06-13-1967 (City Council) Minutes 132 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING June 13, 1967 The City Council met in regular session June 13, 1967 at 7:00 P.M. Present Mayor Hampton. Aldermen: Tibbals, Douthitt, Martin, Mauk and Elledge. City Atty John Gay. City Secy. _Oneida Gallagher with City Manager Jack H. W#tt absent. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hampton. The minutes of the last regular meeting of l'ay 9, 1967, were read and approved as read on a motion by Alderman Martin and seconded by Alderman Elledge. Motion carried. W. A. Allen met with Council in reference to running a sewer line to his property East of City Limits on HWY. 544• After much dis- cussion the Council asked to consider therratter further. Gary Roddy met with Council in reference to mowing vacanr'lots with- in the City Limits of Wylie. This was discussed and council wanted to wait and talk with City Manager Jack Whitt. Frank Medinach with First Southwest Co. of Dallas, met with Council to discuss Street Bonds. It wasrroved by Alderman Douthitt and seconded by Alderman Tibbals that an Ordinance authorizing the is- suance of 450,000.00 Street Improvement Bond be adopted. Ordinance was unanimously passed. Monthly bills were read and approved to be paid on a motion by Alderman Douthitt and seconded by Alderman Martin. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn by Alderman Tibbals and seconded by Alderman Douthitt. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 P. M. I Mayor ( QA1 4A-'2e-er6--v7 City Secretary