4;*i>zj,t..tti»F;=`},>,1S;;S„itf\z ` �`.*x`. fwz,3 Ni �'"' » wty, '*':,z'"'zt e^.s"tt'2,r ,k;`7�'ttpi`r,�t'T> ``t",`�.�,t it s"`i»a`ya�\�1 ,tve„` ic,°a ; ,,,;,,f,,, ,,»„*,fl: ,rY~ > Y TM • 07/27/2021 Item 1.`,i o'i' >4` ,';q"t" '"L�' y.,$1`'i#:;'t",`i<=rtt� s` '"'``;sty' >,. }',� r i,,,;',,/,,,;,','`Sii,'t,,,,,-,t**��s,a;r5'tt�$�;'Yt, ttti't,,;3 ^,ivj.,,, , _ , `»; > %}r J,nt'„ta.,t<, t:'�z,�`v;zr;ti;t4a:`ti`'a`i;"�1 •xn, t, fi,>, t== `Ys,,' %"`:':'<<'t,,,,,,.o}`�t�;,`;'';gf�rtYr;�tir,.,t,TM,,,.,1,`.�. 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PUBLIC COMMENT FO (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 300 Country Club Itoad Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2021-14. I am AGAINS1'the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2021-14. Please feel free to contact the Planning Department at 9'72.516.6320 with questions or concerns Date,Locafion&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,May 18,2021 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,June 8,2021 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: pi 6olease print) Address; q- 3 tiek—ite Signature: Date: 1-;167/.. COMMENTS: LL ° 67 07/27/2021 Item 1. PUBLIC COMMENT FO (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2021-14. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2021-14. Please feel free to contact the Planning Department at 972.516.6320 with questions or concerns Date,Location&Time of Planning& Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,May 18,2021 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,June 8,2021 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: .EFF L (please print) Address: A liepiJ1s zD4. Signature: Date: 6-- - coy! I NTS: 88 07/27/2021 Item 1 PUBLIC CO i ENT FO (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2021-14. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2021-14. Please feel free to contact the Planning Department at 972.516.6320 with questions or concerns Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,May 18,2021 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,June 8,2021 6;00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: (please print) Address: '7 Let 6 vir,APP signa ' 4' f Date: COM NTS: al I 440111W4 41.44.441...- 1111.4.10 ; -2 4-1,121' 146,. 69 07/27/2021 Item 1. PUBLIC COMMENT FO (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2021-14. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2021-14. Please feel free to contact the Planning Department at 972.516.6320 with questions or concerns Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,May 18,2021 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,June 8,2021 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: * ce--1 A-- 144-rz-E-7---z- (please print) Address: '2/57 Signature: Date: CO NTS ra.apelz, IL ',`" 2-c-69.630V 6-136,00 F60,1_0/ : /47-ea 70 07/27/2021 Item 1. Zoning Case: 2021-14 From: Gloria Suarez Address: 715 Valley Mills Dr. Wylie, TX 75098 r Signature:. / ./ . p Date: May 9, 2021 Property ID: 2506384 R513600F00201 1. Drainage: My concern is increased drainage problems. My property sits between 22 to 26 inches below Location 601/595 Parker Rd. I have a retaining wall the entire width of my backyard. The retaining wall has 14 drain pipes which expel directly into the backyard. Any heavy rain, results is some pooling in the middle of my backyard. Additionally to ease the heavy drainage, I share a French drain with my next door neighbor, which spills onto Valley Mills Dr. 2. Traffic: The 2 lane black top Parker Rd. already is congested, and more so during rush hours. It's difficult and dangerous to make a left hand turn out of the Harvest Bend subdivision onto Parker Rd. A left hand turn, from Parker Rd. into Harvest Bend often backs up traffic, due to the numerous oncoming vehicles. I know there are plans to widen Parker Rd. I don't keep track of the number of wrecks that occur on Parker Rd., which in my opinion are due to speed and the S-curve, but I can see traffic congestion and accidents increasing with the widening of Parker Rd. and the 19 homeowners, who probably will own more than one car. 3. Fence: There will be reduced privacy from homes built behind my property. I have a 6 ft. cedar fence with a catwalk, built in 2016 (less than 1% covered by insurance). The new homes will automatically sit above my property, by approximately 2 ft. What promise do I have that the new fencing will be of comparable quality and structure? 8-10 ft. and stable? 71 07/27/2021 Item 1. PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Dep.t tment of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2021-14. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2021-14. ---,---- Please feel free to contact the Planning Depaitment at 972.516.6320 with questions or concerns Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,May 18,2021 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,June 8,2021 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas i t —00- ...--- Name: 0 6 , Cie.,,..._ (please print)Address: Signature Signature - : ( I Date: _7:- e--;-,_1 "-15.' -1-_' .' _._,,,:.?4 COMMENTS: )' , 4 .4.. eh. Ak -- ,ij . ' AL II 4.,0 Cot- it .4 a 1 A _ ' .! ., ,71 A C 4 ;4 r At , & , it - Jiiii, ac,ct_ , eleovk kbtrii 60. nit.0.9 la(WI \iv 1641 -i--ti. -)VA...1211.. L L' 1,19t4ioLe . 1 6 Ai.11 2—L L ac'/Yt iU v1 .la' VI-L0L LaL--/L-t842.6"1'""Nm , t-4-- d (- Ailc501-- a - 1,4 i 0-4 .,...."Gx_a__ rrall-fl...0.4 bt.g . 07/27/2021 Item 1. PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2021-14. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2021-14. Please feel free to contact the Planning Department at 972.516.6320 with questions or concerns Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,May 18,2021 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,June 8,2021 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: Ees_ \ 1,,t30,\V( (please print) Address: Thf bar \ _ -60 Signature: LYake.A._ Date: O.D3 COMMENTS: OVif,PS-k'rA neISP, jk, s r r , t`r) n(i tLA'i Anti tv0 S an c \-)b).-kcv-cteA, Acri ole\y acia46-) no_ GAj cnyo.xr1 .rutj) oct.-.. tyv, prist-,4, or 41,1-tvu, 73 07/27/2021 Item 1. PUBLIC COMMENT FORIVI (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 300 Country Club Road Built Wylie,Texas 75098 1 ,, FOR the requested zo "ig as explained OIL the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2021-14, 1 am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case 42021-14. Please feel fine to contact tbn Planning Dep i -nt at 972.516,6320 with questions or concerns Date.Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Co `ssion meeting: Tuesday,May 18,2021 6:00 pm Municipal Cxamplex.300 Cannily Club Road,Building 100.Wylie,Texas Date.Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,June 8,2021 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: ei I 6 16 i (please print) Ackliess: lo ,,. e , if A 0100r Sipa : ilArry'r illig IX 4.— VP CO NTS: i • - I.', 4 difoese 71.....A0We - .., .01-ove, A "0:44/5- ai-ea 0 r 6vyiff-e. 74e, 7,..4 40.47 41,2....1 ove, cove..-4, 6, /ft/ , e.41 74 07/27/2021 Item 1. PUBLIC COMMENT FO (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2021-14. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2021-14. Please feel free to contact the Planning Department at 972.516.6320 with questions or concerns Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,May 18,2021 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,June 8,2021 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas (please Plan t) Address: -7C, le,t ',„1„62.J114 . 11-c,, '754 7,725-4:r713-- /KV C Signature: 6,1 Date: ‘,../ 24' -1,21 CO NTS: ettfiA /4e 1:9(.44 e4e44 C4,-,„..31)r.44.744 149, elt,4 eve/ e, .1;44 4-4)411 fit r t4,-) e>t4„.1 ° ) Ae aa- tea a i/ eir. , ea- `el itte.„ al IP /7: I• eliI per LAA ezt- 1 c 0 , a.,4 e-ApiA pc?iceled cr.it_ re - 4 e 44A„ 44144 r*, e/474,44.4„.„ oc /001.41.;7 fe..4j fue‘i/-04 1)fie7.64c4 ,71,A, be_ Ayie.„AejA 75 07/27/2021 Item 1. PUBLIC COMMENT FO' (lease type or use black ink) Department of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2021-14. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2021-14. Please feel free to contact the Planning Depaitinent at 972.516.6320 with questions or concerns Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,May 18,2021 6:00 prn Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,June 8,2021 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: /"---6-------P/I-1677/ /4 KL 77-1/ /NJ( (please print) Address: 166, ._.....,_ SignaMre: Date: ........5 _ / co NTS: i--- }P./ z& -0A 2/ i", ,,,,,e)oz._,0 L/./c-le-- i /961 --1 L> 7-7z. &.,.„...- -z — orAsf C I.,,,,,0 -7, i eel 4. / .cvt, ./1-,-.),(....c„,) .1 7- i S. /1- .61/ .)e*-7* ,7 'is- ,....t /9"11 /‹ 4.roe2_ ,,,,46 — 4.1 ,,,,Lie", ) o o 6-- ,, ...s ..--61-- — "2-1 .e...&-- .4),..e./. 6..,./ 76 07/27/2021 Item 2. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: Planning Account Code: Prepared By: Jasen Haskins,AICP Subject Tabled from 07-13-2021 Remove from table and consider Hold a Public Hearing, consider, and act upon, a request for a change of zoning from Commercial Corridor (CC) to Commercial Corridor Special Use Permit (CC-SUP), to allow for a restaurant with drive-through on 1.022 acres, property located at 2817 FM 544. (ZC2021-18) Recommendation I otion to approve Item as presented. Discussion OWNER: 2819 West FM 544 Ventures,LLC ENGINEER: Tectonics Design Group REMOVE FROM TABLE The applicant is requesting a Special Use Permit(SUP)on 1.022 acres generally located on the northeast corner of Springwell Parkway and FM 544 to allow for a restaurant with drive-through service. The proposed use is for a Dutch Bros Coffee restaurant. The preliminary plat for the development was recommended for approval by P&Z on June 15,2021 with Council consideration on July 13,2021. Council tabled this item at the July 13 City Council meeting in order to address concerns such as the continuation of the proposed use should the specific use cease and the general aesthetic of the main structure. To address those concerns,the applicant has: - amended the SUP to include only the Dutch Bros Coffee shop under this SUP - amended the SUP to stipulate Dutch Bros has one year to complete development, or forfeit the SUP - amend the SUP, amend the zoning exhibit elevations,and propose a building materials development agreement(on this agenda)to address aesthetic concerns The Zoning Ordinance requires all restaurants with drive-throughs to obtain a Special Use Permit.As part of the Special Use Permit the applicant is also requesting for the Zoning Exhibits to function as the review and approvals of the site plan. The proposed zoning exhibit provides 22 parking spaces with one ADA space. 13 spaces are a grasscrete surface due to the site exceeding the maximum allowed parking, which is defined as 25%or more over the required minimum. Page 1 of 1 77 07/27/2021 Item 2. The site provides two points of access from Springwell Parkway and FM 544. The landscaped area totals 30%and contains a 10' landscape buffer, exceeding the required 20% for CC districts, and includes 5' wide sidewalks along both street frontages. The structure is proposed to have an exterior that consists of stucco, split face CMU, Nichihacement board, and metal awnings. Notifications/Responses: 18 notifications were mailed; with one response received in favor and no response in opposition of the request. P&Z Commission Discussion The Commission voted 7-0 to recommend approval. Financial Summary/Strategic Goals Health, Safety,Well-Being Planning Management 78 07/27/2021 Item 2. immocator Map . 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PURPOSE: The purpose of this Special Use Permit is to allow for a restaurant with drive-in or drive-through service use as a Dutch Bros Coffee Shop. II. GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. This Special Use Permit shall not affect any regulations within the Zoning Ordinance (adopted as of April 2021), except as specifically provided herein. 2. The design and development of the Dutch Bros Coffee development shall be in accordance with the Zoning Exhibit (Exhibit C). III. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1. The Zoning Exhibit (Exhibit C) shall serve as the Site Plan for the Dutch Bros Coffee Development. Approval of the SUP shall act as site plan approval. 2. This SUP shall automatically terminate and be rescinded without further action by the City or City Council, and the property reverted to the underlying Commercial Corridor zoning, should any of the following occur: a. MMCG DBR DFW, LLC, is not the sole owner of fee simple title to the Property on September 7, 2021; or b. The Property is not developed as a Dutch Bros coffee shop by August 10, 2022. "Developed" being defined as the Property owner(s) on the referenced date receiving a signed Certificate of Occupancy from the City; or c. The use of the Property ceases as a Dutch Bros coffee shop and/or approval of a new or revised site plan is required. Page 1 of 1 80 07/27/2021 Item 2. . 44 N 1 i:',4;-•':52.-F•';F.'•;-• ',7,=„?„;,,r,.',•=, 1 .i•-,,! ,.___ s:s1, T --„...„ •-- „ „ IIII .I.' > PROlECT LOCATION I s ss, •,....' r. ,,,„ ::,„,,,„„,•,„,,,,,,„:„:„,„,,,,,,,,,,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:,„,,,,,,,,,„„,k,,,,„„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;„,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,t,„,„, .,,,,, r. ..„,,, .....„..„.„„. „„,,,,,,.,.•-•••-,.„ -••,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ••,,,,,•„,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,K,,,,ai, .,is,,k, ._,_, ,,,„,„„:,________. „,a_ „,,,,, ..... „.„..„,,„.. ,,....„„. r-IIINIIIIIMIIIIIIII:7- Ffi°X;,. ,„„ -,-„,„ •IIIIIIIIIIII,'4 I' '. 0 ,. 1 ( ?„, ,. 1 tt.41,00 I>7 1 ggg 0 ; I - -- ,,,0, " I' ,4 t„ , . rt: ‘ iIIIIIIIIIIII, , ' IIIIIII Iii g g 1 - , / ,ff.,I gIIIIV.IIIIIIa-'" IIIIIIIII LIU w U .f.:-.: 0 ---- 1 i L ,,.. •I'i • • , , lin ' IIIIINI 1.1 111111.11 .5.2,; 1,2,, OWNERI I '' .,".',"Cf4") ari""""\ '• ,•'"'"""M'''',"4"-------- ' 1 [Igt, Civil Engineer: III,IIII TECTONICS DESIGN GRO, I if t t t i t , vt,zt, „,„,,m1g,„„,, i ,tt.t"tttitttigttataytt ., . . .... .. .. , I .,..„.„.„. ,____.................... 1 .,.. ref Lii if WS, ISORSISION-SNISIEN ENGINEERS,INC. .I.I.,,4: ,, / .. `LSE ,,,,,,' --='. .. -,'•"•. •"•00"," ',2',1 c---= =" a n sca q.. .iec.t..:,. 1 J --.i,,,.„..,„.i:',Wii,A, ••,',..",, . _ ___ ,...?•-,. . ...! .„—„At --._= --=-,7,-•:_,-•—•—•,-,_ -„—,=.as V•14:4,t2 _ L d P ?Tc 0. -'7 P Z '--r .,--' „.... ........ 6 f. 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A'TTAR.,,,,-T- qb VlaIX 1.1,Elvia.n Dutch Bros Durcli BROS MAIN & MAIN -111r wisarsayssmiliffitC.; Conceptual Elevations Wylie,Texas PR 2 84 07/27/2021 Item 2. t .... .: ..„,,,e„......0Aog,;.a..,•,•• .• ,,,s•• iiiiivockuispetrovo..... 1**""• L-.. .,4,R.?,,ik, ,-*X'•,‘ '.41 ,...,..„...„,„„...„....,..... • ....,........,,,,,...n,1 ••1:', ,.... .. •....."....•..•......::.....',..1.. ••,:,'.:,,,,,!: .:pL:...,-,-,..,,,, .,. - . . ... ... .. • oldwitiom,..„-- :.•(,!:.•:,:::,![::...;.,:,:.:::•••••,•:,..:i••,:i:•;:.::E:,:: .„.....'-iii4,A.,•-•,::-.....7..1 ,,••••11.4t•-•!, 0:0000 ••••••• ., Et,,••-••••••:,...,•••.•aa,a'eami.: ,., •I':':*0aa:00‘. a:-..-00. .0.11t‘v 00,,,,, 4t,, 400000 •••••.,•,...,..;••.a...,•,....,.,..a•,..1•.::a,00•;•e•00000..0.:.•1•0100....•ikka V.0a0vvaa 'e00a:0000014 .11 . . a IIV i : 1110 lit.‘0,10 '3*.,04144 • 1::::'.'1M...1:1..1..'2!1 ..',410.,1,0.a,.,,,,.:0;61.00vat3, 0000 1,„.. •,:.!.,.......,,::•:...,•,..::.:,,..::•,.....Ei•••,:..:•,:••q•.,:...,.:..(.4.00a,000,0.0,,..,..atatl0,0 000,,.00,0 v01.00•00,.4,04:!.'•:: ••: ... a 0)4 1 haaverva'''.44 S„,#.kaie. 00000avaaaa..:000000' 0.0q004:0 00004400.0000‘00.000000004100:NV:00\04;0N'V 00000.00.,:ii.,!:::::,,,:,:•,,i,:.•a a••-:. •a .-- *IN'''a,"i1r*VAL:',,,„, :. .••••... ,0*,\:',111.*.tt.4.,...******* t\,e44:t. ,Stih.\,,,qt,„*V, .:\,...,:1,;ttya*,,\,.....,,,.. 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N Dutch Bros UTC Perspectives Wylie,Texas PR.2A iii smisigmeguito; 85 Notification Map 07/27/2021 Item 2. a K .,,, , 202 - - \----; i 207 J \ \ 203 k € \ 24 2I4 '` 3 3 20 205 3,1 \ 00 1 :": AKESIDE 207 a __. 207 200 STATES 210 20 � � -PHASE 2 _. 200 . C: [__0_D LAKESIDE 2024I� =. 8 200 LA KESIDE ESTATES 000_._ -_. 00 Lit PHASE i 302 002 . j J0 PATES222 PARK JJ2 20 - 304.20 4 - ___A rrl 20_ _ 000 ;005 07 �00 l 308 DLLAeREA D T ANSIT i!JhfIIJfii1E ♦♦♦-♦F 544 SPRINGWE AD TIORSTfl41.40 ♦♦♦♦♦♦ 2813 ♦♦♦♦♦ _..,r __ _....__. i C 0 1Driveway i ♦♦i♦i♦♦♦♦♦♦♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦ice � ._. ._. ♦♦®♦� ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ CIO 1 - 2002 A .. 1 I 1 l 0 e . Z 6__ __ ___ WYLIE EDC . __. ti .. ACITION LtT ` _._ ____. 1 BLOCK 1 0040 ``.. .'` 202 60 016 2814 FR ODY WOODBRIDGE CROSSING �_.--T ADDITION -TARGET AND 1 JACOBS KOHL'S 2010 Driveway / ___ _ A S� Y. -BUSINESS CAMP1IS ZC 2021 -18 Dutch Bros Coffee; 2817 & 28 F 54� ! 200 Foot Notifcation Buffer ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦� Subject Property .- "ii l„ " a FY OH -, � 'j `-' N WYLIE � ' -, 0 80 160 320 480 640 Feet u I I I I I I I I I I I I x lit �e 86 07/27/2021 Item 2. PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 (/ I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2021-18. