04-12-1977 (City Council) Minutes ! .E i d Regular City Council Meeting April 12, 1977 The City Council of Wylie met in regular session on April 12, 1977, at 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers at Wylie City Hall. Present were Mayor William Martin, Alderman Kenneth Nall, Pat Minihan, Stan Shively, Dwayne Boyd and Don Thomas; City Attorney Ted Kent, City Manager Denton Miller, City Secretary Doris Wilson and FireChief, Danny Clark. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Martin. Invocation was given by City Manager Miller. The minutes of March meetings and expenditures for April were approved by motion from Alderman Thomas, with second made by Alderman Minihan. Passed by vote of all ayes. Ordinance No. 77-6, an Ordinance amending Section 9-14-7: Improvements Subsection E - Water Lines, and Subsection F - Sanitary Sewers of Ordin- ance No. 71-17, Titled Subdivision Regulations was discussed. Motion for approval was made by Alderman Minihan. Second was made by Alderman Boyd. Passed unanimously. Election canvas was held. There come on th be the results of the election held on April 2, 1977 for the purpose of electing a Mayor and three Alder men, and its appearing from said returns duly and legally made that there were cast at said election 240 valid and legal votes. Each of the candidates in said election received the following votes: Mayor William E. Martin 191 --- hvioevinei)outratts Dennis Black 1 Alderman Jerry Hunter 82 Richard Parker 110 John W. Akin 133 Curtis Ratcliff 100 Joe Fulgham, Jr. 98 Jerry Davis 43 R. P. Miller 63 Alan Leverett 61 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: That election was duly called -- that notice of said election was given in accordance with the law, and that William E. Martin was duly elected Mayor of the City of Wylie, Texas for a term of one year. That John W. Akin, Richard Parker and Curtis Ratcliff were duly elected Aldermen for the City of Wylie, Texas, for two year terms. Motion to accept the results of the election as read was made by Alderman Thomas. Seconding the motion was Alderman Shively. Vote was all ayes. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this th3 12th day of April, 1977. City Attorney Tex Kent administered the oath of office to Mayor William Martin and Alderman Johb Akin, Curtis Ratcliff and Richard Parker. Motion was made*by Alderman Minihan to appoint Alderman Kenneth Nall as Mayor Pro-Tem. Second was made by Alderman Akin. Alderman Ratcliff moved Alderman Nall be appointed by acclamation. Motion carried. Mayor Martin appointed Dwayne Boyd to serve on the Planning and Zoning Commission to replace John W. Akin. Motion for approval was made by Alderman Rat- cliff moved Alderman Nall be appointed by acclamation. Motion carried. Mayor Martin replace John W. Akin. Motion for approval was made by Alderman..Minihan with second by Alderman Nall. Passed unanimously. j; t Mayor Martin appointed the following committees: City Hall and Personnel -- William Martin and Kenneth Nall; Police and Fire - Pat Minihan and 1 Curtis Ratcliff; Public Works - John Akin and Richard Parker; Budget and Finance - Pat Minihan, Johm Akin and Kenneth Nall. Representatives of Henningson, Durham and Richardson Engineering Firm • gave a presentation on Wylies needs for Sewer Plant Improvements and Water Tower Replacement. Cost estimates and funding programs were discussed Motion was made by Alderman Akin to initiate the preliminary work towards funding grants for both==programs. Second was made by Alderman Parker. Passed unanimously. May r Martin recognized Clarence Birkett, who was not on the agenda. He requested to know the procedures for a zoning change, he was instructed on the action he should take. Discussinn on the revision of the water, sewer and tax maps was held. The Cnuncil asked the City Manager to get cost estiimates to present to the ounc at a future meeting. Richard Cope of Texas Appraisal Service explained his proposal to re-evaluate the tax roll for 1977 taxes at a cost of $6000. Councle tabled decision until next meeting. City Manager Miller told the Conncle of Manpower program s available to the City. A discussion of Employees'Life and Health Insurance was held.Motion was made by Alderman Parker for the City to pay the employees life and health insurance premiuns with the employees having the option of dependent coverage at their own expense . Second was made by Aldermam Nall. Carried unanimously. Bids were read on three Publie Works Radios. Motion was made by Alderman Akin to accept the bid from Ken!s Communications of $375.00 per unit less a 5% discount. Second was made by Alderman Ratcliff. Vote of all ayes. Discussion of recommendations of new landfill rates was held,Motion was made by Aldermam Minham to approve as amended Ordinance No.77-7' an Ordinance Amending Section 18-b-1 of Ordinance No. 72-3 and repealing Ordinance No. 74-16, of the City of Wylie , establishing service fees for use of the City Landfill, Setting a penalty and declaring an emergency. Second was made by Alderman Nall. Passed unanimously. Discussion was held concerning accident covering the volunteer Firemen. It was pointed out that they are not covered by the City,s Workmens Compensation Insurance. Motion was made by Alderman Ratcliff to approve coverage for firemen. Second was mand by Alderman Minihan. Passed unanimously. Fire chief Danny Clark gave a report on the Fire Department. He reported that the 1974 Pumper Fire Truck must be replaced. The Councle ask him to look for a used truck. Motion was made by Alderman Akin to suspend action for 30 additional days on Lone Star Gas Rate Increase forfurther study. Second wasmade by Alderman Ratcliff. Motion carried. City Manger Miller presented a plan for improvements to Birmingham Street to the Council. It was discussed and tabled for future action. meeting was adjourned ' Asti - ? )13 - William E. Martin, Mayor Q /, �� -et a (7 .4; Barbara Ellis, City Secretary