10-13-1992 (City Council) Minutes 65 MINUTES OF THE WYLIE CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 13, 1992 CALL TO ORDER 5 Mayor John Akin called the meeting to order with the following councilmembers present: Jim Swartz, Reta Allen, Jay Davis, Ortie Messenger, Steve Wright, and Bud Naish. No councilmembers were absent. 10 PRESENTATION TO LINDA HAMAR Mayor Akin presented Linda Hamar a plaque on behalf of the City Council expressing appreciation for her service to the community during her tenure with the Wylie Chamber of Commerce. 15 CONSENT AGENDA a) minutes of September 21 and September 22, 1992 20 b) Resolution No. 92-13 appointing a Records Management Officer A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, DESIGNATING A RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER TO COORDINATE RECORDS z5 MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT RECORDS ACT 30 c) Resolution No.92-12 supporting the Partners in Education Program with the Wylie Independent School District A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS, ACKNOWLEDGING PARTICIPATION 35 AND ENCOURAGING DEPARTMENTAL SUPPORT OF THE PARTNERS IN EDUCATION PROGRAM WITH THE WYLIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Upon motion made by Naish and seconded by Messenger, the Consent Agenda was 40 unanimously approved. ORDINANCE NO. 92-12 DISANNEXING TWO ACRES LOCATED ON SH-78 UPON PETITION BY DAVID AND GLENDA LOTT 1 66 45 Council reviewed the petition for disannexation and discussed the statutory provisions for disannexing due to failure to provide service. Akin confirmed with the City Attorney that the City of Wylie would lose authority to involuntarily annex the property for a period of five years upon disannexation. City Attorney Steve Defter noted that the property owners could petition for annexation within the five year period. Naish made a motion to approve an 50 ordinance disannexing the property described as Lot 14, R.DNewman Survey. Wright seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. FINAL PLAT FOR OAKRIDGE SUBDIVISION 55 Defter explained that the applicant had requested the Council to table action until the next October meeting to allow time to prepare the required easements. After brief discussion, Messenger made a motion to table until October 27. Swartz seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. 60 ENGAGEMENT LETTER WITH RUTLEDGE AND CRANE FOR AUDIT SERVICES Finance Director Brady Snellg rove explained that the company of Rutledge and Crane proposed to conduct the annual audit for a fee $300 in excess of the fee for the previous year. Swartz made a motion to authorize the City Manager to engage the firm of Rutledge 65 and Crane for audit services. Wright seconded the motion upon confirming that the service included making application for the Government Finance Officer's Association Award for excellence in financial reporting. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. MOSS ADDITION REPLAT 70 Mike Schmidt, City Building Official, explained that the plat as proposed would subdivide a single seven acre lot into two smaller lots and he stated that the plat met city requirements. After brief discussion, Messenger made a motion to approve the replat. Naish seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. 75 PRELIMINARY PAYMENT TO JESKE CONSTRUCTION FOR RUSTIC OAKS DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS City Engineer Paul Beaver explained that the filling of the Rustic Oaks drainage 80 culvert was 95% complete and that the preliminary payment of$20,196.00 represented 39% of the contract approved by Council and estimated at $51,842. Council discussed cost of grass installation and maintenance ditch. Swartz made a motion to authorize the payment. Naish seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. 85 PROPOSED STREET MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WITH DALLAS COUNTY City Manager Steve Norwood explained the provisions of the agreement for joint maintenance of roads located partially in the city and partially in the county. After discussion regarding disannexation of the city portion of the roads, Swartz made a motion 2 90 to table the agreement pending research regarding disannexation of the roads. Wright seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. STAFF REPORTS 95 The City Manager reported on the status of a wastewater grant application, explained the Adopt-a-School programs proposed,discussed the Citizens Police Academy and discussed Fire Prevention Month. City Engineer Paul Beaver discussed the status of the landfill closure and outlined several code enforcement dean-up efforts. 100 CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Claude Causey addressed the Council to compliment the responsiveness of the public works department and to report the number of breaks on 1st Street over the last several months. 105 EXECUTIVE SESSION Council adjourned.into Executive Session under Article 6252-17 V.A.C.S. to discuss land acquisition regarding a potential new business. 110 ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business to come before the Council for consideration,the meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. 115 J.r&' PROVED 120 ATTEST TO41 T 3