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2021-18. Please feel free to contact the Planning Department at 972.516.6320 with questions or concerns Date,Location&Time of - — Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,July 06,2021 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,July 13,2021 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: g< /27- Z, /17 (please print jig/ �!nJ / y//Address: u!/ �Gi �G l Signature: Date: COMMENTS: ierptr .0)/0.0-41-- x d,:te,/,_ ieez.i.4)4,,er.,_.) , 87 07/27/2021 Item 3. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: Planning Account Code: Prepared By: Jasen Haskins,AICP Subject I old a Public Hearing, consider, and act upon, a request for a change of zoning from Commercial Corridor (CC) to Commercial Corridor Special Use Permit(CC-SUP), to allow for a restaurant with drive-thru on 1.37 acres,property located at 499 S State Highway 78. (ZC2021-16) Recommendation otion to approve Item as presented. Discussion OWNER: 3NI Holdings LLC ENGINEER: Claymoore Engineering The applicant is requesting a Special Use Permit(SUP) on 1.37 acres generally located 250' northeast from the intersection of State Highway 78 and Kirby Street to allow for a restaurant with drive-through service. The Zoning Ordinance requires all restaurants with drive-throughs to obtain a Special Use Permit. As part of the Special Use Permit Conditions,the Zoning Exhibit shall function as the review and approval of the site plan. The proposed development is a remodel of an existing structure with modifications that add a drive-through window. The original site was developed as a bank with drive-thru and ATM lanes in 2005. It was later converted to a nail salon personal service use in 2018. The remodeled structure measures 6,601 square feet and is planned to contain two tenants, one being a typical sit-down Chipotle restaurant with patio and interior seating,and the other being a Texas Health Urgent Care medical office.The drive- through lane for the Chipotle is a newer concept that does not contain a menu board and relies on customers ordering from their mobile device prior to arriving at the pick-up window. The site provides a total of 45 parking spaces with two being ADA accessible, meeting the minimum required 32. Changes made from the existing site layout include removing three existing parking spaces for the placement of a dumpster and adding eleven additional parking spaces,eight of which are 9'x18',with this stipulation included within the SUP conditions. The proposed smaller parking spaces are in excess of the minimum required and preserve more of the landscape buffer along Kirby. The site uses existing access that connects to State Highway 78 and Kirby Street. The landscaped area totals 20% and contains an existing landscape buffer with sidewalks along both street frontages. The structure is proposed to have an exterior that consists of existing materials of stone, stone banding, and EIFS. Canopies are also provided at the drive-through window and at the main entrances. Page 1 of 1 88 07/27/2021 Item 3. Notifications/Responses: 16 notifications were mailed; with no responses received in opposition or in favor of the request. P&Z Commission Discussion The Commission voted 7-0 to recommend approval. Financial Summary/Strategic Goals Planning Management Health, safety, and well-being 89 07/27/2021 Item 3. immocator Map 4 74 ,.,,,,10' :dr:so;',F'r , *** ,,10.11,k- ' ,1,,,:',",,,'0..%.3''30' 4S,:',7•‘.4'4.,- 44,t,': ,,"*"''''„to',-1't .,,t41:g"„,eF,0,,,,,,‘k,,42"i,,O‘,;4,„,,4„,,,,,„1,,,N.,,,4',,,t*.'.A,.,„,'1:',,',,„,"..,1,,,,,,,,4„,„„A,r„,'4,,,''.'.l',,,,',,,s„:,'a„„,"`,.;„„,h,,-,',,,,„;,,„il,,•,,,.,,f,t„4 t,.A,,„1,t‘„ r,*,,4,",.„',%,,.44,4,‘,,,,i',,'.**,,,%,A**„t l0I';,,t',r,'„,„„,,,,,.t,,4,4..,r,,4,2,,,4,4',',,1.4'"„'t',,,,„0s,,t.,,,,),4",.„4,,„,7,;.•,,t,.,:A,:;.4,,*.„-,„4.,4,t"„",„r„,o i„,O,,.„*n*,lt,*.tp 4•t'„,„,.,,',',0s4,,,,,,,,,4,,,`1 0.,A tt„„t.i.g'„'0 o,„'7an„=.,,2,y‘,,$',:,4,',,*,-u,„*"4*„?*k,4,;4,4"1"k,4y„„,•,."„,A,*e t,,P,,.,,,,t,k,,,,,‘,,t7 4,‘,„6ot t4t.0..„4407,,.tf,4,^e,4%#,„1,„.0,1. 3505 1 me;,,,,54-;K,eO,4°e4,,V /0AA r 5. 0 4303S,,,C ., * ,'.4\ ""‘ ' • V,**44*a4^4,` * ' '). " 104$4,CA 'tAX0:4,t ' t . 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",911.44„:" sir 21.,',r',,..,,.;,,,, ,, ',-,;'4,, ,.--iem "7k-, •tgu : A),"A : 4,411 906 It ,1, ,. 1,,,r,0, '' altt ' 'Oti '\ ,Y 41* ' k"'"" '''''""V „,,, ,^4 „,,,,, mr.au,t,' '. ',,<•„,/'''` / ", „sus', .tett..*U14,u^',,, /- ' ' 0110 1,,,. , ,,, ',908'., , ;It ", ,6' .' A, ' t, i• .. 909""0„nti,,i,', 7ot 4,14,‘,4,#' ' gi': AA,, ,A*„ , I., 911 4 0,4'7=-4' 66- ',,,!., ', , ,„ ,,,,04,,,,,V‘ *, A ,4,40t,',,V'''" ''4 ''''" ' ;11,*4,, '4„,,,,,,,,.., ',, '•'&6 ,:,,,,,T ,,, , i 1003 t711: e-4ditt - ,,Ssii, ' $ nn.nnn nn I nn , 41.Ziiii"SN ,000041, IS. 00‘10‘. On . lh 913 .1. ZC 2021 -16 7 - Wylie Crossing; 499 S State , . -5 _ 1-,,, ,. .. • fv't ,.......,,,,,,,,, , ,, , ..,, .„ ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,, i''' 1.:"N4 ,,,,',14..,,7,,, Subject Property r'-'-- -% I'''' ...,..L„, • F , 1 a , 1 7 -%. 1 N I 787,,,,,, ,,,,,:,,,,:„ , 0 125 250 500 750 1,000 Feet s'!.. 90 i 1 I i 1 I I I I i 1 i I WY L I E --i' ,., -II, ,-'.---r j--, 07/27/2021 Item 3. Wylie Crossing EXHIBIT "B" Conditions For Special Use Permit I. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Special Use Permit is to allow for a restaurant with drive-in or drive-through service use as a Chipotle restaurant. II. GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. This Special Use Permit shall not affect any regulations within the Zoning Ordinance (adopted as of April 2021), except as specifically provided herein. 2. The design and development of the Wylie Crossing development shall take place in general accordance with the Concept Plan (Exhibit C). III. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1. The Zoning Exhibit (Exhibit C) shall serve as the Site Plan for the Development. Approval of the SUP shall act as site plan approval. 2. Parking spaces in access of the minimum required shall be a minimum of 9' x 18'. 3. This SUP shall be voided and the property reverted to the underlying Commercial Corridor zoning should the use cease and approval of a new site plan be required. Page 1 of 1 91 07/27/2021 Item 3. SITE DATA SUMMARY """' "'" ,Ns _ ö � _ y LL ,a oeax, C' W <,s.ma GRAPHIC SCALE �fi a DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE PROPOSED PI EPDP L, M.6: \ yi LEGEND CA Q' ;S H tH ,yP i 7 Y .... si } of ` ' 6. >' r A' ` 5 ^r "'\ >tivri"r ,t ue.. f a , lG 0, � �. t t�/ i ao f, /r" s 4ti � II o u�,,D „,u Z. t �i �1�,S H Y _ . CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE - P_ -- � ���� P�Poste Pa s�s o So� ".w.,Rr ss r aassalEEEEJ ,vim (I SP I F.aMP"� E.>�a�� "P, �x�N yes" . 92 07/27/2021 Item 3. __,_.._.„.„., DI ANT HOLIADI11 t CI:; (k) GM Z. 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C\I 0 -,--- ------'------- -'- \CN W \CN ,"=• II . ,.., Y ) .- - -.I., *167 4`t ''''-'''i„ _ I 07/27/2021 Item 3. � .. TREE PROTECTION SPECIFICATIONS z << cL.� a�cc�" .0 w.x z�v x, 'S<��v~ Rb�' � T `S r!` '"'. _Z x O TREE PROTECTION FENCE-ELEVATION OTRE E PROTECTION FENCE F o ( t5^}Z TREfi$TNNT ARE MARKED TOE,PRESERVED ON A SITE PLAN AND FOR MIC.II i LI I,17ES I,ST PASS TROUGH THEIR ROOT PRO,CTICIN ZONES WV RECUR: $ Eii. ou—z ry`# = `'i u ae w'vh (�. E ' TREE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS ( TREE PROTECTION FENCE-LEVEL k E u a AxHROUGH ROOT PROTECTION ZONE ,Q BORING T a x vew w/ „ ° `� w 5-29-21 0 aa 255 .,. ,. , .zs . O' ww EVERC,RFI.IV srr. -..,, TD-2 96 07/27/2021 Item 3. EXISTING STONE BANDING, PAINTED "KNIGHTS ARMOR",TYP. ICH iPOTLE ."---------. t:Nri- ,..........---- •'\'-'14 Ro,',.1'0 , , lici.,,c , ,-= -----,EXISTING STONE stN ann. A Laim.N,`,a la ,'j 141.17:41 A IiiiiiN ' q."'"N',.teill w,,,,,x;le VII 110101.111 z.k.1 tle.ift,k,'. it.*;p01111:, loittosq 11.11111: 1 . . r,oa. ik . 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'', 4k•AP4. . ,0004,1410, -N EXISTING STONE . , . . SOUTHEAST EXISTING STONE BANDING, PAINTED "KNIGHTS, ------,, /, WIlir,,,4::;.' „„..., ,W ARMOR TYP 1 „,. EXISTING STONE ------ 4111? 410110: I 133314 iifrle '‘V.,,, ' '','.=•'AI SOUTHWEST 3 ii'''' 513 Main St Suite 300 Fort Worth,TX 76102 DUWEST WYLIE SHELL ELEVATIONS 499 TX-78 1.11i: tel: 817.820.0433 06/14/2021 WYLIE,TX 75098 fax: 682.224.8917 www.roguearchitects.corn 1/16".11-0" 98 Notification Map 07/27/2021 Item 3. .,._. 708 1 I i I 704 7102 1 7/ 101 i ° 1 i RAILRO INDUSTRIAL PARK ,// \41 0,,, —, ° O \\.GO° / WYLIE COOPER, <\ INDUSTRIAL / / RETAILS,.,420) ,, / , / 1-- „, , _------ -, PARK 1------. ----""/ / ADDITION \, , " MS // 1 i / 43( / i 1 709 707 I I 2 2"/ L. / T / / ,,,. % 409 7, / 0.008' •**. ' ,27 . ,, / N / 413\ fS„-•--, •N / . .502 N / , •. 11 TEAff21M:fil ,/ N.. % N.. \ 415 7; MOLNSA EIMER\GENCY ROOM ///. 443 2' HAR T --- \\„/"/ "NZ SWITZ\R\I ADDITION a a_ ELEMENTARY 514 / 21 t SCOOOL / I \ i• 7 7 27 * • i` . _ ._ / I • 4:ticA .. i. / ,/ 44"AP i / / 1 ,/ \• ;-,0:0;41 40' i / / *A, ,,„/ B .ST CORNER 4 / .. : wY41Ec NC> \ 4 *N A51DO I ON,/ 1 W KIRBysT ii . ( . _. W FM 544 ,/ I . ____KiRlaY.ST i .\ r-----] 1:i [001 1[800 i 801 ' \ 801 —1,4 *,...... tn El 7/ 7/' 617 < 103 #'80 r In / ...}......Z....,........,.....- 8of_/ „MARTINEZ 804 ," PHASE 2 LA-4- r() i V) lual 804 aa, L-- 0-1 rt 8051 804q 80 ., 1 C6. MARTINEZ ,,, 806 L_, CD 807 806 ....i _ -807 PHASE 1\ \ ,„/ 611 , 2 2 00 ' ( Bk MM. [iO8 ct 88 _ - —\ 1 808 0 809 Ili 621 1/ / 808 ",, MARTINEZ - 809 / 1310 ;-1811 - 1810 U-1 Li 1 HOLIDAY TERRACE 8" 901 SHO PI NG PHASE 3 0900201T-1 FIRST ,9..4003 1 E OHOLIDAY r 900 SALLMENT_ 981ERRACE90 -11t OLID1VAGE SECOND INSTALLMNT 902FERRAC 903 —,904 51o31.,_1 I_i --} I---I ADDITION — .., , . ZC 2021 -16; Wylie Crossing; 499 S State ,,, 1-r .:, 70 , i ,,N,. „,4,, ,,,, ;!'6F 1 .8,.•-s , '7 ,— --), i 200 Foot Notifcation Buffer Subject Property irvit , . , ,............., 0 - 41/X -1 CITY OF _, , • - r4 4....r,C; 1 71-4, 0 85 170 340 510 680 Feet WYLI E --17---1, , q -,,,,,-,, -, ,,,„,,, „... ,,,,.,Jr,„ . ,,,J ,k•,, 51,7 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 99 07/27/2021 Item 4. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: Planning Account Code: Prepared By: Jasen Haskins,AICP Subject I old a Public Hearing, consider, and act upon, a request for a change of zoning from Agricultural (AG/30) to Planned P evelopment(PD),to allow for a mixed-use community on 47.29 acres generally located at 2301 FM 1378. (ZC2021-15) Recommendation Motion to approve Item as presented. Discussion OWNER: Estates of Monroe Alfred Fall ENGINEER: Kimley Horn The applicant is requesting to rezone 47.29 acres located at 2301 FM 1378. The property is currently zoned Agricultural. The requested rezoning to a Planned Development is to allow for a mixed-use community, consisting of three subdistricts containing a mix of commercial,residential and open space uses. The commercial subdistrict measures 4.2 acres with frontage along Country Club (FM 1378). This district is planned for commercial structures with permitted uses to generally comply with the Community Retail (CR)District Regulations with the addition of the following uses allowed by-right: - Financial Institution with drive-thru - Restaurant with drive-thru 20,000 square feet of building area is proposed with 109 parking spaces being provided. The parking ratios are in line with the uses and requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The multifamily subdistrict contains a mixture of townhome and single family units on 25.2 acres with an allowed maximum density of 11 dwelling units per gross acre, or about 25% less density than the maximum allowed in the Zoning Ordinance. A total of 187 townhome units and 61 single family rental homes are proposed on the Zoning Exhibit. The subdistrict provides a total of 529 parking spaces with a parking ratio of—2.1 parking spaces per unit. The PD conditions contain an allowance of tandem parking. The open space subdistrict includes an open space dedication to the City of 17.8 acres for a city park. This area includes a four acre pond that will be dedicated to the City after water impoundment concerns are resolved. Water impoundment generally deals with the holding of water that will eventually move to downstream entities. The developer has proposed splitting the legal costs of resolving impoundment with the City, estimating the City's costs to be capped at approximately $120,000. Should zoning be approved, a separate agreement regarding these legal costs will be presented to City Council for consideration prior to preliminary plat approval. Page 1 o 1 100 07/27/2021 Item 4. An 8' wide pedestrian trail approximately 3700' in length, with a connection to a City of Wylie Pedestrian trail to the west is planned. The Parks Board reviewed the dedication and improvements and recommended approval of the open space district as presented,with the stipulation that the City Park be named at a later date. The subdistrict will allow for the following uses: - Accessory Agricultural Buildings - Community Park/Recreation Center(public or private) - Neighborhood park/playground. The conclusion of the Traffic Impact Analysis found that the proposed development does not have a disproportionate effect on the existing vehicle traffic operations. While there is a- 30 minute AM Level of Service issue aligning with student drop- off at Smith Elementary,the TIA predicts that Country Club Road and the nearby intersections do not experience an overall LOS reduction due to the proposed development. The proposed site driveways provide the appropriate level of access for the development. While the TIA didn't find that a southbound deceleration lane necessary, a City Engineering review believes that the inclusion of the deceleration lane is in the interest of the City and the public health, safety, and welfare. The student impact analysis conducted by the applicant concluded that approximately 55 students would be added to the school district upon completion of the project. The ISD has not provided input on the effect of this increase. If approved, this development will require the review and approval of a site plan for the development of subdistricts 1 and 2. All development within this subject property will generally adhere to design requirements of the planned development requirements and the zoning exhibit. Notifications/Responses: Sixteen notifications were mailed to property owners. No responses for or against were received from within city limits. However, eight responses were received in opposition from property owners either within the ETJ (3), outside of the ETJ(2), or without a given address (3). P&Z Commission Discussion After some discussion, including comments from citizens and neighboring property owners regarding traffic, drainage, density, screening, and effect of the school district,the Commissions voted 5-2 to recommend approval with the conditions that a fence be built along the north side of the park, a maximum of 33% of the townhomes be three story, and Car Wash and Financial Institution,Alternative be removed as by-right uses. Financial Summary/Strategic Goals Planning Management Health, safety,well-being 101 i_ocator Map 07/27/2021 Item 4. a 4,aa a,. .• 4."440,1,1, .344"."0" ' , '".r: a A 4,"" a 4..., . ": 4 , ":"`A' f,4:2,AA,A4 • iii. ,,,,trA,Akei 44,.4.q,' "," ,,, ' 4,,,,g,,-,,,,,k,4, ';', • ", „n ,, •,r, .,,, ,;, „ , " ,,,,,, 4. „, N.L, , -0 0 00.." ****4*Le1,0"0„•„'0"11644*,04 ' 0. 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''''''''' • •44'1')"4.'"ift" 14 . 440"*"'*"' ZC 2021 -15; Monroe Lake; 2301 FM 1378 .1.1. • 1 Subject Property t le. i '''4,,,, '',,,' l'• 4 ',''77 • eti,' 44,';"4)4,. . _.,,...1 (.74.I"" Y 0 F N n AP , ,i . , 0 270 540 1,080 1,620 2,160 Feet wyLIE ---iH,,r ,.."1, ,•f.,4*3 1 1 1 1 1 1 I i i I i i I , .---- 1 02 07/27/2021 Item 4. Exhibit B PROPOSED MONROE LAKE WYLIE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS Zoning Case 2021-15 A. Purpose. The purpose of this planned development district is to allow a mixed-use development on an approximate 47.3 acre parcel located at 2301 FM 1378, adjacent to Country Club Rd. This community will contain retail, personal service, multifamily and a major open space amenity. The regulations in this Planned Development (PD) District will allow for an innovative development project that can assist in the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan and other development goals and objectives. B. District Regulations 1. General. a. Subdistricts established:This PD shall be developed in three subdistricts as follows: i. Subdistrict 1: Retail Subdistrict ii. Subdistrict 2: Multifamily Subdistrict (Single Family Rental) iii. Subdistrict 3: Open Space Subdistrict iv.The zoning exhibit(Exhibit C) shall serve as a subdivision concept plan for purposes of Zoning and Land Design, Street and Sidewalk requirements. Separate plat submittals for all subdistricts shall be required. A separate site plan submittal for Subdistrict 1 & 2 shall be required. 