07-16-1987 (City Council) Minutes 253 CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING - MINUTES 7: 00 P. M. JULY 16, 1987 The Wylie City Council met in a called session on Thursday, July 16 , 1987 at 7 : 00 P .M. in the Reta and Truett Smith Library. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Chuck Trimble, Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Donovan, Council Members Chris DiTota, John Akin, Marvin Blakey, and Calvin Westerhof, Acting City Manager James Johnson, City Secretary Carolyn Jones , Acting Public Works Director Don White, Ron Homeyer from Engineering Office, Jerry Hoagland, Dennis Burns and Ruben Delgado. Councilman Crane was absent . Mayor Trimble called the meeting to order and gave the invocation. Mayor Trimble adjourned the meeting and called council into the workshop for the following items: 1 . FM 544 reallocation/realignment 2 . Spring Creek Parkway 3 . Planned State Highway 78 improvements 4 . 1988 Collin County Bond Program. FM544 REALLOCATION/REALIGNMENT: Mr . Jerry Hoagland stated that the change order to the courts should read "reallocation for construction of right-of-way" . It should also be noted that if the council wanted to designate Kirby/Stone Road to be FM 544 then there would have to be a 120 ft . Right-of-way. After much discussion , it was requested of the county to take this proposed right-of-way and see what if any engineering problems are in this curve and if there is another way to bring this street through. Then send the cost figures to our engineering department . There is a lot of property to be bought up inorder to have the right-of-way for this street . SPRING CREEK PARKWAY: Mr. Dennis Burns stated that Mr . Pendry has said that he would give the right of way needed if this road would curve through his property. The City will still need to work on the right-of-way from Parker Road to the Pendry property, from the Pendry property to Highway 254 78 the right-of-way has been granted through the development of the Texana Property. Council did not seem to have any problem with the right-of-way through the Pendry property. Mayor Trimble requested that county look at the right-of-way needed from Parker Road through to Highway 78 and let the Council know if the engineering could be worked out for the roadway. County does have funds in the amount of $1 ,080 ,000 . for this project . STATE HIGHWAY 78 : State Highway 78 improvements go from FM190 to FM205 and is proposed for 4 lanes with right-of-way for 6 lanes. Mr. Jerry Hoagland suggested that the City have someone from the Engineering Department take these plans and estimate the cost of all buildings and property that will be affective in order to obtain the proper right- of-way. Look at the plans and see if the center line for the highway could be moved over and most of the right-of-way be taken from the opposite side of Highway 78 . 1988 COLLIN COUNTY BOND PROGRAM: Mr . Jerry Hoagland stated that the following subjects would be on the 1988 bond program: Transportation (Roads , Airports, Transit) , Open Space, Infrastructure (Water & Sewer , Solid Waste, and Flood Control) , Buildings (Health Facilities , Administration, Criminal Justice) . Mr . Hoagland suggested that the council members become active in the above programs and serve on some of the committees . Council should also get some of the citizens involved . The initial meeting for this bond program will not be until September . Mayor Trimble suggested that council have a workshop around the middle of August to work on this bond program. There being no other discussion, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . � = C c imble, Mayor SF.' `i ATTEST: a ti ,yam�y� K,. � 6a 7 Carolyn Jo es y Secretary