04-27-1971 (City Council) Minutes w,l r _ REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 27, 1971 The City Council met in regular session in City Hall A 7:30 P.M. Present: Mayor Hac':hler; Aldermen: Dodd, Thomas, Addicks, Mauk and Davis . City Manager Mathis; City 7atcr Supt. Allen and City Secy. Oneida Gallagher. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hackler. Mr. and Mfrs . H. B. Gray met with Council in reference to cars be- longing to their son. Council ask that this be put on the Agenda for the next regular meeting of May 11, 1971. Ordinance # 71-5: An Ordinance a'inexing of property requested by Texas Power & Light Co. and North Texas Municipal Water District. Council on motion by Alderman Thomas and seconded by Alderman Addicks to Annex this property. Unanimous Ayes . Subdivision Ordinance was tabled and Council ask Mayor Hackler to call a special meeting, Monday, May 3, 1971 at 7:30 P.M. to discuss this further after Council had time to study further. Plumbing Code was discussed. Dog Kennel was discussed and will be discussed further, Monday, May 3, 1971 at Special Council Meeting. Proclamation in refernnce to Miss Judy Mathis, School Band Director, was tabled until Mayor could talk with School Supt. Chaney. Meeting adjounred at 9:00 P.M. on motion by Alderman Mauk and seconded by Alderman Thomas. Motion carried. e, Mayor City Secretary