2. Development of the Property shall generally conform to the following regulations: a. Retail Subdistrict: i. Except as otherwise provided herein, development of the Retail Subdistrict shall comply with the Community Retail District regulations of the April 2021 Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie. ii. Permitted Uses: Uses permitted in the Community Retail District are permitted in the Retail Subdistrict. Additionally, the following uses are permitted by right and do not require additional requirements or a Special Use Permit: a. Financial Institution (with drive-thru) b. Dry Cleaning or Laundry, Drop-off or Self Service c. Restaurant with Drive-in or Drive-through Service iii. Development Standards: Following are the yard, lot and space requirements for the Retail Subdistrict, including density, height, lot and unit size. 103 07/27/2021 Item 4. Retail Subdistrict Height Height of Main Structure(feet) 36 Number of Stories 2 Residential Proximity NA Building Placement and Coverage Front Yard Setback(feet) 25 Side Yard Setback(feet) 10 Rear Yard Setback(feet) 10 Lot Coverage 45% Buffering and Screening Nonresidential Use Adjacent to Single Family NA Nonresidential Use Adjacent to Multifamily Double Side&Rear Setback— 5' required landscaping w/screening Service and Loading Areas Not visible from public street b. Multifamily Subdistrict i. Except as otherwise provided herein, development of the Multifamily Subdistrict shall comply with the Multifamily District regulations of the April 2021 Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie . ii. Permitted Uses: Uses permitted in the Multifamily District are permitted in the Multifamily Subdistrict including the following: a. Single Unit Rental Home iii. Parking: 2.0 spaces per unit.Tandem parking spaces are allowed by right. iv. Development Standards: Following are the yard, lot and space requirements for the Multifamily District, including density, height, lot and unit size. 104 07/27/2021 Item 4. Multifamily Subdistrict Lot Size Lot Area (sq.ft.) 43,560 Lot Width (feet) As shown on the Zoning Exhibit Lot width of corner Lots(feet) NA Lot Depth (feet) As shown on the Zoning Exhibit Lot Depth of Double Front Lots(feet) NA Dwelling Regulations Minimum Square Footage 1 BR-850 sf 2 BR-1,000 sf 3 BR—1,200 sf Maximum Density 11 Dwelling Units/Gross Acre Building Separation between detached buildings(feet) 20 Design Standards Level of Achievement See Section B.2.(c), (d),and (e) below Yard Requirements-Main Structures Front Yard (feet) 30 from any public street frontage Side Yard (feet) 20 from any interior lot line Side Yard of Corner Lots(feet) NA Side Yard of allowable nonresidential use(feet) NA Rear Yard (feet) 20 from any interior lot line Rear Yard Double Front Lots(feet) NA Maximum Height of Structures Townhome Main Structure(feet) 40 feet and 3 stories(max 33% of townhome units) Single Unit Rental Home Structure(feet) 29 feet and 2 stories Accessory Structure(feet) 14 c. Land Design Requirements. Development of the Property shall comply with the Land Design 105 07/27/2021 Item 4. Requirements in the following table which replace the Land Design Requirements in Figure - • a in the April 2021 Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie: Land Design Requirements(For all Residential Districts unless specified otherwise} Element All Development must comply fully with all listed below Public Open Space Easements a. 30 ft wide buffer with 8 ft wide trail to rear of houses beside open space and perpendicular 30'wide access from street. b. Partial single-loaded street along open space. Perimeter Screen Along 25 ft wide landscape buffer along Country Club Road with Thoroughfares large canopy trees 50 ft.o.c. Walkways and Landscape Large canopy trees 50 ft.o.c. and 5 ft.concrete walk. Along Country Club Rd. Lighting and Furnishings along None. open space easements and trails d. Street and Sidewalk Requirements. Development of the Property shall comply with the Street and Sidewalk Requirements in the following table which replace the Street and Sidewalk Requirements in Figure 3-9(b) in the April 2021 Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie: Street and Sidewalk Requirements(For all Residential Districts unless specified otherwise), Element All Development must comply fully with all listed below Curvilinear Streets N/A Entry Features and Architectural features on stone screen wall or stone monument within Medians landscaped median to first cross street,with decorative paving and crosswalks. Signage at Entries Incorporated into screen wall or monument sign within median or landscape buffer and illuminated by means other than street lights. Street Name Signs a. Including block numbers, incorporated with street lighting coordinated throughout. Pedestrian Crosswalks 10 ft or wider,decorative pavers. Sidewalk Locations Minimum 5 ft wide as shown on the Zoning Exhibit. Mail Boxes N/A—mail to be located within leasing/amenity building or stand alone building Sidewalk Lighting None. Perimeter Alleys N/A e. Architectural Requirements. Development of the Property shall comply with the Architectural Requirements in the following table which replace the Architectural Requirements in Figure 106 07/27/2021 Item 4. 3.9(c) in the April 2021 Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie: Architectural Requirements(For all Residential Districts unless specified) Element All Development must comply fully with all listed below Building Bulk and Minimum 25%of street façade offset minimum 1 ft. Articulation House Numbers a.Stone plaque with number beside main entry. b. Lighted front wall plaque. Exterior Façade Material a. Masonry or fiber cement lap siding and panels. b. Masonry or fiber cement fascia,soffits and under hangs includes porches. c. Faux wood front door with and without glass inserts. d. Operable and fixed vinyl windows. e. Faux cedar metal garage doors. f.30-year architectural shingles. g. Other materials permitted by the Zoning Ordinance. Chimneys a.Chimney enclosed with masonry matching exterior walls and capped. b.40%stone to match house accent material. Roof Pitch a. For single unit rental home,8:12 minimum roof pitch; with articulation,dormers or hip/gable. b. For townhomes,6:12 minimum roof pitch,with articulation,dormers or hip/gable. Roof Materials Architectural-grade overlap shingles,tile or standing seam metal, no wood shingles, Paint rooftop accessories to match. Roof Eaves No wood fascia or soffit. Repetition of floor plan a. For single unit rental home: 7 lots skipped on same side of street and elevation before repeating similar elevation;4 lots skipped opposite side of street. b. For townhomes: None. Garage Entry Garage shall be a minimum of 500 square feet in size. Dwelling Size Minimum dwelling size exclusive of garages and breezeways. Fencing Fencing not required. If fencing is provided along the side and/or rear, it shall be minimum 4 feet tall wood or wrought iron. 107 07/27/2021 Item 4. Landscaping a. Established front lawn and minimum 2 trees and 5 shrubs in front yard. b.Automated,subsurface irrigation system. Outdoor Lighting Front entry and drive/garage illuminated by standard porch light. Conservation/Sustainability Complies with Energy component of Building Code. f. Open Space Subdistrict i. The open space shall generally be improved as outlined in the Parks Exhibit. ii. Permitted Uses: Uses permitted in the Open Space Subdistrict District include the following: a. Accessory Agricultural Buildings b. Community Park, Recreation Center, (Public or Private) c. Neighborhood Park or Playground iii. Impoundment resolution of 4-acre pond -The applicant, property owner, and developer agree to resolve, of their own accord, any and all legalities with all appropriate parties regarding water impoundment on the property. An appropriate agreement beyond this planned development, regarding said impoundment resolution between the City of Wylie and the applicant shall be a condition of application, consideration, or approval of a preliminary plat for any of the property. Preliminarily, the City acknowledges that it's sole contribution toward the impoundment resolution shall be a maximum of$120,000 toward legal costs. iv.To provide separation from the park and private property owners, the developer shall construct a fence, materials of which will be determined by developer and city staff, along the entirely of the northern boundary of the Open Space Subdistrict 108 07/27/2021 Item 4. 109 07/27/2021 Item 4. w rr ski / � � Z \ —1 r''','5,.F --/\ LI 2,,j'''':]'5"''''''''' — ( ' 1 ''''11'1 j = s i � �� � j�� Is _ 1:1-: L •-,11 FA b 8 i - 1\ 1 ' ]:3.,,,,,tdrs] d'Ii---ri 1 —1., ._-",,d,--,-i [;] 1 I "�� ;mod a� �� I I 1 � 1 IIL P�r 4,- FL t�Ali l rti u l--I� -Lb11ii�]L_ 1 1'l-1 -_ ---- oe I �L W Z 1 : "'-T 1 - -- ,. ZONINGSITE-4L-AN- - = Pa MONROE LAKE F tftACi31 2,8 3 Q TOTAL OF:299`5 ACRES i tEGBFID ......... ......... 2.030 365 SO FT , WM-PAT"PERSON SURVEY ABSTRACT No-7, , CTY OF WYLIE.CO L N COUNTY,TX T ..: �.,, DATE MAY 3.2021 33 ,a .., Roy gml�a�Fbm a� 11 0 07/27/2021 Item 4 " I 10 A —0 June 8, 2021 Via Email Correspondence Mr. Robert Diaz, Director Parks and Recreation City of Wylie 949 Hensley Ln., Building 200 Wylie,TX 75098 Re: Monroe Planned Development,Park Contribution and Fee Proposal. Dear Robert: Terry and I appreciate your communication and collaboration as we work to ensure our park contribution and fee proposal align with the Wylie Park Department's standards and mission. We are thrilled about this exciting Planned Development proposal for Wylie and equally thrilled about the parkland, lake, and trail that will help provide trail connectivity and more greenspace in the City. If the zoning for proposed Planned Development is approved,our proposal for park contribution would take effect and is outlined below. I. Requirement Based on the City's requirements and confirmed by you,here is what is required: Multi-Family Requirement: With a proposed 248 units at$800 per unit,the dedication fee results in$198,400. IL Proposal 1. Contribution of parkland(17.8 acres): a. 4.8 acres of non-floodplain land(estimated value of$418,176). b. 9.0 acres of floodplain land(estimated value of$490,050). c. 4.0 acres of lake(estimated value of$87,120). 2. Build an eight foot-wide concrete trail of approximately 3,700 linear feet connecting from the Monroe Planned Development to the Wylie trail system(as shown on Monroe Wylie Trail Aerial Exhibit), in lieu of the Park Fee. 3. The name of the Park shall be "AL MONROE PARK." 07/27/2021 Item 4. 4. Work with the City to coordinate the design and construction of approximately 771 linear feet concrete trail from the NE corner of the property to the current terminus of the Kings Bridge Trail. This will be at no cost to the Development Partnership. 5. We are committed to working with the City on securing the appropriate water rights for the Lake. First, we will explore and exhaust all options to determine the feasibility of securing a permit exemption. If after determination that is not applicable, we will work with the City to acquire the appropriate and necessary permits through the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality(TCEQ). We propose the cost of this process be split 50% /50%between City and the Development P. ership. 6. Once the park contribution and the appropriate water rights are obtained, ongoing maintenance of AL MONROE PA• would be the responsibility of the City. If you have any questions, or we can provide additional information please feel free to contact me at any time. Sincerely, John R Allums 112 07/27/2021 Item 4. . IIII - . .., S „ axurw,�r„ikcM a t '? „� sF .. :e�s.,�'t s'3 " I. tt t " q ' 4, :AA A f ask 45* t 5 n ir.1 ,0,,. . ,, 0,00 ,;0 .0.0H04,,..V4' :''- '",,,,,,1 ..,'...'„"I „':,.;:.:'4",41444i4 Ali :" ',ie ra` '`4 w � ,,,,,_,,,, ,"7, 1 t,N 1 t: , „,. •/,' ' „ t,,t,,,,t, z F, 4a a �7 14i ,, t{a 1 . ,,.. I t 9 p a t exae , ` ..wry mg t. t tit"I s ,g? �- � t g 3 : h .; p. ... ?�§ W MONROE YLIE PUBLIC TRAIL EXHIBIT jmIeYHorfl�� sl 113 07/27/2021 Item 4. ,S s e# c a 'a'r 1 Y t m.=r C»`, 'w"1S .,4t t, :T s ..... 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" 1 . „ Y t ;" ��„ Y " 'i t k `' IY 1 ✓ y f t�`~rt€ r} T. v 44, :,, ,�14, " 44 { � r t 4 k d �k Y �2"#f^ * y ,.'.. 4�? „'r:..t w I2g ..�,.� '* " & C ?, 7 kPP.O.*, "44' .__ } .i l "'�� �..,, "' ,„:�N",.w «x.r'v:. f, rck a,ti,1 . w `mM ---.., a",�„t.. Gar ---Y7 .- A, r- ' .t, i x f ,<.��� � NAGS,"�ar`•N�em�`e+ciG. MONROE WYLIE PUBLIC TRAM EXHIBIT Kimley>»Horn MAY 2021 -- 114 Notification Map 07/27/2021Item4. . » r xx' .� 11 ��.: I I f l Driveway t €U 1 Lu j I0 LUi ! IR I , i i IE 1 jl I s FINCSBRII GE I j PARK I l '� I I �, t / 1 1........„...............—....----�. .. P 'Vf 1 ► L itILA - ����������������������������������������������������������������� qii ` AI. IN'T 1 UL 1 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� g ♦�����������������������������������������������������♦ t 1i 1 C ltiLlAliEWAY DR �������������������������������������������� t it I !. Driveway ay i PARKER 1 *........,........... SMtTFi 1 T I' ELEMENTARY . SCHOOL ,! ;r i STONECREST TRL / N HIGHTIMBBR LN A „ „ „ Ailey ZC 2021 -15; Monroe Lake; 2301 FM 1378 ;�z.ram, 5 v 200 Foot Notifcation Buffer ►����♦ Subject Property N 0 230 460 920 1,380 1,840 Feet WY L I E 1 ,., k „-, -.. I I I I I I I I I I I I 115 07/27/2021 Item 4. PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2021-15. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2021-15, Please feel free to contact the Planning Department at 972,516.6320 with questions or concerns Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,3Ply_06,.2021 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,July 27,2021 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: (p&Ise print) Address: tV s 07 77 ,12:7 Signature: / Date: t---iee— COMMENTS: cc, _ 116 07/27/2021 Item 4. Comments of Clint and Kelly Hankey for Case Number 2021-15 We are the homeowners of 6946 Dove Creek Drive, which directly abuts the land that is the subject of the proposed zoning change requested by case number 2021-15 regarding 2301 Country Club in Wylie, Texas. We vehemently oppose the proposed zoning change for several reasons, many of which are provided below. 1. Wylie City Counsel strongly rejected a similar rezoning proposal for multiple reasons last year (case 2020-05). This proposal should fail for many of the same reasons. When the City Council took up the applicant's proposed zoning change from agriculture to a mixed-use development in Case 2020-05, it strongly voted against approving the rezoning for many reasons, including but not limited to the traffic concerns, density concerns, overcrowding at neighboring Rita Smith Elementary, and frustration that much of the proposed open space was within in a floodplain. For example, one city council member stressed that the applicant neglected to seek approval of the proposed rezoning from Wylie ISD since surely the administration would have an opinion on the zoning change. Does the applicant now have approval from WISD? If so, he should share that input in writing with the Commissioners, City Council, and the public. If not, the failure to obtain that consent speaks volumes to the opposition that the applicant faces with this proposed zoning change and even more so, his disregard for the impact that it will have on this community. 2. The proposed location is not suitable for multifamily development. Section 3.3(B) of the 2021 City of Wylie Zoning Ordinance ("City Ordinance") states the following as the purpose of the Multifamily District: "Purpose: The MF district allows for high density residential development immediately adjacent to shopping and activity centers." The property at issue is not, and nowhere near, "shopping and activity centers." On the contrary, the area is primarily single-family properties. In fact, many of those properties are situated on at least one acre, and those homeowners, like us, bought their properties specifically because of the country-type feel that they provide but within access to a great school district like WISD. The construction of a multifamily space in the location as proposed is not consistent with the surrounding area, and further, is contrary to the intended purpose of such a district as describe by the City Ordinance. 3. The proposed development will result in Rita Smith Elementary exceeding its capacity. We have two children. One will start fourth grade at Rita Smith Elementary this August, and the other will start kindergarten. The proposed zoning change will harm the City's current residents with children who attend Rita Smith Elementary by overcrowding the school. Rita Smith Elementary is already at or over its existing capacity and simply cannot accommodate the many school-aged children who would occupy the proposed multifamily and single-family properties.' 1 See Wylie ISD, Bond 2019, Frequently Asked Questions, available at https://www.wylieisd.net/Page/14115 (last accessed June 28, 2021) (stating, in part, "Nearly every campus is approaching or is at capacity."). 