Ordinance 1987-37 ORD I N(.4NCE NO.. 8-'l:~r AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE 79-16 AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE 85-59 BY AMENDING SECTION 1, TO LOWER THE PERMITTED LEVEL OF GRASS AND WEEDS TO 12 INCHES AND AMENDING SECTION 4, SO THAT THE TIME FOR COMPLIANCE IS REDUCED TO SEVEN DAYS.. PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECT I VE Df-HE. WHEREAS; the City Council has determined that the height and time requirements of ordinance 79-16 are not consistent with the Councils desire to provide a safe and healthful environment for the citizens of the City of Wylie, therefore BE IT TEXAS, mWA I NED BY that THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, !:3ECT I ON 1. Ch~d i na l'"ICE? 79-1 b amended 50 that as amended by Ordinance 85-59 Section 1 reads as follows: is h et~e by SEC'lION 1. WEEDS, BRUSH, ETC., OVER 12 INCHES HIGH. It shall be unlawful for any person owning, claiming, occupying or having supervision or control of any real plated property occupied, within the corporate limits of the City, to permit weeds, brush or any objectionable or unsightly matter to grow to a greater height than twelve (12) inches upon any such plated real property. This ordinance does not apply to street or thoroughfare R.O.W. (411 vegetatiol'"l, l'"IOt t~egulat~ly cultivated (al'"ld excludil"lg farmer's crops and rancher's grass or forage) which exceeds twelve (12) inches in height shall be presumed to be objectionable and unsightly matter. SECTION c::. Ordinance 79-16 is further amended by rewording Section 4 so that the amended section reads as follows: SEc'r ION '+. NOTICE TO OWNER TO REMOVE, ETC.; REMOVAL BY CITY UPON FAILURE OF OWNER TO DO SO. In the event that any person owning, claiming, occupying or having supervision or control of any real property occupied or unoccupied within the corporate limits of the City fails to comply with the provisions of Sections :I., 2 and 3, it !::.;hall be the duty of the Buildil'"I~~ Ir'I!::.;pectOt~'f~; Office to give seven (7) days notice in writing to such person violating the terms of this ordinance, or by letter, certified, return receipt requested addressed to such person at his last known address. If such letter is undeliverable and the whereabouts of the owner cannot be determined, the notice will be published at least two times within ten consecutive days in the City's official newspaper. If such person fails or refuses to comply with the provision of Sections 1, c, and 3, within seven (7) days after date of notification in writing or by letter, or date of second publication of notice in the City's official newspaper, the City may go upon such property and do or cause to be done the work necessary to obtain compliance with this ordinance, and may charge the expenses incurred in doing or in having same done, to the owners of such property as provided hereafter in compliance wi th (-h~t icle i"~mend €~d.. L~43E" Rev i sed Civil Statutes of TE~xas, as SECT I ON 3. That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4. Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be UlrICOY'I~~t it ut ional, i llegal Ot~ i l'"lval id, the same shall l'"IOt affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part so decided to be il"lv.:did, ill€-?gal Ol'~ Ul'"lconstitutional al"ld shc:dl not .::'1fff:?ct the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. ~3ECT I ON 5. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to a fine not to exceed the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for each offense, and each day such violation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense.. !:lEc'r I ON 6. This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and publication of its caption, as the law in such cases provides. DUL.Y PASSED by the ~ity /JCC~':ll'"fJ~1 of the City of Wylie, Texas, this the j~M day 01- _~____.___.________' 1987. ATTEST: \\(;\\\,'!;,'ill/lltl.lll.' c.",\ r' ; !I! .111., ~<,\,\~. I \. i" 1-'~: I .. ,jf,/1. ,~~'-.(,,;,,"--~-/j ~ .'::;".' '//' ""." ~ ~ $!\...~"'~"' '"./. ~ ;:!-"',);-> ~ / ~ . ~ ~ !:; ( - / /' if, = ./ ~ :~ :: ---------' . