01-12-2024 (WEDC) Minutes Special CalledWi Ylie Economic Development Corporation - Hill arid of Directors Special Called Meeting January WEDC Offices — CoI tice itoort C'AILL TO ORDER Announce the 1)resence oj"a Quorum President Melisa Whitehead called the meetm*9 to order at T:36 a.m. Board Mem'biers present were Aaron Jameson, Whitney McDougall, and Blake Brininstool. Ex:-Officio Members Mayor Matthew Pofter and City Manager Brent Parker were present. WED,C staff present 'Included Executive Director Jason Greiner, Assistant Director Rachael,flernies, BRE Director Angel'Wygant, and Admj*n.is t'raU*ve Assistant Marissa, Butts., INVOCATION & P1aFDGE OF ALLEGUNCE Angel Wygant gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance. COMMIENT'S ON NON -AGENDA ITEMS Wi 4, ' * j th no cprtcipation,, Pies* itizen. ai dent Whitehead moved to Consent Agenda. *11 CONSENT AGENDA All. matters, listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to he routine by the WEDC,Board oj'Directors and wild hie enacted kyl one motion. There will not hie a sqparate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that itenz will hie removediftom the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately, A. ConAder and act upon approval of Minutes, from December 20,2023 Regular Meeting of the WEDC Board offfiriectors. B, Consider, and act upon approval of the December 20,23 WED,C Treasurer"is Report. 0, Board Action A motion was made by Aaron Jameson, seconded by Bilakle BrInistool, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented., A vote was taken, and the motion passed 4-0. RF,GULAR AGENDA 60 1. Consider and act upon construction se is sIat Hwy 78 & Brown. 2. Consi'der and act upon construction services at FM- 544 Gateway Addition. Staff recommended that the, Board consider Regular Agenda Items I and 2 after, Executive Session. President 'Whitehead moved to consider Regular Agenda Items 3 and 4. WEDC — Minutes January 12, 2024 Piage 2 of'4 1 3. Consil"der and alet upon a, First Amendment 'to, the Purchase and Sale Agrie�ement between WEDCand SC'SID Finiaell, LID. Board Action A. A motion was made by Blake: Brininstooli secondeld by Whitney McDougall, to approve the F irst Amendment to the Purchase and Sale Agreement between the SC,SD,-Finnell.,, LTD and fVrther authorize the Board President or his/hier designee to execute said agreement. A vote was: taken, and Ihe: motion passed 4i-O. 41 4. Consider and act upon, a Third Amendment to the Purchase and Sale Agreement between the WEDC and McClure Partners, Construction Company. 11111111 1111 Igill I I V: LMM-NANIFIIMI yj it 19 11 IF%, . . . . . . . . . . . Board Action .A motion was, made by Whitney McDougall, seconded by Blake Brininstlool1 to approve a Third Amendment to the Purchase mid Sale Agreement between. the WEDC and McClure 'Partners Construction Company and further authorize the Board President or his/her designee to execute said, agreement. A vote was taken, and the motion passed 4-0, DISCUSSION ITEMS DS1. Staffreport:, NffDC Property Update, Temporary Access Agreements, Downtown Parking� Eingineering'Repos, Upcoming Fvients, and WED' Activiti'lleis/Programs. Staff Comments Staffreferred the Board to the Agenda Report provided in the packet for all updates related to'WEDC Property Update, Temporary Access Agreements,, Downtown Parking, Engineering Report, Upcoming "Events, and WFDC Activities/Prograrns. Related to the tenant at 100 W Oak, the Board, had no, issue with extendm*g the vacate date at -this location for 2-3 months, with the initial vacate date bem'g January',31, 2024., EXECUTIVIE SESSION ----------- - Recessed into Closed Session at'7-.48 a.m. 'in compliance with Section 55 1.00 1, et. seq. Texas Government Code, to wit: WEDIC — Minutes Januuy 12, 20124 Piage 3 of'4 10MMI DUN 9 1 II II 9 1 II FAN SESSION RECONVENE INTO OP -------------------- -- Mke any ac�tion as, a, result of the Executive Session. Is President Whitehead �recoinvened into Open Session at 8:42 a.m. 0 T1% No action was taken on, Regular Agenda Item 1. President WIfitcheald then moved on to corlsider Regular Agenda Item 2. 2. Consider, and act upon construction slervices at FM 544 Gatieway Adidition, Board Action A motion was made by Aaron Jameson, seconded by Make Brini'nstool, to awarld the clontract to A TIseo, Paving Company in the amount of $1,766,9120.30 and further au-ffiorize thie'E.xecufive Director to execute any and all. necessary documents. A vote was taken, and the motion passed 4-0. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS MMMOMMISMOMMM, I 0 There were no Items requested for inclusion. on future agendas. F.411 R With no further business, President Whitehead adjourned the, WEDC Board meeting at 8:43 am. JF 001No Na Melisa Whitehead, President v