03-14-1967 (City Council) Minutes 12 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING March 14, 1967 The City Council met in regular session at 7:00 PM. March 14, 1967 . Present:: Mayor Hampton. Aldermen: Shields, Posey, Wingfield, Tibbals and Douthitt. City Adm. Jack Whitt and City Secy. Oneida Gallagher. City Atty. John Gay absent. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hampton. The minutes of the last regular meeting of February 14, 1967 were read and approved as read, motion by Alderman Shields and sec . by Alderman :Douthitt. Motion carried. Mayor Hampton certified the Candidates for Aldermen. On question asked if all had lived in State for one year and City for six months . All qualified. On motion by Alderman Shields and sec . by Alderman places on the ballot were drawn by 4 Candidates saying they were qualified to place their names on the ballot. Unanimous Ayes . Place 1 Charles P. Elledge Place 3 Kenneth A. Mauk Place 2 William E. Martin Place 1 Bobby Skipwith Frank Medanich with the 1st Southwest Co. met with Council in reference to issuance of r 50,000.00 Street Improvement Bonds and the levy of a Tax in payment thereof. Alderman Shields introduced a Resolution and moved its adoption, seconded by Alderman Posey. Unanimous Ayes . Council gave City Adm. Jack Whitt authority to sell the 1965 Police Car at a minimum of >1000.00, on a motion by Alderman Douthitt and seconded .by Alderman Wingfield. Motion carried. Letter from Wylie Independent School in reference to the Water and Sewer line for New High School was discussed at length' with Mayor and all Council in agreement. The letter is as follows : Please be apprised that the dev- elopment pursuant to the proposed water and sewer connection for the Wylie High School Complex has been formally submitted to arbitration by the Board of, Education of the Wylie I.S . D. The results affirmative. Please pursue the proposal. The Board action has been recorded in the_minutes of March 7, 1967 . Signed Jack Parker, President of W.I.S .D. Monthly bills were read and approved as read on a motion by Alderman Posey and seconded by Alderman Tibbals . Motion carried. Motion by Alderman Posey and seconded by Alderman Shields to send Telegram to Senator Ralph Hall, Texas. State Senate, Austin, Texam, in favor of Bill HB 207, to. authorize a i% Municipal Sales Tax by local option. Motion to adjourn by Alderman Wingfield and seconded by Alderman Douthitt. Unanimous Ayes . Meeting adjourndd. • - Mayor City Secretary