07-14-2009 (City Council) Agenda Packet Wylie City Council CITY:F WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda July 14, 2009 — 7:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North Eric Hogue Mayor M. G. "Red" Byboth Mayor Pro Tern David Goss Place 1 Kathy Spillyards Place 3 Bennie Jones Place 4 Rick White Place 5 Carter Porter Place 6 Mindy Manson City Manager Richard Abernathy City Attorney Carole Ehrlich City Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATION • Presentation to Outgoing 2008-2009 Boards and Commission Members. (E. Hogue, Mayor) July 14,2009 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 4 ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF OFFICE FOR NEWLY APPOINTED AND REAPPOINTED BOARD AND COMMISSION MEMBERS • Administered by Judge Terry Douglas. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of the June 23, 2009 Regular Meeting of the City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, authorizing the Mayor to execute an Addendum to the Interlocal Boundary and ETJ Contract with the cities of Lavon, Nevada, Rockwall and Garland. U. Butters, Assistant City Manager) REGULAR AGENDA Public Hearing Tabled from 5-26-09 1. (MOTION TO REMOVE FROM TABLE) Continue a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, amendments to Zoning Ordinance No. 2001-48 and to the Official Zoning Map, as it relates to the proposed addition of Section 6.4 and the creation of the South Ballard Overlay, including district boundaries and design standards and Article 5 as it relates to allowed Uses. Generally bounded by Stone Road on the south, Butler Street on the north. ZC2009-01 (R. 011ie, Planning Director) Executive Summary This item was presented to Council on May 26th, 2009. At that time Council requested that a Joint Work Session with the Planning and Zoning Commission be scheduled to discuss the details of the Ordinance. As a result of the Work Session held on July 7th, it was determined that the best option to implement the requested changes was to withdraw the initial proposal and resubmit the Text Amendment for consideration. General Business 2. Consider, and act upon, approval of an Engineering Services Agreement with CP&Y, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $485,596.00, for the design of the expansion July 14,2009 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 4 of Stone Road (FM544) from Akin Lane to W.A. Allen Boulevard and south to Collins Boulevard. (C. Holsted, City Engineer) Executive Summary The 2005 City of Wylie Bond Program identified $10,400,000 for the design and construction of Stone Road from Ballard Avenue to County Line Road. The 2007 Collin County Roadway Bond Program included$5,021,250 for the design and construction of Stone Road from Akin Lane to County Line Road. The first phase of Stone Road from Ballard Ave. to Akin Lane was completed in 2008 at a construction cost of$3,277,936.17. The Stone Road Phase II project includes the design of approximately 2,800 linear feet of a 4-lane paving section from Akin Lane to W.A. Allen Blvd and approximately 1,900 linear feet of paving of FM 544 south of Stone Road to Collins Blvd. 1,300 linear feet of off-site drainage is also included in the project. 3. Consider, and act upon, the appointment of an alternate Council representative to the regional Emergency Preparedness Planning Council. (M. Manson, City Manager) Executive Summary In 2002 the Council of Governments created the regional Emergency Preparedness Planning Council (EPPC) in response to requests from elected officials that the various emergency preparedness plans be integrated and coordinated on a regional level. The EPPC meets every other month, and provides guidance and makes recommendations to the COG Executive Board and the Regional Emergency Preparedness Advisory Committee which is the technical arm(staff participants)of the initiative. 4. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2009-19 amending Ordinance No. 2008-40, Section 4 amending the time of the City of Wylie City Council regular meetings for the remainder of 2009. (M. Manson, City Manager) Executive Summary This item is placed on the agenda at the request of Mayor Hogue, after receiving comments from individual council members. The City of Wylie Home Rule Charter in Article III, Section 9 states that "the City Council shall hold at least one regular meeting each month and as many additional meetings as it deems necessary to transact the business of the City. The City Council shall fix,by ordinance,the date and time of the regular meetings. Special meetings of the City Council shall be held on the call of the mayor or a majority of the City Council members". EXECUTIVE SESSION Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001, et.seq. Texas Government Code, to wit: §§ 551.072 Deliberation Regarding Real Property; Closed Meeting Pursuant to Section 551.072, Texas Government Code, deliberation on certain matters concerning real property. • Right-of-way and related easements for the construction of improvements to FM 1378 §§ 551.087 Deliberation Regarding Economic Development Negotiations; Closed Meeting • Discussion regarding an update and status of economic negotiations with Direct Development. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Take any action as a result from Executive Session. July 14,2009 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 4 of 4 5. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2009-20(R) determining a public necessity to acquire, by purchase or condemnation, certain properties for the right-of-way and related easements for the construction of improvements to FM 1378. (C. Hoisted, City Engineer) WORK SESSION • Discussion regarding the City of Wylie FY 2009/2010 Annual Budget. (M. Manson, City Manager) RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Take any action as a result from Work Session. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I cert that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 10th day of July, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed _41 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie City Council Tuesday, June 23, 2009— 7:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Mayor Eric Hogue called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. with the following Wylie City Council members present: Mayor ProTem Red Byboth, Councilwoman Kathy Spillyards, Councilman David Goss, Councilman Carter Porter, Councilman Bennie Jones, and Councilman Rick White. Staff present were: City Manager, Mindy Manson; City Engineer, Chris Hoisted; Fire Chief, Randy Corbin; WEDC Executive Director, Sam Satterwhite; Building Official, Mike McAnnally; Police Chief, John Duscio; Finance Director, Linda Vaughan; Planning Director, Renae' 011ie; Library Director, Rachel Orozco; Construction Manager, Shane Colley; City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich; Public Information Officer, Craig Kelly, and various support staff. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Building Official Mike McAnnally gave the invocation and Matthew Savage representing Troop 442 led the Pledge of Allegiance. Matthew is the son of David and Susan Savage. PRESENTATION • Presentation — Texas Municipal Clerk's Association Lone Start Chapter "Clerk of the Year". Mayor Hogue announced the recognition of City Secretary Carole Ehrlich in receiving the Lone Star Chapter of the Texas Municipal Clerk's Association designation as "2009 Clerk of the Year". He reported that the regional chapter is comprised of more than fifty five municipal clerks and city secretaries from Hunt, Grayson, Collin, Rockwall, Fannin, Denton, Kaufman, Dallas, Cooke, and Lamar counties. A plaque was presented to Ms. Ehrlich. Minutes June 23, 2009 Wylie City Council Page 1 CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. Louis Gardner, residing at 1208 Devonshire Lane, Wylie, Texas, addressed council to request a four way stop sign at the corner of Brown Street and Kreymer. Mayor Hogue asked staff to look into the request and respond to Mr. Gardner. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes from the June 9, 2009 Regular Meeting of the City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2009-18 amending the zoning from Light Industrial (LI) to Corridor Commercial (CC) District for two tracts of land generally located north and south of Alanis, approximately 475 feet west of Century Way. ZC 2009-03 (R. 011ie, Planning Director) C. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Reports as of May 31,2009. (L. Vaughan, Finance Director) D. Consider, and place on file, the Monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of May 31, 2009. (S. Satterwhite, Executive Director, WEDC) Council Action A motion was made by Mayor ProTem Byboth, seconded by Councilman Goss to approve the consent agenda as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. REGULAR AGENDA General Business 1. Consider, and act upon, the recommendations of the 2009 Boards and Commission Council Interview Panel for appointments to the Animal Shelter Advisory Board, Construction Code Board, Library Board, Parks and Recreation Board, Parks and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation Board, Planning and Zoning Commission, Public Arts Advisory Board, Wylie Economic Development Corporation, Zoning Board of Adjustments, and an alternate for the Southeast Collin County Emergency Medical Services Coalition to fill board vacancies and terms expiring June 30, 2009. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) Minutes June 23, 2009 Wylie City Council Page 2 Staff Comments City Secretary Ehrlich reported that Article 8, Section 1A of the City Charter authorizes the City Council to appoint members to serve on boards, commissions and committees to help carry out the functions and obligations of the City and to make recommendations to the City Council. The City Council has prescribed the purpose, composition, function, duties, accountability and the tenure of each board, commission and committee. The City Secretary's Office began an active campaign to solicit for Board and Commission applications by utilizing the Wylie News, eWylie, all municipal facilities, and current board and commission members. Staff also utilized the City's Website by offering application submittal on-line. She reported the interview panel comprised of Councilwoman Spillyards, Mayor ProTem Byboth and Councilman White had met and interviewed new applicants and applicants wishing re-appointments on June 15th, 16th, and 17th; they have made their final recommendations for each board for approval by the Wylie City Council. Interview Panel/Council Discussion Interview panel chair Byboth reported that again this year there were more highly qualified applicants than there were open seats on the boards and commissions. He noted that he had requested the City Secretary's Office to create a list of volunteer opportunities throughout the city to post on the web site and send to those that were not appointed this year to give them avenues to volunteer. He thanked the City Secretary staff for their assistance in compiling and scheduling the interviews. Mayor ProTem Byboth then made the recommendations for the 2008 Boards and Commissions positions: Animal Advisory Board: Carter Porter, re-appointment, and Sheila Patton, new appointment. Construction Code Board: Bryan Rogers, Lisa Palomba, and Zachary Herrera, re-appointments; Kevin Thompson, moving from alternate to board member; Billy McClendon as alternate, new appointment. Library Board: Shirley Burnett and Brett Bim, re-appointments and Mindy Ayers, new appointment. Parks & Recreation Board: Daniel Chesnut and Brandi Lafleur, re-appointments; Jim Ward and Gary Robas, new appointments. Parks & Recreation 4B Board: Shirley Burnett, Dan Chesnut, and Anne Hiney, re-appointments; Kathy Spillyards and Bennie Jones, new appointments. Planning & Zoning Commission: Ruthie Wright and Ramona Kopchenko, re-appointments; David Dahl, new appointment. Zoning Board of Adjustments: Linda Jourdan, re-appointment, and Bryan Rogers, alternate re- appointment; Darnell Harris to be the new alternate replacing David Dahl appointed to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Public Arts Advisory Board: Ashley Burt and M. Erin Dougherty, re-appointments; Thomas Gaudreau, new appointment. Wylie Economic Development Board: Chris Seeley and John Yeager, re-appointments. Southeast Collin County Emergency Medical Services Coalition: Carter Porter as alternate to that board. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor ProTem Byboth, seconded by Councilman Jones to appoint the 2009 Boards and Commission members to the Animal Shelter Advisory Board, Construction Code Board, Library Board, Parks and Recreation Board, Parks and Recreation Facilities Minutes June 23, 2009 Wylie City Council Page 3 Development Corporation Board, Planning and Zoning Commission, Public Arts Advisory Board, Wylie Economic Development Corporation, Zoning Board of Adjustments, and the Southeast Collin county Emergency Medical Services Coalition as recommended for terms beginning July 1, 2009 and ending June 30, 2011. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 2. Consider, and act upon, authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement between 3M and the City of Wylie, in the amount of $179,728.00, for a turnkey Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) system for the new Rita and Truett Smith Public Library. (R. Orozco, Library Director) Staff Comments Library Director Rachel Orozco addressed council stating that a Radio Frequency Identification Device System (RFID) for the new Rita and Truett Smith Public Library will allow staff to focus on direct customer service rather than repetitive tasks such as checking-in materials, sorting, and shelf-reading. Self-service check out provides staff the opportunity to focus on patron's research and reader's advisory questions. She reported that the library staff recommends that a Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) system be purchased for the new library. Ms. Orozco explained that this system will include 3M basic RFID tags (75,000), RFID media tags (8,000), 3M Mobile Conversion Station (3 month rental), 3M R-Series Self-checks (3), 3M RFID Pad Staff Stations (4), 3M Digital Library Assistant (1), 3M C-Series RFID Book Return (1), Model 8903 3-Aisle RFID Detection System (1), Model 747 Digital Data Manager (1), Model 8900 Stats and Status Software (1), Intelligent Return and Sorter System, Plus model, exterior mount with 3-bin sorter(1), Integrated Disc Media Unlocker (3), DiscMate DVD Case Replacement Locks (4), DiscMate Single DVD case (24), and DiscMate Double DVD case (1). Council Action A motion was made by Councilwoman Spillyards, seconded by Councilman White to authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement between 3M and the City of Wylie, in the amount of $179,728.00, for a turnkey Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) system for the new Rita and Truett Smith Public Library. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. READING OF ORDINANCE Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter, Article III, Section 13-D. City Secretary Ehrlich read the caption to Ordinance No. 2009-18 into the official records. Mayor Hogue convened into work sessions at 7:36 p.m. WORK SESSIONS • Discussion regarding Solid Waste Service within the City of Wylie. (I Butters, Assistant City Manager) Mr. Greg A. Roemer, owner of CWD, addressed council stating that he wished he could be present for an award or to give an award rather than council concerns. He noted that the general manager, J. D. Sweeney, was also present to address council. He reported that some of the concerns had been addressed in four categories: bulk pickup, recycling, customer service and property damage due to an oil Minutes June 23, 2009 Wylie City Council Page 4 spill. He reported that an action plan for these concerns had been given to the City Manager and included resolutions for all concerns including better training for CWD staff. Council members voiced their individual concerns heard from citizens which included receptacles dragged down alley ways by the trash trucks, skipping some residential pickups entirely, recycle bins dumped with garbage materials, and overall dissatisfactions in customer service provided. Mr. Roemer reported that complaints received by his office were down by twenty percent since CWD started serving Wylie close to a year ago. He assured city council members that all the concerns would be swiftly taken care of and he would be back the first quarter of 2010 to report to the city council. • Discussion and direction regarding the City of Wylie Kiosk Program and possible ordinance amendments. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) Planning Director 011ie addressed council stating that she wished to discuss the kiosk program; what it is currently doing and what it is not doing, and to get council direction to give to the vendor for clear clarification of program expectations. Ms. 011ie presented pictures of the current kiosk signs and noted that there had been comments about the inconsistency of the signs. She asked council to give direction to staff that could be given to the vendor in writing to determine the following areas: Color of all blank panels and number of panels for each sign for uniformity, whether to allow new locations for signs and/or allow staff to approve those new locations, and whether to allow signs on private property under the category of"Off-Premise Sign". Mr. Joseph Green representing National Sign Plazas, 620 Business Pk. Richardson, Texas addressed Council stating that he was not aware that council had these concerns. He reported that he would work with council in obtaining uniformity and consistency of all kiosk signs at the pleasure of the council. Council Direction • Blank panels should be blue only to match the background color of the signs. • Panels should go to the bottom of each sign, (blank or sold)and no further to achieve uniformity. • Achieve consistent spacing of panels (sold and blank-possible spacing between) • Font on signs should be the same on all sign locations. • Sold panels and city panels should be at the top of the kiosk sign. No additional sign locations will be approved until consistency is achieved within the existing signs. Direction was given to staff to research "Off-Premise Signs" on private property for possible future inclusion and report back to council. Easement agreements should be reviewed by legal to assure they hold no liability to the city. • Discussion regarding amendments to the City of Wylie Sign Ordinance. (M. McAnnally, Building Official) Mayor Hogue asked that the discussion of the City of Wylie Sign Ordinance be included with the joint work session between the Wylie City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission scheduled for July 7, 2009. He noted that there was still another work session and two executive sessions tonight; this work session will require more time to efficiently complete. Building Official McAnnally agreed. • Presentation and discussion of the new City of Wylie Facilities window color elements. (M. Manson, City Manager) City Manager Manson passed out color charts for the new Wylie Civic Center window frames. She asked council for direction regarding the color of the window frame. Direction from council was to bring back "liquid copper mica" for the window frames to continue the earth tone color theme throughout the buildings. Minutes June 23, 2009 Wylie City Council Page 5 Mayor Hogue re-convened into regular session at 9:16 p.m. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Take any action as a result from Work Session. Mayor Hogue convened into Executive Session noting the exceptions below at 9:17 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001, et.seq. Texas Government Code, to wit: §§ 551.087 Deliberation Regarding Economic Development Negotiations; Closed Meeting • Discussion regarding an update and status of economic negotiations with Direct Development. • Discussion regarding the potential offering of incentives for Project Re-tool. Mayor Hogue re-convened into regular open session at 10:19 p.m. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Take any action as a result from Executive Session. No action was taken as a result of executive session. ADJOURNMENT With no other business before the Wylie City Council, a motion was made by Mayor ProTem Byboth, seconded by Councilman White to adjourn the meeting at 10:20 p.m. Consensus of the Wylie City Council was to adjourn. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Minutes June 23, 2009 Wylie City Council Page 6 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 14, 2009 Item Number: B (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: City Manager Prepared By: Jeff Butters Account Code: Date Prepared: 07-07-2009 Budgeted Amount: Addendum to Interlocal Exhibits: Boundary and ETJ Contract. Subject Consider, and act upon, authorizing the Mayor to execute an Addendum to the Interlocal Boundary and ETJ Contract with the cities of Lavon,Nevada, Rockwall and Garland. Recommendation Motion authorizing the Mayor to execute an Addendum to the Interlocal Boundary and ETJ Contract with the cities of Lavon,Nevada, Rockwall and Garland. Discussion The Wylie City Council authorized the Mayor of Wylie to execute an Interlocal Boundary and ETJ Contract with the Cities of Lavon, Nevada, Rockwall, and Garland. All cities have signed the agreement except Garland. The City of Garland would like this addendum added to the agreement prior to signing. The addendum adds the following language to the agreement; 2.07 No City shall impose any franchise fee, street use fee, street rental fee, tax or other form of obligation whatsoever upon Garland. Approved By Initial Date Department Director JB 7/7/0 City Manager /1)/fl - / 1°1 Page 1 of 1 Addendum to Interlocal Boundary and ETJ Contract THIS ADDENDUM ("Addendum") to the Interlocal Boundary and ETJ Contract ("Boundary Contract") is made and entered into by and between the City of Lavon, a general law municipality located in Collin County, Texas ("Lavon"), the City of Nevada, a general law municipality located in Collin County, Texas ("Nevada"), the City of Wylie, a home rule municipality located in Collin, Dallas and Rockwall Counties, Texas ("Wylie"), the City of Rockwall, a home rule municipality located in Rockwall County, Texas ("Rockwall") and the City of Garland, a home rule municipality located in Dallas, Collin and Rockwall Counties ("Garland") (each individually referred to as a "City" and collectively referred to as the "Cities"), each acting through their duly authorized representatives, is entered into by and between the Cities and in consideration of the mutual promise(s) contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Cities hereby agree to amend the Boundary Contract as follows: SECTION 2. OBLIGATIONS AND AGREEMENTS OF THE CITIES, shall be supplemented to add the following provision: 2.07 No City shall impose any franchise fee, street use fee, street rental fee, tax or other form of obligation whatsoever upon Garland. [End of supplement to the Boundary Contract by this Addendum.] No other term(s) or provision(s) of the Boundary Contract have been amended or supplemented by this Addendum other than that/those set forth above; and the Boundary Contract thus amended and/or supplemented by this Addendum is hereby ratified. Each of the signatories below hereby represents that this Addendum to the Boundary Contract has been approved by his or her City Council and that he or she has full capacity and authority to sign and assume all obligations granted and assumed under this Addendum to the Boundary Contract. Each City warrants and represents that the individual executing this Addendum on behalf of his or her City has full authority to execute this Addendum and bind the City to the same. This Addendum shall become a binding obligation on the signatories upon the execution by all signatories hereto. This Addendum may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which shall constitute one and the same document. - 1 - The effective date of this Addendum shall be the date of the execution of this Addendum by the last of all of the authorized representatives of the Parties to the Boundary Agreement. [The remainder of this page is left blank intentionally.] - 2 - Mayor City of Lavon, Texas EFFECTIVE DATE: ATTEST: City Secretary City of Lavon, Texas APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney City of Lavon, Texas - 3 - Mayor City of Nevada, Texas EFFECTIVE DATE: ATTEST: City Secretary City of Nevada, Texas APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney City of Nevada, Texas - 4 - Mayor City of Wylie, Texas EFFECTIVE DATE: ATTEST: City Secretary City of Wylie, Texas APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney City of Wylie, Texas - 5 - Mayor City of Rockwall, Texas EFFECTIVE DATE: ATTEST: City Secretary City of Rockwall, Texas APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney City of Rockwall, Texas - 6 - Mayor City of Garland, Texas EFFECTIVE DATE: ATTEST: City Secretary City of Garland, Texas APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney City of Garland, Texas - 7 - Interlocal Boundary and ETJ Contract This Interlocal Boundary and ETJ Contract with Attachments 1 through 5 attached hereto (hereinafter "Boundary Contract") is entered into by and between the City of Lavon, a general law municipality located in Collin County, Texas ("Lavon"), the City of Nevada, a general law municipality located in Collin County, Texas ("Nevada"), the City of Wylie, a home rule municipality located in Collin, Dallas and Rockwall Counties, Texas ("Wylie"), the City of Rockwall, a home rule municipality located in Rockwall County, Texas ("Rockwall") and the City of Garland, a home rule municipality located in Dallas and Collin Counties ("Garland") (each individually referred to as a "City" and collectively referred to as the "Cities"), each acting through their duly authorized representatives. WHEREAS, Lavon, Nevada, Wylie, Rockwall and Garland are adjacent municipalities that currently or will in the future share common boundaries and that are empowered by state law and the Constitution to establish their respective corporate boundaries; and WHEREAS, Garland has agreed to release certain portions of its extraterritorial jurisdiction to the other Cities (hereinafter "Released Boundaries") and to disannex certain property and/or annex certain property, in exchange for the commitment of the other Cities to refrain from annexing any property within Garland's extraterritorial jurisdiction without the consent of Garland and to refrain from litigation involving the various boundaries and extraterritorial jurisdiction ("ETJ") of the Cities; and WHEREAS, the Cities seek to avoid certain conflicts and uncertainty relative to the extent and location of their respective corporate limits and ETJ; and the potential for litigation involving the same; and WHEREAS, each of the Cities has reviewed their respective corporate boundaries and ETJ based upon their respective populations, Chapter 42 of the Texas Local Government Code, and the location of the Released Boundaries and has determined that such tracts would be better served by the municipal services of the Cities as reflected in the attached map; and WHEREAS, the Cities find and determine it necessary for the health, safety and welfare of their residents to confirm boundaries and make certain agreements and adjustments regarding their respective corporate boundaries and ETJ; and WHEREAS, this Boundary Contract is made under the authority granted by and pursuant to Texas Interlocal Cooperation Act, Article 791 of the Texas Government Code, as amended, providing for the cooperation between local governmental bodies, for beneficial governmental purposes; and WHEREAS, the Cities have each submitted to their respective governing bodies an ordinance approving this Boundary Contract which confirms and adjusts 1 their respective corporate boundaries and ETJ, as set forth herein and in the attached Boundary and Proposed ETJ Map (the "Boundary Map"), together with individual maps of Rockwall, Wylie, Nevada and Lavon (collectively referred to as "Boundary Maps"), copies of which are attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachments 1-5. NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration for the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the Cities agree as follows: SECTION 1 INCORPORATION OF PREMISES The above and foregoing premises are true and correct and are incorporated herein and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2 OBLIGATIONS AND AGREEMENTS OF THE CITIES 2.01 Release of ETJ by Garland. Garland hereby releases certain portions of its ETJ to the other Cities for inclusion in their ETJ, as shown on the colored portions of the Boundary Maps, (the "Released Boundaries"). 2.02 Annexations and/or Disannexations by Garland. Garland hereby agrees to initiate annexation and/or disannexation of certain property as shown on the Boundary Map within ninety (90) days of Garland's execution of this Boundary Contract. 2.03 Boundaries. The Cities covenant and agree that from and after the approval and execution of this Boundary Contract by each of the respective Cities, the boundaries in the depicted area of the respective corporate limits and ETJ of Lavon, Nevada, Wylie and Rockwall as to the dealings between these Cities shall be those shown on the attached Boundary Maps. The Cities covenant and agree that no City shall assert any police powers or other governmental powers, nor annex property or expand ETJ, into any area depicted on the Boundary Maps as being within another City's corporate limits, boundaries or ETJ without such City's written consent. A City may otherwise expand its ETJ in accordance with state law; however, in no event may a City's ETJ include an area shown on the Boundary Map to be within the corporate boundaries or ETJ of any other City, without such City's written consent. 2.04 Adoption of Official Map. The respective governing bodies of the Cities shall take appropriate action to effectuate the terms of this Boundary Contract approved hereby through the adoption of an official map ("Official Map") showing their respective boundaries and ETJ as required by Section 41.001 of the Texas Local Government Code. The Official Map of each City shall be filed by each respective City with the appropriate county clerk(s) within thirty (30) 2 days of adoption of the City's Official Map, and a copy of each City's ordinance adopting, and authorizing the execution of this Boundary Contract, after the effective date, shall be filed in the deed records of the appropriate counties where the Cities are situated. 2.05 Prior Annexations. The Cities, other than Garland, agree and covenant that all prior annexations or actions by the Cities in conflict with the boundaries reflected in this Boundary Contract are hereby rescinded, voided, and repealed to the extent of that conflict, and the Cities, other than Garland, relinquish any conflicting ETJ under Texas Local Government Code section 42.023, as amended. Each City fully waives and releases, to date, any and all claims of every conceivable nature against each other City and their respective City Council members, officers, employees and representatives regarding this Boundary Contract, the ordinance adopting and authorizing this Boundary Contract, and any and all boundary, ETJ, and annexation issues or claims, demands, controversies or causes of action, including under the Declaratory Judgment Act. 2.06 Resolution of Boundary and ETJ Disputes. The Cities acknowledge that the boundaries and ETJ depicted on the attached Boundary Maps are not described by metes and bounds and are approximates. The Cities agree to determine and establish such boundaries depicted on the attached Boundary Maps along property lines where possible and to use their best efforts to resolve issues relating to the fixing or setting of the exact location of the boundaries and ETJ consistent with the Boundary Maps. If the Cities are unable to resolve issues related to the location of the boundaries and ETJ shown on the Boundary Maps, the affected Cities shall submit such disputes to Garland for resolution. The decision of the Garland City Council as to such disputes shall be final. SECTION 3 TERM / CONSIDERATION 3.01 The Cities agree and stipulate that the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, and the actions taken by each of the Cities in fulfilling its agreements hereunder are good and valuable consideration for this Boundary Contract. The Cities further agree that the boundary and ETJ adjustments made hereunder constitute additional good and valid consideration and serve the valid government purpose of establishing and confirming corporate boundaries and ETJ. 3.02 It is the intent of this Boundary Contract that Garland shall retain sole and exclusive extraterritorial jurisdiction over its property located near Lake Lavon as more particularly described and/or depicted in Attachments 1-5, attached hereto and incorporated herein (the "Garland Property"). If any party to this Boundary Contract (other than Garland), by legal proceedings or other legal process, either directly or by supporting a third party in doing so, (1) challenges 3 or contests this Boundary Contract or any of its provisions or attempts in any manner to oppose or set aside the provisions hereof or impair or invalidate any of its provisions; or (2) attempts to annex or assert any form of extraterritorial control over the Garland Property, then any transfer or release of ETJ as to that City is revoked and shall be disposed of as if that contesting City had never been a party to this Boundary Contract such that no transfer or release of ETJ had ever been made to that City. SECTION 4 GENERAL PROVISIONS 4.01 Default. In the event of a breach of this Boundary Contract by any party hereto, one or more of the other parties may pursue only injunctive relief or specific performance through declaratory judgment. The Cities waive and release all other remedies. 4.02 Additional Documents. The Cities agree to cooperate fully and in good faith to execute any and all supplementary documents and to take all actions which are necessary to give full force and effect to the basic terms of this Boundary Contract. 4.03 Relationship of Parties. The parties understand and agree that each of the Cities performing obligations required by this Boundary Contract is acting as an independent entity and that the execution of this Boundary Contract shall not be construed as creating a joint venture or agency relationship by or among any one or more of the Cities. Each party hereto is an independent governmental entity acting pursuant to the state laws and local ordinances regulating its conduct, and by execution of this Boundary Contract, the parties make no representations regarding the validity of the actions taken by any of the other parties hereto. 4.04 Third Party Beneficiaries. Nothing in this Boundary Contract shall be construed to create any right in any third party not a signatory to this Boundary Contract and the parties do not intend to create any third party beneficiaries by entering into this Boundary Contract. 4.05 Immunity. Nothing in this Boundary Contract shall be deemed a waiver of the governmental, sovereign, or official immunity afforded by law to the Cities, either individually or collectively. The parties stipulate that this Boundary Contract is not subject to the terms of Local Government Code Ch. 271, Subchapter I. 4.06 Notices. All written notices required under this Boundary Contract must be hand delivered or sent by certified mail return receipt requested addressed to the proper party at the following addresses: 4 City of Lavon: Attention: Mayor Address: 120 School Road, Box 340, Lavon, TX 75166 Phone Number: (972) 843-4220 Fax: (972) 843-0945 City of Nevada: Attention: Mayor Address: 424 E. FM 6, Nevada, TX 75173 Phone Number: (972) 853-0027 Fax (972) 853-0027 (telephone prior to faxing) City of Wylie: Attention: City Manager Address: 2000 State Highway 78 North, Wylie, TX 75098 Phone Number: (972) 442-8100 Fax: (972) 442-8115 City of Rockwall: Attention: City Manager Address: 385 S. Goliad, Rockwall, TX 75087 Phone Number: (972) 771-7700 Fax: (972) 771-7727 City of Garland: Attention: City Manager Address: 2000 N. Fifth, Garland, TX 75040 Phone Number: (972) 205-2000 Fax: (972) Each party may change the address to which notices are sent by giving the other parties written notice, within ten (10) days, of the new address in the manner provided by this paragraph. 4.07 Capacity. Each of the signatories below hereby represents that this Boundary Contract has been approved by his or her City Council and that he/she has full capacity and authority to sign and assume all obligations granted and assumed under this Boundary Contract. 4.08 Waiver of Breach. Forbearance or waiver of one or more instances of breach of this Boundary Contract by any party shall not constitute a continuing forbearance or a waiver of any subsequent breach of this Boundary Contract. 5 4.09 Applicable Law / Venue/ Mediation. This Boundary Contract shall be construed under, and in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, and exclusive venue shall lie in Collin County, Texas. If one or more disputes arise with regard to the interpretation, performance and/or breach of this Boundary Contract or any of its provisions, the Cities agree to attempt in good faith to resolve same by scheduling and attending one day of mediation. The mediation shall be conducted within 30 days of the dispute with a mediator agreed to by the Cities, and the cost of the mediation shall be shared equally by the Cities. If a City refuses to mediate, that City shall not recover or seek to recover attorney's fees or costs in any lawsuit brought to construe or enforce this Boundary Contract. 4.10 Legal Construction/Severability. In case any section, article, paragraph, provision, sentence, clause, phrase or word provisions contained in this Boundary Contract shall for any reason be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision of this Boundary Contract, and this Boundary Contract shall be construed as if the invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had not been included in this Boundary Contract. Such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Boundary Contract, and the respective governing body of each of the Cities hereby declares it would have passed and approved such remaining portions of this Boundary Contract despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. The parties expressly agree that if, as of the effective date of this Boundary Contract, any portion of the corporate limits or ETJ of any City shown on the Boundary Map is within the corporate limits or ETJ of any other city that is not a party to this Boundary Contract, the remainder of the Boundary Contract shall remain in full force and effect as if such property had not been included. 4.11 No Actions Inconsistent with this Agreement. Garland shall not release any portion of its ETJ to any party to this Boundary Contract or to any city that that is not a party to this Boundary Contract in a manner inconsistent with the Boundary Map. 4.12 Entire Agreement. This Boundary Contract constitutes the sole and entire agreement of the Cities and supersedes any prior understandings or written or oral agreements between the Cities relating to the subject matter of this Boundary Contract. 4.13 Construction. This Boundary Contract has been negotiated by the parties and shall be deemed drafted equally by all parties hereto. The language of all parts of this Boundary Contract shall be construed as a whole according to its fair meaning, and any presumption or principle that the language herein is to be construed against any party shall not apply. 6 4.14 Amendment. No amendment, modification, or alteration of the terms of this Boundary Contract shall be binding unless it is in writing, dated subsequent to the date of this Boundary Contract, and duly approved and executed by the authorized representative of each of the Cities to this Boundary Contract; however, Cities may adjust mutual boundaries with other cities without the written consent of any of the other parties to this Boundary Contract. 4.15 Counterparts. This Boundary Contract may be executed in a number of identical counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original for all purposes. [The remainder of this page is left blank intentionally.] 7 Mayor City of Lavon, Texas EFFECTIVE DATE: ATTEST: City Secretary City of Lavon, Texas APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney City of Lavon 8 Mayor City of Nevada, Texas EFFECTIVE DATE: ATTEST: City Secretary City of Nevada, Texas APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney City of Nevada 9 Mayor City of Wylie, Texas EFFECTIVE DATE: ATTEST: City Secretary City of Wylie, Texas APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney City of Wylie 10 Mayor City of Rockwall, Texas EFFECTIVE DATE: ATTEST: City Secretary City of Rockwall, Texas APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney City of Rockwall 11 Mayor City of Garland, Texas EFFECTIVE DATE: ATTEST: City Secretary City of Garland, Texas APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney City of Garland 12 Attachment 1 Overall Boundary Map 13 Attachment 2 Lavon Exhibit Map 14 Attachment 3 Nevada Exhibit Map Attachment 4 Wylie Exhibit Map Attachment 5 Rockwall Exhibit Map Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 7, 2009 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: July 14, 2009 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Subject (MOTION TO REMOVE FROM TABLE) Continue a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, amendments to Zoning Ordinance No. 2001-48 and to the Official Zoning Map, as it relates to the proposed addition of Section 6.4 and the creation of the South Ballard Overlay, including district boundaries and design standards and Article 5 as it relates to allowed Uses. Generally bounded by Stone Road on the south, Butler Street on the north. ZC2009-01 Recommendation Motion to withdraw a request to amend Zoning Ordinance No. 2001-48, as it relates to the proposed addition of Section 6.4 and the creation of the South Ballard Overlay. ZC2009-01 Discussion This item was presented to Council on May 26th, 2009. At that time Council requested that a Joint Work Session with the Planning and Zoning Commission be scheduled to discuss the details of the Ordinance. As a result of the Work Session held on July 7th, it was determined that the best option to implement the requested changes was to withdraw the initial proposal and resubmit the Text Amendment for consideration. Staff will revamp the proposed ordinance and incorporate the changes based on the discussions presented during the Work Session and re-advertise the request in accordance with State law. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 07/07/09 City Manager m G l' 1 7 I ? Page 1 of 1 Wylie City Council CITY of WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 14, 2009 Item Number: 2 (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: Engineering Prepared By: Chris Hoisted Account Code: Date Prepared: July 6, 2009 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 2 Subject Consider, and act upon, approval of an Engineering Services Agreement with CP&Y, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $485,596.00, for the design of the expansion of Stone Road (FM544) from Akin Lane to W.A. Allen Boulevard and south to Collins Boulevard. Recommendation Motion to approve an Engineering Agreement with CP&Y, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $485,596.00, for the design of the expansion of Stone Road (FM544) from Akin Lane to W.A. Allen Boulevard and south to Collins Boulevard. Discussion The 2005 City of Wylie Bond Program identified $10,400,000 for the design and construction of Stone Road from Ballard Avenue to County Line Road. The 2007 Collin County Roadway Bond Program included $5,021,250 for the design and construction of Stone Road from Akin Lane to County Line Road. The first phase of Stone Road from Ballard Ave. to Akin Lane was completed in 2008 at a construction cost of$3,277,936.17. The Stone Road Phase II project includes the design of approximately 2,800 linear feet of a 4-lane paving section from Akin Lane to W.A. Allen Blvd and approximately 1,900 linear feet of paving of FM 544 south of Stone Road to Collins Blvd. 1,300 linear feet of off-site drainage is also included in the project. The projected construction cost is $4.7 million. Engineering services for the project include the design of a four-lane divided roadway with 5' sidewalks on both sides and an enclosed drainage system. Multiple options will be presented for the intersection of Stone/FM544/WA Allen Blvd for Council approval. Traffic signal warrant studies and designs are included for the Ballard/Stone intersection and the Stone/WA Allen intersection. The project is scheduled to be advertised for construction in April 2010. A summary of the engineering fees is shown below: Summary of Fees Basic Services $395,620 Special Services $49,971 Subconsultant Services $35,505 Reimbursable Expenses $4,500 TOTAL $485,596 Approved By Initial Date Department Director CH 07/06/09 Manager /) ,}l' I .7 IT l°1 Page 1 of 1 SUBJECT PROPERTY . .. + � IO f l • -rr,,- 0t t^. r ;r. _' ,3 �, rt a `xa 'r.+•.q r.+''r�w1+.a , . �"f-: f Y +4� „7-, ,y, ,-. 414.41,,,, itfip ,. . ,..4444#4*vo"•.;.e.."-,-‘- *. ' ' 4 .... iit ' "f -.. ' 5 . . t 4 I.+M f cik xr-� ". :c .f.,.... +�.. _ c-s ,„,.;•era,,,., w � ..,¢Y.t- ;, :.� "�i. j c : STONE ROAD N r % -t VW L r�'' ••ow t� • - r ,PHASE II PROJECT j /0- rt` . . 1 11 It' -- i.n .` 'del ... s S '- 14 ... '' ;44.6 4 tl a ,�q ► Cj�t R�I Imo'`i4� �+ • e k F . �` * �? r it,• . x Ra. 4, I ,■,.,,,. �'.P "ts S it I .". ‘, 1 ,..., r:If 4' ,' a. '.:!. ;,a„ -1 ,. -. , , i.,.. r''."-S, r -1., ...ram_ w tr. . . ini,, ,,,...-s, ,, 4- . , , . ._ ._ ,, 1 , - . . sliWil* - . •, - am# 4r . y . w*- f xt ` . L Chris Hoisted, P.E. 1 inch equals 500 feet City Engineer 0 205 410 820 Feet 949 Hensley Lane l i i , l i i i l Wylie, Texas 75098 ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered by and between the CITY OF WYLIE, a Home-Rule Municipality, organized and existing under the laws of the state of Texas, hereinafter referred to as "City", and, CP&Y, INC., hereinafter referred to as "Engineer", to be effective upon the date indicated below. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City desires to engage the services of the Engineer to prepare construction plans, specifications, details and special provisions and to perform other related engineering services in connection with the PREPARATION OF CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR THE WIDENING AND RECONSTRUCTION OF APPROXIMATELY 2800 LINEAR FEET (LF) OF STONE ROAD FROM JOHN AKIN LN. EASTWARD PAST ALLEN BLVD., AN ADDITIONAL 1300 LF OF OFF-SITE DRAINAGE TO RUSH CREEK, AND APPROXIMATELY 1900 LF OF WIDENING AND RECONSTRUCTION FROM THE INTERSECTION OF STONE RD./ALLEN BLVD. SOUTHWARD TO COLLINS BLVD. in the City of Wylie, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Project"; and WHEREAS, the Engineer desires to render such engineering services for the City upon the terms and conditions provided herein. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants contained herein, and for the mutual benefits to be obtained hereby, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Employment of the Engineer. The City hereby agrees to retain the Engineer to perform professional engineering services in connection with the Project. Engineer agrees to perform such services in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 2. Scope of Work. The parties agree that Engineer shall perform such services as are set forth and described in Exhibit "A", which is attached hereto and made a part of this Agreement. The parties understand and agree that deviations or modifications in the form of written contract modifications may be authorized from time to time by the City. Engineer agrees to submit all final documents in a form acceptable to the City. 3. Contracts. Any contracts for contractors or subcontractors for services rendered under this Agreement shall be in a contract form provided and approved by the City Attorney. 4. Time of the Essence. Time is of the essence. Engineer agrees to commence work immediately upon execution of this Agreement and to proceed diligently to completion except for delays beyond Engineer's reasonable control. ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT PAGE 1 of 6 5. Compensation and Method of Payment. The parties agree that Engineer shall be compensated for all services provided pursuant to this Agreement in the amount described and set forth in Exhibit "D". The contract amount specified in Exhibit "D" shall not be exceeded without the written permission of the City. 6. Contracts. Any contracts for contractors or subcontractors for services rendered under this Agreement on behalf of the City shall be in a contract form provided and approved by the City's Attorney. 7. Insurance. Engineer agrees to procure the following insurance: a. Workers' Compensation as required by law. b. Professional Liability Insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000 in the aggregate. c. Comprehensive General Liability and Property Damage Insurance with minimum limits of $1,000,000 for injury or death of any one person, $1,000,000 for each occurrence, and $1,000,000 for each occurrence of damage to or destruction of property. d. Comprehensive Automobile and Truck Liability Insurance covering owned, hired, and non-owned vehicles, with minimum limits of$1,000,000 for injury or death of any one person, $1,000,000 for each occurrence, and $1,000,000 for property damage. e. The Engineer shall include the City as an additional insured under the policies, with the exception of the Professional Liability Insurance and Workers' Compensation. Certificates of Insurance and endorsements shall be furnished to the City before work commences. Each insurance policy shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled, and/or reduced in coverage or in limits ("Change in Coverage") except with prior written consent of the City and only after the City has been provided with written notice of such Change in Coverage, such notice to be sent to the City either by hand delivery to the City Manager or by certified mail, return receipt requested, and received by the City no fewer than thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of such Change in Coverage. Prior to commencing services under this Contract. Engineer shall furnish City with Certificates of Insurance, or formal endorsements as required by this Contract, issued by Engineer's insurer(s), as evidence that policies providing the required coverage, conditions, and limits required by this Contract are in full force and effect. 8. Indemnity and Duty to Defend. A. ENGINEER SHALL RELEASE, DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD CITY AND ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS AND EMPLOYEES HARMLESS FROM AND AGAINST ALL DAMAGES, INJURIES (INCLUDING DEATH), CLAIMS, PROPERTY DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOSS OF USE), LOSSES, DEMANDS, SUITS, JUDGMENTS AND COSTS, INCLUDING REASONABLE ATTORNEY'S FEES AND EXPENSES, IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF, RELATED TO, OR RESULTING FROM THE SERVICES ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT PAGE 2 of 6 PROVIDED BY ENGINEER AND TO THE EXTENT CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENT ACT OR OMISSION OR INTENTIONAL WRONGFUL ACT OR OMISSION OF ENGINEER, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, SUBCONTRACTORS, LICENSEES, INVITEES OR ANY OTHER THIRD PARTIES FOR WHOM ENGINEER IS LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE. B. Engineer is expressly required to defend the City against all Claims for which the City becomes liable. In its sole discretion, City shall have the right to select or to approve defense counsel to be retained by Engineer in fulfilling its obligation hereunder to defend and indemnify City, unless such a right is expressly waived by City in writing by the City Manager, approved by the City Attorney, and properly authorized by the City's Council. City reserves the right to provide a portion or all of its own defense; however, City is under no obligation to do so. Any such action by City is not to be construed as a waiver of Engineer's obligation to defend the City or as a waiver of Engineer's obligation to indemnify the City pursuant to this Contract. Engineer shall retain City approved defense counsel within seven (7) business days of City's written notice that City is invoking its right to indemnification under this Contract. If Engineer fails to retain Counsel within such time period, City shall have the right to retain defense counsel on its own behalf, and Engineer shall be liable for all costs incurred by City in defense of Claims for which Engineer is liable under this Paragraph. C. This indemnification and duty to defend is subject to and does not waive any governmental immunity available to the City under Texas law, and any defenses of the parties under Texas law. The provisions of this paragraph are solely for the benefit of the parties hereto and not intended to create or grant any rights, contractual or otherwise, to any other person or entity. 9. Independent Contractor. Engineer is an independent contractor and not an officer, agent, servant or employee of City. Engineer shall have exclusive control of and exclusive right to control the details of the work performed hereunder and all persons performing same, and shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of its officers, agents, employees, contractors, subcontractors and consultants; that the doctrine of respondeat superior shall not apply as between City and Engineer, its officers, agents, employees, contractors, subcontractors and consultants, and nothing herein shall be construed as creating a partnership or joint enterprise between City and Engineer. 10. Assignment and Subletting. The Engineer agrees that neither this Agreement nor the work to be performed hereunder will be assigned or sublet without the prior written consent of the City. The Engineer further agrees that the assignment or subletting of any portion or feature of the work or materials required in the performance of this Agreement shall not relieve the Engineer from its full obligations to the City as provided by this Agreement. 11. Contract Termination. The parties agree that City shall have the right to terminate this Agreement with or without cause upon thirty (30) days written notice to Engineer. In the event of such termination, Engineer shall deliver to City all finished or unfinished documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, models, reports, photographs or other items prepared by ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT PAGE 3 of 6 Engineer in connection with this Agreement. Engineer shall be entitled to compensation for any and all work completed to the satisfaction of City in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement prior to termination. In the event this Agreement is terminated, the City shall have the option of entering into an Agreement with another party for the completion of the work. 12. Ownership of Documents. Original drawings and specifications are the property of the Engineer; however, the Project is the property of the City and Engineer may not use the drawings and specifications therefore for any purpose not relating to the Project without City's consent. City shall be furnished with such reproductions of drawings and specifications as City may reasonably require. Upon completion of the work or any earlier termination of this Agreement under Paragraph 10, Engineer will revise drawings, if necessary, and he will promptly furnish the City with one (1) complete set of reproducible record prints. Prints shall be furnished, as an additional service, at any other time requested by City. All such reproductions shall be the property of the City who may use them without Engineer's permission for any proper purpose including, but not limited to, additions to or completion of the Project. Engineer also acknowledges that such information shall become subject to the Public Information Laws of this State and that Engineer agrees to waive any copyright claims to the information once the information is submitted to the City. 13. Special Terms or Conditions. None 14. Complete Contract. This Agreement, including Exhibit "A", constitutes the entire agreement by and between the parties regarding the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous written or oral understandings. To the extent that any of the provisions in Exhibit "A" conflict with this Agreement, the provisions in the Agreement control over the provisions in the exhibits. This Agreement may only be amended, supplemented, modified or canceled by a duly executed written instrument. 15. Mailing of Notices. Unless instructed otherwise in writing, Engineer agrees that all notices or communications to City permitted or required under this Agreement shall be addressed to City at the following address: Chris Holsted, PE City Engineer 949 Hensley Wylie, Texas 75098 City agrees that all notices or communications to Engineer permitted or required under this Agreement shall be addressed to Engineer at the following address: ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT PAGE 4 of 6 Thomas Cochill, P.E. CP&Y, Inc. 1700 Redbud Blvd., Suite 460 McKinney, Texas 75069 All notices or communications required to be given in writing by one party or the other shall be considered as having been given to the addressee on the date such notice or communication is posted by the sending party. 16. Miscellaneous. A. Paragraph Headings. The paragraph headings contained herein are for convenience only and are not intended to define or limit the scope of any provision in this Agreement. B. Contract Interpretation. Although this Agreement is drafted by the City, should any part be in dispute, the parties agree that the Agreement shall not be construed more favorably for either party. C. Venue/Governing Law. The parties agree that the laws of the State of Texas shall govern this Agreement. Exclusive venue shall lie in Collin County, Texas. D. Successors and Assigns. City and Engineer, and their partners, successors, subcontractors, executors, legal representatives, and administrators are hereby bound to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. E. Severability. In the event a term, condition, or provision of this Agreement is determined to be void, unenforceable, or unlawful by a court of competent jurisdiction, then that term, condition, or provision, shall be deleted and the remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. F. Effective Date. This Agreement shall be effective from and after execution by both parties hereto. ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT PAGE 5 of 6 SIGNED on the date indicated below. CITY OF WYLIE ENGINEER A Texas Corporation BY: BY: Eric Hogue William R. Hindman, P.E. Mayor Vice President DATE: DATE: ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT PAGE 6 of 6 EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES FOR STONE ROAD RECONSTRUCTION WYLIE, TEXAS The scope of work for engineering provided by CP&Y, Inc. (the "Engineer") services involves: field surveying, geotechnical investigation, engineering design, preparation of plans and specifications, computing of construction quantities, and preparation of an opinion of probable cost for the widening and reconstruction of approximately 2800 linear feet (LF) of Stone Road from John Akin Ln. eastward past Allen Blvd. Beyond this point, an additional 1300 LF of off-site drainage will be constructed to Rush Creek. Furthermore, approximately 1900 LF of Allen Blvd. will also be reconstructed from the intersection of Stone Rd./Allen Blvd. southward to Collins Blvd. All design work shall be in accordance with the City of Wylie, Texas (the "Owner") standard requirements. Wherever possible, the standard drawings and specifications of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) will be utilized for consistency with other projects in the immediate vicinity. The project involves new construction of approximately 4700 LF of four-lane divided roadway with curb and gutter and a 25' back of curb to back of curb pavement section concrete pavement (on each side of the median) with, 5' sidewalks on both sides, enclosed drainage systems, and design of an open ditch section east of Allen Blvd to the outfall at Rush Creek. The Engineer will not perform a hydraulic study of the area and will not attempt to correct drainage problems in the Stone Grove Addition on the northeast corner of Stone Rd./Allen Blvd. However, if possible, storm water runoff from the Stoneridge Farms development will be redirected from outfalling into a detention pond north of Stone Rd. and instead carried via storm sewer directly east along Stone Rd to the outfall at Rush Creek. This project is assumed to terminate approximately 50 LF north, 1900 LF south, 2400 LF west, and 400 LF east of the Stone Rd./Allen Blvd. intersection. Consultant services for this project shall include all aspects of the work as set forth in the following scope of services (Exhibit A), and in coordination with Exhibit B (Services to be provided by the City). Any of the items identified herein that are specifically excluded from this scope of work and/or any items not listed below that are desired by the City to be included in the scope of work may be added at any time via a duly executed Supplemental Agreement defining the scope of those items and the related adjustment to the agreed upon fee. The parameters for the design of the improvements shall include the following: • A geotechnical investigation by Kleinfelder Central, Inc. will be performed prior to commencement of design. A detailed field survey of the project area will be performed by North Texas Surveying, LLC..; • For the 30% submittal prepare 2-3 traffic options at the intersection of Stone Rd./Allen 1 Blvd. The options will illustrate different traffic handling options for the city at this intersection including a potential traffic circle. • Replacement of existing streets with new concrete pavement and curbs developed in conjunction with geotechnical investigation and projected traffic demands from North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) website, to a width of 25' (back of curb to back of curb). The proposed four-lane divided roadway will be placed on a six-lane divided roadway footprint with contemplation for future widening towards the median at sometime in the future; • The right-of-way needs will be based on the city standards for a four-lane divided roadway. If, after the survey is completed, it is determined that ample right-of-way is available the roadway will be designed for an ultimate six-lane divided roadway; • Replacement of existing driveway approaches and cross streets to the ROW line, or beyond if necessary to provide a smooth transition to the existing surface beyond; • Construction of 5' wide sidewalks on both sides of the road; • Analysis of existing storm water runoff based on a 100-year storm event, detention pond analysis and development of an enclosed drainage system; • Replacement of existing water lines to the size determined by the City, including service connections, meter boxes, and related appurtenances; • Replacement of existing sanitary sewer lines to the size determined by the City, including service connections, meter boxes, and related appurtenances; • General construction sequencing to guide the contractor through the construction phase. • Erosion control plans for use during construction, and post construction erosion control to include sodding and/or seeding as necessary to re-establish vegetation; • A study for two traffic signal warrants and design plans for traffic signals at two intersections. One of these will be off site at the intersection of Ballard St./Stone Rd. • Submittals to the City of work-in-progress shall be made at 30%, 65%. 95% and 100% stages of completion, as more fully defined in Exhibit C. The 30% submittal will include one (1) scroll plot of the entire project. Each subsequent submittal will include three (3) sets of half size (11" x 17") drawings in cut sheet format; • All plan sheets for review and construction shall be printed on 11"x 17" bond paper. The 30% submittal will be a scroll plot. The final signed and sealed plans will be provided on mylar; • All design work shall be prepared in CAD with electronic files in MicroStation V8 format which will be provided to the City upon completion of the record drawings; 2 • Standard and typical details of the City and/or TxDOT may be included by reference in the final plans and specifications and will not be redrawn or recreated by the Engineer; • Special details not available as a standard drawing by the City or TxDOT will be prepared, as necessary; The Engineer will perform the necessary engineering and technical services for the Design,Bid, and Construction Phases, including any Additional Services for the development of this project in accordance with the following sections of this agreement. I. PROJECT MANAGEMENT & ADMINISTRATIVE TASKS 1. Project Management, Administration and Coordination The Engineer will establish and maintain project schedules and budgets, develop monthly progress reports, prepare invoices, and attend design meetings with the Owner and other entities on an as-needed basis during the project design. 2. Supervision of Subconsultants The engineer will establish a work program and schedule for each subconsultant, identified in the appropriate sections of this document, at the beginning of the project. The engineer will be responsible for the coordination, supervision, review and incorporation of the surveying, geotechnical investigations, environmental studies, public involvement, and other aspects of the work performed by subconsultants. II. DESIGN PHASE SERVICES 00. General Design a. Design Criteria The Engineer will develop a set of design criteria at the beginning of the project, which shall form the basis of the design. Copies of this report will be furnished to the Owner for review and approval. b. Project Title Sheet A project title sheet will be prepared as required for use in the construction plans in accordance with the sample provided by the Owner. c. Project Layout Sheets Project layout sheets will be prepared at a minimum of 1"=100' (half-size), which clearly indicates the limits of the entire project. These layout sheets will indicate the major structures contained within the project, the names of all intersecting 3 roadways and waterways, and other items relevant to creating an overall perspective of the entire project. d. Horizontal Control Sheets Roadway horizontal control sheets and horizontal curve data sheets will be prepared to provide relevant geometric information to establish the roadway centerlines and baselines prior to construction. 1. Roadway Design a. Preliminary Right-of-Way Requirements The Engineer shall determine the extent of the existing right-of-way based on development plats or other information to be provided by the Owner (see Exhibit B) during the early design stages of the project. The Engineer will notify the Owner of any locations where the existing right-of-way will not be sufficient so additional right-of-way can be acquired. If applicable, the Engineer will assist the Owner in the preparation of right-of-way documents and acquisition as defined in Section III-4 below; however, it is anticipated that only right-of-way clips will be required for this project. b. Preliminary Schematic Plan/Profiles Prior to commencing the final paving design, the Engineer will prepare a schematic plan and profile for the proposed work for the entire project (30% Submittal). Roadway horizontal and vertical alignments will be provided to the Owner for review. These alignments will take into consideration preliminary drainage considerations, ties to existing cross streets, site distances and traffic flow patterns. The profile will take into consideration driveway and alley connections and available right-of-way for grading. Where possible, the top of curb elevation for these roads will be set below existing ground to facilitate offsite drainage. c. Paving Plans/Profiles On approval of the preliminary horizontal & vertical alignments, plan sheets will be prepared which depict these alignments. These plan sheets will be a minimum of 1"=40' half-size (11"x17") and contain topographic information, roadway baselines, pavement edges, roadway pavement contours where necessary, limits of structures, limits of retaining walls, drainage structures excluding pipes, limits of sidewalks, limits of barriers and any other information necessary for pavement construction. On approval of the preliminary vertical alignments, profile sheets will be prepared to depict these alignments. These profiles will contain existing ground lines at the proposed profile grade line, limits of structures, and proposed elevations at a minimum of 50-foot intervals. 4 d. Other Roadway Design Elements (i) Typical Sections Roadway typical sections will be prepared for various paving sections along the project. These sections will be developed in accordance with the City of Wylie design standards. These sections will be based on the pavement and sub-grade design recommended in the geotechnical investigation to and approved by the Owner. (ii) Supplementary Grading/Intersection Contour Sheets Where necessary, supplementary grading sheets will be prepared to properly show the relationship between adjacent roadways,drainage swales, or areas of special grading. These sheets will contain spot elevations and/or contours to guide the construction in these areas. (iii)Miscellaneous Paving Details Miscellaneous paving details will be developed as necessary to describe various types of construction such as sidewalks, curbs, etc. when no such standard details are available from the City of Wylie,and/or TxDOT. 2. Drainage Design&Erosion Control Plans a. Drainage Area Maps Drainage area maps will be prepared at a minimum scale of l"=100' (11"x 17"), using available contour maps. Inlets will be located and sub-drainage areas determined. The runoff to each inlet will be calculated in accordance with the City of Wylie hydraulic design criteria and shown on run-off and inlet computation sheets. b. Culvert Plans/Profiles Culvert plan/profile sheets and cross-sections, if necessary,will be provided for new culvert construction. TxDOT Standards will be used whenever possible for these culverts. c. Preliminary Storm Sewer Design Storm and Pond Analysis Sewer design shall be performed in accordance with the City of Wylie hydraulic design criteria and design standards and shall be based on the drainage area information and the run-off and inlet computations. Preliminary design will be performed and submitted for approval. d. Computation Sheets In accordance with standard practice, sheets will be prepared for Runoff and Inlet Computations, Storm Sewer Computations and Lateral Computations. These sheets will tabulate all relevant data used in design for easy verification of the design methods and for future improvements to be coordinated with this project. 5 e. Final Storm Sewer Design Upon approval of the preliminary drainage, plan sheets will be prepared at a minimum 1"-40' (11"x 17"). These sheets will show the location of inlets, manholes, storm sewers, slotted drains, culverts, and open channel improvements in relation to the project roadways. Drainage profile sheets will also be prepared which show profile information for the proposed storm sewer trunk lines,proposed ground above the storm sewers, existing ground above the storm sewers, and locations of lateral junctions. Any detail sheets necessary culverts will be developed. Profiles of laterals will be provided in tabular form, with associated details as necessary, unless a proposed or existing utility crosses the lateral, in which case the lateral may be profiled. f. Miscellaneous Drainage Details Miscellaneous drainage details will be prepared for any drainage related items, which are not covered by the City of Wylie and/or TxDOT standard details. g. Erosion Control Plans and Details Erosion Control Plans will be prepared and will illustrate the implementation of elements to be used to reduce the pollutants to storm water discharges associated with the construction site. The intent of these plans will be to show the ultimate configuration of these elements, not the intermediate phasing of the necessary elements. 3. Utility Design a. Existing Utility Plans After reviewing the survey information, the preliminary design plans (60%) will be provided to the affected utility companies. These plans will indicate approximate locations of any utilities identified. The Engineer will make every effort to obtain as-built, and/or record plans for the following facilities in the project area: (i) Roadway (ii) Water lines (iii) Sanitary Sewer Lines (iv) Storm Drain Lines &Box Culverts (v) Irrigation Lines (vi) Telecommunication Underground and/or Overhead Lines (vii) Electric Underground and/or Overhead Lines (viii) Natural Gas Lines (ix) Other Utilities Known to Serve the Project Area 6 The Engineer will plot the preliminary information obtained above for later use in the field for determining the actual utility locations. The locations of utilities as determined during field surveys will be shown on the drainage plans and other plans, as appropriate. b. Utility Design The Engineer will prepare water and sanitary sewer utility plans at a minimum scale of 1"=40' (11 x 17") as part of this contract. The utilities will be designed in accordance with the City's design criteria. The water and sewer utilities will be designed to replace the existing water and sewer utilities for the limits of the paving portion of this project. The City shall have the right to expand the scope of work for this project under the terms of the Additional Engineering and Services portion of this contract. 4. Signing and Striping The Engineer will prepare Signing and Striping plans at a scale similar to the roadway paving sheets. The plans will be in accordance with the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TxMUTCD). 5. Quantities and Estimates a. Quantities Project quantities will be calculated and tabulated in a bid schedule. The pay items will be in accordance with the TxDOT's Standard Specifications for Construction of Highways. Streets and Bridges (2004) and supplemented where necessary with special specifications prepared by the Engineer. The bid schedule will be included in the Bid Documents and may be reproduced in the plan set, as required. b. Construction Cost Analysis An Engineer's Opinion of Probable Construction Cost will be prepared for the entire project using current unit cost data from TxDOT and the Engineer's database of recent bid information. 6. General Notes and Specifications a. General Notes A list of general notes necessary for the project will be compiled by the Engineer. b. Specifications A list of specifications necessary for the project will be compiled by the Engineer. Any special specifications will also be provided. c. Special Provisions 7 A list of standard special provisions necessary for the project will be compiled by the Engineer. d. Assemble and Incorporate Standard Drawings The Engineer shall assemble, collect, and incorporate the necessary standard drawings needed for the plan set. 7. Illumination Design The Engineer will not prepare Illumination plans as part of this contract. Should this work become necessary,the City shall have the right to expand the scope of work for this project under the terms of the Additional Engineering and Services portion of this contract. 8. Irrigation Design The Engineer will not prepare Irrigation plans as part of this contract. Should this work become necessary,the City shall have the right to expand the scope of work for this project under the terms of the Additional Engineering and Services portion of this contract. 9. Removal Plans If necessary, removal item sheets will be prepared at a minimum of 1"=100' (half-size) to show the necessary roadway and structural items to be removed in order to accommodate construction of the proposed project elements. 10. Landscape Design The Engineer will not prepare landscape plans as part of this contract. Should this work become necessary, the City shall have the right to expand the scope of work for this project under the terms of the Additional Engineering and Services portion of this contract. 1 1. Sequence of Work and/or Traffic Control Plans a. Preliminary Sequence of Work/Traffic Control Plan A conceptual traffic-handling scheme will be prepared after the preliminary horizontal and vertical geometry is complete. This scheme will take into account various factors such as safety of traffic, minimum number of lanes, detours, access to adjacent properties, and other important factors for a logical sequence of construction. This scheme will also address the potential phased construction of the overall project as indicated by the plan sets. This scheme will be submitted to the Owner for review and approval prior to the commencement of final plan preparation. b. Final Sequence of Work/Traffic Control Plan (i) Typical Sections 8 Traffic control plan typical sections will be prepared for each stage of the construction sequence to clearly delineate the position of the existing traffic with respect to the proposed construction. Temporary traffic barriers and pavement markings will also be shown and dimensioned. (ii) Sequence of Work Due to the limited complexity of this project with regard to construction phasing, the Engineer will not prepare detailed traffic control plans. Instead, the Engineer will prepare sequence of work plans showing the general phasing of construction activities, routing of traffic, and detours. Recommendations will be provided for appropriate signage and safety measures, but specific details will be left to the discretion of the contractor in accordance with the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TxMUTCD). c. Traffic Control Narrative A special provision in narrative form will be prepared which describes phases and steps of the construction, the maintenance of traffic, and road construction work hours. The narrative description of the phases and steps of the construction shall be noted on the construction plans. 15. Cross Sections The Engineer will prepare cross sections of the project during the design phase to facilitate the development of the appropriate vertical profile of the roadway. These cross sections will be developed to a sufficient level to aid the Engineer in this effort and to approximate the cut/fill quantities required for the Project. The Engineer will not prepare cross section sheets. If requested this information may be provided after the award, to the selected contractor and/or City, in electronic format for informational purposes only. This information will not be further detailed and/or manipulated into plan sheet format unless specifically requested as an Additional Service item as defined in Section V below. III. SPECIAL SERVICES 1. Environmental Studies a. Wetland Delineation Impacts to jurisdictional wetlands and waters of the U.S. would be permitted under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act by the Fort Worth District of the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). CP&Y will conduct a wetland delineation following the 1987 USACE wetland delineation manual procedures and the 2008 Interim Regional Supplement to the USACE delineation manual: Great Plains Region. Once field work has been conducted on the project site, the type of permit required will be determined depending on the area of impacts, if any, to jurisdictional 9 waters and wetlands. If a Pre-Construction Notification to the USACE or Individual Permit is required, it would be conducted under a separate work authorization. h. Threatened and Endangered Species Habitat Assessment CP&Y will review technical databases, technical literature, and governmental publications and databases prior to conducting field surveys to identify federally threatened, endangered, and candidate plant and animal species in the vicinity of the project area. The habitat assessment includes determining whether suitable habitat exists within and adjacent to the proposed project area, taking representative photographs of the project area, and reporting all findings. All protocols for determining required habitat will be performed for the federally threatened, endangered, and candidate species in Collin County. If habitat for federally listed species is identified, coordination with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service would be conducted under a separate work authorization. 2. TDLR Review A TDLR review will be required if the Accessible Route improvements (i.e. - sidewalks and ramps) exceed$50,000. CP&Y will submit a final set of plans to a local TDLR review firm for review. Review fees are based on the construction cost of the project. CP&Y will submit an invoice to the Owner for the cost of the review. This fee is not included in the Fee Summary attached (Exhibit D) as an expense item and will only be charged to the Owner if such a review is determined to be necessary. 3. Franchise Utility Relocation The Engineer will be responsible for coordination with the various utility companies, for exposing potential conflicts and field ties to uncover utilities in potential conflict areas. If, in fact, there is a conflict, the Engineer will meet with the utility company to resolve the conflict. The Engineer will not be responsible for the redesign of any franchise utility services, the relocation of these services, or the scheduling and confirmation of such relocations. 4. Traffic Signal Warrant Study and Signalization The Engineer will prepare two traffic signal warrant studies as part of this scope of work. The studies will be at the intersection of Ballard St,/Stone Rd. and Allen Blvd./Stone Rd. Should traffic signals be warranted as a result of these studies, the Engineer will prepare traffic signal plans for these intersections. Traffic signal poles, fixtures, signs and lighting shall be designed per the City of Wylie's recommendations and TxDOT standards. Temporary signalization plans will not be prepared as there are no existing signals at the proposed intersections. 10 a. A traffic signal layout will be prepared for each signal location. The signal layouts will be prepared at a scale of 1"=4(Y and will indicate location of signal poles, conduit,ground boxes, existing and proposed traffic control devices (signs and markings),and existing utilities.Illumination will also be located on signal poles for safety lighting purposes.The illumination and signals will utilize separate power sources.The signals will be video actuated utilizing mast arm design. (i) Existing traffic control that will remain (signs and markings) (ii) Existing utilities (iii) Proposed installation (iv) Notes for plan layout b. Phasing and wiring plans will be prepared for each intersection. (i) Signal locations (Jo- Signal indications (iii) Phase diagram (iv) Marking details (where applicable) (v) Aerial or underground interconnect details (when applicable) c. Traffic signal elevations will be prepared showing the vertical clearance required for the mast arm design. d. Construction phasing/traffic control per TxDOT standards e.. Calculate 4tiantities f prepare summary sheets f. General Requirements (a)Contact local utility company (I) nfirm power source (Jo Service Pole locations and voltage characteristics (b)Governing specifications and special provisions (c) Project estimate 5.Public Meetings and/or Hearings The Engineer will not conduct or attend a public meeting to inform the nearby residents of the nature of the project and to receive input from the community. Should this work become necessary, the City shall have the right to expand the scope of work for this project under the terms of the Additional Engineering and Services portion of this contract. 6. Mitigation Plans The Engineer will not prepare Mitigation Plans as part of this contract. Should this work become necessary, the City shall have the right to expand the scope of work for this project under the terms of the Additional Engineering and Services portion of this contract. 7. Right-of Way Acquisition a. A right-of-way map shall be prepared based on roadway design information, the surveyed existing right-of-way lines and the proposed right-of-way takes along Stone II Road. The right-of-way map shall be revised, as required, to indicate additional right- of-way needs per the roadway design. b. Field notes shall be computed and provided for all parcels shown on the right-of-way map. All field notes shall be signed, dated, and sealed by a Registered Professional Land Surveyor. Preparation of these exhibits shall be based on a cost per parcel as an Additional Service. c. The Engineer will not perform right-of-way acquisition as part of this contract. Should this work become necessary, the City shall have the right to expand the scope of work for this project under the terms of the Additional Engineering and Services portion of this contract. IV. CONSTRUCTION PHASE SERVICES 1. Administrative Services The Engineer will provide Construction Administration services under this contract. Such services are defined as periodic site visits to review the general progress of the construction process and overall conformance with the plans and specifications. On site meetings with the selected contractor and Owner's representatives will occur approximately monthly throughout the construction phase. 2. Field Engineering The Engineer will not perform any Field Engineering to design additional features as part of this contract. However, any redesign of a planned improvement that is required as a result of an incompatibility of Engineer's original design will be addressed by the Engineer. 3. Bid Processing The Engineer will advertise for bids in publications approved by the Owner, distribute plans to prospective bidders, distribute plans to two Owner approved plan rooms, and assist with the bid opening by summarizing the bids received. The Engineer will also review the bids and make a recommendation for award based on the lowest qualified bidder. CP&Y will submit an invoice to the Owner for the cost of the advertising. This fee is not included in the Fee Summary attached (Exhibit D) as an expense item. 4. As-Built Drawings The Engineer will prepare a reproducible complete set of As-Built drawings on mylar and in MircoStation or AutoCAD based on any field changes made during construction and any field notes or marked up plans provided by the contractor upon completion of construction. 12 5. Change Orders The Engineer will assist the Owner in preparing any Change Orders required during the construction phase. If such change orders are a result of a change in the scope of the project, the engineering redesign required by such change orders will be addressed as an additional service as defined in Section V below. 6. Pay Requests The Engineer will assist the Owner in the review of construction Pay Requests under this contract. 7. Requests for Information The Engineer will respond, as necessary to Requests for Information during the construction phase of the Project. Should the requests arise from work outside the Engineer's original scope of work,a supplemental agreement may be required. 8. Shop Drawing Review The Engineer will review Shop Drawings submitted by the contractor. 9. TDLR Inspections/Coordination Based on the cost of accessible improvements (i.e., sidewalks and ramps), project may or may not be required to have a TDLR inspection upon completion. Such inspection will not be considered part of this contract and will be the City's responsibility at the end of construction. V. Additional Services 1. Engineering Redesign At various points during the design phase, the Engineer will submit work in progress plan sets for review by the Owner. Such sets should receive a thorough review by the Owner for compliance with the Owner's expectations for the Project. (Note: the Owner is not required to review such plan sets for design conformance, code compliance, or other requirements deemed to be the responsibility of the Engineer). Once these plans are reviewed and returned to the Engineer, they shall be considered accepted by the Owner except as noted in the review comments. Subsequent changes requested by the Owner shall constitute Additional Services outside of the scope of this agreement. In such cases, the Engineer shall be granted a Supplemental Agreement for additional compensation in an amount sufficient to cover any and all costs incurred by the Engineer while completing the redesign effort. 13 2. Public Meetings As noted above in Section III-2, the Engineer shall not be required to prepare for or attend any Public Information Meetings and/or formal Public Hearing (as required by the State of Texas in some cases). Any request for such additional meetings shall constitute Additional Services outside of the scope of this agreement. VI.Subconsultants 1. Aerial Survey No Aerial Survey will be performed under this contract. 2. Field/Ground Survey (North Texas Surveying) Engineer will provide detailed field survey as necessary to facilitate said design including: a. City of Wylie will obtain Right-of-Entry as needed. b. Recover and or establish horizontal and vertical control based on City of Wylie or other applicable datum approved by the City. c. Establish the horizontal and vertical project control per City of Wylie, locate existing utilities, obtain cross section data and locate other topographical features in the project necessary for design. The general field surveying requirements are as follows: (i) Establish the horizontal control points using any City control points if readily available. The project base line will be coincidental with or parallel to the stationed design centerline. Set baseline control points using railroad spikes and/or punched aluminum disks at the PCs, PIs, and PTs of horizontal curves and at 500-foot maximum intervals on tangents. The ROW will be established by using existing property corners found and tied into the baseline control points. If insufficient or conflicting property data is found, a right-of- way survey shall be prepared as an additional service as directed by City. Any traverse related to the project will be performed with appropriate modified second order procedures by closed loop into the project control. Closures will be one part in 20,000 or better. (ii) The vertical control survey shall include ties into any readily available City benchmark for correlation. A City approved benchmark will be established at the limits of the project and tied to the project baseline. Benchmarks shall be located outside of the anticipated construction area so they are not disturbed during construction. (iii) The location, size and elevation profiles of any existing driveways 30-ft beyond right-of-way will be obtained. At least 3 shots along the driveway centerline shall be provided. The surfacing and base material will be determined by visual inspection only. (iv) Provide the existing apparent ROW limits and abutting parcel plats with 14 legal description and physical address. Include any easements and property corner pins. (v) Provide drawing of encroachments into ROW, including all trees greater than 4" in caliper, signs, fences, and other physical objects. (vi) Provide centerline data for intersecting streets 200 feet beyond the project right-of-way. (vii)Design survey area includes: 100' west of the intersection of Stone/John Akin and east all the way to Rush Creek (100' either side of centerline of Stone). Then from about 300' north of Stone/Allen Blvd intersection south to just past Collins Blvd (again 100' either side of centerline of Allen Blvd.) 200' up/down stream at Rush Creek at 25' intervals and same at other culvert crossings. d. Information Submittal All fieldwork will be documented and made available to City for review if requested. Format of field data submittals will be a computer output listing of data collector information which includes x, y, & z coordinates and a description of each point; coordinate geometry computer output of traverses and level loops; field books if produced; or other acceptable formats. Survey files will be provided in ASCII format where applicable. A Digital Terrain Model shall be created and the MicroStation 3-D file including, but not limited to, break lines, elevation points, triangles and contours, on separate levels. Field Survey Data Collection 3. Geotechnical Investigations The purpose of the proposed study will be to provide recommendations that may be used during the design of the roadway improvements, and excavation characteristics for the storm drain pipe. To accomplish this purpose, the proposed scope of services includes exploring subsurface soil conditions, obtaining physical soil properties by laboratory testing, and providing recommendations for use during the design of the roadway improvements and storm drain pipe. This scope is discussed in detail below. Field Exploration • Coordinate field activities with Chiang, Patel, & Yerby, Inc. personnel • Contact the Texas One Call system to locate buried utilities within existing easements and right-of-ways • To achieve one boring per 500 feet of roadway, we recommend drilling 10 borings to a depth of approximately 10 feet for East Stone Road and SWA Allen Boulevard pavement borings, and 4 borings to a depth of 25 feet for the storm drain line on East Stone Road east of SWA Allen Boulevard • Obtain relatively undisturbed thin-walled tube samples and standard penetration test samples as appropriate for the soils encountered 15 • Observe for groundwater seepage during drilling and record level • Backfill boreholes with cuttings upon completion Laboratory Testing Selected laboratory testing will be conducted on samples that are representative of materials obtained during the field exploration. The tests will be used to evaluate and classify the soils, identify subsurface site characteristics, and provide data for analysis. These tests include • Atterberg limits (liquid and plastic limits) • Percent passing No. 200 sieve • Unit dry weight and moisture content • Unconfined compressive strength • pH lime/soil series • Soluble Sulfates Kleinfelder will retain soil and rock samples for 30 days after completion of laboratory testing. Further storage or transfer of samples can be made at owner expense upon written request. Engineering Analysis and Report An engineering analysis and evaluation of the field and laboratory data will be performed for the project, based on available project concepts. Information to be provided in the report includes: • Plan of borings illustrating the approximate location of each boring • A log of each boring indicating the boring number, depth of each stratum, soil classification and description, and groundwater information • Description of the field exploration and laboratory testing • Summary of laboratory test results • Discussion of subsurface soil and groundwater conditions • General discussion of the site geology • Calculated potential vertical rise (PVR) • Recommendations for backfill • Recommendations for preparation of the pavement subgrade • Preliminary recommendations for pavement thickness • Earthwork recommendations 16 Services that are not specifically included in the Scope of Basic Services will be considered as Additional Services, if and when required or requested. Traffic control, if required by the City of Wylie,will cost an additional$2,000 per day. VII. Expenses The Engineer will necessarily incur reasonable expenses in conjunction with the design and administration of this project. Such expenses have been estimated from similar experiences and included as a line item on the Fee Summary (Exhibit D). These expenses include: -Travel to and from the job site and meetings related to the project -Printing of reports, letters and related materials -Printing of plan sets for review and construction These expenses will be limited to every extent possible and will be reimbursed by the Owner as part of this agreement. If the scope of the project changes or if the required number of submittals and/or copies changes appreciably from that indicated in Exhibit C, the Engineer reserves the right to seek additional compensation for the additional expenses. 17 EXHIBIT B SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE OWNER FOR STONE ROAD WYLIE, TEXAS The Owner will provide the following to the Engineer in the performance of the Project upon request: A. Provide any existing data the Owner has on file concerning the Project. B. Provide any available as-built plans for the existing roadway facility. C. Provide any available as-built plans for the water and sanitary sewer lines along and/or below the existing facility. D. Provide any plats and/or development plans for adjacent properties. E. Assist the Engineer, as necessary, in obtaining any required data and information from the State, County, neighboring cities and/or other franchise utility companies. F. Assist the Engineer by requiring appropriate utility companies to expose underground utilities within the right-of-way, when required. G. Give prompt written notice to Engineer whenever the Owner observes or otherwise becomes aware of any development that affects the scope or timing of Engineer's services. H. Provide right-of-entry to properties along project for surveying and geotechnical investigation purposes. EXHIBIT C LIST OF SUBMITTALS FOR STONE ROAD WYLIE, TEXAS During the course of this project the Engineer will make periodic submittals to the Owner for review and input. The timing of such submittals will be determined by the flow of work and responsiveness of the Owner in reviewing previously submitted information. Below is a list of the expected submittals for this project and the approximate preparation time required for each submittal. A. Design Criteria — to be submitted in tabular form within 15 days of Notice to Proceed with the design phase. Three (3) copies will be provided for review with one (1) approved copy to be returned to the Engineer upon review. B. Preliminary Alignment Scroll (30%) — to be submitted in scroll plot format. Two (2) copies of scroll will be provided with one (1) to be returned with any review comments from the Owner. This review scroll will include: 1. Horizontal and vertical alignment data of proposed roadway 2. Typical section C. Preliminary Design (60%) — to be submitted in sheet format on 11"x17" pages, suitable for reproduction. Three (3) sets of plans will be provided with one (1) to be returned with any review comments from the Owner. These review sets of plans will include: 1. Title Sheet 2. Typical Sections 3. Project Layout Sheets 4. Roadway Plan and Profile Sheets 5. Drainage Area Maps and Preliminary Storm Sewer Plans 6. Conceptual Sequence of Work D.Pre-Final Design Plans(95%)—to be submitted in sheet format on 11"x 17"pages,suitable for reproduction. Three (3) sets of plans will be provided with one (1) to be returned with any review comments from the Owner. These review sets of plans will include all plan sheets required for construction of the project as well as all standard details for inclusion in the final bid documents. E. Construction Plans (100%) - to be submitted in sheet format on 11"x17" pages, suitable for reproduction. Three (3) sets of plans will be provided for the Owner's records. These final plan sets will be copies of the signed and sealed engineering plans to be used in the bidding and construction phases of the project. The original mylar sheets will be maintained by the engineer until construction is complete. F. As-Built Plans - to be submitted in sheet format on ll"x17" pages, suitable for reproduction. These plans will reflect any design changes made during construction and will be accompanied by the original mylar plans prepared under Item D above. All electronic project design files will be submitted in MicroStation V8. G. Construction Cost Analysis—at the 60% and 100% plan stages the Engineer will submit an updated Opinion of Probable Construction Cost for review by the Owner. This cost analysis will be based on updated estimates of material quantities and unit cost data from recent bid openings within the project area. This information is provided to the Owner for informational purposes. The Engineer does not guarantee that the information provided in such analysis will reflect actual construction bid price or the final cost of the project. EXHIBIT D FEE SUMMARY FOR STONE ROAD WYLIE, TEXAS Estm Hours Labor Cost BASIC SERVICES Project Management and Administrative Tasks 164 $ 24,640.00 Design Phase Services 3,174 $ 349,060.00 Construction Phase Services 172 $ 21,920.00 TOTAL BASIC SERVICES 3,510 $ 395,620.00 SPECIAL SERVICES a.Environmental Studies 87 $ 7,211.00 b.TDLR Review 12 $ 1,440.00 c.Franchise Utility Reloc.Coordination 12 $ 1,440.00 d.Signal Warrant Studies&Signalization 377 $ 39,880.00 TOTAL SPECIAL SERVICES 488 $ 49,971.00 SUBCONSULTANT SERVICES a.Kleinfelder Central,Inc.(Geotechnical)* $ 12,000.00 h.North Texas Surveying,LLC(Surveying)** $ 23,505.00 TOTAL SUBCONSULTANT SERVICES $ 35,505.00 Reimbursible Expenses $ 4,500.00 TOTAL FEE $ 485,596.00 NOTES: * This fee does not include Traffic Control. If the City requires this task,Kleinfelder will perform this task at an additional$2,000/day and the City will be invoiced as an Additional Service. **-This fee includes the preparation of five(5)parcel legal descriptions for right of way needed for this project. Should additional right of way he needed for this project document preparation will be invoiced to the City at a cost of$750/parcel as an Additional Service. EXHIBIT E SCHEDULE FOR STONE ROAD WYLIE, TEXAS The Engineer will work diligently to complete the design phase, prepare bid documents and provide any support services required during construction.The schedule of activities provided below is based on award of the design contract in mid July, 2009.The remainder of the schedule is based on information provided by the Owner during the selection process and previous experience with the City of Wylie. This information can be adjusted based on the actual award date. Duration Completion Date Award of Contract N/A July 14, 2009 Notice to Proceed 1 July 15, 2009 Submit Conceptual Plans (30%) 68 Sept 21, 2009 Review by City Staff 14 Oct 5, 2009 Submit Preliminary Plans (60%) 63 Dec 7, 2009 Review by City Staff 14 Dec 21, 2009 Submit Pre-Final Plans (95%) 56 Feb 15, 2010 Review by City Staff 7 Feb 22, 2010 Submit Construction Plans (100%) 21 Mar 15, 2010 Review by City Staff 7 Mar 22, 2010 Prepare Construction Documents 7 Mar 29, 2010 Advertise for Construction 6 Apr 4, 2010 Receive Open Bids 16 Apr 20, 2010 Award Construction Contract 7 Apr 27, 2010 EXHIBIT F INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR STONE ROAD WYLIE, TEXAS Before commencing work, the Engineer shall be required, at its own expense, to furnish the City with copies of all insurance certificate(s) indicating the coverage to remain in force throughout the term of this contract. Broad Form Commercial General Liability insurance at minimum combined single limits of($500,000 per-occurrence and $1,000,000 general aggregate) for bodily injury and property damage, which coverage shall include products/completed operations, independent contractors, and contractual liability each at $500,000 per occurrence. Coverage must be written on an occurrence form. Workers Compensation insurance at statutory limits, including employer's liability coverage at minimum limits. In addition to these, the contractor must meet each stipulation below as required by the Texas Workers Compensation Commission; (Note: If you have questions concerning these requirements, you are instructed to contact the TWCC at(512)440-3789). Definitions: Certificate of coverage ("certificate"). A copy of a certificate of authority of self-insure issued by the commission, or a coverage agreement (TWCC-81, TWCC-82, TWCC-83, OR TWCC-84), showing statutory workers compensation insurance coverage for the person's or entity's employees providing services on a project,for the duration of the project. Duration of the project includes the time from the beginning of the work on the project until the contractor's/person's work on the project has been completed and accepted by the governmental entity. Persons providing services on the project ("subcontractor" in 406.096) includes all persons or entities performing all or part of the services the contractor has undertaken to perform on the project, regardless of whether that person has employees. This includes, without limitation, independent contractors, subcontractors, leasing companies, motor carriers, owner-operators, employees of any such entity, or employees of any entity which furnishes persons to provide services on the project. "Services" include, without limitation, providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor, transportation, or other service related to a project. "Services" does not include activities unrelated to the project, such as food/beverage vendors, office supply deliveries, and delivery of portable toilets. The contractor shall provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44) for all employees of the contractor providing services on the project, for the duration of the project. The Contractor must provide a certificate of coverage to the governmental entity prior to being awarded the contract. EXHIBIT F If the coverage period shown on the contractor's current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project, the contractor must, prior to the end of the coverage period, file a new certificate of coverage with the governmental entity showing that coverage has been extended. The contractor shall obtain from each person providing services on a project,and provide to the governmental entity: A certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning work on the project, so the governmental entity will have on file certificates of coverage showing coverage for all persons providing services on the project; and no later than seven (7) days after receipt by the contractor, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project. The contractor shall retain all required certificates of coverage for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter. The contractor shall notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within ten (10) days after the contractor knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project. The contractor shall post on each project site a notice, in the text, form and manner prescribed by the Texas Workers Compensation Commission, informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify coverage and report lack of coverage. The contractor shall contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on a project, to: provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44) for all of its employees providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; provide to the contractor, prior to that person beginning work on the project, a certificate of coverage showing that coverage is being provided for all employees of the person providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; provide the contractor, prior to the end of the coverage period,a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; Obtain from each other person with whom it contracts, and provide to the contractor: A certificate of coverage,prior to the other person beginning work on the project; and A new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, prior to the end of the coverage period, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; EXHIBIT F Retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter; notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within ten (10) days after the person knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project;and Contractually require each person with whom it contracts, to perform as required with the certificates of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services. By signing this contract or providing or causing to be provided a certificate of coverage, the contractor is representing to the governmental entity that all employees of the contractor who will provide services on the project will be covered by workers compensation coverage for the duration of the project, that the coverage will be based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts, and that all coverage agreements will be filed with the appropriate insurance carrier or, in the case of a self- insured, with the commission's Division of Self-Insurance Regulation. Providing false or misleading information may subject the contractor to administrative penalties, criminal penalties,civil penalties, or other civil actions. The contractor's failure to comply with any of these provisions is a breach of contract by the contractor which entitles the governmental entity to declare the contract void if the contractor does not remedy the breach within ten (10) days after receipt of notice of breach from the governmental entity. Commercial Automobile Liability insurance shall be no less than $500,000 combined single limits per accident for bodily injury and property damage, including owned, non-owned, and hired vehicle coverage. Professional Liability Insurance at minimum limits of $1,000,000. This policy must have a two (2) year extended period of coverage, (i.e. tail coverage). If you choose to have project coverage endorsed onto your base policy, this would be acceptable. The required limits may be satisfied by any combination of primary, excess or umbrella liability insurances, provided the primary policy complies with the above requirements and the excess umbrella is following foam. The vendor may maintain reasonable and customary deductibles, subject to approval by the City of Wylie. With reference to the foregoing insurance requirement, the vendor shall endorse applicable insurance policies as follows: A waiver of subrogation in favor of the City of Wylie,its officials,employees,volunteers and officers shall be contained in the workers compensation coverage. The vendor's insurance coverage shall name the City of Wylie as additional insured under the General Liability policy. All insurance policies shall be endorsed to require the insurer to immediately notify the City of Wylie of any decrease in the insurance coverage limits. All insurance policies shall be endorsed to the effect that the City of Wylie will receive at EXHIBIT F least thirty(30)days notice prior to cancellation, non-renewal or termination of the policy. All copies of Certificates of Insurance shall reference the project/contract number. All insurance shall be purchased from an insurance company that meets the following requirements: A financial rating of B+VII or better as assigned by the BEST Rating Company or equivalent. Certificates of Insurance shall be prepared and executed by the insurance company or its authorized agent,and shall contain provisions representing and warranting the following: Sets forth all endorsements and insurance coverage's according to requirements and instructions contained herein. Sets forth the notice of cancellation or termination to the City of Wylie. STONE ROAD: OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST (06/24/09) ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL COST ROW PREP STA 60 $1,000.00 $60,000.00 PAVING REMOVAL LS 1 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 Q EXCAVATION CY 22500 $6.50 $146,250.00 EMBANKMENT CY 10000 $4.50 $45,000.00 TRAFFIC CONTROL MO 10 $10,000.00 $100,000.00 SW3P LS 1 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 SUBTOTAL GENERAL _FINAL COVER SY 16750 $4.00 $67,000.00 $498,250.00 CONC PAV(25'B-B) SY 26150 $38.00- $993,700.00 LIME TREAT SY 20900 $2.50 $52,250,00 i LIME(SLURRY) + TON 510 $150.00 $76,500.00 .: <r ,CONCRETE.CURB= LF. 9400 $2.00 $18,800,00 o ®RIVEWAYS"(6"J�: SY 1000 $35.00 $35,000.00 SUBTOTAL.ROADWAY SIDEWALK-(4") - SY 5220 $30.00 .$156,600.00 $1,332,850.00 • LENGTH OF WATER(8"PVC) LF 4700 $60.00 $282,000.00 R. WATER SERVICES EA 20 $500.00 $10,000.00 LENGTH OF SEWER(10"PVC) LF 4700 $130.00 $611,000,00 SUBTOTAL UTILITIES SEWER SERVICES EA 20 $500.00 $10,000.00 $903,000.00 CURB INLETS" EA 31 $3,000.00 $93,000.00 DROP INLETS 'EA 4 $3,000.00 $12,000,00 z CROSS CULVERT IF 80 $300.00 ;. $24,000.00 • SMALL PIPES LE 4400" $100,00 $440,00000 o LARGE PIPES LF 1300 $250.00 $325,000.00 SUBTOTAL DRAINAGE MANHOLES . '' EA. 11'`-$4,000.00 $44,000.00 $938,000.00 SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION EA 2 $115,000.00 $230,000.00 SUBTOTAL SIGNALS $230,000,00 8 a� 60 !4 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 14, 2009 Item Number: 3 Department: City Manager (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Mindy Manson Account Code: Date Prepared: July 1, 2009 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and act upon, the appointment of an alternate Council representative to the regional Emergency Preparedness Planning Council. Recommendation Motion to appoint as an alternate representative to the COG Regional Emergency Preparedness Planning Council. Discussion In 2002 the Council of Governments created the regional Emergency Preparedness Planning Council (EPPC) in response to requests from elected officials that the various emergency preparedness plans be integrated and coordinated on a regional level. The EPPC meets every other month, and provides guidance and makes recommendations to the COG Executive Board and the Regional Emergency Preparedness Advisory Committee which is the technical arm (staff participants) of the initiative. The current COG Regional Emergency Preparedness Advisory committee representative for Wylie is Councilman Rick White. COG is requesting that an alternate be appointed who can serve in the absence of our current representative. The alternate is also required to be an elected official. Approved By Initial Date Department Director MM 7/1/09 City Manager m/Y\ "� (1 Page 1 of 1 2009 - North Central Texas URI Emergency Preparedness Planning Council Pt Alternate Representative and Contact Information ALTERNATE REPRESENTATIVE DESIGNATION: EPPC Member: Title: Designated Alternate: (Alternate representative must be an elected official) Alternate Title: Alternate Email: Phone: ( ) - SELECT ONE: EPPC MEMBER COMMUNICATIONS: Do you use Outlook for scheduling and reminders? ❑ Yes, you may use Outlook to send EPPC meeting schedules and reminders ❑ No, please contact me via standard email for EPPC meeting schedules and reminders STAFF MEMBER CONTACTS: EPPC Member Staff Contacts (e.g. EMC, administrative assistant) to receive EPPC information and notifications Name Phone: ( ) Email Name Phone: ( Email EPPC Member Signature: Date: Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 14, 2009 Item Number: 4 Department: City Manager (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Account Code: Date Prepared: July 8, 2009 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Ordinance Subject Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2009-19 amending Ordinance No. 2008-40, Section 4 amending the time of the City of Wylie City Council regular meetings for the remainder of 2009. Recommendation A motion to approve Ordinance No. 2009-19 amending Ordinance No. 2008-40, Section 4 amending the time of the City Council regular meetings to begin at 6:00 p.m. for the remainder of the 2009 calendar year. Discussion This item is placed on the agenda at the request of Mayor Hogue, after receiving comments from individual council members. The City of Wylie Home Rule Charter in Article III, Section 9 states that "the City Council shall hold at least one regular meeting each month and as many additional meetings as it deems necessary to transact the business of the City. The City Council shall fix, by ordinance, the date and time of the regular meetings. Special meetings of the City Council shall be held on the call of the mayor or a majority of the City Council members". At the August 26, 2008 Council meeting, the dates and times of the 2009 City of Wylie regular council meetings were approved by Ordinance No. 2008-40. Section 4 of said ordinance states that the City Council's regular meetings shall generally begin at 7:00 p.m. By this ordinance, the dates and times of the remainder of regular city council meetings for the calendar year 2009 will be amended to begin at 6:00 p.m. Special called meetings and work sessions can be scheduled at any time designated by the City Council and posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act. Approved By Initial Date Department Director MM 7/8/09 City Manager Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2009-19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, HEREBY AMENDING ORDINANCE 2008-40, SECTION 4, THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING TIME FOR THE REMAINDER OF 2009; PROVIDING FOR SAVINGS, REPEALING AND SEVERANCE CLAUSES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City Council finds it will be beneficial and in the best interests of the public to amend the meeting time of the City of Wylie City Council regular meetings for the remainder of the 2009 calendar year. