03-14-1995 (City Council) Minutes MINUTES OF THE WYLIE CITY COUNCIL March 14, 1995 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jim Swartz called the meeting to order with the following Councilmembers present: Reta Allen, John Mondy, Steve Wright, Ortie Messenger, and Cleo Adams. Bobby Jennings was absent. RESOLUTION NO. 95-6 DECLARING EXPECTATION TO REIMBURSE EXPENDITURES WITH PROCEEDS OF FUTURE DEBT City Manager Steve Norwood explained that the resolution was a step towards the issuance of approximately $330,000 in Public Property Finance Contractual Obligations to finance the purchase of a 65 foot Emergency 1 Quint fire truck. Mondy made a motion to approve the resolution. Allen seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL FOR PROVISION OF AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY AND PHYSICAL DAMAGE INSURANCE Norwood explained that the current policy held by Reliance Insurance would expire March 22nd and Reliance had declined to submit a quote on renewal. He stated that one bid, from Texas Municipal League, had been received at a premium of $16,738.00 if paid in full within 30 days of award of the bid as opposed to being paid quarterly. He noted that the proposal provided a substantial cost savings over previous premium of$34,600 and recommended award to TML. Messenger made a motion to award the proposal as bid and as recommended the by City Manager. Wright seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. RESOLUTION 95-7 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS FOR PATROL OF LAKE LAVON Norwood explained that the agreement terms had not been amended from previous years and that officers were hired for lake patrol on an overtime basis. Detective Mitch Selman answered questions of Council regarding the territory patrolled by the officers and their use as backup to regular on-duty officers. Allen made a motion to approve the resolution. Mondy seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. 1 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH COLLIN COUNTY FOR HOUSING OF PRISONERS Norwood explained that on rare occasions, the Wylie Police Department was required to lodge prisoners arrested for Class C offenses in the Collin County jail. He discussed the terms of the agreement including a $55.00 per day fee and liability responsibility. Wright made a motion to approve the agreement. Mondy seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. STAFF REPORTS Norwood noted that the sales tax receipts for February were down 15% over last year but were still up 1/2%for the year as a whole. He discussed a $9000 rebate expected for a reduction in workers compensation claims and decreased premiums and noted that a letter was being sent to TNRCC regarding the status of the elevated water tower construction. Director of Finance Brady Snellgrove discussed the January financial statements and the recently prepared budget document. WORKSESSION Council adjourned into worksession to hear updates from Norwood on management issues including the date for the bond rating trip and agenda items being considered for a Council worksession to be held on March 21 st. ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business to come before Council for consideration, the meeting adjourned. PROVED !G 4 'J ATTEST >J rr iiimmtimmotoo