07-06-1987 (City Council) Minutes 241 CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING - MINUTES JULY 6, 1987 6: 00 P.M. The Wylie City Council met in a called session on Monday, July 6 , 1987 in the Conference Room at City Hall . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Chuck Trimble, Mayor Pro Tem Donovan , Council Members Chris DiTota, John Akin, Calvin Westerhof, Marvin Blakey, and Kent Crane, Acting City Manager James Johnson, City Secretary Carolyn Jones . Mayor Trimble called the meeting to order and Councilman Akin gave the invocation. Mayor Trimble adjourned the regular meeting and convened the workshop. WORKSHOP REGARDING 1986-87 AMENDED BUDGET: City Manager James Johnson stated that the revenues were down in both the general and utility funds. Councilman Akin asked City Manager James Johnson how many more customers did the water department have over this time last year . City Manager James Johnson said approximately 400 more. Councilman Akin asked City Manager James Johnson if he compared the last four months of last year to what this year looked like, and did he have those figures with him. City Manager James Johnson said he took the eighth (8th) month revenue report and figured from there, and that all franchise taxes have dropped from last year . Councilman Crane said the problem he has is that council is proposing to accept a budget with a quarter million dollar deficit. City Manager James Johnson said the council can borrow it and pay it back next year . Councilman Crane said that he had reworked the budget that came with the packets and has it down to a $40 ,000 . deficit . Mayor Pro Tem Donovan asked Councilman Crane if he talked with the past city manager Gus Pappas about this budget . Councilman Crane said yes , and that he had talked with City Manager James Johnson and department heads of the city as well as employees . Councilman Crane handed out a summary sheet of what he had done on the budget . Councilman Crane said he called City Manager James Johnson on Friday about some addition problems he found in the budget that was in the packets . Councilman Crane stated that he knows that City Manager James Johnson has more than one area to look after and that there is a lot of problems that he is having to deal with. 242 The Council took the summary sheet and compared the big differences . After much discussion of the summary sheet , Councilman Crane said that one thing that was bothering him was that Council has approved to pay for things where there was no money, such as rate studies . Mayor Pro Tem Donovan said she felt we needed to be fair to everyone and take both budgets and study them before making a decision After each of us have studied these budgets , then havethe work shop. Councilman Crane said that he does not say his proposal of the budget' is correct, but that staff is already down by nine (9) people and yet council is thinking about letting seven (7) more go. Councilman Crane said he had a problem with letting trained people go and in a few months hiring again and having to retrain. Councilman Akin said he did not like to think of letting people go, but we have to do what has to be done. In looking over 85-86 budget , we added a lot of people, maybe we should have stopped during this time. Mayor Trimble said what we have done is built up a good employee force over the last few years , maybe some of these could have been left off . Mayor Trimble also stated that Councilman Crane had a good question of what to do with a quarter million dollar deficit . Councilman DiTota wanted to know what benefit it was to discuss this budget with Gus Pappas . Councilman Crane said there were a lot of questions of why and how they arrived at the figures shown in the budget . Councilman Crane also stated that sometimes you are fed information to get you where you are, I want to talk with any one, past council members and city managers, department heads , that might have some answers . AS a council member I am going to seek information and will not bar any one from talking with me. Councilman Akin said to be a successful council , you have to be an open council . Everyone should be involved and not just one or two . Mayor and Council had a discussion on a new business that maybe coming into Wylie, in regards to questions from this business . Mayor and Council also discussed the vacancies on the various boards of the City and requested a work session or pre meeting prior to the next Council meeting . Motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . 243 Trimble, Mayor ATTEST: „,v,otimmtmoo, ‹.(‘ tr,72Z:=1. .777.7.7=1 Carolyn Jo cretary at, \ • c