07-11-1989 (City Council) Minutes 370 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JULY 11, 1989 The City of Wylie City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, July 11 , 1989 at 7 : 00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Chuck Trimble, Mayor Pro Tem Bud Naish, Council Members Pat Stemple, Jim Swartz , Steve Wright, Ortie Messenger and John Akin, City Manager Charles Norwood, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Finance Director James Johnson, Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires, Public Works Superintendent Don White, Assist . City Engineer Ron Homeyer and Chief of Police James Gilmore, and a number of employees attending to show support of the employee of the quarter . APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FOR MAY 23RD , JUNE 21ST, AND 27TH MEETINGS: Councilman Wright corrected the statement in the May 23rd minutes suggesting Beth Fultz serve as alternate member of the Historical Commission to reflect Mayor Pro Tem --�, Naish made the suggestion not Councilman Akin. Councilman Messenger corrected the June 27th minutes to reflect that council can save the tax payers $20,000 instead of save tax payers some money. Mayor Pro Tem Naish added the following statement regarding the Park Master Plan, this is a five year plan and not a budgetary item and it is just for placement of items the board would like to see happen. There being no other corrections or addition, a motion was made by Councilman Akin to approve the minutes as corrected . Seconded by Councilman Messenger . The vote was as follows: Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF PROCLAMATION FOR CITY OF WYLIE EMPLOYEE OF THE QUARTER - JUNE 30, 1989 - OFFICER DON MCCARTER: Motion was made by Councilman Akin to approve the proclamation for City of Wylie Employee of the Quarter - June 30 , 1989 - Officer Don McCarter . Seconded by Councilwoman Stemple. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor , Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . Mayor Trimble presented Officer McCarter the following proclamation: 371 WHEREAS, Officer Don McCarter has been selected as the City of Wylie Employee of the Quarter ending June 30, 1989 ; and WHEREAS, Officer McCarter is know for his outstanding performance as a police officer; and WHEREAS, Officer McCarter holds a perfect attendance record since his employment with the City of Wylie; and, WHEREAS, Officer McCarter has an outstanding attitude regarding his position and relationship with the citizens and community; and NOW, THEREFORE, I , Chuck Trimble, Mayor of the City of Wylie, do Proclaim Don McCarter as Employee of the Quarter Ending June 30 , 1989 . Mayor Trimble stated this is a program that is important to the City and staff . This is our first presentation. City Manager Charles Norwood said he is very happy for Don and for the employees here tonight to show honor and support. Officer McCarter' s wife Sandy and their daughters Linsey and Chere were present plus other family. PRESENTATION FOR RULING ON NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS USING COMMUNITY ROOM: Councilman Akin said it was the intent of Council that the Community Room would be a revenue source for the Park. City Manager Charles Norwood said staff would like Council to establish a written policy that would list the non-profit organizations who could use this room free of charge. In other places, the Council has adopted a policy and staff followed this policy. The non profit groups that contributed to the City could use it for a small fee but no one used the building free of charge. Mayor Pro Tem Naish said that Council discussed this during the budget sessions and the funds from the rental of the Community Building have to go to the General Fund Budget not the Park Budget. Also the non profit organizations could use it free of charge , maybe we are getting abuse from these organizations . Finance Director James Johnson said we have a fee schedule set up for others using the building . City Secretary Carolyn Jones stated some of the non profit organizations using the building were, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts , Camp Fire Kids, Wylie Women ' s League, Wylie Jaycees, Wylie Sports Association and Parents and Tots. Library Director Rosanne Burgess said we are not complaining of the users, we just need to know who is non profit . 372 City Manager Charles Norwood said we just want one committee —� to come up with rules and regulations to bring back to the Council . Councilman Wright and Swartz volunteered to work on this committee. CONSENT AGENDA: The consent agenda consists of three easements needed for the improvements to the wastewater collection system. These easements are from John Bernard Robinson - two permanent utility easements and M-W Properties for one permanent utility easement . Mr. Homeyer said this makes a total of ten easements, there are two more that will be on the next agenda from Don Kreymer . Motion was made by Councilman Swartz to approve and accept the three utility easements as stated above. Seconded by Councilman Akin. