04-14-1998 (City Council) Minutes MINUTES Wylie City Council Meeting April 14, 1998 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jim Swartz called the City Council Meeting to order, April 14, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. with the following Councilmembers present: Wanda Sparks, J.C. Worley, Joel Scott, Reta Allen and Lavern Ramsey. Councilman Cleo Adams was absent. Staff members present were: Mike Collins, City Manager; Mindy Manson, Assistant to the City Manager; Brady Snellgrove, Finance Director; Pam Gidney, Assistant Finance Director; Greg MacLean, Consulting City Engineer; Tobin Maples, Planning Director, Jack Jones, Public Works Superintendent; Chief of Police, Jeff Butters, and Barbara Salinas, City Secretary. INVOCATION Reverend Kirk Taylor, First Baptist Church of Murphy was present to give the invocation. PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Swartz presented Mignon Morse, representing the Friends of the Library, the Proclamation declaring the week of April 19-25 as National Library Week. ACTION AGENDA Consider and Act Upon the Approval of the Minutes from the March 10, and March 24, 1998 Council Meetings. Councilman Scott requested that the following change be made, for the record. 1) Correction to the Minutes of March 10, 1998 with regard to the Planning and Zoning Board Appointment, Ms. Sharon Dowdy will fill the unexpired term ending in July 1998 not 1999 as stated in the minutes. With no further corrections Councilman Scott made a motion to approve the Minutes from the March 10 and March 24 Council Meetings. Councilwoman Reta Allen seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. Consider and Act Upon Acceptance of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report After Presentation by the Audit Firm of Pattillo, Brown and Hill. City Manager, Mike Collins stated that Mr. Brady Snellgrove would make opening remarks and introduce audit firm representative. Wylie City Council Minutes April 14,1998 Page 1 ACTION AGENDA -continued Acceptance of CAFR Mr. Snellgrove stated that the report brought forth very positive results. He then introduced Mr. Todd Pruitt, representing the Audit Firm of Pattillo, Brown and Hill. Mr. Pruitt thanked Council for the opportunity to perform the audit for the City. He stated that the results of the audit were that the city was found clean or unqualified, meaning that their findings were free of material misstatement. He also reported that there were no instances of non-compliance that were required to be reported. Audit of Internal Control was to gain an understanding of the city's internal control system. The firm found no matters to be reported. Mr. Pruitt was then available for any questions from Council. Councilman Scott made a motion to accept the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report by the Audit Firm of Pattillo, Brown and Hill. Mayor Pro Tem Worley seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. Consider and Act Upon Award of the Bid for Phase I of the New Park/Athletic Field Complex. City Manager asked that Mindy Manson address this item. Ms. Manson stated that the park has been in the planning stages for sometime and that we have been unsuccessful with grant application to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission. Therefore, it was the recommendation of the Park Board to move forward out of necessity. Ms Manson stated that we have resubmitted a grant application, and should know something by August or September. In planning for construction of the new park, they were careful with the elements to ensure that construction changes would not effect changes with the grant application. At this time Ms. Manson asked Mr. Dennis Sims to come forward to address specifics of the bid. Mr. Sims stated that they are proposing 2 unlighted soft ball fields and 21 acres of soccer areas that will be multi-use areas, irrigated and turfed. The infrastructure will include a storm sewer pipe that will allow drainage when the second phase is built, parking improvements that the school has agreed to help fund, some water line improvements for irrigation and future concession stands. Mr. Sims was then available for questions from Council. Councilman Scott asked if the one School Board Trustee who voted against moving forward had concerns about the football field parking and stadium location. Ms. Manson stated that the Board Members main concern was that the parking was insufficient for football games and that the location of the Stadium was not flexible. Ms. Manson stated that the board was told there was some flexibility with location, and the rest of the Board was supportive, positive and excited about the project. Wylie City Council Minutes April 14,1998 Page 2 ACTION AGENDA-continued Award of Park Bid Councilman Scott asked if the Board members traffic control concerns are as they exist, opposed to the future when Hensley Lane is complete. Ms. Manson stated that the plans reviewed were those fully built out. Councilman Scott then asked of Mr. Sims if the Trustees concerns were good concerns. Mr. Sims stated that he thinks the stadium is in a good location and it is close to the school to allow utilization of the parking. He further stated that if they play 10 games, all at home, this is a total of 10 dates. He added that they have allowed as much flexibility possible, due to pipeline location, and that