08-24-1971 (City Council) Minutes p 6 `'/ ), REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 24, 1971 The City Council met in Regular session in City Hall at ? :30 PM. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hackler. Present : Mayor Hackler, Aldermen; Addicks, Dodd,Thomas, Mauk, and Davis. City Manager Mathis; City Water Supt. Allen; Chief of Police Blanks and City Secretary Gallagher. Frank Razer, with H. D. & R. City Engineers met with Council to present the final plans on Phase II of the Sanitary Sewer Improve- ments. Motion to approve Phase II by Ald. Thomas and seconded by Ald. Mauk. All Ayes. Water Pollution Control Plat Additions was explained by Mr. Razor. Motion by Ald. Dodd and seconded by Ald. Addicks to approve this plan. Unanimous Ayes. Motion by Ald. Addicks and seconded by Aid. Mauk to approve the ammended Waste Ordinance #70-15 to Ordinance #71_13, regulating Industrial Waste Needs. All Ayes. Council voted to send all taxes 3 years and older to City Atty. for collection. Cost of Street sweeping for Electro Extraction was discussed. Motion by Ald. Addicks and seconded by Ald. Thomas to charge a minimum of $20.00 per sweeping until further notice. All Ayes. Council discussed land for water line on South Second Street. They ask that the property owners on South Second St. donate land to accomodate a new water line. Budget for 1971-1972 was discussed. Council was ask by Mayor Hackler to study Budget and he would call a special meeting Monday August 30, 1971 to approve the Budget.' Motion to adjourn by Ald. Thomas and seconded by Ald. Mauk. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned. Mayor City Secretary