Ordinance 1987-21 Sheet 1 of 3 NO. <t1'~/ SPEED ZONE ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ALTERING THE PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS ESTABLISHED FOR VEHICLES UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 169(b) OF ARTICLE 6701 d, VERNON'S TEXAS CIVIL STATUTES, UPON F.M. HIGHWAY NO. 3412 OR PARTS THEREOF, WITHIN THE IN- CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WYLIE AS SET OUT IN THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING A PENALTY OF A FINE NOT TO EXCEED $200.00 FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, Section 169(b) of Article 6701 d, Vernon1s Texas Civil Statutes, provides that whenever the governing body of the City shall determine upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation that any prima facie speed therein set forth is greater or less than is reasonable or safe under the conditions found to exist at any intersection or other place or upon any part of a street or highway within the City, taking into consideration the width and con- dition of the pavement and other circumstances on such portion of said street or highway, as well as the usual traffic thereon, said governing body may determine and declare a reasonable and safe prima facie speed limit thereat or thereon by the passage of an ordinance, which shall be effective when appropriate signs giving notice thereof are erected at such intersection or other place or part of the street or highway; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS: SECTION 1. Upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation hereto- fore made as authorized by the provisions of Section 169(b) of Article 6701 d, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, the following prima facie speed limits hereafter indicated for vehicles are hereby determined and declared to be reasonable and safe; and such speed limits are hereby fixed at the rate of speed indicated for vehicles traveling upon the named streets and highways, or parts thereof, described as fo 11 ows : A. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS: 1. That from and after the date of the passage of this speed speed zone ordinance, no motor vehicle shall be operated along and upon F.M. Highway No. 3412 within the corporate 1 imits of the City of Wyl i e in ex- cess of the speeds now set forth in the following limits: Sheet 2 of 3 (a.) Beginning at said point (Station 430+92) being at the intersection with F.M. 1378 thence continuing along F.M. 3412 in an Easterly dir- ection for a distance of 0.8397 mile, approximately,... a maximum speed of 55 MILES PER HOUR; (b.) Thence continuing along F.M. 3412 in an Easterly direction for a dis- tance of 0.200 mile, approximately,... a maximum speed of 45 MILES PER HOUR; (c.) Thence continuing along F,M. 3412 in an Easterly and Southerly direct- ion for a distance of 1.100 miles, approximately, said point (Station 543+90) being at the intersection with State Highway 78, a maximum speed of 30 MILES PER HOUR AND 20 MILES PER HOUR when so signed for SCHOOL LOCATION (Station 492+40 to Station 502+40) at certain specified times. SECTION 2. The Mayor of Wylie is hereby authorized to cause to be erected, appropiate signs indicating such speed zones. SECTION 3 j Any person violating any of the provlslons of this ordin- ance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not to exceed Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00). PASSED AND APPROVED THIS ~y OF cmQ'/A'---t ,A.D. .I9~ ~-Z ~ City of Wylie Texas Sheet 3 of 3 ATTEST: Texas APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: APPROVED: Texas ~~ Ci ty anager </. City of Wylle Texas I, G~ ~ ,City Secretary of the City of yl i e t/ , Texas, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. ~7-~ / . adopted by the City Council of the City of Wylie Texas, ~(Y~ //J , A.D., 19 ?7 To certify which, witness my hand and seal of office this ~~~~ day of '--7nQ"tA1k , A.D., 19K' 7 Texas i . , T ; Y # . . K • _ ~ . ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ . F f~f ~ ~ . . . , ' . . ' . . . ~ . . - . ~ , • , . . '..f ' . ~ : , • . 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