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION I: The City Council of the City of Wylie hereby amends Ordinance No. 2008-40, Wylie City Council regular meetings shall hereby begin at 6:00 p.m. for the remainder 2009 calendar year; meetings are usually held at 2000 Hwy. 78 N., Wylie, Texas in the City Council meeting chambers in City Hall. The exact time and location for each meeting shall be posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act. SECTION II: All portions of the existing Ordinance No. 2008-40 except as specifically herein amended, shall remain in full force and effect, and not be otherwise affected by the adoption of this ordinance. SECTION III: Should any paragraph, sentence, sub-division, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part or parts as declared to be invalid, illegal, or unconstitutional. SECTION IV: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, on this the 14th day of July, 2009. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST TO: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Ordinance No.2009-19 Amending Ordinance No.2008-40 Council Meeting Time Page 1 71 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 14, 2009 Item Number: 5 Department: Engineering (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Chris Holsted Account Code: Date Prepared: July 6, 2009 Budgeted Amount: N/A Exhibits: Resolution Subject Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2009-20(R) determining a public necessity to acquire, by purchase or condemnation, certain properties for the right-of-way and related easements for the construction of improvements to FM 1378. Recommendation Motion to approve Resolution No. 2009-20(R) determining a public necessity to acquire, by purchase or condemnation, certain properties for the right-of-way and related easements for the construction of improvements to FM 1378. Discussion Right-of-way acquisition for FM 1378 from Brown Street to Parker Road was authorized by Council on May 22, 2007 and twenty one parcels were identified for the project. One parcel at the Parker Road intersection was not acquired because an agreement could not be reached with the property owner; however, recent discussions between the property owner and the right of way agent indicate that the owner may be willing to sell the property. Also, a drainage easement was identified at the north west corner of the 1378 and McMillen intersection and the property owner has agreed to the terms of the easement. Approval of the Resolution authorizes the City Manager to proceed with the acquisition of the right of way and the easement and execute the necessary documents. Approved By Initial Date Department Director CH 7/6/09 City Manager 1�17(qp Page 1 of 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2009-20(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, DETERMINING A PUBLIC NECESSITY TO ACQUIRE, BY PURCHASE OR CONDEMNATION, CERTAIN PROPERTIES FOR THE RIGHT-OF-WAY AND/OR RELATED EASEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AND/OR IMPROVEMENTS TO FM 1378; GIVING NOTICE OF AN OFFICIAL DETERMINATION TO ACQUIRE PROPERTIES FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY AND/OR RELATED EASEMENTS FOR THE FM 1378 PROJECT; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TO ESTABLISH PROCEDURES FOR ACQUIRING THE PROPERTIES, BY PURCHASE OR CONDEMNATION; APPROPRIATING FUNDS; MAKING OFFERS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council"), investigated and determined that there is a public necessity for, and the public welfare and convenience will be served by, the acquisition, of right-of-way and/or related easements on each of the parcels of properties described in Exhibits "A" and "B", attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution for all purposes (the"Properties"), and it is the City of Wylie, Texas' ("Wylie") intent to acquire, by purchase or condemnation, the necessary right-of- way and/or easements on the Properties for the purpose of, among other things, the construction, access, repair and maintenance of public facilities, specifically, the right-of- way and/or related easements for the construction of and/or improvements to FM 1378 (hereinafter referred to as the "Project") for the purposes of, among other things, paving and drainage improvements. WHEREAS, it is necessary to establish procedures for determining the establishment and approval of just compensation for the right-of-way to be acquired for the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS: SECTION 1: Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Resolution as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: Acquisition of Property. The City Council hereby officially determines that there is a public necessity for, and the public welfare and convenience will be served by, the acquisition of the Properties, and it is Wylie's intent to acquire, by purchase or condemnation, the Properties described in Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto, for the Project. Resolution No.2009-20(R) Determining a Public Necessity to Acquire By Purchase or Condemnation Certain Properties Page 1 509203-1 SECTION 3: Authority of the City Manager. The City Manager is hereby authorized to contract, on behalf of the City Council, with professional appraisers for appraisal services and with attorneys for preparation of title opinions needed by Wylie from time to time in connection with acquiring the Properties for the Project. The City Council hereby ratifies any contracts entered into, prior to the effective date of this Resolution, by the City Manager with professional appraisers for appraisal services and with attorneys for preparation of title opinions needed for the acquisition of the Properties made the subject of this Resolution. SECTION 4: Determination of Just Compensation. The City Manager, or her designee, is hereby authorized and directed to examine and rely on the independent appraisal reports, and other information, in establishing and approving the fair market value offer and the just compensation for said right-of-way and/or easements. After consideration of said information, the City Manager shall establish and approve the amount determined to be just compensation for acquisition of the right-of-way and/or easements. SECTION 5: Authority to Make an Offer. Upon establishment and approval by the City Manager of the amount of just compensation for the acquisition of the Properties, the City Manager, or her designee, is authorized to send a written offer to the owner(s) of said Properties, along with a copy of the Landowner's Bill of Rights, for acquisition of said right-of-way and/or easements at the full amount determined and established to be just compensation for each parcel, and to negotiate with said owner(s) on behalf of Wylie. SECTION 6: Authority to Execute Documents. The City Manager is hereby authorized, on behalf of Wylie, to execute all documents necessary to acquire, by purchase or condemnation, each of the parcels needed for the Project. SECTION 7: Disposal of Improvements. The City Manager is hereby authorized to sell such surplus improvements, if any, located on the right-of-way acquired in connection with this Project, should they interfere with use and enjoyment of the right-of- way. SECTION 8: Source of Funds. The amount to be paid, if any, for acquiring the right-of-way and/or easements for the construction of and/or improvements to FM 1378, will be appropriated from the 2006 General Obligation Bonds. SECTION 9: Condemnation Authorized. Should the City Manager be unable to acquire the right-of-way and/or easements by purchasing same, the City Manager is authorized to instruct the law firm of Abernathy, Roeder, Boyd & Joplin P.C. to commence condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of the right-of-way and/or easements for the Project. SECTION 10: Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect immediately from and after its passage. Resolution No. 2009-20(R) Determining a Public Necessity to Acquire By Purchase or Condemnation Certain Properties Page 2 509203-1 DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS, on this 14th day of July, 2009. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTESTED TO AND CORRECTLY RECORDED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Abernathy, Roeder, Boyd &Joplin, P.C. City Attorneys Resolution No. 2009-20(R) Determining a Public Necessity to Acquire By Purchase or Condemnation Certain Properties Page 3 509203-1 EXHIBIT "A" County: Collin Page 1 of 3 Highway: FM 1378 April 12, 2007 LIMITS: From Brown Street(FM 2514)to Parker Road (FM 2514) R.O.W. CSJ: FIELD NOTES FOR PARCEL 20 BEING a 3,848 square foot tract of land in the William Patterson Survey, Abstract Number 716, in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, being part of that certain called one acre tract of land described in a deed to Bobby W. Mitchell and Barbara M. Mitchell, as recorded in Volume 585, Page 503, Deed Records Collin County Texas and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: COMMENCING at a point on the common south line of said one acre tract and the north line of that certain called 1.002 acre tract of land as described in a deed to Donald K. Anderson and Jennifer Fay Anderson as recorded in Volume 3185, Page 070, said Deed Records; THENCE, North 88 degrees 55 minutes 38 seconds East, along said common line, a distance of 189.26 feet to a point for the POINT OF BEGINNING on the proposed west right-of-way line of Farm to Market Road 1378 (also known as Country Club Road); 1) THENCE, North 01 degrees 16 minutes 39 seconds West, along said proposed west right-of-way line, a distance of 208.21 feet to a 5/8 inch steel rebar with a Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) aluminum cap** set for corner on the proposed west right-of-way line of said Farm to Market Road 1378, and on the common north line of said Mitchell tract and the south line of that certain called 1.000 acre tract of land described in a deed to John E. Martin and John D. Martin, as recorded in Volume 5453, Page 002797, said Deed Records; 2) THENCE, North 89 degrees 15 minutes 39 seconds East, along said common line, a distance of 17.90 feet to a point for corner on said existing west right-of- way line of Farm to Market Road 1378 from which a 5/8 inch steel rebar found bears North 89 degrees 15 minutes 39 seconds East at distance of 1.20 feet; 3) THENCE, South 01 degrees 36 minutes 06 seconds East, along said existing west right-of-way line and east line of said Mitchell tract, a distance of 208.12 feet to a point for the southeast corner of said Mitchell tract and the northeast corner of said Anderson tract; EXHIBIT "A" County: Collin Page 2 of 3 Highway: FM 1378 April 12, 2007 LIMITS: From Brown Street (FM 2514)to Parker Road (FM 2514) R.O.W. CSJ: FIELD NOTES FOR PARCEL 20 4) THENCE, South 88 degrees 55 minutes 38 seconds West, along said common Mitchell and Anderson line, passing at a distance of 0.57 feet a one-half inch steel pipe found, continuing a total distance of 19.08 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and containing 3,848 square feet of land.; This property description is accompanied by a separate plat of even date. All bearings are based on the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, North Central Zone, NAD 83(CORS 2002). All distances and coordinates shown are surface and may be converted to grid by dividing by a combined scale factor of 1.000152710. **The monument described and set in this call, if destroyed during construction, may be replaced with a TxDOT Type II Right of Way Marker upon completion of the highway construction project under the supervision of a Registered Professional Land Surveyor, either employed or retained by TxDOT. Research completed September, 2006; Field work completed November, 2006 and Monuments set April, 2007. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this the.3O day of 4A'i j 2007 / OF.,.t� *# AFC• •JOHN F.PIERCE Jn F. fierce .....................:... Registered Professional Land Surveyor �:°q 2011 O Texas Registration Number 2011 ,ip.ssx0 V, SURD SURVEYING AND MAPPING, Inc. 1450 Empire Central, Suite 175 Dallas, Texas 75247 GRAPHIC SCALE DETAIL A' DETAIL "B" -•- --'_--- - _......._,„fr,........__. ..-r .., ig:........q* cn -d Oo l ; 1 " =30' LINE TABLE : �co• i°D 20 �• `� CITY OF WYLIE LINE N0. BEARING DISTANCE :�1�„ iv,' 20 �?w ' i �o COLL IN COUNTY, TEXAS L1 S88' 55' 38"W 19. 08' o • p; �w N89° 15' 39"E 17. 90' -co�'/2" • —�—.o.c. L 2 15' 39"E 1 . 20' sPF w s�B,. —__r �' L 3 N89' -- -----• ------�-- .i SRF n aD Gyj I I I m rn„ r-a. I p , BOBBY W. MITCHELL AND, a •- _ �� o ggs 'ITT-• BARBARA M. MITCHELL cl ?o • ( PAGE 503 �•.4.-4 (Co. ' = r'QgCF'QSp \ VOLUME 585, rrn-------) c)aoZm ZI " T p;�cnnaEs a,� � ti � S D. R. C. C. 1.. _.._....--- n^Tmp ^T�71.z-,r _ O rn ,/ -11--e CALLED 1 . 0 ACRE a= r o' o , OnN��� n �`� '� q 132+26.02 F--i o-l�ue�Z �• __� .60.00 LT 0 VI Z P.o.B. Np1� 16' 39'jW 20 21 ' •* ',`�• '' zn N O Z ` • � •O.0130.17.81 PROPOSED R.O.W i )1/3 O.00 L T ` �� �/ rI :\ il , si A n 1, , ``, 0 ' SO1 36 06 E DETAILS}-' "^ ' ; EXISTING R.O.M =(_T —. 1 ) STATE OF TEXAS .B _. r VOLUME 419, PAGE 207( j RCP XX" LECENo FARM TO MARKET 13T8 D. R. C• C. T._�---- S STEEL REBAR W/TXDOT -"P CALLED 1 . 590 ACRES POT Sta l32r49. 97 w /B s (VARIABLE WIDTH R. )_xx ALUMINUM CAP FOUND t-/` �::i a %p" PIPE FOUND UNLESS NOTED ��.__ STEEL REBAR W/TXDOT ALUMINUM / \ • CAP SET • / STEEL REBAR FOUND UNLESS NOTED ---- —" O FENCE POST FOUND UNLESS NOTED �r A CALCULATED POINT 'L •'•••` t PROPERTY LINE y�Q.�G15^EA'Q P.O. /RECORD INFORMATION EXHIBIT "A" - PAGE 3 OF 3 . F P.O.B.POINT OF BEGINNING •Q • P.D.C.POINT OF COMMENCING A PLAT OF A SURVEY OF ••°ti•.•.•••Ca.......:..• P.O.R.POINT OF REFERENCE PARCEL 20 P.C. POINT OF CURVATURE . ••• F. PIERCE P.T. POINT OF TANGENCY N.T.S.NOT TO SCALE FOR FARM TO MARKET ROAD 1 378 •••••••••••••"""": SRF STEEL REBAR FOUND .A.sPF STEEL PIPE FOUND A 3 848 SO. FT. TRACT OF LAND IN THE e" 2U1 ,.' ric O.R.C.C.T. DEED RECORDS OF COLL IN COUNTY, TEXAS 7 �//•.I'. ES , D.R.c.c.r. DEED RECORDS OF COLLIE COUNTY, TEXAS WILLIAM PATTERSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT 71 6 '9'615 S.S • ->`° CITY OF WYLIE SU THIS PARCEL PLAT IS ►CCOMPANIEO BY A SEPARATE PROPERTY LOLL I N COUNTY, TEXAS DESCRIPTION EI EN EVEN DATE.I /J��©�^Ji/]r1� .. THE MONUMENT DESCRIBED AND SET IN THIS CALL, IF DESTROYED ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE BASED ON THE TEXAS STATE PLANE f� �i•"'tf DURING CONSTRUCTION, MAY BE REPLACED WITH A T%DOT AYTYPE II COORDINATE SYSTEMES AND, NORTH CENTRAL ZONE,ARENAB 83 ICORS 2MAY 002). RIGHTCONSTROFUCTwAYION PMARKERROJECT UNDERINC SSUPEERVISTHEION OFHIGAWREGISTEREO TOALLGRIODISTBYcDIY DING BY ACOORDINCOOMBINEATES D SCALE ACTOREOFAND II.000152110On'vERTED PI E, R.P.L. S. 2D� i Dote PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR EITHER EMPLOYED OR RETAINED 0• �BY T><DOT. File: P:\TRC Solutions\25321C\MAPCHECKS\PARCELS\SRP\SEP20.0UT 4/30/2007, 12:33:34PM BEGIN SESSION ® Mon Apr 30 12:33:25 2007 SKP20,JAB Points 2 to 50 deleted. 2222 points in workfile. FROM ANGLE DIST NORTH EAST TO '=z START = 10000.00000 5000.00000 1 1 TRAV N 1 16 39 W 208.21 10208.15825 4995.35801 2 2 TRAY N 89 15 39 E 17.90 10208.38917 5013.25652 3 3 TRAV S 1 36 06 E 208.12 10000.35048 5019.07363 4 4 TRAV S 88 55 38 W 19.08 9999.99326 4999.99697 5 5411111111101111111iiiiiiik0.01 10000.00000 5000.00000 1 Area r 3848.51 sq ft 0.08835 ac Page: 1 EXHIBIT "B" County: Collin Page 1 of 3 Highway: FM 1378 July 01, 2008 LIMITS: Unite Methodist Church Drainage Easement R.O.W. CSJ: DRAINAGE EASEMENT DESCRIPTION OF A 1.34 ACRE TRACT OF LAND IN THE WILLIAM PATTERSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 716, IN THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, BEING PART OF THE REMAINDER OF A CALLED 15.00 ACRE TRACT AS DESCRIBED IN THE DEED TO WYLIE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH A TEXAS NON-PRFIT CORPORATION AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 7386, PAGE 2560 OF THE DEED RECORDS COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS (D.R.C.C.T.) SAME BEING PART OF LOT1, BLOCK A, A CALLED 15.00 ACRE TRACT OF LAND AS SHOWN ON THE FINAL PLAT OF WYLIE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, AS RECORDED IN CABINET R, PAGE 213, PLAT RECORDS COLLIN COUNTY TEXAS (P.R.C.C.T.) AS SHOWN ON THE ACCOMPANYING SAM INC. DWG NO. FN D_0301.DGN, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING at a calculated point for the northeast corner of the remainder of said Lot 1, Block A and being in the west existing right-of-way line of Farm to Market Road 1378 (also know as Country Club Road), as dedicated by said plat,from which a 5/8-inch iron rod with a Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Aluminum cap found for the common corner of the remainder of a called 199.22 acre tract as described in the deed to Katheryn Skinner, a single woman, as recorded in Document Number 20070514000648930 of the (D.R.C.C.T.) and a called 5,358 square feet tract as described in the deed to The City of Wylie as recorded in Document Number 20080225000219530 of said (D.R.C.C.T.) bears, North 88° 59' 09" East, a distance of 2.10 feet and continuing for a total distance of 20.03 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with a plastic cap found; 1) THENCE, South 00° 43' 51" East, with said existing west right of way line, a distance of 29.99 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with a Sam Inc. cap set; THENCE, Crossing said Lot 1, Block A the following four courses: 2) South 88° 59' 09" West, a distance of 525.75 feet to a 5/8-iron rod with a Sam Inc. cap set, 3) South 44° 16' 55" West, a distance of 21.31 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with a Sam Inc. cap set, 4) South 00° 24' 49" East, a distance of 443.00 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with a Sam Inc. cap set, and EXHIBIT "B" County: Collin Page 2 of 3 Highway: FM 1378 July 01, 2008 LIMITS: Unite Methodist Church Drainage Easement R.O.W. CSJ: DRAINAGE EASEMENT 5) South 44° 27' 58" West, a distance of 113.38 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with a Sam Inc. cap set in the common line of said Lot 1, Block A and said 199.22 acre tract, from which a 1/2-inch iron rod with a plastic cap found bears South 00° 24'49"East, a distance of 399.05 feet; THENCE, with said common line the following two courses: 6) North 00° 24' 49" West, a distance of 567.49 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with a plastic cap found and 7) North 88° 59' 09" East, a distance of 620.57 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 1.34 acres of land. This property description is accompanied by a separate plat of even date. All bearings are based on the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, North Central Zone, NAD 83(CORS 2002). All distances and coordinates shown are surface and may be converted to grid by dividing by a combined scale factor of 1.000152710. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL at Dallas,Dallas County, Texas this the 1st day of July 2008 A.D. Ai•le.A.km./. 0 170 OF t. Craig Price Q' <A, `�o'•`� Registered Professional Land Surveyor •"...MO*• .•CRAIGPr*ic. Texas Registration Number 5881 .y; a 5881 � / •SURVEYING AND MAPPING, Inc. \ 26 .....� 1450 Empire Central, Suite 175 ' S- Dallas, Texas 75247 1 1 GRAPHIC SCALE CITY OF WYLIE 0 10 0 2 00 00C. NO. 20080225000219530 o�� CALLED 5,358 SQUARE FEET ��� O I I a O.R.C.C.F. G 4� I I 1"=200' Ptiti 4ccp. I CITY OF WYLIE ' \o43\'`a• ts89•la'3o•'E 640.681 0 -i-LN # } COLLIN COUNTY TEXAS �,5wwti���G' N88° 59'09"E 620.57' I,1 • ;,r- a .t_P ooL• °\ S88° 59'09"W 525.75' ••,,1 1 ,-• 6 N o v- a) DETAIL "A"I I Z. 11 11 - a in to 4 4 N ¢ 3 > DETAIL "A" Q 80' o .j' W - I w FINIAL PLAT N88°59'09"E CDd WYLIE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH z ''620.57' 2.10'117.93' •• i� LOT 1, BLOCK A - LINE TABLE • NCV CALLED 15.000 ACRES x 0% 20.03' CABINET R. PAGE 213 41 Q' LINE NO. BEARING DISTANCE M P.R.C.C.T. P.R.C.C.T. ; L1 S44°16'55"W 21.31' ZC7 b N • L2 S44'27'58"W 113.38' ° WYLIE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH '^ w A TEXAS NON-PROFIT COPORATION CALLED 1S.00b ACRES %S88'59'09"W VOL. 7386, PG. 2560 . 525• v• w ° D.R.C.C.T. `� ° Li ' o o ` - o v .._l..N. cvoi C'= 0 N.T,S. LEGEND o' 1 o %" IRON ROD W/TXDOT 0 I ALUMINUM CAP FOUND N er ® %" IRON ROD WITH CAP FOUND UNLESS NOTED 4cMLLEN ROAD O fie" IRON ROD W/SAM INC.CAP SET (COUNTY ROAD NO.2981 a>Ir Qi , �� o FENCE POST• Ye IRON OITH UNDCAP UNLESS FOUND NO NOTEDUNLESS NOTED 110'R.O.W. /L +", •&61.@q�44s G CALCULATED POINT ' R PROPERTY LINE EXHIBIT "A" - PAGE 3 OF 3 / a1C PRICE ) RECORD INFORMATION P.o.c. POINT OF BEGINNING A PLAT OF A SURVEY OF A r.o.c. POINT OF COMMENCING "`' P.o.R. POINT OF REFERENCE e.r�'. �T P.c. PONT OF CURVATURE PERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT \ .,� p (J P.t. PONT OF TANGENCY 1 � 0—. . - V�•y I CITY OF WYLIE ',jam 63S `••F ., N.T.S. NOT TO SCALE t,I 11�u ssr STEEL REBAR FOUND A 1.34 ACRE TRACT OF LAND IN THE 4._, PRCc.t. PP`PE ROUND ECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY.TEXAS WILLIAM PATTERSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT 716 ,r"':-`, • D.R.C.c.T. DEED RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS CITY OF WYLIE THIS PARCEL IN.AT IS ANEO BY A SEPARATE PROPERTY DESCRPt10N OF EYEN DATE. COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS THE NONUNENT DESCRIBED ARC) SET IN THIS CALF DESTROYED ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE BASED ON THE TEXAS STATE PLANE DIIRNC CONSTRUCTION.NAY BE REPLACES WRH A 7r00T TYPE II COORDINATE SYSTEN.NORTH CENTRAL. ZONE.NAD BS ICORS 2002). J RIGHT OF WAY MARKER UPON COMPLETION OF THE H M HIGHWAY ALL DISTANCES AND COORDINATES SHOWN ARE SURFACE G WAY DE CONVERTED �, ,vv-A, 07�1/ [/g CONSTRUCTION ADJECT tNDER THE SUPERVISION OF A REGISTEREO TO GRID BY DIVIONG BY A COWSHED SCALE FACTOR OF 1.000152710. [ PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR EITHER EMPLOYED OR MIMEOAli CRAIG U. PRICE, R.P.L.S. 5881 Dote BY LOOT, 0 RI'TA AND TRUETT SMITH PUBLIC LIBRARY Approaching the future: a staffing needs assessment . "II, , fir ' r r It + " a it‘.. lek, , t „ k ,o. t $ ft "`' z I -N �� �. , e. MODERN PUBLIC LIBRARY • The effectiveness of the public library in the community is judged by its customers through personal criteria which includes but is not limited to: - Ease of access to the information or resources sought - Customer service orientation of the public library - Customer service hours - Design and comfort of the facility - Competency of the paid staff - Availability of services, programs, and materials - Customer personal expectations - Amenities offered in the facility SMITH PUBLIC LIBRARY • Amenities offered in the new Smith Library: - Café - Wireless connectivity for lap tops - Used book store - Business Center - Meeting Spaces • Economic impact: - Computer lab will offer classes to enhance job skills - Provide employment for local citizens - Provides a common meeting place and activities for children ages 12 to 17 with the Teen Center - Potential residents look at library services as a desirable amenity Smith Public Library Economic Impact • Economic impact (cont'd) : - The Smith Public Library will provide a business center, including programs to assist business owners - Offers internet access to its citizens - Rental spaces includes board room, meeting room, and computer lab - GED classes - Family programming RITA AND TRUETT SMITH PUBLIC LIBRARY • Serves a county-wide population of 39,374 (NCTCOG estimate) • Currently housed in 7,000 square feet • Expanding to 43,934 square feet on one floor • Has current staffing level of 9 FTE consisting of 10 individuals • Currently open 46 public service hours weekly • Currently open 6 days per week • Accredited Public Library qualifying for membership in the Northeast Texas Library System Rita and Truett Smith Public Library Activity in FY 2008 (October to September) • Had 150,594 library visitors • Checked out 181 ,639 items • Answered 8,039 Reference Questions • Had 22,200 customers use the public access computers • Offered 245 programs for children, teens, tweens, and adults • 13, 179 patrons attended programs • 21 ,818 registered borrowers • Processed 45,573 items (adding, deleting, and updating) • Processed 868 Interlibrary Loan items Current of S Current Building ■Circulation 13,179,4% ■Library Visitors ❑Program Attendance =r< 150,594,44% 181,639,52% New Building Levels of Service New Building ▪Circulation ▪ Library Visitors 19,769, 3% o Program Attendance 272,459, 46% 301,188, 51%111 Variables That Must Be Considered When Determining Funding Levels for Staffing: • Population demographics • Services, programs, and materials offered • Access to technologies for staff use • Access to technologies for customer use • Facility size/number of floors/ service points • Number of public service hours • Volunteerism (levels of and reliability of) • Customer expectations/use • Governing body expectations • Standards from state/federal agencies • Safety issues Customer Service in the Modern Public Library • Professional services - Reference/research - one-on-one - Readers Advisory - one-on-one - Assisting customers with on-line resources - Assisting customers using public PC and the on-line catalog - Public relations - Public speaking - Presenting programs • Professional duties (behind the scenes) - Collection development/maintenance - Compiling statistics - Creating reports/correspondence - Designing programs/library materials - Service/program evaluation - Long-range planning - Planning displays/marketing items • Paraprofessional public (customer) service - Greeting customers/introducing customers to the library - Assist customers with library card application process, directional questions, photocopying - Checking library materials out - Taking fines/fees - Explaining procedures, policies, and programs - Referring customers to professionals - Answering phones and directing calls - Accepting donations • Paraprofessional duties (behind the scenes) - Checking library materials in - Shelving items - Processing of new books and library materials - Receiving/distributing mail - Accounting for daily receipts - Daily set up of circulation desk - Assisting other staff with specialized projects (these lists are by no means all-inclusive) RITA AND TRUETT SMITH PUBLIC LIBRARY Customer Service Points (face-to-face contact) • Areas that must be staffed during public service hours: - Circulation desk - Information desks/reference desks Adult area - Children's area - Teen Center • Areas that will require staff supervision/presence during public service hours: - PC Lab (computer room) - Public PC areas - Public restrooms - Lobby - Quiet Room RITA AND TRUETT SMITH PUBLIC LIBRARY Customer Service Points (face-to-face contact) • Areas that do not require supervision when not in use or that can be locked: - Cafe/Eatery (Outsourced) - Story time room - Study rooms - Board room - Meeting rooms Current Facility - 7,000 square feet Hours of Operation Current: 46 hours M, T, & Th12-8 Wed. 9-6 Fri. 11-5 Sat. 9-4 Proposed: Proposed: 50 hours 60 hours M & T9-8 M - Th9-8 Wed. 9-6 F & S 9-5 Thurs. 12-8 Sun. 1-5 Fri. 11-5 Sat. 9-8 RITA AND TRUETT SMITH PUBLIC LIBRARY RECOMMENDATION # 1 Increase Library staffing to appropriate levels for a 43,934 square foot facility: • At 46 public service hours weekly increase staffing levels by 10 FTE • Upgrade two positions due to increased responsibilities: - 1 . Youth Services Librarian to Youth Services Supervisor. This position supervises, leads, and evaluates staff in the Youth Services Department. - 2. Library Technician to Circulation Services Supervisor. This position supervises the daily operations of the Circulation Department, leads, coaches and evaluates circulation staff. • Minimize budgetary impact by phasing in additional staffing positions prior to new facility opening: 1 . 3 FTE Professional Librarians to assist with collection development, training, customer services, and electronic services etc. RITA AND TRUETT SMITH PUBLIC LIBRARY RECOMMENDATION # 1 (Cont'd) 3. Advertise, interview, select candidates, add 2 professional librarians in February 2010 and 1 professional librarian in August 2010 4. 7 FTE staff, professional and paraprofessional in October 2010 5. Advertise, interview, select candidates, add support staff members 60-90 days prior to facility opening After 6 months of operating in the new facility, conduct a staffing survey and an in-house customer satisfaction survey in order to determine if opening day staffing levels are adequate to provide excellent customer services and to meet customer demands, adjust if necessary. RITA AND TRUETT SMITH PUBLIC LIBRARY RECOMMENDATION #2 Incorporate appropriate technologies into the new library facility to aid Library staff with anticipated increases in use by: • Adding 2-3 self-check machines in conjunction with the Library's automated systems • Add RFID technologies throughout the new library facility, including specialized equipment for the materials returns and sorters • Enhance/expand ENVISIONWARE system insuring capabilities for customers to operate independently of library personnel • Add automated public announcement system to assist Library staff with evening closings, emergency announcements, etc. RITA AND TRUETT SMITH PUBLIC LIBRARY RECOMMENDATION #3 When public service hours for the Library are expanded: • To insure that quality customer service is maintained or enhanced increase staffing levels to appropriate numbers - Each additional public service hour requires that public service points are staffed at the same or similar levels as other times during the day • Explore the feasibility of an expanded volunteer role through the library volunteer program and the Friends of the Library: - Volunteers may not be used where patron records are available - Volunteers will need to be trained, scheduled, supervised, evaluated by an individual who would coordinate all of the volunteer efforts - Volunteers can be trained to work information desks, specialized areas, to assist Library staff with program development, materials production • Insure that all areas of the Library have appropriate supervision for customer and staff safety WeeklyDays Enough y staff to Population Facility Public Per serve and Size #of Service Week #FTE Info Volunteer Volunteer your Library Circulation (sq.ft.) Floors Hours Open Employees Desk Hours Volunteer Duties Supervision facility? Allen 76,600 54,000 2 64 7 34.8 FTE Yes 150 per Pulling holds, Librarian Yes 46 staff: month sorting donations, 625,540 14 (300 per restocking book professionals month in sale, puppet Summer) shows, craft projects, etc. Cedar 43,950 10,800 1 56 6 10.62 FTE No 40-50 per Shelving, checking Librarian No Hill 16 staff: week in materials, sorting 102,084 4 on carts &shelves professionals Euless 53,400 30,000 1 59 7 27 FTE No 100 per Shelving, Library No 30 staff: month photocopying, Secretary 432,646 6 making bookmarks, &Youth professionals prep for story times Staff and crafts, summer reading club Flower 62,350 25,000 1 60 7 18.5 FTE No 400-600 Varies depending Staff No Mound 22 staff: per month on their skills members 475,936 8 in specific professionals area Frisco 92,100 52,000 4 50 6 29.75 FTE Yes 53 per Storytelling festival, Staff No 39 staff: month circulation, tech members 690,062 12 services in specific professionals area Weekly Days Enough staff to Population Facility Public Per #FTE serve and Size #of Service Week Employee Info Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer your Library Circulation (sq.ft.) Floors Hours Open s Desk Hours Duties Supervision facility? Grapevine 45,500 53,000 1 70 7 32.18 FTE No 400 per Checking Circulation Yes 45 staff: month in, Librarian 531,229 8 shelving, profession processing, als circulation desk Greenville 26,350 24,000 1 52 6 12.5 FTE No 60-80 per Book "We train Yes 3 month repair, them and 107,620 profession computer turn them als classes, loose" special projects Haltom 39,400 17,000 1 52 6 13.9 FTE Yes 120 per Shelving, Staff No City 7 month craft members 420,395 profession projects, in specific als weeding area Keller 37,700 12,500 1 56 7 15.1 FTE No 60 per Processing Technical Yes 6 month repairs, Services 380,258 profession special Clerk als events Mansfield 51,300 16,000 1 57 6 12.2 FTE Yes 150-200 per Shelving Staff No 4 month members 430,330 profession in specific als area Weekly Enough staff to Population Facility #of Public Days Per serve and Size Floor Service Week #FTE Info Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer your Library Circulation (sq.ft.) s Hours Open Employees Desk Hours Duties Supervision facility? McKinney 112,000 33,000 2 64 7 30.575 FTE No 130 per Shelf reading, Library Yes 41 staff: month Special Technician 629,323 8 programs Professionals North 64,050 31,000 1 65 6 23.34 FTE No 230 per Shelving, Circulation No Richland 9 month gardening, Supervisor Hills 660,627 professionals; back room check-in, summer reading club Rockwall 73,500 10,000 1 49 6 9.5 FTE No 649 per Shelving, Children's Yes County 13 staff: month tutoring, Librarian, 191,675 3 preparing Paraprofes professionals; crafts, book sionals sale, and special projects Rowlett 53,750 15,600 1 60 6 17.5 FTE No 150 per Shelving, Paraprofes Yes 23 staff: month program sionals 345,586 8 materials professionals prep, GED/literacy tutors, etc. Week! y Enough Public Days staff to Facility Servic Per serve Size #of e Week #FTE Info Volunteer Volunteer your Library Population (sq.ft.) Floors Hours Open Employees Desk Hours Volunteer Duties Supervision facility? Southlake 25,700 12,500 1 48 6 8 FTE No 250-300 Any library task Staff Yes 10 staff: per month depending on members in 265,461 7 skills specific circulation professionals; area The 39,300 15,266 1 44 5 12.62 FTE No 100 per Shelving, Circulation No Colony 5 month processing new Supervisor, 138,386 professionals materials, support circulation special projects, services summer clerk programs, local history project Watauga 24,150 15,000 1 48 6 12.75 FTE No 283 per Shelving, Staff in No 19 staff: month dusting & specific 314,885 5 cleaning, tutors, area circulation professionals ESL tutors, etc. Wylie 39,374 7,000 1 46 6 9 FTE Yes 70 per Shelving, Library No 10 staff: month covering Technician 168,995 4 books, circulation professionals cleaning media Wylie 39,374 43,934 1 46 6 20 FTE Yes Unknown Shelving, Circulation Yes, (new 26 staff: covering Services First facility) 272,459 10 books, Supervisor year circulation professionals greeting patrons, program assistance SUMMARY Wylie citizens strongly supported a bond election to construct a new library facility to replace the current 7,000 square foot Rita and Truett Smith Public Library facility. The library will expand to 43,934 square feet requiring additional staff to operate the facility and provide appropriate customer services, materials, and programs. SUMMARY (Continued) The beneficiaries of this new facility will be the residents (tax payers). Past experience indicates that customer use of the facility and the available library materials, attendance at programs and functions sponsored by the library, and other services will increase at a dramatic rate. Other public libraries have experienced from 40% to 100% increases in the areas where statistics are kept. Another dramatic increase comes in the requests for additional materials, programs, and services that the Library offers. Adequate staffing for a new Library facility in a region experiencing population growth can present challenges to the governing body (City of Wylie) . SUMMARY (continued) In addressing the staffing needs of a public library facility moving from 7,000 square feet into a new 43,934 square foot facility, this assessment has attempted to be conservative in its evaluation of the number of staff members necessary to offer library materials, services, and programs, while understanding the correlation between customer satisfaction with those materials, services, and programs and the ability of the staff to be responsive to those customers. Other relevant issues have been addressed in this report, such as additional public service hours, and the impact that those issues could have on staffing levels. The customers of the Rita and Truett Smith Public Library and their use patterns will influence the future staffing levels and needs. Ultimately this assessment was designed to recommend levels appropriate for the opening days of the new facility. Staff Staff Study: • Rodney Bland , Library Director, Corsicana Public Library • Cary Siegfried , Library Director, Arlington Public Library • Rachel Orozco, Library Director, Smith Public Library • Smith Public Library Staff • The initial staffing study was conducted in 2007. Revisions were made in consultation with Rodney Bland and Cary Siegfried. City of Wylie Budget Workshop Fiscal Year 2009-2010 3 • CITY OF WYLIE Our Mission... ...to he responsible.stewards of the public trust, to strive jor excellence in public service and to OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER enhance the quality of life for all. To the Honorable Mayor and Council: On behalf of staff, I am pleased to submit the draft Fiscal Year 2009-10 Budget. The budget is balanced with recurring costs and expenditures remaining below expected revenues. Our fund balance is extremely healthy due to effective long range financial planning. We will be recommending a multi-year plan for the draw down of excess fund balances for nonrecurring costs in accordance with the stated purpose of the fund balance per policy. Budget Planning Assumptions Assumptions were made early in the process regarding projected revenues based on information made available from the Collin Central Appraisal District (CCAD). We chose a scenario of a 1% reduction in residential property values and a 5% reduction in commercial value. We further assumed the continued slow down in residential construction with 200 permits issued. The primary policy decision affecting the FY 2009-10 budget was to maintain the tax rate at its current level. Although the City has clearly and frequently communicated to our residents that the plan for the tax rate called for it to peak in FY 2010-11 at approximately $0.92 before beginning to decline again, the decision was made that this is not the time to increase taxes. In light of this, the focus of staff in preparing their budgets was on the essential services performed by their department, and reductions in expenditures were identified accordingly. Identified Reductions Multiple reductions have been identified throughout every department budget; however, some will be more visible to the community. Those include: Elimination of the Fireworks Program Elimination of Clean Up/Green Up Elimination of the Summer Concert Series No across-the-board salary increases (a 2.5% increase is recommended for some staff in positions which have multiple staff within the same job description in order to address seniority issues) - Significant reduction in the street and alley repair budget 2000 I iighw,w 78 North • '1 exas 75008e ,2.-142.8 i=U • wAvsv.wviietcxa,,.0tov Staffing A great deal of attention has been focused on the staffing and organizational structure that needs to be in place for the opening of the new Recreation Center and Library in early FY 2010-11. As such, this budget includes both requested upgrades to some existing staff positions and the addition of new staff so that the programs, equipment and staff are prepared to deliver effective services when the new facilities open. The staffing increases are budgeted to occur at various times throughout the budget year, depending on the need. Library: • Upgrade of current Youth Services Librarian to Youth Services Supervisor, effective October 2009 • Upgrade of Library Technician to Circulation Services Supervisor, effective May 2010 • New position of Librarian—Adult Services, effective February 2010 • New position of Librarian — Children's Services, effective February 2010 • New position of Librarian — Electronic Services, effective August 2010 - Recreation: • Upgrade of current Assistant Parks & Recreation Superintendent position to Recreation Superintendent, effective October 2009 (4B ` Budget) • New position of Recreation Manager, effective April 2010 (4B Budget) • Increase Building Monitor hours from 70 hours per week to 95 hours per week, effective October 2009 (4B Budget) • Recreation Fitness Programmer, effective July 2010 (4B Budget) • Recreation Programmer, effective April 2010 (4B Budget) Information Technology: • New position of Help Desk Technician, effective October 2009 Additionally, changes in the structure of the Building Inspection Department include the elimination of one Building Inspector position, the upgrade of a current Inspector to the newly created position of Chief Building Inspector/Plans Examiner, and the upgrade of the current Plans Examiner to the newly created position of Assistant Building Officer/Senior Plans Examiner. A position of Senior Inspector has been budgeted, but vacant for several months, so the net affect is a decrease in staffing. Fund Balance Our long range planning efforts anticipated FY 2009-10 and FY 2010-11 to be difficult budgets due to the needed addition of staffing, coupled with the high tax rate associated with the issuance of debt. While our adopted Financial Policies call for our Fund Balance to be maintained at a level 15% of budgeted expenditures, we have worked to maintain it at a much higher level in order to assist us through these tight years. In order to determine a conservative amount to draw down in FY 2009-10 for the funding of nonrecurring costs, we first must look at the amount necessary to keep in the fund balance for FY 2010-11, the first full year of expanded staffing and operation of the new buildings. Staff is recommending that we maintain a 25% fund balance for FY 2010-11. Earlier this year, the City Council approved moving forward with the public safety radio system project in partnership with the cities of Murphy, Plano and Allen. The total cost of the project is approximately $3 million with expenditures being spread out over two to three fiscal years. Staff recommends the use of fund balance to cover the costs of the program, enabling us to avoid the issuance of debt. 4B Fund Balance All of the staffing recommendations for the Recreation Department are proposed to be funded by the 4B '/2 cent sales tax for FY 2009-10. We are recommending this to be a temporary funding source, with the revenues generated by the Recreation Center to ultimately be a source of funding for the Recreation Center staff. Staff recommends that a special revenue fund be created in FY 2010-11, once the Recreation Center is in operation and the amount of the revenue stream is determined. Please be aware, however, that this recommendation is not in concert with a portion of our adopted policy regarding the 4B funding. The policy states: "Parks and Recreation 4B sales tax revenue shall supplement but not supplant the funding for the Parks and Recreation System in the General Fund. No more than 40% of Parks and Recreation 4B sales tax revenue may be used for operations. At least 60% of the revenue will be dedicated to capital expenditures and debt service for Parks and Recreation System improvements and for associated reserves." The percentage of operating expenditures to revenues proposed for the FY 2009-10 4B Budget is 46%. Options for Possible Additional Revenue The CCAD has been providing bi-weekly updates on the assessed valuations since April. The assessed values have generally declined with every subsequent update, and our revenue numbers in this draft budget are based on the update received June 26th. The status of the revenues versus expenditures at this point in time yields a surplus of approximately $437,500. Should this surplus be sustained through the end of July when the final certified rolls are established, the Council may wish to add items back into the budget. Items to consider include: A Summer Concert Series- possibly smaller in scope than previous years A single Clean Up/Green Up collection focused on Household Hazardous Waste (the portion of the previous program which is not a redundant service with bulk pick-up already being provided) - Reinstate some of the funding in the Streets and Alleys line item - Increase funding for the Facility Services Contract Conclusion Staffs focus thus far has primarily been on the General Fund, the 4B Fund, and Fund Balance —the area of the greatest flux and the greatest challenge. A future work session will include a status of the 5-year Capital Improvement Fund and the Utility Fund. While this budget does reflect some difficult decisions, we remain confident in our ability to provide effective and efficient services. The policies adopted and adhered to by the City Council have enabled us to remain stable during very unstable times. This budget year has been one of change and adjustment, and I am grateful for the dedication and support of our staff Their commitment to this organization and community is evident in every page of this document. Respectfully Submitted, I1(I ' /9ttn - Mindy Manson City Manager City of Wylie (,) Fiscal Year 2010 Requests Summary General Fund Total Cost 2010 Personnel Requests Information Technology Department Help Desk Technician $ 54,867 $ 54,867 Library Upgrade Youth Service Librarian to Youth Services Supervisor $ 2,936 Upgrade Library Clerk to Circulation Services Supervisor(effective May 2010) $ 15,512 Adult Services Librarian (effective February 2010) $ 31,385 Children's Services Librarian (effective February 2010) $ 32,084 Electronic Services Librarian (effective August 2010) $ 18,311 $ 100,228 Building Inspections Department Upgrade Building Inspector to Sr. Building Inspector/Plans Examiner $ 2,798 Upgrade Plans Examiner to Assistant Building Official/Sr. Plans Examiner $ 3,186 Delete Building Inspector $ - $ 5,984 2010 Non-Personnel Requests Public Arts Advisory Board Arts and Crafts Festival $ 14,440 $ 14,440 City of Wylie (,) Fiscal Year 2010 Requests Summary 4B Sales Tax Fund Total Cost 2010 Personnel Requests Recreation Department Upgrade Assistant Park Supervisor to Recreation Superintendent $ 5,747 Recreation Manager(effective April 2010) $ 43,640 Recreation Programmer(effective April 2010) $ 34,258 Recreation Fitness Programmer(effective July 2010) $ 18,854 Increase Building Monitor hours from 70 hrs to 95 hrs per week $ 18,998 $ 121,497 2010 Non-Personnel Requests Recreation Department Recreation Management Software $ 16,000 $ 16,000 City of Wylie Fiscal Year 2010 Requests Summary Fleet Fund Total Cost 2010 Non-Personnel Requests Police Department Replace 3 Police Tahoes $ 165,090 $ 165,090 { City of Wylie Fiscal Year 2010 Requests Summary Emergency Communications Fund Total Cost 2010 Non-Personnel Requests Dispatch Services Radio System and Tower $ 811,013 $ 811,013 r General Fund Fiscal Year 2009-2010 City Of Wylie 4 Fund Summary General Fund Audited General Fund Ending Balance 09/30/08 $ 9,066,581 Projected'09 Revenues 22,371,707 Available Funds 31,438,288 Projected '09 Expenditures (22,229,179) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/09 $ 9,209,109 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance- 10/01/09 $ 9,209,109 Proposed Revenue'10 22,412,124 Proposed Expenditures '10 (21,967,619) Use of Fund Balance-Transfer to Emergency Communications Fund (811,013) * Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/10 $ 8,842,601 (.rtd * Budgeted use of fund balance is for FY '09 -'10 payments on new radio system and tower. The radio system will be completed in FY '10-'11. CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 () CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 100-GENERAL FUND REVENUES TAXES 4000-40110 PROPERTY TAXES CURRENT 12,581,488 13,087,662 506,174 4.02 4000-40120 PROPERTY TAXES DELINQUENT 213,890 63,000 -150,890 -70.55 4000-40190 PENALTY AND INTEREST-TAXES 0 0 0 0 4000-40210 SALES TAX 2,600,000 2,950,840 350,840 13.49 4000-40220 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE TAX 12,000 7,000 -5,000 -41.67 TOTAL TAXES 15,407,378 16,108,502 701,124 4.55 FRANCHISE FEES 4000-41110 FRANCHISE FEE-ELECTRIC 1,300,000 1,375,000 75,000 5.77 4000-41210 FRANCHISE FEE-GAS 250,000 235,000 -15,000 -6 4000-4 1 3 1 0 FRANCHISE FEE-TELEPHONE 150,000 152,250 2,250 1.5 4000-41410 FRANCHISE FEE-CABLE 200,000 203,000 3,000 1.5 4000-41610 FRANCHISE FEE-SANITATION 55,000 18,990 -36,010 -65.47 TOTAL FRANCHISE FEES 1,955,000 1,984,240 29,240 1.5 LICENSES AND PERMITS 4000-42 1 1 0 ELECTRICAL LICENSE 0 0 0 0 4000-42130 CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION FEES 65,000 21,000 -44,000 -67.69 4000-42150 FOOD SERVICE LICENSE 0 0 0 0 4000-42540 GARAGE SALE PERMITS 5,500 6,000 500 9.09 4000-42550 BUILDING PERMITS 0 0 0 0 4000-42570 PLUMBING PERMITS 70,000 23,000 -47,000 -67.14 4000-42590 FENCE PERMITS 20,000 6,500 -13,500 -67.5 4000-42640 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10,000 3,300 -6,700 -67 4000-42650 NEW DWELLING PERMIT 400,000 150,000 -250,000 -62.5 4000-42660 MECHANICAL PERMITS 5,000 1,600 -3,400 -68 4000-42910 OTHER PERMITS/FEES 19,000 7,630 -11,370 -59.84 TOTAL LICENSES AND PERMITS 594,500 219,030 -375,470 -63.16 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REV. 4000-43 1 1 0 FEDERAL GOVT LAKE PATROL 50,000 55,000 5,000 10 4000-43120 FEDERAL GRANT COPS 0 0 0 0 4000-43420 LONE STAR&LIBRARY GRANTS 35,487 35,767 280 0.79 4000-43430 STEP WAVE/CLICK IT GRANT 0 0 0 0 4000-43500 COLLIN COUNTY-CHILD SAFETY 0 0 0 0 4000-43510 COUNTY LIBRARY GRANT 23,480 25,000 1,520 6.47 4000-43512 FIRE GRANT 0 0 0 0 4000-43 5 1 3 POLICE GRANTS 3,880 15,000 11,120 286.6 CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 t, CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 4000-43520 WISD SCHOOL GUARDS 40,000 40,000 0 0 4000-43525 INCOME WISD COPS 215,000 195,000 -20,000 -9.3 4000-43530 FIRE SERVICE 190,000 135,000 -55,000 -28.95 4000-43531 BACK UP AMB/LIFE PACK COSTS 50,000 100,000 50,000 100 4000-43535 FIRE SERVICEBLDG INSPECTIONS 4,000 5,000 1,000 25 4000-43537 FIRE SERVICE/PLAN REVIEW FEES 1,000 500 -500 -50 4000-43550 WARRANT COLLECTIONS 0 0 0 0 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL REV. 612,847 606,267 -6,580 -1.07 SERVICE FEES 4000-44122 ALARMS 0 0 0 0 4000-44123 ANIMAL CONTROL FEES/FINES 40,000 44,000 4,000 10 4000-44124 ALARM MONITORING REVENUE 0 0 0 0 4000-44125 CELL PHONE REIMBURSEMENTS 100 0 -100 -100 4000-44126 ETMC TRANSPORT/MEDICAL FEES 50,000 40,000 -10,000 -20 4000-44132 DEVELOPMENT FEES 100,000 10,000 -90,000 -90 4000-44133 MHP INSPECTION FEES 100 0 -100 -100 4000-44141 TRASH 1,755,000 1,877,850 122,850 7 4000-44 1 5 1 CONCESSION FEES 7,000 10,000 3,000 42.86 4000-44153 LIGHTING FEES 15,000 15,000 0 0 4000-44155 LEAGUE ATHLETIC FEES 18,000 16,182 -1,818 -10.1 4000-44156 RECREATION CLASS FEES 20,000 18,000 -2,000 -10 ( 4000-44161 WYLIE WAVE YOUTH PROGRAM FEES 140,000 140,000 0 0 k.,:' 4000-44163 WYLIE WAVE YOUTH ACTIVITY FEE 28,000 30,000 2,000 7.14 4000-44170 MOWING(CODE ENFORCEMENT) 6,000 6,000 0 0 4000-44181 LIBRARY FINES 20,000 25,000 5,000 25 TOTAL SERVICE FEES 2,199,200 2,232,032 32,832 1.49 FINES AND FORFEITURES 4000-45110 MUNICIPAL COURT FINES 350,000 357,000 7,000 2 4000-45130 COURT ADMIN/WARRANT FEES 100,000 101,000 1,000 1 4000-45 1 3 1 CHILD SAFETY FEE 0 0 0 0 4000-45135 COURT TECHNOLOGY FINES 0 0 0 0 4000-45140 CODE FINES 90,000 90,107 107 0.12 TOTAL FINES AND FORFEITURES 540,000 548,107 8,107 1.5 INTEREST INCOME 4000-46110 ALLOCATED INTEREST EARNINGS 350,000 60,000 -290,000 -82.86 4000-46139 TEXPOOL INTEREST 02 BONDS 0 0 0 0 4000-46140 TEXPOOL INTEREST 0 0 0 0 4000-46143 LOGIC INTEREST 0 0 0 0 4000-46150 INTEREST EARNINGS 1,310 1,000 -310 -23.66 4000-46210 BANK MONEY MARKET INTEREST 0 0 0 0 4000-46211 BANK MONEY MARKET PAYROLL 0 0 0 0 . TOTAL INTEREST INCOME 351,310 61,000 -290,310 -82.64 CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 0 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 4000-48110 RENTAL INCOME 19,540 22,446 2,906 14.87 4000-48120 COMMUNITY ROOM FEES 8,000 8,500 500 6.25 4000-48125 PARK PAVILION RENTALS 0 0 0 0 4000-48310 RECOVERY-PRIOR YEAR EXPEND 0 0 0 0 4000-48410 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 161,903 146,500 -15,403 -9.51 4000-48440 CONTRIBUTIONS/DONATIONS 3,299 4,500 1,201 36.4 4000-48450 CREDIT CARD CONVENIENCE FEES 2,400 6,000 3,600 150 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 195,142 187,946 -7,196 -3.69 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 4000-49131 TRANSFER FROM SPECIAL REVENUE 0 0 0 0 4000-49151 TRANSFER FROM UTILITY FUND 450,000 450,000 0 0 4000-49165 TRANSFER FROM FLEET FUND 0 0 0 0 4000-49168 TRANSFER FROM WEDC 66,330 15,000 -51,330 -77.39 4000-49210 SALE OF CITY PROPERTY 0 0 0 0 4000-49400 BOND PROCEEDS 0 0 0 0 4000-49401 BOND PREMIUM 0 0 0 0 4000-49500 CAPITAL LEASE PROCEEDS 0 0 0 0 ilik TOTAL k:4 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 516,330 465,000 -51,330 -9.94 TOTAL REVENUES 22,371,707 22,412,124 40,417 0.18 k ( „-) City Council Department Detail CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE _) 100-GENERAL FUND CITY COUNCIL DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL SERVICES 51 1 1-51240 CITY COUNCIL 22,800 22,800 0 0 51 11-51440 FICA 1,420 1,420 0 0 5111-51450 MEDICARE 330 330 0 0 5111-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 150 220 70 46.67 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 24,700 24,770 70 0.28 SUPPLIES 5111-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 450 450 0 0 5 1 1 1-52040 POSTAGE&FREIGHT 0 0 0 0 5111-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5111-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5111-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 4,910 4,910 0 0 5111-52990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL , 3 SUPPLIES 5,360 5,360 0 0 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5111-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 4,390 4,390 0 0 5111-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0 0 0 0 5 1 1 1-56080 ADVERTISING 1,800 1,800 0 0 51 1 1-561 10 COMMUNICATIONS 5,280 5,280 0 0 51 1 1-56180 RENTAL 0 0 0 0 5111-56210 TRAVEL&TRAINING 20,500 20,500 0 0 5 1 1 1-56250 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 26,400 26,400 0 0 5111-56990 OTHER 43,960 43,960 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 102,330 102,330 0 0 TOTAL CITY COUNCIL 132,390 132,460 70 0.05 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 3 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET ) DEPT NO: 111 CITY COUNCIL 100-5111-51240 CITY COUNCIL 22,800.00 Council Compensation (6) 72 250.00 18,000.00 Mayor Compensation (1) 12 400.00 4,800.00 100-5111-51440 FICA 1,420.00 100-5111-51450 MEDICARE 330.00 100-5111-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 220.00 Workers Compensation Premium 220.00 100-5111-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 450.00 Routine Office Supplies 300.00 Proclamation Frames 150.00 100-5111-52040 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 0.00 100-5111-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0.00 100-5111-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 0.00 100-5111-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 4,910.00 Council Dinners regular 22 125.00 2,750.00 Council Dinners Special 4 125.00 500.00 Chamber Luncheons 7*15*12 105 12.00 1,260.00 Star Students Chamber 7*15*4 300.00 Leadership Wylie 100.00 100-5111-52990 OTHER 0.00 100-5111-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 4,390.00 Council Photos & Framing 500.00 Student Government Day 600.00 Council Shirts (7*55) 390.00 Star Students 400.00 Flowers/ Memorial 1,500.00 Town Hall Meetings 1,000.00 100-5111-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0.00 100-5111-56080 ADVERTISING 1,800.00 Special Events/ Thank you/etc. 1,800.00 100-5111-56110 CO'84UNICATIONS 5,280.00 Blackberry's for Council (6) 12 440.00 5,280.00 100-5111-56180 RENTAL 0.00 100-5111-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 20,500.00 Council Retreat 3,000.00 AMCC Annual Conference 2 1,500.00 3,000.00 TML Annual Conference 5 1,500.00 7,500.00 NLC 2 2,000.00 4,000.00 ICSC Conference 3,000.00 100-5111-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 26,400.00 NCTCOG Membership 3,700.00 North Texas Commission 2,600.00 National League of Cities 3,050.00 Texas Municipal League 3,800.00 Wylie Chamber 1,500.00 Dallas Regional Mobility 2,850.00 Innovative Groups 1,900.00 TEX 21 5,000.00 ATMOS Steering Committee 2,000.00 PAGE TOTAL: 88,500.