they could not go further south into City property. Mayor Pro Tern Worley asked if the park plans are everything south of the stadium. Ms. Manson and Mr. Sims responded, both south and a little east. Mayor Swartz stated that due to the increase in sports participation in the City that we needed to move forward with this project and provide space for practice and play. City Manager Mike Collins asked Mr. Sims to address the soccer field flexibility. Mr. Sims stated many recreation departments and municipalities are irrigating soccer areas and installing a sheet drainage so that fields are not be locked into permanent place, thus allowing flexibility with regard to size to meet age groups demands. They can then cut fields in for one season and as grass wears, they can move fields and bring back grass that has been worn. Mr. Sims feels that with the 21 acres this will allow the City tremendous flexibility. Councilman Scott asked about the firm of Randall and Blake. Mr. Sims stated that this will be their first project with this firm, but has had positive response from references. Mr. Sims stated they are financial stable and we are not in a position to disqualify. Ms. Manson stated that she has spoken with the City of Dallas on a project that Randall and Blake has recently completed and they were very pleased with the results. Councilman Scott made a motion to award the bid for Phase I of the New Park/Athletic Field Complex to Randall and Blake, not to exceed $770,000. Mayor Pro Tern Worley seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING Hold a Public Hearing to Consider and Act Upon a Request to Rezone 45.3768 Acres from R (Retail), B-1 (Business), and MF (Multifamily) to PD (Planned Development) for Single Family Residential Uses, Amending the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance 85-23A. The Tract is Situated in the Moses Sparks Survey, Abstract No 849, Collin County, Texas and Generally Located Along the East Side of McCreary Road just South of Southfork Mobile Home Park. Zoning Case No 98-02. Wylie City Council Minutes April 14,1998 Page 3 PUBLIC HEARING -continued ZC98-02 City Manager Mike Collins stated that Mr. Tobin Maples had a brief introduction to this item. Mr. Maples stated that he wished to provide Council with an update of the status of Zoning Case No 98-02 as it relates to the recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission (Commission). Mr. Maples explained that as required, the case was advertised for a Public Hearing to come before the Commission on March 16 and to Council for this evenings meeting. However, at the March 16 Commission meeting, applicant provided some changes and as a result the Commission voted to table until their April 5 meeting to allow staff time to review changes. Mr. Maples stated that at the Commission meeting of April 6, applicant requested more time to work out changed and request that action be postponed to the April 20 Commission Meeting. Mr. Maples further stated that because it was advertised concurrently as required by ordinance, we are required to hold a public hearing this evening. However, to due to the fact that the Commission has no formal recommendation to Council, we are asking that Council indefinitely postpone action so that the Commission can hold a Public Hearing on April 20 and make formal recommendation to Council on May 12. Mr. Maples stated that they have advertised for a May 12 Public Hearing, and all those originally notified have received notification that another Public Hearing will be held on May 12. __. The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the zone change come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to five minutes. With no response, the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the zone change come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to five minutes. With no response, the Mayor then closed the Public Hearing. Councilwoman Sparks made a motion to postpone any action on Zoning Case No 98-02. Councilman Scott seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. PRESENTATIONS Presentation by Byrd Forbes on the Inflow and Infiltration Study. City Manger Mike Collins stated that Mr. Jones would introduce the representative from Byrd Forbes on the Inflow and Infiltration Study. Mr. Jones stated that the study was based on three areas; manholes, mainline, and smoke testing. Mr. Jones stated that the project was stared in 1995 with ADS out of Dallas. The company selected strategic manholes to monitor during dry and excessive rain periods and based on this information, The Hogan Corporation recommended that Bryd Forbes come in and conduct the manhole inspections and smoke testing. Mr. Jones stated that from the information from ADS, Mr. Forbes was able to go to critical areas defined in 1995. Mr. Jones then introduced Mr. Jim Wylie City Council Minutes April 14,1998 Page 4 PRESENTATIONS-continued Byrd Forbes I & I Study Forbes who would present their findings on the I & I project study, Phase II. Mr. Forbes stated that we have approximately 57 miles in of sanitary sewer lines that vary in size from 6" to 8" and the system's life span was approximately 75 years. He stated that it would cost 45 million dollars to replace, or $560,000 per year. Mr. Forbes stated that due to costs, it is impossible for cities to consider replacement, but you can extend the life of the system by