09-08-1992 (City Council) Minutes MINUTES REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1992 The City Council of the City of Wylie met in regular session on Tuesday, September 8, 1992 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John Akin, Mayor Pro Tem Jim Swartz, and Councilmembers Reta Allen, Ortie Messenger, Steve Wright and Bud Naish. Representing the City staff were City Manager Steve Norwood, City Attorney Steve Deiter, Director of Finance Brady Snellgrove, Director of Public Works Paul Beaver and Barbara LeCocq, Secretary. Councilman Jay Davis was absent. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Akin. Roger Smith was asked to give the invocation. Bud Naish led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ITEM NO. 1 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF AUGUST 25, 1992 COUNCIL MEETING: Mayor Akin asked for any additions or corrections to the minutes. Hearing none, a motion was made by Councilman Messenger to approve the minutes as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Wright. Vote as follows: Mayor Akin -- - yes; Mayor Pro Tem Swartz - yes; Councilmember Allen - yes; Councilmember Wright - yes; Councilmember Messenger - yes; Councilmember Naish - yes. Motion carried 6-0. ITEM NO. 2 - DISCUSS AND CONSIDER PROPOSAL TO RE-BID FOR CURB AND GUTTERING OF BIRMINGHAM STREET: City Manager Norwood stated that at the last City Council meeting on August 25, the Council voted unanimously to award the conract to Ballard Contracting for $32,450 which is $11,392 less than the total bid since in-house crews could perform that portion. After the August 25th meeting, a pre- construction meeting was held and the conractor stated the bid was figured wrong and the contractor would only lower the bid by $6500. The City Manager asked the Council to rescind award of the bid based on this information and rebid this item at a later date. Mr. Norwood also encouraged Council to determine what other streets in the City needed the same type of improvement and bid the entire project at one time. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Swartz to reject the previous bids. Motion seconded. Vote as follows: Mayor Akin - yes; Mayor Pro Tem Swartz - yes; Councilmember Allen - yes; Councilmember Wright - yes; Councilmember Messenger - yes; Councilmember Naish - yes. Motion carried 6-0. ITEM NO. 3 - DISCUSS AND CONSIDER APPROVING INTERLOCAL ^` AGREEMENT WITH FARMERSVILLE FOR DISPATCH SERVICE: In answer to a question from the Council, City Manager Steve Norwood stated that Chief Hightower recommends that if this agreement is approved, the City not enter into any more agreements of this nature until his department has had time to evaluate their ability to handle the additional work load without adding personnel. Following the discussion, a motion was made by Councilmember Reta Allen to approve the interlocal agreement with Farmersville for Dispatch Service to be provided by City of Wylie for Farmersville, seconded by Councilmember Wright. Vote as follows: Mayor Akin - yes; Mayor Pro Tem Swartz - yes; Councilmember Allen - yes; Councilmember Wright - yes; Councilmember Messenger - yes; Councilmember Naish - yes. Motion carried 6-0. ITEM NO. 4 - DISCUSS AND CONSIDER APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT FOR OAKRIDGE SUBDIVISION: City Engineer Paul Beaver stated that the required easements had not yet been received and was therefore recommending the tabling of this item. Dwight Scott, developer of Oakridge Subdivision stated that the easement was a formality and asked the Council to approve the plat. Councilmember Naish expressed a concern over the lack of dual access into the subdivision. Mr. Scott stated there would be dual access and possibly triple access; however, it would not be available until after the 50th lot had been built. Oakridge Subdivision will have a total of 89 building lots. A motion was made by Councilmember Wright to table this item, seconded by Councilmember Allen. Vote as follows: Mayor Akin - yes; Mayor Pro Tem Swartz - yes; Councilmember Allen - yes; Councilmember Wright - yes; Councilmember Messenger - yes; Councilmember Naish - yes. Motion carried 6-0. ITEM NO. 5 - DISCUSS AND CONSIDER APPROVING INVOICE #917E FROM HEIMBERGER ASSOCIATES, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF S8,853.51 FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES FOR LANDFILL CLOSURE: In response to a question from the Council, City Engineer Paul Beaver stated that this amount is over and above the contracted figure for the landfill closure. However, this expenditure was one that was not expected and resulted from a change ordered by the State for closure. A motion was made by Councilmember Naish to approve payment of Invoice #917E from Heimberger Associates, Inc. in the amount of $8,853.51 for additional services related to the landfill closure. