09-20-2023 (WEDC) MinutesMinutes Wylie Economic Development Clorporation 0 1 Ing Board of Directors Meet* September 210, 2023, — 7-0,30 A.M"o WEDC Offices — Conference Room 250 S HWY 78 — Wylie, TX751098 CALL TO ORIDER Announce, the, prelseinc'e of a Quorum President'Demond DawkM's called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. Board Members present were M.elj*.sa Whitehead, Blake Briftistool, and Whitney McDougall,,, Ex-Officio, Members Mayor Matthew Porter and City Manager Brent Parker, were present. WEDC staff present included Executive Director Jason Greierl BRIE4 Director Angel Wy,gant, Senior Assistant Rachael Hermes, Admffiistrati've Assistant Marisa Butts, 'and, Marketing & Communications Coordinator Will Kelly. COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDIA ITEMS M3= CONSENT AGENDA I All matters listed under the, Consent Agenda are consz&red to he ro utihe by the WEDC Board ofD,irewctorl and will'be enacled hy one motion. There ivill not he a separate &kussioin of these items. If discussion desired, that item will he removedftom the ConsentAgenda and will bie consit*reid separatek A* Consider and act upion approval of Minutes from the August 16,2023 Regular Meeti"ng of thco- WEDC Board of Directors. B10 Consider and, act upon approval olf'the August 20231 WEDC Treasurer's Repiort, Board Action A motion was, made by'Metisa Nffiltehead, seconded by Blake Brininstool, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A vote was taken, and the motion passed 4-0. Board Member Aaron Jameson arrived at 7:jz. a.m. prior to, consicteration of Item 1. RIE, GU'LAR AGENDA 11 Consider and act uponissues, surrounding the FM 544 Cornidor Survey. Staiff"Comments As, part ofthe ongoing wor'K 10W,ard site-readil[neiss of developable acreage throughout the city, 9 Kimley-Horn has provided an Individual Project Order ('IPO) for professional civil, engineering 'WEDiC — Minutes September 20,2023 Page 2 of 4 4 1 1 services and a survey (through a, subconsu tant) to prov'de topographic survey of approximately 51 acres of property located at the northeast comer of Westgate Way and FM 544. T'he survey will also 0 include data for the overpass for each, of the railroad crossm*gs and over the creek. Staff noted that this, survey will also cover $25,0010 of a future $2010,,000 flood study on the City of"Wylie"s 19-ac,re prqperty. Board Action A inotion was made by Blake Brininstooll', 'seconded by Whl*tney McDougall, to award the contract to Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. "in the amount of $55,5001 and further authorize the Executive: Director to, execute any and, all, necessary documents.,A vote was taken, and the mlotion, plassed 5-0. 2. Consider and act upon the Amended and Restated Performance Agreement between the i Investments, LL . WEDC and Firewater C I MI N a 0 Iff I a AL 41 rr . . . . . . . ...... . ... ... .. A motion was made by Aaron Jameson, seconded by Melisa Whitehead, to approve the Amended I' --! D I vestments, LLIC, and and Restated Performance Agreement between the WE C and Firewater n further authorize! the Executi'vie Director to execute any and all necessary documents. A vote was taken, and the motion passed 5-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS 16,31 in, all I ........ ... DS12.1 Staff report: WED,C Property Update, Temporary Access Agreements, Downtown Parking, Engineering Report, Upcoming, . Events, and WED,C ActIM"ties[Programs. Staff Comments WEDC — Mmutes September 20, 2023 Page 3 olf 4 .11 --- Recessed into Closed Session at 8 -.00 a,,m., i*n compliance with Section 51 5 1.00 1. et. seq. Texas Government Colde, to witv- # 6,4 ES1. Consider the sale or, acquisilion of properties located at Ballard/Brown, Brown/Eubanks, F1 5i44/Cooper, F'M 544/Sanden,, Jac�kson/Oak, Regency/Steel, State 11" 78/Ballard, State Hwy 78111rown, and State Hwy 78/SkyvieW. 1111114i 11 0411511`�11111111 � 10 'Do vim hii 111111 1 See. 551.0187. DELIBERATION REGARDING ECONOMIC DEVELOPME, N'T NEGOTIATIONS7 CLOSED MIEET'INGo 0 ip C as, receive ES210! Dell"beration re9 0 garding commercial or financ1*al iniormati"lon that the WED hrecei from, a business prospect and to discuss the offer of incentives for Projects-, 2013-9a, 20211-2d, 202,1-5a, 2021-6c, 202t­9b, 2021-11b, 2022-1b, 20224c, 2,0122,-7b, 2022-9a, 20�22-10c, 2023-1a, 2023-1c, 2023-2b, 2023-21d, 2023-13bq2023-5b,20231-6b, 2023-16c, 2023-6d, 2023-8a, 2023-8b, 2023-8c, 20231-91a, 2023-9b, and 201231-9c., RECONVENE INTO, OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result of the Executive Sessi*on. President Dawkins reconvened into Open Sessl'on atand the Board took the fbillowi*ng action-, 'Board Action A motion was made by Whi*tney McDougall,, secondied by Mefisa Whitehead, to authorize the Wylie EDC to enter "into a Plerfonnance Agreement with Project 202 t -19f m' an amount not to exceed $500,000. A vote was, taken and the! motion passed 5-0. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Tbere were no Items, requested for inclusion on future agendas. ADJOURNMENT WED:C — Minutes September 20, 2023 Page 4i of'4 With no further business, President Dawkins a4journed the WEDC Board meeting at 9:47 a.m. Mellisa Whitehead, President 'All Fl .......... ........ Jas,on G�e�'InerElx'e,cut*i�iTt�'e r . . . . .......