rehabilitation. Mr. Forbes gave a slide presentation that further explained the study conducted. He stated that they have established three levels of priority. Priority one, he explained, are areas in need of immediate repair; priority two could be bid out and priority three are developing and still considered minor. Mr. Forbes presented a series of slides to show the different types of defects and smoke testing process. In summary, Mr. Forbes stated that based on the 1995 identified areas, they were able to prioritize and develop a project to rehabilitate 37% of the collector system. Mr. Forbes stated that costs to address private property repairs as $20,000, and up to $153,000 in public property for a total of $173,000. He suggested that Mr. Jones continue to monitor for future development of problem areas. Mayor Pro Tern Worley asked how Mr. Forbes arrived at the $150,000 cost. Mr. Forbes stated that the cost was based on current bids plus a 10-15% contingency fee. Mayor Pro Tem Worley then asked how much of the work could be done by Mr. Jones' crews. Mr. Forbes stated that some of the jobs required specialized equipment, and that it may be more costly to bid out some projects than have to pay for equipment. Mayor Swartz asked Mr. Forbes about using sleeves to alleviate the problems with manhole deterioration. Mr. Forbes stated that you would first have to make the manhole structurally tight to fit with a sleeve. The second option is to grout the manholes with high- pressure sprayer that would clean everything off and then spray onto the walls a high density grout and reform the inside of the walls by 1-2 inches which would add structural integrity back to the manholes. Mr. Forbes stated that either option can be used.and that the cost averages about $100 a vertical square foot which is less costly than replacing the manhole. City Manager Mike Collins asked about private property repairs and the concerns that it raises. Mr. Forbes stated in Texas we are not allowed to make improvements on private property. He stated that it is the property owners responsibility to make repairs. He stated that it is by city ordinance that prohibits anyone from allowing rainwater into a sanitary sewer. It was suggested that with minor repairs, it may be feasable to enforce by letter to property owners that they meet city codes. Mr. Forbes stated that regarless of cost of repairs, it must be followed up. Wylie City Council Minutes April 14,1998 Page 5 PRESENTATION -continued Byrd Forbes I & I Study Mayor Pro Tern Worley asked about a time frame for Priority One areas. Mr. Forbes stated that they were not a lot in number but that they needed to be done. He gave a time frame of 60-90 days. Mr. Forbes further stated that Priority Two, if going through the bidding process, was 90-120 days. City Manager Mike Collins stated to Council that they are scheduled to consider during mid-year budget on April 28 any adjustments and that one on those considerations will be specific staff recommendations regarding a time frame for completion of some of these projects. Mr. Collins stated that Council concerns regarding staff completing some of the work has been considered by staff and cost benefits have been identifed. Mr. Collins stated that it may be possible to enable payment of these repairs to extend into the next fiscal year, and recommendations will be forthcoming. He stated that some difficult decisions will be before Council, stating that Mr. Jones will be making a presentation on water main saddles with a cost of that will exceed $50,000, that will be competing for the same type of funds. With no further questions from Council, The Mayor thanked Mr. Forbes for his presentation. Presentation by Police Chief Jeff Butters on the Communication Committees Progress. City Manager Mike Collins stated that this committee was formed to determine the needs of all departments with regard to communication technology to identify any shared areas. He stated that he asked Chief Butters to provide an update on the process, and that specific costs would be addressed by mid-year budget with specific recommendations regarding finance options. Chief Butters stated that the main issue was the 911 system. He stated that they were informed that Hewlett Packard had made a decision that it would no longer support the make and model of computer currently use d by thf en. as of Chief Butters aer 1, 1998 so stated and we will need to have another systemplace beforeen that the Cities of Garland and Rowlett are facing the same situation for the same reason, and have considered the possibility of sharing a single data base at a reduced cost that would be pro-rated based on size. Chief Butters said the funding for updating the 911 system would be generated from the 911 fees paid by residents on their phone bill. Chief Butters stated that they have also looked into a CAD system that would allow police and fire to capture data that they currently cannot because they are dispatching by hand. Chief stated that many other needs can be funded through the same means and that the Committee would come forward with specific recommendations. Chief Butters was then available for questions from Council. Wylie City Council Minutes April 14,1998 Page 6 PRESENTATION -continued Communications Committee Mayor Swartz asked when the Committee would be coming forward. Chief Butter stated that they will be moving quickly on