07-17-1978 (City Council) Minutes a W_3 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 17 , 1978 7 : 00 P .M. . A special meeting of the City Council was called by Mayor Akin in accordance with Article 6252-17 , Section 2 (g) of the Texas Revised Civil Statue . Invocation was given by Alderman Ratcliff. Present were Mayor John Akin, City Manager Denton Miller, City Attorney Ted Kent , Aldermen Ratcliff, Parker, Swayze , and Alderwoman Kent . Absent were Mayor Pro-Tem Minihan , and City Secretary Barbara Ellis . City Manager Miller presented the resignation of Chief of Police , O.C. Blanks . The Council briefly discussed the resignation and then accepted it . Mr . Miller stated he would start taking applica- tions for the position. He also stated that Sgt. Arthur N. Mason had been appointed Acting Chief of Police during the process of replacement. City Manager Miller explained the absence of City Secretary Barbara Ellis . He explained the request by the City Secretary to be allow- ed to take several days vacation due to a problem of a personal na- ture. The Council considered the request and asked Mr. Miller to instruct the City Secretary that a vacation without prior notice and approval would leave the City offices without adequate staff during a expected very busy period. She would be expected to re- port to her job and perform her duties on the following Morning or tender her resignation. The Choice was her' s to make . On a motion by Alderman Parker, seconded by Alderman Ratcliff, Ms . Donna Christopher was arpointed as Acting City Secretary in the absence or subsequent resignation of City Secretary Barbara Ellis . No further business to come before the Council and the meeting was adjourned. John W. Akin Mayor ATTEST: 4CW0--0Donn istopher City Secretary (Acting)