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 4 ACCOUNT NON ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET 3) 100-5111-56990 OTHER 43,960.00 Non For Profit Contributions 37,000.00 Chamber Banquet Sponsor/ Auct. 1 2,400.00 2,400.00 Chamber Golf Sponsorship 1 560.00 560.00 Christian Care Auction 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 CCCC Contributions 2,500.00 Other 500.00 100-5111-58110 LAND 0.00 100-5111-5B150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0.00 100-5111-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 100-5111-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 100-5111-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 0.00 100-5111-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 100-5111-58910 BUILDINGS 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 43,960.00 DEPT TOTAL: 132,460.00 't J,) CityManager Department Detail (3 CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 100-GENERAL FUND CITY MANAGER DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL SERVICES 5112-51110 SALARIES 517,950 526,510 8,560 1.65 5112-51112 SALARIES-PARTTIME 0 0 0 0 5112-51130 OVERTIME 1,500 1,500 0 0 5112-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 1,810 2,190 380 20.99 5112-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 3,740 4,650 910 24.33 5112-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5112-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5112-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 20,400 20,400 0 0 5112-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 4,920 4,920 0 0 5112-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 5112-51310 TMRS 54,810 61,340 6,530 11.91 5112-51350 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 13,000 15,000 2,000 15.38 5112-51410 HOSPITAL&LIFE INSURANCE 66,920 64,530 -2,390 -3.57 5112-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 2,900 2,950 50 1.72 5112-51440 FICA 34,120 34,730 610 1.79 5112-51450 MEDICARE 7,980 8,120 140 1.75 5112-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 3,520 4,080 560 15.91 5112-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP(TWC) 1,550 1,550 0 0 ( 5112-51510 TEMPORARY SERVICES 0 0 0 0 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 735,120 752,470 17,350 2.36 SUPPLIES 5112-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 6,500 6,500 0 0 5112-52040 POSTAGE&FREIGHT 0 0 0 0 5112-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5112-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5112-52310 FUEL&LUBRICANTS 0 0 0 0 5112-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 1,910 1,910 0 0 51 12-52990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL SUPPLIES 8,410 8,410 0 0 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANCE 5112-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5112-54630 TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5112-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 650 650 0 0 5112-54990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANCE 650 650 0 0 1 CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP, FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5112-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 4,060 4,060 0 0 5112-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0 0 0 0 5112-56080 ADVERTISING 0 0 0 0 5112-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 60 60 0 0 5112-56180 RENTAL 5,050 5,050 0 0 5112-56210 TRAVEL&TRAINING 9,450 9,450 0 0 5112-56250 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 4,730 4,290 -440 -9.3 5112-56990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 23,350 22,910 -440 -1.88 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5112-58110 LAND 0 0 0 0 5112-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0 0 0 0 5112-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5112-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5112-58830 FURNITURE&FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 5112-58850 MAJOR TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5112-58910 BUILDINGS 0 0 0 0 5112-58990 OTHER-CONTINGENCY 0 0 0 0 l ,f TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CITY MANAGER 767,530 784,440 16,910 2.2 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 5 % ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET DEPT NO: 112 CITY MANAGER 100-5112-51110 SALARIES 526,510.00 100-5112-51112 SALARIES-PARTTIME 0.00 100-5112-51130 OVERTIME 1,500.00 Administrative Overtime 60 25.00 1,500.00 100-5112-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 2,190.00 100-5112-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 4,650.00 100-5112-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0.00 100-5112-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 100-5112-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 20,400.00 100-5112-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 4,920.00 100-5112-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0.00 100-5112-51310 TMRS 61,340.00 100-5112-51350 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 15,000.00 100-5112-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 64,530.00 100-5112-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 2,950.00 100-5112-51440 FICA 34,730.00 100-5112-51450 MEDICARE 8,120.00 100-5112-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 4,080.00 100-5112-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 1,550.00 100-5112-51510 TEMPORARY SERVICES 0.00 100-5112-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 6,500.00 General Office Supplies 6,500.00 ( 100-5112-52040 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 0.00 100-5112-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0.00 100-5112-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 0.00 100-5112-52310 FUEL & LUBRICANTS 0.00 100-5112-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 1,910.00 Chamber Lunches 2*15*12 30 12.00 360.00 TAMIO Luncheons 2 25.00 50.00 General Food 1,500.00 100-5112-52990 OTHER 0.00 100-5112-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 100-5112-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 100-5112-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 650.00 Laserfiche Licenses 4 100.00 400.00 Miscellaneous 250.00 100-5112-54990 OTHER 0.00 100-5112-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 4,060.00 Flu/ Drug Screening 60.00 Staff Retreat 1 3,000.00 3,000.00 Misc. 1,000.00 100-5112-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0.00 100-5112-56080 ADVERTISING 0.00 100-5112-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 60.00 Pagers 12 5.00 60.00 100-5112-56180 RENTAL 5,050.00 Copier rental 12 375.00 4,500.00 Copier Allowance 550.00 PAGE TOTAL: 770,700.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 6 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET ) 100-5112-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 9,450.00 ICMA Annual Conference 2,750.00 TCMA Annual Conference 1 1,800.00 1,800.00 TML Annual Conference 1 1,800.00 1,800.00 TAMIO Conference 1 1,100.00 1,100.00 Administrative Asst. Seminars 2 400.00 800.00 3CMA Conference 1,200.00 100-5112-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 4,290.00 NTCMA 1 70.00 70.00 TCMA 2 450.00 900.00 ICMA 2 1,000.00 2,000.00 TML 2 20.00 40.00 TAMIO 1 80.00 80.00 ROTARY 0.00 American Assoc. of Notaries 1 20.00 20.00 Dallas Morning News 1 150.00 150.00 Collin County Bus. Journal 1 30.00 30.00 Misc. Dues 300.00 CMA Dues 375.00 Stock Photos 200.00 ICMA IQ Reports Subsc. 125.00 100-5112-56990 OTHER 0.00 100-5112-58110 LAND 0.00 100-5112-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0.00 100-5112-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 100-5112-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 100-5112-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 100-5112-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 100-5112-58910 BUILDINGS 0.00 100-5112-58990 OTHER- CONTINGENCY 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 13,740.00 DEPT TOTAL: 784,440.00 (..„) City Secretary Department Detail 03 '' .) CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 100-GENERAL FUND CITY SECRETARY DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL SERVICES 5113-51110 SALARIES 151,500 155,940 4,440 2.93 5113-51112 SALARIES PART TIME 0 0 0 0 5113-51130 OVERTIME 2,500 500 -2,000 -80 5113-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 520 710 190 36.54 5113-51 145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 1,360 1,430 70 5.15 5113-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5113-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5113-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 3,600 3,600 0 0 5113-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 1,350 1,300 -50 -3.7 5113-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 5113-51260 MOVING ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 5113-51310 TMRS 16,020 17,890 1,870 11.67 5113-51410 HOSPITAL&LIFE INSURANCE 26,940 25,790 -1,150 -4.27 5113-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 860 880 20 2.33 5113-51440 FICA 9,970 10,130 160 1.6 5113-51450 MEDICARE 2,330 2,370 40 1.72 5113-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 290 300 10 3.45 5113-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP(TWC) 810 810 0 0 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 218,050 221,650 3,600 1.65 SUPPLIES 5113-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5,030 4,910 -120 -2.39 5113-52040 POSTAGE&FREIGHT 0 0 0 0 5113-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 750 500 -250 -33.33 5113-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 400 500 100 25 5113-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 800 600 -200 -25 5113-52990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL SUPPLIES 6,980 6,510 -470 -6.73 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANCE 5113-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5113-54630 TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 200 100 -100 -50 5113-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 1,400 1,400 0 0 5113-54990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANCE 1,600 1,500 -100 -6.25 CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5113-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 8,600 20,800 12,200 141.86 5113-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0 0 0 0 5113-56070 ELECTIONS 8,900 9,200 300 3.37 5113-56080 ADVERTISING 5,900 5,200 -700 -11.86 5113-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 120 300 180 150 5113-56180 RENTAL 3,190 3,250 60 1.88 5113-56210 TRAVEL&TRAINING 3,200 3,000 -200 -6.25 5113-56250 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 650 825 175 26.92 5113-56990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 30,560 42,575 12,015 39.32 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5113-58110 LAND 0 0 0 0 5113-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0 0 0 0 5113-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5113-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5113-58830 FURNITURE&FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 5113-58850 MAJOR TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5113-58910 BUILDINGS 0 0 0 0 { TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CITY SECRETARY 257,190 272,235 15,045 5.85 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 7 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET DEPT NO: 113 CITY SECRETARY 100-5113-51110 SALARIES 155,940.00 100-5113-51112 SALARIES PART TIME 0.00 100-5113-51130 OVERTIME 500.00 Gayle Walton-Council Meetings 500.00 100-5113-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 710.00 100-5113-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 1,430.00 100-5113-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0.00 100-5113-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 100-5113-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 3,600.00 100-5113-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 1,300.00 1,300.00 100-5113-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0.00 100-5113-51260 MOVING ALLOWANCE 0.00 100-5113-51310 TMRS 17,890.00 100-5113-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 25,790.00 100-5113-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 880.00 100-5113-51440 FICA 10,130.00 100-5113-51450 MEDICARE 2,370.00 100-5113-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 300.00 100-5113-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 810.00 100-5113-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4,910.00 BC Annual Appreciation 300.00 31 Minute Books -BC's 5 150.00 750.00 Color Cartridges, Laser 4 560.00 2,240.00 Minute Paper 4 102.50 410.00 Misc Office/Copy Paper 1,000.00 Laser Cartridges (Black) 3 70.00 210.00 100-5113-52040 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 0.00 100-5113-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 500.00 CD-Rom-Code of Ord/Election Cd 0.00 Other Software 500.00 100-5113-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 500.00 Replacement of equipment 500.00 100-5113-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 600.00 B & C Appre. Recp./Misc. 600.00 Permanent Boards and Commissions reception. Refreshments for B & C Interview nights and Open Meetings Training. 100-5113-52990 OTHER 0.00 100-5113-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 100-5113-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 100.00 Misc. Equip./Parts 100.00 Permanent Budgeted for small tools or appliances. 100-5113-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 1,400.00 Laserfiche Maintenance (2) 170 350.00 Misc. Maintenance 250.00 Laserfiche Audit Maintenance 800.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 8 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET Permanent Budgeted for software licenses and computer hardware. 100-5113-54990 OTHER 0.00 100-5113-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 20,800.00 Records Retention Off site 3,200.00 Municode Supplement 5,200.00 Filing Fees (deeds, etc.) 500.00 Arts Festival 11,900.00 Permanent The City of Wylie is now on State Rates for Iron Mountain generating a reduction in storage costs per year. Anticipated new records and records currently stored that will be ready for destruction and associated costs are included. Wylie Code of Ordinances may increase in price, budgeted with a minimal increase. 100-5113-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0.00 100-5113-56070 ELECTIONS 9,200.00 Elections FY 2009 1 9,200.00 9,200.00 Permanent Contract for General Election only. Possible Run-Off will be budgeted at mid-year if needed. 100-5113-56080 ADVERTISING 5,200.00 Election Notices 1,500.00 Ordinance Captions/ Other 3,700.00 Permanent Election Notices are required by the Election Code and must be posted on quarter page size English and Spanish translations. 100-5113-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 300.00 Reinburs. Blackberry 0.00 Pager 60 5.00 300.00 Permanent Payroll reinbursement for cell phone monthly cost. 100-5113-56180 RENTAL 3,250.00 Rental Minolta Copier (HR,CT) 3,250.00 Permanent Copier, Water Cooler. 100-5113-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 3,000.00 Note: TMCA Certification/ARMA 3,000.00 TMCA Seminars/Training/Certifi 0.00 Adj - Increase Election reclas 0.00 ARMA Dallas (Monthly) 0.00 TMCA Lone Star (Monthly) 0.00 100-5113-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 825.00 LSTMCA,TMCA, Misc. 475.00 IIMC Dues 175.00 ARMA Annual Dues 1 175.00 175.00 Permanent TMCA Dues, IIMC Dues, and Lone Star Chapter Dues TMCA 100-5113-56990 OTHER 0.00 100-5113-58110 LAND 0.00 100-5113-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0.00 100-5113-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 100-5113-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 Laserfiche Audit Software 0.00 Laserfiche Audit Install/Train 0.00 100-5113-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 100-5113-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 42,575.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 9 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET :,:li) 100-5113-58910 BUILDINGS 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 0.00 DEPT TOTAL: 272,235.00 ( ) City Attorney Department Detail CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT di BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 100-GENERAL FUND CITY ATTORNEY DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL SERVICES 5114-51250 JUDICIAL 0 0 0 0 5114-51440 FICA 0 0 0 0 5114-51450 MEDICARE 0 0 0 0 5114-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 0 0 0 0 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5114-56530 LEGAL FEES 111,000 115,000 4,000 3.6 5 1 1 4-56540 LEGAL INDIRECT COSTS 3,000 3,000 0 0 5 1 1 4-565 50 LEGAL LITIGATION 40,000 40,000 0 0 5114-56560 LEGAL OTHER COUNSEL 19,000 15,000 -4,000 -21.05 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 173,000 173,000 0 0 TOTAL CITY ATTORNEY 173,000 173,000 0 0 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 10 ) ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET DEPT NO: 114 CITY ATTORNEY 100-5114-51250 JUDICIAL 0.00 100-5114-51440 FICA 0.00 100-5114-51450 MEDICARE 0.00 100-5114-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 0.00 100-5114-56530 LEGAL FEES 115,000.00 Retainer 115,000.00 100-5114-56540 LEGAL INDIRECT COSTS 3,000.00 Indirect Costs 3,000.00 100-5114-56550 LEGAL LITIGATION 40,000.00 Legal Litigation 40,000.00 100-5114-56560 LEGAL OTHER COUNSEL 15,000.00 Other Legal 15,000.00 PAGE TOTAL: 173,000.00 DEPT TOTAL: 173,000.00 4 ..: Finance Department Detail (._ CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 100-GENERAL FUND FINANCE DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL SERVICES 5131-51110 SALARIES 291,710 317,054 25,344 8.69 5131-51130 OVERTIME 2,500 500 -2,000 -80 5131-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 2,100 2,010 -90 -4.29 5131-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 1,500 1,930 430 28.67 5131-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5131-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5131-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 3,600 3,600 0 0 5131-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 2,220 2,670 450 20.27 5131-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 5131-51310 TMRS 34,220 35,890 1,670 4.88 5131-51410 HOSPITAL&LIFE INSURANCE 45,110 43,800 -1,310 -2.9 5131-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 1,840 1,810 -30 -1.63 5131-51440 FICA 21,300 20,321 -979 -4.6 5131-51450 MEDICARE 4,980 4,753 -227 -4.56 5131-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 630 630 0 0 5131-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP(TWC) 1,350 1,350 0 0 5131-51510 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 TOTAL if PERSONNEL SERVICES 413,060 436,318 23,258 5.63 SUPPLIES 5131-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 10,000 10,100 100 1 5131-52040 POSTAGE&FREIGHT 0 0 0 0 5131-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 500 500 0 0 5131-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 200 200 0 0 5131-52710 WEARING APPAREL&UNIFORMS 0 0 0 0 5131-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 1,930 1,930 0 0 5131-52990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL SUPPLIES 12,630 12,730 100 0.79 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANCE 5131-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5131-54630 TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 100 100 0 0 5131-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 27,500 25,500 -2,000 -7.27 5131-54990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANCE 27,600 25,600 -2,000 -7.25 CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT ) BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5131-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 11,660 11,810 150 1.29 5131-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0 0 0 0 5131-56080 ADVERTISING 5,500 5,500 0 0 5131-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 300 60 -240 -80 5131-56180 RENTAL 1,800 1,620 -180 -10 5131-56210 TRAVEL&TRAINING 4,500 4,500 0 0 5131-56250 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 690 1,620 930 134.78 5131-56330 BANK SERVICE CHARGES 4,785 1,200 -3,585 -74.92 5131-56340 CCARD ONLINE SERVICES FEES 0 0 0 0 5131-56350 APPRAISAL FEES 133,200 155,400 22,200 16.67 5131-56510 AUDIT&LEGAL SERVICES 55,915 60,420 4,505 8.06 5 1 3 1-56990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 218,350 242,130 23,780 10.89 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5131-58110 LAND 0 0 0 0 5131-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0 0 0 0 5131-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5131-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 'ry. 5131-58830 FURNITURE&FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 J 5131-58850 MAJOR TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5131-58910 BUILDINGS 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 TOTAL FINANCE 671,640 716,778 45,138 6.72 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 11 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET DEPT NO: 131 FINANCE 100-5131-51110 SALARIES 317,054.00 317,054.00 Permanent Promote Melissa to Assistant Finance Director 100-5131-51130 OVERTIME 500.00 Overtime 500.00 100-5131-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 2,010.00 100-5131-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 1,930.00 100-5131-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0.00 100-5131-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 100-5131-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 3,600.00 Finance Director 1 3,600.00 3,600.00 100-5131-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 2,670.00 Director's phone 1,320.00 Melissa's phone 1,200.00 Cell phone purch (1 / 24 month 1 150.00 150.00 100-5131-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0.00 100-5131-51310 TMRS 35,890.00 TMRS 1 35,890.00 35,890.00 100-5131-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 43,800.00 100-5131-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 1,810.00 100-5131-51440 FICA 20,321.00 20,321.00 100-5131-51450 MEDICARE 4,753.00 4,753.00 100-5131-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 630.00 100-5131-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 1,350.00 TWC 1 1,350.00 1,350.00 100-5131-51510 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL 0.00 100-5131-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 10,100.00 Copier Paper 5,000.00 Covers for Budget and CAFR 2,000.00 AP Supplies 250.00 Payroll Supplies 250.00 Toner for Color Copier HP 750.00 Toner & Supplies for Printer 1,000.00 Other 750.00 PENS 100.00 100-5131-52040 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 0.00 0.00 100-5131-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 500.00 Laser Fische ( 3) 500.00 100-5131-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 200.00 Replace Tools 200.00 100-5131-52160 TOOLS/EQUIP-S100-$999.99 0.00 100-5131-52710 WEARING APPAREL & UNIFORMS 0.00 100-5131-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 1,930.00 Water Dispenser 150.00 Drinking Water 1,080.00 Misc Food 500.00 Coffee, Splenda, etc. 200.00 PAGE TOTAL: 449,048.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 12 :0) ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET 100-5131-52990 OTHER 0.00 100-5131-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 100-5131-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 100.00 Other 1 100.00 100.00 100-5131-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 25,500.00 Incode- License/Support 25,500.00 100-5131-54990 OTHER 0.00 100-5131-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 11,810.00 County Tax Collection Fee 11,500.00 Bereavement Flowers 100.00 Misc. Flu Shots & Physicals 210.00 100-5131-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0.00 100-5131-56080 ADVERTISING 5,500.00 Truth in Taxation 4,000.00 Purchasing/ Bond Issuance 1,500.00 100-5131-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 60.00 Pagers- Prudence 60.00 100-5131-56180 RENTAL 1,620.00 (1) Copiers $135 per month 12 135.00 1,620.00 100-5131-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 4,500.00 Incode training (1) 2,000.00 gfoat 2,000.00 Training - Investment 500.00 100-5131-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,620.00 i GFOA Dues (3) 520.00 GFOAT (3) 3 200.00 600.00 TAX GUIDE - PAYROLL 1 90.00 90.00 SAMS CLUB 1 15.00 15.00 IOMA - AP MAGAZINE 12 MTHS 1 395.00 395.00 100-5131-56330 BANK SERVICE CHARGES 1,200.00 Bank Service Charges 1,200.00 100-5131-56350 APPRAISAL FEES 155,400.00 Collin Cty Appraisal District 1 150,000.00 150,000.00 Rockwall County App District 3,600.00 Dallas County App District 1,800.00 100-5131-56510 AUDIT & LEGAL SERVICES 60,420.00 Audit Estimate 53,000.00 GFOA CAFR Review 420.00 ANNUAL DISCLOSURE FEE 7,000.00 100-5131-56990 OTHER 0.00 100-5131-58110 LAND 0.00 100-5131-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0.00 100-5131-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 100-5131-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 100-5131-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 100-5131-58650 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 100-5131-58910 BUILDINGS 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 267,730.00 DEPT TOTAL: 716,778.00 0 Facilities Department Detail CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT ) BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 100-GENERAL FUND FACILITIES DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL SERVICES 5132-51110 SALARIES 0 0 0 0 5132-5 1 1 12 SALARIES-PARTTIME 0 0 0 0 5132-51140 LONGEVITY 0 0 0 0 5132-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 0 0 0 0 5132-51310 TMRS 0 0 0 0 5132-51410 HOSPITAL&LIFE INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 5132-51420 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 0 0 5132-51440 FICA 0 0 0 0 5132-51450 MEDICARE 0 0 0 0 5132-51470 WORKERS COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 5132-51480 TWC 0 0 0 0 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 SUPPLIES 5132-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 100 100 0 0 5132-52040 POSTAGE&FREIGHT 0 0 0 0 5132-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5132-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 300 300 0 0 5132-52210 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 15,600 14,400 -1,200 -7.69 5132-52310 FUEL&LUBRICANTS 600 500 -100 -16.67 5132-52710 WEARING APPAREL&UNIFORMS 0 0 0 0 5132-52740 FLAGS 5,000 5,000 0 0 5132-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 5132-52990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL SUPPLIES 21,600 20,300 -1,300 -6.02 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANCE 5132-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5132-54630 TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5132-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5132-54910 BUILDINGS 60,000 69,500 9,500 15.83 5132-54990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANCE 60,000 69,500 9,500 15.83 CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT , ) BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5132-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 123,700 90,600 -33,100 -26.76 5132-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0 0 0 0 5132-56080 ADVERTISING 0 0 0 0 5132-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 0 0 0 0 5132-56180 RENTAL 0 0 0 0 5132-56210 TRAVEL&TRAINING 0 0 0 0 5132-56250 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 0 0 0 5132-56610 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 0 0 0 0 5132-56630 UTILITIES-WATER 0 0 0 0 5132-56660 UTILITIES-GAS 0 0 0 0 5132-56990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 123,700 90,600 -33,100 -26.76 DEBT SERVICE&CAP.REPL 5132-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0 0 0 0 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE&CAP.REPL 0 0 0 0 f ;F CAPITAL OUTLAY 5132-58110 LAND 0 0 0 0 5132-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0 0 0 0 5132-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5132-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5132-58830 FURNITURE&FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 5132-58850 MAJOR TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 5,500 0 -5,500 -100 5132-58910 BUILDINGS 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 5,500 0 -5,500 -100 TOTAL FACILITIES 210,800 180,400 -30,400 -14.42 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 13 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET -. DEPT NO: 132 FACILITIES 100-5132-51110 SALARIES 0.00 100-5132-51112 SALARIES - PARTTIME 0.00 100-5132-51140 LONGEVITY 0.00 100-5132-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 0.00 100-5132-51310 TMRS 0.00 100-5132-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 0.00 100-5132-51420 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0.00 100-5132-51440 FICA 0.00 100-5132-51450 MEDICARE 0.00 100-5132-51470 WORKERS COMPENSATION 0.00 100-5132-51480 TWC 0.00 100-5132-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 100.00 PAPER, FILES, SUPPLIES 100 1.00 100.00 Permanent Basic office supplies for administration of paperwork, i.e., printing POs, binders, files, etc. Current Year Current funding is adequate. 100-5132-52040 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 0.00 100-5132-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0.00 100-5132-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 300.00 MISC HAND & PWR TOOLS 1 300.00 300.00 Permanent Miscellaneous hand and power tools for performance of building maintenance duties. Current Year Current funding is adequate. "Fx7 100 5132 52210 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 14,400.00 TOILET PAPER, BAGS, CLEANERS 12 1,200.00 14,400.00 Permanent Paper towels, toilet paper, plastic bags, soap, etc. All supplies provided by contractor and city reimburses as per contract. Current Year Reduced previous year's amount to more accurately reflect historic usage and cost. 100-5132-52310 FUEL & LUBRICANTS 500.00 Fuel for City pick up truck 1 500.00 500.00 Permanent Fuel for city truck used to respond to building maintenance work orders. Current Year Reduced previous year's amount in anticipation of potentially more stable costs. Will utilize vehicle to a greater extent this year due to proposed reduction in contracted facility maintenance. 100-5132-52710 WEARING APPAREL & UNIFORMS 0.00 100-5132-52740 FLAGS 5,000.00 FLAGS AND FLAG REPAIRS 1 5,000.00 5,000.00 Permanent Used to repair flag poles and purchase flags for city buildings. Current Year Current funding is adequate. 100-5132-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 0.00 100-5132-52990 OTHER 0.00 100-5132-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 100-5132-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 20,300.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 14 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET I. 100-5132-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 100-5132-54910 BUILDINGS 69,500.00 LIGHT BULBS, BALLASTS 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 SECURITY SYSTEM SERVICE 1 5,000.00 5,000.00 HVAC REPAIRS 1 25,000.00 25,000.00 PLUMBING REPAIRS 1 5,500.00 5,500.00 ELECTRICAL REPAIRS 1 6,000.00 6,000.00 OVERHEAD DOOR REPAIRS 1 4,000.00 4,000.00 CLEAN DISPATCH HVAC DUCTS 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 MISC DOOR LOCK REPAIRS 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 FIRE EXT/SPRINKLER ANNUAL INSP 1 5,000.00 5,000.00 ROOF REPAIRS 1 10,000.00 10,000.00 MISC REPAIRS, MATERIALS 1 5,000.00 5,000.00 Current Year Approximately a 15% increase to cover the addition of Fire Station 3 and deferring major equipment upgrades and replacement, i.e., continuing with existing HVAC equipment, no planned roof replacements or upgrades other than leak repair. 100-5132-54990 OTHER 0.00 100-5132-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 90,600.00 PEST CONTROL CONTRACT 12 2,000.00 24,000.00 GENERATOR MAINT. CONTRACT 4 450.00 1,800.00 CUSTODIAL CONTRACT 12 3,400.00 40,800.00 FACILITIES SERVICES CONTRACT 12 2,000.00 24,000.00 0.00 1, Current Year Reduced expenditures by eliminating the Day Porter services for City Hall, Library, and Community Center. Also, reduction in Facility Services Contract to one day/week. 100-5132-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0.00 100-5132-56080 ADVERTISING 0.00 100-5132-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 0.00 100-5132-56180 RENTAL 0.00 100-5132-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 0.00 100-5132-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0.00 100-5132-56610 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 0.00 100-5132-56630 UTILITIES-WATER 0.00 100-5132-56660 UTILITIES-GAS 0.00 100-5132-56990 OTHER 0.00 100-5132-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0.00 100-5132-58110 LAND 0.00 100-5132-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0.00 100-5132-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 100-5132-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 100-5132-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 100-5132-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 100-5132-56910 BUILDINGS 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 160,100.00 DEPT TOTAL: 160,400.00 () Municipal Court Department Detail CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 100-GENERAL FUND MUNICIPAL COURT DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL SERVICES 5152-51110 SALARIES 177,550 186,847 9,297 5.24 5152-51120 PARTTIME SALARIES 0 0 0 0 5152-51130 OVERTIME 500 500 0 0 5152-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 710 1,110 400 56.34 5152-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 900 960 60 6.67 5 1 52-5 1 1 60 CERTIFICATION PAY 0 900 900 0 5152-51250 JUDICIAL PAY 57,330 57,330 0 0 5152-51310 TMRS 17,890 20,740 2,850 15.93 5152-51410 HOSPITAL&LIFE INSURANCE 45,540 40,580 -4,960 -10.89 5152-51420 LTD INSURANCE 1,320 1,360 40 3.03 5152-51440 FICA 14,690 15,353 663 4.51 5152-51450 MEDICARE 3,430 3,591 161 4.69 5152-51470 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,370 1,650 280 20.44 5152-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP 1,350 1,350 0 0 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 322,580 332,271 9,691 3 ( SUPPLIES 5152-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4,000 3,000 -1,000 -25 5152-52040 POSTAGE&FREIGHT 0 0 0 0 5152-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5152-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 100 100 0 0 5152-52310 FUEL&LUBRICANTS 1,671 2,120 449 26.87 5152-52710 WEARING APPAREL&UNIFORMS 0 0 0 0 5152-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 5152-52990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL SUPPLIES 5,771 5,220 -551 -9.55 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANCE 5152-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5152-54630 TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5152-54810 COMPUTER HARDWARE&SOFTWARE 2,849 4,600 1,751 61.46 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANCE 2,849 4,600 1,751 61.46 CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT '....) BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5152-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 5152-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0 0 0 0 5152-56080 ADVERTISING 0 0 0 0 5152-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 360 360 0 0 5152-56180 RENTAL 1,200 1,200 0 0 5152-56210 TRAVEL&TRAINING 1,100 1,000 -100 -9.09 5152-56250 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 50 50 0 0 5152-56510 AUDIT&LEGAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 5152-56990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,710 2,610 -100 -3.69 DEBT SERVICE&CAP.REPL 5152-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0 0 0 0 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE&CAP.REPL 0 0 0 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY i -4 5152-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5152-58810 COMPUTER HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5152-58830 FURNITURE&FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 5152-58850 MAJOR TOOLS,MACHINERY&EQUI 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 TOTAL MUNICIPAL COURT 333,910 344,701 10,791 3.23 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 16 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME _____= ANNUAL BUDGET ' DEPT NO: 152 MUNICIPAL COURT 100-5152-51110 SALARIES 186,847.00 Salaries 244,177.00 Less Judicial 57,330.00CR 100-5152-51120 PARTTIME SALARIES 0.00 100-5152-51130 OVERTIME 500.00 Court Staff 1 500.00 500.00 100-5152-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 1,110.00 100-5152-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 960.00 100-5152-51160 CERTIFICATION PAY 900.00 100-5152-51250 JUDICIAL PAY 57,330.00 100-5152-51310 TMRS 20,740.00 20,740.00 100-5152-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 40,580.00 100-5152-51420 LTD INSURANCE 1,360.00 100-5152-51440 FICA 15,353.00 15,353.00 100-5152-51450 MEDICARE 3,591.00 3,591.00 100-5152-51470 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,650.00 100-5152-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP 1,350.00 100-5152-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,000.00 Printer Cartridge Toner 11 100.00 1,100.00 ,,; Copy Paper 12 30.00 360.00 Envelope - Window 3 150.00 450.00 Labels 9 10.00 90.00 Miscellaneous 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 100-5152-52040 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 0.00 100-5152-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0.00 100-5152-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 100.00 REPLACE SMALL OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1 100.00 100.00 100-5152-52310 FUEL & LUBRICANTS 2,120.00 Warrant Officer Vehicle 2,000.00 Car Wash 12 10.00 120.00 100-5152-52710 WEARING APPAREL & UNIFORMS 0.00 0.00 100-5152-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 100-5152-52990 OTHER 0.00 100-5152-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 100-5152-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-5152-54810 COMPUTER HARDWARE & SOFTWARE 4,600.00 LaserFische Maintenance/Retrie 1 500.00 500.00 BRAZOS ANNUAL MAINTENANCE 1 2,900.00 2,900.00 TYLER TECH INTERNET MAINT 1 1,200.00 1,200.00 100-5152-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 0.00 100-5152-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 342,091.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 17 ACCOUNT NO#,_,#) ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET 100-5152-56080 ADVERTISING 0.00 100-5152-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 360.00 Cellular phone - Officer 12 20.00 240.00 EOC - Pager 12 10.00 120.00 100-5152-56180 RENTAL 1,200.00 Copy Machine 1,200.00 100-5152-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 1,000.00 COURT INTERPRETER CONT ED 1 500.00 500.00 OFFICER CONTINUING EDUCATION 1 500.00 500.00 100-5152-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 50.00 Court Interpreter License 1 50.00 50.00 0.00 100-5152-56510 AUDIT & LEGAL SERVICES 0.00 866.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-5152-56990 OTHER 0.00 100-5152-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0.00 100-5152-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 Unmarked Squad car 0.00 100-5152-58810 COMPUTER HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE 0.00 0.00 100-5152-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 0.00 100-5152-58850 MAJOR TOOLS, MACHINERY & EQUIP 0.00 '3 PAGE TOTAL: 2,610.00 DEPT TOTAL: 344,701.00 Human Resources Department Detail ) CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE . j 100-GENERAL FUND HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL SERVICES 51 53-51 1 10 SALARIES 110,100 110,160 60 0.05 5153-51130 OVERTIME 250 250 0 0 5153-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 400 590 190 47.5 5153-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 640 1,100 460 71.88 5153-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5153-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5153-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 3,600 3,600 0 0 5153-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 1,350 1,350 0 0 5153-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 250 250 0 0 5153-51250 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 15,000 15,000 0 0 5153-51310 TMRS 11,610 12,850 1,240 10.68 5153-51410 HOSPITAL&LIFE INSURANCE 14,640 14,000 -640 -4.37 5153-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 600 620 20 3.33 5153-51440 FICA 7,230 7,270 40 0.55 5153-51450 MEDICARE 1,650 1,700 50 3.03 5153-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 210 220 10 4.76 5153-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP(TWC) 540 540 0 0 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 168,070 169,500 1,430 0.85 SUPPLIES 5153-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,000 2,000 0 0 w 5153-52130 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 215 215 0 0 5153-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 300 300 0 0 TOTAL SUPPLIES 2,515 2,515 0 0 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5153-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 7,925 7,825 -100 -1.26 5153-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0 0 0 0 5153-56080 ADVERTISING 22,000 10,000 -12,000 -54.55 5153-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 870 870 0 0 5153-56180 RENTAL 480 480 0 0 5153-56210 TRAVEL&TRAINING 3,940 3,270 -670 -17.01 5153-56250 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,360 1,240 -120 -8.82 5153-56990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 36,575 23,685 -12,890 -35.24 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5153-58830 FURNITURE&FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES 207,160 195,700 -11,460 -5.53 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 18 ` ACCOUNT NON ACCOUNT NAME = ANNUAL BUDGET ) DEPT NO: 153 HUMAN RESOURCES 100-5153-51110 SALARIES 110,160.00 100-5153-51130 OVERTIME 250.00 General 250.00 100-5153-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 590.00 100-5153-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 1,100.00 100-5153-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0.00 100-5153-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 100-5153-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 3,600.00 100-5153-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 1,350.00 100-5153-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 250.00 Permanent Uniform Shirts for HR Staff Current Year We are current on shirts for HR staff. Would like to utilize this benefit on an every other year basis. 100-5153-51250 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 15,000.00 100-5153-51310 TMRS 12,850.00 100-5153-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 14,000.00 100-5153-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 620.00 100-5153-51440 FICA 7,270.00 100-5153-51450 MEDICARE 1,700.00 100-5153-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 220.00 100-5153-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 540.00 100-5153-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,000.00 General Supplies, Ink 2,000.00 t 100 5153 52130 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 215.00 Shredder 1 215.00 215.00 100-5153-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 300.00 General Kitchen Supplies 200.00 Existing Employee Luncheons 600.00 Adj - budget transfer category 500.00CR 100-5153-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 7,825.00 Award Program 6,925.00 Misc. Emp Functions 300.00 Thanksgiving Dinner - 2 0.00 Quarterly New Emp Luncheons 4 150.00 600.00 100-5153-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0.00 100-5153-56080 ADVERTISING 10,000.00 Current Year Reduced by $12,000 in anticipation of lower employment advertising needs for FY2010. Various free or low cost advertising mediums are now being utilized. 100-5153-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 870.00 EOC Pagers 150.00 Cell Phone Allowance 1 720.00 720.00 Permanent Pagers for HR Manager and HR Assistant. 100-5153-56180 RENTAL 480.00 Shared Copy Machine 480.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 19 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET ':01) Permanent Shared copier. $70.00 per month per division. 100-5153-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 3,270.00 Annual TMHRA Conference (2) 670.00 Local Training HR Staff 600.00 Soft Skills Training-All Emps 1,000.00 Incode Seminar 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 100-5153-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,240.00 Rotary Annual Dues 440.00 TML Salary Database 350.00 Background Check Database 250.00 TMHRA Due for Two 150.00 CC FEE 50.00 100-5153-56990 OTHER 0.00 100-5153-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 4,510.00 DEPT TOTAL: 195,700.00 Purchasing Department Detail CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 100-GENERAL FUND PURCHASING DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL SERVICES 5154-511 10 SALARIES 75,540 76,461 921 1.22 5 1 54-5 1 1 30 OVERTIME 0 0 0 0 5 1 54-5 1 1 40 LONGEVITY PAY 1,000 1,090 90 9 5154-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 840 900 60 7.14 5 1 54-5 1 1 60 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5 1 54-5 1 1 70 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5154-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 1,200 1,200 0 0 5154-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 840 840 0 0 5154-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 5154-51310 TMRS 7,750 9,075 1,325 17.1 5154-51410 HOSPITAL&LIFE INSURANCE 13,310 12,820 -490 -3.68 5154-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 420 460 40 9.52 5154-51440 FICA 4,850 5,116 266 5.48 5154-51450 MEDICARE 1,130 1,196 66 5.84 5154-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 140 160 20 14.29 5154-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP(TWC) 270 270 0 0 TOTAL t x_ PERSONNEL SERVICES 107,290 109,588 2,298 2.14 SUPPLIES 5154-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 500 500 0 0 5154-52130 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5154-52310 FUEL AND LUBRICANTS 0 0 0 0 TOTAL SUPPLIES 500 500 0 0 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANCE 5154-54510 MOTOR VEHICLE 0 0 0 0 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT , .,,)) BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5154-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 5154-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0 0 0 0 5154-56080 ADVERTISING 2,000 2,000 0 0 5 1 54-56 1 1 0 COMMUNICATIONS 0 0 0 0 5154-56180 RENTAL 480 480 0 0 5154-562I0 TRAVEL&TRAINING 800 500 -300 -37.5 5154-56250 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 450 450 0 0 5154-56990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,730 3,430 -300 -8.04 DEBT SERVICE&CAP. REPL 5154-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0 0 0 0 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE&CAP.REPL 0 0 0 0 TOTAL PURCHASING 111,520 113,518 1,998 1.79 r 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 20 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET DEPT NO: 154 PURCHASING 100-5154-51110 SALARIES 76,461.00 76,461.00 100-5154-51130 OVERTIME 0.00 100-5154-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 1,090.00 100-5154-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 900.00 100-5154-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0.00 100-5154-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 100-5154-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 1,200.00 CAR ALLOWANCE 12 100.00 1,200.00 100-5154-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 840.00 100-5154-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0.00 100-5154-51310 TMRS 9,075.00 9,075.00 100-5154-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 12,820.00 100-5154-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 460.00 100-5154-51440 FICA 5,116.00 5,116.00 100-5154-51450 MEDICARE 1,196.00 1,196.00 100-5154-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 160.00 100-5154-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 270.00 100-5154-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 500.00 General 500.00 100-5154-52130 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 100-5154-52310 FUEL AND LUBRICANTS 0.00 0.00 100-5154-54510 MOTOR VEHICLE 0.00 0.00 100-5154-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 0.00 100-5154-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0.00 100-5154-56080 ADVERTISING 2,000.00 Bids, RFP's 2,000.00 100-5154-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 0.00 1 0.00 100-5154-56180 RENTAL 480.00 Copier 480.00 100-5154-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 500.00 NPI, other 500.00 100-5154-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 450.00 TPMA, NPI, ISM 450.00 100-5154-56990 OTHER 0.00 100-5154-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 113,518.00 DEPT TOTAL: 113,518.00 Information Technology Department Detail CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 100-GENERAL FUND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL SERVICES 5155-51110 SALARIES 102,940 125,819 22,879 22.23 5155-51130 OVERTIME 12,000 15,000 3,000 25 5155-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 280 424 144 51.43 5155-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 830 726 -104 -12.53 5155-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5155-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5155-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 7,200 9,600 2,400 33.33 5155-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 2,400 4,550 2,150 89.58 5155-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 5155-51310 TMRS 12,420 16,767 4,347 35 5155-51410 HOSPITAL&LIFE INSURANCE 16,060 23,038 6,978 43.45 5155-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 570 520 -50 -8.77 5155-51440 FICA 7,730 9,493 1,763 22.81 5155-51450 MEDICARE 1,820 2,220 400 21.98 5155-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 200 179 -21 -10.5 5155-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP(TWC) 540 810 270 50 TOTAL ",) PERSONNEL SERVICES 164,990 209,146 44,156 26.76 SUPPLIES 5155-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 900 1,050 150 16.67 5155-52130 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 33,700 31,500 -2,200 -6.53 TOTAL SUPPLIES 34,600 32,550 -2,050 -5.92 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANCE 5155-54810 COMPUTER HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE 67,210 147,685 80,475 119.74 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANCE 67,210 147,685 80,475 119.74 CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT )} BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5155-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 0 8,000 8,000 0 5155-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0 0 0 0 5155-56080 ADVERTISING 0 0 0 0 5155-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 3,360 1,920 -1,440 -42.86 5155-56180 RENTAL 480 480 0 0 5155-56210 TRAVEL&TRAINING 4,500 2,500 -2,000 -44.44 5155-56250 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 100 100 0 0 5155-56990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 8,440 13,000 4,560 54.03 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5155-58810 COMPUTER HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE 75,000 105,500 30,500 40.67 5155-58830 FURNITURE&FIXTURES 0 1,200 1,200 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 75,000 106,700 31,700 42.27 TOTAL ;; INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 350,240 509,081 158,841 45.35 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 21 ]) ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME _____= ANNUAL BUDGET DEPT NO: 155 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 100-5155-51110 SALARIES 125,819.00 125,819.00 100-5155-51130 OVERTIME 15,000.00 Overtime for IS Supervisor 7,500.00 Overtime for IS Technician 7,500.00 100-5155-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 424.00 424.00 100-5155-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 726.00 726.00 100-5155-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0.00 100-5155-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 100-5155-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 9,600.00 9,600.00 Permanent Shaun Butterley: $3,600.00 Shone Doville: $3,600.00 100-5155-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 4,550.00 Phone Allowance for SDoville 1 1,200.00 1,200.00 Phone Allowance for SButterley 1 1,200.00 1,200.00 Reimbursement for SButterley 1 400.00 400.00 Reimbursement for SDoville 1 400.00 400.00 New Position 1 1,350.00 1,350.00 Current Year Eligible for Reimbursement: Shaun Butterley, Shone Doville ]) { 100-5155-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0.00 100-5155-51310 TMRS 16,767.00 16,767.00 100-5155-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 23,038.00 23,038.00 100-5155-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 520.00 520.00 100-5155-51440 FICA 9,493.00 9,493.00 100-5155-51450 MEDICARE 2,220.00 2,220.00 100-5155-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 179.00 179.00 100-5155-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 810.00 810.00 100-5155-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,050.00 Paper, Pens, Toner, books etc. 450.00 Additional for New Position 600.00 100-5155-52130 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 31,500.00 Departmental Server issues 5 4,000.00 20,000.00 Wireless Networking 1 5,000.00 5,000.00 2 Computers for New Position 4,500.00 0.00 Misc. Tools and Equipment 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 22 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME _____= ANNUAL BUDGET 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-5155-54810 COMPUTER HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE 147,685.00 Neverfail Software Maintenance 3,000.00 Microsoft Enterprise Agreement 68,081.00 Enterprise Anti-virus 6,000.00 Netmotion VPN Maintenance 3,700.00 Cisco Smartnet Maintenance 7,000.00 Blackberry Software Maintenanc 1,500.00 Watchguard Firewall Maintenanc 3,000.00 Scriptlogic Software Maintenan 4,500.00 Barracuda Spam Firewall 1,100.00 Veritas Software Maint. 2,000.00 Motorola Canopy Support 18,804.00 Consulting Fees 12,000.00 Laserfiche Maintenance 5,000.00 Oracle Licensing Maintenance 1,000.00 Computer and Printer Maint/Rep 1 8,000.00 8,000.00 Microsoft True-up Costs 1 3,000.00 3,000.00 100-5155-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 8,000.00 1/2 Technology Plan 0.00 Network Maintenance 8,000.00 100-5155-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0.00 100-5155-56080 ADVERTISING 0.00 100-5155-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 1,920.00 0.00 0.00 Verizon Fios 12 160.00 1,920.00 0.00 100-5155-56180 RENTAL 480.00 Copier COOP 480.00 100-5155-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 2,500.00 TAGITM Conf. and Training 2,500.00 100-5155-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 100.00 TAGITM 100.00 100-5155-56990 OTHER 0.00 100-5155-58810 COMPUTER HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE 105,500.00 Building Fiber Connections 45,500.00 Storage Area Network/Disaster 1 60,000.00 60,000.00 100-5155-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 1,200.00 Desk & Chair for New Position 1,200.00 PAGE TOTAL: 267,385.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 23 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE TOTAL: 0.00 DEPT TOTAL: 509,081.00 Police Department Detail CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT ) BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 100-GENERAL FUND POLICE DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL SERVICES 5211-51110 SALARIES 2,737,700 2,962,183 224,483 8.2 5211-51112 SALARIES-PARTTIME 67,100 71,660 4,560 6.8 5211-51130 OVERTIME 264,260 265,860 1,600 0.61 5211-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 13,890 19,439 5,549 39.95 5211-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 25,330 29,936 4,606 18.18 5211-51150 FIELD TRAINING OFFICER PAY 14,400 14,400 0 0 5211-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 25,800 25,800 0 0 5211-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5211-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 14,400 14,400 0 0 5211-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 4,050 4,050 0 0 5211-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 11,060 11,060 0 0 5211-51310 TMRS 309,720 366,270 56,550 18.26 5211-51410 HOSPITAL&LIFE INSURANCE 451,300 467,059 15,759 3.49 5211-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 15,710 16,990 1,280 8.15 5211-51440 FICA 199,430 214,096 14,666 7.35 5211-51450 MEDICARE 46,640 50,071 3,431 7.36 5211-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 62,870 74,406 11,536 18.35 5211-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP(TWC) 10,150 16,245 6,095 60.05 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 4,273,810 4,623,925 350,115 8.19 = SUPPLIES 5211-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 20,200 15,000 -5,200 -25.74 5211-52040 POSTAGE&FREIGHT 1,500 1,500 0 0 5211-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5211-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 47,909 29,505 -18,404 -38.41 5211-52250 MEDICAL&SURGICAL 18,663 16,900 -1,763 -9.45 5211-52310 FUEL&LUBRICANTS 217,960 164,000 -53,960 -24.76 5211-52710 WEARING APPAREL&UNIFORMS 26,020 23,035 -2,985 -11.47 5211-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 5,000 5,000 0 0 5211-52990 OTHER 13,950 15,950 2,000 14.34 TOTAL SUPPLIES 351,202 270,890 -80,312 -22.87 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANCE 5211-54250 STREET SIGNS&MARKINGS 0 0 0 0 5211-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5211-54530 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5211-54630 TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 6,900 6,900 0 0 5211-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 12,300 12,300 0 0 5211-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 50,180 46,000 -4,180 -8.33 5211-54990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANCE 69,380 65,200 -4,180 -6.02 CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT r BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5211-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 44,670 41,250 -3,420 -7.66 5211-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 5,000 5,000 0 0 5211-56080 ADVERTISING 0 0 0 0 5211-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 25,600 25,050 -550 -2.15 5211-56120 911-EMERGENCY SERVICES 0 0 0 0 5211-56150 LAB ANALYSIS 4,000 4,000 0 0 5211-56180 RENTAL 4,440 4,440 0 0 5211-56210 TRAVEL&TRAINING 37,280 53,700 16,420 44.05 5211-56250 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 3,020 1,150 -1,870 -61.92 5211-56310 INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 5211-56990 OTHER 3,430 10,290 6,860 200 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 127,440 144,880 17,440 13.68 DEBT SERVICE&CAP.REPL 5211-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0 0 0 0 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE&CAP.REPL 0 0 0 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY F ) 5211-58110 LAND 0 0 0 0 gr 5211-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0 0 0 0 5211-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 99,000 99,000 0 5211-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5211-58830 FURNITURE&FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 5211-58850 MAJOR TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 30,650 55,800 25,150 82.06 5211-58910 BUILDINGS 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 30,650 154,800 124,150 405.06 TOTAL POLICE 4,852,482 5,259,695 407,213 8.39 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 26 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET DEPT NO: 211 POLICE 100-5211-51110 SALARIES 2,962,183.00 2,962,183.00 100-5211-51112 SALARIES-PARTTIME 71,660.00 100-5211-51130 OVERTIME 265,860.00 LAKE PATROL 54,000.00 STATE FUNDED STEP PROGRAM 70,000.00 OVERTIME 140,260.00 Arts Festival 1,600.00 0.00 100-5211-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 19,439.00 19,439.00 100-5211-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 29,936.00 29,936.00 100-5211-51150 FIELD TRAINING OFFICER PAY 14,400.00 SIX FTO'S @ $200 MONTH 14,400.00 100-5211-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 25,800.00 BASELINE 25,800.00 100-5211-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 100-5211-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 14,400.00 CHIEF 3,600.00 TWO LT'S 2 X 7,200.00 CID SERGEANT 3,600.00 100-5211-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 4,050.00 100-5211-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 11,060.00 100-5211-51310 TMRS 366,270.00 366,270.00 100-5211-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 467,059.00 467,059.00 100-5211-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 16,990.00 16,990.00 100-5211-51440 FICA 214,096.00 214,096.00 100-5211-51450 MEDICARE 50,071.00 50,071.00 100-5211-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 74,406.00 74,406.00 100-5211-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 16,245.00 16,245.00 100-5211-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 15,000.00 COPY PAPER 3,000.00 INK JET PRINTER CARTRIDGES 400.00 TONER FOR LASER PRINTERS 4,000.00 CALENDARS 400.00 TABLETS, NOTEBOOKS, POST ITS 200.00 FILE FOLDERS, LAPELS 550.00 STAPLES, PAPERCLIPS 100.00 PENS, REFILLS, HIGHLIGHTERS 150.00 BINDERS 200.00 SCOTCH TAPE, PACKING TAPE 50.00 STATIONARY & ENVELOPES 200.