05-14-1974 (City Council) Minutes 4 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 14, 1974 The City Council met in regular session May 14, 1974 in City Hall at 7:00 ^� PM. Present were Mayor Thomas, Aldermen Dodd, Butler, Boyd, Nall and Martin. City Manager Woodard, Water Supt. Allen, Sewer Supt. Housewright Chief of Police Blanks, Fire Chief Story and City Secretary Oneida Gallagher. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Thomas. First on the agenda was the oath of office for Alderman given to William Martin by Mayor Thomas. Jim Anderson met with Council to report on 15" sewer line failure and gave their recommendations. After discussion by Council, motion was made by Ald. Dodd and seconded by Ald. Nall to use the slip lining to rehabitate damaged line. If the City crew did the work the estimated cost would be approximately $35, 000. 00. All Ayes. Mr. Sam Thompson met with Council and presented a request to hold dances on week-ends at his place of business on Hwy. 78. Motion by Ald. Dodd . and seconded by Ald. Butler to table the request and study it further. Motion carried. A Public Hearing was held on the re-zoning of 30 acres on Hwy. 78 and consider Ordinance 74-1. Mel Delaney gave a report on their proposed development. Motion by Ald. Nall and seconded by Ald. Martin to accept the recommendations as presented by the planning and zoning commission fl Change A, B, and D to Commercial and C to Multi-Family, from Single Family Residential and adopt Ordinance # 74-1 a re-zoning Ordinance. All Ayes. Minutes and expenditures for the month of April were approved on motion by Ald. Boyd and seconded by Ald. Nall. All Ayes. Motion by Ald. Dodd and seconded by Ald. Butler to approve minimum wage and hour law. All Ayes. Texas Municipal League Workmens Compensation was discussed, and tabled. City Manager Woodard gave a report on second quarter budget. Delinquent Taxes were discussed. Motion by Ald. Martin and seconded by Ald. Butler to send final letter and if not paid turn them over to city attorney for collection. All Ayes. Motion by Ald. Boyd and seconded by Ald. Martin to appoint Kenneth Koon to the Library Board. All Ayes. No bids were received for improvements to Fire Station and removal of Old Swimming Pool Building. Motion by Ald. Martin and seconded by Ald. Boyd to re-appoint Mayor Thomas as voting Representative to North Central Texas Council of Governments. All Ayes. Y Page 2 Motion by Ald. Boyd and seconded by Ald. Dodd to deny request for varance from Assembly of God Church to extend their building on Lots 1-8, Blk. 7, Keller I Addition, to the front on College Street. All Ayes. Motion by Ald. Dodd and seconded by Ald. Butler to appoint Ald. Nall and Chief Story on the Wvlie Fire Committee. Ald. Nall will replace Jerry Christopher. All Ayes. Motion by Ald. Boyd and seconded by Ald. Martin to adjourn at 9:45. Motion carried. 3:10^IL ald R. Thomas, Mayor Oneida Gallagher, CityiSecretary