the 911 system replacment, and that all other needs would not necessarily need to be addressed at the same time, however, the 911 system is the main focus. Mayor Swartz then asked Chief Butters if our 911 system is down at any time. Chief Butters stated that the system is fine, the only reason to replace is because of the decision of Hewlett Packard not to provide support. Mayor Pro Tem Worley asked if Garland and Rowlett were acceptable to work with the City of Wylie. Chief Butters stated that they were both very much in favor of the proposal. Mayor Pro Tem clarified that the 911 system would be separate from the CAD system so that it may be considered at a later date. Chief Butters confirmed this. City Manager Mike Collins stated that staff would schedule a worksession to bring different types of systems and their representatives for a demonstration. As part of the comprehensive fee schedule in May, this will also provide options to Council regarding an adjustment to 911 fees and cash flow projections based on adjustments made. Councilman Scott asked Chief Butters if a new CAD system would eliminate stress to dispatchers compared to what they currently do by hand. Chief Butters stated both yes and no, stating that some information would be maintained electronically rather than by hand. However, with growth and calls for service, service demands will increase so it may not be noticed. Councilman Scott asked if there is a point when a system does not support a city, and if so where is that point and are we approaching that point. Chief Butters stated that we are a stand alone system and that we are no where near that point. He stated further that with the system we are looking at going to, it will be GTE equipment and it is more than capable of handeling our data base. Councilman Scott stated that we hear about the 911 system going down in the City of Dallas so often, and asked why that happens. Chief Butters stated that he did not know. With no further questions from the Council, the Mayor thanked Chief Butters. Presentation by Public Works Superintendent, Jack Jones on Water Main Saddle Replacement. Mr. Jones presented to Council some information regarding water main saddles. Mr. Mr. Jones stated that over the last couple of months his department has been replacing water main saddles on water mains that service residents. He stated that they have experienced a problem in that 80% of those replaced are steel, which have a high acidy level. Mr. Jones stated that since his employment, they have replaced the steel saddles with brass which will not rot or deteriorate as the steel will. Mr. Jones provided Council with an actual steel saddle that they had just replaced so that they could visually inspect the deterioriation and need for replacement. He then displayed a brass saddle, which will not Wylie City Council Minutes April 14,1998 Page 7 PRESENTATION - continued Water Main Saddles rust. He explained that the steel saddles in the ground that service the residents are filled with rust. What they discovered is that the bands to the saddle are rusted, and when the ground dries and shifts, part of the saddle moves away from the main and causes a main break. He stated that this happens because there is nothing to hold the saddle against the main if the band is rotted. He stated that to eliminate the problem, whenever they are working on an area that has no water service, they locate the saddle that will service the residence and also locate the saddle under the street that will service the other side of the street, and replace it as well. Mr. Jones stated that this process is increasing the cost, but will eliminate having to tear up a residents yard at a later date. Mr. Jones also stated that some of the areas have mains installed beneath sidewalks and it is necessary to tear out a sidewalk to repair. Mr. Jones stated that to date they have replaced 18 and he has a list of 28 in addition, most in the Rush Creek and Stone Grove addition. The Mayor asked if all mains are currently leaking. Mr. Jones stated that they were not, but that they could provide no water service. Mr. Jones then displayed a saddle to Council so that they could see why the saddle would stop water service. Councilman Scott asked if taps were beneath sidewalks in new developments. Mr. Jones stated that in new developments the water mains are between the curb and sidewalks to allow access to repairs without damage to landscaping. The Mayor asked for a cost estimate to make necessary repairs. Mr. Jones stated that costs had been based on replacement of approximately 50 saddles, however, that will be double, or replacement of 100. Mr. Jones stated that costs are figured at $115 per unit, or tap, not counting labor or concrete. Mr. Jones clarified that the figure in memo represents only 50 saddles, so cost would be double. Councilmember Scott asked if the City had any monies left over from grants to fund these projects. City Manager Mike Collins stated that we did not have any excess funds, that they have been used, as well as bond proceeds. Mr. Collins further stated that during the last Texas Community Development Grant process from last spring, there was a double submission of projects because they were awarding a double cycle. He stated that it was his understanding that there may be a call for projects from the state in July or August with award in late fall. Mr. Collins stated