07-26-1977 (City Council) Minutes t_ WYLIE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JULY 26, 1977 Meeting was called to order by Mayor Martin at 7 P.M. Mayor William Martin, City Manager Denton Miller, City Secretary Barbara Ellis, City Attorney Ted Kent, All Aldermen, and a few public citizens were present. Invocation was given by Denton Miller. Wylie Ranch East was first discussed by City Manager Denton Miller who gave plat copies to all council men to look over to accept or oppose. City Manager Denton Miller read covenants of this development. Motion was made by Alderman Parker to approve plat as recommended by the P.& Z. Board as follows. The recommendation was to approve the preliminary plat as presented with the minimum 6" fire - rated lines with fire hydrants, allow the use of septic tanks with each tract having a perculation test run prior to Final Plat approval . And a minimum of con- crete curb-gutter and asphalt street paving be required. In addition to the recom- mendations of the P.&Z. Commission, the motion added to the approval , the stipu- lation that the engineering of sewer main installation be completed in the event that property owners of the future request that sewer mains be installed to serve this property and any easements be included. This approval in no way puts the city in a bind to provide the development with city facilities. Second by Alderman Ratcliff. Motion was carried. Second motion was made by Alderman Nall to relin- quish all water rights to this development, but enforce the guide lines within city Z mile extraterritorial jurisdiction. To allow Wylie Ranch East to go to --- East Fork Water Supply. Seconded by Alderman Akin. Motion was carried. Gary Roddy presented the preliminary plat of Wylewood IV to the City Council and explained his plat including the area location of development size of lots, how many lots are inside area, restriction of footage per homes, paving of streets, sewer lines up to City standards, 54 lots in plat, with concrete alleys planned. Sanitation pick-up was discussed with the City Council by the City Manager per- taining to the three houses with no alleys. Council feels all city alleys should be paved and City Manager Denton Miller recommended the one at the end of Dogwood should be also. Motion was made by Alderman Nall to allow variances of subdivision regulation requiring all lots to have alleys, and allow an easement instead. Seconded by Alderman Parker. Motion was carried. Bobby King was asked to appear before the City Council . From January 1 to July 20, 1977, 249 cases were filed. 210 of the fines are assessed. $27.50 is the average fine, with fines totaling $5,950. The Council asked Mr. King where his court is held and when it is held. The police department is where the meeting is and on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month. The fines are composed of $2.00 per mile over the speed limit for City and $2.50 per mile over for State. It was reported that so many fines were turned over to the Justice of Peace, Buddy Newton, because Bobby King was not available. City Manager Miller suggested that possibly Buddy could be put on as assistant judge, so when Robert King was not present we would not lose fines to Collin County. Robert King told the council that the city speed limit signs on North Ballard, South Ballard, and between Ballard and the west end of Stone Road would be placed before school starts. A new school sign with flashing '-7 light on top is need for school zone. School request on water and sewer were next on the agenda. City Manager Denton Miller showed other cities' prices based on 120,000 gallon usage. Wylie was seconded to the lowest on the prices. City Manager Miller explained that prices are not to high. Charges are feasible for school . Sewer Service Fee to the school is $483 per month for 9 months and $21 .50 per month for 3 months. The comparison cities were hard to compare based on their ordinances. Motion was made to lower to $250 per month every month for $3,000 total per year by Alderman Minihan and was seconded by Alderman Nall . Motion was carried. City Manager will contact Don Whitt of City Council decision. Effective date is September 1 , 1977. Denton Miller, City Manager, went over the Budget with the City Council concerning the Third Quarter Budget Report. Motion was made by Alderman Minihan to adjourn into Exe- cutive Session. Seconded by Alderman Parker. Regular Council Meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M. to open the Executive Session. Council adjourned from Executive Session and reopened the Regular Session to take the following action. Motion was made by Alderman Akin and Seconded by Alderman Nall to make City Manager Miller's base rate increased from $15,000 yearly to $15,500 yearly, ' retroactive to July 1 , 1977 and that his base rate of compensation be set at $17,000 for October 1 , 1977. Motion was passed with all ayes. /; ze / /2 / // . William E. Martin, Mayor Q)3_)\.Q0-0AG.- C.Smâ–º Barbara Ellis, City Secretary