Amendment to the WEDC Articles of Incorporation 07/02/99 FRI 10:24 FAX 512 463 5643 TX Secretary of State v002 ,l i,,:.': (r Ztir (*tate of exa SECRETARY OF STATE IT IS HEREBY CERTir'IED that the attached is/are true and correct copies of the ' ' following described document(s) on file in this office: . WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Formerly: DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF WYLIE, INC. • File No. 01172321-01 ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT AUGUST 12, 1996 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto i -C--E-: O� signed my name officially and caused to be �� impressed hereon the Seal of State at my office in f' c( iiT `\ the City of Austin, on July 2, I999. f,- ' �� ' 't )(' ''' ›* �.,1 .I,, Elton Bomer MAC Secretary of State . 07/02/99 FRI 10:24 FAX 512 463 5643 TX Secretary of State R 003 Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation FILED of In the f • Sec —nee of the retary of State of Texas Development Corporation of Wylie,Inc. AUG 1 2 1996 August 5, 1996 Corporations Section ARTICLE ONE The name of the Corporation is Wylie Economic Development Corporation. The amendment was adopted at a meeting of the board of directors held on July 9, 1996,and received the vote of a majority of the directors in office,there being no members having voting rights in respect thereof. // 44/ i - • 1 Yeags(President • Attest: Samuel D. R. Satterwhite, Director - ytC U`.,N 0 VIhr 4fafr of Zexas rcretarg of ,tate CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT FOR - WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FORMERLY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF WYLIE, INC. CHARTER NUMBER 01172321 THE UNDERSIGNED, AS SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, HEREBY CERTIFIES THAT TIE ATTACiED ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT FUR THE A3OVE NAMED ENTITY HAVE BEEN RECEIVED IN THIS OFFICE AND ARE FOUND TO CONFORM TO LAW. ACCORDINGLY THE UNDERSIGNED, AS SECRETARY OF STATE , AND 3Y VIRTUE OF THE AUTHORITY VESTED IN THE SECRETARY BY LAW, HEREBY ISSUES THIS CERTIFICATE 3F AMENDMENT. DATED AUG. 12, 1996 EFFECTIVE AUG. 12 , 1996 (-- Antonio O.Garza.Jr..Sacra ary or State