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~":>~ ~IIII. YL IE, i1C- \\\# 111/111/ 11 111111 II ',\\\\\~ Chuck Tt~irllble, IYf i:\ Y 0 t., Sect'et at"'Y THE' WYLIE NEWS P. O. BOX 31' WYLIE, TIiXAI 7_ STATE OF TEXAS ~ COUNTY OF COLLIN ~ Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Scott Dorsey, of the Wylie News, a newspaper regularly published in Collin County, Texas and having general circulation in Collin County, Texas who being by me duly sworn deposed and says that the forgoing attached Ordinance No. 87-37 was published in said newspaper on the following dates to wit: August 5 , 1987 and ,1987 . ~) (~,F-1J th/~7 Subscribed and sworn to before me this the ~L. /:2 - day of ~l.d4- , 1987 to certify which witness my hand and seal of office. l/'iLa~~Hj. ~ Margaret Cook Notary Public in and for the State of Texas My Commission expires 9-12-89 Serving Wideawake Wylie Since 1941 Wedne.d8Y~ WYLIE NEWS - Seetinn B - Page 13 I Legal Notice INVITATION TO BID The City of Wylie is now ac. cepting sealed bids for the in- stallation of telephone facilities at the Municipal Complex. Bid Specifications and Contract Documents may be picked up at City Hall, 108 S. Jackson between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. There will be a $20.00 non refundable deposit. Bids should be brought to 108 S. Jackson or mailed to P.O. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098, and marked in the lower left hand corner of the envelope. Bids will be receiv. ed up through 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 20, 1987 and will be opened at 5:00 p.m. on August 20, 1987. Bids will be presented to council on Tuesday, August 25, 1987 at 7:00 p.m. for award. The City of Wylie reserves the right to reject all bids, to waive informalities and to re. j ect nonconforming, nonresponsive, or conditional bids. Carolyn Jones City Secretary 8.2t-c. INVITATION TO BID The Wylie Independent School District is accepting bids on Chain Link Fencing at Hartman Elementary School and the Bus Parking Area until 2:00 p.m., Wednes. day, August 12, 1987, in the Business Office located in the Wylie Middle School at 1001 S. Ballard Street, Wylie, Texas 75098. Proposals received after the appointed timp. will be reiected. .:t' i1 \ Legal Notice'\ ORDINANCE NO. 87.37 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS. AMENDING ORDINANCE 87-2 BY AMENDING ARTI- CLE IV, SECTION 6 SO THAT NO CLOTH, PAPER, BANNER, FLAG, DEVICE, OR OTHER SIMILAR ADVERTISING MATTER SHALL BE PERMITTED TO BE ATTACHED TO SUSPENDED FROM, OR BE ALLOWED TO HANG FROM ANY SIGN BUILDING OR STRUC: TURE, WHEN THE SAME SHALL CREATE A PUBLIC MENACE OR DANGER. PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE' PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EX- CEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200.00) FOR EACH OF. FENSE; AND DECLAR. ING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ATTEST: Carolyn Jones DUL Y PASSED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this the 28 day of .Ju- ly, 1987. Chuck Trimble, Mayor PUBLIC NOTICE The Wylie School Board will have a public hearing on the budget for the 1987-88 school year at the regular meeting, Monday, August 17, 1987, at 7:30 p.m. in the Library at the Wylie Middle School. INVITATION TO BID Legal Notice INVITATION TO BID Sealed bids addressed to the President and Board of Direc- tors of the North Texas Municipal Water District, Wylie, Texas will be received at the Administrative Offices of the North Texas Municipal Water District, Wylie, Texas until 10:00 A.M., August 13, 1987, and then opened and read, for furnishing all plant, labor, material and equip- ment and performing all work required for the Hooper Road Hepairs. Proposals shall be accom- panied by a cashier's or cer. tified check upon a national or state bank in an amount not less than five percent (5 %) of the total maximum bid price, payable without recourse to the North Texas Municipal Water District, or a bid bond in the same amount from a reliable surety company, as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract and execute perfor. mance bond and payment bond within ten (10) days after contract will be given by the Owner within sixty (60) days following the opening of bids. The successful bidder must furnish performance bond upon the form provided in the amount of 100 percent of the contract price and a material and labor payment bond upon the form provided in the amount of 100 percent of the contract price from a approv- ed surety company holding a permit from the State of Texas to act as surety, or other surety or sureties ac- ceptable to the Owner. The right is reserved, as the interest of the Owner may re- quire, to reject any and all bids, and ,to _ waive, an~ infor.