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Swartz. Vote as follows: Mayor Akin - yes; Mayor Pro Tem Swartz - yes; Councilmember Allen - yes; Councilmember Wright - yes; Councilmember Messenger - yes; Councilmember Naish - yes. Motion carried 6-0. 59 ITEM NO. 6 - DISCUSS AND CONSIDER APPROVING CHANGE TO COMMUNITY PARK MASTER PLAN TO ALLOW INSTALLATION OF FENCING FUNDED BY WSA: Mayor Akin expressed his appreciation to the Wylie Sports Association (WSA) for their contributions to Community Park. In response to a concern from the Council, Councilmember Messenger stated that the fence was placed with the safety of the children in mind. The fence had the approval of both the soccer and football organizations within the WSA. A motion was made by Councilmember Messenger to approve the change to the Community Park Master Plan to allow for the fencing. Seconded by Councilmember Wright. Vote as follows: Mayor Akin - yes; Mayor Pro Tem Swartz - yes; Councilmember Allen - yes; Councilmember Wright - yes; Councilmember Messenger - yes; Councilmember Naish - yes. Motion carried 6-0. ITEM NO 7 -DISCUSS SOUTHPLACE ESTATES: Prefacing the discussion on this item, the City Manager stated that this item was for discussion only and did not require a vote. A representative of the developer from Tipton Engineering stated that the redevelopment of Southplace Estates was not economically feasible without the cooperation of the City. Namely waiving impact fees and perimeter street fees. They were also asking for assistance from the City to obtain an easement from the adjacent property owner for a gravity sewer line. The developer feels the property can be redeveloped and the lots sold with the described cooperation from the City. Councilmembers expressed a reluctance to consider such waivers due to the denial of past requests of this nature. ITEM NO. 8 - PRESENTATION OF FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 1992 BY FINANCE DIRECTOR BRADY SNELLGROVE: Mr. Snellgrove stated that revenues from the Municipal Court had been higher than projected. He further stated that expenses had been held down and revenues had held to the projections. ITEM NO. 9 - CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: City Manager Norwood reported that the newly hired City Secretary, Mary Nichols would be starting work on Monday, September 14, 1992. Mr. Norwood further stated that Ms. Nichols held certifications for the State of Texas and nationally. She has been active in City Secretary organizations and has spoken at conferences and done some instructing at seminars. Mr. Norwood feels the City will benefit greatly by acquiring Ms. Nichols services. Mr. Norwood also announced that the newly hired Building and Zoning Official, Michael Schmidt is now at work. Mr. Schmidt is highly qualified and is expected to bring consistancy and professionalism to the department. 60 ITEM NO. 10 - CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: Final inspections have been made in Spring Creek Parkway. The telemetering --. system has been installed at the Nortex site. The grant application will be going out very soon. The City Engineer has been spending time working on design for SH78. ITEM NO. 11 - CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Steve Deiter, City Attorney reported he had just returned from Austin where he had met with the Texas Water Commission. An agreement had been reached with Wylie Northeast Water Corp. to provide water to the National Guard Armory. This is a temporary concession and no agreement has been reached on compensation to WNEWC for estimated loss of revenue. The Attorney General became involved on behalf of the City in negotiating the matter in the interest of providing water to the National Guard Armory and was in no way "taking sides" with the City of Wylie against WNEWC. ITEM NO. 12 - CITIZEN PARTICIPAION: Mayor John Akin took this opportunity to announce a reception for Senator Ted Lyons on September 9, 1992 at 1:30 PM at the Piano Center. Debbie Willis of 107 N. Winding Oaks asked what is being done with regard to the ditch behind her property. Paul Beaver, City Engineer advised that we are in the stage of obtaining contracts from the contractor for the work. Damage to fences will be repaired. Letters had been mailed to affected property owners regarding fences and the removal or relocation of same. The City Manager stated for the record that property owners can put fences in the utility easement; however, the City can remove these fences in order to do any work that is required. ITEM NO. 13 - ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Akin, with no further business, called for a motion to adjourn. Motion made and seconded, meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM. (6 -/ n W. Akin, Mayor At st: at-J Barbara LeCocq, Secr ary