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 27 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET 4;) MANILA ENVELOPES 300.00 CORRECTION TAPE 50.00 CD'S, DISC, CASSETTE TAPES 2,000.00 batteries 200.00 VIDEO TAPES 400.00 NOTARY STAMPS 0.00 PHOTO PAPER 0.00 BUSINESS CARDS 500.00 STORAGE BOXES 300.00 PRINTED FORMS 1,500.00 ITOXILIZER FORMS 500.00 100-5211-52040 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 1,500.00 POSTAGE FOR APPLICANT TESTS 1 1,500.00 1,500.00 100-5211-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-5211-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 29,505.00 ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION SUPPLIE 1,000.00 FLASHLIGHTS 950.00 PEPPER SPRAY 20 18.00 360.00 VIDEO CAMERA ACCIDENT INV 1,000.00 CRIME SCENE SUPPLIES 3,500.00 ELECTRONIC RIFLE SITES 7 500.00 3,500.00 TACTICAL TEAM SUPPLIES 3,000.00 MAGNETIC DUSTING QUIPMENT 5 18.00 90.00 EVIDENCE TENTS 500.00 EVIDENCE TENTS 250.00 BLUE STAR TABS (LUMINOL) 1 80.00 80.00 CA WAND REPLACEMENT 1 130.00 130.00 FIRING RANGE SUPPLIES 800.00 SRO SUPPLIES 2,800.00 NEGOTIATORS SUPPLIES 1,000.00 MISCELLANOUS SUPPLIES 3,000.00 FLARES 800.00 BIKE PATROL SUPPLIES 1 1,745.00 1,745.00 0.00 CRIME PREVENTION SUPPLIES 5,000.00 0.00 100-5211-52250 MEDICAL & SURGICAL 16,900.00 SANE RAPE EXAMS 32 400.00 12,800.00 K-9 VET 2 1,500.00 3,000.00 DWI TUBES 500.00 FIRST AID KITS 100.00 SURGICAL GLOVES 500.00 100-5211-52310 FUEL & LUBRICANTS 164,000.04 BASELINE 162,000.00 Car Washes 12 166.67 2,000.04 PAGE TOTAL: 211,905.04 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 28 ) ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET 100-5211-52710 WEARING APPAREL & UNIFORMS 23,035.00 BASE LINE - ANNUAL REPLACEMENT 14,100.00 BIKE PATROL 1,840.00 REPLACE BALLISTIC VESTS EXPIRE 11 645.00 7,095.00 100-5211-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 5,000.00 JAIL FOOD 3,500.00 K-9 FOOD 2 500.00 1,000.00 COFFEE, CUPS, ASSESSMENTS 500.00 100-5211-52990 OTHER 15,950.00 DUTY AMMO-100 ROUNDS PER OFC 47 50.00 2,350.00 .223 AMMO SWAT & PATROL RIFLES 3,000.00 .308 SNIPERS (1000 ROUNDS) 600.00 PRACTICE AMMO 10,000.00 100-5211-54250 STREET SIGNS & MARKINGS 0.00 100-5211-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 100-5211-54530 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 0.00 100-5211-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 6,900.00 MAINTENANCE OF PD TOOLS 6,900.00 100-5211-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 12,300.00 RADIO MAINTENANCE 12,300.00 100-5211-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 46,000.00 ICS POLICE RECORDS/MUGSHOT SW 33,500.00 NETWORK ON SITE SUPPORT 7,000.00 ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION UPDATE 1 3,000.00 3,000.00 ) OFFENDER WATCH 1 2,500.00 2,500.00 100-5211-54990 OTHER 0.00 50.00 0.00 3,000.00 0.00 600.00 0.00 8,000.00 0.00 0.00 100-5211-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 41,250.00 CC CHILD ABUSE TASK FORCE 30,000.00 INTOXILYZER SUPPORT CONTRACT 5,400.00 RACIAL PROFILING ANNUAL REPORT 850.00 PERSONNEL SERVICES 5,000.00 Permanent Body scans / physicals will alternate every other year 100-5211-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 5,000.00 JAIL LAUNDRY 5,000.00 100-5211-56080 ADVERTISING 0.00 100-5211-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 25,050.00 CELL PHONE / BLACKBERRIES 13,000.00 PAGERS 4,550.00 LANGUAGE LINE 1,500.00 LEADS ON LINE 2,000.00 ACCURINT 4,000.00 100-5211-56120 911-EMERGENCY SERVICES 0.00 100-5211-56150 LAB ANALYSIS 4,000.00 CRIME SCENE, BALLISTICS, DNA 4,000.00 100-5211-56180 RENTAL 4,440.00 COPY MACHINE RENTAL 4,440.00 PAGE TOTAL: 188,925.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 29 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET 100-5211-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 53,700.00 BASELINE 36,800.00 NEGOTIATORS CONFERENCE 8,000.00 MANAGEMENT COLLEGE 1 1,900.00 1,900.00 TRAVEL EXPENSES 7,000.00 100-5211-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,150.00 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SRO'S 5 40.00 200.00 FBI NAA 150.00 NTPCA 3 50.00 150.00 USPCA CANINE 2 100.00 200.00 IACP - CHIEF, 1 100.00 100.00 IAPE - QUARTERMASTER 1 50.00 50.00 TCPA 2 30.00 60.00 TAARS 5 40.00 200.00 TALERA 1 40.00 40.00 0.00 0.00 100-5211-56310 INSURANCE 0.00 100-5211-56990 OTHER 10,290.00 ELS 3 TINTING, GRAPHICS, INSTA 3 3,430.00 10,290.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-5211-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0.00 r 100-5211-58110 LAND 0.00 , 1,„) 100-5211-56150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0.00 100-5211-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 99,000.00 REPLACEMENT TAHOES 3 33,000.00 99,000.00 100-5211-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 100-5211-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 100-5211-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 55,800.00 REPLACEMENT EQUIPMENT 3 7,500.00 22,500.00 REPLACE VIDEO WITH DIGITAL 3 6,250.00 18,750.00 REPLACE OLDER RADAR 3 2,600.00 7,800.00 OPTICOM CARD AND SWIPE 3 1,100.00 3,300.00 MOBILE RADIOS 3 1,150.00 3,450.00 100-5211-58910 BUILDINGS 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 219,940.00 DEPT TOTAL: 5,259,695.04 Fire Department Detail CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE , 100-GENERAL FUND FIRE DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL SERVICES 5231-51110 SALARIES 2,356,300 2,492,427 136,127 5.78 5231-51112 SALARIES-PARTTIME 162,005 35,000 -127,005 -78.4 5231-51113 BACKUP AMBULANCE 130,000 130,000 0 0 5231-51130 OVERTIME 230,760 269,706 38,946 16.88 5231-51135 FLSA OVERTIME 160,020 180,077 20,057 12.53 5231-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 9,590 13,210 3,620 37.75 5231-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 19,330 21,110 1,780 9.21 5231-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 28,800 33,600 4,800 16.67 5231-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 87,500 100,000 12,500 14.29 5231-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 7,200 7,200 0 0 5231-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 6,620 15,180 8,560 129.31 5231-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 25,095 24,520 -575 -2.29 5231-51310 TMRS 304,520 358,726 54,206 17.8 5231-51410 HOSPITAL&LIFE INSURANCE 380,080 447,179 67,099 17.65 5231-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 14,930 15,007 77 0.52 5231-51440 FICA 199,920 205,284 5,364 2.68 5231-51450 MEDICARE 46,760 48,010 1,250 2.67 5231-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 52,730 60,597 7,867 14.92 5231-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP(TWC) 7,860 12,150 4,290 54.58 TOTAL l PERSONNEL SERVICES 4,230,020 4,468,983 238,963 5.65 SUPPLIES 5231-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 10,980 10,400 -580 -5.28 5231-52040 POSTAGE&FREIGHT 200 200 0 0 5231-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 6,280 3,100 -3,180 -50.64 5231-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 125,795 30,835 -94,960 -75.49 523 1-522 1 0 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 6,000 6,000 0 0 5231-52250 MEDICAL&SURGICAL 9,040 10,175 1,135 12.56 5231-52310 FUEL&LUBRICANTS 85,335 77,000 -8,335 -9.77 5231-52380 CHEMICALS 9,090 8,940 -150 -1.65 5231-52630 AUDIO-VISUAL 7,930 5,720 -2,210 -27.87 5231-52710 WEARING APPAREL&UNIFORMS 41,755 30,360 -11,395 -27.29 5231-52740 DRY GOODS&NOTIONS 11,350 1,850 -9,500 -83.7 5231-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 8,500 8,750 250 2.94 5231-52990 OTHER 1,000 1,000 0 0 TOTAL SUPPLIES 323,255 194,330 -128,925 -39.88 CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANCE 5231-54250 STREETS,SIGNS,MARKINGS 500 250 -250 -50 5231-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5231-54530 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 71,080 81,400 10,320 14.52 5231-54610 FURNITURE&FIXTURES 8,000 5,800 -2,200 -27.5 5231-54630 TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 13,550 12,500 -1,050 -7.75 5231-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 14,950 12,700 -2,250 -15.05 5231-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 57,455 50,905 -6,550 -11.4 5231-54910 BUILDINGS 0 0 0 0 5231-54990 OTHER 5,600 5,600 0 0 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANCE 171,135 169,155 -1,980 -1.16 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5231-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 77,120 52,600 -24,520 -31.79 5231-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 1,200 1,200 0 0 5231-56060 AMBULANCE CONTRACT 114,000 116,500 2,500 2.19 5231-56080 ADVERTISING 200 200 0 0 5231-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 12,100 9,600 -2,500 -20.66 5231-56150 LAB ANALYSIS 1,000 500 -500 -50 5231-56180 RENTAL 30,700 40,820 10,120 32.96 5231-56210 TRAVEL&TRAINING 45,840 32,735 -13,105 -28.59 5231-56250 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 20,360 21,760 1,400 6.88 5231-56990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 302,520 275,915 -26,605 -8.79 DEBT SERVICE&CAP.REPL 5231-57110 DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 0 5231-57210 DEBT SERVICE-INTEREST 0 0 0 0 5231-57510 LEASE PAYMENT 0 0 0 0 5231-578I0 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0 0 0 0 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE&CAP.REPL 0 0 0 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5231-58110 LAND 0 0 0 0 5231-58150 LAND-BE 1 FERMENTS 0 0 0 0 5231-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5231-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5231-58830 FURNITURE&FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 5231-58850 MAJOR TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 50,000 0 -50,000 -100 5231-58910 BUILDINGS 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 50,000 0 -50,000 -100 TOTAL FIRE 5,076,930 5,108,383 31,453 0.62 r 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 30 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET :10) DEPT NO: 231 FIRE 100-5231-51110 SALARIES 2,492,427.00 2,492,427.00 100-5231-51112 SALARIES-PARTTIME 35,000.00 100-5231-51113 BACKUP AMBULANCE 130,000.00 Back-up Ambulance 1 130,000.00 130,000.00 100-5231-51130 OVERTIME 269,706.00 ADM/EM 264 CERT PROGRAM 200.00 ADM/PERS 268 VACATION COVERAGE 69,120.00 ADM/PERS 250 OFFICER MEETINGS 10,216.00 ADM/PERS 251 MANDATORY MEETING 2,000.00 ADM/PERS 264 ADMINISTRATIVE OT 6,000.00 ADM/PERS 267 SICK COVERAGE 15,000.00 ADM/PERS 270 MISC 0/OT 5,000.00 ADM/PERS 266 OFFICE STAFF OT 5,600.00 ADM/PERS 250 PERSONNEL MTGS OT 1,000.00 ADM/PERS 264 NEW HIRE TESTING 6,000.00 CRR/ED 275 FIRE CLOWN OT 8,000.00 CRR/FPI 261 ALARM PERMIT ENFOR 8,000.00 CRR/FPI 266 OFFICE SUPPORT 7,000.00 CRR/FPI 260 FIRE INVESTIGATION 2,000.00 OPS/EMS 252 CONTINUING ED 6,000.00 OPS/FIRE 254 INCIDENT CALL RAC 7,000.00 OPS/FIRE 255 MEDICAL CALL BACK 5,000.00 OPS/FIRE 277 SPECIAL EVENTS 600.00 OPS/FIRE 300 TIFMAS ACTIVATION 15,000.00 OPS/SO 273 SOWR SW TECH SCHOOL 10,500.00 OPS/SO 273 SOWR INTERNAL TRNG 7,500.00 OPS/SO SOWR DIVE TRAINING 3,000.00 OPS/SO 274 SOHM HAZMAT MTHLY 10,920.00 OPS/SO 274 SOHM HAZMAT TECH BA 10,430.00 OPS/SO 274 HOTZONE CONF BACKFI 5,040.00 OPS/TS TRAINING OT 11,280.00 OPS/TS 251 MANDATORY TRNG 3,000.00 OPS/TS 264 HW PHYSICALS 5,000.00 OPS/TS 264 HW PROGRAM MTGS 1,000.00 OPS/TS 264 PEER FITNESS ASSESS 2,000.00 OPS/TS 258 TX FIRE CHIEF BACKF 2,000.00 OPS/TS 258 NFA BACKFILL 7,500.00 SUPP/FAC 257 BUILDING MAINT 300.00 SUPP/FLT 256 VEHICLE MAINT 5,000.00 SUPP/TECH 263 GIS MAPPING 1,500.00 OPS/TS 258 TX FIRE CHIEF BACKF 2,000.00 OPS/EMS 280 990 BACKUP STAFFIN 3,000.00 100-5231-51135 FLSA OVERTIME 180,077.00 180,077.00 100-5231-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 13,210.00 13,210.00 100-5231-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 21,110.00 21,110.00 PAGE TOTAL: 3,141,530.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 31 )1 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME _____= ANNUAL BUDGET 100-5231-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 33,600.00 Ahlemeier 1 600.00 600.00 Araujo 1 600.00 600.00 Ballard 3 600.00 1,800.00 Barney 1 600.00 600.00 Blythe 3 600.00 1,800.00 Brown 3 600.00 1,800.00 Buckmeier 1 1,200.00 1,200.00 Campbell 1 600.00 600.00 Claborn 1 600.00 600.00 Corbin 3 600.00 1,800.00 Flores 3 600.00 1,800.00 Gheen 1 600.00 600.00 Gibson 1 600.00 600.00 Jackson 2 600.00 1,200.00 Johnston 1 600.00 600.00 McCormick 2 600.00 1,200.00 Moriarty 1 600.00 600.00 Parker 2 600.00 1,200.00 Pynes 1 600.00 600.00 Ritter 3 600.00 1,800.00 Scribner 2 600.00 1,200.00 Seddig 3 600.00 1,800.00 Storm 2 600.00 1,200.00 11 ( Sullivan 2 600.00 1,200.00 Tripp 2 600.00 1,200.00 Willoughby 3 600.00 1,800.00 Personnel upgrades (x6) 6 600.00 3,600.00 100-5231-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 100,000.00 Ahlemeier 2,500.00 Alvarez 2,500.00 Araujo 2,500.00 Ballard 2,500.00 Barney 2,500.00 Blythe 2,500.00 Bradshaw 2,500.00 Brown 2,500.00 Buckmeier 2,500.00 Campbell 2,500.00 Claborn 2,500.00 Flores 2,500.00 Gheen 2,500.00 Gibson 2,500.00 Hewitt 2,500.00 Hollien 2,500.00 Jackson 2,500.00 Johnston 2,500.00 Jones 2,500.00 McCormick 2,500.00 Monroe 2,500.00 Moriarty 2,500.00 y Nash 2,500.00 Owens 2,500.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 32 :0) ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET Parker 2,500.00 Pynes 1 2,500.00 2,500.00 Ritter 1 2,500.00 2,500.00 Seddig 1 2,500.00 2,500.00 Sherard 1 2,500.00 2,500.00 Storm 1 2,500.00 2,500.00 Sullivan 1 2,500.00 2,500.00 Tripp 1 2,500.00 2,500.00 Willoughby 1 2,500.00 2,500.00 New Personnel (x4) 4 2,500.00 10,000.00 BUDGET CORRECTION 7,500.00 100-5231-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 7,200.00 Chief Corbin 7,200.00 100-5231-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 15,180.00 Corbin 1,470.00 Flores 1,470.00 Ballard 1,470.00 Seddig 1,470.00 Smith 1,470.00 Scribner 1 870.00 870.00 Parker 1 870.00 870.00 Claborn 1 870.00 870.00 Willoughby 1 870.00 870.00 Ritter 1 870.00 870.00 Jackson 1 870.00 870.00 1 j" Brown 1 870.00 870.00 Blythe 1 870.00 870.00 McCormick 1 870.00 870.00 100-5231-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 24,520.00 Ahlemeier 1 500.00 500.00 Alvarez 500.00 Araujo 500.00 Ballard 500.00 Barney 500.00 Blythe 500.00 Bradshaw 500.00 Brown 500.00 Buckmeier 500.00 Campbell 500.00 Claborn 500.00 Corbin 500.00 Flores 500.00 Gheen 500.00 Gibson 500.00 Hewitt 500.00 Hollien 500.00 Jackson 500.00 Johnston 500.00 Jones 500.00 McClendon 1 300.00 300.00 McCormick 500.00 Monroe 500.00 Moriarty 1 500.00 500.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 33 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET Nash 1 500.00 500.00 Owens 1 500.00 500.00 Parker 1 500.00 500.00 Pynes 1 500.00 500.00 Pynes 500.00 Ritter 1 500.00 500.00 Scribner 1 500.00 500.00 Seddig 1 500.00 500.00 Sherard 1 500.00 500.00 Smith 1 300.00 300.00 Storm 1 500.00 500.00 Sullivan 1 500.00 500.00 Tripp 1 500.00 500.00 Willoughby 1 500.00 500.00 TAXES 3,920.00 New Personnel 4 500.00 2,000.00 100-5231-51310 TMRS 358,326.00 358,726.00 100-5231-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 447,179.00 447,179.00 100-5231-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 15,007.00 15,007.00 100-5231-51440 FICA 205,284.00 205,284.00 11 f 100-5231-51450 MEDICARE 48,010.00 t 48,010.00 100-5231-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 60,597.00 60,597.00 100-5231-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 12,150.00 100-5231-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 10,400.00 OPS/EMS Ambulance cartridges 300.00 SUPP/LOGIS Binding supplies 500.00 SUPP/LOGIS Network Printer Car 600.00 SUPP/LOG Office supplies 9,000.00 100-5231-52040 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 200.00 POSTAGE AND FREIGHT 200.00 100-5231-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 3,100.00 OPS/SO SOHM Tomes 2,800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SUPP/TECH Alpha Card Support 1 300.00 300.00 0.00 0.00 100-5231-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 30,835.00 ADM/EM Cert hand tools 1 340.00 340.00 ADM/EM CERT Pro Pac Kit 1 900.00 900.00 ADM/EM CERT reflective labels 1 50.00 50.00 ADM/EM CERT 4x4 cribbing 1 105.00 105.00 ADM/EM CERT water cooler 1 40.00 40.00 CRR/FPI Smoke detectors/batter 1 800.00 800.00 OPS/EMS Cot batteries & repair 1 500.00 500.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 34 ` ACCOUNT NO# ____= ACCOUNT NAME __-__= ANNUAL BUDGET OPS/EMS Patient care tablets 1 6,000.00 6,000.00 OPS/FIRE Nozzle replacement 1 1,500.00 1,500.00 OPS/FIRE Annual FF handtool re 1 500.00 500.00 OPS/FIRE Thermal imager maint 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 OPS/FIRE Annual salvage cover 1 500.00 500.00 OPS/FIRE Flashlight maint/repl 1 300.00 300.00 OPS/FIRE Apparatus hand tools 1 500.00 500.00 OPS/FIRE Tool mounts 1 150.00 150.00 OPS/FIRE Hose adapters 1 200.00 200.00 OPS/FIRE Small equipment repai 1 2,500.00 2,500.00 OPS/FIRE Annual hose replaceme 1 6,500.00 6,500.00 OPS/FIRE Gas Detector repairs 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 OPS/SO rescue hardware 1 400.00 400.00 OPS/SO Dive fins for S3 1 300.00 300.00 OPS/TS MUTCD Safety equipment 1 1,500.00 1,500.00 SUPP/FAC annual replace kitche 1 900.00 900.00 SUPP/FAC Photo albums/pages 1 250.00 250.00 SUPP/FAC Photo Mounting 1 350.00 350.00 SUPP/FAC Fire Admin 1 750.00 750.00 SUPP/FAC Garden hose/nozzles 1 150.00 150.00 SUPP/FAC Building Maint 1 750.00 750.00 SUPP/FLT Mechanic tools 1 300.00 300.00 SUPP/FLT Metal work supplies 1 300.00 300.00 SUPP/TECH Chargers/batteries 1 500.00 500.00 Permanent Several items are annual replacements. We have shredders at four locations and typically we have to replace one per year. Tools are lost or broken throughout the year, or they get old and need to be replaced. Batteries need to be replaced annually to ensure they are in proper working order during calls. $2500 of this account is for equipment that can't be fixed and has to be replaced (vacuums, washers, etc.) 100-5231-52210 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 6,000.00 FAC-Janitorial Supplies 6,000.00 100-5231-52250 MEDICAL & SURGICAL 10,175.00 ADM/EM CERT Triage tags 120.00 ADM/EM CERT Gloves and masks 1 40.00 40.00 ADM/EM CERT emergency blankets 1 300.00 300.00 ADM/EM CERT/splints and pads 1 120.00 120.00 ADM/EM CERT trauma shears 1 50.00 50.00 ADM/EM CERT Kerlix tyco box 1 175.00 175.00 ADM/EM CERT badges 1 95.00 95.00 OPS/EMS Medication reimburseme 1 3,000.00 3,000.00 OPS/EMS Med bag annual replace 1 500.00 500.00 OPS/EMS Clipboard replacement 1 75.00 75.00 OPS/EMS Pulse oximeters cables 1 500.00 500.00 OPS/EMS Capnolines 1 700.00 700.00 OPS/EMS small med equip replac 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 OPS/EMS large med equip replac 1 1,500.00 1,500.00 OPS/EMS batteries and pads AED 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 I:) l00-5231-52310 FUEL & LUBRICANTS 77,000.00 SUPP/FLT Fuel 76,000.00 SUPP/FLT Oil and lubricants 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 PAGE TOTAL: 93,175.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 35 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET 4 100-5231-52380 CHEMICALS 8,940.00 FIRE-Class A Foam 6,790.00 FIRE-Sphag-sorb 1,500.00 SO-SOHM Soda Ash 200.00 FIRE-Absorbent Clay 450.00 100-5231-52630 AUDIO-VISUAL 5,720.00 ADM/EM CERT manual 600.00 ADM/PERS ID Card supplies 1 250.00 250.00 CRR/ED Fire prevention supplie 1 1,750.00 1,750.00 CRR/ED Fire prevention pamphle 1 1,500.00 1,500.00 CRR/ED CPR Cards 1 900.00 900.00 CRR/ED CPR masks and face shie 1 200.00 200.00 OPS/FIRE Mapsco updates 1 520.00 520.00 100-5231-52710 WEARING APPAREL & UNIFORMS 30,360.00 ADM/EM CERT tshirts 1 180.00 180.00 ADM/PERS Class A Uniforms 1 960.00 960.00 ADM/PERS Part-time uniforms 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 ADM/PERS Blauer PPE Jackets 1 850.00 850.00 ADM/PERS Patches 1 800.00 800.00 CRR/ED Promotional tshirt/give 1 250.00 250.00 OPS/FIRE Gear cleaning 1 400.00 400.00 OPS/FIRE Bunker gear repairs 1 4,000.00 4,000.00 OPS/FIRE New bunker coats 1 8,500.00 8,500.00 OPS/FIRE New bunker pants 1 4,900.00 4,900.00 l '' OPS/FIRE Structural helmets 1 180.00 180.00 OPS/FIRE bunker boots 1 2,400.00 2,400.00 OPS/FIRE FF gloves 1 600.00 600.00 OPS/FIRE Hoods 1 500.00 500.00 OPS/FIRE Work gloves 1 250.00 250.00 OPS/FIRE Suspenders 1 450.00 450.00 OPS/FIRE New hire/repl SCBA ma 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 OPS/SO SOHM hazmat suits 1 1,800.00 1,800.00 OPS/SO SOWR-wet suits 1 500.00 500.00 OPS/SO SOWR life vests 1 540.00 540.00 OPS/TS Bulk safety equipment 1 300.00 300.00 Permanent Each year, a set number of bunker sets are rotated for factory cleaning, repairs and inspections (which is required by the Texas Commission on Fire Protection) . 100-5231-52740 DRY GOODS & NOTIONS 1,850.00 ADM/PERS Award plaques 750.00 CRR/ED Fire prevention awards 350.00 SUPP/LOGI Flowers, cards, mis 600.00 SUPP/LOGI Shift calendars 1 150.00 150.00 100-5231-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 8,750.00 SUPP/LOG Incidents 3,500.00 SUPP/LOGI-WFD Banquet 2,950.00 SUPP/LOGI-Coalition lunch 300.00 SUPP?LOG CC Fire Assoc mtg 2,000.00 100-5231-52990 OTHER 1,000.00 CRR/ED-Explorer program 1,000.00 100-5231-59250 STREETS, SIGNS, MARKINGS 250.00 SUPP/FAC-Station signage 250.00 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 56,870.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 36 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET 100-5231-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 This account is now J. Jones 0.00 0.00 Permanent 5 vehicles fit this account description. Maintenance for each vehicle requires all or some of the following: Tires, Brakes, Alternators BAtteries, and Preventative Maintenance on a Quarterly basis. 100-5231-54530 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 81,400.00 SUPP/FLT Car washes 1 1,600.00 1,600.00 SUPP/FLT Washing supplies 1 1,200.00 1,200.00 SUPP/FLT Oil filters & supplie 1 300.00 300.00 SUPP/FLT Truck degreasing 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 SUPP/FLTQtrly PM & inspect 1 9,500.00 9,500.00 SUPP/FLT Annual PM's & pump to 1 14,000.00 14,000.00 SUPP/FLT Tires 1 13,000.00 13,000.00 SUPP/FLT Brakes 1 8,000.00 6,000.00 SUPP/FLT Front end alignments 1 1,300.00 1,300.00 SUPP/FLT Pump repairs 1 4,000.00 4,000.00 SUPP/FLT OAFS repairs 1 13,000.00 13,000.00 SUPP/FLT Driveline and chassis 1 5,500.00 5,500.00 SUPP/FLT Ladder repairs 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 SUPP/FLT Misc system repairs 1 5,000.00 5,000.00 SUPP/FLT Body and interior rpr 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 Permanent 11 vehicles fit this account description. Maintenance for 4, . each vehicle requires all or some of the following: Tires, Brakes, Alternators BAtteries, ladder maintenance, and Preventative Maintenance on a Quarterly basis. 100-5231-54610 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 5,800.00 SUPP/FAC Repair/replace furnit 5,800.00 100-5231-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 12,500.00 OPS/FIRE SCBA Mask fit testing 1,600.00 OPS/FIRE Regulator testing SCB 1 1,200.00 1,200.00 OPS/SO SOWR maint. kits 1 150.00 150.00 OPS/SO SOWR stage reg. maint 1 650.00 650.00 SUPP/FLT Aerial ladder testing 1 2,900.00 2,900.00 SUPP/FLT Air testing and repai 1 4,000.00 4,000.00 SUPP/FLT Compressor testing 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 100-5231-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 12,700.00 SUPP/TECH Radio maintenance 10,200.00 SUPP/TECH Sigtronic repairs 500.00 SUPP/TECH Radio batteries 2,000.00 100-5231-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 50,905.00 OPS/EMS Physio Control Maint 1 2,400.00 2,400.00 SUPP/TECH ICS Maint Fee 1 37,225.00 37,225.00 SUPP/TECH Onsite Support 1 6,930.00 6,930.00 SUPP/TECH Mis computer repair 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 OPS/TS Fitness Software suppor 1 500.00 500.00 SUPP/TECH Crystal reports upgr 1 500.00 500.00 SUPP/TECH Adobe Acrobat Pro 1 350.00 350.00 . SUPP/TECH External HD mapping 1 400.00 400.00 SUPP/TECH INFORAD Support 1 600.00 600.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 37 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME = ANNUAL BUDGET ) Permanent ICS on-site support is maintenance agreement for $20,800 divided by Police, Communication, and Fire 100-5231-54910 BUILDINGS 0.00 100-5231-54990 OTHER 5,600.00 SUPP/FLT Hovercraft maint 1 1,500.00 1,500.00 SUPP/FLT Boat maintenance 1 1,800.00 1,800.00 SUPP/FLT Boat motor repairs 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 SUPP/FLT Trailer tires 1 550.00 550.00 SUPP/FLT A/C and electric repa 1 500.00 500.00 SUPP/FLT Body and interior rep 1 250.00 250.00 Permanent We have a total of four (4) boats (two hovercrafts and two pontoon boats). We have a total of eight (8) trailers. 100-5231-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 52,600.00 ADM/PERS Hiring Process 1 1,800.00 1,800.00 ADM/PERS Background Checks 1 1,200.00 1,200.00 CRR/FPI Contract Investigation 1 3,600.00 3,600.00 OPS/TS HW Physicals, Titer, Sc 1 30,000.00 30,000.00 SUPP/LOGI Public Assist Accts 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 SUPP/TECH GIS Services 1 15,000.00 15,000.00 100-5231-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 1,200.00 SUPP/FAC Uniform contract 1,200.00 100-5231-56060 AMBULANCE CONTRACT 116,500.00 EMS-ETMC Subsidy Payments 116,500.00 100-5231-56080 ADVERTISING 200.00 1 :1/ ED-Public Safety Expo 200.00i 100-5231-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 9,600.00 SUPP/TECH GETS Priority 600.00 SUPP/TECH Pagers 5,500.00 SUPP/TECH cellphone pagers, et 500.00 SUPP/TECH cellphones bills tru 1 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 100-5231-56150 LAB ANALYSIS 500.00 FPI-EVIDENCE CANS/FILM ETC 500.00 Permanent Camera film packs, prints, enlarements, evidence cans, shopping to state lab. 100-5231-56180 RENTAL 40,820.00 OPS/EMS Def lease/poff 2003 1 22,500.00 22,500.00 OPS/EMS 2006 Defi pay off 1 10,000.00 10,000.00 SUPP/LOGI Copier Stl 1 1,200.00 1,200.00 SUPP/LOGI Copier St2 1 1,560.00 1,560.00 SUPP/LOGI Copier St3 1 1,200.00 1,200.00 SUPP/LOGI Copier Fire Admin 1 3,360.00 3,360.00 SUPP/LOGI Excess copies & late 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 100-5231-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 32,735.00 ADM/EM Citizen Corp Conf 1 500.00 500.00 ADM/EM Tx Homeland Sec Conf 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 ADM/PERS Cheryl's mileage 1 800.00 800.00 ADM/PERS Admin training 1 400.00 400.00 ADM/PERS Accreditation Tvl 1 7,500.00 7,500.00 y CRR/ED Bullhead registration 1 1,050.00 1,050.00 CRR/ED Bullhead perdiem 1 480.00 480.00 CRR/ED Bullhead travel 1 1,400.00 1,400.00 CRR/ED Bullhead room 1 305.00 305.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 38 ::) ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME _____= ANNUAL BUDGET OPS/EMS EMS Chiefs Academy 1 660.00 660.00 OPS/SO SOWR SW Tech perdiem 1 2,100.00 2,100.00 OPS/SO SOWR SW Tech Tuition 1 900.00 900.00 OPS/SO SOWR SW room 1 1,690.00 1,690.00 OPS/SO SOHM Tech tuition 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 OPS/SO SOHM Tech Monthly 1 300.00 300.00 OPS/SO Hotzone 1 2,600.00 2,600.00 OPS/TS Hw Nuitrition & fitness 1 450.00 450.00 OPS/TS HW Ace Ce's 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 OPS/TS Chief's drills 1 1,200.00 1,200.00 OPS/TS National Fire Academy 1 1,600.00 1,600.00 OPS/TS Local Trng opportunity 1 4,500.00 4,500.00 OPS/TS Tx Fire Chief Academy 1 300.00 300.00 100-5231-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 21,760.00 SUPP/FAC Sam's Club Membership 1 50.00 50.00 CRR/ED LAFS Membership 1 120.00 120.00 OPS/EMS NCTTRAC Dues 1 150.00 150.00 OPS/EMS Ninth Brain 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 ADM/EM EMAT/IAEMS 1 250.00 250.00 ADM/PERS FLSA 1 600.00 600.00 ADM/PERS Int'l Fire Chief 1 400.00 400.00 ADM/PERS TX Fire Chief 1 200.00 200.00 ADM/PERS Email Plus-Annual Fee 1 80.00 80.00 ADM/PERS National S. of Exec 1 50.00 50.00 CRR/ED CPR Instructor Dues 1 600.00 600.00 CRR/ED BSA Dues 1 220.00 220.00 CRR/FPI NFPA Renewal 1 950.00 950.00 OPS/EMS EMS State License 1 1,100.00 1,100.00 OPS/EMS ESO Annual Software 1 8,000.00 8,000.00 OPS/EMS CLIA Sub 1 150.00 150.00 OPS/EMS EMS Re Cert Fees 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 OPS/FIRE Tx Commission Fees 1 1,500.00 1,500.00 OPS/TS HW Recert Fees 1 400.00 400.00 OPS/TS HW Excercise Maint Agre 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 OPS/TS Flue Shots 1 500.00 500.00 OPS/TS Pre-employment physical 1 500.00 500.00 OPS/TS Critical Incident Stres 1 750.00 750.00 OPS/TS TAFE 1 30.00 30.00 OPS/TS Training Fac Renewal 1 20.00 20.00 OPS/TS Fiant Renewal 1 140.00 140.00 100-5231-56990 OTHER 0.00 Permanent Moved from WFR to Communications 100-5231-57110 DEBT SERVICE 0.00 100-5231-57210 DEBT SERVICE-INTEREST 0.00 100-5231-57510 LEASE PAYMENT 0.00 100-5231-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0.00 100-5231-58110 LAND 0.00 100-5231-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0.00 100-5231-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 21,760.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 39 ) ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET 100-5231-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 0.00 100-5231-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-5231-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 100-5231-58910 BUILDINGS 0.00 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 0.00 DEPT TOTAL: 5,108,383.00 Animal Control Department Detail CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE Ar 100-GENERAL FUND ANIMAL CONTROL DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL SERVICES 5251-51110 SALARIES 145,990 137,810 -8,180 -5.6 5251-51112 SALARIES-PARTTIME 0 0 0 0 5251-51130 OVERTIME 15,000 15,000 0 0 5251-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 410 700 290 70.73 5251-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 570 630 60 10.53 5251-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5251-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5251-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 5251-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 5251-51310 TMRS 15,450 16,874 1,424 9.22 5251-51410 HOSPITAL&LIFE INSURANCE 39,840 37,870 -1,970 -4.94 5251-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 800 810 10 -1.25 5251-51440 FICA 10,040 9,554 -486 -4.84 5251-51450 MEDICARE 2,330 2,235 -95 -4.08 5251-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 1,950 1,950 0 0 5251-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP(TWC) 1,080 1,080 0 0 5251-51510 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 233,460 224,513 -8,947 -3.83 i "' SUPPLIES 5251-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,250 4,100 1,850 82.22 5251-52040 POSTAGE&FREIGHT 200 0 -200 -100 5251-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5251-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 2,970 2,970 0 0 5251-52210 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 1,800 1,900 100 5.56 5251-52250 MEDICAL&SURGICAL 1,800 1,000 -800 -44.44 5251-52310 FUEL&LUBRICANTS 5,200 3,000 -2,200 -42.31 5251-52380 CHEMICALS 0 0 0 0 5251-52710 WEARING APPAREL&UNIFORMS 1,200 1,000 -200 -16.67 5251-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 200 200 0 0 5251-52990 OTHER 7,800 8,100 300 3.85 TOTAL SUPPLIES 23,420 22,270 -1,150 -4.91 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANCE 5251-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5251-54630 TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 1,000 1,000 0 0 5251-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 250 250 0 0 5251-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 250 250 0 0 5251-54990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANCE 1,500 1,500 0 0 CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE k ) CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5251-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 900 900 0 0 5251-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0 0 0 0 5251-56080 ADVERTISING 0 0 0 0 5251-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 3,330 3,330 0 0 5251-56150 LAB ANALYSIS 1,500 1,500 0 0 5251-56180 RENTAL 0 0 0 0 5251-56210 TRAVEL&TRAINING 3,150 3,150 0 0 5251-56250 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 240 320 80 33.33 5251-56680 SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL 500 500 0 0 5251-56990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 9,620 9,700 80 0.83 DEBT SERVICE&CAP.REPL 5251-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0 0 0 0 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE&CAP.REPL 0 0 0 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5251-58110 LAND 0 0 0 0 5251-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0 0 0 0 r* 5251-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 10 0 0 0 5251-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5251-58830 FURNITURE&FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 5251-58850 MAJOR TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5251-58910 BUILDINGS 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 TOTAL ANIMAL CONTROL 268,000 257,983 -10,017 -3.74 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 40 2:) ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET DEPT NO: 251 ANIMAL CONTROL 100-5251-51110 SALARIES 137,810.00 137,810.00 100-5251-51112 SALARIES-PARTTIME 0.00 100-5251-51130 OVERTIME 15,000.00 INCREASE AFTER-HOURS CALL OUTS 15,000.00 100-5251-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 700.00 100-5251-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 630.00 100-5251-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0.00 100-5251-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 100-5251-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 0.00 100-5251-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0.00 100-5251-51310 TMRS 16,874.00 16,874.00 100-5251-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 37,870.00 100-5251-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 810.00 100-5251-51440 FICA 9,554.00 9,554.00 100-5251-51450 MEDICARE 2,235.00 2,235.00 100-5257-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 1,950.00 100-5251-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 1,080.00 100-5251-51510 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL 0.00 100-5251-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4,100.00 PRINTER INK CARTRIDGES 2,000.00 COPY PAPER, ENVELOPES 1,850.00 PAPER CLIPS, STAPLES, TAPE 50.00 FILE FOLDERS, BINDERS 100.00 PENS, MARKERS, HIGHLIGHTERS 100.00 100-5251-52040 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 0.00 MAILING WARNING LETTERS 0.00 100-5251-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0.00 100-5251-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 2,970.00 CAT AND WILD ANIMAL TRAPS 600.00 LEASHES AND COLLARS 600.00 FEEDING BOWLS 100.00 GLOVES 200.00 PET CARRIERS 350.00 FLASHLIGHT BATTERY & BULBS 200.00 WATER HOSES 200.00 MATS 100.00 FLASHLIGHTS 270.00 DIGITAL CAMERA 1 300.00 300.00 TRANQUILIZER DARTS 50.00 1 0.00 100-5251-52210 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 1,900.00 DISINFECTANTS 1,400.00 CLEANING SUPPLIES 500.00 100-5251-52250 MEDICAL & SURGICAL 1,000.00 MEDICAL CARE FOR ORPHAN ANIMAL 1,000.00 PAGE TOTAL: 234,483.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 41 IliACCOUNT NO# ____= ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET -,1017 100-5251-52310 FUEL & LUBRICANTS 3,000.00 BASE LINE 3,000.00 100-5251-52380 CHEMICALS 0.00 BASE LINE 0.00 100-5251-52710 WEARING APPAREL & UNIFORMS 1,000.00 UNIFORMS - ACO'S & SUPERVISOR 1,000.00 100-5251-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 200.00 STAFF FOOD & COFFEE SUPPLIES 200.00 100-5251-52990 OTHER 8,100.00 ANIMAL FOOD 300.00 VOUCHERS 7,500.00 CAT LITTER 300.00 100-5251-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 100-5251-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 1,000.00 MAINTENANCE OF TOOLS 1,000.00 100-5251-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 250.00 RADIO MAINTENANCE 250.00 100-5251-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 250.00 COMPUTER MAINTENANCE 250.00 100-5251-54990 OTHER 0.00 100-5251-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 900.00 HEP B / RABIES FOR ATTENDANTS 300.00 PERSONNEL SERVICES 600.00 100-5251-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0.00 4 100-5251-56080 ADVERTISING 0.00 BASELINE 0.00 100-5251-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 3,330.00 CELL PHONES 4 720.00 2,880.00 PAGERS 450.00 100-5251-56150 LAB ANALYSIS 1,500.00 RABIES SHIP & TEST 1,000.00 DISEASE TEST 500.00 100-5251-56180 RENTAL 0.00 100-5251-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 3,150.00 NATIONAL ACO CONFERENCE-QUALLS 650.00 EUTHANSIA TRAINING 600.00 ADMINISTRATIVE ACO TRAINING 2 550.00 1,100.00 0.00 ACO BASIC TRAINING 800.00 100-5251-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 320.00 TEXAS ACO ASSOCIATION 4 80.00 320.00 100-5251-56680 SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL 500.00 DISPOSAL OF DEAD ANIMALS 500.00 100-5251-56990 OTHER 0.00 100-5251-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0.00 100-5251-58110 LAND 0.00 100-5251-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0.00 100-5251-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 100-5251-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 100-5251-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 23,500.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 42 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET 100-5251-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 100-5251-58910 BUILDINGS 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 0.00 DEPT TOTAL: 257,983.00 Planning Department Detail CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT i BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 100-GENERAL FUND PLANNING DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL SERVICES 5311-51110 SALARIES 245,570 248,270 2,700 1.1 5311-51130 OVERTIME 2,200 0 -2,200 -100 5311-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 720 1,010 290 40.28 5311-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 1,950 2,080 130 6.67 5311-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5311-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5311-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 3,600 3,600 0 0 5311-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 870 870 0 0 5311-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 5311-51310 TMRS 25,390 28,020 2,630 10.36 5311-51410 HOSPITAL&LIFE INSURANCE 40,740 38,530 -2,210 -5.42 5311-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 1,380 1,390 10 0.72 5311-51440 FICA 15,810 15,860 50 0.32 5311-51450 MEDICARE 3,700 3,710 10 0.27 5311-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 980 990 10 1.02 5311-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP(TWC) 1,080 1,080 0 0 TOTAL ( &_ PERSONNEL SERVICES 343,990 345,410 1,420 0.41 SUPPLIES 5311-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,565 2,290 -1,275 -35.76 5311-52040 POSTAGE&FREIGHT 0 0 0 0 5311-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 500 0 -500 -100 5311-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 2,810 2,460 -350 -12.46 5311-52710 WEARING APPAREL&UNIFORMS 0 0 0 0 5311-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 740 475 -265 -35.81 53 1 1-52990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL SUPPLIES 7,615 5,225 -2,390 -31.39 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 5311-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5311-54630 TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5311-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 0 0 0 0 5311-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 9,820 11,220 1,400 14.26 5311-54990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 9,820 11,220 1,400 14.26 CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 53 1 1-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 18,150 3,800 -14,350 -79.06 5311-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0 0 0 0 5311-56080 ADVERTISING 10,000 8,000 -2,000 -20 5311-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 120 120 0 0 5311-56180 RENTAL 5,620 5,620 0 0 5311-56210 TRAVEL&TRAINING 2,000 700 -1,300 -65 5311-56250 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,150 1,250 100 8.7 5311-56530 COURT,LEGAL,FILING FEES 0 0 0 0 5311-56810 MOWING SERVICES 0 0 0 0 53 1 1-56990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 37,040 19,490 -17,550 -47.38 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5311-58110 LAND 0 0 0 0 5311-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0 3,000 3,000 0 5311-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5311-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5311-58830 FURNITURE&FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 5311-58850 MAJOR TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 .. 5311-58910 BUILDINGS 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 3,000 3,000 0 TOTAL PLANNING 398,465 384,345 -14,120 -3.54 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 43 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME _____= ANNUAL BUDGET ) DEPT NO: 311 PLANNING 100-5311-51110 SALARIES 248,270.00 100-5311-51130 OVERTIME 0.00 0.00 Current Year Administrative Assistant taking Comp Time 100-5311-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 1,010.00 100-5311-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 2,080.00 100-5311-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0.00 100-5311-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 100-5311-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 3,600.00 Director's Car Allowance 1 3,600.00 3,600.00 100-5311-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 870.00 Director's Telephone Allowance 1 870.00 870.00 100-5311-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0.00 100-5311-51310 TMRS 28,020.00 100-5311-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 38,530.00 100-5311-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 1,390.00 100-5311-51440 FICA 15,860.00 100-5311-51450 MEDICARE 3,710.00 100-5311-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 990.00 100-5311-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 1,080.00 100-5311-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,290.00 Copy Paper 400.00 General Office - Pens, staples 600.00 Batteries 4 25.00 100.00 Ink Cartridges 5 150.00 750.00 Business Cards 5 35.00 175.00 Stationery 1 90.00 90.00 Envelopes 100.00 Mailing Labels 1 75.00 75.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Current Year Copy Paper reduced from 700 to 400 General Office reduced from 1300 to 600 Batteries reduced from 100 to 75 Business Cards reduced from 375 to 175 Envelopes reduced from 175 to 100 100-5311-52040 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 0.00 100-5311-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Current Year The Computer Maintanence and Computer Software Update, if needed, will come out of IT budget. 100-5311-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 2,460.00 0.00 0.00 Minute Book 1 140.00 140.00 0.00 Coated Plotter HP5000 1 360.00 360.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 44 ) ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET Value Pak Cartridges HP5000 1 1,710.00 1,710.00 Copier/Scanner Paper 1 250.00 250.00 Current Year Scanner Paper reduced from 510 to 250 100-5311-52710 WEARING APPAREL & UNIFORMS 0.00 0.00 0.00 Current Year Wearing Apparel reduced from 200 to 0 100-5311-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 475.00 Equipment Rental and Water 10 40.00 400.00 Refreshments for P&Z and ZBA 1 75.00 75.00 Current Year Water Rental/Kitchen Supplies reduction from 540 to 400 PZ/ZBA reduced from 200 to 75 100-5311-52990 OTHER 0.00 100-5311-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 100-5311-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 100-5311-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 0.00 100-5311-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 11,220.00 Full Users for Laserfiche 2 136.50 273.00 Snapshot for Full Users 2 21.00 42.00 iCommunities 1 6,600.00 8,600.00 Maintenance for HP 5000 1 1,710.00 1,710.00 Maintenance for Xerox 6204 1 420.00 420.00 Email -Laserfiche 70.00 Retrieval - Laserfiche 2 52.50 105.00 r ( Current Year iCommunities yearly maintenance. Not ordering Acid-Free Paper as currently have whole ream. Will probably need to project for next year $90.00. 100-5311-54990 OTHER 0.00 100-5311-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 3,800.00 Flu Shots 1 150.00 150.00 Comprehensive Plan 1 1,500.00 1,500.00 Nameplate for Commissioners 3 50.00 150.00 Neighborhood Planning 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 Current Year Commissioner Nameplate reduced from 300 to 150 Neighborhood Planning reduced from 5000 to 2000 DTH reduced from $1200 to 0. Aerial Photography will be budgetted in 2011. 100-5311-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0.00 100-5311-56080 ADVERTISING 8,000.00 Newspaper advertising 1 8,000.00 8,000.00 0.00 Current Year Advertising reduced from 10000 to 8000 100-5311-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 120.00 0.00 Pagers - EOC Tech 1 120.00 120.00 0.00 0.00 100-5311-56180 RENTAL 5,620.00 Leasing Bizhub C352 12 385.00 4,620.00 0.00 Possible rate increase 1,000.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 45 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET ) 0.00 100-5311-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 700.00 Misc Training Seminars 1 700.00 700.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Current Year Travel/Training reduced from 2000 to 700 100-5311-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,250.00 Annual APA 1,150.00 Subchapters 100.00 100.00 0.00 300.00 0.00 350.00 0.00 850.00 0.00 0.00 100-5311-56530 COURT, LEGAL, FILING FEES 0.00 0.00 100-5311-56810 MOWING SERVICES 0.00 100-5311-56990 OTHER 0.00 100-5311-58110 LAND 0.00 100-5311-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 3,000.00 National Sign Plaza Rebate 4 750.00 3,000.00 Current Year The quarterly check received from National Sign Plaza, will 4 be the source of funds for this account and will be used for beautification of public right-of-ways. 100-5311-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 100-5311-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-5311-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 0.00 100-5311-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 100-5311-58910 BUILDINGS 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 4,950.00 DEPT TOTAL: 384,345.00 (,) Building Department Detail (3 CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT ' ) BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 100-GENERAL FUND BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL SERVICES 5312-51110 SALARIES 450,840 452,421 1,581 0.35 5312-51130 OVERTIME 2,500 2,000 -500 -20 5312-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 2,260 1,967 -293 -12.96 5312-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 570 624 54 9.47 5312-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 33,800 24,900 -8,900 -26.33 5312-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5312-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 3,600 3,600 0 0 5312-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 0 1,200 1,200 0 5312-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 3,530 3,026 -504 -14.28 5312-51310 TMRS 49,510 54,079 4,569 9.23 5312-51410 HOSPITAL&LIFE INSURANCE 79,630 78,210 -1,420 -1.78 5312-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 2,540 2,310 -230 -9.06 5312-51440 FICA 30,820 30,620 -200 -0.65 5312-51450 MEDICARE 7,210 7,161 -49 -0.68 5312-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 2,200 1,990 -210 -9.55 5312-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP(TWC) 2,430 2,160 -270 -11.11 TOTAL ( ' PERSONNEL SERVICES 671,440 666,268 -5,172 -0.77 SUPPLIES 5312-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 7,500 6,500 -1,000 -13.33 5312-52040 POSTAGE&FREIGHT 0 0 0 0 5312-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 410 0 -410 -100 5312-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 1,100 600 -500 -45.45 5312-52310 FUEL&LUBRICANTS 12,350 8,300 -4,050 -32.79 5312-52710 WEARING APPAREL&UNIFORMS 2,950 0 -2,950 -100 5312-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 1,200 1,200 0 0 5312-52990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL SUPPLIES 25,510 16,600 -8,910 -34.93 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 5312-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5312-54630 TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 250 250 0 0 5312-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 200 200 0 0 5312-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 2,950 3,400 450 15.25 5312-54910 BUILDING 0 0 0 0 5312-54990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 3,400 3,850 450 13.24 CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT . BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5312-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 5312-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0 0 0 0 5312-56080 ADVERTISING 0 0 0 0 5312-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 3,000 3,000 0 0 5312-56180 RENTAL 5,800 5,800 0 0 53 1 2-562 1 0 TRAVEL&TRAINING 8,200 5,600 -2,600 -31.71 5312-56250 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,000 1,000 0 0 5312-56990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 18,000 15,400 -2,600 -14.44 DEBT SERVICE&CAP.REPL 5312-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0 0 0 0 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE&CAP. REPL 0 0 0 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5312-58110 LAND 0 0 0 0 ._. 5312-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0 0 0 0 5312-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5312-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5312-58830 FURNITURE&FIXTURES 450 450 0 0 5312-58850 MAJOR TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5312-58910 BUILDINGS 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 450 450 0 0 TOTAL BUILDING INSPECTION 718,800 702,568 -16,232 -2.26 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 46 -) ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET DEPT NO: 312 BUILDING INSPECTIONS 100-5312-51110 SALARIES 452,421.00 452,421.00 Permanent ESTIMATED DEPARTMENTAL COST REDUCTION FROM DELETION OF THREE (3) PERMANENT POSITIONS: 1- BUILDING INSPECTOR; 1- SENIOR INSPECTOR AND 1- PLANS EXAMINER BY ALLOWING FOR THE CREATION OF TWO (2) INTERMEDIATE SUPERVISOR POSITIONS: CHIEF INSPECTOR / PLANS EXAMINER AND ASSISTANT BUILDING OFFICIAL / PLANS EXAMINER 100-5312-51130 OVERTIME 2,000.00 After hours inspections 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 Current Year ESTIMATE CALL OUT REDUCTION DUE TO FEE INCREASE FOR SERVICE AND POLICY ADJUSTMENTS 100-5312-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 1,967.00 1,967.00 100-5312-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 624.00 624.00 100-5312-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 24,900.00 Todd White 5,700.00 Keith Moore 4,200.00 David Collins 4,200.00 Dwight Lancaster 5,100.00 Paul Mort 4,200.00 Mike McAnnally 1,500.00 Permanent OVERALL POSITION REDUCTION Next Year REVISION TO BUILDING AND CODE ENFORCEMENT CERTIFICATION PAY 100-5312-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 100-5312-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 3,600.00 3,600.00 100-5312-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 1,200.00 1,200.00 100-5312-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 3,026.00 3,026.00 Permanent OVERALL POSITION REDUCTION ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED 100-5312-51310 TMRS 54,079.00 54,079.00 Permanent OVERALL POSITION REDUCTION ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED 100-5312-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 78,210.00 78,210.00 Permanent OVERALL POSITION REDUCTION ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED 100-5312-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 2,310.00 2,310.00 Permanent OVERALL POSITION REDUCTION ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED 100-5312-51440 FICA 30,620.00 30,620.00 Permanent OVERALL POSITION REDUCTION ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED 100-5312-51450 MEDICARE 7,161.00 7,161.00 1 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 47 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ====== ANNUAL BUDGET Permanent OVERALL POSITION REDUCTION ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED 100-5312-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 1,990.00 1,990.00 Permanent OVERALL POSITION REDUCTION ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED 100-5312-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 2,160.00 2,160.00 100-5312-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 6,500.00 Office supplies 1 6,500.00 6,500.00 Permanent rEDUCTION TO MIRROR FY 2006-2007 BASED ON COMPARATIVE WORKLOAD 100-5312-52040 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 0.00 100-5312-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0.00 0.00 Permanent Use account code 5312-54810 for Laserfiche licenses and Impact 100-5312-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 600.00 Tape measures, levels, etc. 1 600.00 600.00 Permanent REDUCTION OF 2 CAMERAS - SMART PHONES FOR IMPACT UPGRADE SHOULD HAVE BUILT IN CAMERAS AS A BASIC FEATURE. 100-5312-52310 FUEL & LUBRICANTS 8,300.00 Fuel and oil changes 1 8,000.00 8,000.00 Car Washes 12 25.00 300.00 100-5312-52710 WEARING APPAREL & UNIFORMS 0.00 0.00 1 Permanent Not to be used for anything that can be worn other than ( on the job - i.e. police and fire. Use account code 5312-51230 Clothing Allowance 100-5312-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 1,200.00 WATER 1,200.00 100-5312-52990 OTHER 0.00 100-5312-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 100-5312-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 250.00 Misc. repairs to prin. & palm 1 250.00 250.00 100-5312-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 200.00 Maint. for cell phone equip. 1 200.00 200.00 100-5312-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 3,400.00 Annual software maintenance 1 3,100.00 3,100.00 Laserfiche license 3 100.00 300.00 Permanent IMPACT ANNUAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACT INCREASE BY S150.00 / YEAR AND REMOVED $250 ADJ??? 100-5312-54910 BUILDING 0.00 100-5312-54990 OTHER 0.00 100-5312-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 0.00 100-5312-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0.00 100-5312-56080 ADVERTISING 0.00 100-5312-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 3,000.00 Cell phone 1 3,000.00 3,000.00 Wireless comm 0.00 100-5312-56180 RENTAL 5,800.00 Copier Rental 5,800.00 100-5312-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 5,600.00 BPI for all staff 1,600.00 Building Official Cont Ed 100.