01-14-1993 (City Council) Minutes 92 MINUTES OF THE WYLIE CITY COUNCIL . WORKSESSION JANUARY 14, 1993 5 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Akin called the meeting to order with the following Councilmembers present: Jim Swartz, Reta Allen, Jay Davis, Steve Wright, Bud Naish, and Ortie Messenger. No Councilmembers were absent. 10 PRESENTATION Council heard a presentation from representatives of the Wylie Development Corporation, Collin County Jail Finance Corporation and Municipal Capital Markets 15 regarding the opportunity for the City of Wylie to submit a proposal for a 500 bed minimum to medium security detention facility. Representatives estimated the facility would provide 115 to 130 new jobs beginning at $18,000 annual salary, 2.5 million payroll and $100,000 per year in water and sewer service. Following the presentation the Council took no action. 20 UTILITY RATE STRUCTURE -� Council reviewed the current utility rate structure and discussed possible amendments that would bring Wylie's rates in line with other cities, and generate 25 additional revenue to service approximately 1.5 million dollars in future utility improvements. PUBLIC SAFETY MARKET ADJUSTMENTS 30 City Manager Steve Norwood discussed market adjustments recommended in the Fire Department and in the Police Department for patrol officers and sergeants. PERSONAL LEAVE POLICY 35 Norwood outlined a proposed change in the personal leave policy that would require employees to use personal leave time accrued for illness unless illness continued for more than three consecutive days, at which time an employee would be entitled to use past accrued sick leave. Norwood explained that the new policy would help reduce abuse of the current 22 days per year allowed for personal leave. 40 1 93 EXECUTIVE SESSION 45 Council adjourned into Executive Session under Article 6252-17 V.A.C.S. at 9:56 p.m. to discuss litigation: James Johnson vs. City of Wylie. APPROVAL OF SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT 50 Upon reconvening into regular session at 10:10 p.m., Wright made a motion to authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement with James Johnson as submitted to the Council. Messenger seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and passed with all in favor except Davis who was opposed. 55 ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business to come before the Council for consideration, the meeting adjourned. 60 2// ,) 4:4 ,L) ROVED dal) ATTEST I 2