04-15-1931 (City Council) Minutes Minutes of Meeting of City Council held April 15, 1931 With all members present, after invocation by Alderman A Broun, the proceedings of lash meeting was read and approved.The results of City election held April 4, 1931 for the purpose of electing three Alderman were read as follows E. Hansurvy(?)47, C. L. Hillis 31, R. L Gallagher 30, W. H. Smith 21,J. H. Callavvry(?) 17, H. A. Smithwick 19.The mayor then declared that E. Hansurvy, C. L. Hillis, and R. L. Gallagher were elected for a term of 2 years.The new officers were then sworn in by attorney W. F. Duncan.The question of Mr Will Stones voater account was diacursed and on motion and second the Water Supt was instructed to carry a metor to Mr Stone and if he failed to pay his account to take out our old metor and cut off the water from him. A contract given to F. L. McCarty by the city allowing him to close Butler Street by opening another was read and the mayor and secretary was instructed to make and sign an exact copy of some to L. M. Gaylor so that M. R. Gaylor could place some on record. Some letters from American Audis Co and Hall and Hall in regard to the contract made with the American Audis Co were read and a warrant was ordered for$100.00 to close the account.The following Bills were allowed and ordered paid. E. Hensurvy LL(?) Water collections 80.00, G. H. Richards collecting tax 11.74,J.T. Lovy 4.25, Ed Hanston 1.25, Neptune Mate Co (?) 50.00, Wylie Harold 11.30, C. C. Fawcell 195, H. A. Smithwick 80, C. R. Busch 1.76, H. Girnte (?) 11.00, Gulf Ruf Co 6.00. Was moved and see that the ordinance be passed giving authority to the City Attorney to fill sits on all delinquent taxex, Motion carried. No further business council adjourned. Approved May 15, 1931 Signed Albus Davis, City Secratary.