10-24-1995 (City Council) Minutes MINUTES OF THE WYLIE CITY COUNCIL October 24, 1995 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jim Swartz called the meeting to order with the following Councilmembers present: John Mondy, Joel Scott, J. C. Worley and Cleo Adams. Reta Allen was absent and Steve Wright arrived late. PROCLAMATION Mayor Swartz presented Budmond "Buddy" Randall, III, a proclamation for being honored as an Eagle Scout. PRESENTATION Mignon Morse, Library Director gave the "State of the Library" presentation. FILL VACANCY FOR SENIOR CITIZEN ADVISORY BOARD Scott made the motion to place Janet Zimmer on the Senior Citizen Advisory Board. Mondy seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously with Wright absent. RESOLUTION 95-32 DECLARING NOVEMBER 16-23 AS CHRISTIAN CARE WEEK Adams made the motion to approve a resolution declaring November 16-23 as Christian Care Week. Scott seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously with Wright absent. REQUEST TO HOLD ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARADE DECEMBER 2, 1995 Adams made the motion to approve request from the Chamber of Commerce to hold Annual Christmas Parade December 2, 1995. Worley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously with Wright absent. RESOLUTION 95-33 SUPPORTING RESOLUTION 4 FOR TML SPONSORED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIALS ASSOCIATION OF TEXAS Mondy made the motion to approve a resolution supporting Resolution 4 for TML. Worley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously with Wright absent. City Council Minutes October 24,1995, Page 1 ABANDONMENT OF ALLEY BETWEEN LOTS 6,7, AND 8 AND LOTS 1,2,3,4 AND 5 OF BLOCK 15 OF THE RAILROAD ADDITION Mondy stated he would like to table this item until all factors were covered by staff. Mondy made the motion to table this item. Worley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously with Wright absent. APPROVAL OF ENGAGEMENT LETTER TO CONDUCT ANNUAL AUDIT SERVICES Brady Snellgrove, Finance Director, gave an update on the audit process. Scott made the motion to approve the engagement letter. Adams seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously with Wright absent. APPROVAL OF INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH COLLIN COUNTY FOR FM 544/FM1378 INTERSECTION ENGINEERING Greg MacLean, consulting Engineer from The Hogan Corporation, gave a presentation on the design plan and proposed plan. Mondy made the motion to approve the Interlocal Agreement with Collin County for FM 544/FM1378 Intersection Engineering. Adams seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. AUTHORIZATION TO THE HOGAN CORPORATION TO PROVIDE ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE FM 544/FM1378 PROJECT Adams made the motion to authorize the Hogan Corporation to provide engineering services for the FM 544/FM1378 project. Mondy seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. AWARD BID FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 297 EXTENSION IN PREMIER BUSINESS PARK Mike Collins, City Manager, stated that a hearing was held and it is now staffs recommendation to award the bid to the low bid, East Texas Construction. MacLean gave an overview of what would be expected on the construction and how the city reviews the construction process. Scott made the motion to award the bid to East Texas Construction. Adams seconded the motion. The motion passed with Worley opposing. FIRST PUBLIC HEARING TO HEAR COMMENTS ON PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY ALONG FM 544 CORRIDOR J. L. BRAND, 7407 BAXTERSHIRE, opposed to annexation. WORTH M. SPEED, 621 GLENVIEW CIRCLE, GARLAND, opposed to annexation unless conditions were met by the city. City Council Minutes October 24,1995, Page 2 RONNIE HOUSEWRIGHT, P. O. BOX 835, WYLIE, opposed to annexation. Stated that the annexation was not beneficial to him. TOM MANNEWITZ, 2821 W. FM 544, WYLIE, opposed to the annexation. CHAD EASTERLING, 107 S. WINDING OAKS, WYLIE, was in favor of annexation. His property is already annexed in the city and is next to property that is not. Easterling stated that due to no access to his property, he is concerned about the safety to his property. BEN SCHOLZ, 407 BRIARWOOD, WYLIE, supports the city but at this time would not desire to be annexed. He stated most of his family's property was farmed. He also stated his family wanted to go on record as opposed to the annexation. RICHARD PARKER, BOX 307, WYLIE, wants to know how property will be brought in and if the current use of the property would be grandfather in to the city. JOANNE MILLER, 334 HENSLEY LANE, WYLIE, owns property next to Mr. Speed and the property floods all the time. She said she wanted to see a service plan to see what services would be offered. PAUL TAYLOR, 2615 BRIARCOVE, PLANO, owns property North of the Railroad. He wanted to know how the city could annex this property. STAFF REPORT Collins introduced Mindy Manson, the new Assistant to the City Manager. WORKSESSION Concept plan for the Service Center was presented by Norman Hatfield. Concept plan for the new community park was presented by Collins and Manson. Collins stated that city staff had met with Dr. Fuller, WISD. A commitment from the school district was needed to provide financial assistance on the parking situation when the new stadium was built. Manson gave an overview of the conceptual plan of the park. A possible joint meeting with the school board in December was also discussed. EXECUTIVE SESSION City Council Minutes October 24, 1995, Page 3 ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business, the meetin as adjourned. m Swartz, ayor zhate/x 7/Lee"tj usan Suler, City Secretary u City Council Minutes October 24,1995,Page 4