08-06-1988 (City Council) Minutes 76 CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 6, 1988 The Wylie City Council met in a called session on Saturday, August 6 , 1988 at 8:00 A.M. at the TU Electric Retreat in Bonham, Texas. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Chuck Trimble, Council Members Bud Naish, Ortie Messenger, Jim Swartz , and Chris DiTota, City Manager John Pitstick, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Code Enforcement Roy Faires, Engineer Ron Homeyer, Public Works Superintendent Don White, Personnel Specialist Debbie Peoples and Candi White, was taking minutes as the City Secretary was being excused after her budget presentation. Mayor Pro Tem John Akin and Councilman Marvin Blakey were absent. City Manager John Pitstick said the primary interest is getting into the tax rate and staff is still working on the building service budget and the library budget. on Thursday, staff hopes to come back with a primary tax rate and the other budgets. Today, each department head will bring their new programs and cost estimates for these programs to the Council . City Manager John Pitstick said — staff was not forsure what the 9-1-1 will cost us next year, but estimates are close to $18 ,700 .00 . This is for the data of 9-1-1 system. Finance Director James Johnson said he understood it was to be paid for by the citizens on their phone bill , that cost was $ . 93 per number . This extra cost is for the data lines and they are not included in the cost to the citizens. Mayor Trimble said this was all to be paid for by users . It was understood by all that when the program was presented, it would be paid for by the users. There was dome discussion on workers compensation and with so many accidents that staff should set up safety programs. Councilman Naish said he has some films on safety he could let the City use. CITY SECRETARY: City Secretary Carolyn Jones requested the following new programs and their approximate cost: Car Allowance $ 1 ,200 .00 per year Receptionist/Secretary $25 ,000 .00 per year Agenda/Minute software $ 1 ,200 .00 Mrs . Jones stated the reason for the car allowance is to compensate her for the trips to McKinney and the trips to Garland and other places for things for the Council . The .•., 77 receptionist/secretary would take care of the phones and begin to work on the code book of ordinances. The agenda/minute software would allow anyone to search for an item that was present to Council and all the dates that this item was discussed . Today, staff has to take the old minute books down and read until the items are located . This would save some time once it is installed and everything put on the computer . Councilman Swartz wanted to know if staff has considered a high school student to do typing. Councilman Messenger said in looking at what Chief Abbott handed out at the last meeting, some cities do not have a secretary for the Chief of Police, move Candi to receptionist to help Carolyn and John out . City Manager John Pitstick said Candi was more than a secretary. She does a lot of research for the police department. Councilman Naish said is it worth while for Chief not to have her . The question was asked if having this person would give the city secretary more time. Mrs . Jones said the jobs this person will be doing for me, such as the code book of ordinances has been sitting on the shelf for almost two years . Having this person would not free up time, it will help get other things done that are not being taken care of . ENGINEERING: The Engineering Department is requesting two new programs as follows : Mapping approximate cost is $ 8 ,986 .00 Development Inspector cost is $33 ,700 .00 Mr . Homeyer said need contour maps - two feet contours (could isolate drainage problems) , aerial map that is put in 3D by computer , and could sell the contour maps to developers for $100 .00 each. Councilman Naish suggested to postpone the contour map at this time. Councilman Swartz said if you do the middle of the city, developing is going to be outside of that area, how will the map help. Mayor Trimble requested Mr. Homeyer to check with TU and Gas Companies for map of their lines. Councilman Swartz said developmental inspector is definitely needed daily for utility inspections. City Manager John Pitstick said don' t have to have one immediately, but will need on if lots of subdivision were going on. Mayor Trimble said if need arises , need to hire one without even asking. All agree that we will save money in the long run and willbe worth it . Councilman DiTota was against subdivision inspector until such time there are five or six subdivision being built . 