06-25-1963 (City Council) Minutes Special Meeting June 25, 1963 The City Council met in special session June 25, 1963 at 7::00 PM with all members present, Pat Onstot, Carl Ward, Jack Parker, Taylor Hickman and C. T. Shields. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hall. Street marking was discussed and the Council made a verbal agreement to go ahead with the street marking and that official action would be taken at the next regular meeting. The dog control problem was to be thought about and brought up at the next regular meeting. The Council ask that a news letter be sent with the water bills this month to see what the Citizens thought. Should it be supported by tax payers or a monthly fee added on the water bill to cover cost. C. T. Shields made a motion that if Mr. Lee withdrew his resignation that he be given a *25.00 per month increase in pay, it was second by Jack Parker. Motion carried'unanimously. This was dependent on his decision as of July 1, 1963. Garbage truck was declared an emergency and a motion was made by Jack Parker and second by Carl Ward to have Mr. Lee contact Pac- Mor Company to send the used 12 cubic yard packer for the City to try on a loan basis. Motion carried. Mr. Lee, City Manager suggested that the Council contact Mr. Frank Medanich to recommend some one to make an official audit for the City. The Council ask Mr. Lee to contact Mr. Medanich before the next regular meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM. Mayo City Secretary