07-28-1992 (City Council) Minutes 45 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JULY 28, 1992 The City of Wylie City Council met in regular session on Tuesday , July 28 , 1992 at 7 : 00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John W. Akin, Mayor Pro Tem Jim Swartz , Council Members Jay Davis, Reta Allen, Steve Wright, Ortie Messenger and Bud Naish, City Manager Steve Norwood, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Finance Director Brady Snellgrove, City Engineer Paul Beaver and City Attorney Steve Deiter. Mayor Akin called the meeting to order and Rev. Al Draper of the First Baptist Church gave the invocation, which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES : There being no corrections or additions to the minutes of June 30th, July 1st and 14, 1992 a motion was made by Councilman Messenger to approve as submitted . Seconded by Councilman Naish. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Swartz - in favor, Councilwoman Allen - in favor, Councilman Davis - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilman Naish - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. ACCEPTANCE OF LETTER OF RESIGNATION FROM ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPOINTMENT TO BOARD: Mrs . Sue Ellen Neal has resigned by letter of resignation from the Zoning Board of Adjustments effective immediately. A motion was made by Councilman Naish to accept the resignation of Sue Ellen Neal from the Zoning Board of Adjustments . Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Swartz . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Swartz - in favor, Councilwoman Allen - in favor, Councilman Davis - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilman Naish - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. A motion was made by Councilwoman Allen to table the appointment to replace Mrs . Neal . Seconded by Councilman Wright. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Swartz - in favor, Councilwoman Allen - in favor , Councilman Davis - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilman Naish - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. PRESENTATION OF SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT FROM THE CAPITAL 46 IMPROVEMENTS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CIAC) : The CIAC committee "'k° met on July 20, 1992 and are presenting the following comments: 1 . the water tank installation on FM 1378 as mentioned in the 10 year water plan, should be a concentrated area of concern within the next year; 2 . some type of storm water impact fee should be considered during the 1993 scheduled CIP update as well as changing the Impact Fee ordinance to allow provisions for a fee assessment to developer on new subdivisions; 3 . continue the current impact fee of $1 , 100. 00 per permit. The Financial Report from July 1, 1990 through June 30, 1992 shows total revenues of $133,912 . 38 and expenditures of $109, 843. 28 leaving a cash balance as of June 30 , 1992 of $24 ,069 . 10. The Engineers Report states the following have been requested for the FY 92-93 budget: Water: 1. Telemetry for Nortex, NTMWD & Elevated Tank $ 15,000. 2 . Newport Harbor Loop Line (8" ) $ 215,000. 3 . Alanis Road ( 2,000 feet) eight inch pipe $ 50, 000. Sewer: 1 . 3,000 ft. 15 inch interceptor replacement Hwy 78 to Sewer Main Plant $ 72,000 . 2. 2, 200 feet 15 inch interceptor from NTMWD Lift Station to existing sludge line $ 180,000 . PRESENTATION OF SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT FROM DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF WYLIE, INC. : Mr. Jim Smith, Chairman of the Development Corp . of Wylie, Inc. stated in the last six months this board has received a total of $96,408.50 of which $90,892. 38 was sales tax revenue and $5, 516. 12 was interest. There has been a total of $14 ,466 .38 in expenditures for rent, printing , salaries, etc . plus $28 ,679. 00 for helping Holland Hitch and paying Income Tax/FICA. This leaves a balance of $286,372. 68 available for use as of May 31, 1992 . This board has held six monthly meetings and three special called meetings . The board has received several formal requests for financial assistance, but only one of these has resulted in a grant. The board is actively involved with four companies who have expressed an interest in moving to Wylie. The Corporation has employed a full time director as of July 1 , 1992 . The board has also contracted with Michael Brown Productions for the creation of an eight minute video to publicize Wylie . APPROVAL OF THE ZONING CHANGE AND MAP AMENDMENT FOR LOTS 13, 14, 15 OF BLOCK 3 , BROWN & BURNS ADDITION: This zoning change has been requested for Retail Zoning and the property — is located at 301 N. Ballard. The Public Hearing was held on July 14, 1992 . Mayor Akin invited those wishing to address this matter to come forward as they were called on. 47 Mrs . Rita Smith of 401 N. Ballard and Mrs . Martha Keehen, speaking for her mother, Mrs. Lucille Pearson, of 100 W. Jefferson addressed the Council stating they were against the zoning request change. A motion was made by Councilman Naish to approve the zoning change and map amendment for Lots 13, 14 , & 15 , Block 3 of Brown & Burns Addition to Retail . Seconded by Councilwoman Allen. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Swartz - in favor, Councilwoman Allen - in favor, Councilman Davis - against, Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilman Naish - in favor. This motion carried with six ( 6) in favor and one ( 1 ) against. APPROVAL OF FUNDS FROM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF WYLIE, INC. TO PHYSICIANS REGIONAL HOSPITAL FOR ASSISTANCE: Mr. Charlie Womack , Executive Director of Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc. stated that Physicians Regional Hospital has a temporary crucial cash flow problem that must be immediately resolved . Current projection indicates a negative cash flow deficit reaching approximately $144 , 000 during the month of July. Prior loan negotiations with a local bank have produced negative results and they have now requested financial assistance from the Development Corporation. The Board of Directors of the Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc. has reviewed and discussed this request . Three members of the board were present and voted unanimously to approve the request subject to each principal owner personally agreeing to sign a Letter of Guaranty for the entire loan amount and final approval by members of the Wylie City Council . The request is for the Development Corporation to place a $120,000 CD into Provident Bank of Wylie to collateralize a $120,000 loan to the Hospital to fund the development of a new Geriatric Psychiatric Unit and working capital deficits during the development of this unit. The unit provides 21 new jobs to the area and allows the Hospital to continue its financial viability and delivery of emergency care to all citizens of the area, regardless of ability to pay. The Board agreed the hospital is a vital ingredient for continued "quality of life" and all efforts should be exerted in maintaining this excellent medical facility for all citizens in the Wylie area. The Board certainly hopes the Council will be able to support the decision made by the Board of Directors . A motion was made by Councilman Wright to approve the $120 ,000 CD with the personal guaranty from all principal owners . Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Swartz . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Swartz in favor, Councilwoman Allen - in favor, Councilman Davis - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilman Naish - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. 48 CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Mayor Akin invited those wishing to address the Council to come forward at this time and to state their name and address for the record, to keep their comments with in five minutes. Any discussion must be limited to placing the item on a future agenda for consideration. There were no speakers at this time . Mayor Akin recessed the opening meeting and convened Council into Executive Session at 7 : 55 P.M. under the Authority of Article 6252-17 V.A.C .S. , Section 2 , paragraph "g" Personnel Matters - review and discuss applicants for the position of Municipal Judge and possible litigations from Mauri Case and Wilson Case. Mayor Akin reconvened Council into open session at 9 : 05 P.M. . A motion was made by Councilman Naish to approve the appointment of M. Lewis Kinard as Municipal Judge and Paul G. Stuckle as Alternate Municipal Judge . Seconded by Councilman Messenger. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Swartz - in favor, Councilwoman Allen - in favor, Councilman Davis - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilman Naish - in favor. This motion carried with all •••w in favor. Mayor Akin also stated that the Council decided to uphold the City Managers decision regarding the Mauri and Wilson Cases. There being no other items for discussion, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor. John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Cat-/%? 7,06114,44,1 ¢ it I/ Oltit/910 Y � y Mary Nichols, City Secretary \,, WIIIiltil1Ui.11 ,•yoF wy ft.--- A (i ce V �J ,mac .:,.. ........,, SEAL 1 L... nnnti nuioa���