117 07/27/2021 Item 4. While the City requested and obtained its voters' approval for $193.7 million dollars to fund school improvements in a May 2019 bond package, not one dollar of those funds was contemplated for use at Rita Smith Elementary.2 Further, in its Frequently Asked Questions regarding that bond package, in response to the question "Is Wylie Really Growing that Much?" the City provided, in part, the following: Fortunately, we are able to predict growth a little more accurately than in years past. We utilize two demographers who study available land and housing trends to help us determine where the growth will occur. The challenge is when a development like Inspiration decides to reduce lot sizes to build more homes or when additional property is sold to developers which was previously unavailable.3 As the City itself noted as justification for the 2019 bond package, undeveloped land that is later developed, as the applicant also intends to do here, puts an enormous burden on the City's existing campuses to accommodate more students. If the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council approves the proposed zoning change, it will overcrowd classrooms at Rita Smith Elementary, which would then require the City to come up with money to expand the school. This cost should not be passed to the City's taxpayers. Rather, if the Commissioners and Council members are inclined to approve the proposed zoning change, the Applicant should be required to pay construction costs to expand Rita Smith Elementary to accommodate the students that will flow into it following this development. 4. Applicant seeks to confirm to multifamily district regulations when the exhibit shows many of the structures to be townhomes. The applicant calls for the 187 units described his development conditions exhibit (Exhibit B) to conform to the Multifamily District standards at Section 3.3(B) of the City Ordinance. However, the applicant's zoning map refers to these 187 structures as "Townhomes,"which is controlled by City Ordinance Section 3.3(A). It is therefore not possible to determine if the proposed townhomes conform to the standards in Section 3.3(A). Moreover, the applicant contemplates 61 "single home units" in the zoning map but fails to show that these structures conform to the single-family requirements in Section 3.1(B)of the City Ordinance. It appears that the applicant is identifying that the structures will be developed pursuant to Multifamily standards when they need to comply with the Townhome standards or Single- Family standards. 2 See Wylie ISD, Bond 2019, Bond Proposal, available at https://www.wylieisd.net/Page/14121 (last accessed June 28, 2021). 3 See Wylie ISD, Bond 2019, Frequently Asked Questions, available at https://www.wylieisd.net/Pape/14115 (last accessed June 28, 2021) (emphasis added). 2 118 07/27/2021 Item 4. 5. The proposed zoning change would create a traffic nightmare. The development map appears to suggest that the road leading to Rita Smith Elementary will be used by the new development. This road cannot accommodate any more traffic. Moreover, anyone who travels in the area around school start and dismissal times knows that adding at least 638 vehicles4 in and out of that area daily is untenable. 6. Applicant misstates permitted uses for the community retail district. Applicant's Exhibit B states that the proposed zoning change for Subdistrict 1 to a Community Retail District permits many uses that "do not require additional requirements or a Special Use Permit," including a Financial Institution (without drive-thru), a Car Wash, and a Dry Cleaning or Laundry, Drop-off or Self Service. The Use Chart at Section 5.1 of the City Ordinance states the opposite, that a Special Use Permit is required for these uses. 7. Applicant's land design requirements, street and sidewalk requirements, and architectural requirements are not consistent with the City Ordinance. The Applicant's proposed zoning conditions also are not consistent with the City Ordinance regarding the land design, street and sidewalk requirements, and architectural requirements. Among other things, the City Ordinance specifies that all Multifamily districts have a minimum number of "Desirables" selected by the developer. For example, Figure 3-9 of the City Ordinance shows Land Design requirements, where all developments must meet at last 3 of 6 "Desirables" from the list. The Land Design Requirements in applicant's Exhibit B at page 3 comes nowhere near that, boarding on zero or perhaps 0.5 depending on how you classify partial compliance with one. Similarly, the applicant includes only 1 of 4 of the Desirables in the Street and Sidewalk Requirement, short of the minimum of 2. These are only a few ways that the applicant's proposal fails to comport with the City Ordinance. In sum, we urge the Commissioners and City Council to deny the applicant's proposed rezoning in Case 2021-15 for many reasons, such of which are set forth above. 4 The zoning exhibit shows 109 spaces for Subdistrict 1 and 529 parking spaces for Subdistrict 2. 3 119 07/27/2021 Item 4. '„"p "A„4qm ',', m"i+',"a„,dr,«ww ,,,f,',q „ " „o. N,,,'�,•, da' t„�''•w,,,,„ "u,;';Y���� ",%,""'�,, "a„n'yg.op,e"wn,(ni a „ M gym,w "M�a i� �d,,y�,,,�"„ o, .,tl `�''",. 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Z �, GAINS �requested zoning nW� j�u ,1 a�giY,y},' i, �°�",';^Y„ .`} �#T�� sffi,J $`V q. t„ �'q y(C gY¢bfi �R µ' " \t y\v 'M+'�ta.LiftaV�r the Planning +, r+"t,,,i`m�'%},3'"ty:§t`g?, 1. w( � Z & .0 ,;Ft",t�'+„S'v^s� rY„¢5,' b$a;~t Location Time of ` ***,*\„`'''v****1`,,4***ttl� ;r�,; e ,Ui't`',,tits}eUasi,, i Planning&Zoning t ;_,,t,tixt, „;;,;t, t ,'p,';'„;o,,° 4t "}it}atl l""'„t`:$�t'ir7t0;"\ „y'','„„;, 'y ' ern :m ion meeting: , _. Tuesday,July C 2t1 i i:i i � � 1 yy,4,< ? S' °",, ,o," 7�,�{ -ww,+W..3=.......:. .',:,,1.,>4,: s tti;�t,' 1 `a `�„M,d;� '"';, " p Complex,300 Country Club ='�',4,'0 �__� ,,,, �i,;4,i10 .. i„w Date,Location&Time of k}"4UsS r,„}a '„ „ ," " ": Tuesday,July 27,2021 6:00 Pm � � " "" p ° rC t Council etngSL3 "' 'Municipal om lec,303 Country Club Road, ," 'GPM ,n:uXUikifl tvtbflro Name: es �"'.;" a t,4 * „t� (please print) )6‘fel 0- .,"*",,I*,.4I-,N.,,*,,It,,,*„,,**,**,,*.,,„*,**,***,,*,.*.****.,°*,,*,„,,,*,,,,,,,*°,,,,„';"*;,,,;,,„l,'' ' „ ao° k' ., l'—'1)Trii4 it f'(1Lj1JZ'Q ," _ Signature: "'`, °t �l°e ,4.t,. ,�_ a"gip`^h Po',,„',,tl,. *IAV` fl� '�W � J+e%�' � ' s;"tYl� �n"w Date: ;t ,i •,°"'.;; ,,,,,,,„,„„.,,,,,,,,,,„„,,,,,,,,„,,,t,,,,,,,",„,,,,„,,"„,"„4„,, ,} a t , y7s „ ' �` 1 bfi1COMMENTS: 0 rts+ fl ,j A,� ►I Y I . a ,,, ,:, , y ir' ,rour T v_or, , ,, ,,,),,, , 4trlliralnMIIIkg if ''' Oil L a to kili( \IX i istrutivres. , A Aim,\,,°-:\.t *„.„,‘,1,,;: ,„„,-,,;„,',. „ IMI 1 i „.,40 7 1 4 ,_r yet,:'`a} , ?iti) ' S. 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'�t�?trt>,#it4`rr`"�' ,ru4oiti,,,;,s'to7„�l"},y,,,\, I,4tM ; htl„ e 'M�F'q'd^o""; ,m $o 'a, 'a,wi,�In,°a'P " 1, ''y,nrf,„ I oK,M 07/27/2021 Item 4. PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2021-15. �( I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2021-15. Please feel free to contact the Planning Department at 972.516.6320 with questions or concerns Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning _Comnliggirm merlins. Tltesdayjuly 06,2021 6:00 pm _ Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,July 27,2021 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: <5;I�rfl,ri /J1iç,ur &D OJ 9 C L/,v er (please print) Address: 3100 jeffre9 Dr, Parker Signature: ti !kt/`-' Sat/ Date: GE J 7"g02,4 COMMENTS: P ,.- a- Y'ea • 5 Yd/lf 07/27/2021 Item 4. PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 • I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2021-15. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2021-15. Please feel free to contact the Planning Department at 972.516.6320 with questions or concerns Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning _ Commission meeting: Tuesday,July, 06,2021 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road-Building-100,Wplie,-Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,July 27,2021 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: 10/7/v!" O!yr c/ /t/// (please print) Address: b6M 7' yA e GA) tr/ ��` Signature: ��� /� �/���'y Date: if V U/2/ COMMENTS: 7-if4 perm/NFQ C��rr �o��C vr'Z er>r" . tivr s.> il vt ' /aU2,0 5 IN / 400/V4 o/U, _2 J.4GyzE r4e. s`/I /A/ /�r�,9�s.-� ,off&e0,'r1 t'r - ,e,5'/DE445 t V ' - gocaf- /3E77 5?-1Z1.,1 bvW Ac rafte- "agesc-Av7r�.,C7 W/rif 4 777 'Uls WE GcUGP ,+Z7 122 7/6/2021 City of Wylie Mail-Monroe Lake Project 07/27/2021 Item 4. CITY OF WY LIE ary Bradley<mary.bradley Iletexas.gov> Monroe Lake Project 1 message Sarabeth Graham�...... Tue, Jul 6, 2021 at 3:15 PM To: mary.bradley@wy ietexas.gov To whom it may concern: I would like to voice my strong opposition to the Monroe Lake project. This plan would negatively affect myself and my neighbors. I have small children that attend Smith Elementary. If the proposed plan is put into place, the safety of our children getting to and from school would be called into question. The drop off process is currently chaotic and having that area much busier would be truly unwise. Additionally, Smith Elementary would not be suited to accommodate the influx of children associated with this plan. Yet another reason i cannot endorse this zoning change is because multi family homes are not a part of the current area makeup. We purchased our home on several acres so that we could be around other properties that were spread out and agriculture in nature. A proposal of multi family homes crammed right in the middle doesn't fit with the existing properties. I urge you to consider the safety of the children at the school and vote against rezoning for this mixed use space. Thank you for your consideration. Dr. Sarabeth Graham Sent from my iPhone 123 7/6/2021 City of Wylie Mail-Planning and Zoning 07/27/2021 Item 4. WYLtE Jason Haskins l'ase shaskins t ylletexasmove Planning and Zoning 2 messages se Sat, Jul 3, 2021 at 6:38 PM o; jasen. as ins oiiwy e exas.gov" <jasen.haskins©wylietexas.gov> I am unable to attend the meetings and hope I have the right spot. I DO NOT want to see any homes, apartments, etc., built on the Monroe Lake area (FM 137'8). If this is built,those of us living on FM 1378 farther up will have to wait for ever to pull out, driving will be more congested and a real mess. So, please pass on to the Board Members—some of us in Wylie don't want this addition done. Laurie Sargent Wylie, TX Jasen Haskins lasen.haskins@wylietexas.gov> Tue, Jul 6, 2021 at 7:23 AM To: Newbie 01 Ms. Sargent, Thank you for your comments. I will forward your comments to the P&Z Commissioners and City Council Regards, Jasen Haskins,AICP Planning Manager CITY OF City of Wylie 300 Country Club Rd. Wylie, TX 75098 972-518-8324 WARNING: Computer viruses can be transmitted via email.The recipient should check this email and any attachments for viruses.The City is not liable for damages caused by the transmission of a virus attached to this email or any errors or omissions caused by the transmission of this email when such errors or omissions are outside of the control of the sender. The views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the City of Wylie.Among other prohibitions,employees of the City of Wylie are prohibited from making defamatory statements;participating in any form of copyright,patent,or trademark infringement;and violating or allowing the violation of any local,state,or federal law.If any communication by an employee is in violation of these prohibitions,such communications shall be deemed contrary to the City's policies and outside the scope of the employment of that employee.The City shall not be liable for such communication,and the employee responsible will be personally liable for any damages or other liabilities. 124 7/7/2021 City of Wylie Mail-Zoning change comments 07/27/2021 Item 4. OF WYLIE Mary Bradley<mary.bradley lietexas.gov> Zoning change comments 1 message Valerie Struthers Tue, Jul 6, 2021 at 5:52 PM To: "mary.bradley@wylietexas.gov" <mary.bradley@wylietexas.gov> Mary, Reguarding the proposed zoning change of the 47 acres located at 2301 F 1378 I would like to express my negative feelings on this. I live on Lakeway Drive which is directly across 1378 from this property. I already have lots of drivers that cut through my street and speed. This would no doubt increase the number of drivers on my street. I have 2 young children that play with a lot of the other young children in our neighborhood and am worried for their safety. Please do not change the zoning. We do not want any apartments or new business traffic so close to us. Valerie Struthers Office admin Crest Exteriors 125 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=dbd50d8329&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1704577704365699061%7Cmsg-f%3A1704577704365... 7/6/2021 City of Wylie Mail-Opposed to Monroe Lake zoning change 07/27/2021 Item 4. ‘Al WYLIE Mary Bradley<mary.bradleyEi lietexes.gov› Opposed to Monroe Lake zoning change 1 message Lisa Tovar Tue,Jul 6,2021 at 4:29 PM To:mary.bra. ey. e exas.gov 114E! r* Lisa Tovar 4'19 PM(9 minutes ago) to marybradiey T am OPPOSED to the zoning being changed at 2301 F 13781 I moved here to get some green space and want it to stay as is, We do NOT need more shopping in this area as we have a huge selection of places to choose from just minutes from here off of FM 544 in NVylie and Murphy. Iliere ate already Apartments off Country Club that are not at capacity and that have a high turnover rate, Also it's not a good idea to have Apartments that dose to an Elementary Schooll Plus the current roadways can't handle any additional traffic. Thank you, ar LT Dail-.Desgm 126 07/27/2021 Item 4. Monroe Lake City Council Meeting City of Wylie July 27th, 2021 127 07/27/2021 Item 4. C o n ro e fa ke •locatio n M a p r ,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,ab,„,::,,,,„,,. , ,,,,,,„.„...„.,,,,,,....,,,,t,,,, � ,„:„.„.,,,,,41,i,,,, „„„ ,,„., n ." w " tip w w�"^"Yv w�' v r , � q r w � �.uT�-'f y , �� ,� r�: yu r " 'kklw*d �. �'� �t`w'. + Y\ nt� ,,, �, � a w: e „,; `. r r � ��, , 'itd v ww Ys r'V.1. , ,ww �;,: w, � ,» Y- mr.z�w;- v., , ".,»* .r � "';�x� art A0.� � .., CAP�T,'i:RRealEs ad Monroe Lake Townhomes � � $ � , � „ Wylie, TX 2 128 07/27/2021 Item 4. 01,.::,11,:::*,, ,.‘.P"'=.4k46:N4,.,.,';',k II. 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Wylie, TX 129 07/27/2021 Item 4. Future Land Use Plan a s}, 'y t`t` \�`��,y°` "�/�1/41/4 ; tn�: Ewa n+ • General Urban Corridor � ,, �� k4;Yv o Multi FamilyResidential • N'L � z � A LL o Commercial Corridoret* ti N o Light Industrial t�,�� • Natural Open Space Sector o Land to be dedicated to Wylie Park Department ,§2,4q 0 So,,n.,^': CAPST, Ft"a Neal Estate Monroe Lake Townhomes LAND USE Wylie, TX I 130 07/27/2021 Item 4. ova.•41,,,,,,,tv.,t.,,,41,,,,,,,..t.ttmtc,:t't,atMitt,'*;:',41. 1'li""',0,q,;t1,'''.4.41,0 AtiOt„.'`i'l?',,,ti t ir 4 0,,,,,,,„,tz,,...,.,..:*,.; 1,,,,# k,.;,i,,,,,4*,:ii,,,z,cab..,,,N';1'.,:;8.,,',',0,,,,,,,,,.'',''.,,,'i, '°:;:, •6.73,'N'''''1,1111,1..*Acti",$41,10*"4-5,..i,f.7,,.Iiiiii*V?4*t4'',Ait'1,541.1" '''''',Atlt.if,,,,,,'!'R',:,kt.,\'''k'k'''•„ft'*"r,A%'gitr.wtr'','"•^. , **I*4 *,,i,A* ,*,.,*.**,,,, , ; ,,4,01;7,,,.,,,.,,,, • 1 4,,,,,„lio.,,,,00..-,,,,40,„0.ftii, wtmitv, .„.0 #11ii044'41,02..0ist .'0%,4,,,,,tk iiriviii k,;*00.&„0440 ikKi.10 r,„Es,,r 4,,,,AAE01,„,„„,,,„AAA,0„*LAL ,*,#.,....***' „gA'A4*'A,14„.4 4,„"'T 44,,, i",'*****";.*1*.*A'A,4 A,,,,,,4*ITIV'Li A,A*,4`4A,A*V**,',ANON*CA 4L.******4101.10,40*''''',**„A:•I AN VP,ALAPEE,ANLEPLANNENE ETNEAVLA4iteAAVVAVAA LAISPO, EvvAA 1..V L 1 ',004,0,,ALLVVEOPV ',.*EATIEVLE.Vvtr71VIAVARA-LAL,i :',,,;:klEALL,WEL0AANEVEI,'„EA000*NEA',Erl„4'L,EA*,IttA, 14,,,,,tioVAAELEAL0A,',AAA,,,,AELL100,,,,40„,tbes ri,**L*0,,,,,,A,,,,,',,, "* TEV,L ',010gEV,'‘L ANEEiTAVPIET L'AtNLTELE ALPINE ,,VEVVEAENPLIA,At ;LAELPELALWA.41ANT,,,,A,,A,„,..“A T'ILEA,A v'LlAvVV*0.0'VELE4ELINAE'LAVA A.VAVNtLILEEVASLAVELLAV, 1. 0 ATV, LIA,"APELAVEA, ilLTAVAALVEN,ENTVALVPLAVANTLAL 0,00,,ELVVLL,V,AAINE,' TALAVANAAPAELIVA ArLALNALLE VAE,',','1:. 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'''', .,..,,4,,,,t.,. ,.',,kiir' _ Monroe Lake Townhomes CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN CAPS'inn RE0r.ii Estate Advisors Wylie,Tx i 5 131 07/27/2021 Item 4. .., ),. ... ^ < , in toS1'4,1,,it, - --,A , ,`AriAt - - t',' "‘ t A,AA-A*, t z •,,."1,,,:,„ , : , , s -#'',''''',7"ts-- '''' :4t:141 ' = -',..//'", "."- '7,,,:;,:`:, -,i".''''',*1,,:ik,;•:"'''r' ''"' ` ',:ii:" ' -,;," ,.' ,,,i,;‘'41,"*.'4*' ,- El 1 ' 0. 1 l'A NM t *,'t,fp • , , A ,ti, I t",";,ii„,,,!'ilek,1 fr,1 0 i " , ,°' , ',...'Ali,4''''otAKI• ,,,,,,,k,3..,i,,,0',6 . "0, 05' .4< \ ,4,4'^,,,',1.1t'', o , iii .g,..*,,,;.:',ikA\ w t it a II i 41i il '*'N tk'kitAt,\I 00,il al ''''%. g I' , .1&\14 Nts'6 kikt,,,,,,kk k•Ni& /S.1 II lir:4N4.' .;;;*„,,,,t0, , so al tt ,0 , ,tvt a‘,1kh.,,,,A.,0 , .., mg '\ N.:AZ ,"'"°.: ALtI It. II,r, ii,.*. 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Via. ts4{; `" 1 cs a ' h � r ` �1 ~e '' ,+ �. en "1 'emu e ; 4 + 4. ktlip tC „ ow I, m �au a id'1Nu1 . - Vla y ,,,y "5 s'''''! ._. i *** f d a "} ,, 44, �t I � � � t `" v ? . . s a r + t - ''} t +i)6 " r. * s c v v '4 �P ,� e # " '` @ ox e a \ •. a a i 6y t u• .y. s } lZ ' lti, r su t :. u V�y ru ;s r a, a"G is q x , t 'tt 31 � tt � " � t x ¢ ' 21 +ds 4,t? ? k�'k�' 3 � �� � �� � . gigt0n " " � i 1 ? ' & `� ) ka�r � x ti "" nC�t 3es "tu �P'�aa � 4 r } + b � a�' k � � " tG t 8�u` u �� p � qc 4$r ,Ah' � t,� u t�,+ 3 , x Su N r 'r ' L. ..`' a 7. t ,._n .,w� . lmle *�M N OE WYLIE PUBLIC TRAIL EXHIBIT yM"'"MAYC2'tt 133 07/27/2021 Item 4 Comments/Questions From P&Z Meeting • Sanitary Capacity • Drainage • Traffic • School Impact cAps-r. FrRealEstateAd,,sors Monroe Lake Townhomes p&z QUESTIONS Wylie TX 8 134 07/27/2021 Item 4. Sanitary • A new 12" gravity sanitary In sewer main was approved - ,;_ sT QIR iPO Lk GRAVITY , } for construction in July I SEWERLINE 2018 and will serve the — / Li � �)�- E Monroe Lake Site >> 1/LL 1 ,� � -� • The Monroe family gave the �,_ y-j ' '---- \''y li : - I Citya 20' easement to I - - ss. = _ -u. 3 = == , -- allow the sewer line to run 1 �.