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 48 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET a Keith Moore Plumb Cont Ed 100.00 David Collins Plumb Cont Ed 100.00 Todd White Plumbing Cont Ed 100.00 Paul Mort Plumb Cont Ed 100.00 0.00 0.00 David Collins ICC Exams 380.00 Dwight Lancaster ICC Exams 380.00 Keith Moore ICC Exams 380.00 Todd White ICC Exams 380.00 Frangee Higgins ICC Exams 380.00 Dwight Lancaster Plumb Cont Ed 100.00 Code Training Seminar 1 1,500.00 1,500.00 Permanent DELETION OF ANNUAL SEMINAR AND SR INSPECTOR TRAINING 100-5312-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,000.00 Prof. Assoc. dues 1,000.00 100-5312-56990 OTHER 0.00 100-5312-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0.00 100-5312-58110 LAND 0.00 100-5312-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0.00 100-5312-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 100-5312-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 100-5312-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 450.00 Desk Chair 2 225.00 450.00 f 100-5312-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 tt 100 5312 56910 BUILDINGS 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 1,450.00 DEPT TOTAL: 702,568.00 ( ) Code Department Detail () CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 ';) CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT 1 BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 100-GENERAL FUND CODE ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL SERVICES 53 13-51 1 10 SALARIES 84,630 83,830 -800 -0.95 5313-51130 OVERTIME 3,000 3,000 0 0 5313-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 190 445 255 134.21 5313-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 130 575 445 342.31 5313-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 4,000 4,000 0 0 5313-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5313-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 5313-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 1,010 1,010 0 0 5313-51310 TMRS 9,200 10,060 860 9.35 5313-51410 HOSPITAL&LIFE INSURANCE 26,080 21,710 -4,370 -16.76 5313-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 460 470 10 2.17 5313-51440 FICA 5,790 5,760 -30 -0.52 5313-51450 MEDICARE 1,340 1,340 0 0 5313-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 430 430 0 0 5313-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP(TWC) 540 540 0 0 TOTAL r PERSONNEL SERVICES 136,800 133,170 -3,630 -2.65 ` =J. SUPPLIES 5313-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,800 1,800 0 0 5313-52040 POSTAGE&FREIGHT 0 0 0 0 5313-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5313-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 250 250 0 0 5313-52310 FUEL&LUBRICANTS 5,200 3,500 -1,700 -32.69 5313-52710 WEARING APPAREL&UNIFORMS 720 720 0 0 5313-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 150 150 0 0 5313-52990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL SUPPLIES 8,120 6,420 -1,700 -20.94 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 5313-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5313-54630 TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 200 200 0 0 5313-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 0 0 0 0 5313-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5313-54990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 200 200 0 0 CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5313-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 26,000 41,000 15,000 57.69 5313-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0 0 0 0 5313-56080 ADVERTISING 0 0 0 0 5313-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 750 750 0 0 5313-56180 RENTAL 0 0 0 0 5313-56210 TRAVEL&TRAINING 1,500 1,500 0 0 5313-56250 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 560 560 0 0 5313-56530 COURT,LEGAL&FILING FEES 1,000 1,000 0 0 5313-56810 MOWING SERVICES 6,500 10,000 3,500 53.85 5313-56990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 36,310 54,810 18,500 50.95 DEBT SERVICE&CAP.REPL 5313-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0 0 0 0 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE&CAP.REPL 0 0 0 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY ,A 5313-58110 LAND 0 0 0 0 5313-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0 0 0 0 5313-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5313-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5313-58830 FURNITURE&FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 5313-58850 MAJOR TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5313-58910 BUILDINGS 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CODE ENFORCEMENT 181,430 194,600 13,170 7.26 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 49 ACCOUNT NO# =___= ACCOUNT NAME _____=-) ANNUAL BUDGET DEPT NO: 313 CODE ENFORCEMENT 100-5313-51110 SALARIES 83,830.00 100-5313-51130 OVERTIME 3,000.00 Code Enforcement overtime 1 3,000.00 3,000.00 100-5313-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 445.00 100-5313-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 575.00 100-5313-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 4,000.00 Pat Mitchell 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 J-P Brown 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 100-5313-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 100-5313-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 0.00 100-5313-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 1,010.00 100-5313-51310 TMRS 10,060.00 100-5313-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 21,710.00 100-5313-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 470.00 100-5313-51440 FICA 5,760.00 100-5313-51450 MEDICARE 1,340.00 100-5313-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 430.00 100-5313-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 540.00 100-5313-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,800.00 Paper and Office Supplies 1 1,800.00 1,800.00 100-5313-52040 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 0.00 100-5313-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0.00 100-5313-52130)1 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 250.00 Digital Camera 1 250.00 250.00 100-5313-52310 FUEL & LUBRICANTS 3,500.00 Gas and Oil 2 trucks 1 3,500.00 3,500.00 100-5313-52710 WEARING APPAREL & UNIFORMS 720.00 Badges, Boots, Uniform 1 720.00 720.00 100-5313-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 150.00 Water and coffee 1 150.00 150.00 100-5313-52990 OTHER 0.00 100-5313-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 100-5313-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 200.00 Equipment maint 1 200.00 200.00 100-5313-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 0.00 100-5313-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 100-5313-54990 OTHER 0.00 100-5313-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 41,000.00 LaserFiche License 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 Abatement Procedures 8 5,000.00 40,000.00 100-5313-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0.00 100-5313-56080 ADVERTISING 0.00 100-5313-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 750.00 Cell phone monthly service 1 750.00 750.00 100-5313-56180 RENTAL 0.00 100-5313-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 1,500.00 Seminars CEU training 1 500.00 500.00 Basic Course Training 1,000.00 PAGE TOTAL: 183,040.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 50 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET :;) 100-5313-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 560.00 CEAT, AAofCode Enforcement 1 560.00 560.00 100-5313-56530 COURT, LEGAL & FILING FEES 1,000.00 Liens and Title Searches 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 100-5313-56810 MOWING SERVICES 10,000.00 Contract Mowing & Nuisances 1 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 100-5313-56990 OTHER 0.00 100-5313-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0.00 100-5313-58110 LAND 0.00 100-5313-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0.00 100-5313-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 100-5313-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 100-5313-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 1 0.00 100-5313-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 100-5313-58910 BUILDINGS 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 11,560.00 DEPT TOTAL: 194,600.00 Streets Department Detail CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT ) BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 100-GENERAL FUND STREETS DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL SERVICES 54 1 1-5 1 1 10 SALARIES 418,560 391,508 -27,052 -6.46 5411-51112 SALARIES-PARTTIME 16,890 16,890 0 0 5411-51130 OVERTIME 11,550 13,150 1,600 13.85 541 1-5 1 140 LONGEVITY PAY 2,100 2,337 237 11.29 5411-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 2,280 2,241 -39 -1.71 5411-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 2,720 1,980 -740 -27.21 5411-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 54 1 1-5 1210 CAR ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 54 1 1-5 1220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 4,440 4,440 0 0 5411-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 6,480 6,480 0 0 5411-51310 TMRS 44,530 46,049 1,519 3.41 54 1 1-5 14 10 HOSPITAL&LIFE INSURANCE 85,310 74,529 -10,781 -12.64 5411-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 2,340 2,350 10 0.43 54 1 1-5 1440 FICA 28,830 27,120 -1,710 -5.93 5411-51450 MEDICARE 6,740 6,343 -397 -5.89 54 1 1-5 1470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 17,260 15,747 -1,513 -8.77 5411-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP(TWC) 3,230 2,937 -293 -9.07 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 653,260 614,101 -39,159 -5.99 SUPPLIES R' 54 1 1-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 600 500 100 16.67 54 1 1-52040 POSTAGE&FREIGHT 0 0 0 0 54 1 1-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5411-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 3,000 3,300 300 10 5411-52210 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 5411-52250 MEDICAL&SURGICAL 100 100 0 0 5411-52310 FUEL&LUBRICANTS 38,350 36,000 -2,350 -6.13 5411-52380 CHEMICALS 2,000 2,000 0 0 5411-52710 WEARING APPAREL&UNIFORMS 1,000 900 -100 -10 5411-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 200 100 -100 -50 5411-52990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL SUPPLIES 45,250 42,900 -2,350 -5.19 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANCE 54 1 1-54210 STREETS&ALLEYS 96,000 96,000 0 0 5411-54250 STREET SIGNS&MARKINGS 15,000 15,000 0 0 5411-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5411-54530 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 9,000 9,000 0 0 5411-54630 TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 1,000 1,000 0 0 5411-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 200 200 0 0 54 1 1-548 10 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5411-54990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANCE 121,200 121,200 0 0 CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5411-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 47,500 37,500 -10,000 -21.05 5411-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0 0 0 0 5411-56080 ADVERTISING 0 0 0 0 5411-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 2,400 2,400 0 0 5411-56180 RENTAL 7,000 4,000 -3,000 -42.86 5411-56210 TRAVEL&TRAINING 1,600 3,100 1,500 93.75 5411-56250 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,800 0 -1,800 -100 54 1 1-56570 ENGINEERING/ARCHITECTURAL 0 0 0 0 5411-56610 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 0 0 0 0 5411-56680 TRASH DISPOSAL 2,350 2,350 0 0 5411-56990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 62,650 49,350 -13,300 -21.23 DEBT SERVICE&CAP.REPL 5411-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0 0 0 0 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE&CAP.REPL 0 0 0 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5411-58110 LAND 0 0 0 0 i w: 5411-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0 0 0 0 5411-58210 STREETS&ALLEYS 850,000 250,000 -600,000 -70.59 5411-58220 STREET LIGHTS 10,000 10,000 0 0 5411-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 54 1 1-588 10 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5411-58830 FURNITURE&FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 5411-58850 MAJOR TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5411-58910 BUILDINGS 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 860,000 260,000 -600,000 -69.77 TOTAL STREETS 1,742,360 1,087,551 -654,809 -37.58 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 51 ]) ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET DEPT NO: 411 STREETS 100-5411-51110 SALARIES 391,508.00 391,508.00 100-5411-51112 SALARIES-PARTTIME 16,890.00 100-5411-51130 OVERTIME 13,150.00 TO MAINTAIN CURRENT LEVEL 11,550.00 Halloween event 1,600.00 Permanent FOR OT ASSOCIATED WITH CHRISTMAS PARADE, CALLOUTS FOR FLOODING AND HIGH WATER EVENTS, WISDDOWNTOWN PEP RALLY, HALLOWEEN, ETC., OVERLAY PROGRAM AND CONCRETE POURS DURING LUNCH (HAVE TO BE PRESENT WHEN MATERIAL ARRIVES. AND EMERGENCY CALLOUTS FROM DISPATCH FOR TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS. 100-5411-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 2,337.00 2,337.00 100-5411-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 2,241.00 2,241.00 100-5411-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 1,980.00 JOEL PIEPER - WATER 260.00 JOEL PIEPER - WASTEWATER 260.00 BUDDY MCGUIRE - VECTOR 400.00 MONTY MORGAN - WASTEWATER 260.00 MONTY MORGAN - VECTOR 400.00 KEVIN ENGLAND - VECTOR 400.00 ( Permanent Joel Pieper Water 12/2/2011 WasteWater License 6/26/2009 Kevin England Vector License 2/9/2011 Buddy McGurie Vector License 2/9/2011 Monty Morgan Vector & WasteWaste License 2/8/2010 100-5411-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 100-5411-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 0.00 100-5411-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 4,440.00 JACK JONES 1 1,470.00 1,470.00 KEVIN ENGLAND 1 990.00 990.00 JOEL PIEPER 1 990.00 990.00 LEONARD GARNER 1 990.00 990.00 Permanent Jack Jones,Kevin England,Leonard Garner,Joel Pieper 100-5411-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 6,480.00 Tony driggs 1 720.00 720.00 Joel Pieper 1 720.00 720.00 Kevin England 1 720.00 720.00 Buddy Mcquire 1 720.00 720.00 Monty Morgan 1 720.00 720.00 Chris Stevens 1 720.00 720.00 Cody Hamar 1 720.00 720.00 Leonard Garder 1 720.00 720.00 Maintance working 1 720.00 720.00 Permanent CLOTHING ALLOWANCE FOR JOEL PIEPER,TONY DRIGGS,KEVIN 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 52 ACCOUNT NO#A;) ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET ENGLAND,BUDDY MCQUIRE ,LEONARD GARNER,CODY HAMAR,CHRIS STEVES,MONTY MORGAN 100-5411-51310 TMRS 46,049.00 46,049.00 100-5411-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 74,529.00 74,529.00 100-5411-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 2,350.00 100-5411-51440 FICA 27,120.00 27,120.00 100-5411-51450 MEDICARE 6,343.00 6,343.00 100-5411-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 15,747.00 15,747.00 100-5411-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 2,937.00 2,937.00 100-5411-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 500.00 COPIER PAPER, TABLETS, ETC. 500.00 Permanent COPIER PAPER, TABLETS, ETC. Current Year $100 REDUCTION FROM PREVIOUS YEAR. 100-5411-52040 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 0.00 100-5411-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0.00 100-5411-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 3,300.00 HAND TOOLS & SMALL EQUIP 3,000.00 REPLACEMENT COST FOR PHONES 6 50.00 300.00 Permanent CURRENT FUNDING IS ADEQUATE. THIS ACCOUNT IS USED FOR PICKS, SHOVELS, RAKES, BROOMS, SKILL SAW BLADES, CHAIN SAWS, ETC. ALL TOOLS OF THIS TYPE ARE USED ON A DAILY BASIS TO MAINTAIN STREETS AND STREET SIGNS CITYWIDE.Expenditures for upgrading phones that become broken or damaged 100-5411-52210 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 0.00 100-5411-52250 MEDICAL & SURGICAL 100.00 FIRST AID KITS 100.00 Permanent FIRST AID KITS FOR CUTS, POISON IVY, ETC. KITS ARE INSTALLED IN STREET DIVISION VEHICLES. 100-5411-52310 FUEL & LUBRICANTS 36,000.00 GAS AND DIESEL 36,000.00 Permanent Fuel cost. Current Year 10% REDUCTION FROM LAST YEAR. 100-5411-52380 CHEMICALS 2,000.00 ROUNDUP, MOSQUITO PELLETS, ETC 2,000.00 Permanent ROUNDUP, MOSQUITO PELLETS, ETC. 100-5411-52710 WEARING APPAREL & UNIFORMS 900.00 PERSONAL SAFETY EQUIPMENT 900.00 Permanent PERSONAL SAFETY EQUIPMENT - HARD HATS, SAFETY VESTS, EAR PLUGS, GLOVES, SAFETY GLASSES, RESPIRATORS, ETC. Current Year 10% REDUCTION FROM PREVIOUS YEAR. 100-5411-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 100.00 REFRESHMENT FOR SAFETY FILM 100.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 53 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET Permanent REFRESHMENTS FOR SAFETY FILM Current Year 50% REDUCTION FROM LAST YEAR. 100-5411-52990 OTHER 0.00 100-5411-54210 STREETS & ALLEYS 96,000.00 DIRT, ROCK, BASE MATERIAL 25,000.00 ASPHALT MATERIAL 21,000.00 CONCRETE REPAIRS 50,000.00 Permanent DIRT, ROCK, BASE MATERIAL ASPHALT MATERIAL CONCRETE REPAIRS THIS LINE ITEM IS FOR ROUTINE POT HOLE PATCHING, ALLEY REPAIR, CURB & GUTTER REPAIR AND STABILIZING (BASE) MATERIAL REPAIRS. 100-5411-54250 STREET SIGNS & MARKINGS 15,000.00 STRIPING PAINT, SIGNS/POST 15,000.00 Permanent STREET STRIPING PAINT, BUTTONS, STREET SIGNS/POSTS, TRAFFIC SIGNS, ETC. 100-5411-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 INSPECTIONS, TIRES, REPAIRS 0.00 100-5411-54530 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 9,000.00 DUMP TRUCKS, BACKHOES, ETC. 9,000.00 Permanent THIS ACCOUNT IS USED FOR MECHANICAL REPAIRS TO DUMP TRUCKS, BACKHOES, TRAILERS AND ROLLER. 100-5411-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 1,000.00 CHAINSAWS, WEEDEATERS, ETC. 1,000.00 Permanent EXPENSES TYPICALLY BEGIN IN SPRING/SUMMER AS PART OF RESPONSE TO STORMS, HIGH GRASS AND WEEDS AND SUMMER YOUTH PROGRAM. 100-5411-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 200.00 TWO-WAY RADIO 4 50.00 200.00 Permanent ANNUAL INSPECTION OF 2-WAY RADIOS 100-5411-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 100-5411-54990 OTHER 0.00 100-5411-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 37,500.00 STREET SWEEPING 12,000.00 SHOTS & DRUG TESTS 2,000.00 CONTRACTOR REPAIR OF STORM 23,500.00 Permanent STREET SWEEPING HERBICIDE SPRAYING HOTS & DRUG TESTS CONTRACTOR REPAIR OF STORM INLET BOXES Current Year $10,000 REDUCTION FROM LAST YEAR. 100-5411-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0.00 100-5411-56080 ADVERTISING 0.00 100-5411-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 2,400.00 CELL PHONE CHARGES 4 600.00 2,400.00 Permanent CELL PHONE CHARGES 100-5411-56180 RENTAL 4,000.00 BARRICADES FOR PARADES 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 TRACTOR RENTAL 2 1,500.00 3,000.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 54 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET Permanent BARRICADES FOR PARADES TRACTOR RENTAL TRACTOR RENTAL FOR MOWING ROUGH RIGHT OF WAYS WITH BRUSH HOG. BARRICADE RENTAL FOR LARGE PARADES AND STREET CLOSURES. Current Year $3,000 REDUCTION DUE TO NO LONGER NEED TO RENT BLADE TO SMOOTH TROY ROAD. IT HAS BEEN PAVED. 100-5411-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 3,100.00 KEVIN ENGLAND - PEST CEU 250.00 BUDDY MCGUIRE - PEST CEU 250.00 MONTY MORGAN - MULT. LICENSES 550.00 JOEL PIEPER - W & WW LICENSES 250.00 KEVIN ENGLAND - LICENSE 1 600.00 600.00 BUDDY MCGUIRE-LICENSE 1 600.00 600.00 MONTY MORGAN-LICENSE 1 600.00 600.00 Permanent KEVIN ENGLAND - PEST CEU BUDDY MCGUIRE - PEST CEU MONTY MORGAN - PEST CLASS JOEL PIEPER - PEST CLASS 100-5411-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0.00 Permanent THIS ACCOUNT IS USED FOR ANNUAL RENEWAL FOR PESTICIDE APPLICATOR LICENSE. A LICENSE IS REQUIRED BY THE STATE FOR APPLICATION OF MOSQUITO LARVACIDE AND FOGGING OPERATIONS. 100-5411-56570 ENGINEERING/ARCHITECTURAL 0.00 100-5411-56610 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 0.00 100-5411-56680 TRASH DISPOSAL 2,350.00 DISPOSAL FEES 2,350.00 Permanent THIS LINE ITEM COVERS DISPOSAL OF BRUSH, TREE LIMBS, LARGE ROADSIDE DUMPING, ETC. 100-5411-56990 OTHER 0.00 100-5411-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0.00 100-5411-58110 LAND 0.00 100-5411-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0.00 100-5411-58210 STREETS & ALLEYS 250,000.00 Asphalt Overlay 150,000.00 Asphalt milling 25,000.00 Concrete Repairs 50,000.00 Mud jacking 25,000.00 Permanent Asphalt Overlay Projects Concrete Repairs Mud Jacking Milling Asphalt Current Year ASHPALT OVERLAY AND MILLING - DOGWOOD, BRIARWOOD, WOODHOLLOW. CONCRETE REPAIRS - RUSH CREEK SUBD., WESTWIND MEADOWS SUBD., W. A. ALLEN, AND BOSTIC SUBD. MUDJACKING - ELKMONT,HALL,E.OAK,LAKEWOOD,SPRING CREEK,SANDEN 100-5411-58220 STREET LIGHTS 10,000.00 Permanent TO RESPOND TO REQUESTS FOR STREET LIGHT INSTALLATION WHERE 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB—DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 55 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET :) NONE EXIST. 100-5411-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 100-5411-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 100-5411-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 100-5411-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 100-5411-58910 BUILDINGS 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 0.00 DEPT TOTAL: 1,087,551.00 4 n ' Parks Department Detail CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT ) BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 100-GENERAL FUND PARKS DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL SERVICES 5511-51110 SALARIES 516,110 521,630 5,520 1.07 5511-51130 OVERTIME 32,000 37,440 5,440 17 5511-5I 140 LONGEVITY PAY 3,180 4,560 1,380 43.4 5511-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 2,250 2,380 130 5.78 5511-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 3,250 2,930 -320 -9.85 5511-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5511-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 5511-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 5,880 2,940 -2,940 -50 5511-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 8,640 7,920 -720 -8.33 5511-51310 TMRS 55,030 61,380 6,350 11.54 5511-51410 HOSPITAL&LIFE INSURANCE 118,580 114,790 -3,790 -3.2 5511-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 2,820 2,920 100 3.55 5511-51440 FICA 35,420 35,890 470 1.33 5511-51450 MEDICARE 8,210 8,400 190 2.31 5511-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 9,730 9,950 220 2.26 5511-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP(TWC) 4,070 4,060 -10 -0.25 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 805,170 817,190 12,020 1.49 t SUPPLIES 5511-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,600 1,600 0 0 5511-52040 POSTAGE&FREIGHT 0 0 0 0 5511-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5511-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 21,200 5,450 -15,750 -74.29 5511-52210 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 11,750 8,000 -3,750 -31.91 5511-52250 MEDICAL&SURGICAL 500 500 0 0 5511-52310 FUEL&LUBRICANTS 52,000 36,000 -16,000 -30.77 5511-52380 CHEMICALS 11,000 11,000 0 0 5511-52510 BOTANICAL&AGRICULTURAL 30,520 30,500 -20 -0.07 5511-52550 IRRIGATION SYSTEM PARTS 6,500 6,500 0 0 5511-52610 RECREATIONAL SUPPLIES 22,000 22,000 0 0 5511-52620 BOOKS 0 0 0 0 5511-52710 WEARING APPAREL&UNIFORMS 3,325 3,500 175 5.26 5511-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 1,250 1,250 0 0 5511-52990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL SUPPLIES 161,645 126,300 -35,345 -21.87 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 5511-54210 STREETS&ALLEYS 21,200 11,000 -10,200 -48.11 5511-54250 STREET SIGNS&MARKINGS 2,300 2,000 -300 -13.04 5511-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 5511-54530 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 12,400 13,000 600 4.84 5511-54630 TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 900 900 0 0 5511-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 525 200 -325 -61.9 5511-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5511-54910 BUILDINGS 6,000 6,500 500 8.33 5511-54990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 43,325 33,600 -9,725 -22.45 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5511-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 153,340 165,830 12,490 8.15 5511-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0 0 0 0 5511-56080 ADVERTISING 0 0 0 0 5511-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 5,500 4,100 -1,400 -25.45 5511-56180 RENTAL 10,370 3,720 -6,650 -64.13 5511-56210 TRAVEL&TRAINING 5,060 2,915 -2,145 -42.39 5511-56250 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,200 750 -450 -37.5 5511-56610 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 120,000 120,000 0 0 5511-56630 UTILITIES-WATER 101,000 110,000 9,000 8.91 5511-56680 TRASH DISPOSAL 141,500 1,000 -140,500 -99.29 5511-56990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL ( CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 537,970 408,315 -129,655 -24.1 DEBT SERVICE&CAP.REPL 5511-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0 0 0 0 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE&CAP.REPL 0 0 0 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5511-58110 LAND 0 0 0 0 5511-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0 0 0 0 5511-58210 STREETS AND ALLEYS 0 0 0 0 5511-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5511-58530 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5511-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5511-58830 FURNITURE&FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 55 1 1-58840 OUTDOOR FURNITURE&EQUIPME 0 0 0 0 5511-58850 MAJOR TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5511-58910 BUILDINGS 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 TOTAL PARKS 1,548,110 1,385,405 -162,705 -10.51 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 57 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET ' :10) DEPT NO: 511 PARKS 100-5511-51110 SALARIES 521,630.00 100-5511-51130 OVERTIME 37,440.00 OVERTIME 1 36,500.00 36,500.00 Arts Festival 940.00 Current Year Requested amount is more than FY 08-09 due to the 5511 staff working the majority of overtime and not as much from 5614. The $4,500O increase is from 5614. Overtime is needed for weekend rounds at various park to perform janitorial duties, Christmas parade, Halloween event, callouts, etc. 100-5511-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 4,560.00 100-5511-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 2,380.00 100-5511-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 2,930.00 CHEMICAL APP. LICENSE 0.00 Ricardo Govea - exp. 12/27/09 1 390.00 390.00 Bill Nelson - exp. 4/22/10 1 390.00 390.00 Ron Thompson - exp. 2/28/10 1 390.00 390.00 Archie Whitt - exp. 1/17/10 1 390.00 390.00 IRRIGATION LICENSE 0.00 Archie Whitt - exp. 12/31/09 1 390.00 390.00 PLAYGROUND INSPECTOR 0.00 Bill Nelson - exp. 12/01/11 1 325.00 325.00 Archie Whitt - exp. 3/01/12 1 325.00 325.00 ( PROFESSIONAL TURF CERT. 0.00 3 Ron Thompson 1 330.00 330.00 Current Year Requested amount is less than FY 08-09 due to one Professional Turf Cert.(D.Sewell) being transferred from the 5511 to the 5614 budget. 100-5511-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 100-5511-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 0.00 100-5511-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 2,940.00 BILL NELSON - Parks Super. 1 1,470.00 1,470.00 ARCHIE WHITT - Field Super. 1 1,470.00 1,470.00 Current Year Requested budget amount is less than FY 08-09 due to Robert Diaz's allowance being moved to 5615 and Dennis Sewell's allowance being moved to 5614 because Rob's salary is requested to be paid from 5615 and Dennis is already paid from 5614. 100-5511-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 7,920.00 Preston Barkheimer 1 720.00 720.00 Aaron Clampitt 1 720.00 720.00 Ricardo Govea 1 720.00 720.00 Matt Green 1 720.00 720.00 Mark Jones 1 720.00 720.00 Kyle Littrell 1 720.00 720.00 Ernie Mendez 1 720.00 720.00 Brent Stowers 1 720.00 720.00 Ron Thompson 1 720.00 720.00 Brandon Webb 1 720.00 720.00 :) Archie Whitt 1 720.00 720.00 1-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 58 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET Current Year Requested amount is less than FY 08-09 due to one employee (D.Sewell) being trasferred from the 5511 to the 5614 budget. 100-5511-51310 TMRS 61,380.00 100-5511-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 114,790.00 100-5511-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 2,920.00 100-5511-51440 FICA 35,890.00 100-5511-51450 MEDICARE 8,400.00 100-5511-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 9,950.00 100-5511-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 4,060.00 100-5511-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,600.00 COPY PAPER 1 650.00 650.00 LEGAL PADS, PENS, PENCILS 1 100.00 100.00 COPIER TONER 1 300.00 300.00 INK CARTIDGES 1 400.00 400.00 CITY RESERV. CARDS 1 150.00 150.00 Current Year Requested amount is the same as FY 08-09. 100-5511-52040 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 0.00 100-5511-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0.00 100-5511-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 5,450.00 SHOVELS, RAKES,PRUNERS 1 1,200.00 1,200.00 GAS CANS 4 100.00 400.00 WRENCHES, SOCKET SETS,ETC. 1 1,200.00 1,200.00 LINE TRIMMERS 1 300.00 300.00 I BACKPACK BLOWERS 1 350.00 350.00 STICK EDGERS 1 350.00 350.00 CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS 1 1,200.00 1,200.00 P. BARKHEIMER-PHONE UPGRADE 1 50.00 50.00 A. CLAMPITT - PHONE UPGRADE 1 50.00 50.00 R. GOVEA - PHONE UPGRADE 1 50.00 50.00 M. GREEN - PHONE UPGRADE 1 50.00 50.00 M. JONES - PHONE UPGRADE 1 50.00 50.00 E. MENDEZ - PHONE UPGRADE 1 50.00 50.00 B. STOWERS - PHONE UPGRADE 1 50.00 50.00 R. THOMPSON - PHONE UPGRADE 1 50.00 50.00 TRASH/LITTER PHONE UPGRADE 1 50.00 50.00 0.00 Current Year Requested amount is less than FY 08-09 due to no Creekfest event and 50% less requested for Christmas decorations. 100-5511-52210 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 8,000.00 TOILET PAPER, PAPER TOWELS 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 BARREL LINERS 1 6,000.00 6,000.00 CLEANERS 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 Current Year Requested amount is less than FY 08-09 because staff was able to locate a litter barrel liner vendor with reduced prices. 100-5511-52250 MEDICAL & SURGICAL 500.00 FIRST AID SUPPLIES 1 500.00 500.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 59 ACCOUNT NO# =___= ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET Current Year Requested amount is the same as FY 08-09. 100-5511-52310 FUEL & LUBRICANTS 36,000.00 GAS, DIESEL,OIL,ETC. 1 36,000.00 36,000.00 Current Year Requested amount is less than FY 08-09 due to a 20% cost reduction based on anticipated steady per gallon fuel costs. 100-5511-52380 CHEMICALS 11,000.00 HERBICIDES, INSECTICIDES,ETC. 1 8,000.00 8,000.00 PRE - EMERG. HERBICIDE 1 3,000.00 3,000.00 Current Year Requested amount is the same as FY 08-09. 100-5511-52510 BOTANICAL & AGRICULTURAL 30,500.00 FERTILIZER,SEED 1 23,000.00 23,000.00 FLOWERS, MULCH 1 1,292.00 1,292.00 PLAYGRND. CHIPS-B.FARMS 14 10 32.00 320.00 PLAYGRND. CHIPS-EUREKA PARK 12 32.00 384.00 PLAYGRND. CHIPS-COMNTY. PARK 20 32.00 640.00 PLAYGRND. CHIPS-CRK.EST. PARK 5 32.00 160.00 PLAYGRND. CHIPS-FOUND. PARK 60 32.00 1,920.00 PLAYGRND. CHIPS-FRIEND.PARK 15 32.00 480.00 PLAYGRND. CHIPS- KIRBY PARK 12 32.00 384.00 PLAYGRND. CHIPS- 0. CITY PARK 20 32.00 640.00 PLAYGRND. CHIPS- RIVER. PARK 15 32.00 480.00 PLAYGRND. CHIPS- S. CRK. PARK 10 32.00 320.00 PLAYGRND. CHIPS- VALT. PARK 15 32.00 480.00 Current Year Requested amount is just slighty less than FY 08-09. 100-5511-52550 IRRIGATION SYSTEM PARTS 6,500.00 HEADS, PIPE, FITTINGS,ETC. 1 6,500.00 6,500.00 Current Year Requested amount is the same as FY 08-09. 100-5511-52610 RECREATIONAL SUPPLIES 22,000.00 TURFACE DRYING AGENT 1 4,000.00 4,000.00 BALL DIAMOND CLAY 1 2,250.00 2,250.00 BULBS, BALLASTS 1 1,500.00 1,500.00 VOLLEYBALL COURT SAND 1 500.00 500.00 PLAYGRND/ BLEACHER REPAIRS 1 1,500.00 1,500.00 FILL DIRT FOR ATHLETIC FIELDS 1 5,500.00 5,500.00 PROBRICK 1 1,500.00 1,500.00 INFIELD CONDITIONER 1 4,000.00 4,000.00 MISCELLANEOUS 1 1,250.00 1,250.00 Current Year Requested amount is the same as FY 08-09. 100-5511-52620 BOOKS 0.00 100-5511-52710 WEARING APPAREL & UNIFORMS 3,500.00 GLOVES- 14 EMPLOYEES 140 12.00 1,680.00 SAFETY GLASSES- 14 EMPLOYEES 56 15.00 840.00 EAR PLUGS- 14 EMPLOYEES 1 500.00 500.00 AERATOR MASKS- 14 EMPLOYEES 1 480.00 480.00 Current Year Requested amount is slightly higher than FY 08-09 due to increased usage of ear plugs and masks as a result of more emphasis on working safely. 100-5511-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 1,250.00 GATORADE/EMP SAFETY MTNGS 1 1,250.00 1,250.00 .j' 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 60 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET Current Year Requested amount is the same as FY 08-09. 100-5511-52990 OTHER 0.00 100-5511-54210 STREETS & ALLEYS 11,000.00 ASPLT.ROAD, TRAIL - COM. PARK 1 10,000.00 10,000.00 PRK. LOT STRIPING-COM., FRIEND 0.00 KIRBY, VALENTINE PARKS. 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 Current Year Requested amount is less than FY 08-09 due to no funds needed for Cleanup/Greenup gravel. 100-5511-54250 STREET SIGNS & MARKINGS 2,000.00 MISC. PARK SIGNAGE 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 Current Year Requested amount is the same as FY 08-09. 100-5511-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 100-5511-54530 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 13,000.00 REPAIRS, PARTS, ETC. 1 13,000.00 13,000.00 Permanent Repairs to large mowers, tractors, and dump truck as needed. Current Year Requested amount is the same as FY 08-09. 100-5511-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 900.00 REPAIRS TO SMALL EQUIPMENT 1 900.00 900.00 Permanent Repairs to weedeaters, chain saws, stick edgers, blowers, hedge trimmers and other power tools. Current Year Requested amount is the same as FY 08-09. 100-5511-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 200.00 RADIO MAINTENANCE 1 200.00 200.00 Permanent This line item is for routine maintenance of truck and hand-held radios and microphones. Current Year The amount requested is less than FY 08-09 but is adequate. 100-5511-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 100-5511-54910 BUILDINGS 6,500.00 PAINTING,ELEC. PLUMB. REPAIRS 1 6,500.00 6,500.00 Current Year Requested amount is more than FY 08-09 due to the new restroom at Olde City Park and aging concession stand at Community Park that needs to be maintained. These facilities can be expected to experience minor vandalism several times per year. 100-5511-54990 OTHER 0.00 100-5511-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 165,830.00 ATHLETIC FIELD LIGHT MAINT. 1 3,200.00 3,200.00 IRRIGATION REPAIRS - ALL PARKS 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 ELECTRICAL REPAIRS- ALL PARKS 1 2,500.00 2,500.00 FLU SHOTS - 13 EMPLOYEES 13 30.00 390.00 PRE- EMPLOY. PHY./DRUG TESTS 3 500.00 1,500.00 BACKFLOW DEVICE TESTING 57 20.00 1,140.00 CONTRACT MOWING 1 125,000.00 125,000.00 DWNTN. BANNER CHANGEOUTS 4 300.00 1,200.00 COMMUNITY PARK PORTOLETS- 3 1 3,000.00 3,000.00 FOUNDERS PARK PORTOLETS -9 1 9,000.00 9,000.00 MISC. PARK PORTOLETS 1 1,500.00 1,500.00 OFFICE TRAILER RENTAL 1 14,400.00 14,400.00 MUSCO ATH. LIGHT MAINT. 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 61 , :No) ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET Permanent Ballard/Martin .5, Ballard Med. 4.2, Bozemam Farms 16, City Hall 2.5, Cooper Lot 1.0, Creekhollow Est. .75, Glenn Knoll 3.0, Trinity Trail Parking 2.5, Woodbridge Easement .8, Wylie East .85. Total of 32.1 acres Current Year Requested amount is larger than FY 08-09 primarily due to an increase in the Contract Mowing. This extra 32.1 acres of contract mowing will greatly help an already overburdened mowing schedule especially when the remaining 35 acres of Founders Park comes on line in late FY 09-10. 100-5511-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0.00 100-5511-56080 ADVERTISING 0.00 100-5511-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 4,100.00 CELL PHONE CHARGES 8 500.00 4,000.00 PAGER 1 100.00 100.00 Current Year Requested amount is lower than FY 08-09 due to one less cell phone and lower per phone costs. 100-5511-56180 RENTAL 3,720.00 CHRISTMAS TREE LIFT 1 800.00 800.00 COPY MACHINE RENTAL 12 160.00 1,920.00 TRENCHER RENTAL - IRR WORK 1 800.00 800.00 SOD CUTTER - FIELD MAINTENANCE 1 200.00 200.00 Current Year Requested amount is less than FY 08-09 primarily due to the elimination of three full service Cleanup/Greenup events and the related backhoe and fencing expenses. ( , 100-5511-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 2,915.00 WORKSHOPS-SUP./MAINT. EMPLY 1 1,200.00 1,200.00 WORKSHOPS- PRKS. SUPERINTEN 1 375.00 375.00 CEUS-CHEM. APP. LIC-4 EMPLOYEE 4 110.00 440.00 CEUS-IRRI.LIC.-1 EMPLOYEE 1 250.00 250.00 COMMERCIAL DRIVERS LIC. 1 150.00 150.00 TURF LICENSE 1 500.00 500.00 Current Year Requested amount is less than FY 08-09 due to the training/CEU's costs of two 5511 employees(J.England, D.Sewell) being transferred to the 5614 budget. 100-5511-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 750.00 T.R.A.P.S 1 100.00 100.00 CHEM.APP. LIC, RENEW 4 EMPLOY. 4 100.00 400.00 IRRI. LIC. RENEW. 1 EMPLOYEES 1 250.00 250.00 Current Year Requested amount is less than FY 08-09 due to two Chemical Applicator employees(J.England, D.Sewell) and one Irri.Lic. employee(D.Sewell) costs being transferred to 5614. 100-5511-56610 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 120,000.00 PARKS/ TENNIS LIGHTING 1 120,000.00 120,000.00 Current Year Requested amoount is the same as FY 08-09. 100-5511-56630 UTILITIES-WATER 110,000.00 IRRIGATION FOR VAR. PARKS 1 110,000.00 110,000.00 Current Year Requested amount is the same as FY 08-09. 100-5511-56680 TRASH DISPOSAL 1,000.00 MISC. LANDFILL CHARGES 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 Ar 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 62 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME _____= ANNUAL BUDGET Current Year Requested amount is less than FY 08-09 due to all three Cleanup/Greenup events being eliminated. 100-5511-56990 OTHER 0.00 100-5511-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0.00 100-5511-58110 LAND 0.00 100-5511-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0.00 100-5511-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 100-5511-58530 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 0.00 100-5511-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 100-5511-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 100-5511-58840 OUTDOOR FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0.00 100-5511-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 100-5511-58910 BUILDINGS 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 0.00 DEPT TOTAL: 1,365,405.00 t` ''j Recreation Department Detail CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 100-GENERAL FUND RECREATION DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL SERVICES 5521-51110 SALARIES 0 0 0 0 5521-51112 SALARIES-PARTTIME 82,900 82,650 -250 -0.3 5521-51130 OVERTIME 5,000 5,000 0 0 5521-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 0 0 0 0 5521-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 0 0 0 0 5521-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5521-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5521-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 5521-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 1,470 1,470 0 0 5521-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 800 800 0 0 5521-51310 TMRS 0 250 250 0 5521-51410 HOSPITAL&LIFE INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 5521-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 390 390 0 0 5521-51440 FICA 5,590 5,570 -20 -0.36 5521-51450 MEDICARE 1,300 1,300 0 0 5521-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 1,300 1,300 0 0 5521-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP(TWC) 1,460 1,460 0 0 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 100,210 100,190 -20 -0.02 ( SUPPLIES 5521-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,200 400 -1,800 -81.82 5521-52040 POSTAGE&FREIGHT 0 0 0 0 5521-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 200 0 -200 -100 5521-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 3,000 700 -2,300 -76.67 5521-52310 FUEL&LUBRICANTS 7,800 6,000 -1,800 -23.08 5521-52610 RECREATIONAL SUPPLIES 14,000 14,000 0 0 5521-52710 WEARING APPAREL&UNIFORMS 1,200 1,200 0 0 5521-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 3,500 250 -3,250 -92.86 5521-52990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL SUPPLIES 31,900 22,550 -9,350 -29.31 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANCE 5521-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5521-54530 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 750 0 -750 -100 5521-54630 TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 250 0 -250 -100 5521-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 500 500 0 0 5521-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5521-54910 BUILDINGS 0 0 0 0 5521-54990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANCE 1,500 500 -1,000 -66.67 CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5521-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 144,300 87,900 -56,400 -39.09 5521-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0 0 0 0 5521-56080 ADVERTISING 6,500 2,000 -4,500 -69.23 5521-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 1,700 800 -900 -52.94 5521-56140 RECREATION CLASS EXPENSES 20,000 17,000 -3,000 -15 5521-56180 RENTAL 2,900 0 -2,900 -100 5521-56210 TRAVEL&TRAINING 3,500 1,500 -2,000 -57.14 5521-56250 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 2,200 0 -2,200 -100 5521-56990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 181,100 109,200 -71,900 -39.7 DEBT SERVICE&CAP.REPL 5521-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0 0 0 0 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE&CAP.REPL 0 0 0 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5521-58110 LAND 0 0 0 0 5521-58150 LAND-BE I I ERMENTS 0 0 0 0 .y 5521-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5521-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5521-58830 FURNITURE&FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 5521-58840 OUTDOOR FURNITURE&EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5521-58850 MAJOR TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5521-58910 BUILDINGS 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 TOTAL RECREATION 314,710 232,440 -82,270 -26.14 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 63 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET ) DEPT NO: 521 RECREATION 100-5521-51110 SALARIES 0.00 100-5521-51112 SALARIES-PARTTIME 82,650.00 100-5521-51130 OVERTIME 5,000.00 MAINTAIN CURRENT LEVEL 5,000.00 0.00 Permanent Overtime for WAVE staff. Sometime late returns from field trips (due to traffic), late pick ups by parents. Current Year Overtime for WAVE staff. Sometime late returns from field trips (due to traffic), late pick ups by parents. 100-5521-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 0.00 100-5521-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 0.00 100-5521-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0.00 100-5521-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 100-5521-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 0.00 100-5521-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 1,470.00 Current Year Funding for the Recreation Supv. phone has been moved to 5615. 100-5521-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 800.00 Current Year Funding for this line item has moved to 5615. 100-5521-51310 TMRS 250.00 100-5521-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 0.00 100-5521-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 390.00 F 100-5521-51440 FICA 5,570.00 l 100-5521-51450 MEDICARE 1,300.00 100-5521-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 1,300.00 100-5521-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 1,460.00 100-5521-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 400.00 WAVE OFFICE SUPPLIES 400.00 Permanent THESE OFFICE SUPPLIES ARE FOR WAVE PROGRAM ONLY. Current Year THESE OFFICE SUPPLIES ARE FOR WAVE PROGRAM ONLY. BINDERS, FOLDERS, PAPER, PENS, INK JET CARTRIDGES, ETC. FOR DOCUMENTATION OF ATTENDANCE ROSTERS, FLIERS, ETC. FUNDING IS SAME AS LAST YEAR. 100-5521-52040 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 0.00 100-5521-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0.00 100-5521-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 700.00 MISC EQUIPMENT - WAVE 500.00 PHONE UPGRADES 4 50.00 200.00 Permanent THESE TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT ARE FOR WAVE PROGRAM ONLY. I.E., BATTERIES, FLASHLIGHTS (IN CASE OF POWER OUTAGE IN GYM) BACKPACKS, FILING BINS, BINS FOR REC SUPPLIES. Current Year THESE TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT ARE FOR WAVE PROGRAM ONLY I.E., BATTERIES, FLASHLIGHTS (IN CASE OF POWER OUTAGE IN GYM) BACKPACKS, FILING BINS, BINS FOR REC SUPPLIES. EXISTING STAFF PHONES ARE 2 YEARS OLD AND ELIGIBLE FOR UPGRADE. WILL 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 64 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET UPGRADE ONLY IF PHONES ARE BROKEN. 100-5521-52310 FUEL & LUBRICANTS 6,000.00 FUEL 6,000.00 Permanent FUEL MOVED TO 5615 BUDGET. Current Year FUEL MOVED TO 5615 BUDGET. 100-5521-52610 RECREATIONAL SUPPLIES 14,000.00 SNACKS 6,300.00 JUICE 1,800.00 ARTS/CRAFTS SUPPLIES 4,700.00 GAMES/BALLS 1,200.00 Current Year WAVE SUPPLIES FOR PARTICIPANT ACTIVITIES, MARKERS, CRAYONS, CONSTRUCTION PAPER, BUTCHER PAPER, PAINT, BRUSHES, GAMES, BALLS, HULA-HOOPS, ETC. 100-5521-52710 WEARING APPAREL & UNIFORMS 1,200.00 STAFF SHIRTS - WAVE PROGRAM 1,200.00 Permanent CITY PURCHASES SHIRTS UP FRONT SO ALL WAVE STAFF ARE UNIFORMED ON FIRST DAY. WAVE STAFF REIMBURSES FOR COST FROM PAYROLL DEDUCTION. Current Year CITY PURCHASES SHIRTS UP FRONT SO ALL WAVE STAFF ARE UNIFORMED ON FIRST DAY. WAVE STAFF REIMBURSES FOR COST FROM PAYROLL DEDUCTION. 100-5521-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 250.00 STAFF LUNCHES/DINNERS 250.00 Permanent STAFF LUNCH/DINNER FOR WAVE PROGRAM STAFF MEETINGS AND ( :),/ ORIENTATION. Current Year STAFF LUNCH/DINNER FOR WAVE PROGRAM STAFF MEETINGS AND ORIENTATION. TYPICALLY HAVE ONE-WEEK OF TRAINING AND ORIENTATION PRIOR TO CAMP STARTING. STAFF SAFETY MEETING REFRESHMENTS. 100-5521-52990 OTHER 0.00 100-5521-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 100-5521-54530 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 0.00 100-5521-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 100-5521-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 500.00 PHONES AND RADIO MAINT. 500.00 Permanent REPLACEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF 12 CITY OWNED RADIOS FOR WAVE PROGRAM. ESSENTIAL FOR COMMUNICATION. CARRIED BY WAVE STAFF. Current Year REPLACEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF 12 CITY OWNED RADIOS FOR WAVE PROGRAM. ESSENTIAL FOR COMMUNICATION. CARRIED BY WAVE STAFF. 100-5521-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 100-5521-54910 BUILDINGS 0.00 100-5521-54990 OTHER 0.00 100-5521-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 87,900.00 BUS- WAVE 37,000.00 WAVE FIELD TRIP BALLPRK, DWA 12,500.00 WAVE SWIMMING 6,300.00 PHYSICALS WAVE STAFF 2,500.00 WAVE SPORT CAMPS 2,000.00 WAVE ENTERTAINMENT 2,500.00 WAVE PARTICIPANT TSHIRTS 3,200.00 ENERGY COSTS - WAVE 19,000.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 65 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET PORTOLETS 2,500.00 TB TESTS 400.00 Permanent INCREASED FUNDING FOR WAVE BUS AND ENERGY COSTS 5% FOR WISD COST INCREASES. ELIMINATED FUNDING FOR SUMMER CONCERTS, FIREWORKS, AND HALLOWEEN EVENTS. REDUCED FUNDING FOR PORTOLETS DUE TO DECREASE IN EVENTS. Current Year INCREASED FUNDING FOR WAVE BUS AND ENERGY COSTS 5% FOR WISD COST INCREASES. ELIMINATED FUNDING FOR SUMMER CONCERTS, FIREWORKS, AND HALLOWEEN EVENTS. REDUCED FUNDING FOR PORTOLETS DUE TO DECREASE IN EVENTS. 100-5521-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0.00 100-5521-56080 ADVERTISING 2,000.00 WAVE FLIERS & POSTERS 2,000.00 Permanent PROPOSED FUNDING IS FOR WAVE FLIERS AND ADVERTISEMENT ONLY. Current Year ELIMINATED CONCERT FLIERS/POSTERS. PROPOSED FUNDING IS FOR WAVE FLIERS AND ADVERTISEMENT ONLY. 100-5521-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 800.00 CELL PHONE CHARGES 4 200.00 800.00 Permanent FUNDING FOR WAVE SUPERVISOR PHONES. ONLY ACTIVE FOR THE DURATION OF THE SUMMER PROGRAM. ARE PUT TO "SLEEP" THE REST OF THE YEAR FOR MINIMAL CHARGE (ONE CENT PER MONTH). Current Year FUNDING FOR WAVE SUPERVISOR PHONES. ONLY ACTIVE FOR THE DURATION OF THE SUMMER PROGRAM. ARE PUT TO "SLEEP" THE REST OF THE YEAR FOR MINIMAL CHARGE (ONE CENT PER MONTH). 100-5521-56140 RECREATION CLASS EXPENSES 17,000.00 t -- REC CLASS EXPENSES 1 17,000.00 17,000.00 Permanent This item is used for class expenses to pay instructors and to purchase supplies for Skyhawks, Tennis, Track, Yoga. Current Year NEED TO REDUCE DUE TO NOT OFFERING TENNIS ANY LONGER. REDUCE TO $17,000.This item is used for class expenses to pay instructors and to purchase supplies for Skyhawks, Track, and Yoga. 100-5521-56180 RENTAL 0.00 Permanent ELIMINATED FUNDING FOR GENERATOR FOR CONCERTS. MOVED COPIER FUNDING TO 5615 RECREATION. Current Year ELIMINATED FUNDING FOR GENERATOR FOR CONCERTS. MOVED COPIER FUNDING TO 5615 RECREATION. 100-5521-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 1,500.00 WAVE STAFF TRAINING 1,500.00 Permanent WAVE TRAINING AND ORIENTATION. CPR AND FIRST AID SUPPLIES FOR TRAINING NECESSARY TO MEET STATE REQUIREMENTS TO HAVE ADEQUATELY TRAINED STAFF. Current Year WAVE TRAINING AND ORIENTATION. CPR AND FIRST AID SUPPLIES FOR TRAINING NECESSARY TO MEET STATE REQUIREMENTS TO HAVE ADEQUATELY TRAINED STAFF. 100-5521-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0.00 Current Year ELIMINATED ASCAP FEES DUE TO NO LONGER OFFERING CONCERTS. 100-5521-56990 OTHER 0.00 100-5521-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0.00 100-5521-58110 LAND 0.00 100-5521-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 21,300.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 66 ACCOUNT NO* ____= ACCOUNT NAME _____= ANNUAL BUDGET 100-5521-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 100-5521-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 100-5521-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 100-5521-58840 OUTDOOR FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0.00 100-5521-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 100-5521-58910 BUILDINGS 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 0.00 DEPT TOTAL: 232,440.00 L w Library Department Detail CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 100-GENERAL FUND LIBRARY DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL SERVICES 5551-51110 SALARIES 336,560 379,661 43,101 12.81 5551-51112 SALARIES-PARTTIME 59,000 63,880 4,880 8.27 5551-51130 OVERTIME 600 0 -600 -100 5551-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 1,800 3,103 1,303 72.39 5551-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 1,830 1,779 -51 -2.79 5551-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5551-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5551-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 3,600 3,600 0 0 5551-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 1,200 1,200 0 0 5551-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 5551-51310 TMRS 37,860 49,018 11,158 29.47 5551-51410 HOSPITAL&LIFE INSURANCE 57,590 113,109 55,519 96.4 5551-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 2,220 2,484 264 11.89 5551-51440 FICA 25,080 28,100 3,020 12.04 5551-51450 MEDICARE 5,870 6,572 702 11.96 5551-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 780 872 92 11.79 5551-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP(TWC) 2,700 3,792 1,092 40.44 l `t TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 536,690 657,170 120,480 22.45 SUPPLIES 5551-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 18,200 13,040 -5,160 -28.35 5551-52040 POSTAGE&FREIGHT 3,250 4,000 750 23.08 5551-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5551-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 300 4,600 4,300 1,433.33 5551-52510 BOTANICAL&AGRICULTURAL 0 0 0 0 5551-52620 LIBRARY BOOKS 90,692 96,400 5,708 6.29 5551-52630 AUDIO VISUAL 18,000 20,160 2,160 12 5551-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 680 480 -200 -29.41 5551-52990 OTHER 800 300 -500 -62.5 TOTAL SUPPLIES 131,922 138,980 7,058 5.35 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 5551-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5551-54630 TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 750 100 -650 -86.67 5551-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 36,685 18,693 -17,992 -49.05 5551-54990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 37,435 18,793 -18,642 -49.8 CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE :, ) CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5551-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 15,195 8,805 -6,390 -42.05 5551-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0 0 0 0 5551-56080 ADVERTISING 300 0 -300 -100 5551-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 900 1,320 420 -46.67 5551-56130 SECURITY SURVEILLANCE 0 0 0 0 5551-56180 RENTAL 4,490 5,487 997 22.2 5551-56210 TRAVEL&TRAINING 5,070 4,000 -1,070 -21.1 5551-56250 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,410 1,707 297 21.06 5551-56990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 27,365 21,319 -6,046 -22.09 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5551-58110 LAND 0 0 0 0 5551-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0 0 0 0 5551-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5551-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5551-58830 FURNITURE&FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 5551-58850 MAJOR TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5551-58910 BUILDINGS 0 0 0 0 j TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 TOTAL LIBRARY 733,412 836,262 102,850 14.02 r 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 67 :1) ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET DEPT NO: 551 LIBRARY 100-5551-51110 SALARIES 379,661.00 379,661.00 100-5551-51112 SALARIES-PARTTIME 63,880.00 100-5551-51130 OVERTIME 0.00 0.00 Current Year Overtime is eliminated. 100-5551-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 3,103.00 3,103.00 100-5551-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 1,779.00 1,779.00 100-5551-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0.00 100-5551-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 100-5551-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 3,600.00 Current Year Car allowance is for Rachel Orozco, Library Director. 100-5551-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 1,200.00 Current Year Phone allowance is for Rachel Orozco, Library Director. 100-5551-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0.00 100-5551-51310 TMRS 49,018.00 49,018.00 100-5551-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 113,109.00 113,109.00 100-5551-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 2,484.00 { 2,484.00 711 100-5551-51440 FICA 28,100.00 28,100.00 100-5551-51450 MEDICARE 6,572.00 6,572.00 100-5551-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 872.00 872.00 100-5551-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 3,792.00 3,792.00 100-5551-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 13,040.00 0.00 Library Barcodes 200.00 0.00 DVD Cases (multiple cases) 100.00 CD Cases (processing multiple) 500.00 Copy Paper 500.00 Printer Cartridges 2,500.00 Color Paper (for programs) 300.00 Book Repair (Glue sticks) 300.00 Spine and Label Protectors 800.00 0.00 Paper for Poster Making 100.00 Laminate (for laminator) 50.00 Disc Supplies (DVD cleaner) 550.00 Cassettes for Library Board 20.00 Planners/Calendars 100.00 Packaging Tape 100.00 Receipt Printer Paper 150.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 68 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET . :40) Book Jackets (donations) 600.00 Cassettes for TLC Back Up 100.00 SRC Brochure 1,200.00 SRC Incentives 3,500.00 General Supplies 1,370.00 Permanent We are not purchasing patron bags this year. We have enough to last another year. When we move into the new building, we are thinking about selling bags. Current Year In FY 10, we will not need to purchase library cards. These cards should last until we open the new building. 100-5551-52040 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 4,000.00 Courier Service 2,425.00 Postage 1,575.00 Current Year The NETLS Courier services is increasing. Postage has also increased. 100-5551-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-5551-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 4,600.00 APC/UPS Protectors 100.00 Computers for New Positions 3 1,500.00 4,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 t '•: 100-5551-52510 BOTANICAL & AGRICULTURAL 0.00 _ 4 100-5551-52620 LIBRARY BOOKS 96,400.00 Periodicals 1,000.00 Bestsellers/Popular 7,000.00 Young Adult 2,000.00 World Languages 3,000.00 Children 39,800.00 Adult 43,600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-5551-52630 AUDIO VISUAL 20,160.00 Circulating Collection 20,160.00 Current Year Audiovisual includes materials for all ages in the following formats: books-on-CD, DVDs, language learning materials with book/CD, book/CD pair for children 100-5551-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 480.00 0.00 Teen Programs 480.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Current Year This is staying the same. Food supplies are for teen 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 69 ::) ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET programs. 100-5551-52990 OTHER 300.00 Craft Supplies 300.00 0.00 Current Year Craft supplies are for story time programs. We have reduced this for basic supplies. 100-5551-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 100-5551-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 100.00 Laminator Maintenance 100.00 0.00 0.00 Current Year Reduced the laminator maintenance. Eliminated Misc. repairs. The library has not had to use this in the past. 100-5551-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 18,692.75 ITS MARC 1,495.00 0.00 Bluetooth Scanner 77.00 Library Solution License 210.00 Library Solution Software 7,876.00 OPAC enrichment, TLC 956.00 SIP Server, TLC 399.00 Gryphon Scanner, TLC 60.00 Learning Express 1,620.00 Reference USA (business) 1,990.00 Texshare Databases 850.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 phonetree 294.00 Children's Catalog 395.00 6 Dell Workstations 750.00 Dell Bookmobile (Laptop) 299.00 LPT:One/PC Reservation 898.00 Coin Bill Acceptor 440.00 Envisionware Receipt Printer 83.75 Current Year We have kept only three databases. The rest of these items are basic maintenance for the integrated library system, TLC. 100-5551-54990 OTHER 0.00 100-5551-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 8,805.00 Library Programs--Monthly 1,200.00 Summer Reading Programs 5,500.00 Employee Drug Tests 100.00 Teen Programming 1,500.00 Volunteer Appreciation 100.00 Movie License 405.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ACCOUNT7-02-09NO# 3:29 PM GIL BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 70 ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET t Current Year The following programs have been eliminated: Young Artists Reception,Tween Programs and the Summer Reading Club Kick-Off. The monthly programs will now be quarterly programs. Programming costs for last year: Expenditures for all programs (including monthly Family Fun Night, Summer Reading Club, Tween and Teen) supplies (such as craft materials), publicity, refreshments, incentives (for Summer Reading Club) totaled: 19,330. We had 13,179 people attend. This is $1.50 per person. 