08-20-1987 (City Council) Minutes 280 CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING - MINUTES AUGUST 20 , 1987 7:00 P. M. The Wylie City Council met in a called session on Thursday, August 20, 1987 at 7 : 00 P. M. in the Community Room. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Chuck Trimble, Council Members John Akin, Calvin Westerhof, Marvin Blakey, Kent Crane and Chris DiTota, Acting City Manager James Johnson, City Secretary Carolyn Jones , Acting Public Works Director Don White, Ron Homeyer from Engineering Department and Mr . John Pitstick, City Manager, Jerry Hoagland, Rubin Delgado, Dennis Burns from Collin County. Mayor Pro Tem Donovan was absent . Mayor Trimble called the meeting to order and Councilman Blakey gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF TAX INCREASE AND SETTING OF TAX PUBLIC HEARING DATE: City Secretary/Tax Assessor/Collector Carolyn Jones stated that the effective tax rate is $ .4307 per $100 .00 valuation. This figure is arrived at by using the form and formula from the State Property Tax Board. This effective tax rate must be published in the local newspaper . City Manager James Johnson stated in order to take care of the deficit from this year and have an operating budget next year the tax rate should be around $ .57 per $100 .00 valuation. Motion was made by Councilman Westerhof to approve the tax increase and set the public hearing tax date for September 14 , 1987 . Seconded by Councilman Crane. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - absent , Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor , Councilman Ditota - in favor , Councilman Crane - in favor and Councilman Blakey - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . Mayor Trimble recessed the called session and convened Council into a work shop with the Collin County representatives . FM544 REALLOCATION/REALIGNMENT: Mr. Dennis Burns from Collin County presented the Council with four (4) different alternatives to the realignment of FM 544 from Birmingham Street to Ballard Street as follows : a lA 1B 2A 2B Construction Cost 192,472 . 285,098 . 197 ,742 . 285,098 . R-O-W COST 295 ,068 . 393 ,303 . 384 ,890. 436 ,358 . 281 In these realignments, lA and 2A are 70 ' R-O-W, 4 - 12 ft . lanes and 1B and 2B are 110 ' R-O-W and 6 - 12 ft . lanes . There was also discussion on the feasibility of moving FM 544 to come down Sanden Blvd . (commonly known as Hensley Rd . ) crossing Highway 78 and intersecting with the proposed Alanis Road . The problem with this is the difference of grade between the Railroad tracks and Highway 78 . Mr . Jerry Hoagland suggested that the County spend $5,000 .00 and do a study on this area on the best place to cross Highway 78 . After much discussion it was the consensus of the Council to do the study from FM 544 crossing Highway 78 and connect up with Alanis at some point if possible. Mr . Hoagland said it would take about 45 days for this study to be completed . Council does need to go ahead and start working on acquiring the easement from the B. C. Wood property. SPRING CREEK PARKWAY: After some discussion, it was noted that Council needed to decide on the placement of this parkway and move forward either with the money from the 83 bond issue or put this on the 88 bond package . There is a problem with drainage at the point of Paul Wilson Road and the dirt road (commonly known as Dog Drop Rd . ) . There will need to be box culverts in this area and there will be an approximate cost of $100 ,000 .00 . Council can place assessments on property owners for thoroughfares as long as you have established an ordinance for it . STATE HIGHWAY 78 IMPROVEMENTS: City Manager James Johnson stated that he had taken the realignment proposal back to the State Highway Department and requested that the center line be shifted to the west of Hwy. 78 in order to save the business district along the east side of Hwy. 78 . As of this date I have not heard from them. Jerry Hoagland suggested that the Council meet with Mr . Arnold Oliver who is over this area in regards to moving up the improvement date for this highway project . There being no other matters of business , Mayor Trimble called for a motion to adjourn . Motion to adjourn was made with all in favor . r,. uck T 1 ATTEST: Carolyn C,i s ivy ecretary