04-15-1940 (City Council) Minutes April 15th 1940 The city concil of the city of Wylie"Texas met in regular session in the town hall with all members present. The minutes of last regular meeting and the call meeting of April 10th was read and approved There was a motion& Second the swimming pool committee be given authority to lease the pool for the coming season and use their own Judgement Motion Carried There was a Motion & Second the city have the city Marshall J. H. Calloway to notify "French Bros" of the city's ordinance prohibiting the standing of a Jack and Stud within the city limits of the town of Wylie Texas Motion Carried. It was decreed and proclaimed by the city concil that the State National Bank of "Garland" Texas, Dallas conty be designated the depository for the city of Wylie Texas funds. Motion & Second all bills be allowed paid as read Motion Carried. Mrs Russell, supervisor of the Wylie sewing room was with the concil in regard to the week, May 20 —to 25 nationally set aside for display of all government W.P.A. projects Paul Byers, was with the concil in interest of the Santa Fa Ry co. his company wants to be relieved of the cost of keeping the four street crossing lights with in the town of Wylie "Tex" the matter was deferred to next meeting nite There was a Motion & Second to adjourn Motion Carried 4-11-40 Lewis Turner sweeping streets to weeks 1.00 " 13 " J W Russell, Holding April 2'' election 2.00 " " " Ed Davis '' '' 2.00 Mrs C. R. Smith Holding April 21 election 2.00 Mrs Farrell Williams " " " 2.00 H. A. Long water-Sewer sal 37.50 Nig Davis Sal 25.00 H. C. Click Sewing room findings 18.95 Dorsey co Election supplies april 2- 1940 2.15 Gallagher cook Store Sewing room findings 11.19 G. H. Richards wood for city pump station 3.50 Garland News 500 clean up circulars 3.00 Well Machinery & Sup co water-Sewer line Rep. 12.59 Tex Power-Light co SL 4800 C.H 1.2' SR 2.17 PS 2500. 76.42 Rita Gallagher typing Election notices 1.00 Glen Daniel Tress al 6.00 PO Box rent 3' 6.35 A. A. Wilson Sewer connection rep. 1.80 J. A. Hammett collecting 82.98 Tax $ .3 248 Stamps 81 3.29 Cliff Huddleston January rent on sanitary grounds 1.50 McKean-Eilers co sewing room findings 18.85 C. W. Calloway Labor on Repairing Main st 1.25 Lee Birkett Hauling asphalt& 25 gal. oil from Dallas 5.00 J. R. Oliver, Labor Repairing Main st 2.90 Lewis Turner Sweeping street 2 weeks 1.00 Wylie Water Dept. Balancing water Deposits against unpaid acconts 5.00 H A. Long water-Sewer Sal 37.50 Nig Davis Sal. for 2 weeks. 25.00 G. P. Maynard Rent on Sewing room building for April 15.00 W. W. McCreary night watch Sal for April 10.00