-.'.������_������ i - - � - —`7 � �E _ ;G WYLIE/ST PAUL through their property E.: 8 p p y i .- 'tit Fr esr CITY LIMIT �1 (WYI.IE #m L a F CAPST, Ft"a Real Estate Advsors Monroe Lake Townhomes P&Q QUESTIONS Wylie TX 1.35_ 07/27/2021 Item 4. Drainage • The City of Wylie's Storm Drainage Ordinance will require y, , = H ,ry a drainageproposed developmentwt will not increase flows that the 1 mm^ study designplans downstream and cause flooding to any neighbors. We n must follow the City's Ordinance,which specifically wn, states: � . ; d u ‘ m p . plain „ , o , ,, will be permitted which could result in anydegree of " "" �' - o "No altration of the channel or adjacentloo� �8 � �� � u^ increased floodingto other properties,adjacent,p p J " " . upstream,or downstream" ' ' ' erations of the o erosive e water velocity flood plain or off sitenot create an " „�� l ,� . e i ipnwu�,wt+'cmu.:n, +om wiw+ur�++ iewiee fi lee rwg' .:...";..,$..0,1= 0,14,...C.. wxe�*rrxa;,art .n,..«,rcx n�.,u� tc+v .+xptm arw,."g: o "A hydraulic study that illustrates no adverse ��I .F "� ,.....n .v . :L. 010 conditions are created downstream as a result of development"will be submitted with engineering plans. • If the study shows that there will be an increase in floodplain,we will be required to provide on-site stormwater detention, per the Ordinance. CAPST'.A`Real Estate Advasors Monroe Lake Townhomes P&Z QUESTIONS Wylie, TX i � 136 07/27/2021 Item 4. Traffic • A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) was prepared by Kimley-Horn. The study used the traffic counts from the previous zoning case in 2018 and then factored them based on surrounding growth rates to analyze traffic for years 2024 and 2029 • The study included a 3,000 SF drive-thru restaurant, which is the highest traffic use, to be conservative • The site's driveways provide the appropriate level of access for the development, and no vehicular connection to the school is proposed CAPSTtt.FT Rea Estate Actasors Monroe Lake Town homes P&Z QUESTIONS 11 Wylie, TX ;. 137 07/27/2021 Item 4. School Impact • School District Strategies (SDS) was engaged to perform a potential Student Yield Analysis based on the proposed development • SDS is the official demographer for the Wylie Independent School District • The analysis determined that the new development would yield at a maximum 55 Wylie ISD students at build-out • This results in a yield of .22 students per dwelling unit • As a comparison, for-sale single family developments yield .75 students per dwelling unit CAPSTtkFt Real Estate Ad sors Monroe Lake Townhomes P&Z U TIO' L2 Wylie, TX 138 07/27/2021 Item 4. a a - zi t _nlit ,, I r-,,,,,,,,,,z-,,,', ,--z- i rwK"'Nq„.wrlM km Itk , x y 5 Ito .,,,,. .--... ailik,\ i. c,.,:,:74:. - I ,,':TIMM ill„situ ,0. .. ..,. ,,, ._ „ / /,-,- , - ..,,,,,, , 1.),..\ ‘,...„„„J. „... , . „zi, it'.4.,,,Ii ki,;,. ,,,,,, /1 II; mar.:,„,„, V; .�.,__�.�.,r"" 1 ' 11MIIMIIIMIMMI�IIMIO�IIO s: $.4 t 7 IV MI r r i ,*,,, ii,.. „, L. ,.„ „,„ ,„, ,,, I_ _ .. ,... ,„,.41 ,,,..,,..,., It - --- 11111 L.T.L.1 111111 Ill IN ir 111-'' I '',",ro, „,, „Ivy, .,,,,,., ;,,,,.,,,,, t . ., I a all Mil LL hi ,i, I 2 ';";::;:"1;'1:':'"r;'7":::'Si:;'''''''':51::: "" %IIM�rtII 1�R1�[ r tt v I aFnb 6YC:;tt tM'Y hPo'F NE, x r C '4 E.4 t tttttet _ Ye G54.t�d e , 1 ay I., dam y` u A„J 139 07/27/2021 Item 4. ova.•41,,,,,,,tv.,t.,,,41,,,,,,,..t.ttmtc,:t't,atMitt,'*;:',41. 1'li""',0,q,;t1,'''.4.41,0 AtiOt„.'`i'l?',,,ti t ir 4 0,,,,,,,„,tz,,...,.,..:*,.; 1,,,,# k,.;,i,,,,,4*,:ii,,,z,cab..,,,N';1'.,:;8.,,',',0,,,,,,,,,.'',''.,,,'i, '°:;:, ,6'73,"114'1•0441,1.''*NActi,*14,4040*"4-',,,,Ff.7,,,111islf,V?4*t.'f,"kiltl,".,41.1" '1`‘',1'4014:41,,,,,,,,11R1,kt:,\'''w,'"11,,,Ittitititettr' ,'",.. , **I*4 *,,i,A* ,*,.,*.**,,,, , ; ,,4,01;7,,,.,,,.,,,, • 1 AN.,„lio.,,,,00..-,,,40,„0.fti..., wtmitv, .„.0 #11ii044'41,02..0ist .'0%,4,,,,,tk iiriviii k,;*00.&„0440 ikKi.10 r,„Es,,r 4,,,,AAE01,„,„„,,,„AAA,0„*LAL ,*,#.,....***' „gA'A4*'A,14„.4 4,„"'T 44,,, i",'*****";.*1*.*A'A,4 A,,,,,,4*ITIV'Li A,A*,4`4A,A*V**,',ANON*CA 4L.******4101.10,40*''''',**„A:•I AN VP,ALAPEE,ANLEPLANNENE ETNEAVLA4iteAAVVAVAA LAISPO, EvvAA 1..V L 1 ',004,0,,ALLVVEOPV ',.*EATIEVLE.Vvtr71VIAVARA-LAL,i :',,,;:klEALL,WEL0AANEVEI,'„EA000*NEA',Erl„4'L,EA*,IttA, 14,,,,,tioVAAELEAL0A,',AAA,,,,AELL100,,,,40„,tbes ri,**L*0,,,,,,A,,,,,',,, "* TEV,L ',010gEV,'‘L ANEEiTAVPIET L'AtNLTELE ALPINE ,,VEVVEAENPLIA,At ;LAELPELALWA.41ANT,,,,A,,A,„,..“A T'ILEA,A v'LlAvVV*0.0'VELE4ELINAE'LAVA A.VAVNtLILEEVASLAVELLAV, 1. 0 ATV, LIA,"APELAVEA, ilLTAVAALVEN,ENTVALVPLAVANTLAL 0,00,,ELVVLL,V,AAINE,' TALAVANAAPAELIVA ArLALNALLE VAE,',','1:. 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Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: Planning Account Code: Prepared By: Jasen Haskins,AICP Subject Consider,and act upon, Ordinance No. 2021-35 establishing a Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee(CPAC),providing for the scope and authority of the Committee,time of service,and appointing Committee members. Recommendation Motion to approve Ordinance No. 2021-35 establishing a Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee (CPAC),providing for the scope and authority of the committee, time of service, and appointing to the committee. Discussion At the direction of the City council, staff drafted an Ordinance for the creation of the CPAC for an update to the 2012 Comprehensive Master Plan for the City of Wylie. At the direction of Council,CPAC will consist of 14 members appointed as per the Ordinance(Exhibit A). Staff worked with the organizations designated by Council, and the members are included in Exhibit B for reference. Once created,the CPAC will work directly with staff and the consultant team to develop a draft plan. To accomplish this CPAC members are charged to: (a)Work with staff and the consultant at designated meetings to discuss and consider the update to the Comprehensive Plan. (b)Attend the public worksessions, open houses, and other events as advocates of the plan process and the plan itself. (c)Ensure that the plan reflects the desire and vision of all the citizens of Wylie. CPAC will meet about once a month for 2-3 hours for each meeting. This encompasses meetings, work sessions, and open houses. The process is expected to last about one year and be completed by Summer of 2022 at which point CPAC will be discharged. Adoption of the Ordinance is the creation of the CPAC. Financial Summary/Strategic Goals Health, safety, and well-being Planning Management Community Focused Government Economic Growth Infrastructure Culture Page 1 o 1 141 07/27/2021 Item 5. ORDINANCE NO. 2021-35 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CPAC); PROVIDING FOR THE SCOPE AND AUTHORITY OF THE COMMITTEE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF THE MEMBERS; PROVIDING FOR TIME OF SERVICE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council for the City of Wylie believes that the Comprehensive Plan is a necessary tool in guiding decisions and effectively managing the growth and development of the city; and WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes that in order for the Comprehensive Plan to reflect the community's goals and objectives, it must be reviewed and updated; and WHEREAS, the City Council believes that the citizen members of the committee should be representative of the entire community; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas that: SECTION 1. Membership - The City Council shall appoint fourteen (14) members to serve on the CPAC. Of the members, each City Council member shall directly designate one (1) member, who shall be a resident of Wylie for a minimum of one (1) year and a registered voter; Council shall directly and jointly appoint one (1) member who, at time of appointment resides in. the City of Wylie's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ); and each of the following organizations shall submit one (1) designated member of their choice: Wylie Downtown Merchants Association (WDMA),Wylie Economic Development Corporation(EDC),The City of Wylie Historic Review Commission (HRC), The City of Wylie Parks Board, The City of Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z), and the Wylie Independent School District (WISD). The Planning Manager and the consulting firm of Freese and Nichols shall coordinate the committee and serve as liaison. SECTION 2. Meetings - The CPAC shall meet, at a minimum, according to the schedule established by staff and the consultant. All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act. SECTION 3. Authority - The CPAC shall be a recommending body with no budget or administrative authority. SECTION 4. Charge - The CPAC is charged with the following: Ordinance No.2021-35 Establishing a Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee 142 07/27/2021 Item 5. (a) Work with staff and the consultant at designated meetings to discuss and consider the update to the Comprehensive Plan. (b) Attend the public worksessions, open houses, and other events as advocates of the plan process and the plan itself. (c) Ensure that the plan reflects the desire and vision of all the citizens of Wylie. SECTION 5. The CPAC shall be discharged upon final adoption of the Comprehensive Master Plan by the City Council of the City of Wylie. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage by the City Council of the City of Wylie. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS this 27th day of July, 2021. Matthew Porter, Mayor ATTEST: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Ordinance No.2021-35 Establishing a Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee 143 07/27/2021 Item 5 EXHIBIT "B" Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee CPAC Member Organization Appointed By Sandra Stone Citizen Councilman Duke Todd Pickens Citizen Councilman Strang Ken Kocon Citizen Mayor Porter Matthew Soto Citizen Mayor Pro Tern Forrester Jon Bailey Citizen Councilman Mize ??? Citizen Councilman Wallis James Byrne Citizen Councilman Williams ??? ETJ Citizen Council at Large Jeremy Meier Downtown Merchants Association DMA Jason Greiner Economic Development Corp EDC Board Joe Chandler Historic Review Commission HRC Kim Mullis Parks Board Parks Board Jacques Loraine Planning and Zoning Commission P&Z Matt Atkins Wylie Independent School District WISD 144 07/27/2021 Item 6. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: Finance Account Code: Prepared By: Melissa Beard Subject Consider,and act upon, Ordinance No. 2021-36 amending Wylie's Code of Ordinances,Ordinance No. 2021-17 as amended, ppendix C (Wylie Comprehensive Fee Schedule), Section I (Water and Sewer Fees), Subsection B (Water Rates), and Subsection C (Sewage Collection and Treatment Rates). Recommendation Motion to approve as presented. Discussion On July 28, 2020, Council approved the final version of the water and sewer rate study prepared by NewGen Strategies & olutions. The study incorporated the water and sewer capital improvements plan (CIP) for five years, outstanding debt ervice,the estimated wholesale water rate increases from the North Texas Municipal Water District,the transfer to the general i und,and future utility fund staffing needs. This study also incorporated the cash contribution of$4 million for the Advanced etering Infrastructure project as well as the$3.3 million that is being financed over a 10 year period at a 2.1%interest rate. he FY2022 proposed budget includes $15,000 to begin an annual review of the rate study, including water and sewer rates i nd capital needs. This budget is based on a water rate increase of 7.25% and a wastewater rate increase of 2.75%. Financial Summary/Strategic Goals Page 1 o 1 145 07/27/2021 Item 6. ORDINANCE NO. 2021-36 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS,AMENDING WYLIE'S CODE OF ORDINANCES,ORDINANCE NO. 2021-17, AS AMENDED, APPENDIX C (WYLIE COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE), SECTION I (WATER AND SEWER FEES), SUBSECTION B (WATER RATES), SUBSECTION C (SEWAGE COLLECTION AND TREATMENT RATES); PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR REPEALING, SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council") has adopted a comprehensive fee schedule ("Comprehensive Fee Schedule") for the City of Wylie, Texas ("Wylie"), which is codified in Appendix C to the Wylie Code of Ordinances, Ordinance No. 2021- 17, as amended("Code of Ordinances"); and WHEREAS, the City Council has investigated and deteiniined that it would be advantageous and beneficial to the citizens of Wylie to amend the following provisions of the Comprehensive Fee Schedule as provided herein: Section I (Water and Sewer Fees), Subsection B (Water Rates), Subsection C (Sewage Collection and Treatment Rates);. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: Amendment to Appendix C(Wylie Comprehensive Fee Schedule)of the Wylie Code of Ordinances. Appendix C(Comprehensive Fee Schedule)of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows: "WYLIE COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE" I. WATER AND SEWER FEES B. Water Rates. (1) The following monthly water rates shall apply to all domestic residential customers within the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas. ALL PRICES ARE FOR 1,000 GALLONS OF METERED WATER. (a) Monthly minimum charge for first 1,000 gallons of metered water consumption: $18.54 Ordinance No.2021-36 Amendment to the Wylie Comprehensive Fee Schedule Page 1 146 07/27/2021 Item 6. (b) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding 1,000 gallons: 1,001 to 10,000 gallons: $6.31 10,001 to 20,000 gallons: $8.19 20,001 to 40,000 gallons: $10.64 Over 40,000 gallons: $13.84 (2) The following monthly water rates shall apply to all domestic commercial customers, (other than apartments, mobile home parks and other multi-unit dwellings not individually metered) within the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas: (a) Monthly minimum charge for first 1,000 gallons of metered water consumption: $25.32 (b) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding 1,000 gallons: $7.16 (3) The following water rates shall apply to all domestic apartments, mobile home parks, and other multi-unit dwellings, not individually metered, within the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas: (a) Monthly minimum charge for first 1,000 gallons of metered water $25.32 (b) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding 1,000 gallons $7.16 (4) The following monthly water rates shall apply to all irrigation meters within the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas: (a) Monthly minimum charge for first 1,000 gallons of metered water: (1) Residential irrigation $18.54 (2) Commercial&Multifamily $25.32 (b) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding 1,000 gallons: (1) Residential irrigation $9.05 (2) Commercial irrigation $9.05 (5) The monthly water charge for any customers (residential, commercial, apartment, mobile home park, or other multi-unit dwelling not individually metered)located outside the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas, shall be at the rate of one hundred fifteen percent (115%) of the rate charged customers inside the corporate limits of the City. (6) Any bulk water customer who desires to withdraw water from a hydrant or other source not metered and charged directly to them, shall fill out a water application form and sign the form in the same manner as a regular metered customer. Bulk water rate charges are to be charged in twenty-five(25) gallon increments at the same rates as the commercial customers. Ordinance No.2021-36 Amendment to the Wylie Comprehensive Fee Schedule Page 2 147 07/27/2021 Item 6. C. Sewage Collection and Treatment Rates. (1) The following monthly sewage collection and treatment rates shall apply to all residential customers of the City of Wylie, Texas: (a) Customers who are 65 years of age or older and have a homestead exemption on the service address which appears in the tax records $37.68 (b) Customers who are disabled and have a homestead exemption on the service address which appears in the tax records $37.68 (c) All other customers $53.42 (2) The following monthly sewage collection and treatment rates shall apply to all commercial customers of the City of Wylie, Texas: (a) Monthly minimum charge first 1,000 gallons of metered water...... $40.67 (b) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding 1,000 gallons...... $ 5.65 (3) The following monthly sewage collection and treatment rates shall apply to each apartment unit, multiple-family unit, or mobile home space and special areas such as washateria,swimming pools,etc.,where the apartment,multiple- family development or mobile home park is on a master meter for water consumption with the City of Wylie, Texas: (a) Age restricted Senior Multiple Family Facility $37.68 (b) All other customers $53.42 (4) The monthly sewer charge for any customers (residential, commercial, apartment, mobile home park, or other multi-unit dwelling not individually metered)located outside the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas, shall be at the rate of one hundred fifteen percent (115%) of the rate charged customers inside the corporate limits of the City. (5) The monthly water and sewer rate charge for residential and commercial customers located outside the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas, shall be at the rate of one hundred fifteen percent (115%) of the rate charged customers inside the corporate limits of the City. SECTION 3: Penalty. Any person, firm, corporation or entity that violates this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined a sum not exceeding two thousand dollars ($2,000.00)if the violation relates to the public health and sanitation, otherwise the fine shall be a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00). Each continuing day's violation shall constitute a separate offense. The penal provisions imposed under this Ordinance Ordinance No.2021-36 Amendment to the Wylie Comprehensive Fee Schedule Page 3 148 07/27/2021 Item 6. shall not preclude the Wylie from filing suit to enjoin the violation. Wylie retains all legal rights and remedies available to it pursuant to local, state and federal law. SECTION 4: Savings/Repealing. All provisions of the Code of Ordinances shall remain in full force and effect, save and except as amended by this or any other ordinance. All provisions of any ordinance in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent they are in conflict; but such repeal shall not abate any pending prosecution for violation of the repealed ordinance, nor shall the repeal prevent a prosecution from being commenced for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of the ordinance. Any remaining portions of said ordinances shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5: Severability. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, subsection,clause or phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, and phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION 6: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication as required by the City Charter and by law. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, on this 27th day of July, 2021. Matthew Porter, Mayor ATTESTED AND CORRECTLY RECORDED: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Dates to be published in The Wylie News August 4,2021 Ordinance No.2021-36 Amendment to the Wylie Comprehensive Fee Schedule Page 4 149 07/27/2021 Item 7. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: City Secretary Account Code: Prepared By: Stephanie Storm Subject Consider, and act upon, the acceptance of the resignation of the Zoning Board of Adjustment board member Robert Blair, appointment of alternate Zewge Kagnew to fill the unexpired term of July 2021 to June 2022, and the appointment of a new alternate to fill the unexpired term of July 2021 to June 2023. Recommendation Motion to approve the acceptance of the resignation of the Zoning Board of Adjustment board member Robert Blair, appointment of alternate Zewge Kagnew to fill the unexpired term of July 2021 to June 2022, and the appointment of to fill the unexpired term of July 2021 to June 2023. Discussion Staff is requesting the appointment of Zewge Kagnew, current alternate, as a new Zoning Board of Adjustment member to replace Robert Blair. Mr. Blair submitted his letter of resignation dated July 2,2021. Zewge Kagnew currently holds the position of Alternate 2 for the Zoning Board of Adjustment and is a citizen of Wylie. He would replace Mr.Blair until the time for renewal in June 2022. Staff has reached out to Mr.Kagnew and he is willing to serve if appointed. With Mr. Kagnew moving into a board position, there would be a vacancy left in the alternate position. Staff reached out to 2021 Boards & Commissions applicants who were not appointed to a board and who chose Zoning Board of Adjustment as one of their three preferences. Four applicants,Richard Miller,Aaron Jameson, John Perdomo, and Jocelyn Collong did reply back and express interest in the position. Attached are the five applications for your consideration. Financial Summary/Strategic Goals Community Focused Government Page 1 o 1 150 07/27/2021 Item 7. First Name* Last Name* Justin Bailey Please provide your full legal first sand fast nine. Occupation Federal Contractor: Security Address in EN?* Wylie Resident* Resident Length* Yes m„ No Yes No 6 months Registered Voter* Currently Serving* Yes No Yes „', No .cards and Commission Preferences Board Preference 1:* Parks&Recreation Board Board Preference 2:* Zoning Board of adjustments Board Preference 3: Animal Shelter Advisory Board Board 3 Qualification* Resident Please indicate briefly why you would like serve as a Boards and Commission member: To give back to my community Panel Notes: 151 07/27/2021 Item 7. First Name* Last Name* Jocelyn Collong Please provide yogi trill legal first and last name Occupation Employee Address in ETJ?* Wylie Resident* Resident Length* Yes e No Yes No 4 Registered Voter* Currently Serving* Yes No Yes No hoards and Commission Preferences Board Preference 1:* Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board 1 Qualification* Serve,or have served, in a professional capacity. Board Preference 2:* Planning &Zoning Commission Board Preference 3:* Zoning Board of Adjustments Please indicate briefly why you would like serve as a Boards and Commission member:* Wylie is our home As such, it is important for me that Wylie become economically well off.The Covid-19 pandemic and eventually the distribution of the much needed vaccine to Wylie vis-a-viz its rich neighbors McKinney and Frisco leaves so much to be desired. I want to help and contribute to my cit Panel Notes: 152 07%271202/Item 7 07%271202/Item 7 07%271202/Item 7 07/27/2021 Item 8. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: City Secretary Account Code: Prepared By: Stephanie Storm Subject Consider, and act upon,the acceptance of the resignation of the Zoning Board of Adjustment alternate board member Lance iser, and the appointment of a new alternate to fill the unexpired term of July 2021 to June 2022. Recommendation Motion to approve the acceptance of the resignation of the Zoning Board of Adjustment alternate board member Lance Kiser, and the appointment of to fill the unexpired term of July 2021 to June 2022. Discussion Staff is requesting the appointment of a new alternate to replace Lance Kiser. Mr. Kiser infoimed staff on July 8 that he would need to resign from the Board. With Mr. Kiser's resignation, there would be a vacancy left in the alternate position. Staff reached out to 2021 Boards & Commissions applicants who were not appointed to a board and who chose Zoning Board of Adjustment as one of their three preferences. Four applicants,Richard Miller,Aaron Jameson,John Perdomo, and Jocelyn Collong did reply back and express interest in the position. Attached are the five applications for your consideration. Financial Summary/Strategic Goals Community Focused Government Page 1 o 1 156 07/27/2021 Item 8. First Name* Last Name* Justin Bailey Please provide your full legal first sand fast nine. Occupation Federal Contractor: Security Address in EN?* Wylie Resident* Resident Length* Yes m„ No Yes No 6 months Registered Voter* Currently Serving* Yes No Yes „', No .cards and Commission Preferences Board Preference 1:* Parks&Recreation Board Board Preference 2:* Zoning Board of adjustments Board Preference 3: Animal Shelter Advisory Board Board 3 Qualification* Resident Please indicate briefly why you would like serve as a Boards and Commission member: To give back to my community Panel Notes: 157 07/27/2021 Item 8. First Name* Last Name* Jocelyn Collong Please provide yogi trill legal first and last name Occupation Employee Address in ETJ?* Wylie Resident* Resident Length* Yes e No Yes No 4 Registered Voter* Currently Serving* Yes No Yes No hoards and Commission Preferences Board Preference 1:* Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board 1 Qualification* Serve,or have served, in a professional capacity. Board Preference 2:* Planning &Zoning Commission Board Preference 3:* Zoning Board of Adjustments Please indicate briefly why you would like serve as a Boards and Commission member:* Wylie is our home As such, it is important for me that Wylie become economically well off.The Covid-19 pandemic and eventually the distribution of the much needed vaccine to Wylie vis-a-viz its rich neighbors McKinney and Frisco leaves so much to be desired. I want to help and contribute to my cit Panel Notes: 158 07/27/2021 Item 8. Arst Name* Last Name* Aaron Jameson Please provide youi tall legal first and last name Occupation Banker Address in ETJ?* Wylie Resident* Resident Length* Yes - No Yes No 2019 Registered Voter* Currently Serving* Yes No Yes No .oards and Commission Preferences Board Preference 1:* Planning&Zoning Commission Board Preference 2:* Parks&Recreation Board Board Preference 3:* Zoning Board of Adjustments Please indicate briefly why you would like serve as a Boards and Commission member:* I am a Wylie resident, parent and homeowner with a professional background in finance. I'd like to an from current board members about what is important to Wylie residents and represent a diverse voice in the community. Panel Notes: 159 07/27/2021 Item 8. First * Name Last Name* Richard Miller Please provide vein trill legal first and last name Occupation Postal Worker Address in ET'S?* Wylie Resident* Resident Length* Yes No t Yes No 18 years Registered Voter* Currently Serving* Yes No Yes t No ards and Commission Preferences Board Preference 1:* Planning&Zoning Commission Board Preference 2:* Zoning Board of Adjustments Board Preference 3:* Animal Shelter Advisory Board Board 3 Qualification* Resident Please indicate briefly why you would like serve as a Boards and Commission member:* I believe the city of Wylie has gone astray in recent years to the detriment of our community and quality of life here in Wylie. I'd like to to see our community stop allowing our town to loose it's charm and livability. Panel Notes: 160 07/27/2021 Item 8. Arst Name* Last Name* John Perdomo Please provide youi full legal first and last name Occupation Client Solutions Executive with AT&T Address in ETJ?* Wylie Resident* Resident Length* Yes No Yes No 20 years Registered Voter* Currently Serving* Yes No Yes No ards and Commission Preferences Board Preference 1:* Parks&Recreation Board Board Preference 2:* Parks&Recreation 4B Board Preference 3:* Zoning Board of Adjustments Please indicate briefly why you would like serve as a Boards and Commission member:* I love volunteering in my community and would like to use my experience to contribute toward the enhancement and improvement of our city.As Director of Parkside DOA, I've worked with staff members of Parks&Recreation to improve our area,and 1 want to expand my service to the entire city. Panel Notes: 161 07/27/2021 Item WS2. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: Public Works Account Code: Prepared By: Tim Porter Subject ID iscuss Wylie Wastewater Treatment Plant Demolition Options. Recommendation Discussion Discuss three(3) options for demolition of the Wylie Wastewater Treatment Plant, including costs associated with each. Page 1 ol 1 162 f. g.„; q ,p .,wa 07/27/2021 Item WS2. ' 'em ' " �;'i ' � � ',Fn � ktl ; . ,b ; » . • C ' `Y ., 474,La"LI. "r,u, 99 wm^- n 9••,'",-49,y; 99999, �, -9 I : .,•h • ua� ,9 ;" "N ,4 , � N , a. ii ff toff cfs - pofffft " o,a fro 4 r „'� u4 g a ;•* raft. r. $" d 11. + .y.ytl `;'*•;(IIv " • a(+W .u',."-"AV � , �" .y`", toot,oft »'* , va ,� i� 'W ' ' I 'Off",d' ' � ,.:,; :u , ,' �� ri4` 0,, 8441, ur �e " A "'',' ; ,. t. ,x" .;' rf toot ," w`sffooffrottift ;,Mm.. 9: x. •M d, e;xR.r 'JdC 5,,,, E...�� �d�l��,m""' ,,fir .rC' .. i:i„,A,,,,‘„ , fff r— ';"" "' '• .e* atOifieffit� Mw.� ,;'^.�'r. '" ''v.'^.'.4y„.. 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',. ,,, .x.. ,,.� .: �' I 'PSI „ ,y i, •� „'�„"'pY' '''"'"a, as"„ „ Pro ert ,. til "�"�. ;, ,La4,; '; ,`�,•K. . p YBoundary �� ,,u' ' ';, ,t'',; 0 50 100 150 200 FN JOB NO WLE20563 �7F EESE N City of Wylie Wastewater Treatment Plant FILF,1 DemoO.tl.mxd 1 • =NI DATE 5805 Main Street,Suite B June 2021 W�E SCALE DESIGNED 1:1 200 Frisco,Texas 75034 S Demolition Option 1 FIGURE Phone-(972)624-9201 MK DRAFTED MK 163 07/27/2021 Item WS2. 4N1C'Ht)Lr ;. OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST PROJECT NAME Wylie WWTP Demolition DATE 6/8/2021 CLIENT NTMWD GROUP 1153 %SUBMITTAL Conceptual PM Clayton Barnard ESTIMATED BY QC CHECKED BY FNI PROJECT NUMBER WLE20563 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL Demolition of Wylie WWTP-Option 1 1 Demolition of Aeration Basin 2 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000 3 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 6421 SF $ 4.00 $ 25,684 4 Fill Structure with Fill 6485 CY $ 25.00 $ 162,125 5 . 6 Demolition of Waste Sludge Holding Basin 7 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000 8 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 571 SF $ 7.50 $ 4,283 9 Fill Structure with Fill 1075 CY $ 25.00 $ 26,875 10 11 Demolition of Secondary Clarifier 12 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000 13 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 1885 SF $ 7.50 $ 14,138 14 Fill Structure with Fill 3686 CY $ 25.00 $ 92,150 15 16 Demolition of Chlorine Contact Chamber/Headworks 17 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500 18 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 3330 SF $ 4.00 $ 13,320 19 Fill Structure with Fill 592 CY $ 25.00 $ 14,800 SUBTOTAL $ 390,874 CONTINGENCY 15% $ 58,631 SUBTOTAL $ 449,505 MOBILIZATION 5% $ 22,475 SUBTOTAL $ 471,980 OH&P 18% $ 84,956 PROJECT TOTAL(2021 COSTS) $ 556,937 The Engineer has no control over the cost of labor,materials,equipment,or over the Contractor's methods of determining prices or over competitive bidding or market conditions.Opinions of probable costs provided herein are based on the information known to Engineer at this time and represent only the Engineer's judgment as a design professional familiar with the construction industry.The Engineer cannot and does not guarantee that proposals,bids,or actual construction costs will not vary from its opinions of probable costs. NOTES: 1 FNI OPCC classified as an AACE Class 4 Estimate with accuracy range or-20 to+30. 2 FNI OPCC does not include costs associated with engineering fees,permits,surveying,etc. Page 1 of 5 164 f. �.„; q ,p ".,=."war" 07/27/2021 Item WS2. Y ."r ,��"w ,.,,, 'W'r ,v, �� '� ',F�n,` ;,;,k�m "t . •b. ' ; ' ' N. ,, Wit. ' „,, " a° 't S' ','' '"'..,r C'ik..',yTy :tR uJ6' ' ".y�v "^'` n a',' �,t5'p•a'"y".,".;#,,r y; V to a 5�S^ e•'wa°. "1 t" ,C: .,•h" •'°`•u d.� gg ,. ;',*� h"",� }4 trc �tl , "rah 713"pfie N . re u in gl y"„a'it i" x— " `.{ m '" ° x, "fig w a '+' ^T f x III _ „ r :4''' h , ipw., ..k!u::•, nx•u „t}:,;l'', „M d,' ,, ', "" "", yc,. y, w „ i :- o'i ," �q 4:,,,' ,'r,' tit sr r',wte " A ",'', ; 't,,,,. ,",.! x"w.;' ',,,,,� ',":, 1, bMBm" .3�u n, ",,''.a^y"u, .ad 4 �;', .,,1II ,,M„ fBY,�d, �� �.� vr M.;w.� �'�� ��� ,. ^" I'; Chlorine � ::% ";v fl� �, 0 „" '.�",: ', "10 Contacts . i` " '.SlUltryry,a .��� Tex' �y�,�. {�' '1' w Chamber/ : ' 4,-.,,. `�,, x:.".as eq,, R' ""' 'm.. :' '� ' "ns:,' ,m9r^ °u, ,��•a a�^y J � HeadWorks ���«.�.� -J"w r Pump , .' ,; <,�' ,,p�4`-. L ,mk,i, "�����i,��" ;i • , ,`� ') Station > �,Po•.� Secondary gip' ;;l,.. . ',� „` ^ ..,. �' 6 �, 4 Clarifier ,•014-4�,��7 4 4 r:,' 4 , ' t,,;, ,w. +wow, f "4il,n^ },�, P V {e"t ° :�M ;��- ,. P e »'ml,:s.v'., �� '•, a. ', ' k�� a 1��.',{�,�''' Chlorine Storage• �,, . a „.„,, • �s` , ,yi Bash . PoPo,�� "dN,.,,,,,WA- .�, �,». a o '„".v,'• c; ," ,. a� "4 ,:',,,'��. i�,',' �,; l",,,''�i��""a ,'u"~',�"� .p;' p���u+� I '21`2,', . ''' y. m „'5�31. ''�"'',-y' ,� •uP,�,, "44 "E„ { ia „„,,, tl!'"�"� ,...a F'k_' " w.. gi '"d`���,�:I „I", a,," �u•�;, � R'IC''i:,�$` ��' }MA' BIoWeC Y ".; „•, ,u;^'. ro, 4 " t ttk Facility:" : ` ,. .;' $14,1 >TM'.,.:. .w � ,a'"'','I° V ".N''44E.v. `d,n z�„ ;'h *„"." 4y'r.,ai e,." n',,",,ny a; is y_• " li b� ,Y1n i aa'+'., eke'` } �` "a�n ' ., �';�;an ., Wastes .. '� .: Drying, 'i j , ti a 's� �;,yq �:,_ . ,Sludge" "' .;.,;,',' ci Beds -.., ,' '. :�"4,; > \„-A Ra1 "4 id ", �"� Muir q` .k`. �.zs ,one S7,`i.„ (, "; 's, t Holding' ,ut`r a< ;,�. " " infl• 'iient "„ � '' � ., t�° "' ;�, ,w,`" , , '. Basin ' , maPoPo, .."` z; '; "°'"' Punnp Station " ,p' �.: ;'na xM ,;°=.e;'l"„„"`"''gt4i.,,,w�� .,Ial s4'na..x1.!a[4: :, F,a, ". ,P41n'a,".1`°4 .,a. -`a-. s�i,: .g 4`" 4 t • •,,:�,, y "��. 'S�, m4+",xM""' .yp' ",, .•J, yam. .,„.'.,,, ,... 144 I M 3..,�h ‘11 '•4"" �� i. 1,1 1 d »i}"".' »4, 44 i;4.� ,14.,rrL{ ..T r,•° ?k"'4, e' •W"s • fit': ; Drying Beds I„1,', a z a�N,. d,, „ll Fitggdaaaaaaaga I`, yyyy 4 agog,' `, r �oo�p ,q �i,b: aA rk. t'R Food '.a , . Fag C ".,`", N',y�'L.`»'Wa,n vol:' 4 °::1 nw',',"';,,; ,, Ati.4k,�..,, T 5.* , yy„ i '"� c '� ,y,;,w`." #` t�°.' .�,�3^ ,� " .w.n�..,;�er�,,;,. ,;,.�j, �''f KV ., ` i w ,4,4';s'.ry3'° iw N;. S : , 1''''' s.t• �"1':a,`�,x7 R rt`? ? ' er�gg{{ �, v' w'it a,u'..�!sn,M,. "f .a.*', .. ,..x,:.���,i t;��r v ,d ^e3l,� ',• A "fr''ei � '�w,rp,,'d„" ,4,�p� �'"Ck'.AA'�� ,y, '' i.�+&,i,'"L:',., ,..�ux:. ,e+'It'44 f n,. 1� ,p +.,4^4A+'"Iwo' '.•,ye `a .3-,' Wi'"'AI .,,, :9„,,,,,u',M�:M`^ rv,t,�It ,+s ,„ ,Mma.�"���„.. I ,, AS .�,.. .'4Y{nn J "' ,� m, b,l'1.`'e� �,�.,3.� • " r,4n„,md+: "".'r- "`-�,,,,1",, 1,' ,� G,,r4Ft , ,-,a, ,..,,_.,�._, d'� "rdp � ,,,} I:ym� ."•° .St"-mtt .__ _"...u. 9; ".i ___gin laaap`�k�` ' '• , , ;.