that we will need to determine if we are yet eligible for grant application, since population will determine and 10,000 may be the breaking point. Mr. Collins stated that staff would bring forth information as it is available. Wylie City Council Minutes April 14,1998 Page 8 PRESENTATION - continued Water Main Saddles Councilwoman Allen asked Mr. Jones about the west Vicki Lane cul-de-sac and the problem with standing water. Mr. Jones stated that crews have been working the last few day to mudjack the cul-de-sac. The alley cannot be mudjacked, it must be repoured for proper flow, same as the area at Newport Habor. Councilman Scott asked Mr. Jones about the clean up of Woodhollow area. Mr. Jones stated that they have cleaned up the alleyways. STAFF REPORTS City Manager Mike Collins stated that the Wylie 2000 group which holds a forum each Tuesday Morning have been invited to meet at the Municipal Complex next Tuesday morning in the Staff Conference Room. Mr. Collins stated that he attended the County Commissioners meeting Monday morning and on the agenda was an item regarding consideration of issues relating to County Bond Election. He stated that the County's intention is to hold its next bond election on February 20, 1999. He stated that in preparation each member of the County Commissioners Court would appoint approximatley 15 individuals to serve on a citizens bond advisory committee. Mayor Pro Tern Worley stated that as of this morning, they had some volunteers, and some names were submitted to represent Wylie. Those contacted will serve. Councilman Worley asked that a Resolution be drafted to submit to the County by the end of the week to ensure that Wylie is represented. He stated that the names given were Henry Garland, Don Rayburn, Brent Bates, Judy Ranley, Raymond Cooper and John Mondy. Councilman Scott stated that various civic groups will be asked to sign letters to endorse these names then submitted to the County. The Mayor stated that Council will endorse the names submitted, and anyone in attendance may sign the letter as well. City Manager Mike Collins stated that on Friday at 4:00 p.m. there will be a ground breaking for the FM1378/544 intersection, and that this would be an opportunity to present the letter of recommendation. Mr. Collins stated that there has been considerable discussion from this group to come before City Council and discuss a concept. Mr. Collins stated that the funding for FM544 is insufficient to complete from Murphy Road to Hwy 78. Mr. Collins stated that there is approximatley 8.3 million dollars available and the project cost is 14 million, based on current construction costs. The concept discussed is whether the City of Wylie would consider a bond election with one project the funding for FM544. With city approval, this could be presented to the County as a local match and we could ask if the County would consider placing on the County Bond election the remaining fund necessary to complete the project. Mr. Collins then reminded Council of the Ground Breaking. Wylie City Council Minutes April 14,1998 Page 9 STAFF REPORTS-continued Mr. Collins stated that in the Dallas Morning News recently ran an article on comparison of DFW area fire departments, specifically ISO state ratings with regard to home owners insurance and fire coverage. The City of Wylie was surprized at the results. It was discovered that information that was used for the article was based on a state visit in 1993. There are issues that Council needs to be aware of with regard to a formal request to revisit and reevaluate. Councilman Scott asked if the Dallas Morning News could print a retraction. Mr. Collins stated that more information needs to be brought forth as a number of factors are used to determine a rating. Mayor Pro Tern Worley asked the status of the property on FM544. Mr. Collins stated that a week ago last Friday a letter was sent to the property, not business, owner stating that if property was not cleared to compliance within 30 days, a private contractor would be out to clean up property. Mr. Collins stated that everything has been done to terminate meters and as a follow up a meeting was coordinated with the Municipal Court Judge and city staff involved in the process to determine whether any part of the internal process could have been done differently to expedite the process and some areas were identified and resolved, in the event the situation should occur again. Councilman Scott asked status of the Impact Fee study. Mr. Collins deferred to Ms. Manson. Ms. Manson stated that she attended the Commission meeting last month and updated them on what impact fees are; that we needed to reevaluate the water and sewer fees and consider street impact fees. Ms. Manson stated that they would go back to the Commission and begin the process again, since a quorum was not possible with the Impact Fee Committee. Councilman Scott asked if Council needed to reappoint members. Ms. Manson stated that that it was not necessary that State law allowed the utilization of the Planning and Zoning Commission without Council appointment. Mr. Snellgrove provided a March Financial Statement and gave a brief explanation and was then available for questions. Ms. Manson gave an update on the annexation process that the City of Rowlett has initiated. Ms. Manson pointed out to Council with the use of overhead maps the area involved. Ms Manson stated