07-25-1988 (City Council) Minutes 48 CALLED CITY COUNCIL AND LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES JULY 25, 1988 The City of Wylie City Council and the Rita and Truett Smith Library Board met in a joint called session on Monday, July 25, 1988 in the Rita and Truett Smith Library. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Pro Tem John Akin, Council Members Jim Swartz , Bud Naish, Ortie Messenger , Marvin Blakey and Chris DiToTa, City Manager John Pitstick, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Librarian Kay Daniel , Children' s Librarian Beth Brewster and Elizabeth Crabb from North East Texas Library System, Library Board Chairman Robert Fultz , Members Mary Jo Smith, Pat Zimmerman, Judy Lippe, Carol Barry, and Rita Smith. Mayor Trimble arrived late. Library Board Member Betty Stephens was absent. Mayor Pro Tem Akin called the meeting to order and Councilman Blakey gave the invocation. City Manager John Pitstick stated that staff had received the initial $8,400 .00 from the Meadows Grant and must spend this plus the regular budgeted amount in order to maintain their membership in the North East Texas Library System. Plus the grant from the Meadows Foundation, the Library Board has raised some $3,600 .00 . In the grant received from the Meadows Foundation, staff requested certain things, such as a summer Children' s Librarian and a Library Director. The basic grant is for $8,400 . and the second phase is a $1 : $1 match, which is to pay the librarian' s salary next year. The Meadows Foundation expects the City to fund the Library Directors salary in 89/90 budget year . Staff has hired Beth Brewster as the Summer Children' s Librarian and she will be here about three weeks . Miss Brewster stated she has two sessions for summer reading programs. She has registered 112 children and last week had 96 in the library. There are prizes for the children that read the most books . We have ages two (2) thru thirteen (13) , and there are five (5) to six (6 ) groups a week. City Manager John Pitstick said he had told Beth if she could get 100 kids, her time will have been well spent. Last week it was popcorn and movie day and there were about 40 kids. City Manager John Pitstick said that staff needed to hire the Library Director or an interum Library Director. It may be better if we hire someone for the time being and try and hire the Library Director by October 1st . '� 49 Councilman Naish wanted to know why the $59,000.00 is the figure. City Manager John Pitstick said that it is done by a formula over the past three years. Ms. Elizabeth Crabb from North East Texas Library System stated in 1969 State Legislature passed the Texas Library System Act, this allows groups of Librarians to assist each other and from their systems. Systems are line items in the State budget . There is certain critia for staying in the system. When your annual report is turned in it must have expended an average of the last three years . If you do not expend this, then you are out of the system. If you do not expend $59 ,000 . you will loose your membership for at least one year, but you also loose what NETLS has put in your Library so far. Plus the items that you can apply for from NETLS, we also supply large print books that are sent from Library to Library, Video films , you get 35 of each of these and can keep them for two months. Over the past years, the NETLS has given to your Library approximately $2,000 . to $3 ,000 . worth of books that your Librarian selects but NETLS pays for, film projectors , film screen, laminator, rom reader, overhead projector. The Library would loose these items if they loose their membership. Ms . Crabb said there are 79 public libraries in our area. There is also a telephone credit card that is given to the Librarian and she can make calls to other libraries without charge to your City. Ms . Crabb said in talking with the Library Board, it was decided to ask the Meadows Foundation for help in staffing as NETLS cannot help with staffing. You can not run a library properly without a good staff . One person and volunteers can not run the Library , without a staff to advertise your services, then you cannot build your library. Ms . Crabb said Kay does a very good job, but needs help in planning for future. I urge you to tell us to keep looking for and to hire a Library Director with an MLS. Rita Smith said it is really important that we have qualified persons to tell us what we need. We are taking Elizabeth Crabb and John Pitstick' s time to be our Librarian. Councilman Messenger said on the circulation report, there needs to be a head count not book count so we know how many people are coming in and at what hours they are coming in. Judy Lippe said that was the shame of it, you get Beth, she is reaching the kids but she leaves soon, then what. City Manager John Pitstick said that is why we started staying late on Tuesday. The problem is staffing it . Councilman Naish said there is a lot of problems in the Library. Maybe the volunteers could open up on Monday and Kay could be off . City Manager John Pitstick said that was 50 a good point, but we need someone that is trained in the library field. Councilman Blakey wanted to know how the volunteer program was. City Manger John Pitstick said we have about 15 volunteers, but we can not depend on them. There is just to much going on. It has been successful but Kay wants to take vacation and we cannot let her off when she is the only staff . Ms. Crabb said you have to have a library director who can get out and visit the civic clubs, schools and etc and sell your Library. Councilman Swartz wanted to know if all the applicants had the same qualifications. City Manager John Pitstick said no, some have just gotten out of school with no experience. Mayor Pro Tem Akin wanted to know if you have districts to serve. Ms. Crabb said you receive money from Collin County, you must serve Collin County as well as your City. You can not have taxes, Texas Law does not allow the library tax . City Manager John Pitstick said we need a strong Library Director that will promote the library as well as the people. --., Chairman Robert Fultz said until you loose the Library Director , you don' t know what you had. The Board today looks at the Library Director a lot different than we did a year ago. City Manager John Pitstick said we have a beautiful facility and we are the only one our size with this nice of building. We need a Director that can promote and lead our Library. It is the personality behind the person leading us. Councilman Messenger wanted to give consideration to have the summer reading extended into all year, during school on Saturday or Sunday. After some discussion, City Manager John Pitstick was given direction to take the name of the person that Ms . Crabb knows and thinks will come in for a short period of time to be the director until such time staff can hire someone. Chairman Fultz thanked the City Council for their time and help. Mayor Pro Tem Akin said he appreciated what the Library Board has done. Ms. Crabb said this was one of the hardest working Library Boards and City Managers she has ever worked with. There being no other discussions, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . 51 John Akin, Mayor Pro Tem ATTEST: s� y Caroly ty Secretary LIE,