� `u-a « ' "" p • ri " .,...,„„„,„„,,,a.. ,>' " r;�i J, •u „bs,n. " ' ri " ' vi ,1 �`, �. \ ,.,'^, ^yx.n, „I 4"", , , ym y . v v. w g a s , "jp' . ` 4 ',rot. `a,a ,,,i4,,, ^x ;"t° 'v � °k, .x.n • T,„4 sai �w aA � 'n, w . 4 � � °'" ` '" � " s , ,sm,;t �t�m a4 , x„: �;` . < ' ' ^1tu,� ' °,"zs, •wto ti�a.4 ' . v�s§, a4k. i".y av w1 ,v ` "sk`'s' "44i" "x14.n° {y °kb""' ,,.n '2'„= ,..44„.''aA�i * .,'' - ,.'c',. ,z $ %'=e� "»ZY�..f . � y a 4 F :„ ., v • { J.Leend r. 44 • Demolish :,.x" t 4 ,A.°,' .-,' :4.',Y;�t"� ,' .,ua' ,, ., .......�,,,...:...... ,eta.,axx• .„' , ,,„,„,,a:A " ,�a'".,'. :, '*` A, , -...4 qM "r. t���'' 'Az., sa.z,.. t ,,s'�aatis„„�'.`,, � t;,"' �+, k �a ',,.,I lla } Proposed Structure , ,„ �r`: °., " ' ,^I °' , lig Property Boundary41, ,''` ". ° � ` '°'1,>.,`•'`,1+ ,.," " „, , 0 50 100 150 200 R u ;,, . ,41 =F t • ,4 " ' °, ,. as' ■� ■� F-- moriar FN JOB NO WLE20563 UIFREESE N City of Wylie Wastewater Treatment Plant FILE DemoO.t2.mxd =N ICHOLS DATE 2 5805 Main Street,Suite B WE SCALE June 2021 Frisco,Texas 75034 1:1 200 Phone-(972)624-9201 S Demolition Option 2 DESIGNED MK FIGURE DRAFTED MK 165 07/27/2021 Item WS2, glinFIREES►E 4NIC'HOLr ;. OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST PROJECT NAME Wylie WWTP Demolition DATE 6/8/2021 CLIENT NTMWD GROUP 1153 %SUBMITTAL Conceptual PM Clayton Barnard ESTIMATED BY QC CHECKED BY FNI PROJECT NUMBER WLE20563 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL Demolition of Wylie WWTP-Option 2 1 Demolition of Aeration Basin 2 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000 3 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 6421 SF $ 4.00 $ 25,684 4 Fill Structure with Fill 6485 CY $ 25.00 $ 162,125 5 . 6 Demolition of Waste Sludge Holding Basin 7 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000 8 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 571 SF $ 7.50 $ 4,283 9 Fill Structure with Fill 1075 CY $ 25.00 $ 26,875 10 11 Demolition of Secondary Clarifier 12 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000 13 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 1885 SF $ 7.50 $ 14,138 14 Fill Structure with Fill 3686 CY $ 25.00 $ 92,150 15 16 Demolition of Chlorine Contact Chamber/Headworks 17 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500 18 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 3330 SF $ 4.00 $ 13,320 19 Fill Structure with Fill 592 CY $ 25.00 $ 14,800 20 21 Demolition of Sludge Drying Beds 22 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000 23 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 11687 SF $ 4.00 $ 46,748 24 Fill Structure with Fill 1200 CY $ 25.00 $ 30,000 25 26 Demolition of Sludge Pump Station 27 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000 28 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 680 SF $ 7.50 $ 5,100 29 Fill Structure with Fill 151 CY $ 25.00 $ 3,775 30 31 Demolition of Influent Pump Station 32 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000 33 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 84 SF $ 7.50 $ 630 34 Fill Structure with Fill 64 CY $ 25.00 $ 1,600 35 36 Demolition of Blower Facility 37 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000 38 Demo Structure 480 SF $ 7.50 $ 3,600 39 Demo Slab 480 SF $ 7.50 $ 3,600 40 41 Demolition of Chlorine Storage Facility Page 2 of 5 166 07/27/2021 Item WS2. PROJECT NAME Wylie WWTP Demolition DATE 6/8/2021 CLIENT NTMWD GROUP 1153 %SUBMITTAL Conceptual PM Clayton Barnard ESTIMATED BY QC CHECKED BY FNI PROJECT NUMBER WLE20563 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL 42 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500 43 Demo Structure 288 SF $ 7.50 $ 2,160 44 Demo Slab 288 SF $ 7.50 $ 2,160 45 46 Bioxide Feed Chemical Containment 47 Fiberglass Containment w/Concrete Slab 400 SF $ 25.00 $ 10,000 48 Chemical Injection Assembly 1 LS $ 65,000.00 $ 65,000 49 Electrical Power Service 1 LS $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000 SUBTOTAL $ 616,747 CONTINGENCY 15% $ 92,512 SUBTOTAL $ 709,259 MOBILIZATION 5% $ 35,463 SUBTOTAL $ 744,722 OH&P 18% $ 134,050 PROJECT TOTAL(2021 COSTS) $ 878,772 The Engineer has no control over the cost of labor,materials,equipment,or over the Contractor's methods of determining prices or over competitive bidding or market conditions.Opinions of probable costs provided herein are based on the information known to Engineer at this time and represent only the Engineer's judgment as a design professional familiar with the construction industry.The Engineer cannot and does not guarantee that proposals,bids,or actual construction costs will not vary from its opinions of probable costs. NOTES: 1 FNI OPCC classified as an AACE Class 4 Estimate with accuracy range or-20 to+30. 2 FNI OPCC does not include costs associated with engineering fees,permits,surveying,etc. Page 3 of 5 167 I — , `' t; „. „-N, ` 07/27/2021 Item WS2. rt w� ., � ,<,» ,4 �w" .,� , ut• a, }'�` ' Y lR ,„;!A:,,,:,1". ,d",W _ 'N.,'' x. n",LI;.u,., „ NANI O.., t,p trt ip iL, " itt ".tt„.„'; ..«n't . L„," n, �` ,..; w , •wmb7:� • it At ,,A ,r I,: #'i;,� „Y;r 4'" ,t,.«_ ~+�j. :�w �,l,� ,��j; ,,,%u, 'fie, P : v ,Cr _'�. ���'"PAP a'•� �k.,PV4"„„ ,N, �� Pti" ,tip w, w ,;"� ,��VI':„t.r;u,'a^ ,w:!.,' �V^e„,.+Pr ;,may II ` x;iw ymlg ;' A • e^,' Chlorine „' Sludge .1y^ 1, t ' ,�",, Chamber, s.> .,d' r' - "��r Pump s '' �u,4 -4 Headwarks "� �±� , � 17'h' ��i„t' Secondaryy,' . ,,mot,=,' " Station °gym ly r _ »` : 4 ,.4,,e4.,#^N,' ' I. .. a ,Ap e,�.ii���': y. a"= {=rye - �''" I, Clarifier ',a4,4 q0, » , °,' {, I, ,,t.4," ''44,,t"2;;':i 4. *• am 7`/':^ ape ''�` .t it" "„;G''"," A " .r ay' .1„i.;i j,. an v �d' ':d ,gip'e4"I.%`., fi^ /� Aeration .„�, �., ,, ,,Chlorines �� a;' ,e< «s 1' j4istora9eJ iu�°,; ;,` ,� ,i'i, �,» T in ' " „' , ��Na��,i .. ', ' as n, y9' ;ro�."o't ',,vl4;'.�I ;," �, "y' ;„AAA Ir., ; :. nm,c;p'4 v r�:,,��r""„,;.� « `, " : Pew^ � Blower', :; ,. ✓ � .,:. � ' w,„,w„- »,»a, ''a� r'��,m, l,+ ,Y,„:,,:;*+' ,° "V,'�,.:8", `;,'�dlw. ' ;>r,.;i U' Facility iG: '� :# �.,�p�''� �,, w '' �� � 'w ��'; ,:�, , � ��<< � a i c 1'n&ni4ao'' Waste •� �< y. Sludge• 4-„- � «M da ., :I"' ���.� Po�' I 1,114 v- %. Sludge �'e�' Drying , ,Y n.„ A,4,444 ,' „, , ,-' • � • ,A. • a ,, "� Beds �,. 4. . ylo �. ,' »' I, ;y';; ,"" .; Holding '""' /1,a _I qk , A�` Basin '. ,��,-- '" \ �. 7jJ M ], ,L �'a, ,'"'',,,,v. M.o Yd Y �Sq 1W s� `"d �' } a Afir `i , `;`�5,t� R„ 1r� 4^"� A,b�= `f�J,',,»=y+px,�,Mrm i,'.: ,,,,�..� t61 n,SOU,• J� y .bat��,+a 'fir 4d of wd, w�,,.. �^, 4 ,u k ,4 v dy S`.E.y.�," s.a , "rt'�.,,�r,Aa � s�a,`,�,i ''''':')*'..vs",;,:::::-.?:::; w.. l',4'4•4','•:::!,,,,41!! ' ,,I �'; „ U<s3,;' a7IUd e , , k4,,,i ',,, ,+ :#., „?q ti „^ 5: �� ., „��' �,bht's";�,,..,ti -.. »r, °:' � g 1 i ,;ii'dP4' `r`a;• i,Q:� �w* � „��.�� � ,�;,tti°:`��, .t.,�,. ::N..�' ,.�., °-a Drying l;�'. � *' :�, � �, fi „�'� , '.;!, 'k '�'i �, „#,,'l`}�aed W � K',�.'^'S, '8' t,�y�fr•' fly ^ #M ,, , todiEtt tx, ,: 'I °^t:.' ",„Ao InflUent�PUmp,Station „yir ". „� „ n,,' Y,'�,`u, ,u �-''� ,ws.:'->' >� 'uf6'J,w:,wea,p�,"d""'if�o�;. .. 'm,*':.My Y,r tioxide Legend 4 #', a'4 ' : � ,`Ak ,4, = fro. •' Wit,,, ,r.,3 `=e ,,,4k > l .tb'a ,, ,„,,,,,„,",,,,,,„„,,,,,,t,,,,.,„, ,;,4 ''''"'''''"-;::PISA vst.'444")'`S" 'I"L Remove r' '0 Class M ,,°', *;, *.,', u, w" �a Fly a, c5" { �� w ." 'TN t„=i" ,vac' ,`i . #?�4 .w.+<' ,I' e,u, I, ' ,,. ai4 tt^ „;h,. . ,#y„' le Existing Wastewater Line { Ia ,,, ,`• � e' '° �' Pro osed Wastewater Line �,.; .x 1 N �,.; ',;: ;4: t ,t` SVNI el Demolish ,• `, ., - , 1, ,yr* v„.�4 t nY, Pi }_ �,,14 9 'ss44 i;J,„,,, ,;. v. 'Pin ',a IP Proposed Structure " ` �'� I ��», 0 50 100 150 �" 200 tit Property Boundary " „'', � ''"ryv •° ;'�:� ,° ....n .n F- .�°" L t t �a ,';.:at;:i' C a„ '„,','o.,4,,,,1,E 'Nail e , cox•»z, Li man, r* FN JOB NO WLE20563 �7FREESE N City of Wylie Wastewater Treatment Plant F'LF„3 DemoO.t3.mxd =NICHOLS DATE 3 June 2021 5805 Main Street,Suite B W�E SCALE DESIGNED 1:1 200 Frisco,Texas 75034 S Demolition Option 3 FIGURE Phone-(972)624-9201 MK DRAFTED MK 168 07/27/2021 Item WS2, glinFIREES►E 4NIC'HOLr ;. OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST PROJECT NAME Wylie WWTP Demolition DATE 6/8/2021 CLIENT NTMWD GROUP 1153 %SUBMITTAL Conceptual PM Clayton Barnard ESTIMATED BY QC CHECKED BY FNI PROJECT NUMBER WLE20563 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL Demolition of Wylie WWTP-Option 3 1 Demolition of Aeration Basin 2 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000 3 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 6421 SF $ 4.00 $ 25,684 4 Fill Structure with Fill 6485 CY $ 25.00 $ 162,125 5 . . 6 Demolition of Waste Sludge Holding Basin 7 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000 8 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 571 SF $ 7.50 $ 4,283 9 Fill Structure with Fill 1075 CY $ 25.00 $ 26,875 10 11 Demolition of Secondary Clarifier 12 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000 13 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 1885 SF $ 7.50 $ 14,138 14 Fill Structure with Fill 3686 CY $ 25.00 $ 92,150 15 16 Demolition of Chlorine Contact Chamber/Headworks 17 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500 18 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 3330 SF $ 4.00 $ 13,320 19 Fill Structure with Fill 592 CY $ 25.00 $ 14,800 20 21 Demolition of Sludge Drying Beds 22 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000 23 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 11687 SF $ 4.00 $ 46,748 24 Fill Structure with Fill 1200 CY $ 25.00 $ 30,000 25 26 Demolition of Sludge Pump Station 27 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000 28 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 680 SF $ 7.50 $ 5,100 29 Fill Structure with Fill 151 CY $ 25.00 $ 3,775 30 31 Demolition of Influent Pump Station 32 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000 33 Demo Concrete Structural Walls to 2'Below Grade 84 SF $ 7.50 $ 630 34 Fill Structure with Fill 64 CY $ 25.00 $ 1,600 35 36 Demolition of Blower Facility 37 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000 38 Demo Structure 480 SF $ 7.50 $ 3,600 39 Demo Slab 480 SF $ 7.50 $ 3,600 40 41 Demolition of Chlorine Storage Facility Page 4 of 5 169 07/27/2021 Item WS2. PROJECT NAME Wylie WWTP Demolition DATE 6/8/2021 CLIENT NTMWD GROUP 1153 %SUBMITTAL Conceptual PM Clayton Barnard ESTIMATED BY QC CHECKED BY FNI PROJECT NUMBER WLE20563 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL 42 Remove Existing Mechanical Equipment 1 LS $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500 43 Demo Structure 288 SF $ 7.50 $ 2,160 44 Demo Slab 288 SF $ 7.50 $ 2,160 45 46 Bioxide Feed Chemical Containment 47 Fiberglass Containment w/Concrete Slab 400 SF $ 25.00 $ 10,000 48 Chemical Injection Assembly 1 LS $ 65,000.00 $ 65,000 49 Electrical Power Service 1 LS $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000 50 51 Muddy Creek Interceptor Relocation 52 Remove Existing Manholes 4 EA $ 1,500.00 $ 6,000 53 Remove Existing Interceptor Lines 791 LF _ $ 10.00 $ 7,910 54 30-Inch Interceptor 430 LF $ 250.00 $ 107,500 55 5-Foot Diameter Manhole 4 EA $ 30,000.00 $ 120,000 SUBTOTAL $ 858,157 CONTINGENCY 15% $ 128,724 SUBTOTAL $ 986,881 MOBILIZATION 5% $ 49,344 SUBTOTAL $ 1,036,225 OH&P 18% $ 186,520 PROJECT TOTAL(2021 COSTS) $ 1,222,745 The Engineer has no control over the cost of labor,materials,equipment,or over the Contractor's methods of determining prices or over competitive bidding or market conditions.Opinions of probable costs provided herein are based on the information known to Engineer at this time and represent only the Engineer's judgment as a design professional familiar with the construction industry.The Engineer cannot and does not guarantee that proposals,bids,or actual construction costs will not vary from its opinions of probable costs. NOTES: 1 FNI OPCC classified as an AACE Class 4 Estimate with accuracy range or-20 to+30. 2 FNI OPCC does not include costs associated with engineering fees,permits,surveying,etc. Page 5 of 5 170 07/27/2021 Item WS3. , Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: City Manager Account Code: Prepared By: Chris Hoisted Subject I Y 2022 General Fund Budget Worksession. Recommendation Discussion Financial Summary/Strategic Goals Page 1 ol 1 171 07/27/2021 Item WS3. I r, ' or ession ;I'IY A,. .............: „ „, " „ M m.,;..)y1rIA'M:'`F...::u4.,?'a•,�,. .: a"R?" x:. .•;„ S July 1FrC)21 .� ���I i 'ii���i ii� �� .., .�� ..;.,,.... ,:':.^'.�iis.:t�' ,,y;r✓n,u.,..r:":y,.,,..VsfN,"'M.;M:v",i:;'.:;•;:i,X''P`N::Y:n.�,:,::'.'n G"'i:".^...";'��.::�n':.,,. Ww.^"s.:Hwwp(�I•n...,". �i � ��i� i ��: ii �u�� .,,...�':i,.xa,.;s'.x�:�n:W.AM„w.,;...�„. ••.p%.Nx::�:'N", �i�i��dG� i� II. :��oouox....�"."�"..::mp�',Y``;•9:'.::.:..::........... .:.Nd,.. nin1V4:;� .. V.I V' q I„( I, I 172 07/27/2021 Item WS3. General Fund Summary Audited General Fund Unassigned Ending Balance 09/30/20 $21,914,768 Audited General Fund Assigned Ending Balance on 09/30/20 $- Projected'21 Revenues 49,938,348 a) Available Funds 71,853,116 Projected'21 Expenditures (46,311,939) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/21 $25,541,177 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance-10/01/21 $25,541,177 Proposed Revenues'22 48,540,720 b) Proposed Expenditures'22 (43,767,024) Recommended Requests(Recurring Expense) (1,536,609) New/Replacement Fleet&Equipment&One Time Uses (1,561,740) Health Insurance and Market Adjustment 11,675,347) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/22 $25,541,177 (c) a)Sales Tax is Oct-Apr actual collected plus a 5%increase on FY2020 May-Sep actuals. b)Proposed revenues include estimated no new revenue rate and 2%growth on projected FY 2021 sales tax. c)Fund balance is 53%of expenditures based on a balanced budget. 2 173 07/27/2021 Item WS3. Healthcare and Market Adjustment Healthcare 0%Increase Market Adjustment Amount09,971 General Fund-General Government $4 Dispatch $ 09,971 Police $557,503 159 Fire $498,230 Total General Fund $1,625,863 4B Sales Tax Fund $148,912 Utility Fund $95,517 $1,870,292 Includes TMRS and Taxes 3 174 07/27/2021 Item WS3. General Fund Estimated Balance FY 2021-2022 Est.09/30/2022 Fund Balance $25,541,177 (a) 25% 30% 35% Amount required based on FY 2022 balanced budget $12,135,180 (b) $ 14,562,216 $ 16,989,252 Excess Fund Balance $ 13,405,997 $ 10,978,961 $8,551,925 (a) Based on balanced budget(Revenues=Expenditures). This Fund Balance is 53%of expenditures. (b) It is the goal of the City to achieve and maintain an unassigned fund balance in the general fund equal to 25%of expenditures. The City considers a balance of less than 20%to be cause for concern,barring unusual or deliberate circumstances. If unassigned fund balance falls below the goal or has a deficiency,the City will appropriate funds in future budgets to replenish the fund balance based on a time table deemed adequate by the City Council. Bond rating agencies prefer 30%. 4 175 07/27/2021 Item WS3. Utility Fund Summary Audited General Fund Unassigned Ending Balance 09/30/20 $13,179,709 Audited General Fund Assigned Ending Balance on 09/30/20 $- Projected'21 Revenues 23,962,830 Available Funds 37,142,539 Projected'21 Expenditures (23,858,3351 Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/21 $13,284,204 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance-10/01/21 $13,284,204 Proposed Revenues'22 25,170,434 a) Proposed Expenditures'22 (20,844,570) Recommended Requests(Recurring Expense) 0 New/Replacement Fleet&Equipment&One Time Uses (317,500) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/22 $17,292,568 b) a)Assumes 7.25%water rate increase and 2.75%sewer rate increase per the 2020 rate study. b)Policy requirement is 90 days of operating expenditures.This ending fund balance is 298 days. 5 176 07/27/2021 Item WS3. 4B Sales Tax Fund Summary Audited 4B Sales Tax Revenue Fund Ending Balance 09/30/20 $3,529,938 Projected'21 Revenues 4,232,103 a) Available Funds 7,762,041 Projected'21 Expenditures (3,193,515) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/21 $4,568,526 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance-10/01/21 $4,568,526 Proposed Revenues'22 4,361,416 b) Proposed Expenditures'22 (3,566,990) Recommended Requests(Recurring Expense) (34,650) Recommended Requests(One Time Uses and Equipment) S(432,200) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/22 $4,896,102 c) a)Sales Tax is Oct-Apr actual collected plus a 5%increase on FY2020 May-Sep actuals. b)Total includes sales tax revenue and revenue from the Recreation Center. c)Policy requirement is 25%of budgeted sales tax revenue($3,789,966 x 25%=$947,492). 6 177 07/27/2021 Item WS3. WEDC Fund Summary Audited Wylie Economic Development Corp Ending Balance 09/30/20 $1,735,327 Projected'21 Revenues 3,904,938 a) Available Funds 5,640,265 Projected'21 Expenditures (4,589,421) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/21 $1,050,844 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance-10/01/21 $1,050,844 Proposed Revenues'22 6,529,322 Proposed Expenditures'22 (5,231,219) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/22 $2,348,947 a)Sales Tax is Oct-Apr actual collected plus a 5%increase on FY2020 May-Sep actuals. 