01-12-1971 (City Council) Minutes 218 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 12, 1971 The City Council met in regular session, January 12, 1971, in City Hall at 7:30 P.M. Present; Mayor Backler; Aldermen; Thomas, Mauk, Martin and Addicks; City Manager Jimmy Mathis, Water Supt. W. A. Allen, City Atty. Bob Baker and City Secy. Ondida Gallagher, with Alderman Dodd Absent. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hackler. Mr. & Mrs. J. D. Richie met with Council in reference to sewer problem. The Council advised the Richie' s they would check further on a small sewer system to take care of their problem and ask they return at the next regular meeting of January 26, 1971. Mr. & Mr. Geo. Pendergrass met with Council in reference to driveway drainage and also sewer problem. Uotlncil told them their property was in Phase II of the new sewer program. On the drainage, the Council ask they come to the next Council meeting of January 26, 1971 and the would try to have an answer for them. Jack Ross}net with Council requesting the City collect $1,250.00 per each residential permit issued on lots 9 thru 30 blk B and lots 8 thru 26, Bik A. On motion by Ald. Thomas and seconded by Ald. Addicks to deny the request by Mr. Ross . Unanimous Ayes . A request was road by Mayor Hackler fr m Mr. Davis, Mayor of Sachse in reference to use of Wylie Sanitary Landfill for Sachse. This was discussed bu ; not action taken at this time . The City Audit for 1970-1971 was proved on motion by Ald. Thomas and seconded by Alderman Mauk. A11' Ayes. City limits was discussed by Council . No action taken at this time. Water Supt. Allen discussed prices to repair Valentine Lane. Bids from chambers Bros . was as follows: Paving $3, .75.00, Curl $635.00. Motion by Ald. Martin and seconded by Ald. Thomas to present a Plaque of thanks to City Library Founders. All Ayes. Annexation of City Property: Ordinance On motion by Aid. Addicks and seconded by Alderman Martin to Annex certain property in County of Collin being a part of the S. B. Shelby Survey, last owner being Texas Power and Light Company. a `2_19 Minutes of January 12, 1971 continued: Ordinance # 71-2. On motion by Alderman Addicks and seconded by Alderman Martin to Annex 39.76 acres in the said Newman Survey being used by Sanitary Landfill. All Ayes. Minutes of last regular meeting of Decemberd, 1970 were presented to all Councilmen. Monthly bills for December were read, discussed and approved to be paid on motion by Alderman martin and seconded by Alderman Thomas . All Ayes . Motion to adjourn at 10:00 O'Clock by Alderman Thomas and seconded by Alderman Martin. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned. Lrt Mayor City 6ecretary