78 Councilman Messenger wanted to know if Mr . Homeyer had any ideals for cutting the existing budget . Mr. Homeyer said no. CITY COUNCIL AND CITY MANAGER: The City Council request for new programs are as follows : Painting City Council Chambers Community Pool $84 ,671 .00 The City Manager ' s request for new programs are as follows : Collin County Water and Sewer Plan $ 2,558 .00 Muddy Creek Regional Sewer Plan 15,000 .00 Capping Water Well 7 ,000 .00 Collin County Crisis Center Contribution 1,275 .00 Fire Marshall Services ( 5,000 .00 ) YMCA Program community funds ( 5,000 .00) Citizens Newsletter 5 ,400 .00 City Manager John Pitstick said it would take $160 .00 just to pay for the paint for the Council Chambers . Councilman Messenger said Ron Jeffries will donate the labor to build a bathhouse if staff can get materials. Council requested that staff check on the liability insurance and the funding of the pool . City Manager John Pitstick said that the City has to borrow the money for the landfill and could add $100 ,000 .00 to this for the pool . Councilman DiTota suggested putting the money into a nice beach area at Lake Lavon and charge an entrance and have life guards. Mayor Trimble said we can take over any parks we want , put a gate fee, activity charge. The net income must be spent back into the park area. Councilman Messenger suggested a dinner cruise and also could Council have Sanden donate money to apply to old parks instead of donating a new park. Mayor Trimble said that Avalon and East Fork were the best parks . When we get access to Lake Lavon from Plano, we will get high dollar spenders and we need to get geared up for that. Councilman Swartz said staff may want to look at developing Lake Lavon instead of building a pool and compare monies on each. Mayor Trimble said in Economic Development Funding, we need to state, here is what it takes to do them, and the monies they cost. Hire a person to look at it or a staff person to check out everything instead of just thinking "good idea" . Councilman Messenger suggested to go ahead and set up a committee this year to get started looking for development for the city. Mayor Trimble called for an hour lunch break. 79 Mayor Trimble called the meeting back to order at 12 :40 P.M. City Manager John Pitstick stated in the Muddy Creek Regional Sewer Plan, let Sachse and Murphy use our 2,000 ,000 capacity treatment plant if they sign a contract stating that they are going to go with the regional plant . Councilman DiTota wanted to know where 15 ,000 comes in, let 40 ,000 for each City. City Manager John Pitstick said that Murphy may not want to do it or at least one of the four cities might want to drop out so went ahead and put in an extra 5,000 in case one does drop out . City Manager John Pitstick stated staff had rather not cap the well as there might be some use for it . City Manager John Pitstick said he will have an electrician to look at it and see if it can be used . The Collin County Crisis Center is a good program and $ . 15 per capa is not bad. The center will probably ask a donation each year . Councilman Naish would like for the $1 ,275.00 to be donate but to have a 442 phone number that will ring at the Plano office. City Manager John Pitstick recommended that the part time City Fire Marshall be done away with and the position becombined with that of the Code Enforcement office. That would mean letting Lester Gaylor go and adding to Roy Faires duties. Mr . Randy Slack will use his certification during interim period for $15 .00 per hour for approximately 15 hours a month. Mayor Trimble stated to be sure all plans are reviewed by Fire Marshall for fire safety. City Manager John Pitstick said in regards to the YMCA program, YMCA would staff somebody at Community Center if we can get a fund raising drive of $5 ,000 .00 . Need to work more on getting the senior citizens to use the YMCA. Mayor Trimble wants the fire department to do Bingo as a fund raiser . Councilman Naish stated if you donate $250 .00 you are a sustaining member. Mayor Trimble stated he wants to get Wylie Branch of YMCA so that all the money stays in Wylie. Councilman Swartz wanted to know who would run the fund raisers . City Manager John Pitstick said that the news letter would be a way to notify the public of rate increases . Councilman Messenger said it would be a way to let the citizens know what has happened at the Council meetings . Councilman Naish suggested to do it quarterly to see how it works out . Mayor Trimble said to leave out Glen Knoll Mobile Home Park and the apartments and Butane Mobile Home Park. PERSONNEL: The Personnel Department is requesting the following new programs : 80 Merit Raises (effective rate 4 .5%) $44 ,160.00 Travel and Training 23 ,150.00 Payroll Software 3 ,500 .00 City Manager John Pitstick said strictly merit raises , no cost of living raises. Debbie Peoples, Personnel Specialist , said that the cities of Rockwall and Sachse are anticipating 3% raise. City Manager John Pitstick said need to get longevity and retirement for years of service up and the rest is performance. Staff is recommending a pool rate of 2% . The travel and training has included mandatory training as well as training to learn to do their jobs better. Councilman DiTota wanted to make sure the department heads doesn' t hog all the training. City Manager John Pitstick said mandated training is first, then employees, then department heads . Finance Director James Johnson said the tax collector has certain amount of training per year , which is mandated by State. Councilman Swartz said we shouldn' t have to spend any more money for training than what we have to use for training, should try to cut other places in budget if we want extra training . Councilman DiTota wanted to know if there could be a 50% contribution from the employee to go to training . Mayor Trimble said city must pay when it is mandated. The payroll software will bring in the reports needed for payroll with out doing them manually. It takes approximately 35% of payroll time just doing my reports. CODE ENFORCEMENT: The Code department is requesting the following for new programs: Computer Printer $ 500 .00 Radio Transmitter 500 .00 Computer 3 ,500 . 