100-5551-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0.00 100-5551-56080 ADVERTISING 0.00 0.00 Current Year The Summer Reading Club advertising in the Wylie News is eliminated. 100-5551-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 1,320.00 DSL Line Library 1,320.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Current Year The vendor for FY 09 changed and could not provide the service that we needed. IS researched and chose Verizon, which is a higher cost. 100-5551-56130 SECURITY SURVEILLANCE 0.00 ]) 0.00 100-5551-56180 RENTAL 5,487.00 Xerox Copier 3,887.00 Pitney Bowes Postage Machine 1,600.00 Current Year We were able to get an upgraded model for a better price for the postage machine. The copier price increased because we upgraded to include a coin-op, copier, fax, and scanner. Currently, the staff has to take money for copies and send faxex. This is time-consuming. Fax service has increased in the last year. 100-5551-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 4,000.00 TLA Conference 1,500.00 PLA 1,500.00 TLA Annual Assembly 500.00 Staff Training for In-Service 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Current Year The Youth Services Librarian is on the Bluebonnet Committee and will attend Annual Assembly and TLA. The Library Director is traveling to New York City for an interiors 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 71 i;) ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET 1 session with Margaret Sullivan. Training for in-service day is planned for all staff. 100-5551-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,707.00 TLA Youth 140.00 TLA Adult 140.00 TLA Tech 140.00 TLA Director 140.00 ALA Youth 250.00 ALA Adult 250.00 ALA Director 307.00 ALA Tech 250.00 PLANT-Director 40.00 TMLDA--Director 50.00 100-5551-56990 OTHER 0.00 100-5551-58110 LAND 0.00 100-5551-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0.00 100-5551-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 100-5551-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 100-5551-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 100-5551-56850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 100-5551-58910 BUILDINGS 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 1,707.00 ; ) DEPT TOTAL: 836,261.75 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: 21,967,618.79 NET REVENUES/EXPENDITURES: 121,809.21CR Combined Services Department Detail a) CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 100-GENERAL FUND NON-DEPARTMENTAL DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL SERVICES 5181-51250 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 0 15,000 15,000 0 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 15,000 15,000 0 SUPPLIES 5181-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 5 1 8 1-5 2040 POSTAGE&FREIGHT 20,000 20,000 0 0 5181-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5181-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5181-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 800 800 0 0 5 1 8 1-52990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 5181-52995 EOC-KATRINA 0 0 0 0 TOTAL SUPPLIES 20,800 20,800 0 0 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANCE 5181-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5 1 8 1-54630 TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5181-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 18,600 12,000 -6,600 -35.48 5181-54910 BUILDINGS 0 0 0 0 5181-54990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANCE 18,600 12,000 -6,600 -35.48 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5 1 8 1-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 393,900 97,500 -296,400 -75.25 5181-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0 0 0 0 5 1 8 1-5 6060 AMBULANCE CONTRACT 0 0 0 0 5 1 8 1-56080 ADVERTISING 0 0 0 0 5181-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 110,000 110,000 0 0 5181-56180 RENTAL 26,000 26,000 0 0 5181-56210 TRAVEL&TRAINING 0 0 0 0 5181-56250 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 0 0 0 5181-56310 INSURANCE 165,000 150,000 -15,000 -9.09 5181-56510 AUDIT&LEGAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 5181-56520 PENALTIES&INTEREST 0 0 0 0 5181-56530 COURT&LEGAL COSTS 0 0 0 0 5181-56610 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 225,000 175,000 -50,000 -22.22 5 1 81-566 12 STREET LIGHTING 315,000 290,000 -25,000 -7.94 5 1 8 1-56630 UTILITIES-WATER 15,000 15,000 0 0 5181-56660 UTILITIES-GAS 19,000 24,000 5,000 26.32 5181-56680 TRASH DISPOSAL 1,200,000 1,210,000 10,000 0.83 51 8 1-56990OTHER 0 258,060 258,060 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,468,900 2,355,560 -113,340 -4.59 CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 1, ) DEBT SERVICE&CAP.REPL 5181-57310 DEBT SERVICE-FISCAL AGENT FEE 0 0 0 0 5181-57410 PRINCIPAL PAID 0 0 0 0 5181-57415 INTEREST PAID 0 0 0 0 5 1 8 1-5 7420 BOND ISSUE COSTS 0 0 0 0 5181-57710 BAD DEBT EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE&CAP.REPL 0 0 0 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5181-581 IO LAND 0 0 0 0 5181-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0 0 0 0 5181-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5181-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5181-58830 FURNITURE&FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 5 1 8 1-58850 MAJOR TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5181-58910 BUILDINGS 0 0 0 0 5181-58995 CONTRA CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 OTHER FINANCING(USES) i 5181-59121 TRANSFER TO PARKA&I 0 0 0 0 5 1 8 1-59149 TRANSFER TO EMERGENCY SERVICE 637,500 659,414 21,914 3.44 5181-59150 TRANSFER TO MUNICIPAL CT TECH 0 0 0 0 5181-59152 TRANSFER TO MUNICIPAL BLDG SE 0 0 0 0 5181-59155 TRANSFER TO FIRE TRAINING CTR 0 0 0 0 5181-59160 TRANSFER TO WEDC 0 0 0 0 5181-59175 TRSF TO GEN OBLIG DEBT SERVICE 33,300 33,300 0 0 5 1 8 1-5 9442 TRANSFER TO PPFCO FUND 0 0 0 0 5 1 8 1-596 1 1 TRANSFER TO UTILITY FUND 0 0 0 0 5 1 8 1-5971 1 TRANSFER TO FLEET FUND 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING(USES) 670,800 692,714 21,914 3.27 TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL 3,179,100 3,096,074 -83,026 -2.61 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 22,229,179 21,967,619 -261,560 -1.18 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 24 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET _.,:) DEPT NO: 181 NON - DEPARTMENTAL 100-5181-51250 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 15,000.00 15,000.00 100-5181-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0.00 100-5181-52040 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 20,000.00 General Fund 20,000.00 100-5181-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0.00 100-5181-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 100-5181-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 800.00 Qtrly City Manager Luncheons 4 200.00 800.00 100-5181-52990 OTHER 0.00 100-5181-52995 EOC-KATRINA 0.00 100-5181-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 100-5181-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 100-5181-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 12,000.00 Website Maintenance 12,000.00 0.00 100-5181-54910 BUILDINGS 0.00 100-5181-54990 OTHER 0.00 100-5181-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 97,500.00 0.00 Signage Projects 1,000.00 ( CC Health 40,000 0.80 32,000.00 t Thanksgiving Luncheon 2,500.00 0.00 Citizen Newsletters 12 1,000.00 12,000.00 Misc. 50,000.00 100-5181-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0.00 100-5181-56060 AMBULANCE CONTRACT 0.00 100-5181-56080 ADVERTISING 0.00 100-5181-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 110,000.00 General Fund Communications 110,000.00 100-5181-56180 RENTAL 26,000.00 Mobile Office Space 26,000.00 100-5181-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 0.00 100-5181-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0.00 100-5181-56310 INSURANCE 150,000.00 all 150,000.00 100-5181-56510 AUDIT & LEGAL SERVICES 0.00 100-5181-56520 PENALTIES & INTEREST 0.00 100-5181-56530 COURT & LEGAL COSTS 0.00 100-5181-56610 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 175,000.00 general 175,000.00 100-5181-56612 STREET LIGHTING 290,000.00 Electricity 290,000.00 100-5181-56630 UTILITIES-WATER 15,000.00 General Facilities 15,000.00 100-5181-56660 UTILITIES-GAS 24,000.00 General Facilities 24,000.00 PAGE TOTAL: 935,300.00 7-02-09 3:29 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 25 ) ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET t 100-5181-56680 TRASH DISPOSAL 1,210,000.00 Community Waste Disposal 1,210,000.00 100-5181-56990 OTHER 258,060.00 Pmt from Sales Tax Rev-Target 258,060.00 100-5181-57310 DEBT SERVICE-FISCAL AGENT FEES 0.00 100-5181-57410 PRINCIPAL PAID 0.00 100-5181-57415 INTEREST PAID 0.00 100-5181-57420 BOND ISSUE COSTS 0.00 100-5181-57710 BAD DEBT EXPENSE 0.00 100-5181-58110 LAND 0.00 100-5181-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0.00 100-5181-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 100-5181-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 100-5181-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 100-5181-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 100-5181-58910 BUILDINGS 0.00 100-5181-58995 CONTRA CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 100-5181-59121 TRANSFER TO PARK A & I 0.00 100-5181-59149 TRANSFER TO EMERGENCY SERVICE 659,414.00 659,414.00 100-5181-59150 TRANSFER TO MUNICIPAL CT TECH 0.00 100-5181-59152 TRANSFER TO MUNICIPAL BLDG SEC 0.00 100-5181-59155 TRANSFER TO FIRE TRAINING CTR 0.00 100-5181-59160 TRANSFER TO WEDC 0.00 ! 100-5181-59175 TRSF TO GEN OBLIG DEBT SERVICE 33,300.00 PPFCO principle payment 33,300.00 100-5181-59442 TRANSFER TO PPFCO FUND 0.00 100-5181-59611 TRANSFER TO UTILITY FUND 0.00 100-5181-59711 TRANSFER TO FLEET FUND 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 2,160,774.00 DEPT TOTAL: 3,096,074.00 Utility Fund Fiscal Year 2009-2010 City Of Wylie Fund Summary Utility Fund Working Capital Ending Balance 09/30/08 $ 9,393,691 Projected '09 Revenues 10,700,000 Available Funds 20,093,691 Projected'09 Expenditures (10,610,944) Estimated Ending Working Capital Balance 09/30/09 $ 9,482,747 Estimated Beginning Working Capital Balance- 10/01/09 $ 9,482,747 Proposed Revenue '10 10,960,000 * Proposed Expenditures '10 (10,771,124) Estimated Ending Working Capital Balance 09/30/10 $ 9,671,623 *Includes$1,500,000 Transfer of Sewer Impact Fees Utility Admin. Department Detail CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 611-UTILITY FUND UTILITY ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL SERVICES 5711-51110 SALARIES 350,920 351,915 995 0.28 5711-51130 OVERTIME 600 600 0 0 5711-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 2,870 3,450 580 20.21 5711-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 2.480 2,585 105 4.23 5711-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5711-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5711-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 3,600 3,600 0 0 5711-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 1,470 1,470 0 0 5711-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 5711-51310 TMRS 36,050 39,820 3,770 10.46 5711-51350 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 5711-51410 HOSPITAL&LIFE INSURANCE 59,750 59,460 -290 -0.49 5711-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 1,970 1,970 0 0 5711-51440 FICA 22,440 22,550 110 0.49 5711-51450 MEDICARE 5,250 5,275 25 0.48 5711-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 680 680 0 0 5711-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP(TWC) 1,890 1,890 0 0 5711-51510 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 3 .M PERSONNEL SERVICES 489,970 495,265 5,295 1.08 SUPPLIES 5711-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,000 1.800 -200 -10 5711-52040 POSTAGE&FREIGHT 0 0 0 0 5711-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 500 500 0 0 5711-52130 TOOLS/EQUIP-UNDER$100 1,000 700 -300 -30 5711-52310 FUEL&LUBRICANTS 3,250 2,000 -1,250 -38.46 5711-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 1,150 200 -950 -82.61 5711-52990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL SUPPLIES 7,900 5,200 -2,700 -34.18 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 5711-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5711-54630 TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5711-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 100 100 0 0 5711-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 100 100 0 0 5711-54990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 200 200 0 0 CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT r, ) BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5711-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 47,820 32,000 -15,820 -33.08 5711-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0 0 0 0 5711-56080 ADVERTISING 0 0 0 0 5711-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 1,200 1,200 0 0 5711-56180 RENTAL 5,600 5,600 0 0 5711-56210 TRAVEL&TRAINING 5,100 3,200 -1,900 -37.25 5711-56250 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 4,100 4,100 0 0 5711-56530 COURT&LEGAL COSTS 0 0 0 0 5711-56990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 63,820 46,100 -17,720 -27.77 TOTAL UTILITY ADMINISTRATION 561,890 546,765 -15,125 -2.69 t 7-02-09 4:31 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 611 UTILITY FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 2 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET ..) DEPT NO: 711 UTILITY ADMINISTRATION 611-5711-51110 SALARIES 351,915.00 611-5711-51130 OVERTIME 600.00 MAINTAIN CURRENT LEVEL 600.00 Permanent Anticipated OT for Public Works Admin Secretary. May participate in weekend and after hours public education events related to storm water, Creekfest, or sidewalk replacment program. Has ability to be back-up Park Secretary if needed to record Park Board Minutes. Current Year Anticipated OT for Public Works Admin Secretary. May participate in weekend and after hours public education events related to storm water, Creekfest, or sidewalk replacment program. Has ability to be back-up Park Secretary if needed to record Park Board Minutes. 611-5711-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 3,450.00 611-5711-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 2,585.00 611-5711-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0.00 611-5711-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 611-5711-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 3,600.00 Current Year Car allowance for Public Services Director, Mike Sferra. 611-5711-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 1,470.00 Current Year Mike Sferra, Public Services Director, $1320 p 611-5711-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0.00 S. 611-5711-51310 TMRS 39,820.00 611-5711-51350 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0.00 611-5711-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 59,460.00 611-5711-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 1,970.00 611-5711-51440 FICA 22,550.00 611-5711-51450 MEDICARE 5,275.00 611-5711-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 680.00 611-5711-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 1,890.00 611-5711-51510 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL 0.00 611-5711-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,800.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1 1,800.00 1,800.00 Permanent Basic office supplies, i.e., paper, files, pens, ink cartridges, etc. Current Year 10% reduction in an effort to reduce cost. 611-5711-52040 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 0.00 611-5711-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 500.00 TECH SUPPORT BACKFLOW PRGRM 1 500.00 500.00 Permanent TECH SUPPORT BACKFLOW PROGRAM Current Year Need to maintain funding the annual technical support for the backlflow software program. 611-5711-52130 TOOLS/EQUIP-UNDER $100 700.00 MINOR TOOLS, OFFICE EQUIP 700.00 A %-02-09 4:31 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEFT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 611 UTILITY FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 3 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET Permanent Minor tools and office equipment. Current Year 30% reduction in an effort to reduce costs and still be functional. 611-5711-52310 FUEL & LUBRICANTS 2,000.00 FUEL, OIL CHANGE 2,000.00 Permanent FUEL, OIL CHANGES Current Year Approximately 25% reduction in anticipation of more stable fuel costs. 611-5711-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 200.00 MORNING SAFETY MEETINGS 8 25.00 200.00 Permanent SAFETY MEETING REFRESHMENTS Current Year Approximately 80% reduction due to elimination of Fourth of July Hot Dog event and annual Fish Fry. 611-5711-52990 OTHER 0.00 611-5711-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 BUDGET IN FLEET FUND 0.00 611-5711-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 611-5711-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 100.00 CELL PHONE MAINTENANCE 2 50.00 100.00 Permanent CELL PHONE MAINTENANCE Current Year In anticipation of any cell phone maintenance for city-owned phones for two Secretaries. Units are two years old, in good condition, but are aging. 611-5711-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 100.00 LASERFICHE LICENSE 1 100.00 100.00 Permanent LASERFICHE ANNUAL LICENSE Current Year Need to fund the annual license cost for access to Laserfiche program. 611-5711-54990 OTHER 0.00 611-5711-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 32,000.00 FLU HEPATITUS VACCINES 2,500.00 TCEQ FEE FOR OLD SERV CNTR 1 2,500.00 2,500.00 SHAW FEE FOR OLD SERV CNTR 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 TCEQ PUB HEALTH SERVICE FEE 1 25,000.00 25,000.00 Permanent FLU HEPATITIUS VACCINES TCEQ FEE FOR OLD SERV CNTR SHAW FEE FOR OLD SERV CNTR TCEQ PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE FEE Current Year Mainain funding for only what is essential. Eliminated consultant support for continued implementation of the Storm Water Management Plan. It will be done by staff. Fees for Old Service Center need to be funded until TCEQ grants official closure to the site and KCS and City resolve outstanding issues. Moved the TCEQ Public Health Service Fee from 5712 to 5711. Fee is being increased nearly 400% by TCEQ for services they perform: inspections, site visits, and oversight of the potable water system. 611-5711-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0.00 611-5711-56080 ADVERTISING 0.00 611-5711-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 1,200.00 CELL PHONES CHARGES 2 600.00 1,200.00 7-02-09 4:31 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 611 UTILITY FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 4 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET I Permanent CELL PHONE CHARGES Current Year Annual cell phone charges for two Secretary phones to maintain communications with field personnel. 611-5711-56180 RENTAL 5,600.00 COPIERS (2) - JULIE, DIONNA 2 2,800.00 5,600.00 Permanent COPIERS (2) - JULIE, DIONNA Current Year Need to maintain funding for rental of two copy machines - one in Public Works trailer and one in Service Center. 611-5711-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 3,200.00 ANNUAL MS4 STRM WTR REG MIKE 1 800.00 800.00 ANNUAL TMUA CONE - MIKE 1 800.00 800.00 ADMIN TRANING 2 400.00 800.00 ANNUAL PW TRAINING - JACK 1 800.00 800.00 Current Year Approximate 38% reduction from previous year. Essential training to keep employees abreast of state and federal regualtions affecting the industry, for retention of licenses, and for employee development. 611-5711-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 4,100.00 ABPA 100.00 AWWA 200.00 TMUA & TML 300.00 NCTCOG STORM WATER DUES 1 3,500.00 3,500.00 Permanent ABPA AWWA AMERICAN EXPRESS TMUA & TML NCTCOG iSWM PARTICIPATION Current Year Includes fees for membership and dues to professional organizations and annual dues to participate in the NCTCOG storm water program, iSWM. Participation with NCTCOG is essential as a source of information about applicable regulations, and updates in the industry, and grant opportunities. 611-5711-56530 COURT & LEGAL COSTS 0.00 611-5711-56990 OTHER 0.00 611-5711-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0.00 611-5711-58110 LAND 0.00 611-5711-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0.00 611-5711-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 611-5711-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 611-5711-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 611-5711-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 611-5711-58910 BUILDINGS 0.00 611-5711-58995 CONTRA CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 12,900.00 DEPT TOTAL: 546,765.00 Water Utilities Department Detail } CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 611-UTILITY FUND UTILITIES-WATER DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL SERVICES 5712-51110 SALARIES 448,050 451,710 3,660 0.82 5712-51130 OVERTIME 22,500 22,500 0 0 5712-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 3,990 4,925 935 23.43 5712-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 2,470 2,610 140 5.67 5712-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 4,500 4,950 450 10 5712-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5712-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 5712-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 5,280 4,440 -840 -15.91 5712-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 7.200 7,200 0 0 5712-51310 TMRS 49,200 54,600 5,400 10.98 5712-51410 HOSPITAL&LIFE INSURANCE 103,740 93,780 -9,960 -9.6 5712-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 2,510 2,530 20 0.8 5712-51440 FICA 30,630 30,890 260 0.85 5712-51450 MEDICARE 7,160 7,230 70 0.98 5712-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 11,380 11,495 115 1.01 5712-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP(TWC) 2,970 2,970 0 0 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 701,580 701,830 250 0.04 SUPPLIES 5712-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,500 1,500 0 0 5712-52040 POSTAGE&FREIGHT 0 0 0 0 5712-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5712-52130 TOOLS/EQUIP-UNDER$100 3,000 3,350 350 11.67 5712-52210 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 50 50 0 0 5712-52250 MEDICAL&SURGICAL 200 200 0 0 5712-52310 FUEL&LUBRICANTS 37,700 33,000 -4,700 -12.47 5712-52380 CHEMICALS 400 400 0 0 5712-52510 BOTANICAL&AGRICULTURAL 1,100 1,100 0 0 5712-52710 WEARING APPAREL&UNIFORMS 1,000 1,000 0 0 5712-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 200 200 0 0 5712-52990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL SUPPLIES 45,150 40,800 -4,350 -9.63 CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT , ) BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 5712-54210 STREETS&ALLEYS 15,000 15,000 0 0 5712-54250 STREET SIGNS&MARKINGS 2,000 2,000 0 0 5712-54310 UTILITY PLANT-WATER 43,500 43,500 0 0 5712-54330 WATER MAINS&FIRE HYDRANTS 10,000 10,000 0 0 5712-54350 METERS&SERVICE CONNECTIONS 17,000 17,000 0 0 5712-54410 UTILITY PLANT-SEWER 0 0 0 0 5712-54430 SANITARY SEWERS 0 0 0 0 5712-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5712-54530 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 9,500 9,500 0 0 5712-54630 TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 500 500 0 0 5712-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 1,600 1,200 -400 -25 5712-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5712-54910 BUILDINGS 1,000 1,000 0 0 5712-54990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 100,100 99,700 -400 -0.4 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5712-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 69,700 60,200 -9,500 -13.63 5712-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0 0 0 0 1 .'_ 5712-56080 ADVERTISING 0 0 0 0 5712-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 4,800 4,800 0 0 5712-56150 LAB ANALYSIS 200 200 0 0 5712-56180 RENTAL 2,500 2,500 0 0 5712-56210 TRAVEL&TRAINING 5,000 5,000 0 0 5712-56250 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 6,000 6,000 0 0 5712-56570 ENGINEERING-ARCHITECT SVCS 0 0 0 0 5712-56610 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 175,000 175,000 0 0 5712-56680 TRASH DISPOSAL 1,000 1,000 0 0 5712-56990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 264,200 254,700 -9,500 -3.6 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5712-58110 LAND 0 0 0 0 5712-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0 0 0 0 5712-58310 WATER MAINS&FIRE HYDRANTS 0 0 0 0 5712-58330 METER&SERVICE CONNECTIONS 10,000 10,000 0 0 5712-58995 CONTRA CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 10,000 10,000 0 0 TOTAL ''N UTILITIES-WATER 1,121,030 1,107,030 -14,000 -1.25 7-02-09 4:31 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 611 UTILITY FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 5 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET DEPT NO: 712 UTILITIES - WATER 611-5712-51110 SALARIES 451,710.00 611-5712-51130 OVERTIME 22,500.00 MAINTAIN CURRENT LEVEL 22,500.00 611-5712-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 4,925.00 611-5712-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 2,610.00 611-5712-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 4,950.00 KENDALL EDGE- WATER 1 260.00 260.00 KENDALL EDGE WASTEWATER 1 260.00 260.00 KENDALL EDGE - BACKFLOW 1 195.00 195.00 KENDALL EDGE - CSI 1 130.00 130.00 ALBERT GARZA - WATER 1 260.00 260.00 ALBERT GARZA - WASTEWATER 1 260.00 260.00 ALBERT GARZA - BACKFLOW 1 195.00 195.00 ALBERT GARZA - CSI 1 130.00 130.00 GEORGE FIEGEL 1 260.00 260.00 DAVID CARTER - WATER 1 260.00 260.00 JOHN BROWSER - WATER 1 260.00 260.00 RICK DADDIO - WATER 1 260.00 260.00 RICK DADDIO - WASTEWATER 1 260.00 260.00 STEVEN WEAVER - WATER 1 260.00 260.00 STEVEN WEAVER - WASTEWATER 1 260.00 260.00 STEVEN WEAVER - VECTOR 1 390.00 390.00 ARON BRESSLER - WATER 1 260.00 260.00 t ARON BRESSLER - CSI 1 130.00 130.00 ANTICIPATE CSI LICENSE 3 130.00 390.00 ANTICIPATE - WATER LICENSE 1 270.00 270.00 Permanent KENDALL EDGE - WATER 1/23/2011 WASTEWATER 6/7/2010,BACKFLOW 11/8/2010,CSI 11/8/2011 ALBERT GARZA WATER 2/9/2011 WASTEWATER 7/14/2009 BACKFLOW 11/8/2010 CSI 1/26/2010 GEORGE FIEGEL WATER 4/21/2011 DAVID CARTER 4/21/2011 JOHN BOWSER WATER 11/22/2011 RICK DADDIO WATER 12/2/2011 WASTEWATER 3/31/2010 STEVEN WEAVER WATER 7/1/2011 WASTEWATER 12/5/2011 VECTOR 2/9/2011 ARON WATER 11/21/2011 CSI 1/30/2011 611-5712-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 611-5712-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 0.00 611-5712-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 4,440.00 RICK DADDIO 1 1,470.00 1,470.00 ALBERT GARZA 1 990.00 990.00 KENDALL EDGE 1 990.00 990.00 ARON BRESSLER 1 990.00 990.00 Permanent RICK DADDIO,ALBERT GARZA,KENDALL EDGE,ARON BRESSLER 611-5712-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 7,200.00 KENDALL EDGE 1 720.00 720.00 ALBERT GARZA 1 720.00 720.00 ARON BRESSLER 1 720.00 720.00 STEVEN WEAVER 1 720.00 720.00 JODY WEBB 1 720.00 720.00 DAVID CARTER 1 720.00 720.00 7-02-09 4:31 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 611 UTILITY FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 6 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET :10) JOHN BROWSER 1 720.00 720.00 ERNEST RAMIREZ 1 720.00 720.00 GEORGE FIEGEL 1 720.00 720.00 KYLE GROVES 1 720.00 720.00 Permanent KENDALL EDGE,ALBERT GARZA,JODY WEBB,JOHN BROWSER,DAVID CARTER,ARON BRESSLER,STEVEN WEAVER,KYLE GROVES,ERNEST RAMIREZ,GEORGE FIEGEL, 611-5712-51310 TMRS 54,600.00 611-5712-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 93,780.00 611-5712-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 2,530.00 611-5712-51440 FICA 30,890.00 611-5712-51450 MEDICARE 7,230.00 611-5712-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 11,495.00 611-5712-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 2,970.00 611-5712-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,500.00 MAINTAIN CURRENT LEVEL 1,500.00 Permanent COPIER PAPER, PENS, PRINT CARTRIDGES, ETC. 611-5712-52040 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 0.00 611-5712-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0.00 611-5712-52130 TOOLS/EQUIP-UNDER $100 3,350.00 TOOLS, PUMPS, SHOVELS,ETC. 3,000.00 REPALCEMENT COST FOR PHONES 7 50.00 350.00 0.00 0.00 Permanent VALVE WRENCHES, SHOVELS, TRASH PUMPS, WEEDEATERS, CHAINSAWS,CHAINS, PICKS, PROBES, ETC. ALL TOOLS USED IN THE PERFORMANCE OF WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR ON A DAILY BASIS.EXPENDITURES FOR UPGRADING PHONES THAT BECOME BROKEN OR DAMAGED 611-5712-52210 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 50.00 MAINTAIN CURRENT LEVEL 50.00 Permanent LYSOL, ENDUST, OFFICE CLEANERS NOT FURNISHED BY JANITORIAL CONTRACT. 611-5712-52250 MEDICAL & SURGICAL 200.00 MAINTAIN EMERGENCY KITS 200.00 Permanent MAINTAIN EMERGENCY KITS. FIRST AID KITS FOR ALL WATER DIVISION VEHICLES. 611-5712-52310 FUEL & LUBRICANTS 33,000.00 FUEL FOR VEHICLES 33,000.00 Permanent Fuel cost - GAS ,DIESEL 611-5712-52380 CHEMICALS 400.00 CHLORINE AND WEED KILLER 400.00 Permanent CHLORINE FOR DISINFECTION OF WATER DISTRIBUTION PIPING AND FITTINGS PRIOR TO PUTTING INTO SERVICE. HERBICIDE FOR WEED CONTROL AT ALL WATER RESERVOIRS AND PUMP STATIONS. 611-5712-52510 BOTANICAL & AGRICULTURAL 1,100.00 SOD REPLACEMENT 1,100.00 Permanent SOD REPLACEMENT AFTER DIG UPS. 611-5712-52710 WEARING APPAREL & UNIFORMS 1,000.00 J MAINTAIN SAFETY APPAREL 1,000.00 7-02-09 4:31 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 611 UTILITY FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 7 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET Permanent SAFETY GLASSES, HARED HATS, SAFETY VESTS, HIP/KNEE BOOTS, GLOVES, RESPIRATOR MASKS, EAR PLUGS, PERESONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT WORK BY UTILITY WORKERS. 611-5712-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 200.00 REFRESHMENTS FOR SAFETY FILMS 200.00 Permanent REFRESHMENTS FOR SAFETY FILMS 611-5712-52990 OTHER 0.00 611-5712-54210 STREETS & ALLEYS 15,000.00 SANDY LOAM, SAND, BASE ROCK 5,000.00 CONCRETE/ASPHALT REPLACEMENT 10,000.00 Permanent TO REPAIR STREETS AND ALLEYS AND SIDEWALKS AFTER WATER LINE REPAIRS. 611-5712-54250 STREET SIGNS & MARKINGS 2,000.00 MARKING PAINT AND FLAGS 2,000.00 Permanent MATERIALS USED FOR LINE LOCATES, VALVE MARKINGS, MARKING FLAGS, POWDER SPRAY PAINT. 611-5712-54310 UTILITY PLANT -WATER 43,500.00 TANK INSPECTION/CLEANINGS 7 3,000.00 21,000.00 GAUGES, METERS, TRANSMITTERS 2,000.00 DIAGNOSTIC VIBRATION TESTING 1 3,000.00 3,000.00 PUMP MAINTENANCE 10,000.00 INFRARED TESTING 1 500.00 500.00 TELEMETRY SYSTEM MAINTENANCE 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE 5,000.00 Permanent PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE ON PUMPS AND MOTORS AT ALL PUMP STATIONS, TELEMETRY SYSTEM MAINTENANCE, RESERVOIR DIVE INSPECTIONS, CLEANING AND REPAIRS, PUMP AND MOTOR REBUILDS AND REPAIRS. THE PUMPS AND ELECTRICAL STARTERS AT THE NTMWD SITE ARE VINTAGE 1954 AND HAVE BEEN REQUIRING ADDITIONAL MAINTENANCE DURING THE PAST SEVERAL YEARS. THIS SITE NEEDS TO BE MAINTAINED UNTIL IT IS EITHER UPGRADED OR REPLACED. 611-5712-54330 WATER MAINS & FIRE HYDRANTS 10,000.00 C-900 PVC PIPE FOR MAIN REPAIR 2,500.00 HYDRANTS, VALVES, FITTINGS 7,500.00 Permanent C-900 PVC PIPE FOR MAIN REPAIR HYDRANTS, VALVES, FITTINGS 611-5712-54350 METERS & SERVICE CONNECTIONS 17,000.00 MAIN BREAKS, SYSTEM MAINTENANC 17,000.00 Permanent CLAMPS, SADDLES, CORTP STOPS, COPPER LINE, ETC. TO MAINTAIN SYSTEM AND REPAIR MAIN BREAKS 611-5712-54410 UTILITY PLANT - SEWER 0.00 611-5712-54430 SANITARY SEWERS 0.00 611-5712-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 611-5712-54530 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 9,500.00 INSPECTIONS, REPAIRS, TIRES 9,500.00 Permanent INSPECTIONS, TIRES, MECHANICAL REPAIRS TO BACKHOE, SKID LOADER, BOBCAT, DUMP TRUCKS, TRAILERS, COMPRESSORS, ETC. 611-5712-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 500.00 MAINT CHN SAWS, WEED-EATERS 500.00 yl 7-02-09 4:31 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 611 UTILITY FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 8 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET Permanent MAINTENANCE CHAIN SAWS, WEED-EATERS 611-5712-54650 C0MMUNICATI0NS 1,200.00 ANNUAL INSPECTION OF 2-WAY 1,200.00 Permanent ANNUAL INSPECTION OF 2-WAY PHONE MAINTENANCE 611-5712-54B10 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 611-5712-54910 BUILDINGS 1,000.00 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1,000.00 Permanent PUMP STATION MAINTENANCE, DOORS, WINDOWS, HEATERS, FANS, ROOFS, FENCING AND PAINTING AS NEEDED. 611-5712-54990 OTHER 0.00 611-5712-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 60,200.00 DRUG TESTS, FLU SHOTS 1,000.00 DEPT OF HEALTH WATER SAMPLE 40,000.00 CONTRACTORS SERVICES 15,000.00 STORM WATER PUBLIC EDUCATION 4,200.00 Permanent CONTRACTOR SERVICES FOR LINE AND VALVE REPAIRS TOO DEEP FOR WATER DIVISION PERSONNEL AND ROAD BORES FOR WATER LINES. 611-5712-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0.00 REPLACEMENT & RENTAL PANTS 0.00 611-5712-56080 ADVERTISING 0.00 611-5712-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 4,800.00 CELL PHONE CHARGES 8 600.00 4,800.00 e f Permanent CELL PHONE CHARGES 611-5712-56150 LAB ANALYSIS 200.00 SAMPLES TO N.T.M.W.D.& E.R.M.I 200.00 Permanent N.T.M.W.D. AND E.R.M.I. - NEEDED TO RESPOND TO CITIZEN COMPLAINTS ABOUT WATER TASTE AND ODOR. ALSO NEEDED TO TEST FOR PRESENCE OF GROUND WATER SOMETIMES MISTAKEN AS A MAIN LEAK. 611-5712-56180 RENTAL 2,500.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2,000.00 KSC EASEMENTS 500.00 Permanent EQUIPMENT RENTAL KSC EASEMENTS CREWS NEED TO RENT TRENCHER OCCASIONALLY FOR LAYING OF WATER LINES AS NEEDED. 611-5712-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 5,000.00 R DADDIO REQ CONT EDU 600.00 K EDGE REQ CONT EDU 1,300.00 A GARZA REQ CONT EDU 750.00 A BRESSLER REQ CONT EDU 450.00 S WEAVER REQ CONT EDU 950.00 J BOWSER REQ CONT EDU 450.00 DAVID CARTER 500.00 Permanent R DADDIO REQUIRED CONTINUE EDUCATION K EDGE REQUIRED CONTINUE EDUCATION 7-02-09 4:31 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 611 UTILITY FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 9 ACCOUNT NO#,;) ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET A GARZA REQUIRED CONTINUE EDUCATION A BRESSLER REQUIRED CONTINUE EDUCATION S WEAVER REQUIRED CONTINUE EDUCATION D CARTER REQUIRED CONTINUE EDUCATION J BOWSER REQUIRED CONTINUE EDUCATION J ARRELLANO REQUIRED CONTINUE EDUCATION 611-5712-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 6,000.00 NCTCOG PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAM 5,800.00 KENDALL EDGE AWWA MEMBERSHIP 1 200.00 200.00 Permanent NCTCOG PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAM KENDALL EDGE AWWA MEMBERSHIP 611-5712-56570 ENGINEERING- ARCHITECT SVCS 0.00 611-5712-56610 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 175,000.00 PUMP RUN TIMES 175,000.00 Permanent LONGER RUNS TIME ON EXISTING PUMPS AS DEMAND CONTINURES TO INCREASE WITH POPULATION GROWTH. 611-5712-56680 TRASH DISPOSAL 1,000.00 DISPOSAL FEES 1,000.00 Permanent DISPOSAL FEES - FOR DISPOSING OF CONCRETE DEBRIS RESULTING FROM LINE REPAIRS. 611-5712-56990 OTHER 0.00 611-5712-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0.00 611-5712-58110 LAND 0.00 611-5712-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0.00 ! ) 611-5712-58310 WATER MAINS & FIRE HYDRANTS 0.00 611-5712-58330 METER & SERVICE CONNECTIONS 10,000.00 2" RADIO AND 3" METERS 10,000.00 Permanent 2" and 3" radio read meters purchased as needed for commercial applications. THIS LINE ITEM COVERS THE COST FOR METER PURCHASES AND REPLACEMENTS RELATED TO ALL NEW COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRAIL AND BUSINESS RELATED CONSTRUCTION IN THE CITY. 611-5712-58410 SANITARY SEWER 0.00 611-5712-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 611-5712-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 611-5712-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 611-5712-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 611-5712-58910 BUILDINGS 0.00 611-5712-58995 CONTRA CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 192,000.00 DEPT TOTAL: 1,107,030.00 t ),. Engineering Department Detail (v) CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP.FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT , ) BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 611-UTILITY FUND CPl'Y ENGINEER DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL SERVICES 5713-51110 SALARIES 255,610 257,950 2,340 0.92 5713-51130 OVERTIME 27,000 14,000 -13,000 -48.15 5713-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 1,070 1,360 290 27.1 5713-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 2,210 2,330 120 5.43 5713-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 800 800 0 0 5713-5I 170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5713-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 4,500 4,500 0 0 5713-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 4,410 4,410 0 0 5713-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 2,160 2,160 0 0 5713-51310 TMRS 29,660 31,480 1,820 6.14 5713-51410 HOSPITAL&LIFE INSURANCE 48,810 46,670 -2,140 -4.38 5713-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 1,440 1,460 20 1.39 5713-51440 FICA 18,460 17,830 -630 -3.41 5713-51450 MEDICARE 4,300 4,170 -130 -3.02 5713-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 950 970 20 2.11 5713-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP(TWC) 1,080 1,080 0 0 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 402,460 391,170 -11.290 -2.81 ( �. SUPPLIES 5713-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,500 1,500 -1,000 -40 5713-52040 POSTAGE&FREIGHT 0 0 0 0 5713-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 1,600 0 -1,600 -100 5713-52130 TOOLS/EQUIP-UNDER$100 1,100 1,100 0 0 5713-52310 FUEL&LUBRICANTS 10,400 9,200 -1,200 -11.54 5713-52710 WEARING APPAREL&UNIFORMS 0 0 0 0 5713-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 250 250 0 0 5713-52990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL SUPPLIES 15,850 12,050 -3,800 -23.97 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 5713-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 1,000 1,000 0 0 5713-54630 TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5713-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 100 100 0 0 5713-54990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 1,100 1,100 0 0 ., CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5713-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 5713-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0 0 0 0 5713-56080 ADVERTISING 2,000 2.000 0 0 5713-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 0 0 0 0 5713-56180 RENTAL 0 0 0 0 5713-56210 TRAVEL&TRAINING 3,500 2,000 -1,500 -42.86 5713-56250 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 750 750 0 0 5713-56570 ENGINEERING-ARCHITECT SVCS 58,500 80,000 21,500 36.75 5713-56990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 64,750 84,750 20,000 30.89 DEBT SERVICE&CAP.REPL 5713-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0 0 0 0 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE&CAP.REPL 0 0 0 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5713-58110 LAND 0 0 0 0 5713-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0 0 0 0 1 5713-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5713-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 1,000 0 -1,000 -100 5713-58830 FURNITURE&FIXTURES 500 0 -500 -100 5713-58850 MAJOR TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5713-58910 BUILDINGS 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,500 0 -1,500 -100 TOTAL CITY ENGINEER 485,660 489,070 3,410 0.7 7-02-09 4:31 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 611 UTILITY FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 10 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET DEPT NO: 713 CITY ENGINEER 611-5713-51110 SALARIES 257,950.00 611-5713-51130 OVERTIME 14,000.00 WEEKEND INSPECTIONS 14,000.00 Current Year Reduced current budget by $13,000 611-5713-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 1,360.00 611-5713-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 2,330.00 611-5713-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 800.00 611-5713-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 611-5713-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 4,500.00 611-5713-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 4,410.00 611-5713-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 2,160.00 SHIRTS, PANTS AND BOOTS 2,160.00 611-5713-51310 TMRS 31,480.00 611-5713-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 46,670.00 611-5713-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 1,460.00 611-5713-51440 FICA 17,630.00 611-5713-51450 MEDICARE 4,170.00 611-5713-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 970.00 611-5713-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 1,080.00 611-5713-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,500.00 Current Year Reduced current budget by $1,000 611-5713-52040 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 0.00 611-5713-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0.00 611-5713-52130 TOOLS/EQUIP-UNDER $100 1,100.00 MAINTAIN CURRENT LEVEL 1,100.00 611-5713-52310 FUEL & LUBRICANTS 9,200.00 FUEL & OIL UNITS 136 139 9,200.00 Current Year Reduced current year by $2,000 611-5713-52710 WEARING APPAREL & UNIFORMS 0.00 611-5713-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 250.00 CHAMBER LUNCH, WATER, ETC. 250.00 611-5713-52990 OTHER 0.00 611-5713-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 1,000.00 MAINTAIN CURRENT LEVEL 1,000.00 611-5713-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 611-5713-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 100.00 INCODE MAINTENANCE 100.00 611-5713-54990 OTHER 0.00 611-5713-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 0.00 611-5713-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0.00 611-5713-56080 ADVERTISING 2,000.00 611-5713-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 0.00 611-5713-56180 RENTAL 0.00 611-5713-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 2,000.00 HOURS FOR LICENSE RENEWAL 2,000.00 ) r 7-02-09 4:31 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 611 UTILITY FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 11 ::0) ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET Current Year Reduced current year by $1,500 611-5713-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 750.00 PE DUES, TSPE DUES 750.00 611-5713-56570 ENGINEERING- ARCHITECT SVCS 80,000.00 MISC. ENGR. SERVICES 40,000.00 FY 08 - QUIET ZONES 10,000.00 CR 382 Bridge ROW 30,000.00 611-5713-56990 OTHER 0.00 611-5713-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0.00 611-5713-58110 LAND 0.00 611-5713-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0.00 611-5713-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 611-5713-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 MAINTENANCE FOR CURRENT EQUIP 0.00 611-5713-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 MISC FURNITURE 0.00 611-5713-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 611-5713-58910 BUILDINGS 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 80,750.00 DEPT TOTAL: 489,070.00 � e ) Sewer Utilities Department Detail CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT , ,,,,) BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 611-UTILITY FUND UTILITIES-SEWER DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL SERVICES 5714-51110 SALARIES 176,090 176,700 610 0.35 5714-51130 OVERTIME 11,500 11,500 0 0 5714-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 780 1,260 480 61.54 5714-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 1,940 2,040 100 5.15 5714-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 1,200 2,015 815 67.92 5714-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5714-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 5714-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 990 990 0 0 5714-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 3,600 3,600 0 0 5714-51310 TMRS 19,530 21,695 2,165 11.09 5714-51410 HOSPITAL&LIFE INSURANCE 46,530 44,450 -2,080 -4.47 5714-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 960 990 30 3.13 5714-51440 FICA 12,160 12,290 130 1.07 5714-51450 MEDICARE 2,840 2,870 30 1.06 5714-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 4,510 4,560 50 1.11 5714-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP(TWC) 1,350 1,350 0 0 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 283,980 286,310 2,330 0.82 SUPPLIES 5714-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 900 800 -100 -11.11 5714-52040 POSTAGE&FREIGHT 0 0 0 0 5714-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5714-52130 TOOLS/EQUIP-UNDER$100 3,000 3,150 150 5 5714-52210 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 5714-52250 MEDICAL&SURGICAL 100 100 0 0 5714-52310 FUEL&LUBRICANTS 20,410 17,000 -3,410 -16.71 5714-52380 CHEMICALS 1,700 1,700 0 0 5714-52510 BOTANICAL&AGRICULTURAL 500 500 0 0 5714-52710 WEARING APPAREL&UNIFORMS 1,200 1,000 -200 -16.67 5714-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 150 150 0 0 5714-52990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL SUPPLIES 27,960 24,400 -3,560 -12.73 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 5714-54210 STREETS&ALLEYS 20,000 25,000 5,000 25 5714-54250 STREET SIGNS&MARKINGS 1,000 1,000 0 0 5714-54350 METERS&SERVICE CONNECTIONS 5,000 5,000 0 0 74 CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT ::1)) BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 5714-54410 UTILITY PLANT-SEWER 16,500 16,500 0 0 5714-54430 SANITARY SEWERS 30,000 15,000 -15,000 -50 5714-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5714-54530 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 6,000 6,000 0 0 5714-54630 TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 500 500 0 0 5714-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 150 150 0 0 5714-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5714-54910 BUILDINGS 2,500 2,500 0 0 5714-54990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 81,650 71,650 -10,000 -12.25 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5714-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 55,500 55,800 300 0.54 5714-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0 0 0 0 5714-56080 ADVERTISING 0 0 0 0 5714-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 1,800 1,800 0 0 5714-56150 LAB ANALYSIS 0 0 0 0 5714-56180 RENTAL 1,000 1,000 0 0 5714-56210 TRAVEL&TRAINING 3,700 3,700 0 0 5714-56250 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 0 0 0 5714-56520 PENALTIES&INTEREST 0 0 0 0 5714-56570 ENGINEERING-ARCHITECT SVCS 0 0 0 0 r 5714-56610 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 54,000 54,000 0 0 5714-56680 TRASH DISPOSAL 2,000 2,000 0 0 5714-56990 OTI-IER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 118,000 118,300 300 0.25 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5714-58110 LAND 0 0 0 0 5714-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0 0 0 0 5714-58410 SANITARY SEWER 0 0 0 0 5714-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5714-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5714-58830 FURNITURE&FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 5714-58850 MAJOR TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5714-58910 BUILDINGS 0 0 0 0 5714-58995 CONTRA CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 TOTAL UTILITIES-SEWER 511,590 500,660 -10,930 -2.14 '` 7-02-09 4:31 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 611 UTILITY FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 12 ACCOUNT NO# ____= ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET ) DEPT NO: 714 UTILITIES - SEWER 611-5714-51110 SALARIES 176,700.00 611-5714-51130 OVERTIME 11,500.00 OVERTIME 11,500.00 611-5714-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 1,260.00 611-5714-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 2,040.00 611-5714-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 2,015.00 J.D.PULLEY - WATER 260.00 J.D.PULLEY - WASTEWATER 1 260.00 260.00 J.D. PULLEY - BACKFLOW 1 195.00 195.00 J.D.PULLEY - CUSTOMER SERVICE 1 130.00 130.00 JOSE ARELLANO - WATER 1 260.00 260.00 JOSE ARELLANO - WASTEWATER 1 260.00 260.00 DAVID HELENA - WASTEWATER 1 260.00 260.00 ANTICIPATE- CUSTOMER SERVICE 1 130.00 130.00 ANTICIPATE - WASTEWATER 1 260.00 260.00 Permanent J.D.PULLEY - WATER LICENSE 3/6/2012,WASTE WATER 3/28/2011, BLACKFLOW 7/14/2010 CUSTOMER SERVICE 4/10/2011 DAVID HELENA - WASTE WATER 9/19/2011 JOSE ARELLANO WASTE WATER - 2/7/2011,WATER 6/22/2010 611-5714-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 611-5714-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 0.00 611-5714-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 990.00 ( J.D.PULLEY 1 990.00 990.00 Permanent J.D.PULLEY 611-5714-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 3,600.00 J.D.Pulley 1 720.00 720.00 Mark Helka 1 720.00 720.00 Jose Arellano 1 720.00 720.00 David Helena 1 720.00 720.00 Robert Ramirez 1 720.00 720.00 Permanent CLOTHING ALLOWANCE J.D.PULLEY,JOSE ARELLANO,MARK HELKA,DAVID HELENA,ROBERT RAMIREZ ALL GET $ 720.00 EACH TOTAL $3600.00 611-5714-51310 TMRS 21,695.00 611-5714-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 44,450.00 611-5714-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 990.00 611-5714-51440 FICA 12,290.00 611-5714-51450 MEDICARE 2,870.00 611-5714-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 4,560.00 611-5714-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 1,350.00 611-5714-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 800.00 COPIER PAPER, PADS, WORK ORDER 800.00 Permanent COPIER, PADS, WORK ORDERS 611-5714-52040 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 0.00 611-5714-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0.00 611-5714-52130 TOOLS/EQUIP-UNDER $100 3,150.00 HAND TOOLS 3,000.00 REPLACEMENT COST FOR PHONES 3 50.00 150.00 v" 7-02-09 4:31 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 611 UTILITY FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 13 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET ..,;) Permanent PICKS, SHOVELS, WRENCHES, ETC. USED TO MAINTAIN COLLECTION SYSTEM.EXPENDITURES FOR UPGRADING PHONES THAT BECOME BROKEN 611-5714-52210 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 0.00 611-5714-52250 MEDICAL & SURGICAL 100.00 FIRST AID KITS 100.00 Permanent FIRST AID KITS FOR CUTS, POISON IVY, ETC. KITS ARE INSTALLED IN ALL WASTEWATER VEHICLES 611-5714-52310 FUEL & LUBRICANTS 17,000.00 GAS, DIESEL, 17,000.00 Permanent GAS.DIESEL 611-5714-52380 CHEMICALS 1,700.00 CHLORINE 4 162.50 650.00 RED HOT 6 125.00 750.00 WEED KILLER 2 150.00 300.00 Permanent CHLORINE RED HOT WEED KILLER 611-5714-52510 BOTANICAL & AGRICULTURAL 500.00 SOD REPLACEMENT - DIG UPS 500.00 Permanent SOD REPLACEMENT -FROM DIG UPS 611-5714-52710 WEARING APPAREL & UNIFORMS 1,000.00 SAFETY EQUIP 1,000.00 Permanent SAFETY GLASSES, HARD HATS, EAR PLUGS, RESPIRATOR, SAFETY VESTS AND OTHER PEERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT USED ON A DAILY BASIS. 611-5714-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 150.00 SAFETY FILM EVENT REFRESHMENT 150.00 Permanent SAFETY FILM EVENT REFRESHMENT 611-5714-52990 OTHER 0.00 611-5714-54210 STREETS & ALLEYS 25,000.00 DIRT, ROCK, BASE MATERIAL 8,000.00 CONCRETE REPLACEMENT 17,000.00 0.00 Permanent DIRT, ROCK, BASE MATERIAL CONCRETE REPLACEMENT NEEDED FOR STREET REPAIRS AND MANHOLE REPAIRS IN STREETS AND ALLEYS. 611-5714-54250 STREET SIGNS & MARKINGS 1,000.00 MARKING PAINT/FLAGS - LOCATES 1,000.00 Permanent MARKING PAINT/FLAGS 611-5714-54350 METERS & SERVICE CONNECTIONS 5,000.00 CLAMPS, BOOTS, SADDLES 5,000.00 Permanent CLAMPS, BOOTS, SADDLES 611-5714-54410 UTILITY PLANT- SEWER 16,500.00 PUMP AND ELECT REPAIR 14,000.00 INFRARED TESTING 1 500.00 500.00 TELEMETERY SYSTEM MAINT. 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 1 '-02-09 4:31 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 611 UTILITY FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 14 :0) ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET Permanent PUMP AND ELECTRIC REPAIR INFRARED TESTING TELEMENTRY SYSTEM MAINTENANCE 611-5714-54430 SANITARY SEWERS 15,000.00 MANHOLE REPAIR, PIPE REPL, ETC 15,000.00 Permanent MANHOLE REPAIR, PIPE REPLACEMENT, AND TO REPAIR MAIN LINES, MANHOLE GROUTING, MANHOLE RAISING, MANHOLE LINING, ETC. 611-5714-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 611-5714-54530 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 6,000.00 DUMP TRK, BACKHOE, REPAIRS 6,000.00 Permanent BACKHOLE ,DUMP TRUCK ,VAC TRUCK - REPAIRS 611-5714-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 500.00 REPAIR WEED EATERS, SMALL ITEM 500.00 Permanent REPAIR WEEDEATERS, SMALL ITEM 611-5714-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 150.00 ANNUAL INSPECTION 3 50.00 150.00 Permanent ANNUAL INSPECTION OF 2-WAY RADIOS 611-5714-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 611-5714-54910 BUILDINGS 2,500.00 REPAIRS TO LIFT STATIONS 2,500.00 Permanent REPAIRS ON LIFT STATIONS, AND STEEL ROAD BUILDING. 611-5714-54990 OTHER 0.00 611-5714-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 55,800.00 PRETREATMENT N.T.M.W.D. 1 98,000.00 98,000.00 „.r INSP LIFT STATION PUMPS/GEN 5,500.00 CALIB OF OXYGEN MONITOR/TESTS 1,500.00 FLU AND HEPATITIS SHOTS 800.00 Permanent FLU AND HEPATITIS SHOTS PRETREATMENT COSTS, ANNUAL INSPECTION/REPAIR OF RUSH CREEK GENERATOR NEEDED AS BACK-UP POWER SUPPLY. 611-5714-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0.00 611-5714-56080 ADVERTISING 0.00 611-5714-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 1,800.00 CELL PHONE CHARGES 3 600.00 1,800.00 Permanent CELL PHONE CHARGES 611-5714-56150 LAB ANALYSIS 0.00 611-5714-56180 RENTAL 1,000.00 PUMP RENTAL 500.00 KCS EASEMENTS 500.00 Permanent RENTAL COST FOR EMERGENCY PUMP RENTAL FOR LARGE BREAKS AS NEEDED. 