that originally the City of Wylie had informed Council that the area Rowlett was considering for annexation was part of our Extra Territorial Jurisdiction based on a judgement between Wylie and Sachse in 1987 that established Elm Grove Road as a boundary. The City of Wylie has been in contact with the City of Rowlett, Garland and our City attorney to determine who has jurisdiction in the area in question. Wylie City Council Minutes April 14,1998 Page 10 STAFF REPORTS -continued The City of Garland annexed a strip of land in the 70's that follows the west side of Lake Ray Hubbard and crosses over to the East side of Lake Lavon to the power plant. Ms. Manson stated that the City of Garland city limits has been in place for over twenty years and their jurisdiction predates the boundary agreement between Wylie and Sachse. Ms. Manson stated that there is a 100' strip of land of the City of Garland located between Wylie and Rowlett and therefore, Garland does have jurisdiction. She stated that the City of Garland representatives indicate that any boundary agreements would have to be done with the City of Garland and not Rowlett. She stated that Garland was probably not interested in annexing any area east of Lake Lavon, and would work with the City of Wylie to establish a boundary line and ETJ. Mayor Pro Tern Worley asked why Rowlett was interested in the area. Ms. Manson stated that a property owner was interested in developing the land and petitioned Rowlett for annexation. Ms. Manson stated that at the present his property is not contiguous and that and that Rowlett is considering annexing property between to make it contiguous. Ms. Manson concluded that the City initially thought the annexation Rowlett was initiating was in our City's ETJ and it now appears that it is not and we will be working with Garland to establish a boundary agreement to avoid future confusion. Councilman Scott asked that if Rowlett does annex the property in question, what would keep them from coming up on the Southwestern side up to our city limits. Ms. Manson stated that because of the 100' strip of land belonging to Garland, they will not be able to move further north. Ms. Manson stated that Anchor Company did make repairs to the porch and the area of the sidewalk at the base of the steps and that they still need to do some smoothing out the porch and that they will return to complete. Ms. Manson reported that Clean Up Green Up was very successful and they reported a record number of volunteers, and broke records for number of dumpsters that were filled at Community Park. Ms. Manson compared last years numbers in the 60's to this years numbers that may have reached the 80's. The Mayor asked if all was generated from citizens of Wylie. Ms. Manson reported that residence was verified with Drivers Licenses. Mayor Swartz had concerns with regard to the Community Center and the discolored area on the front of the building. Ms. Manson stated that they would attempt to clean it or paint over it. Councilwoman Allen asked about installing a light during the evening hours on the Jackson Street side to light the sign. Ms. Manson stated that she would check into this. Councilman Scott asked Barbara Salinas about the status of Student Government Day. Ms. Salinas reported that she has been in contact with the School and it has been scheduled for April 29 with students participating at the April 28 meeting. Wylie City Council Minutes April 14,1998 Page 11 STAFF REPORTS -continued Mayor Pro Tem Worley asked about Kreymer Lane and the clean up. Mr. Greg MacLean reported that some of the work is yet to be completed and that the crews have been pulled off the project pending GTE and TU resolving the power pole issues at the intersection. Mr. MacLean stated that contractor indicated that they would be back to work next week to complete the work. City Manager Mike Collins stated that as a follow up, additional information to be sent to residents in the area is pending acceptance of ownership upon final inspection. Mr. Collins stated that information is pending with respect to the septic tank and tap issues. Mayor Pro Tem Worley asked that Mr. Phillips, Building Official be advised that concrete trucks in the Wyndam Estates construction area have been driving over new curbing. Mayor Swartz asked Mr. Collins to check into why concrete trucks would be cutting through Westgate Way. Mr. Collins stated that staff would check into both issues. Mr. MacLean stated that on Wedensday, April 15 they would complete the final walk through of the Muddy Creek Inteceptor Sewer Project approved in December. Councilman Scott asked if Spring Tour of Homes would be on time. Mr. MacLean stated that he felt they would and added that the Phase I on the Wylie side may happen sooner than anticipated. Mayor Swartz stated that he had visited with Mr. Collins regarding the second phase of the Service Center Building and asked him to bring forward information to determine when it can be completed. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Mayor Swartz asked if there was anyone present who would like to come forward, to please state their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to five minutes. There was no citizens participation. ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned. Jim Sw , Mayor Attest: e/f iLta)' bars A. Sal as, City Secretary Wylie City Council Minutes April 14,1998 Page 12