02-15-2023 (WEDC) Minutes Develop• mutes . on Board of Directors Meeting February 15,2023 —7:30 A.M. WEDC Offices—Conference Room 250 S Hwy 78 Wylie,TX 75098 CALL ` t ER Announce the presence of a Quorum President Demond Dawkins called the meeting to order at 7:35 a.m. Board Members present were Melisa Whitehead and Gino Mulliqi. Ex-Officio Member City Manager Brent Parker was present.Ex-Officio Member Mayor Matthew Porter arrived at 7:38 a.m. WEDC staff present included Executive Director Jason Greiner,BRE Director Angel Wygant, Senior Assistant Rachael Hermes, and Administrative Assistant Marissa Butts. INVOCATION LE G OF ALLEGIANCE Senior Assistant Rachael Hermes gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance. CO TS ON - E S With no citizen participation,President Dawkins moved to Consent Agenda. CONSENT AGE 1A All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the WEDC Board of Directors and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be a separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider and act upon approval of Minutes from the January , 2023Regular Meeting and January 23,2023 Special Called eeti of the WEDC Board of irectors. B, Consider and act upon approval of the e January 2023 E C Treasurer'sReport. Board Action A motion was made by Gino Mulliqi, seconded by Melisa Whitehead,to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.A vote was taken,and the motion passed 3-0. President Dawkins moved to Discussion Items and will consider Regular Agenda Items after Executive Session. DISCUSSION ITEMS DS1. Discussionregarding ICSC events. Staff Comments Staff referred the Board to the Agenda Report provided in the packet for the schedule at a glance and registration information regarding the upcoming ICSC Las Vegas event on May 21-23, 2023. Staff WEDC—Minutes February 15, 2023 Page 2 of 3 requested that any Board Members interested in attending the ICSC Las Vegas event RSVP with staff before the early bird registration deadline on February 20, 2023. Mayor Porter and Brent Parker stated that they will be attending.Board members Demond Dawkins and Melisa Whitehead expressed interest in attending. DS2. Staff report; WEDC Property Update, Temporary Access Agreements, Downtown Parking, Engineering Report,Upcoming Events,and WEDC Activities/Programs. Staff Comments Staff referred the Board to the Agenda Report provided in the packet for all updates related to WEDC Property Update, Temporary Access Agreements, Downtown Parking, Engineering Report, Upcoming Events,and WEDC Activities/Programs. City Manager Brent Parker discussed recent issues surrounding parking in the empty lot adjacent to 104 S Ballard. Concerning WEDC properties,the Board discussed the future of commercial lease properties and the need for tenants to actively search for a permanent business location so that they are not displaced out of market or have interruption to their business when they are asked to vacate. The Board requested that staff make a comprehensive list of all residential and commercial WEDC-owned properties and associated lease terms for review at the next meeting. Regarding drainage on Brown/Eubanks in the engineering report, staff noted that the quote received exceeded the expected$25,000. The Board agreed to proceed with facilitating the process at the current quote of$26,785. City Manager Brent Parker noted that city staff is preparing a document to provide an overview of policies, procedures, and anticipated timelines that can be provided to developers. Staff discussed upcoming events and noted that the next Board Meeting will need to be moved to ensure a quorum. The Board agreed to move the next Board Meeting to March 22,2023. EXECUTIVE SESSION Recessed into Closed Session at 8:45 a.m.in compliance with Section 551.001,et.seq.Texas Government Code, to wit: Sec.551.072. DELIBERATION REGARDING REAL PROPERTY; CLOSED MEETING. ES1. Consider the sale or acquisition of properties located at Ballard/Brown, Brown/Eubanks, FM 544/Cooper, FM 544/Sanden, Jackson/Oak, Regency/Steel, State Hwy 78/Alanis, State Hwy 78/Ballard,and State Hwy 78/Brown. Sec. 551.074.PERSONNEL MATTERS; CLOSED MEETING. ES2. Evaluation of WEDC Staff. Sec. 551.087. DELIBERATION REGARDING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEGOTIATIONS; CLOSED MEETING. ES3. Deliberation regarding commercial or financial information that the WEDC has received from a business prospect and to discuss the offer of incentives for Projects: 2013-9a, 2017-6a, 2021-2d, 2021-5a,2021-6a,2021-6c,2021-8a,2021-9a,2021-9b,2021-9f,2021-11a,2022-1b,2022-4d,2022- 7b,2022-7c,2022-8b,2022-9f,2022-10d,2022-11a,2022-12a,2023-la,2023-1b,and 2023-1c. Ex-Officio Member City Manager Brent Parker left at 9:41 a.m. RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result of the Executive Session. WEDC Minutes February 15, 2023 Page 3 of 3 President Dawkins reconvened into Open Session at 9:49 a.m.and the Board took the following action: Board Action A motion was made by Gino Mulliqi,seconded by Melisa Whitehead,to authorize the Wylie EDC to enter into a Performance Agreement with Glen Echo Brewing in an amount not to exceed$80,000.A vote was taken,and the motion passed 3-0. President Dawkins moved to Regular Agenda Items. RE ULAR AGENDA 1. . Consider and act upon issues surrounding the drainage study at Regency Business Park. Board Action A motion was made by Gino Mulliqi, seconded by Melisa Whitehead, to award a contract to Kimley- Horn and Associates, Inc. in the amount of$116,500 and further authorize the Executive Director to execute any and all necessary documents. A vote was taken,and the motion passed 3-0. 2. Consider and act upon FY 2022-2023 Budget Amendments. Board Action A motion was made by Melisa Whitehead, seconded by Gino Mulliqi, to table this item until the next WEDC Board Meeting.A vote was taken,and the motion passed 3-0. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS There were no Items requested for inclusion on future agendas. ADJOURNMENT With no further business,President Dawkins adjourned the WEDC Board meeting at 9:51 a.m. Demond Dawkins,President ATTEST: , Jason Greiner,Executive Director ti