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor , Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Mrs. Becky Paschal of 510 W. Oak wanted to follow through with Mr . Norwood and Mr . Gilmore on the four way stop signs. There is less patrol now and this is a big problem. City Manager Charles Norwood said the police department made a survey, they have recommended four way stops, the public works department has ordered the signs and we are waiting for them to come in. Mrs. Paschal said she and others are going to post signs on their fences, "caution, children at play" to alert the drivers coming through the alleyway since there were no speed limit signs in these alleyways. Mayor Trimble said that the speed limits signs do not do any good. In my neighborhood, we posted signs on our fences . Mrs. Paschal wanted to know if the speed limit could be lowered to 20 mph. City Manager Charles Norwood said not easily, you have to take a survey and the speed is determined from what 85% of the drives are going . Councilman Swartz said that once the four ways stop signs are up and a few tickets issued , this should slow the people down. Councilman Swartz wanted to know if Mr . White' s crew could put some bright streamers on these new signs so they would show up. Mr . Bobby Jennings of Gaston Dr. North thanked the council for the help on the street name confusion and the signs are all up. I just wanted to say thank you. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: Mayor Pro Tem Naish said when will the five year Master Park Plan come to council for approval . City Manager Charles Norwood said when staff gets it back from the Texas Park and Wildlife Department, it will be presented to the Park Board and then they will bring it forward. 373 Mayor Pro Tem Naish wanted to know what could be done about putting "no parking" signs up on one side of Stoneybrook. Chief of Police James Gilmore said the problem is which side do we make no parking on. This is just one of the streets in town with this problem. Mayor Pro Tem Naish said this was suggested by some of the citizens that live on this street. Mr . White said there are a lot of cars parked on the street. City Manager Charles Norwood said we need to count houses on each side of the street and then talk about it. Probably we will have to have no parking on both sides and will need to have a public hearing . Mayor Pro Tem Naish wanted to know if there could be a joint meeting with Planning and Zoning to address not having another sub-division with only one entrance and also discuss the speed limit of all residential streets be 20 mph. Councilman Wright wanted to know what constituted working on a vehicle. Mr . Faires said we had a compliant that a resident was running a commercial garage at his home. It was an anonymous compliant and we had to investigate it . Councilman Swartz thanked Don White and his crews for the work done around town . Councilman Akin asked Mr . Johnson about the status of the ambulance committee. Mr. Johnson said Mr . Dillard, City Attorney, has completed his review and there are just a few corrections . Councilman Akin stated he had asked for a financial statement four time and I have not received it. City Manager Charles Norwood stated that staff had it ready and asked Mr . Homeyer to pass it out . Councilman Akin stated he was happy to see the list of streets for reconstruction. Do we use the counter to show which streets are traveled on more. Mr . White said yes, the counter is used a lot . Mr . Johnson said to date, we have $15,705 .11 recovered from the Street Reconstruction Program, but the bank has just recently changed owners and they have stated they will pay their assessment . This is approximately $23,000 .00 . City Manager Charles Norwood said staff has written letters to the others asking for early payment. Councilman Akin said Martinez Lane has money set aside for the reconstruction of this street, I believe it is $17 ,000 . Councilman Akin also asked Mr . White about the line in the older part of town. Mr . White said that Masters St . is the only street that has very little maintenance on the lines. The other streets need a lot of work done on the lines prior to reconstruction of the streets. Mr . Johnson said that the developer has released the money for Martinez for 374 reconstruction with asphalt overlay, not two course — penetration. Councilman Akin stated that when you adopt a five year plan, we should be able to do all the work, I would have a problem with a five year plan of this sort. Councilman Swartz asked Councilman Akin how many years was on the plan he just handed out . Councilman Akin said no time limit, it was just called phase one. Councilman Akin thanked those who have been working so hard in the Park. City Manager Charles Norwood said that Wylie needs some goals and also need to get the community involved . Get input from the community and support from them. City Manager Charles Norwood said he believes this should be a five year plan and work toward this, may have to extend it to six or seven years. City Manager Charles Norwood recommended to Council to appoint a needs committee. Mayor Trimble stated that Council has talked about this in the past, if you do not update your plans every year then they are left sitting and are not good. Councilman Wright complimented the City Manager on what he has brought to the City in the way of raising the spirits of the employees . There being no other matters for discussion, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . Chuc amble, Mayor ATTEST : ‘eaa0�Fu►n Carolyn J s, , i y ecretary F.