00 Code Update 800 .00 Pickup Truck 12 , 500 . 00 Handouts 350 .00 Roy Faires, Code Enforcement Officer , said he could train someone else better on computer if he knew and used one. Councilman DiTota wanted to know if anyone else could use it too. Can' t see that Roy could use one 24 hours a day. Mr. Faires also wants to purchase updated codes so we aren' t still using 1982 editions. Mr . Faires also wants to have handouts, brochure rack, and is requesting to have the — handouts printed. Councilman DiTota stated handouts giving information would make Roy' s job easier and is a good idea and good publicity and not that much money. Councilman 81 Swartz wanted to know if these could be typed in house and make copies . POLICE DEPARTMENT: The new programs being requested by the police department are as follows : Additional Police Officers $146 ,665 .00 Narcotics Program 49,752 .00 Crime Prevention Program 29,075 .00 Computerized Records 2,750 .00 Uniform Cleaning 6 ,240 .00 Jail Linen Service 1,025 .00 Collin County Jail Lease Narcotics - Chief will not put just one person on the street as undercover officer . Could use two officers undercover , then put one of those as patrol and one as crime prevention officer . Chief Abbott said that crime prevention will cut the crime rate. PUBLIC WORKS - PARKS: The parks department is requesting the following new programs : Grounds Maintenance Foremen $30 ,763 . 00 Park Board Priorities 18,700 .00 City Hall Landscaping & sprinkler System 10 ,000 .00 Highway Beautification Sign & Material 2 ,500.00 Councilman DiTota is not sure one man can maintain the parks . Councilman Messenger said definitely need full time employee and is there anyway to move another employee to parks. Don White, Public Works Superintendent , said needs more people in streets, not enough people to cover. Councilman DiTota wanted to know how Wylie compares to other cities as far as people and population regarding number of workers . City Manager John Pitstick said we cannot compare to Sachse, as all their streets are paved and in good shape. We need employees that know water systems and can keep them around so they can do some other things. Councilman DiTota said a beeper for the Park person instead of a radio. PUBLIC WORKS - STREETS AND DRAINAGE: This department is requesting the following new programs : Additional Employees $56 ,296.00 Concrete Saw 4 , 500 . 00 Vibratory Roller 4 ,000 .00 Striping Machine 2 ,600 .00 City Manager John Pitstick said we have to get staff up to par to be able to use equipment we have. Councilman DiTota said if the concrete saw can be rented, doesn' t see that we have that much need for it to purchase . Mr . White said much better to saw the crack in order to stop the crack from 82 continuing before sealing it. It cost $350 .00 per week for rental of the concrete saw. Mr . White said if my staff is going to fix potholes, this vibratory roller is needed . Councilman DiTota wanted to know how many streets need to be striped . Mr . White said this could be used for school zones and parking lots. Councilman Naish wanted to know if this could be rented . Mr. White said no. PUBLIC WORKS - ANIMAL CONTROL: This department is requesting the following new programs: Kennel Upgrade $7 ,480 .00 Public Awareness Program 2 ,300 .00 Mayor Trimble stated that the present kennel is fixable and would be better to fix it than to start over with a new one. Councilman Swartz wanted to know if we could do the exterminating. Mr . White said you have to be extremely careful not to kill the animals . Mr . White said the public awareness program is getting information out on the kind of care an animal needs, promote spaying and neutering program. Try to reduce the number of animals in the shelter . Actual cost for this would be $1300.00 instead of the $2300 .00 , as the $500 .00 vet . services was added to total cost rather than subtracted as offsetting revenue. FINANCE DEPARTMENT: The Finance Department is requesting the following new programs : Personnel Supplement $ 8 ,110. 00 Acct/Gen Ledger Software 6 ,000 .00 Computer Training 1,000 .00 Tax Software 16 ,000 .00 Finance Director Mr . James Johnson said he needs part time help for afternoon as cashier. Councilman Naish wanted to know if the part time would go to tax and utility billing . Mr . Johnson would allow some changes and would like an operators manual and users manual . Mayor Trimble suggested that someone who knows about the software, write the user manual . Mr. Johnson said if we go to consolidated tax office, and computerize our tax roll , this is extremely important. We will interface with general ledger software we already have. The school is computerized now through Region 10 . Mayor Trimble said need to find out what the county is doing and if they are on the computer with Region 10 . MUNICIPAL COURT: This department is requesting one new program: part time assistant/software $4 ,500 .00 83 Mr. Johnson said this past year we have spent almost as much in overtime as we would for a part time person. There being no other programs to be presented, a motion was made to adjourn at 6 : 00 P.M. with all /in„ vor . , Chuck r irtal-e, Ma r - ATTEST: #4N10�titOn�►m�wy�ryi 7/)/ ..3 4", ,,,, _., ,Z,,?.. , „:". --1--/ / z sA Carolyn Jlofnes,, ty Secretar' SEAL I '°°1°00°�r�dE ,tt�� Es „ ,