611-5714-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 3,700.00 J.L. PULLEY 500.00 JOSE ARELLANO 500.00 MARK HELKA WASTEWATER CLASS 500.00 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT/SEMINARS 1,200.00 DAVE HELENA 500.00 q ROBERT RAMIREZ 1 500.00 500.00 �q 7-02-09 4:31 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 611 UTILITY FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 15 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME _____= ANNUAL BUDGET Permanent J.D. PULLEY JOSE ARELLANO MARK HELKA WASTWATER CLASS EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT/SEMINARS DAVE HELENA ,ROBERT RAMIREZ 611-5714-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0.00 611-5714-56520 PENALTIES & INTEREST 0.00 611-5714-56570 ENGINEERING- ARCHITECT SVCS 0.00 611-5714-56610 UTILITIES- ELECTRIC 54,000.00 LIFT STATIONS 54,000.00 Permanent LIFT STATIONS 611-5714-56680 TRASH DISPOSAL 2,000.00 DISPOSAL FEES 2,000.00 Permanent DISPOSAL FEES FROM REPAIRS IN STREETS/SIDEWALKS 611-5714-56990 OTHER 0.00 611-5714-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0.00 611-5714-58110 LAND 0.00 611-5714-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0.00 611-5714-58410 SANITARY SEWER 0.00 611-5714-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 611-5714-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 611-5714-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 611-5714-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 611-5714-58910 BUILDINGS 0.00 1 ; s 611-5714-58995 CONTRA CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 56,000.00 DEPT TOTAL: 500,660.00 UtilityBilling Department Detail CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP.FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 611-UTILITY FUND UTILITY BILLING DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL SERVICES 5715-51110 SALARIES 202,130 203,326 1,196 0.59 5715-51112 SALARIES-PARTTIME 0 0 0 0 5715-51130 OVERTIME 16,500 16,500 0 0 5715-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 1,180 1,572 392 33.22 5715-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 1,510 1,601 91 6.03 5715-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5715-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5715-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 5715-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 1,350 1,350 0 0 5715-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 2,040 2,040 0 0 5715-51310 TMRS 22,040 24,418 2,378 10.79 5715-51410 HOSPITAL&LIFE INSURANCE 55,970 47,886 -8,084 -14.44 5715-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 1,130 1,139 9 0.8 5715-51440 FICA 13,720 13,826 106 0.77 5715-51450 MEDICARE 3,210 3,233 23 0.72 5715-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 2,790 2,862 72 2.58 5715-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP(TWC) 1,890 1,890 0 0 5715-51510 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 325,460 321,643 -3,817 -1.17 SUPPLIES 5715-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 6,130 6,130 0 0 5715-52040 POSTAGE&FREIGHT 0 0 0 0 5715-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5715-52130 TOOLS/EQUIP-UNDER$100 1,100 1,100 0 0 5715-52250 MEDICAL&SURGICAL 0 0 0 0 5715-52310 FUEL&LUBRICANTS 8,904 6,824 -2,080 -23.36 5715-52710 WEARING APPAREL&UNIFORMS 0 0 0 0 5715-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 1,000 1,000 0 0 5715-52990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL SUPPLIES 17,134 15,054 -2,080 -12.14 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 5715-54350 METER&SERVICE CONNECTIONS 2,975 500 -2,475 -83.19 5715-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5715-54630 TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5715-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 0 0 0 0 5715-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 15,500 14,630 -870 -5.61 5715-54990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 '^,, TOTAL ,,, MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 18,475 15,130 -3,345 -18.11 CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5715-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 23,400 36,400 13,000 55.56 5715-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0 0 0 0 5715-56080 ADVERTISING 0 0 0 0 5715-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 600 600 0 0 5715-56180 RENTAL 7,000 7,190 190 2.71 5715-56210 TRAVEL&TRAINING 2,000 3,500 1,500 75 5715-56250 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 0 0 0 5715-56330 BANK SERVICE CHARGES 74,000 74,000 0 0 5715-56340 CCARD ONLINE SERVICE FEES 0 66,000 66,000 0 5715-56990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 107,000 187,690 80,690 75.41 DEBT SERVICE&CAP.REPL 5715-57110 DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 0 5715-57210 DEBT SERVICE-INTEREST 0 0 0 0 5715-57420 BOND ISSUE COSTS 0 0 0 0 5715-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 1 3. DEBT SERVICE&CAP.REPL 0 0 0 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5715-58110 LAND 0 0 0 0 5715-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0 0 0 0 5715-58330 METER&SERVICE CONNECTIONS 80,525 26,500 -54,025 -67.09 5715-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5715-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5715-58830 FURNITURE&FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 5715-58850 MAJOR TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5715-58910 BUILDINGS 0 0 0 0 5715-58995 CONTRA CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 80,525 26,500 -54,025 -67.09 TOTAL UTILITY BILLING 548,594 566,017 17,423 3.18 i 7-02-09 4:31 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 611 UTILITY FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 16 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET DEPT NO: 715 UTILITY BILLING 611-5715-51110 SALARIES 203,326.00 611-5715-51112 SALARIES-PARTTIME 0.00 611-5715-51130 OVERTIME 16,500.00 General 16,500.00 611-5715-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 1,572.00 611-5715-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 1,601.00 611-5715-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0.00 611-5715-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 611-5715-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 0.00 611-5715-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 1,350.00 611-5715-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 2,040.00 611-5715-51310 TMRS 24,418.00 611-5715-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 47,886.00 611-5715-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 1,139.00 611-5715-51440 FICA 13,826.00 611-5715-51450 MEDICARE 3,233.00 611-5715-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 2,862.00 611-5715-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 1,890.00 611-5715-51510 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL 0.00 611-5715-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 6,130.00 Copy Paper 750.00 Print Cartridges 2,200.00 j Ribbons for registers 300.00 Miscellaneous supplies 1,500.00 Notice Forms 400.00 CC Machine, tapes, supplies 500.00 Bank Bags 300.00 Business Cards 4 45.00 180.00 611-5715-52040 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 0.00 611-5715-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0.00 611-5715-52130 TOOLS/EQUIP-UNDER $100 1,100.00 Shovels 100.00 Hand Tools 300.00 Replacement Other 700.00 611-5715-52250 MEDICAL & SURGICAL 0.00 611-5715-52310 FUEL & LUBRICANTS 6,824.00 For 2 vehicles 6,500.00 Car Washes 36 9.00 324.00 611-5715-52710 WEARING APPAREL & UNIFORMS 0.00 611-5715-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 1,000.00 Water, Coffee, Cups, Etc 850.00 Other 150.00 611-5715-52990 OTHER 0.00 611-5715-54350 METER & SERVICE CONNECTIONS 500.00 Supplies to Repair Meters 500.00 611-5715-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 611-5715-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 ') 611-5715-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 337,197.00 7-02-09 4:31 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 611 UTILITY FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 17 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET 611-5715-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 14,630.00 Incode Software License 13,000.00 Greentree maintenance 1,500.00 Phone tree maintenance 130.00 611-5715-54990 OTHER 0.00 611-5715-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 36,400.00 DataProse Late Notices 2,400.00 DataProse Monthly Bill 12 2,500.00 30,000.00 Johnson Lab Reinstall 200 20.00 4,000.00 611-5715-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0.00 611-5715-56080 ADVERTISING 0.00 611-5715-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 600.00 Cell Phones 600.00 0.00 611-5715-56180 RENTAL 7,190.00 One Half Copier- Finance 2,500.00 Lockbox 1,090.00 Postage Meter 12 300.00 3,600.00 611-5715-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 3,500.00 gfoat seminar 1,500.00 Incode Training - 1 2,000.00 611-5715-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0.00 611-5715-56330 BANK SERVICE CHARGES 74,000.00 Bank service 60,000.00 ,, ::) 56340 cc- fees 14,000.00 611-5715-56340 CCARD ONLINE SERVICE FEES 66,000.00 Credit Card Online 12 5,500.00 66,000.00 611-5715-56990 OTHER 0.00 611-5715-57110 DEBT SERVICE 0.00 611-5715-57210 DEBT SERVICE-INTEREST 0.00 611-5715-57420 BOND ISSUE COSTS 0.00 611-5715-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0.00 611-5715-58110 LAND 0.00 611-5715-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0.00 611-5715-58330 METER & SERVICE CONNECTIONS 26,500.00 New Res. meters@$210.00 21,000.00 New Res meter connections 200 15.00 3,000.00 Meter Boxes 50 50.00 2,500.00 611-5715-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 611-5715-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 611-5715-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 611-5715-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 611-5715-58910 BUILDINGS 0.00 611-5715-58995 CONTRA CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 228,820.00 DEPT TOTAL: 566,017.00 Combined Services Department Detail CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET WORKSITOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 . 61 I-UTILITY FUND NON-DEPARTMENTAL CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE SUPPLIES 5719-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 5719-52040 POSTAGE 60,000 60,000 0 0 TOTAL SUPPLIES 60,000 60,000 0 0 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5719-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 0 14,950 14,950 0 5719-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0 0 0 0 5719-56080 ADVERTISING 0 0 0 0 5719-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 0 0 0 0 5719-56180 RENTAL 9,960 9,960 0 0 5719-56210 TRAVEL&TRAINING 0 0 0 0 5719-56250 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 0 0 0 5719-56310 INSURANCE 67,000 67,000 0 0 5719-56530 COURT&LEGAL COSTS 0 0 0 0 5719-56570 ENGINEERING-ARCHITECT SVC 0 0 0 0 5719-56610 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 0 0 0 0 5719-56630 UTILITIES-WATER 2,066,680 2,066,680 0 0 5719-56640 UTILITIES-SEWER 3,229,650 3,394,265 164,615 5.1 : ',I:,, 5719-56660 UTILITIES-GAS 0 0 0 0 5719-56990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5,373,290 5,552,855 179,565 3.34 DEBT SERVICE&CAP.REPL 5719-57110 DEBT SERVICE-BOND DEBT 908,170 908,170 0 0 5719-57210 DEBT SERVICE-INTEREST 580,720 580,720 0 0 5719-57310 DEBT SERVICE-FISCAL AGENT FEE 10,000 10,000 0 0 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE&CAP.REPL 1,498,890 1,498,890 0 0 OTl-IER FINANCING(USES) 5719-59111 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 450,000 450,000 0 0 5719-59170 TRANSFER TO UTILITY C.O.2007 0 0 0 0 5719-59711 TRANSFER TO FLEET FUND 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING(USES) 450,000 450,000 0 0 TOTAL 'a NON-DEPARTMENTAL 7,382,180 7,561,745 179,565 2.43 7-02-09 4:31 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 611 UTILITY FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 18 ' ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET DEPT NO: 719 NON - DEPARTMENTAL 611-5719-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0.00 611-5719-52040 POSTAGE 60,000.00 611-5719-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 611-5719-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 611-5719-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 611-5719-54910 BUILDINGS 0.00 611-5719-54990 OTHER 0.00 611-5719-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 14,950.00 Water Rate Study Update 1 14,950.00 14,950.00 611-5719-56050 UNIFORM CONTRACT 0.00 611-5719-56080 ADVERTISING 0.00 611-5719-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 0.00 611-5719-56180 RENTAL 9,960.00 Mobile 9,960.00 611-5719-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 0.00 611-5719-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0.00 611-5719-56310 INSURANCE 67,000.00 General 67,000.00 611-5719-56530 COURT & LEGAL COSTS 0.00 611-5719-56570 ENGINEERING-ARCHITECT SVC 0.00 611-5719-56610 UTILITIES - ELECTRIC 0.00 611-5719-56630 UTILITIES-WATER 2,066,680.00 NTMWD ESTIMATE 05/08 2,066,680.00 ‘ '!;r 611-5719-56640 UTILITIES-SEWER 3,394,265.00 Interceptor 1 2,153,500.00 2,153,500.00 Wastewater 1,240,765.00 0.00 611-5719-56660 UTILITIES - GAS 0.00 611-5719-56990 OTHER 0.00 611-5719-57110 DEBT SERVICE- BOND DEBT 908,170.00 2005 GO 315,000.00 2005 PPFCO 109,310.00 2002 REVENUE 45,000.00 2000 REVENUE 75,000.00 1999 REVENUE 65,000.00 07 GO'S 28,860.00 07 CO'S 270,000.00 611-5719-57210 DEBT SERVICE-INTEREST 580,720.00 2005 GO 46,800.00 2005 PPFCO 42,150.00 2002 REVENUE 38,400.00 2000 REVENUE 66,220.00 1999 REVENUE 48,470.00 2007 CO's 308,580.00 07 GO'S 30,100.00 611-5719-57310 DEBT SERVICE-FISCAL AGENT FEE 10,000.00 Fees 10,000.00 611-5719-57610 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 0.00 --' PAGE TOTAL: 7,111,745.00 7-02-09 4:31 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 611 UTILITY FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 19 - ACCOUNT NO# ____= ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET 611-5719-57611 AMORTIZATION EXPENSE 0.00 611-5719-57710 BAD DEBT EXPENSE 0.00 611-5719-58110 LAND 0.00 611-5719-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0.00 611-5719-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 611-5719-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 611-5719-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 611-5719-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 611-5719-58910 BUILDINGS 0.00 611-5719-58995 CONTRA CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 611-5719-59111 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 450,000.00 Transfer to GE 450,000.00 611-5719-59170 TRANSFER TO UTILITY C.O. 2007 0.00 611-5719-59711 TRANSFER TO FLEET FUND 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 450,000.00 DEPT TOTAL: 7,561,745.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: 10,771,267.00 NET REVENUES/EXPENDITURES: 71,287.00 S e; Special Revenue Fund Fiscal Year 2009-2010 City Of Wylie Fund Summary 4B Sales Tax Fund Audited 4B Fund Ending Balance 09/30/08 $ 1,102,121 Projected '09 Revenues 1,310,000 Available Funds 2,412,121 Projected '09 Expenditures (1,095,600) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/09 $ 1,316,521 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance - 10/01/09 $ 1,316,521 Proposed Revenue'10 1,479,420 Proposed Expenditures '10 (1,251,137) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/10 $ 1,544,804 City Of Wylie Fund Summary Park A & I Audited Park A & I Fund Ending Balance 09/30/08 $ 326,640 Projected'09 Revenues 282,000 Available Funds 608,640 Projected '09 Expenditures (384,310) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/09 $ 224,330 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance- 10/01/09 $ 224,330 Proposed Revenue '10 52,000 Proposed Expenditures '10 (3,150) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/10 $ 273,180 City Of Wylie Fund Summary Emergency Communications Audited Emergency Communications Fund Ending Balance 09/30/08 $ 610,207 Projected '09 Revenues 1,159,500 Available Funds 1,769,707 Projected '09 Expenditures (1,325,841) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/09 $ 443,866 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance- 10/01/09 $ 443,866 Proposed Revenue '10 1,190,914 Transfer from General Fund for Radio System 811,013 Proposed Expenditures '10 (2,001,927) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/10 $ 443,866 5. City Of Wylie Fund Summary Fire Training Center Audited Fire Training Center Fund Ending Balance 09/30/08 $ 84,495 Projected'09 Revenues 25,750 Available Funds 110,245 Projected '09 Expenditures (15,171) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/09 $ 95,074 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance - 10/01/09 $ 95,074 Proposed Revenue '10 20,750 Proposed Expenditures '10 (16,500) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/10 $ 99,324 4B Department Detail CITY OF WYLIE BUDGED WORKSI IOP.FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT 1 ) BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 112-413 SALES TAX REVENUE 413 PARKS DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL SERVICES 5614-51110 SALARIES 189,480 124,315 -65,165 -34.39 5614-51 130 OVERTIME 14,500 14,500 0 0 5614-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 1,190 938 -252 -21.18 5614-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 720 0 -720 -100 5614-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 1,890 0 -1,890 -100 5614-51 170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5614-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 5614-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 0 1,470 1,470 0 5614-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 1,440 2,160 720 50 5614-51310 TMRS 20,840 15,688 -5,152 -24.72 5614-51410 HOSPITAL&LIFE INSURANCE 40,690 23,025 -17,665 -43.41 5614-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 1,060 696 -364 -34.34 5614-51440 FICA 12,970 8,890 -4,080 -31.46 5614-51450 MEDICARE 3,030 2,079 -951 -31.39 5614-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 3,620 2,345 -1,275 -35.22 5 6 1 4-5 1 480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP(TWC) 1,080 810 -270 -25 TOTAI, , ' PERSONNEL SERVICES 292,510 196,916 -95,594 -32.68 SUPPLIES 5614-52130 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 0 50 50 0 "TOTAL SUPPLIES 0 50 50 0 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5614-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 72,120 45,715 -26,405 -36.61 5614-56210 TRAVEL AND TRAINING 0 1,770 1,770 0 5614-56250 DUES AND SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 450 450 0 'TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 72,120 47,935 -24,185 -33.53 DEBT SERVICE&CAP. REPL 5614-57310 DEBT SERVICE-FISCAL AGENT F EE 0 0 0 0 5614-57420 BOND ISSUE COSTS 0 0 0 0 5614-57710 BAD DEBT EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 5614-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0 0 0 0 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE&CAP.REPL 0 0 0 0 CITY OF WYLIE BUDGED WORKSHOP, FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE CAPITAL OUTLAY 5614-581 10 LAND 0 0 0 0 5614-58150 LAND BETTERMENTS 50,450 0 -50,450 -100 5614-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5614-58530 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5614-58830 FURNITURE&FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 5614-58840 OUTDOOR FURNITURE&EQUIPME NT 0 0 0 0 5614-58850 MAJOR TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5614-58910 BUILDINGS 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 50,450 0 -50,450 -100 OTHER FINANCING(USES) 5614-59132 TRANSFER TO 4B DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING(USES) 0 0 0 0 TOTAL ( ) 4B PARKS 415,080 244,901 -170,179 -41 j 7-02-09 4:49 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 112 4B SALES TAX REVENUE FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 3 ., ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET DEPT NO: 614 4B PARKS 112-5614-51110 SALARIES 124,315.00 124,315.00 112-5614-51130 OVERTIME 14,500.00 OVERTIME 1 14,500.00 14,500.00 Current Year Requested amount is less than FY 08-09 due to $4,500.00 being transferred to 5511 Overtime where the majority of Park employees utilize this line item. 112-5614-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 938.00 938.00 112-5614-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 0.00 112-5614-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0.00 CHEMICAL APPLICATOR LICENSE 0.00 Jimmy England - exp. 12/27/09 1 0.00 Dennis Sewell - exp. 2/28/10 1 0.00 IRRIGATION LICENSE 0.00 Dennis Sewell - exp. 12/31/09 1 0.00 PLAYGROUND SAFETY INSPECT. 0.00 Jimmy England - exp. 12/01/11 1 0.00 PROFESSIONAL TURF CERT. 0.00 Dennis Sewell 1 0.00 Current Year Requested budget is slightly less than FY 08-09 due to one 5614 employee's(R.Diaz)Certified Park and Rec.Professioal cost being transferred to 5615. D.Sewell's Pro. Turf Certification cost was transferred from 5511-51160. 112-5614-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 112-5614-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 0.00 112-5614-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 1,470.00 DENNIS SEWELL- Field Super. 1 1,470.00 1,470.00 Current Year This is a new line item to 5614. The cost is the same and is being transferred from 5511-51220 because Dennis Sewell's salary is paid from 5614. 112-5614-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 2,160.00 Jimmy England 1 720.00 720.00 Stuart Rodriguez 1 720.00 720.00 Dennis Sewell 1 720.00 720.00 Current Year Requested amount is more than FY 08-09 due to one employee's (D.Sewell) cost being transferred from the 5511 budget. This employee's salary is paid from 5614. 112-5614-51310 TMRS 15,688.00 15,688.00 112-5614-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 23,025.00 23,025.00 112-5614-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 696.00 696.00 112-5614-51440 FICA 8,890.00 8,890.00 112-5614-51450 MEDICARE 2,079.00 2,079.00 PAGE TOTAL: 193,761.00 7-02-09 4:49 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 112 4B SALES TAX REVENUE FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 4 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET 112-5614-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 2,345.00 2,345.00 112-5614-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 810.00 810.00 112-5614-52130 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 50.00 JIMMY ENGLAND - PHONE UPGRADE 1 50.00 50.00 Current Year This is a new line item for 5614. This cost is being transferred from 5511-52130 because this employee's salary is paid from 5614. 112-5614-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 45,715.00 FLU SHOTS - 3 EMPLOYEES 3 30.00 90.00 OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN 0.00 CARRY OVER 1 45,625.00 45,625.00 Current Year Requested amount is less than FY 08-09 due to one less employee flu shot and approximately two thirds of remaining Parks Master Plan costs needing to be rolled over to FY 09-10. 112-5614-56210 TRAVEL AND TRAINING 1,770.00 WORKSHOPS- F.SUP/MAINT. EMP 1 800.00 800.00 CHEM.APP. CEU'S - 2 EMPLOYEES 2 110.00 220.00 IRRI. LIC. CEU'S - 1 EMPLOYEE 1 250.00 250.00 TURF LICENSE 1 500.00 500.00 Current Year This is a new line item to 5614. These costs are being transferred from 5511-56210 because employees J. England and D. Sewell salaries are paid from 5614. 112-5614-56250 DUES AND SUBSCRIPTIONS 450.00 CHEM. APP. LIC. RENEW. 2 EMPLY 2 100.00 200.00 IRRI. LIC. RENEW. - 1 EMPLOYEE 1 250.00 250.00 Current Year This is a new line item in 5614. These costs are being transferred from 5511-56250 because two employee's (J.England, D. Sewell) salaries are paid from 5614. 112-5614-57310 DEBT SERVICE-FISCAL AGENT FEES 0.00 112-5614-57420 BOND ISSUE COSTS 0.00 112-5614-57710 BAD DEBT EXPENSE 0.00 112-5614-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0.00 112-5614-58110 LAND 0.00 112-5614-58150 LAND BETTERMENTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 112-5614-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 112-5614-58530 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 0.00 112-5614-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 112-5614-58840 OUTDOOR FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0.00 112-5614-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 112-5614-58910 BUILDINGS 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 51,140.00 DEPT TOTAL: 244,901.00 CITY OF WYLIE BUDGED WORKSHOP,FISCAL.YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 112-4B SALES TAX REVENUE 413 RECREATION DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL SERVICES 5615-5111(1 SALARIES 52,210 193,048 140,838 269.75 5615-51112 SALARIES-PARTTIME 39,520 58,708 19,188 48.55 5615-5I 130 OVERTIME 0 0 0 0 5615-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 210 962 752 358.1 5615-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 280 1,513 1,233 440.36 5615-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 330 3,140 2,810 851.52 5615-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5615-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 5615-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 0 5,210 5,210 0 5615-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0 1,300 1,300 0 5615-51310"(MRS 5,090 22,357 17,267 339.23 5615-51410 HOSPFFAL&LIFE INSURANCE 7,280 56,559 49,279 676.91 5615-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 510 1,410 900 176.47 5615-51440 FICA 5,740 16,299 10,559 183.95 5615-51450 MEDICARE 1,340 3,812 2,472 184.48 5615-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 1,730 4.922 3,192 184.51 5615-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP(TWC) 980 2,496 1,516 154.69 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 115.220 371,736 256,516 222.63 ''' SUPPLIES 5615-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 2,400 2,400 0 5615-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5615-52130 TOOLS/EQUIP-UNDER$100 0 13,900 13,900 0 5615-52160 TOOLS/EQUIP-$100-$999.99 0 0 0 0 5615-52310 FUEL&LUBRICANTS 0 7,600 7.600 0 5615-52610 RECREATION SUPPLIES 0 2,000 2,000 0 5615-52710 WEARING APPAREL&UNIFORMS 0 0 0 0 5615-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 0 3,500 3,500 0 5615-52990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL SUPPLIES 0 29,400 29,400 0 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 5615-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5615-54530 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5615-54630 TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 0 500 500 0 5615-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 0 0 0 0 5615-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5615-54910 I3UILDINGS 0 0 0 0 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 0 500 500 0 CITY OF WYLIE BUDGED WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT ' .) BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5615-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 0 18,500 18,500 0 5615-56080 ADVERTISING 0 11,000 11,000 0 5615-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 0 1,200 1,200 0 5615-56180 RENTAL 0 900 900 0 5615-56210 TRAVEL&TRAINING 0 3,500 3,500 0 5615-56250 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 2,700 2,700 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 37,800 37,800 0 DEBT SERVICE&CAP. REPL 5615-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0 0 0 0 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE&CAP. REPL 0 0 0 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5615-58150 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5615-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0 1,500 1,500 0 5615-58830 FURNITURE&FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 7,N, 5615-58850 MAJOR TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 b 5615-58995 CONTRA CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 1,500 1,500 0 OTHER FINANCING(USES) 5615-59711 TRANSFER TO FLEET FUND 0 0 0 0 "TOTAL OTHER FINANCING(USES) 0 0 0 0 "TOTAL. 4B RECREATION 115,220 440,936 325,716 282.69 } 7-02-09 4:49 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 112 4B SALES TAX REVENUE FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 5 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET DEPT NO: 615 4B RECREATION 112-5615-51110 SALARIES 193,048.00 193,048.00 112-5615-51112 SALARIES-PARTTIME 58,708.00 58,708.00 112-5615-51130 OVERTIME 0.00 112-5615-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 962.00 962.00 112-5615-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 1,513.00 1,513.00 112-5615-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 3,140.00 CERT PARKS REC. PROF. ELS 1 1 3,140.00 3,140.00 Permanent CERTIFED PARKS AND RECREATION PROFESSIONAL PAY FOR ROBERT DIAZ. Current Year CERTIFED PARKS AND RECREATION PROFESSIONAL PAY FOR ROBERT DIAZ. MOVED FROM 5614. CPRP EXPIRATION DATE IS 9/1/2010. 112-5615-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 112-5615-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 0.00 112-5615-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 5,210.00 REC. SUPER-R. DIAZ ELS 1 1,470.00 REC. SUPERVISOR 1,470.00 REC. MAN.- ELS 2 1,470.00 REC PROGRAMMER-ELS 5 400.00 REC FITNESS PROGRAM-ELS 6 400.00 Permanent PHONE ALLOWANCE FOR ROBERT DIAZ, CARMEN POWLEN, AND RECREATION SUPERVISOR. Current Year PHONE ALLOWANCE FOR ROBERT DIAZ, CARMEN POWLEN, AND RECREATION SUPERVISOR. DIAZ MOVED FROM 5614; REC SUPV POSITION MOVED FROM 5521. 112-5615-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 1,300.00 REC SUPERVISOR 300.00 REC MANAGER ELS 2 300.00 BUILDING MONITOR 500.00 REC PROGRAMMER-ELS 5 100.00 REC FITNESS PROGRAM-ELS 6 100.00 Current Year BUILDING MONITOR AND REC SUPV CLOTHING MOVED OVER FROM 5521. 112-5615-51310 TMRS 22,357.00 22,357.00 112-5615-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 56,559.00 56,559.00 112-5615-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 1,410.00 1,410.00 112-5615-51440 FICA 16,299.00 16,299.00 112-5615-51450 MEDICARE 3,812.00 3,812.00 112-5615-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 4,922.00 4,922.00 PAGE TOTAL: 369,240.00 7-02-09 4:49 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 112 4B SALES TAX REVENUE FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 6 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET 112-5615-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 2,496.00 2,496.00 112-5615-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,400.00 Paper 700.00 Inket cartridges 700.00 Pens, folders, misc. supplies 300.00 Film Developing/Batteries 100.00 MISC. OFFICE SUPPLIES ELS 2 200.00 Supplies for ELS 5 200.00 Supplies for ELS 6 200.00 Permanent These office supplies were moved over from 5521 and support full-time Recreation staff part-time staff (Building Monitors). Current Year These office supplies were moved over from 5521 and support full-time Recreation staff part-time staff (Building Monitors). 112-5615-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0.00 112-5615-52130 TOOLS/EQUIP-UNDER $100 13,900.00 Extension cords, keys, bins 500.00 Computer for ELS 2 1,500.00 DIGITAL CAMERA ELS 2 800.00 REPLACE TABLES AND CHAIRS 3,500.00 NEW DESK/CHAIR ELS 2 1,500.00 PHONE UPGRADES 2 50.00 100.00 Computer for ELS 5 1,500.00 Computer for ELS 6 1,500.00 Desk/Chair for ELS 5 1,500.00 Desk/Chair for ELS 6 1,500.00 Permanent THIS IS HARDWARE NEEDED FOR THE COMMUNITY CENTER. APPROXIMATELY 7 TABLES (VARIOUS SIZES) AND 15 CHAIRS ARE IN NEED OF REPLACEMENT. Current Year THIS IS HARDWARE NEEDED FOR THE COMMUNITY CENTER. APPROXIMATELY 7 TABLES (VARIOUS SIZES) AND 15 CHAIRS ARE IN NEED OF REPLACEMENT. ELS 2 ITEMS NEEDED TO SUPPORT NEW REC MANAGER POSITION. 112-5615-52160 TOOLS/EQUIP-$100-$999.99 0.00 112-5615-52310 FUEL & LUBRICANTS 7,600.00 Unit 157 Recreation (Diaz) 1,700.00 Unit 123-van 1,200.00 Unit 128-bus 3,200.00 FUEL ELS 4 (bus fuel) 1,500.00 Permanent MOVED FUNDING FOR ALL RECREATION VEHICLES FROM 5521 GENERAL FUND BACK TO 5615 4B. UNIT 157 IS THE RECREATION SUPER. VEHICLE AND UNITS 123 AND 126 ARE THE UNITS BASED AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER FOR SENIOR TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNITY CENTER STAFF USE. REDUCED FUNDING FROM FY08-09 20% Current Year MOVED FUNDING FOR ALL RECREATION VEHICLES FROM 5521 GENERAL FUND BACK TO 5615 4B. UNIT 157 IS THE RECREATION SUPER. 7-02-09 4:49 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 112 48 SALES TAX REVENUE FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 7 ',.} ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET i VEHICLE AND UNITS 123 AND 126 ARE THE UNITS BASED AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER FOR SENIOR TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNITY CENTER STAFF USE. REDUCED FUNDING FROM FY08-09 20% 112-5615-52610 RECREATION SUPPLIES 2,000.00 BINGO PRIZES-SENIOR PROGRAM 1,500.00 ARTS CRAFTS/LUNCHEON 500.00 Permanent THESE SUPPLIES ARE FOR THE SENIORS PROGRAM HELD AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER. Current Year THESE SUPPLIES ARE FOR THE SENIORS PROGRAM HELD AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER. MOVED THIS FUNDING OVER FROM 5521. 112-5615-52710 WEARING APPAREL & UNIFORMS 0.00 112-5615-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 3,500.00 SENIOR LUNCHES/BREAKFASTS 2,500.00 COFFEE AND COFFE SUPPLIES 750.00 STAFF/SAFETY MEETINGS 250.00 Permanent THIS LINE SUPPORTS SENIOR PROGRAM LUNCHES AND BREAKFASTS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. THIS FUNDING ALSO SUPPORTS DAILY COFFEE SUPPLIES FOR THE SENIORS AND SPECIAL EVENTS. Current Year THIS LINE SUPPORTS SENIOR PROGRAM LUNCHES AND BREAKFASTS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. THIS FUNDING ALSO SUPPORTS DAILY COFFEE SUPPLIES FOR THE SENIORS AND SPECIAL EVENTS. THESE ITEMS WERE MOVED OVER FROM 5521. 112-5615-52990 OTHER 0.00 112-5615-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 112-5615-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 500.00 MAINT. FOR ICE MACHINE/FRIG. 500.00 Permanent INCREASED FUNDING FOR MAINTENANCE DUE TO INCREASING AGE OF REFRIGERATOR AND ICE MACHINE. Current Year INCREASED FUNDING FOR MAINTENANCE DUE TO INCREASING AGE OF REFRIGERATOR AND ICE MACHINE. ALSO, TWO EXISTING CITY-OWNED PHONES ARE ELGIBLE FOR UPGRADE AND WILL BE REPLACED ONLY IF THEY ARE BROKEN. THESE LINE ITEMS MOVED OVER FROM 5521. 112-5615-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 0.00 112-5615-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 112-5615-54910 BUILDINGS 0.00 112-5615-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 18,500.00 ACTIVENET TRAINING ELS 3 16,000.00 Port-a-lets/bounce-Halloween 2,500.00 Permanent ACTIVENET TRAINING FOR RESERVATION AND PROGRAM REGISTRAITON AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER AND PARKS. Current Year ACTIVENET TRAINING FOR RESERVATION AND PROGRAM REGISTRAITON AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER AND PARKS. THIS SYSTEM IS PROPOSED TO BE USED IN THE NEW REC CENTER. 112-5615-56080 ADVERTISING 11,000.00 COMM CNTR, SENIOF FLIERS 1,000.00 NEW REC FLIERS/BROCHURE 5,000.00 NEW REC PROMO ITEMS 2,500.00 NEW REC PROMO EVENTS 2,500.00 7-02-09 4:49 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 112 4B SALES TAX REVENUE FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 8 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET , Permanent FLIERS AND PROMOTION MATERIALS FOR SENIOR PROGRAMS, I.E. SENIOR HEALTH FAIR. Current Year FLIERS AND PROMOTION MATERIALS FOR SENIOR PROGRAMS, I.E. SENIOR HEALTH FAIR. ALSO, INCLUDES COMPREHENSIVE MARKETING CAMPAIGN TO PROMOTE THE NEW REC CENTER, SELL MEMBERSHIPS, AND CONDUCT PROMOTIONAL ADVERTISING AND EVENTS. 112-5615-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 1,200.00 CELL PHONE CHARGES 2 600.00 1,200.00 Permanent MONTHLY CHARGES FOR CITY OWNED CELL PHONES USED BY COMMUNITY CENTER STAFF. Current Year MONTHLY CHARGES FOR CITY OWNED CELL PHONES USED BY COMMUNITY CENTER STAFF. 112-5615-56180 RENTAL 900.00 COPIER 12 75.00 900.00 Current Year FUNDING MOVED OVER FROM 5521. 112-5615-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 3,500.00 STATE/REG/NAT CONF ELS 1 1,500.00 MISC. CONF. ELS 2 1,500.00 Misc. for ELS 5 500.00 Permanent TRAVEL AND TRAINING TO MAINTAIN CERT PARK AND REC PROFESSIONAL (DIAZ) AND STAFF DEVELOPMENT TRAINING. Current Year TRAVEL AND TRAINING TO MAINTAIN CERT PARK AND RED PROFESSIONAL (DIAZ) AND STAFF DEVELOPMENT TRAINING. 112-5615-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 2,700.00 TRAPS/NRPA SUPT. ELS 1 200.00 TRAPS/NRPA REC. SUP. 200.00 MEMBER CITY TRAPS 400.00 MEMBER CITY NRPA 500.00 MEMBER CITY TAAF 300.00 TEXAS TURFGRASS 100.00 MISC. DUES ELS 2 500.00 Misc. Dues ELS 5 250.00 Misc. Dues ELS 6 250.00 Current Year BULK OF FUNDING MOVED OVER FROM 5521. ALSO INCLUDES DUES FOR PROPOSED ELS ITEMS. 112-5615-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 0.00 112-5615-56150 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 112-5615-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 1,500.00 Computer 1,500.00 112-5615-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 112-5615-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 112-5615-56995 CONTRA CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 112-5615-59711 TRANSFER TO FLEET FUND 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 9,800.00 DEPT TOTAL: 440,936.00 ) Park A & I Department Detail CITY OF WYLIE BUDGED WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 ',, CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 12I-PARKA&I FUND PARK A&I WEST ZONE DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES SUPPLIES 5621-52130 TOOLS/EQUIP-UNDER$100 0 0 0 0 5621-52510 BOTANICAL&AGRICULTURAL 0 0 0 0 5621-52610 RECREATIONAL SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 TOTAL SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 5621-54250 STREET SIGNS AND MARKINGS 1,500 0 -1,500 -100 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 1,500 0 -1,500 -100 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5621-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 ( TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5621-581 10 LAND-PURCHASE PRICE 0 0 0 0 5621-58150 LAND BETTERMENTS 0 0 0 0 5621-58830 FURNITURE&FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 5621-58840 OUTDOOR FURNITURE&EQUIP 0 0 0 0 5621-58850 MAJOR TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 TOTAL PARK A&I WEST ZONE 1,500 0 -1,500 100 ,,1 7-02-09 4:51 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 121 PARK A & I FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET DEPT NO: 621 PARK ACQ & IMP-WEST ZONE 121-5621-52130 TOOLS/EQUIP-UNDER $100 0.00 121-5621-52510 BOTANICAL & AGRICULTURAL 0.00 121-5621-52610 RECREATIONAL SUPPLIES 0.00 121-5621-54250 STREET SIGNS AND MARKINGS 0.00 0.00 121-5621-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 0.00 121-5621-58110 LAND - PURCHASE PRICE 0.00 121-5621-58150 LAND BETTERMENTS 0.00 121-5621-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 121-5621-58840 OUTDOOR FURNITURE & EQUIP 0.00 121-5621-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 0.00 DEPT TOTAL: 0.00 tz CITY OF WYLIE BUDGED WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 121-PARK A&I FUND PARK A&I CENTRAL ZONE DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES SUPPLIES 5622-52510 BOTANICAL&AGRICULTURAL 35,250 0 -35,250 -100 5622-52610 RECREATIONAL SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 TOTAL SUPPLIES 35,250 0 -35,250 -100 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 5622-54250 STREET SIGNS AND MARKINGS 1,500 0 -1,500 -100 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 1,500 0 -1,500 -100 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5622-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CONI'RACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5622-581 10 LAND-PURCHASE 91,110 0 -91,110 -100 5622-58150 LAND BETTERMENTS 197.950 0 -197,950 -100 5622-58830 FURNITURE&FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 5622-58840 OUTDOOR FURNITURE&EQUIP 7,000 3,150 -3,850 -55 5622-58850 MAJOR TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5622-58910 BUILDING 50,000 0 -50,000 -100 TOTAL. CAPITAL OUTLAY 346,060 3,150 -342,910 -99.09 TOTAL PARK A&I CENTRAL ZONE 382,810 3,150 -379,660 -99.18 7-02-09 4:51 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 121 PARK A & I FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 3 )' ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET DEPT NO: 622 PARK ACQ & IMP-CENT ZONE 121-5622-52510 BOTANICAL & AGRICULTURAL 0.00 0.00 121-5622-52610 RECREATIONAL SUPPLIES 0.00 121-5622-54250 STREET SIGNS AND MARKINGS 0.00 0.00 121-5622-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 0.00 121-5622-58110 LAND - PURCHASE 0.00 0.00 121-5622-58150 LAND BETTERMENTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 121-5622-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 121-5622-58840 OUTDOOR FURNITURE & EQUIP 3,150.00 SLIDE FOR SOUTHBROOK PARK 1 3,150.00 3,150.00 Current Year Requested amount amount is less than FY 08-09. Slide for Southbrook Park is to answer citizes request for more playground equipment in addition to the existing swing set. 121-5622-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 121-5622-58910 BUILDING 0.00 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 3,150.00 1 DEPT TOTAL: 3,150.00 s Dispatch Department Detail CITY OF WYLIE BUDGED WORKSHOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 131-EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION DISPATCH SERVICES DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL SERVICES 5641-51110 SALARIES 396,970 430,143 33,173 8.36 5641-51112 SALARIES-PARTTIME 33,350 0 -33,350 -100 5641-51130 OVERTIME 59,770 59,770 0 0 5641-51135 FLSA OVERTIME 47.270 55.191 7,921 16.76 5641-51 140 LONGEVITY PAY 1,580 2,653 1,073 67.91 5641-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 1.220 1,149 -71 -5.82 5641-51 160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 6.120 6,720 600 9.8 5641-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5641-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 5641-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 850 850 0 0 5641-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 2,640 2,640 0 0 5641-51310 TMRS 46,960 61,223 14,263 30.37 5641-51410 HOSPITAL&LIFE INSURANCE 106,380 88,002 -18,378 -17.28 5641-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 2,220 2,220 0 0 5641-51440 FICA 33,950 34,665 715 2.11 5641-51450 MEDICARE 7,940 8,107 167 2.1 5641-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 930 944 14 1.51 5641-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP(TWC) 3,240 3,240 0 0 5641-5ISI0 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 751,390 757,517 6,127 0.82 SUPPLIES 5641-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 9,525 6,290 -3,235 -33.96 5641-52040 POSTAGE 200 200 0 0 5641-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 7,495 0 -7,495 -100 5641-52130 TOOLS/EQUIP-UNDER$100 54,900 0 -54,900 -100 5641-52310 FUEL AND LUBRICANTS 750 0 -750 -100 5641-52630 AUDIO VISUAL 6,800 5,800 -1,000 -14.71 5641-52710 WEARING APPAREL&UNIFORMS 0 0 0 0 5641-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 1,500 1,000 -500 -33.33 TOTAL SUPPLIES 81,170 13,290 -67,880 -83.63 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 5641-54610 FURNITURE&FIXTURES 500 500 0 0 5641-54630 TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 1,500 500 -1,000 -66.67 5641-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 37,530 34,150 -3,380 -9.01 5641-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 94,370 87,437 -6,933 -7.35 x) TOTAL. ) MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 133,900 122,587 -11,313 -8.45 CITY OF WYLIE BUDGED WORKSHOP, FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5641-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 7,450 7,450 0 0 5641-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 107,596 113,050 5,454 5.07 5641-56120 911 EMERGENCY SERVICE 158,840 151,000 -7,840 -4.94 5641-56180 RENTAL 0 2,500 2.500 0 5641-56210 TRAVEL&TRAINING 22,370 18,300 -4,070 -18.19 5641-56250 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 5.570 5,220 -350 -6.28 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 301.826 297,520 -4,306 -1.43 DEBT SERVICE&CAP.REPL 5641-571 10 DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 0 5641-572I0 DEBT SERVICE-INTEREST 0 0 0 0 5641-57710 BAD DEBT EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE&CAP. REPL 0 0 0 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5641-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 ---.4 5641-58850 MAJOR TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 57.555 811,013 753,458 1,309.11 5641-58910 BUILDINGS 0 0 0 0 'TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 57,555 811,013 753,458 1,309.11 TOTAL DISPATCI-1 SERVICES 1,325,841 2,001,927 676,086 50.99 7-02-09 4:52 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 131 EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 2 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET DEPT NO: 641 DISPATCH SERVICES 131-5641-51110 SALARIES 430,143.00 430,143.00 131-5641-51112 SALARIES-PARTTIME 0.00 131-5641-51130 OVERTIME 59,770.00 271 - LAKE PATROL 8,640.00 204 - TRAINING 4,375.00 250 - MEETINGS 625.00 264 - ADMINISTRATIVE 3,125.00 266 - OFFICE DUTIES 780.00 267 - SICK 5,000.00 268 - VACATION 6,895.00 270 - MISC INCL PERS SHORTAGES 24,930.00 NON CERT TRAINER INCENTIVE 1,800.00 APCO CERT TRAINER INCENTIVE 3,600.00 131-5641-51135 FLSA OVERTIME 55,191.00 55,191.00 131-5641-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 2,653.00 2,653.00 131-5641-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 1,149.00 1,149.00 131-5641-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 6,720.00 PER-LAIRD INTERMED TCLEOSE CER 600.00 PER-ALLEN INTER TCLEOSE CERT 600.00 PER-HOLCOMBADV TCLEOSE/HOLCOMB 960.00 PER-FREDERICK-ADV TCLEOSE 960.00 PER - SHIFT SUPR INC 4 SUPRVSR 3,600.00 0.00 131-5641-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 131-5641-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 0.00 131-5641-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 850.00 Shelly Holcomb 7 100.00 700.00 One time payment 150.00 131-5641-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 2,640.00 Debbi, Kandi 2 300.00 600.00 ALLEN, LAIRD, DAVIS, OVERBEY 4 200.00 800.00 OLESON, FREDERICK, MISS, GARCI 4 200.00 800.00 Gross up 1 440.00 440.00 131-5641-51310 TMRS 61,223.00 61,223.00 131-5641-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 88,002.00 88,002.00 131-5641-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 2,220.00 2,220.00 131-5641-51440 FICA 34,665.00 34,665.00 131-5641-51450 MEDICARE 8,107.00 8,107.00 PAGE TOTAL: 753,333.00 7-02-09 4:52 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 131 EMERGENCY C0MMUNICATIONS ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 3 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET 131-5641-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 944.00 944.00 131-5641-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 3,240.00 131-5641-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 6,290.00 LOG-CARTON PAPER 800.00 LOG-OKI TLETS 0.00 LOG-OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,200.00 LOG-PRINTER CARTR 1,290.00 LOG-CONT-ROLL TLETS 0.00 ALM-OFFICE SUPPLIES ALM CLRK 2,500.00 EM-EOC Office Supplies 500.00 131-5641-52040 POSTAGE 200.00 Postage 200.00 131-5641-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0.00 COM- WEATHER UREDDI STATION 0.00 COM-WEATHER MONITORING FEES 0.00 131-5641-52130 TOOLS/EQUIP-UNDER $100 0.00 COMM- 0.00 FAC- 0.00 EM- 0.00 0.00 131-5641-52310 FUEL AND LUBRICANTS 0.00 0 1 0.00 131-5641-52630 AUDIO VISUAL 5,800.00 j LOG-911 Supplies 0.00 SS ALM PERMIT STICKERS 1,300.00 ALM-ALM STICKERS/SIGNS 4,500.00 131-5641-52710 WEARING APPAREL & UNIFORMS 0.00 131-5641-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 1,000.00 COFFEE, CUPS ETC 1 300.00 300.00 NAT'L TELECOMM WEEK 700.00 131-5641-54610 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 500.00 Repair/Maintenance 1 500.00 500.00 131-5641-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 500.00 Clean Air Ducts(Sferra's Acct) 1 0.00 Other Equip Maint. 1 500.00 500.00 0.00 131-5641-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 34,150.00 FAC-FM200 SEMIANN INSP 4 HAZRD 880.00 FAC-BLDG FIRE ALRM ANN INSP 215.00 FAC-BLDG FIRE SPRNKLR ANN INSP 215.00 FAC-FIRE EXT ANN(INCL 3 STA) 300.00 FAC-PORT FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 500.00 FAC-BLD BATTS, DET, MAINT 500.00 COMM-MISC REPAIRS 2,500.00 CAD-MIRROR SQL SERVER OFFSITE 6,000.00 ALM-SUPPORT/UPDATES 7,540.00 COMM-RADIO WARRANTY 10,000.00 COMM-HIGHERGRND RECORDING MAIN 5,000.00 • FAC - CARD RDR, CAM MAINT BATT 500.00 131-5641-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 87,437.13 CAD-INCIDENT MGMT SFTWR SPRT 28,540.77 CAD-MDC HARD/SOFTWR SPRT 36,528.00 7-02-09 4:52 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 131 EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 4 . ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET CAD-CAD SOFT/HARDWARE SPRT 19,868.36 ALRM - DIR ALRM HARD/SOFTWR 2,500.00 131-5641-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 7,450.00 PER-NEW HIRE TESTING 450.00 CAD--1/3 ON SITE SUPPORT 7,000.00 131-5641-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 113,050.00 COMM-DISP CELL PHONE 250.00 PER-PAGERS 660.00 PHO-VZN DSL LINES 1,140.00 PHO-VZN Ti LINE FOR ALRMS 15,000.00 COMM-VZN AIR CARDS 42,000.00 PHO-VZN LAND/WRLS TRNKS 48,000.00 EM-SIREN MAINT 6,000.00 Permanent Verizon Wireless 911 Routing - Billing One year, One quarter behind. Moved the Civil Defense Sirens from WFR to the Communications budgeting ($6K) 131-5641-56120 911 EMERGENCY SERVICE 151,000.00 PHO-VZN 911 TRNKS/ALI 38,000.00 PHO-VZN RESCUE STAR 911 MAINT 15,000.00 PHO-VZN 911 BACKUP MAINT 20,000.00 PHO-VZN 911 LNDLINE ROUTING 12,000.00 PHO-VZN WRLS 911 PHS 1&2 ROUTE 66,000.00 0.00 ( 131-5641-56180 RENTAL 2,500.00 RENT - TOWER SYSTEM 2,500.00 131-5641-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 18,300.00 PER-TENA CONF 1,000.00 PER-APCO CONE 1,200.00 PER - 1ST CONTACT 911 0.00 PER-NENA CONF 1,840.00 PER-POWERPHONE 1,975.00 PER-APCO OFC CLASS 2,585.00 PER-ILEA 2,700.00 PER-TCLEOSE 7,000.00 PER-NASD CCM CLASS 0.00 131-5641-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5,220.00 PER-NENA X 2 220.00 PER-APCO X 10 1,000.00 PER-EMERG PREPARD FEES 4,000.00 0.00 131-5641-57110 DEBT SERVICE 0.00 131-5641-57210 DEBT SERVICE-INTEREST 0.00 131-5641-57710 BAD DEBT EXPENSE 0.00 131-5641-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 0.00 131-5641-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 811,013.00 Radio Sys Pmts Due FY '10 811,013.00 0.00 '-, 131-5641-58910 BUILDINGS 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 1,108,533.00 TOTAL: 2,001,927.13 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: 2,001,927.13 Fire Training Center Department Detail CITY OF WYLIE BUDGED WORKS}-TOP,FISCAL YEAR 2010 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET PERCENT BUDGET BUDGET VARIANCE VARIANCE 132-FIRE TRAINING CENTER FIRE TRAINING CENTER DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES SUPPLIES 5642-52130 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 5,171 4,500 -671 -12.98 TOTAL SUPPLIES 5,171 4,500 -671 -12.98 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5642-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 10,000 12,000 2,000 20 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 10,000 12,000 2,000 20 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5642-58910 BUILDING 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 OTHER FINANCING(USES) 5642-591 11 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING(USES) 0 0 0 0 TOTAL FIRE TRAINING CENTER 15,171 16,500 1,329 8.76 7-02-09 4:52 PM G/L BUDGET REPORT BUDGET : DB-DEPT'L WORKING BUDGET FUND : 132 FIRE TRAINING CENTER ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 2 ACCOUNT NO# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET DEPT NO: 642 FIRE TRAINING CENTER 132-5642-52130 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 4,500.00 Clowns 1,300.00 Recognitions 1,300.00 Generic FD Donations 1,900.00 Permanent This account will be a revolving account. This is the fire department's donation account. Money will be deposited sparatically throughout the year for donations dedicated to the fire department. The money will be spent for the Clown Program, AED program, Recognition Programs and the Dive Team program. 132-5642-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 12,000.00 Specialized Billing Commission 10,000.00 SUPP/FAC Training Fac Maint 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 132-5642-58910 BUILDING 0.00 132-5642-59111 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 0.00 PAGE TOTAL: 16,500.00 TOTAL: 16,500.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: 16,500.00 NET REVENUES/EXPENDITURES: 4,250.000R ,,t CITY OF WYLIE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SUMMARY- FY 2010/2014 ***PROPOSED*** Department Project Project Name Project Cost FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 Total _,„POW S Projects: — - Public Services 7BA Founders Park 5,470,000 5,470,000 Public Services 7BA Founders Park-(99 Parks Capital Transfer) 58,500 Public Services 7BA Founders Park 163,240 Public Services Dodd Park 0 Public Services Community Park 1,495,000 1,345,000 GO 1,495,000 Public Services Avalon Park(Phase I) J 0 Public Services Twin Lakes Park 0 Public Services Alanis Dog Park 0 Public Services BMX/Skateboard Park 0 Public Services Trail Connections 0 Subtotal 1,345,000 0 0 0 0• 7,186,740 Public Buildings Projects Fire 6BA New Fire Station Three 2,000,000 2,750,000 Fire 6BA New Fire Station Three 1,500,000 1,500,000 Library 6BB New Library (Construction cost estimate) 13,569,200 6,784,600 GO 14,599,200 City Manager 6BC New City Hall (Construction cost estimate) 14,575,480 7,287,740 GO 15,095,480 Public Services 6BD Recreation Center (Construction cost estimate) 11,866,340 5,933,170 GO 12,416,340 Public Services Service Center Renovation Public Services Senior or Teen Center Renovation Subtotal 20,005,510 0_ 0 0 0 46,361,020 Street Projects Engineering 1BC FM 1378-Brown to Parker 12,100,000 11,100,000 Engineering 1BE Stone Road(Phase II) 7,150,000 6,000,000 GO _ 7,150,000 Engineering 1BE Stone Road(Phase II) 5,021,250 5,021,250 CF _ 5,021,250 Engineering 1BF Brown Street(West) 9,000,000 _ 9,000,000 Engineering 1BF Brown Street(West) 4,453,750 4,453,750 CF 4,453,750 Engineering 1BG Brown Street(East) 6,300,000 6,300,000 Engineering 1BH Ballard Street(99'Bond) 3,050,000 3,050,000 Engineering 1CA FM1378/544 to Brown(99'Bond) 1,042,000 1,042,000 Engineering 1CD McMillan/McCreary to 1378 4,149,375 3,149,375 CF _ 3,649,375 Engineering 1CD McMillan/McCreary to 1378 5,000,000 5,000,000 IF 5,000,000 Engineering 1CC Ballard -Alanis Rd.to County Line 5,400,000 5,015,000 CF 5,400,000 Public Services 1BI Sidewalks, 99 GO 450,000 100,000 514,590 Public Services 1BI Sidewalks,06 GO 500,000 100,000 600,000 Public Services Rustic Oaks(Asphalt Overlay) 0 Public Services Pointe North(Asphalt Overlay) 0 Public Services Sidewalks 0 Engineering 1CB ROW Stone Road bridge project 50,000 50,000 Subtotal 4,653,750 21,036,250 3,149,375 0 0 62,330,965 CITY OF WYLIE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SUMMARY- FY 2010/2014 ***PROPOSED*** Department Project Project Name Project Cost FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 Total Water Pre :. Engineering 2AL Creekside Distribution Line No.1 1,850,500 1,850,500 Engineering 2AE Nortex Ground Storage Reservoir No.#2 1,365,550 1,275,000 Engineering SH 78 Distribution Line No.#2 942,000 830,500 Engineering 2AF Newport Harbor'Pump Station Impr.(PH 1 8 2) 199,000 160,000 Engineering 2AG Newport Harbor 2.0 MG Ground Storage 1,771,200 1,700,000 Engineering 2AC NTMWD Projects(I,II) 1,071,000 1,071,000 Engineering 2BE Newport Harbor/FM 1378 Distribution Line No.#1 1,515,560 1,396,000 Engineering Hensley Lane Distribution Line No.#1 916,000 916,000 Engineering Lake Travis Drive/Canyon Lake Drive waterlines 99,000 99,000 IF 99,000 Engineering NTMWD Projects(Ill,IV) 136,000 136,000 IF 136,000 Engineering Ballard Elevated Storage Tank 2,675,000 2,675,000 IF 2,675,000 Engineering Newport Harbor Ground Storage Reservoir No.1 0 0 IF 844,000 IF 844,000 Engineering Nortex Ground Storage Reservoir No.#1 0 0 IF 675,000 IF 675,000 Engineering Eastside Water Distribution Lines 473,000 473,000 IF 473,000 Subtotal 99,000 3,284,000 1,519,000 0 0 14,101,000 Total 26,103,260 24,320,250 4,668,375 0 0 129,979,725 Budget Workshop Fiscal Year 2009-2010 CITY OF WYLIE 1 Budget Workshop Agenda Presentation of 2009-10 Budget Discussion Decisions/Assumptions Affecting the FY 2009-2010 Budget No change to tax rate. Moving forward with the public safety radio system project in partnership with the cities of Murphy, Plano and Allen. New personnel for upcoming Recreation Center and Library. Moving forward with construction of the City Hall, Recreation Center, and Library with continuing construction for 2010. New personnel for Recreation Center to be hired at various starting dates; revenues to offset this cost will begin FY 2011. Once the Library, City Hall, and Recreation Center come online, the estimated Total Ta Rate, inclding I&S, could be a maximum of $.92 in FY 2010-11._ FY 2009- 10 Recommended Budget Highlights Employee Salary & Benefits Assumptions Step Increase of 0% Single Step Increase of 2.5% for select Public Safety employees to reflect seniority in pay rates. Cost of Living Allowance Increase of 0% 11( 2009- 10 Highlights General Fund Personnel Changes Department Position(s) Information Technology Help Desk Technician Building Inspector Two Inspector Upgrades Library Youth Services Supervisor — Full Year (Upgrade) Library Circulation Services Supervisor — Starts May (Upgrade) Library Adult Services Librarian — Starts February Library Youth Services Librarian — Starts February Library Electronic Services Librarian — Starts August Average Home Tax with Proposed Tax Rate Average Home Value: $ 153,087 111 Current Preliminary Proposed Proposed Tax Rate Tax Rate Tax Amount % of Total City of Wylie .898900 .898900* $ 1,376 32.80 WISD 1.510000 1.510000 $ 2,312 55.12 Collin County .245000 .245000 $ 375 8.93 CCCCD .086493 .086493 $ 132 3.15% Total Taxes 2.740393 2.740393 $ 4,195 100% *Based on preliminary tax roll. 6 Year Ad Valorem Tax Rate History 0.94 0.8989 0.8989 ■i 0.89 0.84 0.79 0.74 0.70678 0.73325 0.695 0.695 0.69 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 * 2009-2010 Preliminary Tax Rate General Fy 2009_ 10 $22 9 412 9 124 $548,107 $248,946 $465,000 $2,232,032 2% 1% 2% 10% $613,267 3% $219,030 -\ UMW Ad Valorem Taxes- $13,150,662 1% • Sales Taxes- $2,950,840 $1,984,240 Franchise Fees- $1,984,240 90/0 Licenses & Permits - $219,030 Intergovernmental Revenues-$613,267 Service Fees- $2,232,032 Court Fees-$548,107 $2,950,840 13% Interest& Misc.- $248,946 $13,150,662 Transfers from Other Funds - $465,000 59% ' Assessed $2,138.6 $2,266.2 $2,400 $2,024.7 $1,785.5 $2,100 -KZ' $1,566.7 $1,800 72, $1,500 .E $1,200 04 $900 $600 001 $300 $0 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 * 06/26/2009 Estimate Average Single Family Home Value for 2009-10 is: S 153,087 • Total Tax Receipts 6.000 7- 5.500 �' 0 dar 1 IF , 5.000 al (=A-0 'a ,� 4.5�� O 4 .� b4 3.500 I/ al 11 '4 3.000 (:; O M 2.500 `f op 7r 4 £�4 2.000 7 r 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Includes estimated figures for FY 08-09 and proposed figures for FY 09-10. General By Function FY 2009- $21 9 9679619 $2,454,107 $811,013 11% 4% $5,965,357 $1,087,551 27% 5% General Government- $5,965,357 Public Safety- $10,368,078 Development Services - $1,281,513 •Streets- $1,087,551 Community Services- $2,454,107 $1,281,513 Transfers to Other Funds - $811,013 6% $10,368,078 47% General By Category FY 200 $21 /9679619 734,947 811,01� 1,125,259 3% 4% 5% 4,411,987 20% ,., i'llikk, Salaries &Wages - $13,891,959 Supplies- $992,454 A Contractural Services - $4,411,987 •Maintenance- $734,947 •Transfers to Other Funds - $811,013 n �dr-- ` Capital Outlay- $1,125,259 y 992,454 5% 13,891,959 63% General Fund Fund $25,000,000 - $20,000,000 1111 c, f- o 7 -i fa I M N � $15,000,000 M 0 c N el M Total Expenditures yr,-41 1 i r 1 _ P Fund Balance $10,000,000 41111 ilia 10 1 $5,000,000 i o ceoM M 4 So 1-- 471r 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 * Includes Projected Figures for FY 09-10 Single Family Building Permits 1400 1203 1200 111 1000 I • N :96 800 -' 703 600 'V ■ 400 ♦ 205 200 0 -rf 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 * Includes Projected Figures for FY 09-10 Capital Program 11( 2009- 10 26, 103 ,260 $4,653,750 $99,000 $1,345,000 17.83% .04% -\ 5.15% Parks & Rec $1,345,000 Public Buildings $20,005,510 114 Streets $4,653,750 Water Projects $99,000 $20,005,510 76.64% Capital Improvement Program Ongoing Projects FY 2009- 10 Highlights Streets FM 1378 Brown Street — West Brown Street - East Sidewalks Water Lake Travis Drive/Canyon Lake Drive waterlines Construction of Delivery Point #1 site Community Park Founders Park Recreation Center/ Parks Admin. City Hall Facilities Library FY 2009- 10 Recommended Budget Highlights Emergency Radio System $ 811,013 Tahoe - PD (Replacement - 3) $ 165,090 fly 2009_2010 4B Sales Tax Fund 4B Sales Tax Fund Estimated Beginning Fund Balance - 10/01/09 $ 1,316,521 Proposed Revenue '10 1,479,420 Proposed Expenditures '10 (1,251,137) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/10 $ 1,544,804 FY 2010 Expenditures include additional staffing for new Recreation Center. No additional revenue budgeting due to opening date during FY 2011. Policy requirement states: "No more than 40% of Parks and Recreation 4B sales tax revenue may be used for operations." Policy exception for FY 2010 only. 11( 2009- 10 Highlights 4B Fund Personnel Changes Department Position(s) Recreation Recreation Superintendent — Starts October (Upgrade) Recreation Building Monitor — Starts October (Increase in Hours) Recreation Recreation Manager — Starts April Recreation Fitness Programmer — Starts July Recreation Recreation Programmer — Starts April Opportunities for Citizen Review & Input Proposed Budget Filed with City Secretary 08/05/2009 Adoption of Resolution Setting Dates of Public Hearings 08/11/2009 1st of Two Public Hearings on the 2009-10 Tax Rate 08/25/2009 Hold a Public Hearing for the FY 2009-10 Budget 08/25/2009 2nd of Two Public Hearings 09/01/2009 Schedule & Announce Meeting to Adopt Tax Rate 2009-10 09/01/2009 Adopt 2009-10 Annual Operating Budget and Tax Rate 09/08/2009 Information regarding the proposed budget also will be available at Smith Public Library and online at www.wylietexas.gov/budget Questions ? City Manager Mindy Manson 972-442-8120 mindy.manson@wylietexas.gov Finance Director Linda Vaughan 972-442-8141 1inda.vaughanwy1ietexas.gov