178 07/27/2021 Item WS3. . � CarryForward Items from _FY 2020-21 Fund Dept. Description Amount Fund Dept. Description Amount 100 IT Incode 10 Upgrade 23,000 133 Fire Development BRW Design Costs 159,267 100 IT EnerGov Software 220,870 133 Fire Development Emergency Services Consultant 55,000 TOTAL FIRE DEVELOPMENT 214,267 100 Fire Replace Unit 119 Equipment 21,500 100 Fire Replace Unit 102 55,000 161 Hotel Occ Brown House Phase 1 Ramp and Siding 70,500 100 Fire Replace Unit 277 55,000 161 Hotel Occ Old City Park Marquis sign 70,200 TOTAL HOTEL OCCUPANCY FUND 140,700 100 Streets Stormwater Permit Assistance 903 100 Streets Rowlett Creek Dam Site 4 Slope Improvements(construction) 110,000 611 Utility Admin EnerGov Software 150,300 100 Streets Rowlett Creek Dam Site 4 Slope Improvements(design) 17,000 611 Utility Admin Woodbridge/Hensley Signal Design 31,750 100 Streets TXDOT HSIP Intersection Design Plans 85,000 611 Utility Admin Eubanks ROW Acquisition(Design) 30,000 100 Streets 10%Match of TXDOT HSIP Projects 182,000 611 Utility Admin Security System Upgrade 20,000 100 Streets Stone Road Rehab project 615,000 611 Water Pump Station Backup Power Generators 531,000 100 Streets Country Club Signal Synchronization 47,380 611 Water Water Pump Station Backup Power Generators 1,300,000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 1,432,653 611 Water FM 2514 Waterline Relocation Construction Design 16,000 611 Water FM 2514 Waterline Relocation Construction 625,000 112 Brown House Winter Storm Repairs 34,250 611 Water AWIA Resilience Plan 30,000 611 Wastewater Wastewater Treatment Plant Decommissioning Design 23,960 121 Parks A&I Twin Lakes Playground 62,419 TOTAL UTILITY FUND 2,758,010 Highlighted projects are in process. 8 179 r vavq,�a , liva��yYww" Classification Compensation Study Presentation �Y2\\VA Y�i C v if 11‘irvilto a,,al WYLIE ,,, July 27, 2021 ��b MANAGEMENT ADVISORY GROUP INTERNATIONAL,INC PREPARING FOR TOMORROW, TODAY... MAG COMPANY BACKGROUND 0 The Principals of MAG International, Inc. have a proven track record in providing in-depth management and human resource consulting services for over 25 years in more than 40 states. 0 Our clients range from various state and local government agencies to many Municipalities, Counties, Utilities, EMS, Police, and Fire organizations nationally. 0 MAG principals have completed over 500 similar compensation studies over the years, including many in Texas. The Purpose of a Compensation is Not about Suggesting staffing El levels 0 Layoffs 0 Eliminating or adding positions 0 Performance reviews 0 Work hours U Volume of works 0 SolvIn • g staff issues_ A Study Goals and Objectives V Perform a Compensation/Classification study for all City positions. ✓ Compare compensation to relevant labor markets/competitors. V Ensure that positions performing similar work with essentially the same level of complexity, responsibility, and knowledge, are classified together. V Develop a competitive classification and compensation structure. ✓ Recommend policy changes to support the compensation system. V The City currently has 311 F/T and 108 P/T positions associated with 1 ✓ Classifications or titles. 7,k+ ©Management Advisory Group, Inc. 2019 Methodology V Captured key employee data. V Identified jobs where recruitment and retention are concerns. so, Gathered salary and compensation data from competitor organizations; V Reviewed job descriptions to validate classification duties and responsibilities. ✓ Evaluated each position within the study using MAG's 14-point criterion to establish internal relationships for equity. ✓ Recommended Changes to selected job titles to reflect work being done. toe Recommended policy changes to support new system. V Developed implementation/transition costs. ©Management Advisory Group, Inc. 2021 Job Factors (Criterion • Data Responsibility • Equipment Usage • Judgment • Physical Demands • People Responsibility • Communications • Complexity of Work • Math • Assets Responsibility • Unavoidable Hazards • Impact of Decisions • Safety of Others • Education • Experience rf rt HR and DH Meetings ••. Market Salary Surveys ! Internal Equitya ��s External Equip Survey Analysis , Job Analysis ,ate i Proposed Salary Schedules , Salary dju nt Calculations Organization Cost Calculations • Implementation Options/Costing eaF, ,a ©Management Advisory Group, Inc. 2021 Wylie's Designated Peers Allen Bedford Carrollton Cedar Hill Coppell Farmers Branch Frisco Garland Grapevine Keller McKinney Murphy Plano Richardson Rockwall Rowlett Sachse ©Management Advisory Group, Inc. 2017 Market Survey Results City (Excluding Fire & Police) At Minimum : - 5. 14% At Midpoint: - 6.57% At Maximum : - 7.58% Fire At Minimum : - 7.27% At Midpoint: - 9.43% At Maximum : - 11 . 18% Police At Minimum : - 4.5% At Midpoint: - 7.71 At Maximum : - 10.29% ©Management Advisory Group, Inc. 2021 l 1 07/27/2021 Item WS4. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: Planning Account Code: Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Subject IDiscuss the boundaries of the Downtown Historic District. Recommendation Discussion The current boundaries of the Downtown Historic District are generally bounded by State Highway 78 on the south,Cottonbelt Avenue on the west, from Elliot Street to Brown Street, and including property north of Brown Street on Keefer, and to the eastern property line of those lots facing west on Second Street from Brown Street to the north and Marble Street to the south, and those properties north of Brown Street along Ballard Avenue facing east and continuing north to Tract 4 of the Samuel B. Shelby Abstract and approximately 100 feet of frontage of those lots facing west and continuing north parallel to Ballard Avenue and encompassing all of Block 1,Lot 5 of the Russell#01 Addition and Block 1,Tract 49 of the James Truett Abstract, with properties west of Keefer being restricted to residential uses only(Exhibit A). Possible amendments to the boundary include: The southwest corner of SH 78 and Brown Street, currently zoned Corridor Commercial, which would require all new development in this area to conform to the DTH development standards; The northside of Brown Street along Keefer, currently zoned DTH,residential only, which would allow commercial uses in existing structures similar to other area of the DTH. Financial Summary/Strategic Goals Ties in with the City's mission statement: Honoring our past; Embracing our present;Planning our Future. Meets the following Strategic Goals: Economic Growth: Support and grow our local economy Workforce: Provide an environment that supports engaged,high performing employees. Page 1 o 1 180 07/27/2021 Item WS4. Exhibit "A" Areas of Discussion 0 Iljmi ot � sitl:'',4*:"S'''''',:•:,,''''',C ‘,";';'' ''',':,,,,''''''''''''''""' ' at " i "4,10 ;',:1,i;,;',14, it �: w , r" ; ;x,mreR '" ti � ,,u„. ' k rAr'R o- ,i,'''''''''''''''';'1:‘,;,:;'1'','''''',''''''',t''''',:l''''r'',:tl*i'''''.:1 " "Vo w ,w ^ 4 rya "4 ' „ 'A'fil1W4141 rF, � � iA "44 " R � ` , ,,rework, Yt ! pa, a »,,'A ,5') i 40"i`tt g�t r + '6 " N a kA"� sr� �wr� � .n F '� ;", aC' . e . i' l � _`; �,," fl�7n�'',.„, a; I, ' '" ''4 ac;;tr a >$3 � r -.« ip. � 1 " IN;',' 'A � "i r„ k" dAmk c « ' der rma4, 4 . 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'rm^W 41044 a4.w ,R, ' ,,,,,,t, i} .wV.¢ ,y, v A r �' tp, @N N ^ 'b wl� m� n ."� 44 , , INtkh 'A, �, „1`u," ,,1° o 'ire 41 „0 ??* gun,,,, " .w .« ream rm �� �',,m *PO 't" aid', " 4u '. „' ' ' }«p n ���� dl"°" r" �r°u got "�} ""' " k it r v �4.r' �d, , • r°„M." " ,'er 4 '°"u � '';ta ar .. ' r a 'e ,„ a ri 040,ta Ali ' ` "� 4, ,.r, v, "" "";'!k„ „, ��"er '� "'i�'r *t w 4`'�v 'al "'�"" l� "��'ti �� '4^r,', ? 181 07/27/2021 Item WS5. Wylie City Council CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: Planning Account Code: Prepared By: Jasen Haskins,AICP Subject IDiscuss a potential change of zoning to amend Planned Development 2012-03 (PD 2012-03) to allow for Senior Affordable ousing, generally located southwest of 2300 W FM 544 (Wylie Medical Plaza). Recommendation Discussion Property owners and developers are seeking Council member input on a potential planned development amendment on approximately 15.5 acres on the south side of FM 544 adjacent to the Medical Center. The current proposal includes an age restricted, income adjusted apartment facility with various amenities including a walking trail, swimming pool, and various gathering areas. Financial Summary/Strategic Goals Page 1 o l 182 07/27/2021 Item WS5. p \J✓ 1 N a 'V r y Vr IN 17 �drry 1 I 1Y a@ W I �r u r i WW' {i rye i � ,�11 141 /1 � 14r \ 1 ROERS r p 1 COMPANIES 183 07/27/2021 Item WS5. r ' i t 1iG CR! I 1 II k1"r 1 ":1/4,' I I— Roers Companies is recognized for its vision, track record, passion, 1 11 . ..„,„ ...,„and investor loyalty. We are institutionally minded specialists with a . ' passion for excellence and an unwavering commitment to quality and integrity. homji404.444 ,100,1111404eti.',0e1mTvq100&,,,,,,,&milmien4tm-r volotoc.,,,,,,,mr",...:,0400„,..0,,,,-",--..:...,,7....11,...:::„..........:.:'.., ..004,4,-.,,,,, ,..,:,,,,," ,,,.., ,,,,ophogy....., C,':''.5:'..:'''''"..':.,':'.:::::::‘Y.:'..,...r ..::',11tiri.' 41102Airl''' giAti3Ooste:- ,-„,,,„..0001 Founded in 2012, Roers Cos. quickly rose to prominence in the .:.,:,),......i.:;,.....;„,.:,,,,,,,,,,......... . ...",,,,,...1 ,,,,,,,,,,.„„..":...,:i,',,,,*,,,Aut.. .g.g1.40.0.40, .,,,,,,,,,,,,,),.:.,- --: .:,::361,, Ito.i...,,,,,,,,mw„,T,,,,,,?,A.:.,41.,..,00t,I.....goonstiooko„,, Midwest market through our proven ability to facilitate a diverse ,..::,. ,. .,,,,,,,,t, (., .,,,, lof.4,44,, ,,..7-7-a--,-141,1*Igkg84.18818* Att.NA., ---:,: :tigar,.‘ mtvemi.,,x ... ::..H.'...;'''111:16'si Vill .\:%!t'.,,-, 4140t]igtil',n4giggA"*',i7, portfolio of projects in various stages of development. ., .,„,,,,,,.,gssxg:.....:4...,....:"!"...,...",",„ioo...,,,,,,o,A7„.xpi;::,ospikm,,,A;%::i.azzzR,o, II ..''''''.'''''''''''''' .. , ,....,....„,....„.„..„:„..,,,,w.,,, Today, our portfolio contains student apartments, senior housing, 4),.., ..,..,..„„,,:..: ,., „.,.., ,,A,......, :r'rf . -- ' . ...L.., 15: ',7,4144Hill'i.irii-4.1.;::':!,ii,', ..://..iiiki,"101....':::t.,.'.'..1.'"‘.''.'... '''''''''''4.. n, market-rate communities, affordable apartments, and mixed-use qt.k.„ '..., :10itif:10,,i•li. 1.4 ...:..t,:,..:!:..,..,,1 ,:‘,.....,...:i, so '',:,,"'110',..641,.:...n!t:,-.:":::,..,Aokstittek :! 'Illtivtlf,:..t.:::::,„,,:..,..,:,:.......,,:..i;:..',,I.::1!.:°*.*"*.614.0-"'"' gpx developments. In 2021 and beyond, Roers intends to expand into : 1 ,,,,ifil - ,,l,:",',*,,',.1'.',1'4,k13,..............., .,,,x,,,,„..\ ‘,... . , i,,,,,..„.„.t.....,,,,-,,i ,, k , ,,, ... " - 0 new cities and states as well as new product types such as workforce ti''7,17,1:1.14.1 housing and active 55+ rentals. '' , ' \\',.,-,t.;,::'t::4-,':LUO'V:'j:;,!.fifiiZlita:"'f::.',.,,ii,',',';':., '''' ''''I'1:;4:\r '::\\ ''' ' 4.00:1 ROERS so••• cOMPANIES 184 07/27/2021 Item WS5. corn sp an : Ai story 44 r 1 .4mr" ' Properties Completed or Units Completed or in Construction Completed Underway Development ROERS COMPANIES 185 07/27/2021 Item WS5. Originally done under Section 8 of the IRS Tax Code Resident subsidized Residents pay 30% of their income and then HUD pays the difference for the contract rent Today's affordable housing is governed by Section 42 of the IRS Tax Code created under the Tax Reform Act of 1986 -- Developer subsidized m,...,TM Income based housing with rents determined by HUD annually Two types of tax credits under Section 42: — 4% Non-Competitive 9% Competitive ROERS 186 07/27/2021 Item WS5. Unit Type Estimated Rent Income Limit 1 Bedroom $1,001 $42,720 2 Bedroom $1,201 $48,060 ROERS COMPANIES 187 07/27/2021 Item WS5. ,f rc a _ ri,4 P ,e nL Lvin 13- (.?„nefits t Wyhe ,,• ,..„—. ....fit,,,,.. v:.::::',..noltrkilst.n•N: III,111" illtgi4M:':: r. :%3.k.,!..,‘ Gives Seniors access to Safe and lest 1,14:si'i-'''',1i;,'E::,-,,i,',','''':',:'-' '''''''''\, ''''''''''?,',,, '''''':,,'.,'',''',, ''''''''','4:.'"Olfg"t'llit:',',:,!,,;'',,,,, 44,!,!,'....,,,!,,,:!:,:l'.!.:',:,',,,'',''',,?,,,-',:, :',,.. ' ''''''',;'::''''?:',',•1'1"''''',!!',!,r,'''g:1,1,:ilifit,1 Affordable housing 0,4., ,,iiii,, ,*r',',,,:„.,7• ;', •,,, „. '-‘,„..... -,:•, ,,,i„ :-:.„.:,::•,,i.-.,,:....,:lt„0.,oznoti:?. .,..:',:.,:,1::-::.-...:.„-.'• , ' ..„„,,,ittiNi,,,q,„,,,i,'•:',,::: :::,5.,111111t.;:„,,,,;... „!„•„:7, .tri,,,,„4:4::,:':.iik,.,,,•, ' ', •, ?,..''''',•,,,;,:',„,::/„..11111.6.1kilifiti'.',5'' "'''''sl,'......;" .:,,,:;:,....'..44,4,'••'5, -,''''''''''''.'''',•,,,I,,,;;':',:",'''' :;",i,„,:t ..,;',:s!'"?',i•:::::1::';:"'„ ,:,...„:. ,,".N, • '''''',,,,,,,,,,':Niiik4,..::111C''''11,' ,::;;;",-. 1..',' v.:4i.',..... ,,....,•,..?.!',.;...i":m.'..' , •:„,--,c,::::,::.i.„:,/..••,1,:;,',:::"'i., . l'''''' ;4',';'::::,:::'§').4•;:''?'..:'::,-'' ; , ',:'') ,:''N„..,,,,,i!Killi :„,..4441k!:„,, ,,t, ,..;,<:•„•.?„',„7•...•„.„•.,•-•„•-•,:, ' i i i,,t;s!, ' ,,,,,:‘,,, ,:,',.•.A.4.13,110" ••„1,1itivilk,..,.: '''',,,,,,,f,',,,,,,,,,::,„At,'lk Nif.„-',:,:',,:,,,''',,,,,,,,,,,,*,',,'''''',' Maintains and Enhances Housing Quality r„,i :-.,:,ti, ..• :,•"-•-,,!, ,. i : o.,,• '1.. . '-', 111if,1$10?' ..:10SOF '14::::::•: •,',•;, .„.1,,,Itip:!,• gg. , „ -,,,,,,...„.,,.., , '''• ''.4"4: • '- ' :, '!,•'• I L'i'•:•1.:•ZIP.s.:::!.0 ,,,,...iAtit..•....:... itis..„.• ' "-;.,.i,..,,,,,,,,,,,....,,,„,„,10,-.4 ...... and Diversity :,:",", ,,,,,,,,,,'.,,,,„•.. ir''',,,,, ' ' :' ,' i ,':',''....j.'iftki,' ,!.',"„..t ,,,,,,,:ivtlig.',!"''''',.0.Z.7:•.'::,...„At4,,,.t'.'!;,.':,..k..,,, 4..,::„.,01:!:°:'.:::.:.:', ,',Aiigeti,''I': ",::,,,',",,,,,,,,'"I'''.4,„ "'''',„,,,,,,,,„' , ! ',::',,::',:',',,,‘,,,r',";','„ , ',;:'.::,,,,,„e,,,N:;;ktii4:,n,:,,,k:,,,•,•:::•:•''"'•"„•,.:14C•00,'•::,•:•gitge' ''''',''''M'Alki, Vk •;:„:;:t'''''''',' ' ' ,.„ ',''''" '''''„,',,,,,,',','' i , '::::i,l'''''':,;41E1:''' : '''''''"T:'''''''''''''''',1*'",':%glitiiii!V:,';'";,is::::::rt:71711, „,,';‘,: iektit.,. "\ • ,„, • 1!,,/,,„'„„;;'„," ,. ,:i ,' : '''''''',,,?1,„i ,::'"11,:'„:41,;',,' ' , ''''',s1:',';: itl,,:,''',:,, '''''2','::,1'1!"111 ''''''','Ml•!P:''..:'•''',41.*.\ -il' - ''''', ''''''1''''''''',''''''''', ' '' ' ::,` '''', ' '" • '',,,j':::::11r,,,, '1"7,,,,Iii:0•P:',''''''''''s''",' ''',:::!:,'V'''4117,410,:::'..:4,,M1',,.\',11 ,,,,,,i • Promotes Generational Housing :;;',';', .1' '''' - ,,, ,,,,,,, I „ ,,,,,,,,,,,,t,,,. ,, ‘,. ,,,, ',',A'., , ,,,,I,,,,,,,,,'- , ,',"4:4',.°,...,•-• ...'"",,i4tOk,4*.,,,,,,,qtato it,,, ,,,„,,,',,,i4..,:•::,,$.!,',:',., tf.s,:.,,,,:,: .,41,,,,„:01,04,:', ,,:,,,2,A .• Provides a Community to allow ,.-,, ....,..4. _,... ., 1,1,1„, ,,,,,:::,,,,,, ,,,,,„,.,,,,,„,,,,,,„t:...,..,44,,,.. •••••,,,..,:sk,isi: ,,,7„1:tfk.,,:,,,.•,:::,,,,::',.'1 individuals to Age in Place 11 ,.:... "':""''''..1".")/.'"Alt... ,,,,,,, ,),.,,,40.5, .:,.....,..,, t. ' ' • .. ,,q 4‘'...?'"V'' ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,„,:,:,,,,,, , . , — ,,,,,,,,, Enhances and Strengthens Wylie's.small- „ ,, _.. ,,,..,..„ ,,<,:,,-••:..::.::::.!,:t. ,,,,,,,,i-'"'"'"..„:,;-;:, 2-1 „.„:•:1v:•;41;;; - ... (. town sense of community by keeping „,. i,Citizens there ROERS COMPANIES 188 07/27/2021 Item WS5. Preliminary Site Plan ;� "' r 11` '`,,<,x h" \u 'rr rstt u¢ ,, Rt" T., n*�. �, ti �` � �lh ,C'SYt ,�L � `�.err� t4��`i'C"e s k s �' 'AA � a ' ^ y e • n� tit, si 1° iw m. +RJJ; kkh ,'. ,5, I005,p' jv'1 t C — 31 ;z �� � � ' . ,, 1 Bedroom — 94 r 'it',` c FEaaweaNnal�r r �AxLOR scan FLOOD TINE WIiNE EMERGENCY Sk. AP w' riii . ergs g° ° � 2 Bedroom — 90 ■ „ CENTER OUTDOOR A 8 r t4 ,Q� t 4 1, '', ; 1 PRcarExrxuNE AMENITIES E A6 o- q� '� ' ppy 4 FAIR�[ ',4 ,� 4 t .. , ,„ e° . ti Total - 215 RROPERTY LINE ''.jpp tY4 i^} 4 '410a4 AMENITIES s ✓ ti. e OUTDOOR , s � �«•� ` � AMENITIESAA q, •'T ` Tb , T` SUMMARY �ST p � ' ',ty "re✓., M �S UNITS: , ' " r, u -4O * �aa^ 4' ,,:.F —, 44. : STUDIOS 71 444 ttehtstV tt AI AI et) � P e B ��° � 2RR 90 +'L b Pe A. �.), ,. P. TOTAL 215 u q 1 N 1 IN m y 4, ti` a t ��1�*"" PARKING 1 l,tI "4 S ''A REQUIRED I.25X2I5=2LF i PROVIDED 269 kE X n� 4 4 "dye Q il" 4 7 M' y64,�. "�t��.a. �4R�A, ���VH q',e � qx�, , n n ,' 5 A. � Y ROERS %' COMPANIES 189 07/27/2021 Item WS5. »a 1#t 4 i \ h 49Rt•'k ;�,° �;,=,y r. '„UUU.(h7tf!rr. a,„pry';', �d ... .,uy ""'.1 l,.f tTVi $ jI y g,, .,n.,,, #,4;""t: rwN4"4 „.s.;t, ru`l"i't '.. . »lu`" • .,+ .a'� ar 4vx r£P#,` �;->':t,i � �»»4`, ,� 1, .,... ��*"� `.F.§,:.,t ,u*. d„. >irxtiF, it•a,,,,1j�s,ii- . •at :. th,, <13'}i};' • },R. ; � 3 �R> '»,er4r'„„,t.�>;t,:sF;; .rv»r "=,f.,.,„:`.A,`��t,�zt,a„�~Rt;ir � ��r'�,;;,�;,. z,£�$,tx,.,. �1� c s, ;a. .....� tt,£«t, •£+`4,, ti?a'„ ;;Fz,,+= ,att„k,.S,; 5., mman�.w?:,�xSh. �'' Fz9:e+w n:R€r}ir,,, „f,;;rt,• ,••:ti» ..�.� .�.... 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'"5555',5;'55,55'5„:„,Pt.,„,„,„„t„,,A',';55,,„„,„45.5t5M550.55M*05, 550,5555 A ''''''''''''''''''•,''':'*;4*":"'1155,%;55„15;0•:,„'''"4,7„tt:i1,:::lP1::7:55°5°':'154::,‘'il:1*5M5A„; *5?'45::;",';',„„ '',''''';„';',.'1*.'4!';‘''4,11.;::::4\*4'1..5.:„.t'A,,•.rt,'",;•1;;•'•,',M,,,,I,,,,,,,,,,,s,;,.:.:;,k',,,,,,,',',„,. ,, . , 44,444•40#4,4644f""v4i ,..N.x.,..'.„ 4. '***rAt***Wt.*•...**k***** 1,4,11,;ererter, 34."krtrt.1t't •, t"tle.* "3***, Milit6t41,1*A\411 '... 111,*.'41 ‘*1*' ''A5555555M5M MO=a1...t055•514,tt *OM 1,055,,,,MA051 w \ ,,,, 555555454, 45155555°A5M 5 . Mt:M*5AM 50 4 * , ,5.550,A:440545:,:5(k55:5 Offices I P ••5,';!°*M15570,5'15,5°55 ,,,,0 • At '6.55 t•55504511 A' 55 ., , ,,i, 5 11,r t 5 5 Pool 4,,, ,', , • ....,, . , . 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