10-11-1977 (City Council) Minutes 107 Regular City Council Meeting October 11, 1977 7:00 P.M. Meeting was called to Order at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Martin. All Alderman were present , William Martin City Mayor,Denton Miller City Manager, Barbara Ellis Acting City Secretary, were also present. Ted Kent City Attorney was out of town. Approval of Previous Minutes and Monthly Bills,Alderman Minihan brought to the attention of the Council a mistake in the minutes for September 13, 1977. After discussion of bills and other minutes motion was made by Alderman Minihan to pass minutes and bills after the mistake on the minutes for September 13, was corrected. Seconded by Alderman Ratcliff, Motion carried all in favor. Departmental Reports, Chief Blanks turned in a report for the police department to the Council . After discussion amoung the Council and no questions from the Council)the report from Danny Clark Fire Chief, there was no matters to be reported. Danny invited the Council to the a fish fry at Farmersville Wednesday November 9, 1977 furnished by the C.C.F.A. Alderman Minihan reminded the Council of Fire Prevention Week and the great job our Fire Department did to help promote the week to the children at the schools. Alderman Akin gave comments on the increase of speeding tickets on the police report. Budget report for September 1977, Denton Miller read over Budget report for the Council for the month of September. .Public Hearing on rezoning of Lots 10,11,12, Blk 5, Holiday Terrace III. Denton Miller ^ead the City Plan & Zoning Commissions Resolution #1976-77 P&Z .9-2 RESOLUTION OF CITY 'LAN & ZONING COMMISSION IN THE PUBLIC INTREST ON ZONING CHANGE FOR LOTS 10,11,12, BLK 5, ; HOLIDAY TERRACE III, ADDITION, FROM R-9O0M. SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL-DISTRICT TO TWO- FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. to Council and public present. After discussion of the re-zoning request the motion was made by Alderman Parker to approve Ordinance #78-2. Seconded by Alderman Akin. Motion carried all in favor. Planning& Zoning, Denton Miller read the Proposed Ordinance # 78-1 and explained the Ordinance to any one with questions. P&Z Commission made a recommendation to pass Ordinance # 78-1 as written. After futher discussion the motion was made by Alderman Akin to pass Ordinance #78-1. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE # 62-5 SECTION 2,3,and 5, AND INSERTING SECTIONS 11.1, REGULATIONS FOR SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED CLUSTER DISTRICT; SECTION 11.2, RE- GULATIONS FOR SINGLE. FAMILY DETACHED CLUSTER.,DISTRICT; SECTION 11.3 GARDEN APARTMENTS- RESERVED;. SECTION 11.4 RESERVED; SECTION 11.5 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT;ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT; VIOLATIONS AND PENALITIES; BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT; INTERPRETATION OF ORDINANCE: ADMENDMENT AND CHANGES; VALIDITY CLAUSE; EFFECTIVE DATE. Seconded by Alderman Nall . Motion carried all in favor. Effective October 11, 1977. Public Hearing on Ordinance # 78-3 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUILDING AND HOUSEING CODE FOR WYLIE, TEXAS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS. )enton Miller read the proposed ordinance and changes in the ordinance which was discussed at the last City Council Meeting. Motion was made by Alderman Parker to pass Ordinance # 78-3.Seconded by Alderman Minihan. Motion carried all in favor. 1XTderman Ratcliff made a motion to confirm W.A. Allen as the City of Wylie, Building Inspector as appointed by the City Manager and Resolution # 1977-78-1Q-3.Seconded by Alderman Parker. Motion carried all in favor. Mr. Miller read proposed Ordinance # 78-4, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCES #70-12 AND #76-6. SECTION 1: WATER RATES: PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS (200.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. to the City Council . Motion was made by Alderman Minihan. Seconded by Alderman Ratcliff to approve Ordinance #78-4 as presented. Motion carried all in favor. Resolution # 1977-78 10-2 was read by Mr. Miller and he explained the Resolution to the Council about the Volunteer Firemen Relief & Retirement Fund exemption clause. Motion was made by Alderman Nall to except the Resolution #1977-78-10-2. Seconded by Alderman Minihan. Motion carried all in favor. State Department of Highways, Minute Order dated September 29,1977. A Resolution will be written up and brought before the Council at the next Council Meeting to be reviewed and approved. Wylie Insurance Agency, Denton Miller brought the Council up to date on the Comprehensive General Liability Coverage. Mr. Miller let John Yeager explained to the Council why the c}ty needs this coverage, and the three areas to be concerned about. 1. Employees. 2. Automobile Liability. 3. General Liability Policy. Mr. Yeager gave many examples as to the needs of the city & why these needs are important to keep them covered by insurance. After discussion and questions from Council motion was crude by Alderman Akin, Seconded by Alderman Nall to except the Comprehensive General :_;Ability Coverage for one year at an estimate expense of $2,626 from 10-11-77 to 10-11-78. r'ietion carried all in favor.Effected as soon as possible Oct 11, 1977, 8:00 P.M. was included in the motion as above. Subject within legal requirements. Resolution # 1977-78 10-1, Delinquent Tax Roll . Motion made to accept as written Resolution # 1077-78 10-1, Alderman Minihan,Seconded by Alderman Ratcliff. Motion carried all in favor. Federal Unemployeement Tax Act: Discussion on method of payment. Wheather to go with the 1% or $60.00 per employee. All Council is in agreement with this method. Discussion on East Fork Water Supply Corporations petition to Public Utility Commission of Texas. Denton Miller briefed Council on the petition from East Fork Water Supply, and exterritorial jurisdiction. Ways to stop petition was explained by Mr. Miller if the Council so desires to do so. After discussion the motion was made by Alderman Minihan to adjourn into executive session. Seconded Alderman Akin. Motion carried all in favor. The City Council was not in favor of interceding in the request by East Fork Water Supply orporation to the Public Utility Commission on the additional area their requesting �o serve with water. Wiliam E. Martin, Mayor Bar•ara E is Acting,City Secretary